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Risk Factors: Biological factors- genetic, neurological, and brain abnormalities Psychological & environmental factors- prenatal stressors,

psychological and environmental stressors

Common S & S People diagnosed with schizophrenia usually experience a combination of positive (i.e. hallucinations, delusions, racing thoughts), negative (i.e. apathy, lack of emotion, poor or nonexistant social functioning), and cognitive (disorganized thoughts, difficulty concentrating and/or following instructions, difficulty completing tasks, memory problems).

Schizophrenia Assessment: Patient D.T. did not exhibit any signs or symptoms of psychosis in my presence. He was happy and pleasant. He interacted well in the t.v. room, played cards, and colored pictures. He frequented the nurse s station. D.T. and I listened to music and colored pictures in his room. Said I don t know when asked his d.o.b. and age and was also not oriented to time. He laughed a lot and called everyone you old goat. He told me that he had a sister but she died and that his mom died too. D.T. was able to correctly tell me he was from Dewitt, Iowa. Common medications: Abilify Clozaril Fanapt Geodon ziprasidone Haldol Invega Loxitane Moban Risperdal Seroquel Safety concerns: Per chart, D.T. exhibited aggressive behavior in the past to staff in DeWitt. He has also destroyed property. He will be closely monitored for aggressive behavior. There were no problems Thursday. Thorazine

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