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Please select the correct answer and Click on next. Question 1 of 50 from SIP 1.

Choose the synonym for BUOYANT Childlike Brisk Sturdy Light-Hearted 2. Pickup the Antonym for the word - LUCRATIVE Debasing Fortunate Un-profitable Influential 3. A ___________ approach cannot be ___________ thorough-zealous whimsical-slothful pragmatic-practical meticulous-slipshod 4. The chairman's _________ speech swayed the audience to favour his proposal cursory diligent hard-hitting cogent 5. _______ business is more ________ compared to the onsite business. But it is not easy for everyone to tap this ________. Your efficiency has to be proved to the people sitting over there and giving you the orders. What we think ideal is to prove our ______ first, by doing some _______ work there and then tap the cli ents for the lucrative offshore jobs. 1. onsite 2. calibre 3. segment 4. lucrati ve 5. offshore 5-4-3-2-1 1-4-3-5-2 1-3-4-2-5 4-5-3-2-1 6. Sort the sentences - 1. "Anything wrong with the bird"? asked John.A. "Isn't there anything we can do about it"?B. "Well, I can shot at setting them but you know how damn stupid these creatures are about bandages and things".C. "Yes, its wings are broken fairly high up; quite a clean break."D. "Let us try, anyway; i think it is worth it".6. "Well, you go and get the money and i will try to do s omething." ABCD ACBD CABD DBAC 7. A. Nobles often had several wives.B. Marriages by decree was of the norm for ordinary people within the Inca Empire.C. The commoners however, were limited to one.D. Each year local chief assembled all eligible inhabitants (all men over 2 4 years, all girls over 18) separating them sex wise into lines before calling t hem to paired off.E. Further more, the state dictated whom and when each commone r could marry. DECAB BACDE ACEBD BACED 8. Choose the synonym for CRYPTIC obscure Written Puzzling

Dead 9. Pickup the Antonym for the word - EMOLUMENT Capital Penalty Liabilities Loss 10. The whole area was flooded due to _______ rain intermittent torrential scanty torrid 11. An investor in shares makes a profit of Rs.920 in his fifth investment, ther eby increasing his average profit of first four investments by Rs.14. His averag e profit over the first four investments is 906 976 850 none of these 12. The average of 8 numbers is 12. If each number is increased by 2, the new av erage is ? 12 14 15 none of these 13. The average marks of 7 students is 42%. When a new student joins this group then the average is increased to 48%. Find the marks of the student?. 85 90 70 95 14. Walking at 7/5 of my speed I reach my office by 10 minutes early. How much t ime do I usually take with my usual speed? 50 min 42 min 35 min 28 min 15. A train 150 metres long takes 20 sec to cross a platform 450 metres long. Th e speed of the train in m/sec is 22.5 30 45 96 16. A trader allows a discount of 5% for cash payment. How much percent above th e cost price must he mark his goods to make a profit of 10% 5 12 1/2 15 2/19 15 15/19 17. A Candidate Scores 25% of maximum marks and fails by 30 marks while another candidate who scores 50% marks gets 20 marks more than the minimum pass marks. F ind the maximum marks. 500 300 200 150 18. The sum of 28 odd and 5 even numbers will be: odd number an even number Prime number a complex number

19. The smallest number in -1/3, -5 , -7, 1/8, 0.0025 is -1 / 3 -5 -7 1/8 20. A number when multiplied by 5 and add 3 times its own gives 64, the number i s: 24 8 18 12 21. Rita is taller than Neha, Indu is taller than Ruby and Indu and Ruby is tall er than Rita. Who among them is the shortest? Ruby Indu Neha Rita 22. Ramesh Starts walking towards east from a point S and after walking 15 m tur ns to his left and walks 10 m again. He walks 10 m turning to his left and final ly walks 22 m turning to his left and reaches a point Q. How far and in which di rection is he from the Point S. 15m south 22 south east 13 m south-west 13 m south-east 23. In a certain code 'tir me sac' means green and tasty, 'die sac for' means 't omato is green', 'voc tir for' means 'food is tasty' - which of the following me ans 'tomato is tasty' in that code? for tir die die for sac tir me for none of these 24. CHAIR is related to CARPENTER in the same way as BOOK is related to : Author Reader Student Library 25. Find the odd one out 18 27 99 91 26. One of the following is not in the same group in the alphabet sequence GLJ QVT DIG TXY 27. Mary's Father has 4 daughters NANA, NENE, NINI what is the fourth daughters name NONO NUNU MARY none of these 28. Find the odd one out 27 64 47 125 29. Moon:Earth:: Mars? Sun

Venus Planet Earth 30. Find the odd one out in the four items given in the question. sparrow parrot pigeon bat 31. Which of the following object does not consume memory Tables Index Snapshots View 32. How many rules are defined by Dr. E. F. Codd 15 13 11 10 33. 'All the non-key element should depend on the Key element'. Which Normal for m defines this statement 1st 2nd 3rd None of the above 34. Integrity constraints are enforced by Primary key Unique key Foreign Key Coupling key 35. Which of the following code block execute automatically Procedure Function Sequence Trigger 36. Which of the following is not object oriented programming(OOP) language C++ Small Talk C Java 37. __________are the means by which objects interact with each other Messages Attributes Class Operations 38. In OOP s concept ,hiding the data and the methods(functions) that manipulate t he data from outer environment is known as Polymorphism Inheritance Encapsulation Composition 39. In OOP s concept, function overloading is nothing but ______________ Same name with identical arguments. Same name with at least one difference in argument list Different name with identical arguments Different name with at least difference in argument list 40. The concept of same function(method) name with difference in behavior is rel ated to __________ Inheritance

Abstraction Polymorphism Composition 41. In OOP s concept, function overriding means ______________ Same name with identical arguments. Same name with at least one difference in argument list. Different name with identical arguments. Different name with at least difference in argument list. 42. _______ is a instance of class Data Method Object None of these. 43. Class is a _______ that describes a collection of similar objects. Template Pattern Blue print All of these 44. Which of these is not an operating system? UNIX WebSphere Linux Macintosh 45. Which one of these is not an internet protocol? TCP/IP HTTP FTP OLTP 46. Sharing of attributes and operations among classes based on a hierarchical r elationship is called ________ Inheritance Classification Composition None of these 47. Private data members of a class can be accessed by _______________ Object Data Member and methods of subclass Friend class None of these 48. OOPS Stands for ? Object Oriented Programming Structure Objects Of Programming System Only Objects Preffered System None of these 49. Which of these is not a Testing proceedure ? Black box White box Super box Regression 50. ISO Stands for Indian Standards Organization International Services Office International Organization for Standardization none of these

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