ITSMS Business Requirements Document

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IT Service Management System (ITSMS)


November 21, 2011

Prepared by: MBTC-ITG Project Manager ___________________

Approved by: MBTC-ITG Department MBTC-ITG Department MBTC-ITG Division Head ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

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Background.....................................................................................................................................................5 Scope................................................................................................................................................................5 Assumption......................................................................................................................................................5 Inventory Module...........................................................................................................................................6 Vendor Management Module......................................................................................................................10

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1. Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version

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2. Executive Summary
Information Technology Group (ITG) plans to implement an integrated software solution called IT Service Management System (ITSMS) that will support the different ITG service functions like vendor management, inventory of IT equipments, service call logging/monitoring and FFE requests monitoring.

ITGs current service functions such as inventory and vendor management are being maintained using Microsoft Office Excel. Manual maintenance of voluminous records poses challenges in terms of activity log monitoring, as the history of transactions are not saved, and reporting, as the data is not stored in a database and data manipulation is difficult. The current processes entail: maintenance of several Excel sheets and each sheet corresponds to different IT equipments manual tracking and monitoring of IT assets manual tracking of expiring contracts, warranties and agreements manual reporting activities human error during manipulation of the records in the file higher manpower and overhead costs late renewal of contracts, warranties and agreements longer preparation of reports

These manual tasks result to:

ITSMS will be implemented in 2 phases; the first phase covers the following: Implementation of an integrated system that will handle (1) inventory of IT equipments, and (2) vendor management. Migration of the vendor contracts, agreements, warranties records to the new system.

The requirements for the other service modules like the Service Call Management, Resource Assignment & Work Tracking and FFE Monitoring will be discussed in a separate BRD.

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3. Business Requirements
Inventory Module
BR No. SET-UP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SECURITY 21 REPORTS 22 23 Capable of generating pre-defined reports exportable to .xls, .pdf, .csv, and .html Capable of generating any type of report using query reports Allows authentication of users using Microsoft Active Directory Allows creation of hierarchical user access levels administrator, officer and staff Allows creation of user-defined fields Allows creation of field validation rules Allows creation of a pick-list for each user-defined field User-maintainable setting of parameters for alerts/notifications Allows multi-company set-up to support assets deployed in Subsidiaries and Affiliates Allows classification of asset whether it is hardware or software Allows tracking of assets, e.g. hardware, software, mainframe components, CCTV, UPS and licenses Accepts multi-currency and includes field for the base conversion rate during the time of acquisition Allows input of the status of an asset, e.g. active, deployed or terminated. Must not allow duplicate entries for key fields Capable of tracking the complete lifecycle of the assets Capable of tracking the history of repair/replacement/redeployment Capable of alerts/notifications for items due for maintenance, expiring warranties, expiring license, End of Life, End of Support, etc. Capable of reading/accepting barcodes Capable of linking vendor/contract information for assets with contracts Allows import and validation of external data sources like .csv, .xls and SQL database Capable of getting the complete ownership and history of all assets Capable of tracking relationships between assets (optional) Allows users to track lease information of assets, if applicable Business Requirement


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Capable of generating the complete asset summary and audit reports

The following are the basic fields that should be present in the Inventory module: Field Name Type of Asset 1. Hardware 2. Software 3. Others Hardware Asset Information Brand/Model Serial No. Barcode W2W Sticker OEM Sticker Hardware Type Brand/Model of the item string 20 Serial no. of the item string 50 Assigned barcode sticker string 50 Assigned wall-to-wall sticker Assigned OEM sticker Sample values: 1. Workstations 2. Laptop 3. Servers 4. CCTV 5. Scanners 6. Printers 7. Check Readers 8. UPS 9. Storage 10. Router 11. Switches Computer Name IP Address Physical/Virtual CPU Clock Speed CPU/Processor Type Internal HD Type 7 of 12 Name of the Computer IP Address of the item Remarks Classification of asset. The following are the valid values:

Internal HD Size External HD Type External HD Size (GB) RAM Size/Capacity (MB/GB) RAM Type Operating System Service Pack Disk Name Tape Name SAN Switch Name Port No. Monitor Type Serial No. Mouse Type Serial No. Keyboard Type Serial No. Software (under License) Volume Licensing Program License Type Agreement No. Description (Scope) Others Name Description IP Address 1 MAC Address 1 Gateway1 Network Switch 1 Port Assignment port number? Acquisition Information (under Contracts / Linked to contracts) Acquisition Date Vendor Name Description of the Agreement/Software Via Patch

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Manufacturer PO No. PO Date Sales Invoice No. Sales Invoice Date Quantity Original Cost Original Currency Conversion Rate in PHP Cost in PHP Start of Validity Date Expiry Date Maintenance Frequency Sample values: 1. Quarterly 2. Semi-annual 3. Annual Maintenance Schedule Date Alert/Notify Before RC Code Business Unit (1) RC Code Group Name (2) RC Code Division (3) RC Code Department (4) RC Code Section (5) RC Code Region (Location) No. of months/days before the Maintenance Schedule Date RC Code who uses the resource Business Unit who uses the resource Group Name who uses the resource Division who uses the resource Department who uses the resource Section who uses the resource Sample values: 1. HO 2. Luzon 3. Luzon-BO 4. Mindanao 5. Mindanao-BO 6. MM 7. MM-BO 8. Visayas 9 of 12 Deployment Information (Related to Organization Hierarchy) Cost unit

9. Visayas-BO

Vendor Management Module

BR No. SET-UP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SECURITY 14 REPORTS 15 16 Capable of generating pre-defined reports exportable to .xls, .pdf, .csv, and .html Capable of generating any type of report using query reports Allows authentication of users using Microsoft Active Directory Allows creation of hierarchical user access levels administrator, officer and staff Allows creation of user-defined fields Allows creation of field validation rules Allows creation of a pick-list for each user-defined field User-maintainable setting of parameters for alerts/notifications System must not allow duplicate entries for key fields Allows classification of asset whether it is hardware or software Accepts multi-currency and includes field for the base conversion rate during the time of acquisition Capable of tracking the history of each contract, warranty or agreement. Capable of storing the profile of the vendor, e.g. contact details, contact person, etc. Capable of alerts/notifications for expiring contracts, agreements and warranties Capable of associating vendor/contract information for assets with contracts Allows import and validation of external data sources like .csv, .xls and SQL database Business Requirement


The following are the basic fields that should be present in the Vendor Management module: Field Name Vendor Information Vendor Name Vendor Short Name (Alias) Address Name of the Vendor Vendor Short Name Address of the Company 10 of 12 Remarks

Contact Person Contact Nos. Type of Products being offered

via Contacts tab Sample values: (to be attached directly to CIs) 1. Hardware 2. Software 3. Services

Contract Information Agreement No./Contract ID Agreement Description Type of Maintenance Agreement Description of the Agreement Sample values: 1. SSL Certificate 2. Software 3. Hardware 4. Domain Name Registrations 5. UPS/Aircon 6. Telco 7. ISP 8. Select Plus 9. Enterprise 10. Select 11. Premier Support Type of Telco Lines Required field if the value of the Type of MA is TELCO. Sample Values: 1. Leased line 2. Direct line 3. Local line 4. Mobile 5. IPVPN Type of Plan Phone Model/IMEI No./Mobile No. Agreement Start Date Agreement End Date PO No. 11 of 12 Required field if the value of the Type of Telco Lines is MOBILE. Optional field Start Date of Agreement End Date of Agreement

PO Date Sales Invoice No. Sales Invoice Date Original Cost Original Currency Conversion Rate in PHP Cost in PHP IT Division involved Remarks Optional field Optional field

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