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This thesis is presented in partial fulfilment for the award of the Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Hons) in Electronics Universiti Kuala Lumpur



It is hereby declared that all the materials in this report are the result of my own work and all the materials, which are not a result of my own, have been clearly acknowledged and any references have been notified in this report.

Date: 18th November 2011

Signature Name ID No.

: ...................................... : HARIFI BIN DERAFA : 51211209025



I have examined this report and verify that it meets the program and Universitys requirement for the bachelor of Engineering Technology (Hons) in Electronics.

Date: 18th November 2011

Signature : ....................................................... Supervisor : MDM NOORAZLINA M.SALIH Official Stamp: ..................................................



In the name of Allah SWT, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, all praise to Allah for all incredible gift endowed upon me and for giving the health and strength that enable me to complete this thesis. I am heartily thankful to my supervisor Mdm Noorazlina Bt Mohamid Salih for accepting me as her student and for providing me the opportunity to work on a project that I chose personally. I would also like to thank her for her encouragement, guidance and unfailing support throughout the completion of my research project and this thesis. I owe my deepest gratitude to my dearest friends Mr. Zulkifli Abd Wahab, Ms. Farah Hanani Mohammad Khasasi, Ms. Hasmidah Nusi, Mr. Alif Adha Mohd Kamal, Mr. Zulfadhli Azri, Mr. Nawawi Sahini and Mr Mohamad Syafiq Salahudin for taking time out of their busy schedule and providing their valuable expertise, support and guiding me through the completion of this thesis. I am grateful and thankful for my beloved parent Mr. Derafa Abdullah and Mrs. Fatimah Abd Rahman for their understanding and encouragement in a number of ways and believing that I could get through this. Lastly, I offer my regards and blessings to all of those who supported me in any respect during the completion of this project.



This project emphasize on solving the difficulties faced by peoples who are seeking for a vacant parking space in large parking areas such as mega shopping malls, big buildings and stadiums, especially during peak hours or when the parking lots are almost full. In this paper, it discuss about the design and implementation of Informative Parking System with Microcontroller Interfacing (IPSMI) that allow drivers to effectively find the vacant parking spaces. This paper also consists of the objectives to be achieved upon the completion of this project, the methods use in carrying out the whole processes and also the result of the preceding executions. This system is intended to guide the people in the effort of finding the vacant parking space in no matter of time. The mean of implementing this project is through visual aids where people respond to indicators such as liquid crystal display (LCD), seven segments and other optical devices with extra cautious. The system will be integrated and controlled by programmable integrated chip (PIC) technology. Throughout the development phases, it is expected that the problem introduced can be resolve. The experiment results also shows that the proposed guided-based parking policy has the potential to simplify the operations of parking systems, as well as alleviate traffic congestion, cost and time wastage caused by parking searching.





i ii iii iv vi vii viii


INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Project background Problem statement Objectives Scope of project and limitation 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.5 Scope of project Limitations
1 2 2 2 3 3 3

Thesis Distribution





Performance Metrics 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 Walking Distance Parking Revenue Traffic Searching for the Parking

4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 10 11 11


State-of-the-art Parking Management Solutions 2.2.1 2.2.2 Blind Search Reserved-Based Smart Parking System System Architecture 2.2.3 Parking Information Sharing (PIS) System Architecture 2.2.4 Smart Parking Lots

2.3 2.4

Review of history Summary



3.1 3.2 3.3

System Architecture System Description Project Development Process 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 Software Development Hardware (Prototype) Development System Flow Chart IC Programming

12 13 14 14 16 22 23





Guided System Perspective 4.1.1 Traffic Searching for Parking

24 24 26 32

4.2 4.3

Result of Simulation Discussion



5.1 5.2

Conclusion Future Development

33 34





36 42 43 44 47 49 52 54 55






Reservation-based Smart Parking System [Hongwei Wang and Wenbo Hey, 2011]

Parking Lot Model [R. Lu, X. Lin, H. Zhu and X. Shen, 2009]


Parking Reserve System [D Rohm, M Goyal, H Hosseini and K Vairavan, 2008]



Informative Parking System with Microcontroller Interfacing Block Diagram


3.3.1 (a) 3.3.1 (b) 3.3.2 (a) 3.3.2 (b) 3.3.2 (c) 3.3.2 (d)

Software simulation using Proteus Circuit design for Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Circuit design printed on plastic sheet PCB with circuit design dipped into etching substant The unwanted copper has been removed Drilling the holes for components

14 15 16 17 18 19


3.3.2 (e) 3.3.2 (f) 3.3.2 (g) 3.3.2 (h) 3.3.2 (i) 3.3.3 4.1.1 (a)

PCB with drilled holes Soldering process Finish soldering Result after soldering process Circuit design for Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Flow chart of the overall system Traffic searching for parking comparison under different parking guidance strategies

19 20 20 21 21 22 25

4.1.1 (b)

Signals for input and output value with respect to the clock input


4.2 (a) 4.2 (b) 4.2 (c) 4.2 (d) 4.2 (e) 4.2 (f) 4.2 (g) 4.2 (h) 4.2 (i) 4.2 (j)

The system in initial condition (no vehicle) Graphic simulation - initial Condition after several vehicles entering the parking lot Testing using the prototype Graphic simulation after vehicles entrance The system suggesting another level The system prompt user to take the ticket (entry) The system prompt user to insert the ticket (exit) The parking space is full Graphic simulation after vehicles entrance

27 27 28 28 29 30 30 30 31 31



This chapter will provide the overview of the project title, its background and the problems statement. In addition, this chapter will also discussed the objectives of the project implementation, the scope of works to be done and the limitations that have been encountered upon the completion of this project.


Project background The Informative Parking System with Microcontroller Interfacing is a project

for the convenience of the people who want to save time and energy in searching for the parking. It consists of several parts; inputs: sensors (loop detector, motion detector); outputs: display (LCD, LED, 7-Segment), sound (buzzer); processor: PIC (programming and execution of the software). The main focus of this project is to relate the inputs and outputs using an interface that can execute what have been programmed so the outcome will be as expected. It will provide information and study as much as possible so that it can be reviewed in the future for better development. It also will be conclude with recommendations on the most suitable solution for the existing problems. Upon the completion of this project, it is expect and hope to bring benefit to others. This system will not only be a big help to customer but also will be an added advantage to the premises owner as the customer will prefer an informative and systematic parking area which will help them to find a free space in shorter period than they usually do.


Problem statement The problem of seeking vacant parking space is classified as critical

especially in the city area. The existing methods only show the levels name, confusing displays and indicators. Many researchers have been developing methods to solve the issues arise but only to come up with a system that is not cost effective. However, in terms of implementation, reliability and cost wise, the proposed project, Informative Parking System with Microcontroller Interfacing (IPSMI) is the best solution because the system is cheaper but the performance and application is powerful enough to make IPSMI a reliable system. The microcontroller which functions as the systems main processor has various models that have its own unique features. These features give an absolute answer towards the implementation of complex electronic system.


Objectives The objective of the work is to investigate and to design a system that can

provide a solution to the long existing problem. The main objectives can be summarized as to develop a system that capable to show the solution of parking difficulties. It is also aimed to develop a system that can save the time and cost by introducing programmable integrated chip (PIC) technology that can utilize its input and output to the fullest and to offer the parking owner a sophisticated yet a great solution to their problem. Finally, with this project it is intended to provide knowledge on how programmable IC works after being programmed and to understand the ability of a small device to perform multitask.


Scope of project and limitation The work procedures will be clearly stated and the methods used will

describe the implementation phases so that it provides enough information for future

improvement. The limitation also will be stated so that the future development effort will not encounter the same problems.


Scope of project The scope of the work can be divided into two stages. One is software

development and another is the hardware development. The premeditated procedures have been carefully executed to ensure the project is a total success. The types of user interface elements that are the subject of this project are individual sensors, displays, indicators, switches and buttons. Beyond the individual elements, this report also emphasize on how the system operate and work together. One aspect of this is device behaviour, which includes descriptions of different parts within the system and how the devices perform in order to fulfil its task. Device behaviour also includes more complex ideas, such as real time update.


Limitations Throughout the completion of this project, there have been various

hindrances and obstacles encountered that may delay the process flow and also jeopardize the whole project. Among of the difficulty that must be faced was to develop a working prototype that is crucial in order to show the working principle of this system. Lack of knowledge in fabricating a functioning circuit also become my drawback as it will affect the whole process.


Thesis Distribution In the first and second chapter, the general content was introduced. It also

provides the information related to the project as the projects reference. The techniques, methodology involved and result were presented in Chapter 3 and 4. The last chapter will conclude all the findings and analysis to provide the outcomes.



Chapter 2 have provided the literature reviews on the main research focus which is on how to tackle and solve the parking difficulties face by people. This chapter also reviewed the background on the existing smart parking systems, including the performance metrics, existing solutions and challenges. The related works also being briefly discussed.


Performance Metrics To evaluate the performance of a parking management system, the following

metrics are introduced, which reflect the needs of involved parties, and our concerns on traffic congestion and environmental protection.


Walking Distance Walking distance is defined as the distance from a drivers selected parking

space to the destination. It is an important factor for a driver to determine where to park. Usually, a driver wants to park as close to the destination as possible if his budget permits. Therefore, the walking distance indicates the satisfaction of drivers.


Parking Revenue Regardless of whether a parking lot is privately owned or municipally owned,

parking revenue represents the benefit to the parking providers. Since multiple parties are involved in this system, my design does not aim to maximize the parking

revenue for service providers only, but allows them to obtain profits at reasonable level.


Traffic Searching for the Parking The traffic generated by drivers searching for parking is not negligible and

reflects the social welfare. Hence, an efficient parking guidance system should efficiently reduce the traffic searching for parking. Also, reducing the amount of searching time for parking is desired by drivers.

The performance of the proposed smart parking system has been investigate using these performance metrics;


State-of-the-art Parking Management Solutions This section provides the study of several existing parking approaches and

their limitations. Furthermore, the simulation of these different parking management strategies under realistic traffic and parking conditions, compare their performance and results are shown in section 4.0.


Blind Search Blind searching is the simple strategy applied by users when there is no

parking information. In this case, the drivers keep cruising for parking spaces within a certain distance to their destination. The drivers will stop searching until finding any available space. Otherwise, the drivers will extend the searching area and continuously look for vacant spaces in the neighbouring parking lots.


Reserved-Based Smart Parking System In this paper [1], A Reservation-based Smart Parking System by Hongwei

Wang and Wenbo Hey, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE, USA, 2011, the authors design and implement a prototype of Reservation-based Smart Parking System (RSPS) that allows drivers to effectively find and reserve the vacant parking spaces. By periodically learning the parking status from the sensor networks deployed in parking lots, the reservation service is affected by the change of physical parking status. The drivers are allowed to access this cyber-physical system with their personal communication devices. The experiment results show that the proposed reservation-based parking policy has the potential to simplify the operations of parking systems, as well as alleviate traffic congestion caused by parking searching. System Architecture Figure shows three components in the system, including parking lots, users and the management system. The management system determines the dynamic parking prices based on real-time parking information, and broadcast live parking prices to users (also drivers). The price reflects the relationship between demand and supply, and implies the congestion level. Upon receiving dynamic parking prices, the user selects a desired parking lot and reserves a space in the parking lot. According to their budget constraint and convenience degree, the parking decision would vary by user. Every parking lot has access to the Internet to communicate with the management system and users, and share parking information with other parking lots. In each parking lot, the reservation authority is deployed for authenticating the individual users identity and reservation request.

Figure Reservation-based Smart Parking System [Hongwei Wang and Wenbo Hey, 2011]

In this case, the reservation authority in the parking lot communicates with the specific user individually. Once the reservation order is confirmed, the reservation authority updates reservation information to hold the related space for the user. The sensor system deployed in parking lot is responsible for monitoring the real-time condition of parking lots and delivers the live aggregated sensing information (the number of available spaces or occupancy rate) to the management system. The sensing information is updated on demand.


Parking Information Sharing (PIS) This mechanism is commonly adopted by the current state of the smart

parking system design which introduced in this paper [2]. This paper is SPARK: A New VANET-based Smart Parking Scheme for Large Parking Lots by R. Lu, X. Lin, H. Zhu and X. Shen, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University 7

of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2009. In this paper, they are committed to developing a new VANET-based Smart PARKing (SPARK) scheme to provide drivers with convenient parking services in large parking lots. The SPARK scheme is characterized by employing parking lot Roadside Units (RSUs) to surveil and manage the whole parking lot using VANET communication technology. Specifically, the SPARK scheme makes the following contributions. Firstly, the SPARK scheme can provide real-time parking navigation service to drivers in large parking lots. With the real-time parking navigation, the drivers can find the vacant parking space quickly. Therefore, the gasoline and time wasted in search of vacant parking space can be reduced. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first such effort in the context of VANET-based real-time parking navigation. Secondly, the SPARK scheme provides VANET-based intelligent anti-theft protection service. With this service, all vehicles parked at the smart parking lot are guarded by the parking lots RSUs. Once a vehicle is illegally leaving the parking lot, the RSUs can quickly detect the anomaly. Thirdly, the SPARK scheme can provide friendly parking information dissemination service to the moving vehicles. With this friendly parking information, the drivers can conveniently and quickly choose their preferred parking lots close to their destinations. Finally, the SPARK scheme can also ensure the conditional privacy preservation of the On-Board Units (OBUs), which is regarded as the basic security requirement in VANET communications [3]. System Architecture The system model consists of a trusted authority (TA), OBUs equipped on the vehicles, stationary parking lot RSUs and a large number of parking spaces.

Figure Parking Lot Model [R. Lu, X. Lin, H. Zhu and X. Shen, 2009]

TA is a trust and powerful entity, whose responsibility is in charge of the registration of both OBUs and the parking lot RSUs. OBUs are installed on the vehicles, which can communicate with each other and RSUs for achieving useful information, i.e., traffic information and parking lot information. Each OBU has a unique identifier, IDi. In order to protect the privacy of the OBU, when an OBU with IDi registers itself to TA, TA first converts the real identifier IDi into a pseudo-ID (PIDi), and generates a private key ski corresponding to the pseudo-ID of the OBU. When an OBU enters a smart parking lot, it will receive a pair of ticket ID and respective ticket key, which is only known to the driver. RSUs are important components for smart parking lots. As shown in Fig., three RSUs, i.e., RSU0 at position (0, 0), RSUa at position (Xa, Ya) and RSUb at position (Xb, Yb), are erected in the parking lot. With this deployment, the whole parking lot (including the parking spaces and vehicles) can be under surveillance of the three RSUs. After the smart parking lot with identifier IDj is inspected by TA, TA will generate a private key skj corresponding to the identifier IDj and distribute the private key skj to these parking lot RSUs. 9


Smart Parking Lots In this position paper, Smart Parking Lots of the Future by D Rohm, M

Goyal, N Dua, H Hosseini and K Vairavan from Computer Science Department, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA, 2008, the authors propose of using the IEEE 802.15.4 standard with zigbee multihop routing to allow for per parking space monitoring of parking spaces. The system architecture and concept are merely having a slight differentiation with the project proposed in Reserved-Based Smart Parking System [1] by Hongwei Wang and Wenbo Hey.

Figure 2.2.4: Parking Reserve System [D Rohm, M Goyal, N Dua, H Hosseini and K Vairavan, 2008]

As in Figure 2.2.4, the system is a reserve-based where the customer can reserve their desired parking space. The difference is this system using the IEEE 802.15.4 standard with zigbee multihop routing.



Review of history From the history that have been reviewed and evaluate it can be found that the project that has been developed has the similar concept with what have been researched by previous authors. However those research and projects have difference in implementation if comparing to the proposed project. But, by having several of references it gives enough knowledge to develop the desired prototype.


Summary Overall, this chapter provides the information about the source that is used in order to get extra information and understanding during the early stages of this project. It provides the insight of what are supposed to be done to upgrade the existing ideas and to realizing the project.




This chapter will discuss on the methodology use to complete this project. It consists of early stage, development stage and finishing stage. It will describe on the draft planning, equipments and components involve.


System Architecture Figure 3.1 shows three components in the system, including inputs, processor

and outputs. Inputs will cover the sensors and power system, microcontroller as the processor and the outputs will be the display and indicators.

Figure 3.1: Informative Parking System with Microcontroller Interfacing Block Diagram 12


System Description This system flows started when the car taking the ticket at the ticketing

machine. At this stage, after the car left the loop detector, the counter will count the car as one valid entry. The counter will count the number of cars that have been entering the premises. One valid entry will deduct the total amount of cars that can be park in the particular level. By this, the users will know how much parking space left in the respective level. At the entrance of every floor there will be an LCD display that will inform the driver about the vacant parking. If that particular floor has full, the LCD will display FULL PARKING and then system will suggest the driver to the floors or buildings which still have vacant space. There will be also an indicator that shows the status at every floor whether low, medium or full. At every parking slot also will be having an indicator to show whether the slots are vacant (GREEN) or not (RED). By referring to Figure 3.1, for the input part, the sensors type can be varied. The type of sensors can be ranges from motion sensor, metal sensors and heat sensor. Its function is to detect the presence of vehicle when the vehicle occupied the space. The processor is the main part of the system. The microcontroller incorporate the inputs and the outputs fit to the users need. Figure 3.1 also exemplifies the microcontrollers ability to show the best performance when it comes to performing several operations at the same time without compromising the whole system. Its features allow this device to control several input and output ports yet minimizing the power consumptions. The output part is the crucial part where the user depends on these outputs as they are blind searching for parking. These visual aids vary and depend on the suitability of condition and location to be use. As an example, the LCD will be mounted at every level entrance and the dot-matrix will be installed at every ramp and junction that shows which direction the user should go. All the processes above are illustrated in Figure 3.3.3.



Project Development Process To ensure the project develops accordingly, the processes have been

segregated into two stages; software development and hardware development.


Software Development Software development is the tools use to drive the PIC controller. High level

language such as C is chosen to be implemented in the project. For the software development, a series of program will be created suit with the requirement by the site. This project will require constructing the exact prototype to show that this system can be executed in the real world. Before fabricating the system, the circuit need to be design and tested. The simulation software, Proteus, is use to simulate the hardware as in Figure 3.3.1 (a).

Figure 3.3.1 (a): Software simulation using Proteus


By using this software, it can help to analyse and test whether the circuit works or not. As illustrate in Figure 3.3.1 (a), all the components can be linked even without using the wire connection thus ease the jobs of connecting all the components in the circuit. This software also helps the designer to design electronic circuit and simulate it before being produce. This will help reducing the cost of fabrication and time for designing and testing. Once the program and the hardware are functioning, then the exact hardware can be constructing. After the program and circuit has been tested, the Proteus is net-linked with another software, Ares, to design the circuit that is needed for the next development stage; hardware development. In software Ares, the circuit that have been constructed in Proteus can be loaded and Ares will automatically design a circuit as shown in Figure 3.3.1 (b).

Figure 3.3.1 (b): Circuit design for Printed Circuit Board (PCB)



Hardware (Prototype) Development The steps of developing a prototype start with designing the circuit using PCB. The finished circuit design was shown in Figure 3.3.1 (b). This section will elaborate the phases and steps involved in producing the hardware.

PHASE 1: Circuit printing The finished circuit can be printed on a special PCB sheet or plastic. The toner (carbon-based) will be printed on the sheet as in Figure 3.3.2 (a) and the circuit is ready to be transferred onto the PCB.

Figure 3.3.2 (a): Circuit design printed on plastic sheet

After the circuit printed on the plastic sheet, the next step is to transfer the design onto PCB. The process of transferring the circuit design onto the PCB will need to use excessive heat, so a domestic iron will be use. The processes are as follows: 16

Step 1: Place the printed sheet onto the PCB (make sure the side is correct). Step 2: Clip and secure the edges to avoid the sheet moving during later steps. Then place the board under a thin fabric. Step 3: The iron need to be heated up to high temperature. Step 4: When the iron is ready, carefully and firmly press the iron onto the area thoroughly. This will allow the toner to adhere on the copper. Step 5: Leave the board for cooling down and after a few minutes take the sheet off and the design will remain.

PHASE 2: Etching After finish transferring the design onto the PCB, the next phase is etching. Etching is a process of removing the unwanted part on the PCB. In this case, the part that is wanted was the circuit diagram that already being transferred on the board. Etching process will use a chemical substant which need to be mixed in hot water. When the mixed substant is ready, the PCB needs to be dipped into the mixture as shown in Figure 3.3.2 (b). Make sure the board drown in the mixture.

Figure 3.3.2 (b): PCB with circuit design dipped into etching substant 17

After that, the container needs to be shaking to dissolve the copper layer on the PCB. After awhile, only the design will remain on the board as shown in Figure 3.3.2 (c). After the etching process, the remaining carbon layer needs to be clean using sand paper.

Figure 3.3.2 (c): The unwanted copper has been removed

PHASE 3: Drilling The PCB need to be drilled to allow the components pin going through the hole and be soldered. This process which illustrates by Figure 3.3.2 (d) also needs to be done cautiously to avoid damaging the circuit. The size of the holes also needs to be taken into calculation. Use .0260 for IC holes and .310 for resistors and capacitors. After the drilling and cleaning, the PCB will look as in Figure 3.3.2 (e).


Figure 3.3.2 (d): Drilling the holes for components

Figure 3.3.2 (e): PCB with drilled holes


PHASE 4: Soldering What left to do is soldering all the components onto the PCB. The steps are illustrates in Figure 3.3.2 (f), Figure 3.3.2 (g) and Figure 3.3.2 (h). Figure 3.3.2 (i) shows the circuit designed using Ares to compare with the finish product shown in Figure 3.3.2 (h).

Figure 3.3.2 (f): Soldering process

Figure 3.3.2 (g): Finish soldering 20

Figure 3.3.2 (h): Result after soldering process

Figure 3.3.2 (i): Circuit design for Printed Circuit Board (PCB)



System Flow Chart


vehicle starts entering the parking area

Taking the ticket

customer taking the ticket as the sign of start point

No Passing opening loop detector Yes ; the system detects the vehicle is at opening loop

Counter = 0

the counter is ready to start counting

No Passing closing loop detector Yes Counter = Counter + 1 || Counter = Counter - 1 ; the system detects the vehicle is at opening loop

the counter is counting UP/DOWN

LCD and indicators guiding customer to the respective levels

the system guiding the customer to the nearest vacant level

Customer search for vacant parking. Green = Vacant Red = Occupied

after reach the respective level, the customer will spot vacant parking by looking at Green light

No Vehicle entering parking slot? Yes ; the sensor detects if vehicle is entering the parking slot

RED light turns to GREEN

the light will turn from RED to GREEN to indicates occupancy


Figure 3.3.3: Flow chart of the overall system



IC Programming One of the key factors in this project is the programming. To test whether the

programming is working or not, the programming needs to be encoded into the integrated chip (IC) and test it virtually using Proteus. Although it is virtually tested, the program needs to be loaded into the chip on every modification. Having this feature, the program can be loaded without having the real chip for testing purposes thus saving valuable time. After verifying that the programming is working, finally the coding can be loaded into the real IC. From PICC Compiler software, the data will be burnt into the chip by first connecting the device burner to the communication port (com port). This can be done by clicking the Program Chip tab and choose ICD. The software will automatically detect the device. After the software detects it, then load the file that is needed by browsing the file location and load the .PJT file. After that click the program button and the coding will be burnt into the IC.




This chapter provides the result and discussion to provide a thoroughly information about the execution result of the proposed project. The outcome of this project will also be discussed to evaluate the relevant of the implementation of this project.


Guided System Perspective The following experimental results define the efficacy and feasibility of the

proposed Informative Parking System with Microcontroller Interfacing (IPSMI) in a time-worth and cost-effective way. The results evaluate the effectiveness of guided policy in terms of following perspective:


Traffic Searching for Parking Figure 4.1.1 (a) shows the comparison of average driving distance between

two methods of finding a vacant parking space. One is through blind searching and another one is through guided-system. The average driving distance under blind search method which illustrate by Line 1 has the worst outcome, especially during the peak hours. It is because without knowing the exact location of a vacant parking, the users tend to wandering around the parking area and thus resulting to wasting time and gas in the attempt. The situation might get worst if there are a lot of vehicle using the same method. On the other hand, the guided system method which represented by Line 2 has the best result compared to blind search because by using this method, the user have the higher rate of probability to find a vacant space.


Line 1 Line 2

Figure 4.1.1 (a): Traffic searching for parking comparison under different parking guidance strategies

During peak hours, most of the parking lots are fully occupied. Consequently, users have to rely on the visual aids where they can find what they were looking for and it results in the reduction of average driving distance. Figure 4.1.1 (b) is the signal representation of the inputs sensor at the parking space in accordance with their output signal. Respectively, Wave 1 and Wave 2 are the enable input and clock input for the system. Enable and Clock data gives the instruction to execute the system. After the system is ready, it waits for the input signal from the sensors which represented by Wave 3. Before the input signal being generated (in this case, before the sensor detect the presence of a vehicle), the signal in Wave 4 will show reading. It means, the status of the parking is vacant. However, when the sensor detects a vehicle, Wave 4 automatically will go to low which mean the space has been occupied.


Wave 1

Wave 2

Wave 3

Wave 4

Figure 4.1.1 (b): Signals for input and output value with respect to the clock input


Result of Simulation To test whether the system works or not, the circuit is simulated using

Proteus. Figure 4.2 (a) and Figure 4.2 (b) shows the circuit system in initial condition. It means, at this moment, there is no vehicle entering the parking space yet. As you can see, all the parking lot from PA PD are vacant with green light indication. There is also a green light indicator at every level entrance that shows that particular level still has vacant parking. The counter will show the amount of vacant space left at the level entrance. As referring to Figure 4.2 (a) and Figure 4.2 (b), this parking premise has four levels with four parking spaces at every level, so the counter will show four (4) to indicate there are four vacant parking on that level. By this, people will know exactly how much vacant parking still available at the respective level. At the initial state, the LCD will display welcoming note. These LCDs will be mounted at every ramp to guide people until they find their parking space. The LCD will show the real-time event and always updating the status of the level.


Figure 4.2 (a): The system in initial condition (no vehicle)

Figure 4.2 (b): Graphic simulation - initial


Figure 4.2 (c): Condition after several vehicles entering the parking lot

Figure 4.2 (d): Testing using the prototype 28

Figure 4.2 (e): Graphic simulation after vehicles entrance

Figure 4.2 (c) - Figure 4.2 (e) show the condition of the system after several vehicles have entered the parking area. As can be seen, the system show that Level 2 and Level 3 have already full using LCD, so the light indicator at Level 2s and Level 3s entrance will turn off indicating that that level has already full. It also shown on Level 1, the light indicator at parking space PA and PB turns to red indicating the spaces are occupied. There are another two remain vacant with green light indication that can be seen from afar. The counter on Level 1 will reduce to two (2) showing that there are only two vacant parking left. To avoid going to the level that has already full, the system will suggest another two levels that have more parking spaces as shown in Figure 4.2 (f). So, the customer does not have to wander on that level not knowing that its already been full.


Figure 4.2 (f): The system suggesting another level

The system will alert to the vehicles ingoing and outgoing. Every time a vehicle going into the parking space, it will pass through an opening loop. During this time, the system will prompt an instruction to take the ticket as in Figure 4.2 (g) and after passing the closing loop the counter will deduct the amount of vacant parking and the light will be changing accordingly. The vice versa will happen when a vehicle going out from the parking space. So, the system will work in real-time without delaying the information transfer.

Figure 4.2 (g): The system prompt user to take the ticket (entry)

Figure 4.2 (h): The system prompt user to insert the ticket (exit) 30

When it come to the moment that all the parking slot have been occupied, the system prompt the LCD to show FULL PARKING as shown in Figure 4.2 (i) and Figure 4.2 (j). The buzzer will sound to alert the operator so that they can open another space for parking and the system will continue to works accordingly.

Figure 4.2 (i): The parking space is full

Figure 4.2 (j): Graphic simulation after vehicles entrance 31


Discussion Currently, most research works on smart parking system are from the

perspective of system design, which focuses on implementing a wireless sensor network to detect parking information and provide real-time parking service. In a research [5], the authors present a smart parking management system based on wireless sensor network technology, which provides remote parking monitoring, automated guidance and parking reservation service. They demonstrate this system architecture can help commuters to find vacant parking spaces. In Rongxing Lus paper [2], he introduce a new Smart PARKing (SPARK) scheme, which is based on Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks (VANET), provides drivers with accurate and convenient parking services in large parking lots, including real-time parking navigation, intelligent antitheft protection, and friendly parking information dissemination. While each of these examples implements a piece of a completely smart parking management system, no one system is complete. A complete system should encompass remote reservations and real-time directional guidance for patrons and detailed utilization and parking infraction reports for managers. A central processing system will maintain the current state (Available/Reserved/Occupied) for each space. This central system can then update changeable messaging signs within and outside of the ramp with status information. It will also communicate with a web system that will allow the users to view available parking spaces in the ramp, and make reservations. However, in terms of implementation and cost wise, the IPSMI is the best solution because the system is cheaper but the performance and application is powerful enough to make IPSMI a reality. The microcontroller which functions as the systems main processor has various models that have its own unique features. These features give an absolute answer towards the implementation of complex electronic system.




This chapter will conclude all the findings and analysis to evaluate the overall outcome of this project implementation. It will also describe about the future planning towards improving the system.


Conclusion With a push towards solving the problem facing by people, a new prototype

of Informative Parking System with Microcontroller Interfacing (IPSMI) has been developed to optimize parking management. The proposed project is the solution system for the parking difficulties faced by people for such a long time. The implementation of a system which integrates with the programmable integrated chip (PIC) technology will consume lesser cost for producing the product because the input and output ports are able to handle more devices. At the same time, the system can also reduce the time of searching for vacant parking. When the main objective being accomplished it is believed that the user as well as the management will gain the benefits. Upon the completion of the project, the knowledge on how the PIC works after being programmed can be understood.



Future Development For future enhancements, this project can be integrated with the Field

Programmable Logic Array (FPGA) which is able to rectify the problems and troubleshoot it without having to come to the site. It means, the administrator can monitor the status of the parking area by using only software. Besides that, the IPSMI can also be using the Fuzzy Logic algorithm so it will be an intelligent system that can automatically reserve a space as soon as the user takes the parking ticket. This intelligent system will be able to detect the ticket and guide the user to their special reserved parking space.




Hongwei Wang and Wenbo Hey, A Reservation-based Smart Parking System, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE, USA, 2011, page 1-6.


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APPENDIX D - continue


APPENDIX D - continue




APPENDIX E - continue




APPENDIX F continue


APPENDIX F continue




APPENDIX G continue




Week FYP Prototype Development Design Gantt Chart for S22011 Listing the components and tools needed Preparing all the components and tools Hardware development (prototype) Software test and calibrate Final touch and testing Project presentation Logbook reporting to supervisor Submit final report and logbook










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