References - Health Care Financing and Economics

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References Module 1

[1] Filmer, D., and L. Pritchett, 1997. Child Mortality and Public Spending on Health: How Much Does Money Matter? Policy Research Working Paper No. 1864, World Bank, Washington, DC. [2] World Bank PRSP Sourcebook 2002 Chapter 18Health Population and Nutrition Claeson, Griffin, Johnston, McLachlan, Soucat, Wagstaff. Yazbeck [3] Public Spending on Health Care and the Poor Gupta, Verhoeven and Tiongson 2001 ttp:// [4] Economic impact of malaria in Malawian households. Ettling M, McFarland DA, Schultz LJ, Chitsulo L1: Trop Med Parasitol. 1994 Mar;45(1):74-9. [5] Ruger, J. P., Jamison, D. T., and Bloom, D. E.: Health and the Economy. In Health and the Economy, edited by M. Merson, R. Black and A. Mills. Aspen, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 2001. [6] Jamison, Lau and Wang 1998 Healths Contribution to Economic Growth [7] Barro R. Determinants of economc growth. A cross country empirical study, MIT Press, 1997. [8] Lorentzen, Peter L., McMillan, John NMI1 and Wacziarg, Romain T., "Death and Development" (September 2005). CEPR Discussion Paper No. 5246 Available at SSRN: [9] Fogel RW. New sources and new techniques for the study of secular trends in nutritional status, health, mortality and the process of aging. National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper Series as Historical Factors and Long Run Growth No. 26, 1991. [10] McCarthy FD, Wolf H & Wu Y (2000) The Growth Costs of Malaria. NBER, Cambridge. Gallup JL & Sachs JD (2001) The economic burden of malaria. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 64(Suppl 12), 8596. [11] United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs/Population Division: The Impact of AIDS [12] Dixon, S., McDonald, S. and Roberts, J. (2002) 'The impact of HIV and AIDS on Africa's economic development', British Medical Journal, vol. 324, no. , pp. , January, ISSN . [13] Subramanian S V, Belli P, Kawachi I. The macro-determinants of health. Annual Review of Public Health 2002; 23: 287-302 [14] World Health Report 2000 Health systems: improving performance [15] Population Dynamics and Economic Growth: The Great Debate Revisited Bloom, Canning and Malaney CAER II Discussion Paper No. 46 November 1999 [16 and 17] Bloom, David, and Jeffrey G. Williamson. 1999. Demographic Transitions and Economic Miracles in Emerging Asia: Technical Paper. CAER II Discussion Paper. [18] Source: Prepared by Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) Colombo Future Policy Choices for the Health sector in Asia DFID Health Resource Centre January 2006 Various years [19] Source: India National Sample Survey 52nd Round 1996 [20] Source WHO Burden of Disease Statistics [21]Source: World Bank World Development Indicators [22] [23] World Development Report: Investing in Health , World Bank, 1993 [24] World Health Report health systems: improving performance WHO 2000 [25] Source: WHO

[26] Adapted from World Bank, PRSP Sourcebook [27] Scaling Up for Better Health High Level Forum Follow-up - Concept Note (October 2006) [28] Declaration of Alma-Ata: International Conference on Primary Health Care, AlmaAta, USSR, 6-12 September1978 [29] Macroeconomics and Health: Investing in Health for Economic Development" World Health Organization. December 2001 [30] World Development Report 2004: Making Services Work For Poor People, World Bank 2004 [31]The Abuja Declaration on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Other Related Infectious Diseases [32] Rural Health in China: Briefing Notes Series Chinas Health SectorWhy Reform is Needed World Bank April 2005

References Module 2
[1] Reconsidering theories and evidence of supplier induced demand: Richardson and Peacock July, 2006

References Module 3
[1] 2006. Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries (2nd Edition),ed. , 0-41. New York: Oxford University Press 2006 Priorities in Health 2006 Global Burden of Disease and Risk Factors [2] CMH Working Group 5: Paper 8: The Evidence Base for Interventions to Reduce Tuberculosis Mortality in Low and Middle Income Countries: Effectiveness, CostEffectiveness, and Constraints to Scaling Up (Borgdorff MW, Floyd K, Broekmans JF) [3] CMH Working Group 5: Paper 10: The Evidence Base for Interventions to Mortality from Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in Low and Middle Income Countries (England S, Loevinsohn B, Melgaard B, Kou U, Jha P) [4] A Creese, K Floyd and A Alban et al., Cost effectiveness of HIV/AIDS interventions in Africa: a systematic review of the evidence, Lancet 359 (2002) [5]Goodman, C., P. Coleman, and A. Mills. 2000. Economic Analysis of Malaria Control in Sub-Saharan Africa. Geneva: Global Forum for Health Research [6]Health Econ. 2000 Jan ;9 (1):19-35 Policy analysis of the use of hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae type b-, Streptococcus pneumoniae-conjugate and rotavirus vaccines in national immunization schedules. M A Miller, L McCann [7] Socio-economic status, sexual behaviour, and differential AIDS mortality Evidence from Cote dIvoire Cogneau and Grimm 2003 [8] HSRC report RSA Nelson Mandela HSRC Study of HIV/AIDS: Full Report South African national HIV prevalence, behavioural risks and mass media. Household survey 2002.Shisana, Simbay [9]Eve Worralla, Suprotik Basub, and Kara Hanson Ensuring that malaria control interventions reach the poor 2002. [10]The economic impacts of tuberculosis: Stop TB Partnership Ahlburg 2000 [11] based on work by Philip Musgrave Musgrove P. (1996). Public and Private Roles in Health: Theory and Financing Patterns. Washington, World Bank

12] High Level Panel on Financing and Development (also known as the Zedillo report [13] The Costs of Attaining the Millennium Development Goals* [14] CMHMacroeconomics and Health: Investing in Health for Economic Development, Report of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health Chaired by Jeffrey D. Sachs World Health Organization December 2001 [15] Millennium Development Goals Needs Assessments Country Case Studies of Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda January 2004 Millenium Project Sachs et al

References Module 4
[1] Preker and Harding June 2000 The Economics of Public and Private Roles in Health Care Insights from Institutional Economics and Organizational Theory [2]This section draws heavily from A Review of Regulation in the Health Sector in Low and Middle Income Countries Tim Ensor and Sabine Weinzierl January 2006 [3] HLSP Private sector participation in health November 2004 see also [4] DSW (2000) Social franchising: a worthwhile alternative for development cooperation. Hannover: DSW (German Foundation for World Population). [5] Review of DFID Approach to Social Marketing Meadley, Pollard and Wheeler 2003 DFID Health Systems Resource Centre

References Module 5
1] WHO National Health Accounts statistics [2] Public Social Spending in Africa: Do the Poor Benefit? Castro-Leal et al. World Bank Res Obs.1999; 14: 49-72 [3] Mahal et al 2001 The Poor and Health Service Use in India 81627-1095698140167/Mahal-ThePoorAnd-whole.pdf [4] Savedoff 2004 Tax-Based Financing for Health Systems: Options and Experiences [5] Carrin 2002, Social health insurance in developing countries: A continuing challenge World Health Organization International Social Security Review, Vol. 55, 2/2002 [6] Carrin 2003 Community based Health Insurance Schemes in Developing Countries: facts, problems and perspectives WHO [7] Sekhri and Savedoff 2004 Private Health Insurance: Implications for Developing Countries WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 2004 [8] Singh 2003 Building on the user-fee experience: The African case WHO [9] Hanvoravongchai 2002 Medical Savings Accounts: Lessons Learned from Limited International Experience WHO [10] The elimination of user fees in Uganda: impact on utilization and catastrophic health expenditures Xu et al WHO 2005 [11] Deininger, Klaus and Mpuga, Paul, "Economic and Welfare Effects of the Abolition of Health User Fees: Evidence from Uganda" (April 21, 2004). World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 3276. Available at SSRN: 12] Who Benefits From Social Health Insurance? Evidence from the Philippines Gertler and Solon 2002 %20Philippines%20Hopsital%20Paper%203-1-02.pdf [13] Ensor 2002 Background Paper: DFID Health Insurance Workshop [14] Trends and Challenges in Social Health Insurance in Developing Nations [15] Bennett, Gilson 2001 Health financing: designing and implementing pro-poor policies [16] MacKellar L. 2005. Priorities in global assistance for health, AIDS, and population. Population and Development Review 31: 293312. [17] Source: Development Assistance Committee - Creditor Reporting System [18] THE CAMBODIA AID EFFECTIVENESS REPORT 2007 Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board of the Council for the Development of Cambodia for the First Cambodia Development Cooperation Forum (CDCF) on 19-20 June 2007 May 2007 [19] Shiffman 2006, Donor funding priorities for communicable disease control in the developing world Health Policy Plan. 21:411-420, 2006. [20] Source: Scaling Up to Achieve the Health MDGs in Rwanda: A Background Study for the Tunis High-Level Forum Meeting June 2006 [21] Bulr, Alex, and A. Javier Hamann, 2001, How Volatile and Unpredictable Are Aid Flows,and What Are the Policy Implications? IMF Working Paper 01/167 (Washington: International Monetary Fund). [22] Uganda Heath Sector Performance Review 2004/5 [23] OECD Journal on Development: Development Cooperation Report 2007 Chapter 3,3343,de_2649_37413_40056608_1_1_1_37413,00. html [24] Martinez 2005 Harmonisation and Alignment Update [25] For further details see [26] Moss Working Paper Number 60 May 2005 Ten Myths of the International Finance Facility [27] IDA Buy Downs Delhi GAVI Board meetings 6-7 December 2005 [28] Innovative Financing Options and the Fight against Global Poverty: Whats New and What Next? DAVID de FERRANTI 20deferranti.pdf

[29] IMF Policy Discussion Paper Fiscal Affairs Department Understanding Fiscal Space1 Prepared by Peter S. Heller March 2005 [30]Funding flows for health: what might the future hold? Projecting the size of the funding gap for health Pearson HLSP Institute, UK, 2007 [31] Rice and Smith (1998), Risk and the general practitioner budget holder, Social Science and Medicine, 47, 1547-1554. chart on p21 of Smith and Witter [32]Pearson 2002: Allocating Public Resources for Health Developing Pro poor Approaches nal.pdf [33] Diderichsen 2004 Resource Allocation for Health Equity: Issues and Methods: World Bank - Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) Discussion Paper 81627-1095698140167/Chap8DiderichsenRAforHlthEqtyFinal.pdf [34] Smith and Witter 2004 Risk Pooling in Health Care Financing: The Implications for Health System Performance: World Bank - Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) Discussion Paper 81627-1095698140167/Chap9SmithWitterRiskPoolingFinal.pdf [35]Ensor 2003 International Experience of Demand Side Financing, WHO. [36] World Bank 2005 A Guide to Competitive Vouchers in Health [37] Lagarde, Haines,; Palmer 2007 Conditional Cash Transfers for Improving Uptake of Health Interventions in Low- and Middle-Income Countries A Systematic Review JAMA. 2007;298:1900-1910. [38] Gwatkin 2000, The Current State of Knowledge about Targeting Health Programs to Reach the Poor [39] Bitrn and Giedion2003 Waivers and Exemptions for Health Services in Developing Countries [40] Preserving Equity in Health in Cambodia: Health Equity Funds and Prospects for Replication Bitran, Turbat, Meessen Van Damme See also doc=DOC18723&resource=f1health [41] World Bank. India: Raising the Sights Better Health Systems for Indias Poor. The World Bank,
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