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Install shield is software to make setup of your project. You can make setup of any of your project easily by using installshield.we can define our custom settings with good user interface while setup. Let us say an example, few days back we deployed a .net web project using install shield. You may ask why you need other software rather than .net inbuilt application deploying feature. Yes, there is a reason. while project setup, we need our own custom user interface, we need to register .net dlls automatically in machine while setup, we need to change config file automatically while setup, depending on database information and location of project files has been installed. We used install shield version 10.5, we didnt get much information about install shield project from internet or from anyone thats why it takes much time to complete this project deploying using install shield successfully. Now i wish you to deploy your project with in 10 minutes using install shield by the help of this article.

Follow this Steps

Step 1 Install install shield software, open that install shield environment from startup ? programs?install shield 10.5 Step 2 Click on create new project hyperlink I will open a dialog in that select installscripMSI project. Give project name, location and click ok. It will create new project. For example my project name is SampleDeploy and location at d:\SampleDeploy. Step 3 Goto the project location that u entered in previous step and add the following folders example: open d:\sampleDeploy\sampledeploy\ Add 4 folders and named it as per your convenience. Example folder names are Build, Release, Support Files, Script files Step 4 Add all your project files that you have to install in other machine in Build Folder.Add your support files or support dlls that require to install application, in support files folder, finally add all your custom install script files that you written in script files folder. Step 5 Then come to your install shield environment. Select Installation Designer tab and Click on Behavior and logic item in tree. In that select installscripts it will open one more tree

in that select Files and right click your mouse ? select insert files ,browse the script files that u added in scriptfiles folder in step 4 . then u will see all files there . Step 6 Then select support files/bill boards in Behavior and Logic section. And right click on language independent item in Support Files ,it will show a list view then click right mouse on that list view and add all your support files that u added in support files folder in step 4. Step 7 Then Select Organization ? Organization it will open one tree view in that select Default components? Files add all your project files that u added in build folder in step 4. Step 8 Select Application data ? Redistributables it will open list view in that check the following 1) Install Shield Update Service 2) Microsoft Component Category Manager Library . 3) Microsoft OleDb 2.4 for windows NT and windows 95 4) Microsoft VisualBasic Virtual Machine6.0 5) MsXml 3.0 6) Msxml exception INF merge module 7) Web data Std Library. 8) Xml 4.0 Step 9 Then open Build?ReleaseWizard it will open one dialog read that carefully and proceed step by step set your release folder location for setup file. Click ok now your project setup file(MSI) is in your release folder .

Actually I would like to upload script files and support files but that feature is not here. But that script files are available in net.

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