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BRITS Education Excellence BTEC Higher National Diploma Business Assignment Brief

Program Title & Number: BTEC HND /01 Learner Name: Submission date: 26/10/2011 Unit Title & Number: Business Decision Making/06 Assessor name: Aaqib Raza Assignment Title & Number: Design Questionnaire on Consumer Preference with Findings & Recommendations/01

Assignment Scenario: Visit to the Consumer Market (____________) and collect the information about different events and projects regarding Consumer
Preference. Go to different Places and grab information by Different Samples (applying data collection methods). Design a Questionnaire Regarding Consumer preference. Collect Data from Primary Sources (Consumer markets) & Secondary sources (Questionnaires).

Assignment Task:

1: Practically Collect Data regarding consumer preferences (____________). 2: Develop & fill up the Questionnaire (applying Questionnaires designing techniques) From consumers by choosing samples (apply Sampling Techniques). 3: Create Information for Decision making by summarizing data using Representative values. 4: Perform Arithmetic & other Statistical Operations. 5: Draw valid conclusions from Collected data. 6: Analyse data using Measure of Dispersion & use according to given Business Scenario. 7: Give Recommendations regarding Industry (_____________) & Justify your decisions. Learning outcomes Assessment Criteria LO1 1.3 1.1 LO2 1.2

Learners Name:___________________________ Signature:_________________________________

Receiving Date: 18/10/2011

Grading Criteria
You Could achieve the Passing Grade by meeting all requirements defined in above learning outcome portions appropriately. M2:Select/design and Apply appropriate methods/techniques The selection of methods & techniques regarding Questionnaire design & sampling by giving justifications. D3: Demonstrate Convergent/lateral/Creative thinking Innovative & Creative thought have been applied Appropriately & formed feasibility of Consumer market giving justifications


Make sure that your assignment is your own work and not copied from any other source. You should approach the given deadlines to achieve objects. Manage own rules and responsibilities. Use the range of techniques and ideas appropriately. Work and interact effectively with individuals and in a group. Show all references and source from which the information is obtained. Date: 18/10/2011

Assessor Name: Aaqib Raza Signature:______________________________________

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