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By AsmeyD YatateR S Pard

Hak cipta,2011,pada Penulis

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Cetakan pertama , Desember2011

Diterbitkan oleh DNA d New Age Setting Publishing Isi diluar Tanggung Jawab Percetakan

Who doesn t know football ? Everybody must know it already. So many definitions come up but I prefer writing A football is a sport which each players become more popular than any other professions . Indeed, that s the real factual definition today. Because Only the football can make more children fun and joyful and only the football can make the teenagers feel like men of fortune. It comes into their dreams that how they are shown on TVs, Read on News-papers, and Talked on the town and idolized by everybody. What a great thing on it!, not to mention the money , the facilities, the cars, the houses, all the fancies and even the girls.. Unfortunately not everybody know how to play so well that they can be inside the Team though they practice quite harder every day , more of them are just the spectators only. What a shame !! What they are dreaming really never come true. So is still a shame for those who are in the team !! Although they can be a part of the Team. They are not truly happy They are easily stressed instead. Why can be so ?? Because they still don t know either how to play permanently well. Sometimes they can play well but not to know the reason ,they turn to play bad and terrible. It s quite a mystery, isn t it ? this really makes them under stressful situation whether the contract will be on in the years to come or not.

They feel unsecured with their appearance. Sometimes they play well but more often they play badly. As the effect of it, they tend to hostile with all his opponents. They want to be frightened by all his opponents to secure his position. Finally they play more brutally to injure. What kind of player is he ? then he gets fired due to his brutality. His club doesn t enjoy to have his type. Some are getting stressed because all they can do is just sitting on the bench during the whole game. They hate to be treated like that but what to say. They are under compared to the others. They must be satisfied only not as the starter. Are the stars distressful? No way, They are also under this attack. When they don t make goals especially under such an easy opportunity ,what do they feel ? Even ,there s once a Colombian player killed by a mafia because he made a terrible blunder .When he was back from his World Cup, he was shot down . Touched by such dilemmas, I m trying to present what I discover about Football. By my discovery (then I call the laws of football), all problems will disappear alone. No more stress, no more question, no more gambling, no more guesses, and no other no more. All turns to be joyful, victorious, and relaxing. Hopefully, by practicing all in this laws of Football, Everybody could enjoy and achieve what there are in football! I call these to be laws . As they are the guarantee to be at the top of the performance in football. Here I declare ;

Those who can practice the Spiritual laws of Football at this book correctly must come to the top of super level in his football carrier

The Contents :
The Spiritual Law, 1st between Stamina 4 and Creativity all Integrate together


The Spiritual Law, 2nd


Use the far-rounded vision and earthing-method to play the game joyfully and victoriously


The Spiritual Law, 3rd-


Never stop the ball . Make it flow like fire to burn


The Spiritual Law, 4th-


Puzzle your opponents with the shadow of the wind which moves on through spaces and the figure of the clown fooling behind

The Spiritual laws of football


The Spiritual Law, 5th-


All good practices and matches are in vain without A single matter i.e. Commitment of Football-Fever


The Spiritual Law, 6th ;


Achievement at football seems impossible to many countries but on the contrary , it is really easy. Even it is just a matter of habit to certain countries . We are definitely sure what countries are the participants of FIFA World Cup every Four years .They look to be the subscribers to it. In every continents , certain countries are always repeating their participation without any difficulty. But for some countries like Indonesia, Don t even think about it. Just dream is already impossible. Based on that fact, I ve been so concerning lots to find out what are the solutions that hopefully, someday our national team can participate as well in the World Cup. How great and wonderful , if we could be there. But unfortunately, it proves to be hard. We are still sleeping without any awake yet. We still remember how tragic it was to see the Indonesian Team has been defeated again and again by just a small country like Malaysia. Some people believe that there are several things missing in our football team both inside and outside. But Nobody knows how to fix and find them. Every time we try harder , still is the result very far . Who can say what is wrong anymore when at first , everything seemed to be correct and excellent. We could beat all the opponents fantastically in Sea Games 2011 but not yet the Malaysia alone. What a shameful thing while we were the host of the event, we could not give the best result. We were still defeated. How about in Asian Games, Olympic Games then? What a mission impossible!

'' Knowledge is a power to enlarge what all you've known


The Spiritual Law, 7th ;


' Having Good Manner Both Inside and outside the field_should be the effects of football '

To me, the game is not over yet. We mustn t give up . We must fight on and on and see the mistakes. If we can t see the mistakes, things remain the same even worse. And by reading this book, you are expected to see what the mistakes are and how to fix them. In shorts, I dare to say that the practice of Indonesian football for stamina and endurance are not as progressive as the skills. They are working to kill each other. It means that When the practice of the skill is focused , the stamina is gone and When the practice of Speed and endurance is focused, the skill is gone. What a dilemmatic thing which is always to happen. But this doesn t happen to Malaysia .That s why we are defeated for always. Our practice is not yet under the rightness. If we had had it, we would have defeated her easily. That s for sure. In addition, here in this book, I not only talk about the players but also how to develop the supporters and some other aspects of football. Hopefully, What I can do here can bring fresh air and manage to inspire the Indonesian football generation from years to years. And finally we can go for the FIFA World Cup and better up the atmosphere of Football Competition in Indonesia. Last but not least, Let s be optimistic with our National football Team. Nothing is impossible. And ways to lead being the world Champion in Football can be found as well. Not always the Spain or the Brazil only be the Champion of the World. Let s make it for us now. So let s follow the spiritual laws of football in this book to make all the dreams come true , the dream that everybody / all the Indonesian citizen have

been quite hungry for long , i.e being one of the participants of the FIFA World Cup. And that very day is quite sooner to come.


The Spiritual Law, 1st - Integrate between Stamina and Creativity all together

' Win up the game !! , Don't win it over. And only those who know how to integrate stamina and creativity can do that 1.4. Poor to say , Indonesian Football Team (here I take her as the example ) is said to be under this motivation - 'To win over the match' through decades. This must be a mistake , but nobody there realizes not even to fix but worse . They don't realize if it is already a mistake .They don't know, so how do they care ? They build the mistake on and on and on . There must be a full stop and make the right start by applying the first law of the Spiritual Law of Football 1.5. How could I jump to the conclusion that the Indonesian team or any other bad Team has been raised up under this very wrong motivation . Thus to say , due to the way they play the match . how plainly they are playing , Definitely they just put on the plain football . What is a plain football ? Do you know ? And what is the cause ? Here it is , I declare : 'Only the wrong football practicers put up the plainness on which the opponents laugh at ' 1.6. Based upon the declaration , I can say that the whole mistakes begins at the wrong start. They really don't know how to insert/build up the creative power on the Drill , on the run and on all physical movements . How really important the creativity is . When it's a coin , Endurance and Creativity are the twin brothers . One is to support the other ! Here again , I declare !

Description ; 1.1. This is highly important that no stamina means no game of Football . Everybody agrees that stamina is the first element in all sports especially Football. If you don't have any , better up to sleep than to play .Anyhow only a stamina football is a great disaster . 1.2. Everybody might think pessimistically about my theory that Football is just a matter of luck both in Practice and Play. I say No way , Here I'm very much optimistic that this law of mine can change how any bad football Team will be in the future as expected to be much better . That's why I write this in English to make the authority and the whole world know this and finally be practiced . 1.3. Back with stamina as I wrote above! I do agree to say that a just stamina football is a disaster even worse than that . It really reminds us how just a physics gives up on creativity. See and remember when the duel between Mike Tyson versus Evander Holyfield !. How finally did Tyson bit Evander's ear just to win over him ! The same thing happens when you force yourselves to win over the match in an unfair way . That's what I call ' even worse than a disaster'. Absolutely that is not the right way to win up . On this case , I Declare;

' Endurance without creativity is like a husband without a wife 0r a wife without a husband ' It's really terrible when you separate them off ! 1.7. So, before all to begin with creativity to build up inside , footballers should be identical with the right combination on the height and the speed / power. Then, we have to select in details among your players based on that criteria (the right height and the power/speed) . How about the skill ? Should it be a matter ? Not really a way ! Skill can be a secondary . it can be created actually . And it should be that way as the right track on how to build the great team Here I declare ; ' Get the right players on height and power /speed then endure and integrate them with the creativity inside. That s ' first thing first' on Football'

Barcelona Star, his creativity is declared as a gift and we are impossible to be like him, only his stamina ,we can keep it up on . Is it so ? No way , sorry to say that you are wrong if you settle with that idea . Due to my disagreement, I declare ' Nothing is a gift on football .All can be learnt and gotten ' 1.9. Creativity really matters . Along with it , you can enjoy the whole thing .as Marco Van Basten says ,' enjoy your match and you will win ' What a great matter ,isn't it ? It's truly like a diamond when you know how to develop it inside of you when you are still young at age, of course . ( I happen to know this at the very late at age -say around 37. So, what a pity of me to find something valuable so late ! ) But , it doesn't matter though I found this too late for me . Because it's worth writing as the knowledge of football ! Or even someday, who knows I can establish a soccer club on my own where I can teach this method among my members or at least I can teach privately on my sons only ! Wish me luck ! 1.10. Just to make the theory off ,let me begin by telling you this ! It proves real that drills can destroy skill . This often happens everywhere .No matter how a super star he is ! If you don't believe me . Let me show you this way The fact says , 'Christiano Ronaldo , Tevez ,Rooney, and the others are quite human that sometimes they don't play very well . Even They don't make any contributions to the team . They are to say on and off players -sometimes great ,sometimes bad ' Do you know why they are still very hard to be consistent with the quality of their skill ( on and off players) ? Especially when

1.8. CREATIVITY. Creativity is something unseen unlike the stamina . Nobody knows whether you are creative or not , but surely everybody can see if you are in a good stamina or not . Creativity can be seen if you are set up on the situation . On this creativity, hard situation can change to be easier . What is next to impossible proves to be next to possible and finally jump up into reality of success . But ,the majority fall into catastrophe .they say that it's hard to know how to get/develop creativity on purpose . It's said it's already a gift by birth . Say like Lionel Messy

they play for the country . The answer is the Drill on the stamina , definitely ! The more they practice (jogging, running , sprinting ,) the more they destroy/kill the skill because they do it on the wrong way ! They still don't know how to drill to integralize between Stamina and creativity hand in hand . 1.11. Here are what happens when Drills on Stamina kills the skill ; a. Tell your trainees to Juggle themselves as long as possible b. Record how long or many they can juggle c. Stop their juggling . Then ,tell them to Jog, run , sprint and zigzag for several minutes d. Ask them Back to juggle e. Record how long /how many they can juggle f. Compare the quality and quantity of their juggling with the previous one Conclusion : a. If the first juggling is better , it means you are wrong with your jogging, running and sprinting b. If the second juggling is better , it means you are already on the right tract So I declare ; 'Beware..Beware !! , your drills can ruin your skill if you don't know how to do them correctly

1.12. Based on that fact above, I would like to declare that : 'Anyone who knows the right practice , he will get the stamina (endurance) as much more as the creativity ' So , everybody , If you know the practice on how to integrate both (endurance and creativity ), Here is going to be the show of match : ' The longer you play , the much better you do up ( the match) if you can integral both in your drills -endurance and Creativity '

1.13. That's supposed to happen to wake up any bad national football teams in the world including Indonesia . I'm sure someday sooner , whatever the National Team will be and can be the participant of FIFA WORLD CUP if They're on this track !

1.14. Before I give the second law , it is better to take up some quotations on Endurance from philosophers .Hopefully we can see and have some lesson to apply . Here they are as follows; a. "Sorrow and silence are strong, and patient endurance is godlike." ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow b. ' Beyond talent, lie all the usual words: discipline, love, luck-- but, most of all, endurance. ~ James Baldwin

c. Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory. ~ William Barclay d. To struggle when hope is banished!/ To live when life's salt is gone!/ To dwell in a dream that's vanished/ To endure, and go calmly on! ~ Ben Jonson e. He that can't endure the bad will not live to see the good. ~ Yiddish Proverb


all bad fortune is to be conquered by endurance. Virgil

m. Endurance is nobler than strength, and patience than beauty. - John Ruskin

n. Endurance is patience concentrated. - Thomas Carlyle o. Endurance is the crowning quality, And patience all the passion of great hearts. -James Russell Lowell

f. Endurance is the cure for any pain. ~ Latin Proverb g. He conquers who endures. ~ Persius p. Every calamity is to be overcome by endurance. Virgil q. Heroism is endurance for one moment more. George F. Kennan r. I've gotten very good at scheduling my life, scheduling the scene and preparing myself for knowing, saving the energy, consuming the energy, knowing when to go for it and having the available reserves to be able to do that. You have to think about that, because it's endurance Tom Cruise

h. Without the strength to endure the crisis, one will not see the opportunity within. It is within the process of endurance that opportunity reveals itself. ~ Chin Ning Chu i. I never was content unless I was trying my skill or testing my endurance. ~ Jim Thorpe


Il faut d abord durer (First One Must Endure). ~ Ernest Hemingway

k. Endurance pierces marble. ~ Moroccan Proverb

s. If you want to be a successful runner, you have to consider everything. It's no good just thinking about endurance and not to develop fine speed. - Arthur Lydiard

t. Man is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance. Morgan Freeman

h. When the spirit of child s play enters into the creative process, it s a wonderful force and something to be nurtured. ~ Joni Mitchell i. In my experience, the best creative work is never done when one is unhappy. ~ Albert Einstein The whole difference between construction and creation is this; that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists. ~ Charles Dickens

1.15. When it comes to creativity ,here are the quotations ; a. "The more you reason the less you create." ~ Raymond Chandler b. If you re going to be an artist, real life is your inspiration. ~ Madonna c. A person creates what they defend against. ~ The Buddha d. Criticize by creating. ~ Michelangelo j.

k. Creativity is the firing of my soul. ~ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart l. True creativity often starts where language ends. ~ Arthur Koestler

e. Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort. ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt f. Sometimes I think creativity is magic; it's not a matter of finding an idea, but allowing the idea to find you. ~ Maya Lin g. Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way. ~ Edward de Bono

m. The best way to become more creative is to create nothing. By this, I mean that you should return to zero point. Rid yourself of all the mental and emotional blocks that keep you from manifesting your full creative potential. ~ Ilchi Lee, n. "Those who create are rare; those who cannot are numerous. Therefore, the latter are stronger. ~ Coco Chanel

o. Creativity is the joy of not knowing it all. ~ Ernie J. Zelinski p. Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun. ~ Mary Lou Cook q. The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. ~ Albert Einstein r. Creativity is a gift. It doesn t come through if the air is cluttered. ~ John Lennon


The Spiritual Law, 2nd- Use the far-rounded vision and earthing-method to play the game joyfully and victoriously

Description ; 2.1. It seems ridiculous that football is related to the far round sight , doesn't it ? But willy nilly , it is a fact that without it ,you are blind . And without a far round one , you are opposed ! To make it easier to understand, let me put it this way of a story. One day, a man has to ride on a horse to go to his destination . Unknown how to prepare it , he just rides on it without a cap to cover the horse's eyes. See what happen ! he never comes to the destination because the horse runs without direction and even wild . And then somebody comes and tells him to cover the horse's eyes . Soon afterward he arrives where he wants to go . On that story , I declare ; ''One directed eyes deserves only for the animal . if you play so ,you are the animal '

2.2. From the declaration above , we can say that football without a look around is too monotonous and predictable. this is what I declare an animal manner . It is also a mistake if you care enough to notice ,although not many people see it and even it's worse for they don't realize it as a mistake . They keep on playing on and on . And I'm afraid many young

footballers play this way , The animal way ! Hopefully it's soon for them to realize and know how to fix . 2.3. Based on that case above, here I agree to declare that ; 'Without a look around , football is turning into an animal track' So, it's so nave to see how they injure themselves easily .While they running without any contact , they stumble on their own shoe and fall down. Even they hurt/injure their own friends while they are dribbling the ball. It's really so funny, isn t it ?! So funny because they play foolishly . They have no idea , no inspiration and no exploration to play the ball excellently . All they can do is only tenseness , awkwardness and full of haste only . Under this, it's impossible to create the chance to make a goal even just to kick easily on goal is a difficult matter. Every player looks dull and being idiots . They are just like the boys of yesterday who don't know the kick, the shoot and the team work. They don't get what is looking outward around during the match .how to practice, then ??

'Sky -Method and Earth- Method are the twin ( like the endurance and creativity ). Collaborate them ,then you will find yourself easier and more fun in Football ' 2.5. Let me tell you the earth method in a story to make it easier to understand ! One day a man of busy -ness is expected to accomplish a series of work. Being boredom easily ,he never accomplishes it at all. If he couldn't make it , he has to repeat the whole work again from the beginning . so , every year he always repeats again and again just to complete the work though he cries in heart .but still he is in vain . Then somebody comes and tells him to dig the earth /soil and burry himself half body while accomplishing the task . Sooner after a few months, He finally does accomplish the work perfectly. On that story, I declare : ' The earth method is the power for you to accomplish the work while the sky one is there to entertain So , Both is very essential !

2.4. Looking outward (around ) is to say like the sky- method on which you can fly high to enjoy whereas the power strengthening is like the earth - method into which you must dig the very present situation . By collaborating both precisely, you will enjoy the whole game to win and of course to satisfy your life , football should be a part of enjoyment and fun and indeed it is if you know how to drill them together .Here to declare ;

2.6. Maybe you might say that I'm too much theoretical about those two theories -the sky and the earth one .0K , I will show you the sky method. how enjoyable it is if it works in you .Here are the tips. On how to enjoy the football even you are just the spectators! Do it this way ;

*.Turn on the TV and find any football show, especially the European league. Watch it by practicing the sky-eyes ( skymethod ) as follows ; a. Never watch the ball on the ground . Keep your eyes away from it b. Look outward around where the position of the friends covered by the around look c. Play and direct the ball on them (the friends ) but still keep your eyes OFF from the ball *After watching that way using the sky -eyes , practice it on your match . Keep it that way forever! . *Finally , find the difference that NOW how enjoyable you are both watching and playing 2.7. From the above explanation, I can declare : ' Play and watch the football match without a ball to stare at. Those who can do that ,he's blessed with his sky-eyes For the info , The sky eyes above will be the right solution for the hooliganism to grow off. We can sweep it off by building the way the supporters spect the game. As you know how terrible to hear Bonek, The Jak , The Viking ,etc They are all easy to brutalize each other because of this factor . Namely that We don't give them the way how to enjoy the match .if we had shown this way , I do believe, Hooliganism would have died off forever !

'Teach up the sky-eyes on supporters. Then , Hooliganism will be no more '

2.7. Sky -eyes is really worth teaching since its multiple effects can make the people better either as players or spectators/ supporters . Both would put a great honor at the art of foot ball . They will appreciate more for Not just a winning over but for a winning up. That is the next thing to happen, I m sure! Under this belief, I declare ; 'Men would be an art society of football when the sky eyes have been developed among them ' 2.8. Now it's about the earth method. what is it ,then? If it is the sky method, I call it the sky eyes , so for the earth one ,I may call it not the earth eyes but the earth feet . And before to explain it , I declare ; ' Those who know how to do the earth-feet , he will be energized to accomplish the task'' Back as I told at the beginning, we can confirm once again , that ; ' Integrating the sky eyes and the earth feet produce excellence in football to perform '

It means , earth feet must be a real practice only ( as the players ) whereas the sky eyes can be for Both ( the players and the supporters ) 2.9. For the sky eyes , we know already how to apply but don't say it' s easy to put on . As spectators , I agree to say so but applying it as players ,it would be as difficult as painting water . Anyway Don't worry !, earth feet would be so much help for that to come true . let me declare ; '' Apply first the earth feet correctly to make the sky eyes work out automatically, Without it , it's like a bird without a fly though having wings already'' What an important matter then to know how to do the earthfeet !

'All the telling are gone for nothing due to the ignorance. As All food will be thrown away when one is not hungered ' That's why , just make it a secret for this ! Anyhow ,when you are in the know ,you will spice up the whole atmosphere of football . Every footballers would be as excellent as the top star . As a result ,There will be no dominator like Barcelona Today that almost no club can beat her ! Even -Michael Platini, the UEFA President, says, 'There should be a way to find out how to beat up Barcelona FC because it is unhealthy and boring where in every tournament ,the winner is always known already ' On that situation I declare ;

2.10. To make it surer, let me declare once again that ; ' For players , Not knowing how to earth feet , sky-eyes is impossibility but knowing it ,sky-eyes is automation'' So , how to practice the earth feet ?? Do you know it ? No way ! It's really quite unseen . Cause It happens inside the muscles where you have to divide which on which . Here , at this very part , is the biggest secret among the discovery of the football law ! If you know it already , I say congratulation on your greatest discovery on football , and do keep it for yourself , Why to be a secret ! , Well, It's just a matter of in need . If they are just told out ,People will ignore it . That's the thing -I don't like - At this case , I declare

'Barcelona FC/Any best Team can be beaten up only by the club which applies the earth feet (and sky-eyes) perfectly ' 2.11. Why do I say the earth feet alone can beat up Barcelona FC ? (the sky eyes is on the bracket ) I say so Because .. '' the earth feet is actually the fundamental base to have the sky eyes and the latter would be achieved well only by the perfection of the former''

2.12. What a nice and easy game to win when you are there into the perfection of the earth feet and the sky eyes . Everything comes at ease to lead to the victory. but imagine , when every man knows it ,what a nice entertainment it will be . Winning can be a party of every spectators ! And there will be no dominator . Every club would be equal .no more a single unbeatable champion like Barcelona today so that the well known quotation like '' Winning isn t everything; it s the only thing'' would be the only standard to be right . I declare ; Let it be no more a single dominator. let every team has the chance to win as it is the party for everybody '' On that declaration above ,it looks to be impossible to come true . But anybody doesn't know yet that through the perfect collaboration between the sky eyes and the earth feet ,that is very much possible to come into reality . Just wish me luck! . Someday in the far future , it will happen . 2.13. To end this 2nd law, some quotations might be fruitful but it's so hard to find any which are related to the idea of the sky eyes and the earth feet . Just to translate them into Indonesian ,it's been difficult what the best terms for the earth feet and the sky eyes are ! Anyhow , I will try my best to find any , which are related to the sport world in general .Here are some to be related : a. That is the reason why the victory is great, because different players have made contributions to the win. Sachin Tendulkar

b. A good athlete always mentally replays a competition over and over, even in victory, to see what might be done to improve the performance the next time. - Frank Shorter c. A Victory without danger is a triumph without glory. - Pierre Corneille d. Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory. _ George S. Patton e. Actually, the moment of victory is wonderful, but also sad. It means that your trip is ended.Bill Toomey f. All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved. - Sun Tzu g. Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity. - Horace Mann h. Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory. - Bill Russell i. Defeat has its lessons as well as victory. - Pat Buchanan j. Defeat may serve as well as victory to shake the soul and let the glory out. - Edwin Markham

k. Every moment of resistance to temptation is a victory. - Frederick William Faber l. Failure is not fatal; victory is not success. Tony Richardson

3. The Spiritual Law, 3 - Never stop the ball . Make it flow


like fire to burn ''

Description ; m. The habit of persistence is the habit of victory. Herbert Kaufman n. Great is the victory, but the friendship of all is greater. - Emil Zatopek o. Happiness is a byproduct of function, purpose, and conflict; those who seek happiness for itself seek victory without war. - William S. Burroughs p. Having in my life been bitten by the jaws of both victory and defeat, I must rush to add that success is to failure as butter pecan ice cream is to death. - Rupert Holmes 3.1. Be careful not to say the above declaration like water instead like fire. Because the characteristic of water is only front-ward , It's never back-ward or side-ward . So I say It must be like fire. Not water ! Because fire is all direction to go ! Here I declare ; Fire is the power and the flexibility. It is there not to be stopped easily but instead to destroy the opponents in pieces So is in the football on which improvisation is needed ! No improvisation means so dull and boring, furthermore it would be more difficult to achieve the goals . A Match like that should be away -so far away ! Let me declare ; 'To play the Entertaining football , full of improvisation must be the only choice. So treat the ball as the fire to play on '' 3.2. It goes without saying that the prominent style in martial art is the Tai-Chi Master . And luckily , we can apply it as well in football. when we never stop the ball ,that's the Tai-Chi . It's very nice and beautiful indeed . Believe me ,it's really awesome and fantastic . By this law ,we can judge whether the player is good or bad . Without this style ,we can say he's

left behind .he will never develop his skill into the effective way of playing. When you have this kind of player in the team , you've got to show and teach him how to apply the fire ball . Without it , he will be like a pain in the neck. No matter how well he dribbles or runs . He is still the dead factor in the team , since he stops the ball too often . 3.3. Having the dead man in the team must be a catastrophe. Just one is more than enough furthermore there are some. It must be a night-mare . At worst, when everybody in the Team is the dead men .It's not a night mare anymore ,it's a hell, truly already a hell . So , to judge whether the player is the dead or the alive can be seen this way ; a. Watch how he controls the ball. If he makes the ball stop /off , he is the dead factor. b. Watch how he flows the ball. If he likes to flow the ball backward while the team is in an attack, he is the dead as well. c. If He is too afraid to maneuver himself to break through the opponent's defense, he is to say to be the dead From above criteria , we can say how bad if any man doesn t apply the fire ball . Here is to declare ; '' Plain football can be judged if every player can't flow himself like a burning fire to burn . So, Be the burning fire to burn till your opponents are frightened and puzzled like they are in the hell ''

3.4. That's why I can say that the more qualified you are , the easier you are to accumulate the goals. the score would be not just one or two , there'll be more and much more to Zero . This is also the indicator that when there are no goals in the match , both team are idiots . They don't deserve playing , they deserve sleeping only . And it must be a boring game which all players inside are stupid. Why playing if no goals at all . Talking about point of match, I would like to make correction, then . As we know today that every draw is one point, winning is 3 point . At this idea , I'm proposing that draw result must be different at quality . It means 1-1 is of course better than 0-0 .isn't it ? If it is better, why the match point is the same ?? It must be a different point! Let's say we divide draw result in two criterias ; a. No goal -draw result (0-0) b. Goal -draw result. (1-1, 2-2 ),etc If criteria a , I agree to say that the team deserves having one point or even no point at all . But , if criteria b , don't be only 1 point to give . Make it more or it's ok just 1 point if the criteria a is zero point . It's fair ,isn't it ?? So, I declare : 'Quality in quantity is better than quality in no quantity So is the draw result ! It must be verified to that declaration above

3.5. That s all about the 3rd law of football. And now before putting some right quotations , it's important to find out what the best terms in Indonesian to say that . So now I like it better to call it as a flow of fire to be the 3rd law of football. Because indeed it' s like the fire to flow up . Here so I declare ; ' Those who know how to apply the flow of fire into the match , he will find himself easier and more joyful to create a way of scoring-goals whether he makes just the assists or is the goal getter himself ' 3.6. Based on that declaration , A game without any goals will be just a story in the past . It's just the history. By this kind of flow , from now on . There will be no match without a goal .Every match will be rich at goals Everybody will cheer up to welcome goals by goals . What a fantastic joy of the tournament is ! That is also to prove that creating a goal is a matter of the quality of the play- not the quality of the ball itself as we might have thought so . Just Remember how FIFA once was so busy inventing the easy goal getting ball from year to year just to make the game more alive .but what happen for the result ?? . No positive result expected comes out . What unfruitful investment it is . Here I declare

3.7. Here are some quotations which might be related to the topic above ; a. Improvisation without a plan is like tennis without tennis balls. - Lars von Trier b. I allow an area for improvisation because the chemical things actors bring to stories make it not work. - Vincente Minnelli c. Improvisation is a compositional method.- Evan Parker d. ' Creating a goal is not a matter of the ball but more to be a matter of the match playing quality as what everybody calls improvisation and maneuver '' e. Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater the general, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demands in slaughter. - Winston Churchill f. If an ordinary person is silent, it may be a tactical maneuver. If a writer is silent, he is lying. - Jaroslav Seifert g. Where force is necessary, there it must be applied boldly, decisively and completely. But one must know the limitations of force; one must know when to blend force with a maneuver, a blow with an agreement. Leon Trotsky .

' Creating a goal is not a matter of the ball but more to be a matter of the match playing quality ''

Puzzle your opponents with the shadow of the wind which moves on through spaces and the figure of the clown fooling behind ''

4. The Spiritual Law, 4 th

4.2. Based on that idea ,if you were the opponent under that situation . I declare ; ''Watch out ! , The clown figure looks like to please you up but actually he's there to destroy you down '' As I ask you there at point d , what next to happen to grow on ? That's what I call ' the shadow of the wind -the unseen mateplayer i.e. any mate player who is at best running through into spaces until he reaches the ball without any blocker .That's the one to hit them off as soon as whom the clown has already hit down . What a danger !! 4.3. The clown figure here plays the role as the stater ,the dictator ,and as the manipulator. He is truly THE FIXER. He is so stiff that as if he fooled himself . Anyhow he is there just to make up a shocking camouflage for the wind shadow to be able to break through without any blocking since he-the wind shadow plays as THE FLEXIBILITOR. What a perfect collaboration to puzzle everyone in the opponent team . Here to declare ; '' Collaboration between the fixer and the flexibilitor is the only matter to master the game for a victory and triumph '' 4.4. So , to decide who is the best to be the fixer , just choose among your players who have the best sprinting . He's going to be the right choice to take the task . A typical player like Rooney and Owen , for example , is the best choice since they are having a full speed at sprinting but you've got to remind them not to miss the mission . Because What really such a fool

Description ; 4.1. Football is identical with camouflage .if you can play it that way ,you may take advantages as much as possible you want and it is how to shadow and figure yourself . what is shadow ? What is figure ? Both are important and to support each other. for, shadow of the wind can't work well Without the clown figure. And the latter really sucks without the former. But if both can't work well , clown figure seems easier to trigger . So it's better to practice the clown figure first on and on then develop the wind-shadow . And do you know how to practice the clown ,anyway ? It's easy , just suit yourself this way ; a. While attacking , Get your forward player be upward as far as possible b. Then tell him not to make any movement / reaction while the ball is passing through to him (cause he's off side ) c. Repeat that again and again till your team develops on it d. Then , see what happens later on by itself

of them if they always miss the mission ,of course . And Unfortunately , This often happens for still. It's so ridiculous , isn't it ? And it must be you ,the coach , the mistaker . Lack of practices must be the factor . Here to declare ; ''all mission gone missed and failed must be caused by the coach himself . Never blame the players cause they don't know how to develop them . Only the coach to know and teach and drill how to develop them into success '' 4.5. Due to that , I do believe that failure must be at the coach factor ,not the player factor . Coach must give not only the command but also put the players being under prepared and skilled for that mission . In short , there are three functioning roles assigned for the coach to work ; a. Tell the mission b. Grant the skill on the current-mission c. Drill it till it's developed When those three are well done , success must be a dream come true . And among those three , point b is above everything . That's the real duty of a coach. As I say to declare that ; 'A super star is created after being found as just a star ' It means that it's the coach to raise up the skill of all his players . Supposedly one has 40% of skill , by the seeing couch, he can elevate it into 60-80% . If it remains the same or even worse , the coach is said to be in vain already.

4.6. And now , What is the indication that the coach is a success . To let you know , it's better to say that all begins from the inside , so is the indication . It can be felt and shared inside by the player themselves . The players can find themselves more energized and enthusiastic . Here are some indication to be quite personalized ; a. Players can feel something different than ever before . They feel more relaxed and more enjoyable to play the match. b. They feel more skillful c. No more tense or situation of bad appearance/ stage fever syndrome . So, how important the coach is to elevate the players each ! So, I d like to declare ; '' It is The couch , the one who knows to elevate the skill to reach the goal. If he doesn't , let he be not the coach ''

4.7. To be quite helpful to understand the topic above , let me take some quotations related to the 4th law here which might be essential but I'm sure how hard it is to find . What is a fixer ? ,what is a flexibilitor ? It must be hard to translate them into Indonesia , hopefully I could find them . As they are concluded into what the coach should matter ,maybe quotation on coach might be reasonable for the 4th law . So here I find ;

a. A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment. - John Wooden b. A coach's greatest asset is his sense of responsibility - the reliance placed on him by his players. Knute Rockne c. Developing better people should be the number one goal for any coach when dealing with kids. In trying to develop better people, we are going to develop more and better pros. - Bobby Orr d. In order to have a winner, the team must have a feeling of unity; every player must put the team first -- ahead of personal glory.

and know it, and those who don't have it but don't know it. Paul Bryant (American football college Coach. 1913-1983)


In order to have a winner, the team must have a feeling of unity; every player must put the team first -- ahead of personal glory. Talent win games but intelligence and team work win the championship - Michael Jordan



No coach has ever won a game by what he knows; it's what his players know that counts. There's a lot of blood, sweat, and guts between dreams and success.


g. Coaches who can outline plays on a black board are a dime a dozen. The ones who win get inside their player and motivate. - Vince Lombardi h. Players can be divided, roughly, into four types. Those who have ability and know it, those who have it and don't know it, those who don't have it

5. The Spiritual Law, 5 - All good practices and matches are


in vain without a single matter i.e. commitment of footballfavor

Description ; 5.1. What is meant to say on the above declaration is that football must be the real matter above everything. Football has to become the inner satisfaction not the outer one. Unfortunately , this has been away . All players are thinking more of money than the winning itself. If it happens , the team is in a danger . They are easily bribed and bought to miss the mission. You can imagine no matter how hard to drill up your men if they can be bribed and bought, what else can you do? All practices and matches must be in vain . Supporting that explanation ,I declare ; 'Let the football be a way of life _ not a way of income '

all practitioners must be on the reality of the current situation . They must be in modest life . They don't need to ask for higher standard of wages and contract . That's why , no ( more ) Government money is a must just to see how they are to grow into the industrial way. And I'm sure it will lead into that way. IF the government builds the people / supporters into how to enjoy the football. That's to mean 'the sky eyes ' to have . That's the government duty . So I declare ; ' Industrial football only comes true if the government manages to grant the sky eyes ( the 2nd law ) for the fans / supporters on how to enjoy watching the football . Without it ,it will never comes true

5.2. When this very a way of life has developed among our players and people, football would be the real actor by itself. It could survive though it is alone without any government money to support . By applying the 5th law , supported by the others , It will turn into industry and grow into megatrend . Money comes much more easily. But before all that happens ,

5.3. In short , the government money should not go for the club but it should go for the supporters / fans / people of football interest to give a kind of training on how to enjoy the watching . Maybe it looks ridiculous but that's really true to build up the right atmosphere of positive aura of football . Let us see how the real Madrid supporters are doing ovational standing up for Barcelona because the latter can play better . This must happen as well in our country. When could it be ?? Anyhow It's still impossible because the government does nothing for that . It's really the government s fault ! But nobody sees it, unfortunately ! So I declare !

' Government - money must be for the people to build up_ not for the club to build up '

missing is , how is the future of our football ? Will it be like this forever ? So nave ,isn't it ?! Repression couldn't be the solution. There should be another way _ the educational way. Here I m to declare ; ' Only by the educational way , we could change permanently . And that is less expensive '' 5.6. Back again with the commitment of football favor , really indeed is it important both for players and fans . They must be hand in hand to build up to lead the football into the industry . Players only is still one sided coin , it must be fulfilled with the other side ,the fans . Fans only is also dull , it doesn't make any difference for the industry to join in. So, from now on , let's work together to create the commitment of football favor . And let the government does help the fans to have it especially at how to enjoy the football match by developing the sky eyes on them 5.7. Finally ,ideally 4 factors must be involved for the football ,as follows ; a. b. c. d. The club is to develop the players The government is to develop the fans The media is to promote the game The industry is to finance the game

5.4. If the government had done it , that s to give the training for the supporters on how to watch the game beautifully , I'm sure, there would not have been any riots , brutality and anger anymore related to the football game . Because everybody has been matured and skilled on how to see the match. But this will happen only If the government gives them a way of how to enjoy watching , if not , riots ,brutality and cost of the match are still so high . And This doesn't interest the industry to come into . Of course, the way to train it is developing the sky eyes on people , Having it , (No matter of how the result of the match is) , the supporters are still satisfied already .Because they will have got what they need i.e. The art of football performance . They have been able to stand up for the football favor _not for the (fanatical) team favor anymore. And This must be the governmental factor ! Without it, our football atmosphere is impossible to come into what we have been dreaming of. so far _ the industry of football !

5.5. Now see how the supporters manner in Europe ! They don't make the riots easily unlike in Indonesia . Here, no matter whether the team wins or loses .For them, Riots must be the agenda. If the government doesn't see what the

If those factors are well done , what a dream comes true ! Everybody is very happy . The police is happy . The government is happy. The industry is happy . All is happy .

5.7. After I put the 5th law , now it's better also to find some quotations , Hopefully we could find some which are related as follows ; a. Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach. ~ Tom Robbins That quotation above might be difficult to understand coz a word of flexible . Do you understand it means? That's all for football favor ! Namely Though your decision is to watch your team wins , it doesn't mean it never loses , you feel ok ! no big deals of it . Coz the main thing to come to the stadium is not only to expect the team won but more to expect to enjoy watching the beautiful art of football festival . You are quite ready at any result though to expect your idol team won. That's what to call flexibility at approach. To the loss, you can see which is missing in the team . So, everything can be a positive outcome ,can't it ? b. When you make a commitment to a relationship, you invest your attention and energy in it more profoundly because you now experience ownership of that relationship. -Angelis, Barbara De c. "Competing in sports has taught me that if I'm not willing to give 120 percent, somebody else will."Blomberg d. "You need to make a commitment, and once you make it, then life will give you some answers."Brown, Les

e. "A person with half volition goes backwards and forwards, but makes no progress on even the smoothest of roads' Carlyle, Thomas f. "What one has, one ought to use: and whatever he does he should do with all his might."Cicero, Marcus T. g. "If you make the unconditional commitment to reach your most important goals, if the strength of your decision is sufficient, you will find the way and the power to achieve your goals."Conklin,

h. "there's something so attractive about a committed person -- they have a plan, an ideology, no matter how twisted. They're motivated." Crowe, Russell i. "We would rather have one man or woman working with us than three merely working for us."Day, J. Dabney


"The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it." Douglas, Mack R

k. "Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans."Drucker, Peter F.

5.8. About the importance of commitment , it's better to give a story to understand ; Here it is , One day, 5 best boys of the same ages are expected to make a journey to propose a princess . They set up for being the king . Though they live in the same village , they must compete one another . The head of the village says to the boy number 1 ,' go for her first and bring her with you . We'll make a party for your success but if it is already a month of no news ,I will send another ' The boy says, 'very well, sir ! I will do it ! So ,he goes for the princess but after a month of going , he never comes back. So ,another boy is sent until five . But all is in vain and no news of them . Being afraid that they are already killed by crocodiles on the river, the head villager is thinking to find the last one who is the most intelligent and studious. Finally the boy number 6 is called forward to take the challenge not only to marry the princess but also to find out why all the boys never return . To see him to be send/departed , Everybody cries out to release him since he's the one very pure and full committed to the rightness . One day he sets out , .As he approaches the river , he finds the raft woman to cross him over the river .After a few minutes of waiting ,There she comes _the old woman with the very beautiful princess inside .

'Come in ,please ! And feel free , the old woman said 'Wow .. What a beautiful girl she is ! Who is she anyway ? ',asked the boy ' Well , she is the queen of the river . And she is expecting any boy to be his husband', said the old woman 'and if you loved her , she would give you an easy life and enjoyment of ecstasy !' , continued her Suddenly the girl is taking out a bottle of pheromone some liquid of libido raiser from her basket and spray around the raft . Realizing that it is the pheromone as he is a boy of knowledge , he turns back and gets out of the rafts and said , 'Sorry old woman , it's not the raft what I'm looking forward' But all rafts are ours to be like this ' persisted her 'Ok then, I will be patience to build the raft on my own then you can't force me inside with her pheromone ' ,said the boy Then the boy kept busy making the raft . It takes a week to complete . And finally , he manages to make it out . As he crosses over the river , suddenly right under the middle of it , he sees all the boys crying and begging for help to him ! What They thought to be fun and joyful is just really a

camouflage. They are all taken down apart. And next to his surprise , All the boys look like crocodiles_ having tails and crawl !

of Football ; '' Knowledge is a power to enlarge what all you've known about football

6. The Spiritual Law, 6


5.9. From the above story, see ! Due to no commitment , They turn to be inhabitants of the dirt of the river where the committed boy rides on with the real princess. Home -home sweet home - So I declare ; 'Commitment leads you to a home sweet home ' Look, what knowledge is important to keep the boy away from the fake princess using pheromone and how he is still committed that victory -a line to triumph - is much more and highly important than any others and even it is the most one among all. Without the knowledge, our commitment is easily hijacked and headed to always somewhere else again and again .We'll never be at the top . We're always under the top . Imagine if the commitment of Manny Pacquiao 'the Pac- man' (the Filipino boxer ) had been easily bought and hijacked, Nobody would have known him at all ! So is any country in the world ! If the commitment of any country's goals is easily hijacked. That country deserves being erased from the map due to being unknown by the peoples '

Description ; 6.1. Knowing all the laws of football (from 1-5) ,which I have explained above is not enough ,it must be still completed by the knowledge which never stops growing . Though you are already at best to master all the laws , unless you keep up with the knowledge yourself , to your surprise , you'll get behind so far away . You may get beaten up easily . Because everything is actually a part of the knowledge . Both players and coaches must be always hungered for the knowledge . Knowledge is like the fresh water in the draught . Combining what you've learnt with any new knowledge must be very fun and exotic . Strategies ,tactics and innovations could be a pleasurable relief - They can always give you spaces to expand. Don't be afraid of keeping up with them. So I declare : 'Those, who are being afraid of anything new are easily drowned behind and already behind '

6.2. See people who work in the darkness . They always put a spotlight on the fore-head to see all surroundings . They need it to help them out to see . But here you are already far different from them . By having all the laws of football, you've got already the spot light inside of you . So the knowledge

here is for more the light on _not the new spot light to have anymore . How nice it is ! The light on you is much more than the others. Even someday you may develop into new tactical term of football of yours . For example ; a. Total football was found by Nederland coach -Rinus Mitchel b. Catenaccio football by the Italian coach c. Kick and rush by England coach d. Spaniard football by Spanish coach e. Body crash football by the African f. Jogo Bonito football by Brazilian

no fight , no injure , no harassment , no provocation ,no racisms and many other no 'es ,but love ,friendship , and respect .and the match will be like the festival which is full of entertaining party of goals . What a great skying football ! 6.4. There's one good example to see of it . When Barcelona had a grand final match versus Manchester United in Champion League 2011 League. Barcelona really did show on how to win up in the match till all players of MU felt happy because they got a lesson of football from the Rival. That's what I mean to show on _not to show off Here I declare ; 'The result of showing on at playing the skying football is to win up not to win down ' 6.5. After I have shown you the style of football to found , you must be inspired to think up any name of style you found. Let it be your brand market to attract the people to come into the stadium . The fans must be curious if you put a name of your football . So from now on , all coaches should have the identical name of the football style they make up . This is how to attract people to come into the stadium ! By the knowledge, it does happen that People will enjoy up to welcome any football matches. They will spend the money no matter how high/ expensive the ticket is . They have been developed into having the sky eyes! So here is again my declaration ; 'Oh Coach , please Dare enough to put a Brand name on your football style as it is like the fragrant flower magnet for the bees to come''

And many others ! So now , what about your own invention and innovation ?? You must be able to find your own style of playing the football ! Not only to follow the crowd or all which has been common. Here to say , '' 0nly does the great coach manage to create a new style of playing football of his own '' 6.3. Talking about the style , here I happen to create my own style to play and I find it better not to say ' those all ' but _ I feel up to say ' the skying football ' 'The skying football is a football without harming and defeating. It is a football of showing on ' It seems to be exaggerate by that name . But actually that's quite a simple thing of football . Only the output is very high standard . That's the identity of the skying football . There'll be

6.5. And by the way , to tell you plainly ! A brand name here is indeed in need being the summary of your knowledge on how you put the football to play in. Say Like in a book. When you finish up reading , there's always a summary. So is the football . After a lot kinds of practice ,there the summary comes ! Suppose you were the author to make the book out .Will it be no title ?? It' s impossible, isn t it ! ? So is the coach , will it be no title of what football style you are trying to make out ?? It's impossible, isn t it ! So I declare 'Football without a name is like a book without a title and no ever author does it '

'Battle on names makes the match more inspiring and triggering. What a more lovely football ! ' Why so ? Because before the match is held, our mind would be played on already . This also educates the people how to see and watch and judge the quality more than just the fanaticsm . Everybody will be forced to follow the ideation of the brand names instead the dull dead fanaticsm . On that good reason above , FIFA can make up the regulation as well that every club should have the brand name on its way of football . And that's ok to change it every season or month due to the change of the style or the coach. Although it is not a must to do it. If it is better ,why not anyway !

6.6. From the above declaration , It means ' A coach who doesn't put a name on the work of football he is making out_ doesn't deserve being called as a reputated and knowledgeable one ' So, from now on . Let do the battle on names. It would be much more entertaining and very much inspiring for everybody ,wouldn't it ? Say like this ,for example ! Watch tonight on RCTI, The Champion League Barcelona FC (the hitting football) Vs AC Milan ( the Rising football ) ! Which is more fantastic ? Don't miss it, Thank You 6.8. Alright ! I've been up enough with this law . And now we can add it up with some related quotations , as follows ; ! a. Imagination is more important than knowledge. -Albert Einstein b. The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. - Albert Einstein

c. There comes a time when the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge but can never prove how it got there. -Albert Einstein

6.7. See What a triggering idea ,of course .!! So, I declare !

d. The only source of knowledge is experience.- Albert Einstein

n. Knowledge cultivates your seeds and does not sow in your seeds. - Kahlil Gibran

e. Information is not knowledge. -Albert Einstein f. Knowledge of what is does not open the door directly to what should be. - Albert Einstein

g. It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.- Albert Einstein h. Imagination that opens and sees is knowledge- Supardi S Pard_the narrator of AsmeyD YatateR S Pard. i. j. Imagination that opens is knowledge ; that closes is a curse -supardi S Pard A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle. - Kahlil Gibran

k. Knowledge of the self is the mother of all knowledge. So it is incumbent on me to know myself, to know it completely, to know its minutiae, its characteristics, its subtleties, and its very atoms. - Kahlil Gibran


Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof. - Kahlil Gibran

m. Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge. Kahlil Gibran

7. The Spiritual

Law, 7th of Football ; 'Having Good Manner both Inside and outside the field_ should be the effect of football ''

Description ; 7.1. This is the last law of Football that manner matters . Footballers should be the idols for goodness, discipline, struggle, hard work ,respect ,fairness and other good qualities. No footballers are drug-abuse ,drunkard, Gamblers, doping user, or the likes. Footballers should be the ones without putting his life into destruction and danger .They really must take care of his health ,mentality and mind . In addition, they have to promote healthy way of life among the people especially young generation . They must keep away from night clubs, bars , prostitution, casinos .and some others alike. Take a look at Kaka-Real Madrid midfielder , he doesn't really have fun for himself staying around from night clubs to other night clubs . he donates much of his income for churches. What a great thing of him , indeed . So I declare ; ' Let the football inspires you all the good things inside and outside for the humanity progress ' 7.2. It's really stupid, then. When sometimes we could still see some coaches smoking while they are standing off the line to instruct the team during the match . What a bad example for everybody ! On this case, FIFA should issue some ethical code of conducts to obey

inside the match ! They don't deserve smoking wildly like that ! And see also How Mourinho ,Real Madrid coach , often provokes the opponent team a lot , it is also Against the conduct ,inevitably . So far ,We might think that provocation has been quite necessary as it is a part of the game like spices for the food . Some agree while others don't . To me , I'm afraid it's just good only for people who are unknown yet how the football should be presented. But it doesn't work anymore for the people who have known how it is presented. In short , that might be right just for today but not for tomorrows. Since we are hitting the tomorrows , slowly but sure Some kind of provocative actions should not be the addiction both for players and coaches. Let s rise up the codes of Conduct inside and outside the field . Only do They really have to focus on how the match could be the festival of the entertaining arts. That's it and that's all !

7.3. From the above situation, Here I declare ; 'Let the codes of conducts ( inside and outside the field ) be the rule to maintain and promote humanity ,equality and fraternity ' Hopefully under these conducts ,There will be no more racisms , no more violence ,no more harassment, no more provocation , no more character assassination ,no more bribery , no more fighting, no more insultment, no more smoking matching coaches, no more improper protest, no more gambling, no more driving fast ,no more alcoholic drinks

,no more adultery crime, and no more other bad conducts at all for the footballers and their coaches . So are the spectators the fans . Good bye all Hooliganism, Gambling and Racism. But let the good things only happen . I wish it were possible to be true someday sooner ! If it were so , it might be ok to say , 'Let the football be the 2nd religion of humanity for Equality and fraternity ' 7.4. Based on that declaration as the 2nd religion , We can say that any problems happening inside and outside the match (especially the inside ) must be under the equality and fraternity spirit. For example ; To ancipate the confusion of goal due to the speed bounce of the ball under the line of the goal keeper mistar , FIFA will use technology to eye watch . And this will be in use for the World cup in Brazil . See how it will harm the equality and fraternity If FIFA does it. Because it uses the technology and not all men can do that as it is more expensive and complicated . So, just For the sake of equality , It's better to use the additional referees as a goal Watcher. And See how human can do that actually, not the machine . So simple ,isn't it ? Here to delare ! ' Men is for football. Not football is for men ' It means that football must be played as naturally as possible as a men not as a machine to carry on . In other words, it could be still played fairly in any part of the countries, although it doesn't have a technology .If the technology talks to carry on the match , it won't be effective anymore to be played anywhere !

7.5. Is it a Change ,as there are Five Referees ? Why not ! Only Change which is perpetual . Nothing doesn't change , does it ? So, don't be afraid of improving the game though it looks like a change ! But indeed , it's not a change . It's a break-through ! Technology is good but it must be for the outside of the game only like Television , Radio ,internet ,etc .It doesn't go inside to the game but its role will promote it more easily and quickly .that's what the technology is For ! 7.6. Now about the related quotations on this law of football _the good manner .what do the philosophers say ? Here they are (if any ) : a. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life. - Robert A. Heinlein b. Clothes and manners do not make the man; but when he is made, they greatly improve his appearance. Arthur Ashe

c. Equality is the public recognition, effectively expressed in institutions and manners, of the principle that an equal degree of attention is due to the needs of all human beings. - Simone Weil d. Friends and good manners will carry you where money won't go. Margaret Walker e. Evil communication corrupts good manners. I hope to live to hear that good communication corrects bad manners. - Benjamin Banneker

f. Fine manners need the support of fine manners in others. - Ralph Waldo Emerson g. All men are created equal, it is only men themselves who place themselves above equality. - David Allan Coe


Sisipan Penting !!!


h. Equality is the soul of liberty; there is, in fact, no liberty without it. - Frances Wright i. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Pasal 72 (1) Barangsiapa dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak melakukan perbuatan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 ayat (1) atau Pasal 49 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) dipidana dengan pidana penjara masing-masing paling singkat 1 (satu) bulan dan/atau denda paling sedikit Rp 1.000.000,00 (satu juta rupiah), atau pidana penjara paling lama 7 (tujuh) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp,00 (lima miliar rupiah). (2) Barangsiapa dengan sengaja menyiarkan, memamerkan, mengedarkan, atau menjual kepada umum suatu Ciptaan atau barang hasil pelanggaran Hak Cipta atau Hak Terkait sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp 500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah). (3) Barangsiapa dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak memperbanyak penggunaan untuk kepentingan komersial suatu Program Komputer dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp 500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah).


I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood. - Martin Luther King, Jr. *** GOOD LUCKS ***

WISH OF CONCLUSION FOR THIS BOOK! Let this Spiritual Laws of Football manage to lead your National Football Team into the FIFA WORLD CUP -

(4) Barangsiapa dengan sengaja melanggar Pasal 17 dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp,00 (satu miliar rupiah). (5) Barangsiapa dengan sengaja melanggar Pasal 19, Pasal 20, atau Pasal 49 aya t (3) dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 2 (dua) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp 150.000.000,00 (seratus lima puluh juta rupiah). (6) Barangsiapa dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak melanggar Pasal 24 atau Pasal 55 dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 2 (dua) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp 150.000.000,00 (seratus lima puluh juta rupiah). (7) Barangsiapa dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak melanggar Pasal 25 dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 2 (dua) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp 150.000.000,00 (seratus lima puluh juta rupiah). (8) Barangsiapa dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak melanggar Pasal 27 dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 2 (dua) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp 150.000.000,00 (seratus lima puluh juta rupiah). (9) Barangsiapa dengan sengaja melanggar Pasal 28 dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp 1.500.000.000,00 (satu miliar lima ratus juta rupiah).





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