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Hill United Presbyterian Church 501 Second Street Butler, PA 16001 Phone: 724-287-5427 FAX: 724-287-7468 E-mail: hillup@zoominternet.

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Hill united Presbyterian church




Come and Join Us!



FEBRUARY 4, 2012
Lords Supper by Intinction

FEBRUARY 5, 2012
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Lords SupperTraditional

Sermon: Everyone is Searching For You Rev. Clark Sawyer Scripture: Isaiah 40: 21-31; Mark 1: 29-39 FEBRUARY 11, 2012 Kathy Davis, Commissioned Lay Pastor, Faith Church, Kittanning, PA Preaching

Sermon: Everyone is Searching For You Rev. Clark Sawyer Scripture: Isaiah 40: 21-31; Mark 1: 29-39

FEBRUARY 12, 2012

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

FEBRUARY 18, 2012 Kathy Davis, Commissioned Lay Pastor, Faith Church, Kittanning, PA Preaching FEBRUARY 22, 2012
Ash Wednesday Lenten Season Begins

Sermon: Touching the Untouchable Rev. Clark Sawyer Scripture: II Kings 5: 1-14; Mark 1: 40-45 FEBRUARY 19, 2012
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Community Presbyterian Worship Service St. Andrews Presbyterian - 7:30 P.M. Rev. Steve Franklin Preaching Lords Supper Celebrated

Sermon: I Have Come to Fulfill the Law and the Prophets Rev. Clark Sawyer Scripture: II Kings 2: 1-12; Mark 2: 2 9

Combined Choir Sings Reception to Follow

Offering to benefit Covenant Community Food Cupboard and the Samaritan Counseling Center

FEBRUARY 25, 2012

Kids Club Saturday

FEBRUARY 26, 2012

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sermon: Establishing a Ministry Rev. Clark Sawyer Scripture: I Peter 5: 6-11; Matthew 4: 1-11

Sermon: Establishing a Ministry Rev. Clark Sawyer Scripture: I Peter 5: 6-11; Matthew 4: 1-11

February 2012
FROM THE PASTORS DESK Dear Brothers and Sisters, Members and Friends of the Hill United Presbyterian Church: February 22, 2012, Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning of the Lenten season, which leads to Holy Week, which culminates in that GreatGetting - Up Day of Easter, upon which our Resurrection Faith is founded in Our Lord Jesus Christ!! As we speak of a faith founded in our Lord Jesus Christ, please be reminded that on March 6, 1912, the Second United Presbyterian Church of Butler (now known as The Hill Church) was founded through the work of the Holy Spirit in that Lenten season of 1912. One hundred years later, Lent is still a time when we think about the depth of our commitment to Jesus Christ as His disciples except almost four generations removed! As our fellow-followers of Christ were faithful and active in the cause of the Gospel over these last one hundred years, let us continue to share in that ministry as we Live in His Presence: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Thank God for your cooperation, love and service in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. Please set aside the weekend of May 5 and 6, 2012, as we have our Centennial Dinner celebration on Saturday with Social Hour beginning at 4:00 P.M. and dinner at 5:30 P.M. at the Tanglewood Center, to be followed by breakfast and our Centennial Service of Worship on Sunday. In this Centennial year of the Ministry of the Hill Church, may God Bless You Mightily, Pastor Clark Rev. Clark Sawyer WORSHIP ATTENDANCE IN DECEMBER 2011 & JANUARY 2012
12/03 12/10 12/17 10 10 12

12/05 12/13 12/19 12/19 4:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 12/25 1/01 1/08 1/15 1/22 1/29 132 90 296 240 26 288 53 75 131 92 108 125

Christmas Musical Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Christmas Day 12/31 1/07 1/14 1/21 1/28 No Service 10 16 09 08

Meeting together regularly for worship, fellowship, study, outreach, and service is one of the ways that we delight God and grow spiritually with our Lord Jesus Christ. Please come regularly to our gatherings and invite and bring others! Thank-you very much!


The final festivity of our 100th anniversary celebration will a dinner to commemorate our Living in His Presence: Y est erda y, Today, and Tomorrow, to be held on May 5, 2012 at Tanglewood. Please mark your calendar so you can attend the gala. Also, please pass the word to any former members who might be interested in joining with us to celebrate. Further details will be forthcoming.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ex. 27, 28 Ex. 29, 30 Ex. 31, 32, 33 Ex. 34, 35 Ex. 36, 37, 38 Ex. 39, 40 Lev. 1, 2, 3 Lev. 4, 5 Lev. 6, 7 Lev. 8, 9, 10 Lev. 11, 12 Lev. 13 Lev. 14 Lev. 15, 16 Lev. 17, 18 Lev. 19, 20 Lev. 21, 22 Lev. 23, 24 Lev. 25 Lev. 26, 27 Num. 1, 2 Num. 3, 4 Num. 5, 6, 7 Num. 8, 9, 10 Num. 11, 12, 13 Num. 14, 15, 16 Num. 17, 18, 19 Num. 20, 21, 22

Matt. 21: 1-22 Matt. 21: 23-46 Matt. 22: 1-22 Matt. 22: 23-46 Matt. 23: 1-22 Matt. 23: 23 39 Matt. 24: 1 - 28 Matt. 24: 29 - 51 Matt. 25: 1 - 30 Matt. 25: 31 - 46 Matt. 26: 1 - 25 Matt. 26: 26 - 50 Matt. 26: 51 - 75 Matt. 27: 1 - 26 Matt. 27: 27 - 50 Matt. 27: 51-66 Matt. 28 Mark 1: 1 - 22 Mark 1: 23 - 45 Mark 2 Mark 3: 1 - 19 Mark 3: 20 - 35 Mark 4: 1 - 20 Mark 4: 21 - 41 Mark 5 Mark 6: 1 - 29 Mark 6: 30 - 56 Mark 7: 1 - 13

It was with joy that the Session received three new members by Profession of Faith: Jona Brown, Dan McKinley, and Lacey Sweitzer. We thank God for Jona, Dan and Lacey, and we pray Gods blessing upon them as they become a part of the Hill Church Family of Faith. Upon motion from Worship and Discipleship, authorization for baptism was approved for Callie Alexis Sweitzer and Ryan David Sweitzer, daughter and son of Lacey Sweitzer, to be baptized on January 29, 2012. Upon motion from Stewardship and Mission Support, the Session passed a revised Ministry and Mission budget for 2012, which will be shared with the congregation through the Annual Report, and at the annual meeting on February 5, 2012 at 11:35 A.M. Clark Sawyer, Moderator

Thank you so much for your participation in the Deacons' "Head Start Happy Holiday" project. Every one of the 35 names on the tree were taken! Your kindness and overwhelming generosity are very much appreciated. God Bless You! Happy, Healthy 2012! The Board of Deacons Three boys are in the school yard bragging about their fathers. The first boy says, "My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a poem, and they give him $25." The second boy says, "That's nothing. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a song, and they give him $200." The third boy says, "I got you both beat. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a sermon, and it takes eight people to collect all the money!"


The Ash Wednesday Community Presbyterian Service will be held at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, February 22, 2012, beginning at 7:30 P.M. Rev. Steve Franklin, the pastor of the Meridian Presbyterian Church, will be the preacher for that evening, the Lords Supper will be celebrated, and a combined choir will share special music. There will be a time of reception and fellowship to follow. You are invited to be with seven other Presbyterian churches as we begin the Lenten season of 2012!! Many thanks to all the people who volunteered to wrap packages for Habitat for Humanity before Christmas! It is a major fundraiser for Habitat and your service is very much appreciated. Thank you!


Every year Hill Church is asked to support the work of the BeaverButler Presbytery which is our local governing body, the Synod of the Trinity which is our regional governing body, and the General Assembly which is our general governing body. This support is made through a per capita assessment of church members. This assessment has been used for over 150 years to fund the essential work of the Presbyterian Church. As we did in 2011, we are asking members of the Hill Church family of faith to contribute to the funding of the shared work of the Presbyterian Church USA. The per capita assessment for 2011 is $29.00(rounded up from $28.83 for convenience) per member and includes all those who have been baptized and have made a profession of faith. For example, a single member would contribute $29, a couple who are both members would contribute $58 and a couple with one confirmed child would contribute $87, and so on. In 2011, the total per capita apportionment paid by Hill Church was $12,210. Using the special offering envelope provided, Hill Church members contributed $4,125 toward this total with the remaining balance being paid for from the churchs general operating fund. We are grateful to those who have supported the work of our churchs governing bodies in past years and ask you to prayerfully consider doing so again in 2012. For your convenience in making this offering, a special envelope has been included in your regular box of envelopes, appearing between the January 29th and February 5th envelopes. Or you may mark the memo line of your check per capita and this offering will be properly credited to your giving statement. Again we thank you for your help in supporting the work of our Presbytery, the Synod and the General Assembly. Your generosity and commitment to these bodies and to Hill Church is deeply appreciated.

Annual Gi vi ng S ummary Statements for 2011 have been prepared and mailed. Please check your statement carefully to make sure that it correctly reflects the offerings you have made to Hill Church. If you feel that there is an error on your statement, or you made a contribution to Hill Church in 2011 and did not receive a statement, please contact Jennifer Gilliland, our church Financial Secretary.


Here is a list of some of our busiest Fall ministries and their Spring 2012 start-up dates:

DELVE 912 resumes Wednesday, 2/1/12 at 7:00 p.m at Eat n Park at Clearview. Jump Start 78 resumes Friday 2/3/12 at 6:30 p.m. Club 56 resumes Sunday 2/19/12 at 6:30 p.m. Kids Club meets on Wednesdays resuming on 2/1/12 at 5:30 p.m. Joybells - rehearsal resumes Wednesday, February 1st 5:00-5:30 P.M. Jubilation Ringers - rehearsal resumes Wednesday, February 1st 5:30-6:00 P.M. Instrumental Ensemble - rehearsal resumes Wednesday, February 1st 6:30-7:15 P.M. Senior Night Out will resume in March, 2012.

Next Newsletter Deadline is February 15th



Nana Sam and Felicia Brempong who wrote the enclosed letter and sent their picture are two of the very strong and very active Presbyters (Elders) within the Bubiashie congregation. As you can read, their faith in Christ dominates every aspect of their lives. Nana is an attorney and Felicia runs a fine cloth store. Our task force again expresses gratitude to those who have contributed to this forward thinking mission project for young women scholars. This gift of education for several young women is for the future and hope of Ghana. McWilson (Koku) Atakro continues as President of Peki Seminary in Ho, which is north of Accra. Dr. Atakro celebrates a significant 60th birthday on February 2nd. He has very preliminary plans to be in attendance at the Missionary Conference in New Wilmington during July which is organized by Dr. Donald Dawson of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. The seminary is also establishing a partnership with Peki Seminary. We continue to request your continuing prayers for our Christian friends in the Bubiashie District churches. The Ghana Mission Task Force

Receipts and Disbursements Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2011
Variance Favorable (Unfavorable)

Actual Budget Receipts Envelope Offerings Other Offerings & Receipts Total Receipts $250,190 $270,510


84,828 335,018

76,348 346,858

8,480 (11,840)

Disbursements Personnel Buildings & Grounds Capital Improvements Office Operations Stewardship Mission Support Christian Education Nurture Worship Discipleship Total Disbursements Total of Receipts over Disbursements 198,431 40,296 0 10,507 14,801 22,563 36,585 9,855 11,355 5,332 $349,725 193,618 55,455 0 10,500 13,260 21,775 26,200 3,400 10,400 12,250 $346,858 (4,813) 15,159 0 (7) (1,541) (788) (10,385) (6,455) (955) 6,918 (2,867)




As part of the Hill 100th Anniversary, a memorabilia table will be set up to display any gifts, bibles from the church, Sunday school pictures, newspaper articles, sanctuary pictures, newspaper articles, sanctuary pictures, documents, etc. or any item you would like to share. The office will be open regular hours for item drop off. Please put it in a plastic bag, along with a brief description of the item, and your name and number. On the outside, write: Attention Carolyn Stutz Thank you, Carolyn Wymer Stutz
Unrestricted (Deficit) Designated Total General Fund

Fund Balance
($36,489) 23,326 (13,163)

FLASHBACK: Church Minutes (The following is taken from hand written copy, original spelling and grammar.) This month Flashback is taken from the book of minutes from the Irvine Bible Class. In the beginning of the book is a list of the class Presidents from 1915 to 1957. Most of those names were familiar to me from my childhood. Butler Pa. Jan. 8, 1929 The annual Father and Son banquet of the Irvine Bible Class was held Tuesday evening Jany. 8th in the basement of the church. The dining room was well filled with men and boys. Rev. Gamble returned thanks. An excellent dinner was served by Don Ferguson and his aides of the Commisssaary Committee. The coffee was donated by Mr. Tebay. The pickles were the gift of Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Black. After our appetites had been appeased R.C. Wiggins, chairman of the Entertainment and Publicity committee acting as Master of ceremonies, introduced Junior Hinerman and Ned Dimmick, who sang three songs accompanied by Mr. Weigle. These numbers were enthusiasticly received by all present. Several readings by Mrs. A.J. Stone were thoroughly enjoyed. The welcome was given by Dr. Gamble. Several songs were sung under the leadership of J.M. Byers, accompanied by Abel Fisher. The main address was given by Dr. McCoy Franklin, president of the Crossnore School of Crossnore, N.C. The speaker held the interest of Dads and Sons alike as he told of the hardships, lack of education, and poverty among the mountaineers of the South. He also told of the progress being made by the Crossnore School, which is largely financed through the sale of second hand clothing. A collection was taken and the entire amount $55.00 plus the $25.00 promised from the treasury, making a total of $80.00 was presented to Dr. Franklin to aid in his important work. Brief talks were given by Fred Stover and W.G. Bradford. After repeating the Mispah Benediction we adjourned J.G. Stewart Secy.

~ by Nancy Slezak

Kids Club begins again on Wednesday, February 1st for 5:307:00 P.M. Volunteer staff assignments are the same as they were during the fall session. Staff should report by 5:15 P.M. on February 1st. Kids who attended Kids Club in the fall DO NOT need to re-register. New friends (ages 3grade 4) should preregister now by filling out a form posted on the Kids Club bulletin board near the choir loft, or by coming early the first day. A sign-up sheet is also posted for those who can donate food and drinks. Invite kids you know to be part of a fun way to learn about the love of Christ in their lives. If youd like to help in any way, contact Kathy Sawyer. Thank you for supporting this dynamic childrens ministry!

KIDS CORNER The Good Samaritan Word Search

On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. Teacher, he asked, what must I do to inherit eternal life? What is written in the Law? he replied. How do you read it? He answered, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and, Love your neighbor as yourself. You have answered correctly, Jesus replied. Do this and you will live. But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, And who is my neighbor? In reply Jesus said: A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. Look after him, he said, and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have. Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers? The expert in the law replied, The one who had mercy on him. Jesus told him, Go and do likewise. Search for the underlined words in the puzzle.

THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS (for those who were curious at Christmastime) Gift A partridge in a pear tree Two turtle doves Three French hens Four calling [sic] birds Five gold rings Six geese a-laying Seven swans a-swimming Eight maids a-milking Nine ladies dancing Ten lords a-leaping Eleven pipers piping Twelve drummers drumming Interpretation Jesus The Old and New Testaments Faith, Hope and Charity The four Gospels The Torah or Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament The six days of Creation Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit The eight Beatitudes Nine fruits of the Holy Spirit The Ten Commandments The eleven faithful Apostles The twelve points of the Apostles' Creed


(actual announcements from Church bulletins)

Coming UpTheological Open House. We discuss thought-provoking topics. Your opinions are hardly welcome. All singles are invited to join us Friday at 7 p.m. for the annual Christmas Sing-alone." Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and the community. The rosebud on the altar this morning is to announce the birth of David Alan Belzer, the sin of Rev. and Mrs. Julius Belzer. This afternoon there will be a meeting in the south and north ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends. Thursday at 5:00 p.m. there will be a meeting of the Little Mothers Club. All wishing to become little mothers, please see the minister in his study. This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Lewis to come forward and lay an egg on the altar. Next Sunday, a special collection will be taken to defray the cost of the new carpet. All those wishing to do something on the new carpet will come forward and get a piece of paper. At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be "What Is Hell?" come early and listen to our choir practice. Our youth basketball team is back in action Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. in the recreation hall. Come out and watch us kill Christ the King. Miss Charlene Mason sang, "I will not pass this way again," giving obvious pleasure to the congregation. The sermon this morning: "Jesus Walks on the Water." The sermon tonight: "Searching for Jesus." Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get. Barbara remains in the hospital and needs blood donors for more transfusions. She is also having trouble sleeping and requests tapes of Pastor Jack's sermons.




Ladies Team

Dennis Jack

Karen Shultz Chad Provident Keith Swank Judy Birch Sharon Montag Susan Catanzarito Jim Kamerer Barbara Kamerer

Gary Anderson Steve Arn Jack Barkley Pat Brennen Tom Graham Louise Evans Mark Huba Lorma Hill

Carol Gadsby

Sami Roth

No Coffee Hour

FEB 12

Junior Team

Lorma & Geoff Hill

Jennifer and John Gilliland

Kian Campbell

HYC Mini Cabaret

FEB 19

Bob Scotts Team

Anne McCaw

Jim Kamerer

Tiffany Carlson

Deacons Keith Swank

FEB 26

Don Lanes Team

Audrey Nossokoff

Lois Minich

Aiden Wach

Barb Bishop

COMMUNION TEAM Team B NEWSLETTER TEAM in February (for March) Team B (Willing Workers) VAN DRIVER for February ~ JIM KAMERER 724-283-2248 COFFEE HOUR VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
Can you help? Volunteers are needed to host the Sunday morning coffee hour. There are many available openings for the coming months. A light snack is all that needs to be provided. If you are willing to host, please sign your name on the coffee hour sign-up sheet on the Deacons table.

FEBRUARY 5 Donated by Robert and Jane Kennedy in memory of their mothersGarlo S. Kennedy and Myrtle J. Morris FEBRUARY 12 Donated in memory of our parents, Ada M. and Robert V. Scott, by their children FEBRUARY 19 Donated by Patti Donaldson in memory of Alberta Moser Cooper and Mildred Halasy FEBRUARY 26 Donated in honor of the Hill Church Chancel Choir by Bob and Peg McGuirk

9:30am - Hill Quilters 6:30-8:30pm - J.S. 78 7-9pm - Girl Scouts Communion 8am - Women @ Panera Bread 5pm - Joybells 5:30pm-Kids Club 5:30pm-Jubilation Ringers 6:30pm-Inst. Ens. 7-8:15pm-Delve 912







1 8
6:30pm - Memorial Handbells NO Choir

2 10

11am - AA Meeting 5pm - Praise Team Rehearsal 6pm - Worship With a Difference

Groundhog Day 9:30am - Willing Workers 3:30pm - New Haven Service 6:30pm - Memorial Handbells 7:30pm - Chancel Choir

4 11
11am - AA Meeting 5pm - Praise Team Rehearsal 6pm - Worship With a Difference


9:15am - Adult Sunday School 9:15am - JAM Sessions 9:30am - 30 Minutes! 10:30am - Worship 11:35pm - Congregation Meeting 12:15pm - HYC 12:15pm - Womens Book Club (Suzannes..) 7pm - Deacon's Meeting Valentines Day 9:30am - Women's Bible Study

7:30am-Stew. Mtg. @ Eat n Park 8am - Women @ Panera Bread 5pm - Joybells 5pm - Community Dinner at St. Andrews 5:30pm-Kids Club 5:30pm-Jubilation Ringers 6:30pm-Inst. Ens. 7-8:15pm-Delve 912

11:30am - Centennial Committee 12:00pm - Mens Lunch 9:30am - Women's Bible Study 11:05am - PW CT Mtg. 6:45pm - Session Meeting 8am - Women @ Panera Bread 5pm - Joybells 5:30pm-Kids Club 5:30pm-Jubilation Ringers 6:30pm-Inst. Ens. 7-8:15pm-Delve 912 Ash Wednesday




9:30am - Willing Workers 6:30pm - Memorial Handbells 7:30pm - Chancel Choir

6:30-8:30pm - J.S. 78 7-9pm - Girl Scouts

11am - AA Meeting 5pm - Praise Team Rehearsal 6pm - Worship With a Difference

9:15am - Adult Sunday School 9:15am - JAM Sessions 9:30am - 30 Minutes! 10:30am - Worship 11:35pm - HYC Fundraiser Luncheon

9:15am - Adult Sun. Sch. 9:15am - JAM Sessions 9:30am - 30 Minutes! 10:30am - Worship 11:30am - Coffee Hour 12:15pm - HYC 3pm - W. Workers @New Haven 6:30-8pm - Club 56


9:30am - Women's Bible Study 1pm - Betsy McCormick Circle 7pm - Lupus Support

8am - Women @ Panera Bread 5pm - Joybells 5:30pm-Kids Club 5:30pm-Jubilation Ringers 6:30pm-Inst. Ens. 7:30pm - Ash Wednesday Service (St. Andrews)

6:30pm - Memorial Handbells 7:30pm - Chancel Choir 7-8:15pm-Delve 912


11am - AA @ Hill UP 5pm - Praise Team Rehearsal 6pm - Worship With A Difference Kids Club Saturday

9:15am - Adult Sunday School 9:15am - JAM Sessions 9:30am - 30 Minutes! 10:30am - Worship 11:30am - Coffee Hour

12pm - Men's Lunch @ Fellowship Hall

9:30am - Women's Bible Study

8am - Women @ Panera Bread 5pm - Joybells 5:30pm-Kids Club 5:30pm-Jubilation Ringers NO Inst. Ens. 7-8:15pm-Delve 912

February 2012

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