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Book Summary presented by Stephen Siregar

Cover Hachette Book Group, Inc.

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise

I hereby declare that I do not own nor claim ownership of copyrights of any of the materials shared therein, both text and pictures. This summary is created purely for knowledge sharing only. Use of these materials for other purposes is an infringement of copyright laws and may cause owners of the materials to pursue legal action against offenders.
Stephen Siregar

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise


Tom Hopkins
First began working in

construction Was married at 19 Tried selling because he enjoyed meeting and talking with people Chose real estate for the prestige Tried several times before passing the licensing exam Was first hired out of pity

Tom Hopkins International

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise

Tom Hopkins
Only sold 1 home in first 6

months of sales Took sales training with J. Douglas Edward and applied what he learned Was a millionaire at 27 Closed 1,553 real estate transactions in 6 years Began teaching prelicensing exam course and sales training

Tom Hopkins International

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise


Causes of Tough Times

Demographics Economic Cycles Politics Technology Industry Mother Nature Competition Personal

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise

Stages of Business
Rise Plateau Downturn




Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise


Back To Basics
In order to succeed, you must know what you are doing, like what you are doing, and believe in what you are doing.
Will Rogers
American cowboy, vaudeville performer, humorist, social commentator and motion picture actor. He was one of the world's best-known celebrities in the 1920s and 1930s.
Oklahoma City

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise

To Be Successful in Selling
Help people :
To like you To trust you To want to listen

to you

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise


What Makes You Likeable?

Simon & Schuster

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise

What Makes You Likeable?

People dont care how much you know until they know how much you care.
John C. Maxwell
an evangelical Christian author, speaker, and pastor who has written more than 60 books, primarily focusing on leadership. His books have sold more than nineteen million copies, with some on the New York Times Best Seller List, and translations in over fifty languages.
John Maxwell Company

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise


How to Build Trust?

Use a Statement of Intent.

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise

Once Theyre Listening ..

Build Credibility.

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise


Whats Next?
Get Them To Talk Listen Summarize,

Summarize, Summarize Present Solution Test Close

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise

Success Pointers
Start by keeping business you have Success is in who you already know Determine if someone is an ideal client Reduce sales resistance Convert clients from competition Help clients overcome fear to close

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise


Keep Business You Already Have

Loyalty is built over

time through consistent attention Ask, Is there anything else I can do? Build loyalty through phone calls, e-mail, postal mail

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise

Keep Business You Already Have

Learn from companies

with loyal clients Approach neglected client

If theyre OK, move on If theyre disappointed,

rebuild trust If theyre angry, let them vent If theyve gone to a competitor, keep in touch
Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise


Success Is In Who You Already Know

Review current orders

and find new ways to keep or expand their business Ask for quality introduction Never ask for something without having something to give
Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise

Success Is In Who You Already Know

Participate or

volunteers in local groups to help others, gain exposure, meet people Write down benefits you offer to companies or people which you can use when meeting new people
Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise


Determine If Someones An Ideal Client

Qualify clients; it will

tell you what they want List criteria of a good client for you Ask when and how much theyll spend Have plans to treat potential clients in non business situations
Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise

Reduce Sales Resistance

Break down wall of

resistance brick by brick

Be well groomed Be likeable Find common interest Treat them as expert Prepare a professional

presentation Avoid any distraction Handle concerns

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise



Converting Clients from Competition

Know competitors

products well Use competition as motivation Fairly compare competitors products Be prepared when clients compare you with competitors
Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise

Getting Your Foot In The Door

Were Not Interested Ask them to be open

Were happy with our

current situation
Were not making

minded, use credibility statement Create buying gap by asking questions

Ask, If you were to


consider changes, what would you most like to improve?

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise



Help Client Overcome Fear to Close

Ask questions to probe

their reasons Create urgency Use assumptive close Explain your next steps Build trust by listening courteously

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise

Closings for Challenging Situations

I can get it cheaper Ask which one theyre

I can get it cheaper

(from a lower quality competitor)

willing to give up: quality, service or low price Help them consider the pros and cons of investing too much vs. investing too little

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise



Closings for Challenging Situations

I cant decide it now Guide them to think of

Its not in the budget

the most productive thing they can do now Help them see that budget is a tool with flexibility, and the decision is still with them. Remind them what your solution can do for them.

Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise

A good selling process

works both in good and tough times Utilize good times to build strong customer relations Always think in terms of your customers best interest
Book Copyright 2010 Tom Hopkins International, Inc., Pictures Microsoft Corp. except where stated otherwise


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