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Modeling of a Shape Memory Alloy Reciprocating Engine John M. Boyle Jr Advisor: Dr. Kathleen Issen Co-Advisor: Dr.

Garrett Hall Collaborator: Sandra Martinez B.S. Mechanical Engineering Clarkson University Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering Potsdam, NY 13699 Motivation Utilize waste heat to power a shape memory alloy reciprocating engine. Shape Memory Alloys (SMA's) have been around for nearly 50 years, though it has only been within the last 15 to 20 years that significant applications have been developed. The property that makes SMA's unique is the ability to actually change its crystalline structure by simply loading or unloading the specimen, or by applying a temperature gradient. This shape memory effect and pseudo elastic behavior lends itself to many possibilities, such as orthodontics, surgical and medical instruments, mobile communications, sealing applications, and many uses as actuators. New applications are found constantly as the human imagination finds new creative uses for these curious materials. As the understanding of SMA' s increase, along with the rise of better technology, the future of SMA' s looks very bright. One of the more interesting applications of SMA' s is to harness waste energy for SMA use. Since the alloys can be induced to change phase using only a temperature gradient, utilizing the waste heat from existing systems is a remarkable method to both increase efficiency and reduce waste simultaneously. A novel example is to use the waste heat from an automobile engine to power a small SMA heat engine. This smaller engine could be used to handle some smaller tasks of the larger engine, thereby alleviating some of the burden and increasing efficiency. Several different SMA engines have been proposed in the past. Some examples include an early helical spring engine model, the Banks Engine3, offset disk engines, and an interesting reciprocating engine proposed by Sakuma and Iwata5. These engines commonly operate in hot and cold-water baths that cause the SMA' s to induce phase change. The cold state, called Martensite (M), is softer than the hot state, Austenite (A), and can be easily strained to perform some work. Arranging the alloys in a way so that when some of the elements are M, others are A, it is possible to heat the M and cool the A thus causing the M to contract into A. This is the basic theory of a SMA heat engine. The main problems associated with these applications are heating and cooling the metals fast enough to make the engine output useful. This is usually overcome by using relatively thin elements to increase heat dissipation, but the disadvantage is that with thinner alloys, the power output is usually lower, making the engine less desirable. Because of this reason, widespread use of SMA engines has yet to occur. Formulation Create a computer model that can accurately predict the behavior of a shape memory alloy reciprocating heat engine. This study will attempt to model the behavior of the SMA reciprocating heat engine proposed by Sakuma and Iwata. This engine consists of two SMA wires connected to either end of a lever. As one wire is heated, thus changing into the Austenite phase, the other is cool. The force of the heated wire forces a strain on the other wire that allows the lever to pivot. The heated wire is

allowed to cool and the recently extended wire is then heated, and the lever is forced to pivot the opposite way. In this reciprocating manner, a power output can be generated in the form of electrical or mechanical energy. See figure 1 for a graphical illustration of this process.

Figure 1 Illustration of the basic operation of the SMA Reciprocating Engine. As the wires are heated and cooled, they change shape, forcing operation of the device. Sandra Martinez, a Clarkson Mechanical Engineering graduate student, will build the physical SMA engine. Simultaneously John Boyle will devise a working computer model to attempt to predict the performance of the physical model and also predict optimal solutions designed to maximize the power output. After both the physical and computer models are completed, preliminary tests will be conducted and compared. These results will be analyzed and used to make any necessary revisions on the computer model to enhance accuracy. To aid in this endeavor, a finite difference code written by Bekker, Brinson, and Issen6, will be studied and rewritten in order to more fully understand SMA behavior. However, since this is a boundary heating method and the physical model will use an immersion heating method, the code will need to be modified or a new code will need to be found or developed in order to begin the creation of the computer model. At the conclusion of the study, the physical behavior will be compared to the theoretical model and the results will be written up in a draft to be submitted to an appropriate journal for possible publication. Objectives 1. Gain a better knowledge of shape memory alloy behavior through creating a computer model and comparing that data to the physical data collected. 2. Prepare research paper that compares the theoretical model to the physical model. 3. Use the data collected, to predict improved designs. Methodology Select Design; Create model; Compare and Analyze results for possible publication From a mathematical perspective, the SMA behavior depends primarily on three equations or laws. First is the Energy equation, which analyzes the internal energy of the alloy compared to the transformation energy and associated heat transfer of the system. Next is the constitutive equation that simply relates the stress to the martensite/austenite portions of the alloy. Finally the kinetic law governs the relation of both temperature and stress on the martensite/austenite fractions. For the boundary-heating problem, these equations are a coupled system that must be solved using a finite difference method. The initial part of the study will investigate whether in the immersion

case, that the equations are still coupled. After the mathematical aspect of the problem is solved, it will be necessary to decide what type of model will be written. Possible choices are simply a program written in a common programming language such as C++, FORTRAN, or BASIC, a finite element code using a FEM program such as Marc, or perhaps a combination of the two mentioned methods. Once the model is written and tested for the physical model, the model will be used to optimize the physical model to calculate the best feasible design. Since this project is limited to the common materials available, the optimal design will not likely be the physical model. This information could be used to possibly improve the feasibility of SMA heat engines. Expected Results 1. Working and fully functional computer model that accurately predicts the behavior of the shape memory alloy reciprocating heat engine. 2. Analysis of the validity of the model compared to the actual physical results. 3. A better understanding of shape memory alloy behavior and possible applications that can benefit from this research. 4. Optimized solution to maximize the power output. 5. Prepared draft to be submitted for publication that compares the theoretical model to the physical model. Time Table Fall 2001 -Topic Research -Concept selection -Derivation of mathematical model -Construction of computer model Spring 2002 -Construction of computer model -Testing of computer model and revision -Comparison of calculated results vs. physical results -Write up of study and prepared draft to be submitted for publication. References

1. Bekker, A, and L C. Brinson. "Temperature-Induced Phase Transformation In a Shape

Memory Alloy: Phase Diagram Based Kinetics Approach." J. Mech. Phys. Solids 45 (1997): 949-988. 2. Johnson, A D., and Johann Kramer. TiNi ALLOY COMPANY. 22 Mar. 1998.10 Oct.2001 <http://www.sma-mems.comlact98.htm>.

3. Sanders, Kevin. "Miracle Metal." Science Digest ns(1981): 93-96. 4. Tobushi, H, T. Nakahara, T. Hashimoto, Y. Shimeno, and K. Tanaka. "Fatigue properties
of TiNi shape memory alloy and applications to a heat engine and an actuator." Arch Mech 51(6) (1999): 833-845.

5. Iwata, Uichi, and Toshio Sakuma. "Working Characteristics of a Reciprocating- Type

Heat Engine Using Shape Memory Alloys." JSME International Journal B 41 (1998): 344-350. 6. Bekker, A, L C. Brinson, and K Issen. "Localized and Diffuse Thermoinduced Phase Transformation in 1-D Shape Memory Alloys." Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures (1998): 355-365.

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