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First Revelation - Mystery of an Unknown Artifact

I found this artifact in my birth province of Marinduque, Philippines and have been wondering what it was since then. I am turning 33 this year and I just found out last Sunday (Jan 29, 2012) what it really symbolizes.

ARTIFACT OF THE HOLY TRINITY The EYE - YHWH - Diamond with a Circle The Father The CROSS - JESUS - Inside the diamond (North-South) - The Son The DOVE - HOLY GHOST - Inside the diamond (East-West) The Holy Ghost

Second Revelation - Mystery of Tetragrammaton

The term Tetragrammaton (from Greek , meaning "[a word] having four letters") refers to the name of the God of Israel YHWH (Hebrew: ) used in the Hebrew Bible.

Pronunciation: the question of which vowels

The authentic, historically correct pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton is not known, and the consensus view at various points in history has not been consistent. The current scholarly consensus is that the vowel diacritic points attached to the written consonants YHWH in the Masoretic orthography of Biblical Hebrew were not intended to represent the vowels of such an authentic and historically correct pronunciation, but this was not always understood by Christian Hebrew scholars. My first name is RAMESES and nickname RANS. Five days ago (Jan 27, 2012), I was really curious how it is being pronounced so I look closely to see the picture. I was amazed and cried to the LORD, the letters that I saw was "ESET" and that word "ESET" is my childhood nickname that I have not heard of again for more than two decades.

Third Revelation - Mystery of Names of GOD

Base from the Bible & World History, GOD already came to Earth 3 times.


YHWH, GOD the Father came to earth through ATEN of Egypt, that's why GOD loves Egypt when JESUS wakes up Lazarus (Egypt).
Aten (also Aton, Egyptian jtn) is the disk of the sun in ancient Egyptian mythology, and originally an aspect of Ra. The deified Aten is the focus of the monolatristic, henotheistic, or monotheistic religion of Atenism established by Amenhotep IV, who later took the name Akhenaten in worship in recognition of Aten. In his poem "Great Hymn to the Aten", Akhenaten praises Aten as the Creator, and giver of life. Some scholars have speculated that Psalm 104 may have been influenced by this hymn. The worship of Aten was eradicated by Horemheb possibly as a "damnation of memory" against Ay, whom he replaced as pharaoh. Damnatio memoriae is the Latin phrase literally meaning "condemnation of memory" in the sense of a judgment that a person must not be remembered. It was a form of dishonor that could be passed by the Roman Senate upon traitors or others who brought discredit to the Roman State. The result is to erase someone from history. Psalm 104 (Greek numbering: Psalm 103) is a poem from the Book of Psalms in the Hebrew Bible, describing the ongoing act of God continuously bringing the world into existence. German philosopher Johann Gottfried Herder remarked, "It is worth studying the Hebrew language for ten years in order to read Psalm 104 in the original". Some have noticed the Psalm shares certain similarities with the Egyptian poem the Great Hymn to the Aten, although there is currently no established link between them. II JIMMU as First Emperor of JAPAN, The Holy Spirit, was the first Emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession. According to the legendary account in the Kojiki, Emperor Jimmu would have been born on February 13, 711 BC (the first day of the first month of the Chinese calendar), and died, again according to legend, on March 11, 585 BC (both dates according to the lunisolar traditional Japanese calendar). According to Shinto belief, Jimmu is regarded as a direct descendant of the sun god, Amaterasu. (Filipino: AMA n. father; RA = Sun God meaning 'Creative Power' and 'Creator'). According to the Kojiki, Jimmu died when he was 126. This emperor's posthumous name literally means "divine might" or "god-warrior". III

JESUS (ISA) of Nazareth, GOD the Son ( /'dizs/; 72 BC/BCE to 3036 AD/CE), commonly referred to as Jesus
Christ or simply as Jesus or Christ, is the central figure of Christianity and regarded as an important prophet of God in Islam. Most Christian denominations venerate him as God the Son incarnated and believe that he rose from the dead after being crucified. The principal sources of information regarding Jesus are the Bible's four canonical gospels, which

most biblical scholars find useful for reconstructing Jesus' life and teachings. Jesus is also known as Eesa and Issa in Hinduism. JESUS was tried by the Sanhedrin, mocked and beaten and is condemned for making claims of being the Son of God. Jesus already died in the cross for all of us, everybody has already been saved, the only battle WE are fighting now is "Who we chose when time comes". "Lord JESUS Christ" always comes for "PEACE". He is the only "True Prince of Peace". Unite the Whole World for Everlasting Peace.


My name is RAMESES, nickname "ESET"

Rameses (/'rmsiz/; also commonly spelled Ramesses or Ramses /'rmsiz/) is the name conventionally given in English transliteration to 11 Egyptian pharaohs of the later New Kingdom period. The name essentially translates as "Born of the sun-god Ra". Ra (alternatively spelled Re and properly transliterated as Ra) is the ancient Egyptian sun god. By the Fifth Dynasty he had become a major deity in ancient Egyptian religion, identified primarily with the mid-day sun. The meaning of the name is uncertain, but it is thought that if not a word for 'sun' it may be a variant of or linked to words meaning 'creative power' and 'creator'. The chief cult centre of Ra was Heliopolis (called Iunu, "Place of Pillars", in Egyptian),where he was identified with the local sun-god Atum. Atum's name is thought to be derived from the word 'tem' which means "to complete or finish". "Ra's mighty truth, chosen of Ra"

EL, El (written aleph-lamed) is a Northwest Semitic word meaning "deity", cognate to Akkadian ilu and then to
Hebrew : Eli and Arabic. In the Canaanite religion, or Levantine religion as a whole, Eli or Il was the supreme god,the father of humankind and all creatures and the husband of the goddess Asherah as recorded in the clay tablets of Ugarit (modern Ras Shamra - Arabic: Syria).The noun ?el was found at the top of a list of gods as the Ancient of gods or the Father of all gods, in the ruins of the royal archive of the Ebla civilization, in the archaeological site of Tell Mardikh in Syria dated to 2300 BC.


ISRAEL = ISA + RA + EL ISRAEL = Jesus + Creator + God ISRAEL = One + Creator + God ISRAEL = ISA + BARA + EL

RA = Sun God meaning 'Creative Power' and 'Creator' RAMESES = Born of the sun-god RA RAMESES = ESET as my nickname ESET = YHWH (Hebrew) in Tetragrammaton YHWH = Name of the God of ISRAEL ATEN = An Aspect of RA ISA = Name of Jesus in Islam, also Issa Eesa = Name of Jesus in Buddhism EL = Semitic word meaning Deity or Supreme God

Fourth Revelation - Mystery of the Creation

The age of the universe is the time elapsed since the Big Bang posited by the most widely accepted scientific model of cosmology. The best current "estimate" of the age of the universe is 13.75 0.11 billion years (4.336 x 1017 seconds in SI units, or 13.75 Gig years) within the Lambda-CDM concordance model.

Approximately 14 Billions Years = 7 GOD Days Meaning, our time is still in the 7th Day of GOD from the Day of the Creation

The Trinity in Creation

The Scriptures teach us that God created all things both in the spiritual and physical realms. Moses informs us that In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth (Genesis 1:1). It is beyond doubt amongst Bible-believers that God was responsible for Creation for there are too many references to suggest otherwise. We find in Isaiah 40:28 that He is called the Creator, Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of His understanding. Clear statements confirming this fact are seen also in Isaiah 42:5, Thus saith God the LORD, He that created the heavens, and stretched them out; He that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; He that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein; Isaiah 45:18, For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God Himself that formed the earth and made it; He hath established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else; Mark 13:19, For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be. The word created (bara) is used to describe the activity of Gods exclusivity. As He said in Isaiah 45:18, I am the LORD; and there is none else, therefore it is true to say that He alone is the Author of Creation.

"BARA", In Filipino, there is a word BARA meaning Active Verb: magbara; bumara; Passive Verb: ibara; barahin English Definition: (1) to cause an obstruction (verb) (2) to bar, to hinder, to obstruct something (verb) (3) bar; blockage; obstacle

The method that God used to create the universe was the power of His spoken word. This can be seen in Genesis 1:3,6,9,11,14,20,24,26 - And God said ... Therefore God spoke the heavens and the earth into existence through the word of His mouth; By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. He gathereth the waters of the sea together as an heap: He layeth up the depth in storehouses. Let all the earth fear the LORD: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. For He spake, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast (Psalm 33:6-9); Let them praise the name of the LORD: for He commanded, and they were created (Psalm 148:5); Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together (Isaiah 48:13); Through faith we understand that the

worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear (Hebrews 11:3). The evidence regarding the divine persons involved in Creation to this point reveals that God created everything through His Word. In the light of the fact that we accept that God is Trinity we should consider whether the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were united in the work of Creation. As we investigate this we find clear evidence that all three members of the Godhead are actively involved in Creation.

The Fathers work in Creation

It is never questioned amongst those who uphold Scripture (and to some extent this includes the cults) that God the Father is the Author of creation and that it is the work of His hands and word. The references seen above reveal this fact, yet there are others which confirm these, Thus saith the LORD, Thy redeemer, and He that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself (Isaiah 44:24); I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded (Isaiah 45:12). These are clear statements of direct creation by God.

The Lord Jesus work in Creation

Jesus is described as The Word in John 1:1-3, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. It is of great significance that John begins his Gospel account with the same words as Genesis, I.e. In the beginning. Since we understand that it was through Gods spoken word that all things were created it should not surprise us to see that Jesus is the Word. But John goes further and tells us that the Word is God. Therefore we see Jesus is seen as very much active in the work of creation. So as to emphasis what he intends his readers to understand the apostle John tells us that the Word - the Lord Jesus Christ created everything that it in the universe. In fact we are informed by Jesus Himself that He existed before the creative words were spoken, Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world (John 17:24). This is why Jesus is called The Alpha and Omega I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending (Revelation 1:8). The apostle Paul also reveals that Jesus was the Creator of the universe and all that is in it. We read in Colossians 1:16-17, For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: and He is before all things, and by him all things consist. The all things must include heaven and earth, material and spiritual, visible and invisible. Since only God can create things out of nothing (ex nihilo) we have to agree that Jesus must be God. In Romans 11:36 we read, For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Such words can only be applied to the Creator. As Creator Jesus continues to sustain all created things by His power, for it is He that holds the created universe together. Hebrews chapter one offers us further information regarding the work of the Lord Jesus Christ in Creation. In verses one to two we read, God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son, whom He hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also He made the worlds. This reveals that there is nothing that Jesus Christ did not make. By combining this with what John said at the start of his Gospel, how that without him was not any thing made that was made we come to a clear conclusion to what Jesus role was in Creation.

We begin to see clearly that God created everything there is, and that He created all things by Jesus Christ (Ephesians 3:9). We learn from these verses that God the Father created everything, and that God the Son created everything. Not only are we presented with further evidence of Christs divinity, but also the existence of the Trinity.

The Holy Spirits work in Creation

We have to not have to dig very far into Gods word before we come face to face with the activity of the Holy Spirit in Creation. Genesis 1:2 reads, And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Everything was without form until the Holy Spirit began to move over the face of the waters. This is not an active force but the active presence of Almighty God. The word Spirit comes from the Hebrew ruach (sometimes translated breath). The Holy Spirit gives life to the otherwise lifeless creation. Job informs us, The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life (33:4), therefore He is the Life-giver in relation to the total work of the six days of Creation.

"RUACH", In Filipino, there is a word "LUWA" and "KALULWA" meaning LUWA - Duwa, dura, lura; English Definition: (verb) to belch out; to spit out; to protrude KALULWA - kaluluwa, tao, katao: n. soul, spirit, man What we see happening is that God created the universe through the power of His Holy Spirit. This is exactly what Psalm 104:30 tells us, Thou sendest forth Thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth, or as Job 26:13 says, By His spirit He hath garnished the heavens. Now we see a fuller picture of what the Godheads work was during the six days of creation. They worked in unity. Each part of creation was a sovereign act of each member of the Trinity. None of it would have been produced without the co-operation of each one. Psalm 33:6 explains this in a nutshell, By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. Nevertheless the first chapter of Genesis, when seen in the light of other Scriptures, reveal that God the Father spoke the Word (Jesus Christ is that Word) and the Holy Spirit moved. Creation was the will of God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

ISRAEL = ISA + RA + EL ISRAEL = Jesus + Creator + God ISRAEL = One + Creator + God ISRAEL = ISA + BARA + EL

Fifth Revelation - Mystery of Messengers of GOD



Filipino heroes knows about the Filipinos' true identity, when Dr. Jose Rizal said, "He who does not love his own language is worse than an animal and smelly fish." (in Tagalog: "Ang hindi magmahal sa sariling wika, daig pa ang hayop at malansang isda."), Rizal knows that the Filipino language is the KEY to the TRUE HISTORY of the WORLD. The "Original Language of MAN", the language of Adam and Abraham. Noli Me Tangere was Rizal's first novel. He was 26 years old at the time of its publication. This novel and its sequel, El Filibusterismo (nicknamed El Fili), were banned in some parts of the Philippines because of their portrayal of corruption and abuse by the country's Spanish government and clergy. Copies of the book were smuggled in nevertheless, and when Rizal returned to the Philippines after completing medical studies, he quickly ran afoul of the local government. A few days after his arrival, Governor-General Emilio Terrero summoned Rizal to the Malacaang Palace and told him of the charge that Noli Me Tangere contained subversive statements. After a discussion, the Governor General was appeased but still unable to offer resistance against the pressure of the Church against the book. The persecution can be discerned from Rizal's letter to Leitmeritz: My book made a lot of noise; everywhere, I am asked about it. They wanted to anathematize me ['to excommunicate me'] because of it... I am considered a German spy, an agent of Bismarck, they say I am a Protestant, a freemason, a sorcerer, a damned soul and evil. It is whispered that I want to draw plans, that I have a foreign passport and that I wander through the streets by night... Rizal was exiled to Dapitan, then later arrested for "inciting rebellion" based largely on his writings. Rizal was executed in Manila on December 30, 1896 at the age of thirty-five. Rizal depicted nationality by emphasizing the qualities of Filipinos: the devotion of a Filipina and her influence on a man's life, the deep sense of gratitude, and the solid common sense of the Filipinos under the Spanish regime. Current studies reveals the true meaning of his two novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. The Rizalistas, as they are collectively and commonly called, are different group of people having different beliefs but focuses on one faith. It is their faith to the Philippine's national hero Dr. Jose Rizal that binds them together. Generally, these groups immortalize and worship Jose Rizal as a divine being. It his fate to be a messenger of GOD based from his paternal and maternal blood ancestry which belongs to the line of THARSIS and his brothers, as were OPHIR & HAVILAH, among the Blessed People to retain the "Original Language of MAN" - Marinduke Tagalog in Marinduque Islands, Philippines.


ADOLF HITLER - "Messenger of Wrath of GOD"

Adolf Hitler (German: [adlf htl] 20 April 1889 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), commonly referred to as the Nazi Party). He was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and dictator of Nazi Germany (as Fhrer und Reichskanzler) from 1934 to 1945. Hitler is commonly associated with the rise offascism in Europe, World War II, and the Holocaust.

Adolf Hitler was the illegitimate son of Jose Rizal

Based on the following facts: Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 (that means he could have been conceived sometime in August 1888), in the little village of Braunau, near the German- Austrian border. He was born an Austrian and remained one until the 1930s. The name of Hitler mother was Klara Polz. At one time she was a maid in Vienna.

Hitler always considers a town Linz, in Austria, as his hometown (in his Political Testament he referred to " my hometown of Linz on the Danube"). Hitler's oldest brother, Gustav born on May 17, 1885, and his sister Ida, born in 1886, both died before he was born. Bavaria was considered the "cradle" of Nazism. The Nazis made Japan one of the Axis powers. At one point they tried to prove that the Japanese were Aryans, to make the Japanese members of the "master race." Now combine the above information with the following, culled from the life of Rizal: On February 1, 1886, he left Paris for Germany. He went to Heidelberg, Wilhelmsfeld, Munich (in Bavaria), all somewhat near a GermanAustrian border; on August 9, 1886 he left for Leipzig ("visiting various German cities along the way," one book says), arriving there on August 14. In October he went to Dresden and then to Berlin. In Berlin he finished Noli Me Tangere. One of the books characters is named Maria Clara.

On May 11, 1887, Rizal began his Grand Tour of Europe. He went to Dresden, Teschen (now Decin in the former Czechoslovakia), Prague, and then Brunn (where he lost a diamond stickpin), and Vienna (where he got back his diamond stickpin, which was found by maid in the hotel he stayed in Brunn) in Austria. On May 24, 1887, he left Vienna by riverboat to see sights on the Danube River (on the boat he saw paper napkins for the first time). His voyage ended at Linz. From Linz he went to Munich (where Hitler attempted a putsch in 1923) and Nuremberg (site of the Nazi Party rallies and the War Crimes trials), and other German cities. Rizal was in the German Empire, sometimes past the German-Austrian border, from February 1886 until he went to Switzerland in early June 1887. Rizal was again in Europe from May 24, 1888, until October 18, 1891. He was in London, Paris, Brussels, Madrid, Biarritz, Ghent. He was in Europe during the time Hitler was conceived and when he was born.

Rizal in 1888 had an affair with a Japanese woman, Seiko Usui, when he visited Japan. She had an only daughter, Yuriko, by a foreign husband some years after her encounter with Rizal. Yuriko later married the son of a Japanese politician. Finally, Seiko Usuis only daughter was not really fathered by her husband, Alfred Charlton. He was simply a front. Yuriko, you see, was Rizals daughter! And Hitler knew she was his half-sister. She used her influence on her brother Adolf to persuade him to enter into an alliance with Japan (making it one of the Axis powers), which is why Japan invaded the Philippines. Yuriko made it clear to Hirohito that Hitler would appreciate it if his ally were to take over his fathers homeland. And of course the reason why Hitler wanted to become dictator of Germany was because his natural father had spent some of the most interesting years of his life there. The Holocaust (from the Greek holkaustos: hlos, "whole" and kausts, "burnt"), also known as the Shoah (Hebrew: , HaShoah, "catastrophe"; Yiddish: , Churben or Hurban, from the Hebrew for "destruction"), was the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II, a programme of systematic state-sponsored murder by Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, throughout Nazi-occupied territory. Of the nine million Jews who had resided in Europe before the Holocaust, approximately two-thirds perished. In particular, over one million Jewish children were killed in the Holocaust, as were approximately two million Jewish women and three million Jewish men. Some scholars maintain that the definition of the Holocaust should also include the Nazis' genocide of millions of people in other groups, including Romani, Soviet prisoners of war, Polish and Soviet civilians, people with disabilities, Jehovah's Witnesses and other political and religious opponents, which occurred regardless of whether they were of German or non-German ethnic origin. Using this definition, the total number of Holocaust victims is between 11 million and 17 million people. I have seen these things and I cried to the LORD.
<< Daniel 10:12 >> Then he said, "Don't be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer.

Jesus Daily Jesus Tglich Jesus Tagalic Hesus Tagalog Jesus Everyday Isa Araw-Araw

Sixth Revelation With the Help of Heaven

Luke 2:10 But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people." Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! Mark 12 29 Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. 31 And the second, like it, is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.

Besiyata Dishmaya (Aramaic/Hebrew:

) is an Aramaic phrase, meaning "with the help of Heaven". The acronym BS"D (Mostly written in Hebrew: " ) has become a Jewish term amongst several orthodox religious denominations, reproduced at the top of every written document (beginnings of correspondences, students' notes, etc.) as a reminder to them that all comes from God, including the following content and to contextualize what's really important in the text, that without God's help we can do nothing of eternal value. BS"D is not derived from any religious law of the Halakha.

BESIYATA - "With the help of Heaven"

In Filipino there is a word BISAYA refering to BISAYA, The Visayans are a Filipino ethnic group whose members are speakers of one or more Visayan languages, the most widely spoken being Cebuano, Hiligaynon, and Waray-Waray. They live in the Visayan island group and in many parts of Mindanao. Some have migrated to other parts of the Philippines, including Luzon.

BOHOLs CHOCOLATE HILL MYSTERY (Visayan Islands) Bohol's Chocolate Hills formation in the Visayas, is "unusual" and "mysterious". They have four legends how it was created but all those are "myths", the only explanation on its construction is that, BOHOL'S CHOCOLATE HILLS IS A MAN-MADE "GIANT ARROW" POINTING NORTHWEST TO MARINDUQUE AND THE REST OF THE TAGALOG NATION The Chocolate Hills is an "unusual" geological formation in Bohol Province, Visayas, Philippines. There are at least 1,260 hills but there may be as much as 1,776 hills spread over an area of more than 50 square kilometres (20 sq mi).They are covered in green grass that turns brown during the dry season. The covered areas form an "arrow" image pointing northwest to the direction of Marinduque, where the "Original Language of MAN" can be found and the rest of Tagalog Nation.

Locator map of the Chocolate Hills: Dark brown indicates the greatest concentration of the Chocolate Hills in the Bohol municipalities of Sagbayan, Batuan, and Carmen. Light brown indicates a lesser concentration of the hills in Bilar, Sierra Bullones, and Valencia.

Seventh Revelation Mystery of Kabbalah

Kabbalah/Kabala (Hebrew:
lit. "receiving"; often contemporary transliteration with a 'K' distinguishes from other, derivative traditions outside Judaism) is a discipline and school of thought concerned with the esoteric aspect of Rabbinic Judaism. It was systematized in 11th-13th century Hachmei Provence (Southern France) and Spain, and again after the Expulsion from Spain, in 16th century Ottoman Palestine. It was popularized in the form of Hassidic Judaism in the 18th century.

The Kabbalistic Tree of Life Kabbalah is a set of esoteric teachings meant to explain the
relationship between an eternal and mysterious Creator and the mortal and finite universe (His creation). While it is heavily used by some denominations, it is not a denomination in and of itself; it is a set of scriptures that exist outside the traditional Jewish scriptures. Kabbalah seeks to define the nature of the universe and the human being, the nature and purpose of existence, and various other ontological questions. It also presents methods to aid understanding of these concepts and to thereby attain spiritual realization. Kabbalah originally developed entirely within the realm of Jewish thought and constantly uses classical Jewish sources to explain and demonstrate its esoteric teachings. These teachings are thus held by kabbalists to define the inner meaning of both the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible, " ) and traditional rabbinic literature, their formerly concealed transmitted dimension, as well as to explain the significance of Jewish religious observances. Kabbalistic traditions can be found in Christian Cabbalah, Hermetic Qabalah, and Practical Kabbalah.

Filipino: Kababalaghan, hiwag, pagtataka, panggigilals, pagkamangh: English: n. marvel, portent, wonder

Filipino: balag, glorieta, kakahuyan, "balag: where grape plant is grown" English: tabernacle, trellis, arbor, arbour

Eighth Revelation Mystery of the HOLY TRINITY

Indeed it is the first question because without GOD nothing else is explained. GOD is the Supreme Being. Above Him there are no other. He is the explanation of every other being that there is. This is just beyond us but that's the fact. Of course from point of view of just reason the philosopher can arrive at a definite proof that there is a GOD which is not made. The Mystery which no human mind can attain by itself and which only GOD told us is that in one GOD there are "Three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit" - A Mystery.


RA = Sun God meaning 'Creative Power' and 'Creator' RAMESES = Born of the sun-god RA RAMESES = ESET as my nickname ESET = YHWH (Hebrew) in Tetragrammaton YHWH = Name of the GOD of ISRAEL ATEN = An Aspect of RA in Egypt

JESUS GOD The Son Elohim Ra Xerxes = My SON

Jesus = King of Kings ISA = Name of Jesus in Islam, also Issa Eesa = Name of Jesus in Buddhism EL = Semitic word meaning Deity or Supreme God ELOHIM = Noun for "god" or "gods" in both modern and ancient Hebrew language
Xerxes = King of Kings

Holy Ghost Jimmu = My SON in HEAVEN

Jimmu = "Divine Might" or "God-Warrior"



ISRAEL = ISA + RA + EL ISRAEL = Jesus + Creator + God ISRAEL = One + Creator + God ISRAEL = ISA + BARA + EL


Emperor Jimmu (Jinmu-Tenn) was the first Emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession. He
is also known as Kamuyamato Iwarehiko no Mikoto and personally as Wakamikenu no Mikoto or Sano no Mikoto. The Imperial house of Japan traditionally based its claim to the throne on its descent from Jimmu Tenno. According to the legendary account in the Kojiki, Emperor Jimmu would have been born on February 13, 711 BC (the first day of the first month of the Chinese calendar), and died, again according to legend, on March 11, 585 BC (both dates according to the lunisolar traditional Japanese calendar). According to Shinto belief, Jimmu is regarded as a direct descendant of the sun god, Amaterasu. (Filipino: AMA n. father; RA = Sun God meaning 'Creative Power' and 'Creator'). According to the Kojiki, Jimmu died when he was 126. This emperor's posthumous name literally means "divine might" or "god-warrior".

Kami is the Japanese word for the spirits, natural forces, or essence in the Shinto faith. Although the word is
sometimes translated as "god" or "deity", some Shinto scholars argue that such a translation can cause a misunderstanding of the term. The wide variety of usage of the word can be compared to the Sanskrit Deva and the Hebrew Elohim, which also refer to God, gods, angels or spirits. In some instances, such as Izanagi-no-Mikoto and Izanami-no-Mikoto, kami are personified deities, similar to the gods of ancient Greece or Rome. In other cases, such as those concerning the phenomenon of natural emanation, kami are the spirits dwelling in trees, or forces of nature. Kami may, at its root, simply mean "spirit", or an aspect of spirituality. It is written with the kanji " ", Sino-Japanese reading shin or jin; in Chinese, the character is used to refer to various nature spirits of traditional Chinese religion, but not to the Taoist deities or the Supreme Being. An apparently cognate form, perhaps a loanword, occurs in the Ainu language as kamuy and refers to an animistic concept very similar to Japanese kami. Following the discovery of the Jdai Tokushu Kanazukai it is now known that the medieval word kami meaning "above" is a false cognate with the modern kami, and the etymology of "heavenly beings" is therefore incorrect. Shinto kami are located within the world and not above it. In fact, traditionally human beings like the Emperor could be kami. No need was felt to locate them beyond this world. SHINTO symbol represents BALAG in Filipino, meaning a tabernacle; "balag: where grape plant is grown"

In his Kojiki-den, Motoori Norinaga gave a definition of kami: "[A kami is] any thing or phenomenon that produces the emotions of fear and awe, with no distinction between good and evil." Because Japanese does not normally distinguish singular and plural in nouns, it is sometimes unclear whether kami refers to a single or multiple entities. When a singular concept is needed, "kami" or "kamisama" is used as a suffix.

Similarly, gender is also not implied in the word kami, which can be used to refer to either male or female kami. The word "megami", meaning female kami is a relatively recent addition to the language and is rarely, if ever, used in traditional sources.

Kami are a difficult concept to translate as there is no direct similar construct in English. Kami is generally accepted to describe the innate supernatural force that is above the actions of man, the realm of the sacred, and is inclusive of gods, spirit figures, and human ancestors. All mythological creatures of the Japanese cultural tradition, of the Buddhistic tradition, Christian God, Hindu gods, Islamic Allah, various angels and demons of all faiths among others are considered Kami for the purpose of Shinto faith.

KAMI, In Filipino meaning in Tagalog/Bisaya: kami n. kami English: n. We (exclusive, I and others), SAMA, In Filipino meaning "One" n. the number 1: uno, isa ; JESUS = ISA = ONE 1 any person: sinuman, ang isang tao, kahit sino, iyung 2 anything: alinman, kahit alin, anuman, kahit ano, maski ano, maski alin adj. 1 some: balang, isa, sa iba 2 joined together, united: sabay-sabay, sama-sama, iisa 3 the same: iisa, nagkakaisa, magkaisa, pareho 4 at one, in agreement or harmony: magkasundo, magkaka- sundo, magkaisa, magkakaisa 5 it is all one, it makes no difference: walang pagkakaiba, pareho 6 one and all, everyone: lahat, bawat isa 7 one by one: isa-isa

I feel the pain of GOD the Father YHWH, when "JESUS" was tried by the Sanhedrin, mocked and beaten and is condemned for making claims of being the Son of God. Just as I feel so much pain when I lost my first son JIMMU TENNO, He only live for 7 days (March 6 - 13, 2007)



Matthew 24:27 "For as the lightning comes from the east (The Son) and flashes to the west (The Father), so also will the coming of the Son of Man be."

The time has come for everybody that believes and will believe in the LORD JESUS CHRIST as the only SAVIOUR. John 14:16
Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. I, as Rameses also accept LORD JESUS CHRIST as the ONE and ONLY SAVIOUR


This is the greatest gift to humankind, with the Father and the Son on Earth, and The Holy Ghost in Heaven.

NAGISING NA AKO "I am Awakened"

I am YHWH, the Father, with the title RAMESES who is living here in the USA (West) in Illinois . I was born on May 3rd, 1979 and a Native of Marinduque Islands, Philippines, where the "OriginaI Language of Man" can be found. I have been living here in the US since January 2007.

I am thankful to the United States for giving FREEDOM to the FILIPINO people and its own sovereignty for it is the "PROMISED LAND". Same as for giving freedom to the African American people as everyman is created equal. Error is created by men when they created their own bible. I will write the ONE and ONLY TRUE BIBLE.

My son JESUS, the Son with the title ELOHIM RA XERXES who is in Marinduque, PHILIPPINES (East). He was born on Oct 3rd, 2008 as a US Citizen in Rosemont, IL My son JIMMU, The HOLY GHOST, who is in HEAVEN (Born in Manila, Philippines on Mar 6 - 13, 2007, (7 Days) I didn't have a chance to see him here on Earth. For HE Who is Above is the One In Command

And this is our "SEAL of the HOLY TRINITY"


Universal Declaration of Human Rights

This is the Universal Declaration of Rights (Pangkalahatang Pagpapahayag ng Karapatang Pantao)

Isinilang na malaya at pantay-pantay sa karangalan at mga karapatan ang lahat ng tao. Pinagkalooban sila ng katwiran at budhi at dapat magpalagayan ang isa't isa sa diwa ng pagkakapatiran para sa PANGINOONG HESUKRISTO, Ang Manunubos.

Every person is born free and equal with honor and rights. They are given reason and conscience and they must always trust each other for the spirit of brotherhood in the LORD JESUS CHRIST, The Saviour.

Revelation 22:18-19 King James Version (KJV) 18 For I testify unto every man that hearth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.


FILIPINO Language is the KEY to the TRUE HISTORY of the WORLD THE ORIGINAL LANGUAGE OF MAN: FILIPINO (MARINDUKE TAGALOG) & THE FILIPINOS' LOST IDENTITY (1) In Islam, Jesus named as Isa (Arabic: s) is considered to be a Messenger of God

ISA in Filipino means the number One (1); So we can say JESUS is "The ONE" "which can refer to as the "MESSIAH"

(2)In Christianity & Judaism, "PAROUSIA" (Greek), or Coming of Christ as Judge of the world PARUSA in Filipino meaning in Tagalog/Bisaya: parusa, dusa English: punishment, penalty, chasticement, doom

(3) In Hebrew: "MESSIAH" ; mashiah, moshiah, mashiach, or moshiach, ("anointed [one]") is a term used in the Hebrew Bible to describe priests and kings, who were traditionally anointed with holy anointing oil as described in Exodus 30:22-25. Messiah is the anglicized version of a Hebrew term (Hebrew: , Modern Mashia Tiberian M Arabic language Masih anointed) generally transliterated as Mashiach, representing a redeemer figure expected or foretold in one form or another by Judaism with the same or similar concept found in other religions. "MESIYA" or "MESIYAS" in Filipino meaning in Tagalog/Bisaya: Ang Manunubos, Ang Manluluwas, Hesukristo, Tagapagligtas ENGLISH: The Redeemer,Savior,Rescuer,Liberator

(4) The Sanhedrin (Hebrew: ; Greek: , synedrion, "sitting together," hence "assembly" or "council") was an assembly of twenty-three judges appointed in every city in the Biblical Land of Israel. Trials by the Sanhedrin, Herod and Pilate "JESUS" was tried by the Sanhedrin, mocked and beaten and is condemned for making claims of being the Son of God. Jesus already died in the cross for all of us, everybody has already been saved, the only battle WE are fighting now is "Who we chose when time comes". "Lord JESUS Christ" always comes for PEACE In Filipino, there is a word "SALARIN" meaning Tagalog/Bisaya: salarin, may kasalanan, may sala

English: (noun) villain; criminal; adj. accusable, actionable, guilty

(5) In Buddhism (Sanskrit: bodhi) a religion and philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha (Pli/Sanskrit "the awakened one"). The Buddha lived and taught in the eastern part of Indian subcontinent some time between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE. He is recognized by Buddhists as an awakened or enlightened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end ignorance (avidy) of dependent origination and sunyata. In Filipino, there is a word "BUDHI" meaning Tagalog/Bisaya - budhi, budhi' n. conscience; "alam natin kung ano ang tama at mali" English: conscience; "sense of right and wrong": (6) Hinduism & Buddhism is based on Karma (Sanskrit: IPA: [krm]; Pali: kamma) in Indian religions is the concept of "action" or "deed", understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect (i.e., the cycle called sasra) originating in ancient India and treated in Hindu, Jain, Buddhist and Sikh philosophies. The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny. (a) Fate; destiny; (b) Informal. A distinctive aura, atmosphere, or feeling: There's bad karma around the world today In Filipino, there is a word "KARMA" meaning with Tagalog\Bisaya: budhi, konsiyensiya, kapalaran, karma, ("maitim ang budhi" , "dark conscience") English: fortune; grace; karma


"MENASSEH", IN FILIPINO THERE IS A WORD "MENSAHE" MEANING English: n. message, communication Tagalog: mensahe The Jewish redemption of the Lost Tribes of Israel began with Rabbi Eliyahu Avichail of the Elijah Project who began searching for these lost Jews of which many were actually remnants of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel. They were part of the Shinlung tribe numbering over 1-2 million living in India and Burma, of which one group, the Bnei Menasseh (Menasheh) trace their history first being exiled to the region of Persia (Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan) and later driven eastward to China until persecutions, around 600 CE forced them to flee again from China to Viet Nam where there they lived in caves, hence their names, Shinlung as cave-dwellers. Eventually their wandering of progressive and continuous exiles, they were forced out of Viet Nam, wandering throughout Thailand and Burma until they crossed over the Irrawaddy River and found their last home in exile in Northeastern India.

(8) According to tribal legends, the Bnei Menashe known as the Sinlung tell of their exile from the lands near Samaria to the land of the Medes. From there, they wandered along the famous Silk Road to China and ended up settling in the Chinese province of Yunnan. From there, they became part of the Tibet-Burma migrations from East Asia to the Northeastern region of India and Myanmar. They recognized themselves in their ancestral stories as being called the Tibeto-Burmans who belonged to the peoples of that region called; the Mizo, Kuki, Zomi and the Chin (in Burma). "SHINLUNG" OR "SINLUNG", IN FILIPINO THERE IS A WORD "SILUNG" Tagalog: silong, ilalim, baba, ibaba; ang kuweba ay nasa ilalim ng lupa,"cave is underneath earth" English: under, down, bottom, downstairs, basement, underneath

(9) According to Islamic belief, "Allah" is the proper name of God, and humble submission to His Will, Divine Ordinances and Commandments is the pivot of the Muslim faith. "He is the only God, creator of the universe, and the

judge of humankind.". "He is unique (wid) and inherently one (aad), all-merciful and omnipotent." The Qur'an declares "the reality of Allah, His inaccessible mystery, His various names, and His actions on behalf of His creatures." The name "Halakha" is derived from the Hebrew halakh , which means "to walk" or "to go"; thus a literal translation does not yield "law", but rather "the way to go". The term Halakha may refer to a single law, to the literary corpus of rabbinic legal texts, or to the overall system of religious law. The root may be Semitic aqqa, meaning "to be true, be suitable". The Halakha is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of human life, both corporeal and spiritual. Its laws, guidelines, and opinions cover a vast range of situations and principles, in the attempt to realize what is implied by the central Biblical commandment to "be holy as I your God am holy". They cover what are better ways for a Jew to live, when commandments conflict how one may choose correctly, what is implicit and understood but not stated explicitly in the Bible, and what has been deduced by implication though not visible on the surface. In FILIPINO (Marinduke), we used "HALA" meanings as both "the law" and "the way to go". When we say: (1) HALA KA - we meant that "somebody did'nt do the right thing". Similar to "LAGOT KA" or "YARI KA". (2) HALA NA - we meant that means "to walk" or "to go"; "go ahead to your way". Similar to "SIGE NA". In Islam, Jesus named as Isa (Arabic: Isa) is considered to be a Messenger of GOD. ISA in Filipino means the number One (1); so we can say JESUS is "The ONE" "which can refer to as the "MESSIAH" (10) Tawhid (Arabic: tawd "doctrine of Oneness [of God]"; also transliterated Tawheed and Tauheed) is the concept of monotheism in Islam. It is the religion's most fundamental concept and holds God (Arabic: Allah) is one (wid) and unique (ahad). In Filipino, there is a word "TAWID" and "TUWID" "TAWID" in Filipino meaning in Filipino: Active Verb: magtawid, Passive Verb: itawid; (tawid, magtawid, itawid: Word: tawid) English Definition: (verb) to take across; to help someone cross the street "TUWID" in Filipino meaning in Filipino: Active Verb: magtuwid, Passive Verb: tuwirin; "katuwiran: right, righteousness" English Definition: (verb) to straighten; to straighten out, adv. endways, n. rectitude. "JESUS (Isa) died in the cross(Tawid) to save all of us from our sins" "Si Hesus ay namatay sa krus para itawid tayong lahat sa ating sala"

(1) Marinduque Tagalog conforms to BAYBAYIN script and KAWI/TAGALA Language, in Filipino; WIKA (2) Marinduque Tagalog and Filipino words are described and have the same definition in KING JAMES BIBLE - Strong's HEBREW Dictionary. Marinduque Tagalog = "TAGALA" o "KAWI" o "WIKA" = Ancient Hebrew "Native Language Marinduque Tagalog = Mother of Tagalog & Bisaya Dialects = "The Father of All Malay-Polynesian Languages" KAWI = "Pinnacle Language" (the highest point or level) = The Original Language of MAN


"JESUS" was tried by the Sanhedrin, mocked and beaten and is condemned for making claims of being the Son of God. Jesus already died in the cross for all of us, everybody has already been saved, the only battle WE are fighting now is "Who we choose when time comes".

"Lord JESUS Christ" always comes for "PEACE"." "HE is the TRUE PRINCE OF PEACE". "Unite the Whole World for Everlasting Peace"



Revelation Scriptures of the LORD in the link below

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