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net Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

Sample Business Letters (1-100) (Sample Business Letters are listed in Alphabetical Orde)

Disclaimer: Be aware that some of these sample letters have legal, financial, or other implications. If you are not sure about the use of any letter, consult with an appropriate professional first. Index 1. 10-Day Notice Before Collections on Delinquent Account 2. 30-Day Notice to Quit 3. Acceptance of Counter Proposal 4. Acceptance of Order With Delivery in Lots 5. Acceptance of Purchase Security Agreement 6. Acceptance of Resignation 7. Acknowledged Receipt of Goods 8. Acknowledged Resignation 9. Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Order 10. Acknowledgement from Publisher, Comments Referred to Author 11. Acknowledgement of Application 12. Acknowledgement of Cancellation of Backorder 13. Acknowledgement of Change in Meeting Date 14. Acknowledgement of Customer Praise of Employee 15. Acknowledgement of Letter 16. Acknowledgement of Merchandise Returned for Repair 17. Acknowledgement of Modified Terms 18. Acknowledgement of Notification of Lease Transfer 19. Acknowledgement of Receipt (Documents) 20. Acknowledgement of Receipt of Estimate 21. Acknowledgement of Request for Bid, Confirmation of Deadline 22. Acknowledgement of Unsolicited Idea 23. Acknowledgement of Warranty and Instruction for Product Return 24. Acknowledgment of Correspondence Indicating Postal Delay 25. Advance Notice of Out of Business Sale 26. Affidavit for Lost, Stolen, Destroyed Stock Certificate 27. Affidavit of No Lien 28. Agreement to Compromise Debt 29. Agreement to Extend Debt Payment 30. Amendment to Lease 31. Announcement of Additional Location 32. Announcement of Business Name Change 33. Announcement of Catalog Price Reductions 34. Announcement of Change of Address 35. Announcement of Change of Address for Billing Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

36. Announcement of Clearance Sale 37. Announcement of Free Delivery Limitations Change 38. Announcement of New Area Representative 39. Announcement of New Area Representative Visit 40. Announcement of New Business Opening 41. Announcement of New Discount 42. Announcement of New Pricing Policy 43. Announcement of New Shipment Arrival 44. Announcement of Partnership Buyout 45. Announcement of Price Increase 46. Announcement of Price Reduction 47. Announcement of Special Discount Offer 48. Apology & Proposal on Overshipped Merchandise 49. Apology After Cancellation of Order 50. Apology and Replacement of Damaged Goods 51. Apology and Request for Extension of Time to Deliver Goods 52. Apology and Tender of Compensation 53. Apology for Accounting Errors and Past Due Notices 54. Apology for Delay of Refund 55. Apology for Delayed Response & Request for Meeting 56. Apology for Not Crediting Payment 57. Apology for Not Crediting Payment from Prompt Payer 58. Apology for Overshipment 59. Apology for Poor Service Rating on Customer Questionnaire 60. Apology to Customer for Accounting Error 61. Apology to Receiver of NSF Check 62. Application for License 63. Appointment for Employment Interview and Testing 64. Appointment for Testing 65. Assignment 66. Assignment and Transfer of Stock Certificate 67. Assignment of a Claim for Damages 68. Assignment of Accounts Receivable (With Non-Recourse) 69. Assignment of Accounts Receivable (With Recourse) 70. Assignment of Contract 71. Assignment of Copyright 72. Assignment of Deed of Trust 73. Assignment of Income 74. Assignment of Lease 75. Assignment of Lease 76. Assignment of Lien 77. Assignment of Literary Property 78. Assignment of Security Interest 79. Assignment of Trademark 80. Assignment of Trademark 81. Authorization Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

82. Authorization to Direct Bill for Corporate Guest 83. Bid for the Purchase of Real Property (Probate) 84. Bill of Sale 85. Bill of Sale (with Warranty of Title) 86. Business Credit Application 87. Business Credit Application Form 88. Certificate of Abandonment of Fictitious Business Name 89. Certificate of Installation, Leased Equipment 90. Certification of Satisfaction of Lien 91. Change of Address Awaiting Refund 92. Charge Account Credit Limit Raise Notification 93. Charge Account Terms and Conditions Form 94. Charge Back Application of Discount on Delayed Shipment 95. Collateral Decision, Request for Preparation of Loan Documents 96. Collections Follow-Up on Release of Pending Order 97. Collections Report on Current Status of Debt 98. Commendation 99. Commendation and Refusal of Request for Raise 100. Commercial Account Analysis Form


10-Day Notice Before Collections on Delinquent Account

Dear I have written to you several times over the past three months requesting an explanation on why you have failed to bring your account with us current. By ignoring these requests, you are damaging the excellent credit record you had previously maintained with our company. In addition, you are incurring additional expense to yourself and to us. Unless I hear from you within ten days, I will have no other choice but to turn your account over for collection. I am sorry that we must take such drastic action but I am afraid you leave us no alternative. You can preserve your credit rating by remitting your check today for the amount stated above. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph


30-Day Notice to Quit


TO _________________________, Tenant in possession: Take notice that your month to month tenancy of the herein described premises is hereby terminated at the expiration of 30 days after service of this notice on you, and that you are hereby required to quit and on said date deliver up to me the possession of the premises now held and occupied by you under such tenancy.

Said premises are known as: __________(name of building)__________ __________( address )__________ __________(city, state, zip)__________

This is intended as a 30 days' notice to quit, for the purpose of terminating your tenancy aforesaid.

Dated: __________________ ______________________ Landlord Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

3. Acceptance of Counter Proposal

Dear Your counter proposal on the above referenced project has been reviewed and is acceptable in its entirety. We are enclosing an executed copy of the agreement along with two copies for your files. We are enthusiastically looking forward to this project and are pleased about having the opportunity to work together.

4. Acceptance of Order With Delivery in Lots ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER WITH DELIVERY IN LOTS

Date: _

To: _ (Customer)

We acknowledge acceptance of your order as per your order of _, 19_. The goods will be shipped to you in the following lots: (Specify lots and delivery schedule) _ We request that payment be made as each lot is received.

Very truly, _______________________________ Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

5. Acceptance of Purchase Security Agreement Dear Attached is an accepted copy of your Purchase Security Agreement for the (specify equipment). There are (number) remaining quarterly payments. Your first quarterly payment will be due on (date) , and we will mail you an invoice for it approximately one month prior to that date. Please return the remittance portion of the invoice with your check. Under the Agreement, this contract is non-cancelable during the term of the contract. The balance, however, can be paid off at any time prior to the expiration of the contract. We would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation for your business. If you have any questions concerning your contract, or if we can be of service to you in any way, please let us know.

6. Acceptance of Resignation

Dear It is with deep regret, that we accept your resignation as (position) of the (organization) We can appreciate the demands that this position has placed on you, and appreciate all of the fine contributions you have made as (position) Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

7. Acknowledged Receipt of Goods ACKNOWLEDGED RECEIPT OF GOODS

The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt and delivery of the goods described on the annexed list or invoice and further acknowledges that said goods have been inspected and are without defect. Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_.

_____________________________ Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

8. Acknowledged Resignation ACKNOWLEDGED RESIGNATION

Date: _

To: _


Please be advised that the undersigned hereby resigns as _, of the corporation effective upon acceptance. Please acknowledge acceptance of said resignation on behalf of the corporation.

Very truly,

_______________________________ Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

The foregoing has been accepted pursuant to vote of the directors/stockholders of the corporation effective _, 19_.

_______________________________ For the corporation

9. Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Order ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER

Date: _

To: _ (Customer) Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

We are in receipt of your order as contained in the attached purchase order form. We confirm acceptance on said order subject only to the following exceptions: (Describe)

On exceptions noted, we shall assume you agree to same unless objection is received within ten days of receipt of this notice. Thank you for your patronage.

Very truly,



Acknowledgement from Publisher, Comments Referred to Author

Dear Thank you for your comments. A copy of your letter has been forwarded to the author for his response. I am sure you will be hearing from him in the near future. I am pleased that you found our article informative and hope that you will continue to read our publication. Should you have any comments or questions in the future, please do not hesitate to write to this office. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

We value our readership and are proud to have you as a member of our family of subscribers. 11.

Acknowledgement of Application ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF APPLICATION

Date: _

To: _ (Applicant)

We appreciate your interest in being employed by our firm. We regret to inform you, however, that the available position(s) has been filled, and we cannot give your application further consideration at the present time. Your application will be kept on file for future reference should an opening arise.

Very truly,

_______________________________ Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

12. Acknowledgement of Cancellation of Backorder

Dear We have received your letter acknowledging receipt of the items we mailed to you and noticing us to cancel shipment of your order for those items which are back ordered. We will be issuing you a refund as soon as we have completed the necessary paperwork for your account. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for shopping through (name) Our new (specify) catalog should be arriving at your home shortly, and I believe you will be pleased by some of the beautiful choices our buyers have made this season. Thank you for your patience and understanding and for providing us with the opportunity to be of service to you.

13. Acknowledgement of Change in Meeting Date

Dear Pursuant to your request, we have changed your meeting with (name of individual) to (time), on (date)

We are pleased to be able to accommodate you in this manner, and (name of individual) will be looking forward to your meeting on this newly appointed date. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

14. Acknowledgement of Customer Praise of Employee

Dear Thank you for your kind letter regarding your exceptional treatment by one of our employees. A copy of your letter has been forwarded to the personnel department and will be included in the employee's file. So seldom is it that a customer takes the time to write a letter of appreciation, that I feel moved to reward your initiative. Please accept the enclosed certificate, which, when presented, will entitle the bearer to a ten percent discount on the merchandise being purchased at that time. This is but a small token of our appreciation of customers such as you, upon whose satisfaction we have been allowed to grow and prosper in this highly competitive marketplace. Again, on behalf of our entire organization, a heart-felt thank you.


Acknowledgement of Letter

Dear Because Mr. Jones is out of the office for the next two weeks I am acknowledging receipt of your letter dated May 20, l983. It will be brought to his attention immediately upon his return. If I may be of any assistance during Mr. Jones' absence, please do not hesitate to call. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph


Acknowledgement of Merchandise Returned for Repair

Dear The (product name and model number) that you mailed to us for repair was received on (date) We will be returning it to you as soon as the necessary adjustments are made. We are sorry that you experienced a problem with our product and want to thank you for purchasing a (name of product)


Acknowledgement of Modified Terms ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF MODIFIED TERMS

Date: _

To: _ Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

Reference is made to the contract or order between us dated _, 19_. This letter will acknowledge that the contract is modified and superseded by the following change in terms: (Describe changed terms)

Unless we immediately hear from you to the contrary, we shall assume said modification is mutually agreeable.

Very truly,


18. Acknowledgement of Notification of Lease Transfer

Gentlemen: (name of leasing company) has received a notification that the equipment we are leasing to (name of previous lessee) will be transferred to and/or used by the (transferee.) We have modified our records to direct future invoices to: (new lessee) (address) (city,state,zip) Schedule # 000000 commenced on (date) and rental payments in the amount of $ plus applicable taxes are due on the (date) of each month during the (number) Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

month initial lease term. In consenting to this change, it is understood that (name of transferee) agrees to pay the rent and perform all other obligations required to be performed by the lessee in the lease. Should you have occasion to correspond with us regarding this lease, please include the complete lessee number and direct your inquiry to our Customer Service Department. This will ensure a prompt reply. Thank you and we look forward to your continued interest in our services.

19. Acknowledgement of Receipt (Documents)

(date) ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT I hereby acknowledge the receipt of the following documents from the firm of (firm) : 1. 2. 3. 4. ____________________________ (Signature of Client) Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

20. Acknowledgement of Receipt of Estimate

Dear This is to inform you that we have carefully reviewed your estimate on the parking lot refurbishing. We are planning to contract with you for this work. We are unable to let this contract immediately, as final approval of expenditures of this nature must come from the head office in New York. We expect to receive approval or disapproval within the next 30 days. At such time, we will contact you with instructions accordingly. If we may be of any assistance in the meantime please feel free to contact this office.


Acknowledgement of Request for Bid, Confirmation of Deadline

Dear Thank you for your request for our bid on (project) This letter is to acknowledge our receipt of said request and to advise you that we will be submitting our proposal on or before (confirmation of deadline) Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

22. Acknowledgement of Unsolicited Idea ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF UNSOLICITED IDEAS

Dear _:

We appreciate your interest in submitting to us an idea or proposal relative to: _ Our firm receives many ideas, suggestions and proposals, and has many of its own projects under development. Therefore, it is possible the idea or proposal you plan to submit to us has been considered and/or may already be in the planning stages. Nevertheless, we would be pleased to accept your idea or proposal for review, provided it is accompanied by this acknowledgement letter signed by you. It is understood that: 1. Samples or other submissions will be returned to the submitter only if return postage or freight is prepaid. 2. The company accepts no responsibility for casualty or loss to samples in our possession. 3. The company can accept no responsibility for holding any information in confidence. 4. The company shall pay compensation only in the event it, a) accepts the idea, b) has received the idea only from the submitter, and c) reaches agreement with the submitter as to terms and conditions. If these terms are acceptable to you, please sign where indicated below and return together with your idea or proposal.

Very truly,

The foregoing terms and conditions are understood and acknowledged.

_______________________________ Submitter Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

23. Acknowledgement of Warranty and Instruction for Product Return

Dear We are sorry to hear that you have been experiencing problems with your new (name of product). While we do ask that our customers contact their dealer in the event of a problem, we recognize that, in your case, it his would be impossible. Therefore, if you will carefully package the unit in its original carton and send it to us, our "doctors" will put it through a thorough examination to determine the source of the problem. If the problem turns out to be a minor adjustment, we shall make the repair and be sure to return the (product) to you within thirty days. If our determination is that the unit is defective, we will send you an immediate replacement. Again, I am sorry that you experienced this difficulty and wish to thank you for your patience and for purchasing our (product).

24. Acknowledgment of Correspondence Indicating Postal Delay

Dear Thank you for your order. At this time we cannot fill your order due to an unexpected shipment delay from our overseas suppliers. We will hold your order for arrival of the merchandise, and ship shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with a specific shipping date at this time. Thank you for your anticipated patience in this matter. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

25. Advance Notice of Out of Business Sale

Dear It is true, we are going out of business! My wife and I have decided that now that the children are grown, we are going to do some of things we could only dream about for so many years. So, starting on (date) , everything in our store which includes our merchandise, our racks, our fixtures, our showcases and even our delivery truck will be up for sale and prices that are too good to be true. As a good and valuable customer of ours, we thought you would be interested in this advance notice of sale that we are sending out today. We will look forward to seeing you on the (date)

26. Affidavit for Lost, Stolen, Destroyed Stock Certificate

AFFIDAVIT FOR LOST, STOLEN, DESTROYED STOCK CERTIFICATE State of ______________________ County of _____________________ I, (name) , being duly sworn, state: That I reside at (address) , (city) , (state) That I am the legal and beneficial owner of (number) shares of the (specify class) stock of (corporation) Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

represented by certificates described as follows: Number Date Registered Name

That said certificates (were or were not) endorsed. That I have not assigned, hypothecated, pledged, or in any other way disposed of either the stock certificates or my rights as a stockholder, in whole or in part. That I am entitled to full and exclusive possession of said certificates. That the circumstances surrounding the (loss, or theft, or destruction, or disappearance) of said certificates and my attempt to locate them are as follows:

That the purpose of preparing this affidavit is to induce (corporation) to issue new certificates to replace those that have been (lost, stolen, destroyed). I hereby agree to surrender to (corporation) the original certificates issued to me should they hereafter come into my possession or control. Dated:_____________________ ____________________ (Signature) (Jurat) Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

27. Affidavit of No Lien

AFFIDAVIT OF NO LIEN STATE OF___________________ COUNTY OF__________________ Before me, a duly commissioned Notary Public within and for the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared________ _________who, after being duly sworn as required by law, deposes and says: 1. That he is the ___________________(title) of __________ ________________________________(firm). 2.That_____________________(said firm) is the owner of the improved property known and legally described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO or (set forth legal description) 3. That ___________________is not the subject to any bankruptcy, creditor's reorganization or insolvency proceeding and none are pending, contemplated or threatened. 4. That ____________________has possession of the property and that there is no other person in possession who has any right in the property. 5. That there are no unrecorded labor, mechanic's or materialmen's liens against the property and no material has been furnished or labor performed on the property which has not been paid in full. 6. That there are no unrecorded easements, liens of assessments for sanitary sewers, paving or other public utilities against said property. 7. That there are no claims whatsoever of any kind or description against any fixtures or equipment located on Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

the said premises. 8. That there are no existing contracts for sale, options to purchase or unrecorded deeds or mortgages existing against said property. 9. That this affidavit is made for the purpose of_________ __________________________________________________________ _________________________ (signature) Subscribed and sworn to before me this ___ day of _______, 19__. ______________________ My commission expires________ NOTARY PUBLIC

28. Agreement to Compromise Debt AGREEMENT TO COMPROMISE DEBT

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned being a creditor of _ (Company) hereby enters into an agreement to compromise and reduce the indebtedness due the undersigned on the following terms and conditions: 1. The Company and the undersigned acknowledge that the present debt due is $_. 2. The parties agree that the undersigned shall accept the sum of $_ as full and total payment on said debt and in complete discharge of all monies presently due, provided the sum herein shall be punctually paid in the manner following: Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

3. In the event the Company fails to punctually pay the reduced amount, the undersigned creditor shall have full rights to prosecute it claim for the total debt due under paragraph 1 (less payments made). 4. This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors, assigns and personal representatives. Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_.

_______________________________ Creditor

_______________________________ Company

29. Agreement to Extend Debt Payment AGREEMENT TO EXTEND DEBT PAYMENT

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned, _ (Creditor) and _ (Company), hereby acknowledge and agree that: Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

1. The Company presently owes the Creditor the sum of $_, said sum being presently due and payable. 2. In further consideration of the Creditor's forbearance, the Company agrees to pay said debt on extended terms in the manner following:

3. In the event the Company fails to make any payments punctually on the agreed extended terms, the Creditor shall have full rights to proceed for the collection of the entire balance then remaining. 4. This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors, assigns and personal representatives. Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_.

___________________________ Creditor

___________________________ Company Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

30. Amendment to Lease AMENDMENT TO LEASE

FOR GOOD CONSIDERATION, _ (Landlord), and _ (Tenant), under a certain lease agreement between them for premises known as _, dated _, 19_ hereby modify and amend said lease in the following particulars: (Describe modified terms)

All other terms shall remain as contained. Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_.

______________________________ Landlord

______________________________ Tenant Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

31. Announcement of Additional Location

( Name of Company ) is pleased to announce the addition of a new location for your convenience Our address is: 4500 4th Street North St. Petersburg, Florida 33702 Telephone (813) 546-6941 32.

Announcement of Business Name Change

Dear As our new letterhead indicates, we have recently changed the name of our business from (old name) to (new name) There has been no change in management and we will be providing the same products and fine service on which we have built our reputation in the industry. We would appreciate it if you would bring this announcement to the attention of your accounts payable department and direct them accordingly. Thank you for being one of our valued customers. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

33. Announcement of Catalog Price Reductions

Dear This is my favorite kind of letter. How many letters have I had to write over the years advising you of a price increase? Why, you ask, am I so happy? Read on. This is to advise you that, for a limited period of time, we are reducing prices on certain items in our catalog. Take a moment to review the enclosed catalog. I have circled in red ink the items that are temporarily reduced. What an opportunity! Please take advantage of these prices. If you wish to order large quantities, or stagger shipments, give me a call and we will try to work out mutually acceptable terms and conditions. In any event, get your order in, as these prices are only in effect until (date) I do enjoy writing this type of letter. Thank you in advance for your order.

34. Announcement of Change of Address

Dear As of Monday, July 1, 1986, Kabuki Sales Corporation of America's Eastern Regional Office will be located in our new offices and warehouse building at 401 Grandiosa Boulevard, Tampa, Florida, 33715. The telephone number for this new location is (813) 555-5428. Our Manufacturing Division will remain at 2550 Santa Fe Avenue, in St. Petersburg. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

I have enclosed our most recent brochure on robotic equipment for your review. I hope you find it interesting. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

35. Announcement of Change of Address for Billing

Gentlemen: Our new building is completed and we have moved into our brand new offices. Our new address and telephone number is as follows: (address) (city,state,zip) (telephone) Thank you for bringing this announcement to the attention of your accounting department.

36. Announcement of Clearance Sale

( Name of Company ) is pleased to announce our SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Offering 50% Off On All Summer Merchandise Including Designer Fashions commencing on August 1, 1986 We Hope To See You !

37. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

Announcement of Free Delivery Limitations Change

Dear There has been a change in our delivery service policy which we would like to bring to your attention. We have always provided free delivery for any orders placed with the (firm) , regardless of the size of the order. Due to the increase in the price of fuel, we must now limit this free delivery service to any orders over $ , not including the purchase of cigarettes. We regret the necessity of imposing this restriction. We wish to take this opportunity to thank you for being one of our most valued customers.

38. Announcement of New Area Representative

Dear It is my great pleasure to advise you that (name of new sales representative) will now be representing our firm in your area. (name of individual) has been handling our accounts in (locale) for some time and is extremely knowledgeable in the field of (specify) Your new representative is scheduled to visit your office on (date)

39. Announcement of New Area Representative Visit Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

Dear We have assigned (name of rep) as our new representative for your area. (name of rep) has been with our firm for quite some time and is extremely experienced in all aspects of our production. (name of rep) will be coming to (name of city) on (date) and will be calling on you in the morning if that doesn't conflict with your schedule. If there is any problem with that date, please let us know. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

40. Announcement of New Business Opening

Gentlemen: This is to inform you that The ( Name of Company ) is now open and is located at 4500 4th Avenue North, St. Petersburg, Florida. Our store offers a complete and diverse line of computer software packages for both personal and business application. Since we do not represent any individual computer hardware manufacturer, the products that we carry are compatible with many systems. We are therefore able to offer to our customers a wide range of excellent software packages. Enclosed, for your review, is a partial list of the items we currently have available. We hope that you will come and visit us soon.

41. Announcement of New Discount

Dear It is with great pleasure that we have recently welcomed (name) to our beauty salon. (name) was previously with (name of previous salon) in (city) and we feel privileged that he has chosen to work with (shop name) We would like to take this opportunity to inform you of another change that has taken place in our salon. Now, if you make an appointment to have more than one treatment done on the same day, we are offering a discount. For example, if you are having your hair done and also having us apply sculptured nails, the cost for your nail application will be $25.00 instead of $30.00. The discount for a manicure or pedicure is $2.00 off our regular price. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

We felt you would want to hear about this and are hoping to see you in the near future. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

42. Announcement of New Pricing Policy

Dear It has been our policy in the past to supply ice to our customers when their ice machine has broken down. Because we have many customers who are paying later and later, we are forced to set down stronger company policies. Our new policy will go into effect August 3, 1986, and is as follows: 1. If the customer is more than 15 days late in their monthly payment and the machine is not working, we will not supply ice. We will repair the machine, and the number of days in which the machine has not been in service will be credited to the customer's account. At the time of our service call we will expect payment in full of any unpaid balance due us. 2. There will be a sur-charge on accounts falling more than 30 days behind. While I am sorry that we must go to such extremes as those outlined above, I am afraid that there is no alternative. Our company policy is, and always has been, to provide the best service available to our customers. We can only continue to do this with our customer's cooperation. If there are any questions regarding our new policy, please give me a call.

43. Announcement of New Shipment Arrival

Dear Our new shipment from England has been unloaded, delivered, dusted, and is now ready for your review. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

We really found some marvelous pieces and when I tell you that our container was jammed full, believe me, it was full. We welcome you to come, browse, buy if you like and join us in a cup of espresso. We know you won't be sorry! See you soon.

44. Announcement of Partnership Buyout

Dear This is to inform you that I have purchased all of the interest of my former partner, (name) , and that he is no longer associated with the firm of (name of firm) Our business will continue to provide the same high quality products and service on which we have built our reputation and this internal change will in no way effect our company policy or manner of conducting business. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the courtesies you have shown us in the past, and hope that you will let us continue to serve your business in a way that is mutually beneficial and profitable to us both.

45. Announcement of Price Increase

Dear Due to the increase in raw material costs, we must unfortunately raise the cost of our merchandise to you. We have avoided raising our prices for as long as possible, but we can no longer prolong the inevitable. We have enclosed our new price list for your review which goes into effect on (date) Any orders placed between Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

now and (date of increase) will be honored at the lower prices. We wish to thank you for your valued account and know that you will understand the necessity for this price increase. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

46. Announcement of Price Reduction

Dear Rarely do we have the opportunity to inform our customers of such good news. The legislature's tariff ruling which was handed down on May 15th, 1986, has made it possible for our company to reduce our list price for Egyptian cotton. Effective as of June 1, 1986, all full orders received for six week delivery will be billed as follows: STOCK OLD PRICE NEW PRICE #0134 $57.00 $51.30 #0135 $53.00 $47.70 #0136 $49.00 $44.10 We are very pleased to be able to pass this savings directly on to you. These prices do not include the additional 2 per cent discount that is offered to our customers who pay within the 10 day discount period.


Announcement of Special Discount Offer

Dear This is to announce our 10% Special Discount Offer that we are making on all orders for the following items for the month of (month) only: __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ This 10% discount is available on any order set for delivery from (date) through (date) , and is our way of saying thank you for being such a valued customer. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

We hope you will take advantage of this offer and will send us your purchase order today. We will look forward to hearing from you. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

48. Apology & Proposal on Overshipped Merchandise

Dear In deference to your valuable time, I would like to get straight to the point and say that we were wrong. Your purchase order clearly stated 30 cases. The shipment of 60 cases was our error. Meanwhile, there are two options available at this time; you can keep the additional merchandise and we will bill you thirty days from now, or we will arrange to have it picked up at your loading dock and issue a credit to you. Please let me know of your preference. We will do everything in our power to ensure that this type of error does not occur again. Thank you for your understanding. If I can be of any assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to call on me.

49. Apology After Cancellation of Order

Dear This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of (date) in which you set forth your reasons for canceling your purchase order # I am very sorry about the misunderstanding that led to this cancellation and have taken the matter up with management in order to ensure that a problem of this nature does not occur again. As one of our valued customers, your satisfaction is one of our primary concerns. Please accept our apology. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

50. Apology and Replacement of Damaged Goods

Dear It was distressing to learn that the chocolate we shipped to your firm last week arrived in bits and pieces. Per your request, a new shipment for 30 lbs. left our dock this morning and is scheduled for afternoon delivery to you on May 26th. Please turn over the damaged goods to the driver at the time of deliver. I am sorry that this unfortunate incident occurred and sincerely appreciate your continued patronage.

51. Apology and Request for Extension of Time to Deliver Goods

Dear This is to acknowledge that we are in receipt of your notice whereby you informed us that the goods shipped to you on (date) did not conform to our agreement dated (date). We regret this unintentional mistake on our part, the reasons for which were (explanation)

While we recognize that the time for performing under this agreement has expired, we are requesting that you extend the time to (date) in order that we may cure the defect by replacing the shipment with goods that conform to our agreement. Please accept our apology for this inconvenience. We will be looking forward to your response. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

52. Apology and Tender of Compensation

Dear Thank you for your letter of (date) in which you informed us that (product) you purchased was (nature of problem). We are sorry that you experienced this problem and are enclosing (nature of compensation). While we make every attempt to ensure that our products are (address complaint), this unfortunate incident can occasionally occur. We are very appreciative that you have taken the time to bring this to our attention and would like to thank you for purchasing our products.

53. Apology for Accounting Errors and Past Due Notices Dear You deserve an explanation for what went wrong in our accounting department, and I hope that this letter will serve to resolve our recent difficulties. I know that you can appreciate the fact that it has taken some time to find out exactly what occurred, and, therefore, please accept our apologies for the delay in this response. Apparently, your payment was received in a timely fashion, but it was credited to an account which bears a similar name to yours. Therefore, we commenced sending you our standard notices requesting payment, in keeping with our routine policy. Even after the posting error was rectified, our accounting department failed to notify our credit department, which is why you continued to receive our correspondence demanding payment. I know how exasperating this has been for you and I am Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

deeply sorry that it has taken so long to straighten out this problem. While there is a procedure within our firm to preclude this type of error from occurring, we are reinforcing this procedure. You have been a valued customer of ours for a long time and we appreciate your affording us the opportunity to serve you. You may rest assured that this problem will not surface again. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

54. Apology for Delay of Refund Dear After reading your letter of (date) , I can thoroughly understand why you are running out of patience. While it would be easy to place the blame on our computer, this poor fellow has received enough abuse since joining our firm. After all, he only follows the orders that are given to him. Therefore, please accept my apology for the delay in refunding your money for (basis of adjustment) Our bookkeeping department has been instructed to issue a check to you at once, which you should be receiving within a few days. I am grateful that your letter was brought to my attention and I appreciate your perseverance in settling this matter. Once again, I am very sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you.

55. Apology for Delayed Response & Request for Meeting

Gentlemen: This is to inform you that we are unable to make delivery on the above referenced purchase order on the date indicated. We should have our merchandise ready to ship within 10 days of the original delivery date and we hope that you can hold off until that time. We did want to inform you of this delay as soon we were advised in order to give you as much time as possible to make alternate arrangements, if necessary. We can assure you, however, that if your order remains in force we will expedite delivery to you as soon as we have received the merchandise. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

Please accept our apology for this delay and thank you for your understanding. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

56. Apology for Not Crediting Payment

Dear Thank you for your assistance in helping us to locate your payment of (date) which had not been credited to your account. Please accept our apology for this error and for the overdue notices we sent to you. We appreciate your patronage and are sorry for the inconvenience caused by this error.

57. Apology for Not Crediting Payment from Prompt Payer

Dear Thank you for your letter and the photocopy of your check, which showed that your account had been paid in full. While we are very sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you, the enclosure of your check enabled us to go through our records and pinpoint how this error occurred. Please accept our apology for the letters we wrote under the assumption that this bill had not been paid. I know this insistence on our part must have been extremely frustrating for you, especially in light of the fact that you have always been a valued customer of ours and have paid your bills promptly. Thank you for your patience and please be assured that we will do everything in our power to ensure that this type of error does not occur in the future. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

58. Apology for Overshipment

Dear Please accept our apology for having shipped merchandise in excess of your purchase order. We have made an adjustment in your account to reflect this error and have arranged for (delivery service) to pick up the excess merchandise on (date) . We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you and are most appreciative of your cooperation and understanding in this matter. Thank you for your recent order.

59. Apology for Poor Service Rating on Customer Questionnaire

Dear Thank you for taking the time to fill out our questionnaire during your stay with us. We do appreciate hearing from our customers, as their comments are vital for us to continue improving our accommodations. The problems that you mentioned have been brought to the attention of our housekeeping department. While the lack of service you experienced is unusual and not the standard of our motel, there is no excuse for a lackadaisical attitude on the part of any of our employees. We are sorry for the inconvenience and annoyance this incident caused. Thank you again for your comments. We hope that you will give us another chance to serve you. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph


Apology to Customer for Accounting Error

Dear Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding your account number ____________. We were able to track down the error and have credited your account accordingly. A report to this effect has also been sent to our credit reporting company. As of this date, your account balance is $_____________. You are a valued customer and we apologize for any inconvenience this mix-up may have caused. If we may be of further assistance please contact this office at your convenience.

61. Apology to Receiver of NSF Check

Dear When I received your letter of (date) with my check attached marked "insufficient funds", I called my bank immediately. The gentleman I spoke with, (name) , discovered that the bank had failed to credit my account with a substantial deposit I had made several days prior. The bank has assured me that they will be sending you a formal letter of apology for their error. Attached is my check in the amount of $ to replace the dishonored one you have returned. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

62. Application for License

APPLICATION FOR LICENSE I, (name of applicant), do hereby apply for a license to display the trademark of (association), "(trademark) " at my place of business located at (address) , in the City of , State of . That this application is in accordance with the regulations of the (trade association). I am cognizant of the regulations of (trade association) that govern the display of said trademark and the manner of conducting business, and I agree to abide by such regulations at all times. Dated:_______________ ______________________________ (Signature)

63. Appointment for Employment Interview and Testing

Dear Thank you for your recent application for employment with ( Name of Company ) . An interview has been scheduled for you on Monday, June 7, 1986, at 10:00, with Mr. Phil Menot, Head of Personnel. Mr. Menot's office is located on the 10th floor, Room 1009. A test will be administered to you immediately following your interview, which will take approximately one hour. If you are unable to keep this appointment or if you have any questions, please call me at (813) 555-4000. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

64. Appointment for Testing

Dear We have reviewed your qualifications and would like you to take our Employment Tests. Please be in our office at (time) , on (date) If you are unable to keep this appointment, please telephone me at (telephone)

65. Assignment

ASSIGNMENT THIS ASSIGNMENT made this __ day of ________, 19_____, by and between _____________________("Assignor"), and _______ _____________________("Assignee"): WITNESSETH, that for valuable consideration in hand paid by the Assignee to the Assignor, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Assignor hereby assigns and transfers to the Assignee all of his right, title and interest in and to all ______________________________________(description) set forth in___________________________________________________ of that certain _________________Agreement. Provided, however, no warranties of any kind whatsoever are made incident to this Assignment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Assignor has executed this Assignment on the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

66. Assignment and Transfer of Stock Certificate ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER OF STOCK CERTIFICATE

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby sells, assigns and transfers to _, (_) shares of the stock of _ (Corporation) standing in the name of the undersigned on the books of the Corporation and represented by Certificate No. _. The undersigned hereby and irrevocably constitutes and appoints _, attorney-in-fact, to transfer the said stock on the books of the within named Corporation with full power of substitution in the premises.

Dated: _


67. Assignment of a Claim for Damages ASSIGNMENT OF A CLAIM FOR DAMAGES Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby sells and transfers to _, (Assignee) and its successors, assigns and personal representatives, any and all claims, demands, and cause or causes of action of any kind whatsoever which the undersigned has or may have against _, arising from the following type claim:

And the undersigned may in its own name and for its own benefit prosecute, collect, settle, compromise and grant releases on said claim as it in its sole discretion deems advisable. Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_.


68. Assignment of Accounts Receivable (With Non-Recourse) ASSIGNMENT OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (With Non-Recourse)

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby sells and transfers all right, title and interest in and to the Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

account(s) receivable as annexed; to _. The undersigned warrants that the said account(s) are just and due and the undersigned has not received payment for same or any part thereof; provided, however, that said account(s) are sold without recourse to the undersigned in the event of non-payment. Signed under seal this_ day of _, 19_.

________________________________ Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph


Assignment of Accounts Receivable (With Recourse) ASSIGNMENT OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (With Recourse)

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby sells and transfers all right, title and interest in and to the account(s) receivable as annexed; to _. _, the undersigned warrants that said account(s) are just and due and the undersigned has not received payment for same or any part thereof. It is further provided that if any said account does not make full payment within _ days, said account(s) may be retransferred to the undersigned and the undersigned shall repurchase same for the balance then owing on said account(s). Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_.

_______________________________ Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

70. Assignment of Contract ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned Assignor hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to _ (Assignee) all right, title and interest in and to the following described contract:

The Assignor warrants and represents that said contract is in full force and effect and is fully assignable. The Assignee hereby assumes and agrees to perform all obligation of the Assignor under the contract and guarantees to hold the Assignor harmless from any claim or demand made thereunder. Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_.

_______________________________ Assignor Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

_______________________________ Assignee

71. Assignment of Copyright ASSIGNMENT OF COPYRIGHT

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby sells, transfers and assigns unto _, its successors, assigns and personal representatives, all right, title and interest in and to the following described copyright: (Describe)

The certificate of copyright is attached. The undersigned warrants good title to said copyright, that it is free of all liens, encumbrances or any known claims against said copyright. Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

_______________________________ Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

72. Assignment of Deed of Trust

ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby grants, assigns and transfers to __________________________________________ all beneficial interest under that certain Deed of Trust dated _____________, executed by __________________________ ___________________________________________________Trustor, to_________________________________________________Trustee, and recorded as Instrument No._____on _____________________ in book___________page_________, of Official Records in the County Recorder's office of ________________________County, _______________(State), describing land therein as: TOGETHER with the note or notes therein described or referred to, the money due and to become due thereon with interest, and all rights accrued or to accrue under said Deed of Trust. ________________________ (Acknowledgment) ________________________ ________________________

73. Assignment of Income ASSIGNMENT OF INCOME

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby assigns and transfers to _, all rights to proceeds, income, rentals, fees, profits or monies that shall be due the undersigned from _, under a certain contract described as: Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_.

_______________________________ 74. Assignment of Lease

ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE ________________________________ and ______________________ __________________________, Lessees of that certain lease dated_____________________, by and between ________________ Lessor and ______________________,Lessee, and pertaining to that certain_______________________________________________ do hereby assign their right, title and interest in and to said lease to _____________, whose address shall henceforth be __________________________. It is agreed and understood that this assignment is contingent upon satisfactory compliance with the terms and provisions of the lease. WITNESSES: __________________________ _______________________ __________________________ _______________________ ACCEPTANCE We,____________________, hereby accept the above assignment and subject ourselves to all the promises and covenants therein contained. We fully understand that this assignment is contingent upon the making of timely payments on the lease and complying with all the terms and provisions of the lease. WITNESSES: __________________________ _______________________ __________________________ _______________________ Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

CONSENT ____________________________, landlord and lessor under the above lease hereby consents to the assignment of said lease from ______________________to _____________________________. _________________________ By_________________________ Attest: ___________________ Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

75. Assignment of Lease ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE

ASSIGNMENT of lease by and between _ (Tenant), and _ (Sub-Tenant), and _ (Landlord). For good consideration, it is agreed by and between the parties that: 1. Tenant hereby assigns, transfers and delivers to Sub-Tenant all of Tenant's rights in and to a certain lease between Tenant and Landlord for certain premises known as (Describe) _, under lease dated _, 19_. (Lease) 2. Sub-Tenant agrees to accept said Lease, pay all rents and punctually perform all of Tenant's obligations under said Lease accruing on and after the date of delivery of possession to the Sub-Tenant as contained herein. Sub-Tenant further agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Tenant from any breach of Sub-Tenant's obligations hereunder. 3. The parties acknowledge that Tenant shall deliver possession of the leased premises to Sub-Tenant on _, 19_; time being of the essence. All rents and other charges accrued under the Lease prior to said date shall be fully paid by Tenant, and thereafter by the Sub-Tenant. 4. Landlord hereby assents to the assignment of lease, provided that: a) Assent to the assignment shall not discharge Tenant of its obligations under the Lease in the event of breach by Sub-Tenant. b) In the event of breach by Sub-Tenant, Landlord shall provide Tenant with written notice of same and Tenant shall have full rights to commence all actions to recover possession of the leased premises (in the name of Landlord, if necessary) and retain all rights for the duration of said Lease provided it shall pay all accrued rents and Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

cure any other default. c) There shall be no further assignment of lease without prior written consent of Landlord. 5. This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors, assigns and personal representatives.

Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_.

______________________________ Tenant

______________________________ Sub-Tenant

______________________________ Landlord

76. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

Assignment of Lien

ASSIGNMENT OF LIEN This assignment is made on (date) by (name of lienholder) , of (address) , City of (city) , County of (county) , State of (state) , herein referred to as "Assignor", to (name of assignee) , of (address) , City of (city) , County of (county) , State of (state), herein referred to as "Assignee". In consideration of (amount) Dollars, ($ ), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, assignor does hereby assign to assignee the mechanic's lien on the property of (name of property owner) , located at (address) , (city) , (state) , which has been duly recorded in the office of (office), in Volume (number) , page , a copy of which is attached hereto. Whereas, the intent of this assignment is to transfer to assignee full power to collect that certain sum secured by said lien, assignor does hereby appoint assignee his attorney in fact, with full authority to enforce the lien herein assigned, and to collect and receive the debt secured by said lien, as assignor would do if this assignment were not being made. Any costs incurred by the assignee in enforcing the assigned lien, shall be borne by the assignee. In witness, whereof, assignor has executed this assignment at (place of execution), this (day) of (month) , (year) _______________________ (Signature) (Acknowledgment)

77. Assignment of Literary Property Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph


FOR VALUE RECEIVED, and in accordance with the terms of a certain agreement between us dated _, 19_, the undersigned hereby sells, transfers and assigns to _, (Company) all rights to the literary property, described as:

And the undersigned further represents that Company may secure copyrights on said property and have full use and rights to said property as contained in said agreement. Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_.

_______________________________ 78. Assignment of Security Interest ASSIGNMENT OF SECURITY INTEREST

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned does hereby sell, assign and transfer to _, its successors or assigns, all Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

right, title and interest of the undersigned in and to a certain security interest and debt thereto issued to the undersigned from _ (Debtor), under date of _, 19_, all as annexed hereto. Signed this _ day of _, 19_.

______________________________ Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

79. Assignment of Trademark

ASSIGNMENT OF TRADEMARK This agreement entered this (day) of (month), (year) between (name of assignor) , of (address), City of (city) State of (state) , herein referred to as "Assignor", and (name of assignee) of (address), City of (city), State of (state) , herein referred to as "Assignee". That Assignor has adopted and is using a mark registered in the United States Patent Office, Registration No. (number), dated (date) and Assignee is desirous of acquiring such mark and the registration thereof. That for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Assignor does hereby assign to Assignee all rights, title and interest in and to said mark, the goodwill of the business symbolized by said mark, along with the registration thereof, the number of which is contained herein. Date____________________ ________________________ (Signature) (Acknowledgment)



The undersigned _, of _ (Company), being the lawful owner of a certain trademark registered in the United States Patent Office under registration number _, dated _, 19_ (Trademark), for good consideration does hereby sell, transfer and convey Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

all right, title and interest in said trademark and convey all right, title and interest in said trademark and good will attaching thereto, unto _ (Buyer). Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_.


State of _ County of _ Date: _

Then personally appeared _ who acknowledged the foregoing, before me.

(Notary Seal) _______________________________ Notary Public

81. Authorization

AUTHORIZATION TO:__________________________ Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

Re: Loan #______________or Savings Account #____________, I hereby authorize release to ___________________________, credit information for my pending credit application on a real estate transaction. ________________________ Signature Loan Opened________________ Monthly Payments___________ High Credit________________ Current Balance____________ Paying Record____________________________________________ Savings Account: Date Opened______________ Present Balance_____________ The above is furnished to you in strictest confidence to your request. Date:_______________________ _______________________ By__________________________ By_______________________

82. Authorization to Direct Bill for Corporate Guest

Dear (name of guest) is an honored guest of our corporation, and during his stay at your hotel, you are hereby authorized to forward all bills for his stay there to our accounting office. They have been preauthorized to immediately approve and pay any invoices from your hotel. We have placed a credit limit on the account of (amount) Should this account exceed this amount, please contact this office for approval in advance of any additional charges. Thank you in advance for your special consideration of this individual and his needs. We hope to make his visit to our company and our city most enjoyable and memorable. If I may be of any assistance in this matter, please contact my office as necessary. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

83. Bid for the Purchase of Real Property (Probate)

BID FOR THE PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY (Probate) To__________________________As__________________________ of Estate of____________________________________Deceased The undersigned hereby offers $_________for the purchase of the property generally known as_________________________and described as:______________________________________________ ______________________(description)________________________ on the following terms: $____________________deposit_________________________ ________________(terms for paying balance)___________ Rents, taxes, insurance expenses of operation and maintenance to be prorated as of close of escrow; seller to furnish title policy. Enclosed is cashier's check #________ on (location) Branch of_______________(bank) for $____________________ representing 10% of my offer as a deposit. I understand this bid, if accepted, is subject to confirmation by the Superior Court. (This offer is contingent on your accepting it by (date) and obtaining the earliest possible date for the court hearing. If you do not accept this offer on or before said date, you are instructed to return the deposit immediately thereafter) Deposit is to be returned in event sale is not confirmed by court. Upon confirmation of sale, title shall be conveyed by grant deed (or warranty deed) to (names of parties) (description of manner in which title will be held) (This offer is subject to a real estate commission of __% to be paid by the estate to (name of broker), address , License # ) DATED:___________________(Signature)____________________ Address_______________________ Phone____________________ Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

ACCEPTANCE Receipt is acknowledged of $ as a deposit. I accept said offer subject to confirmation by the court, and will file a return of sale and immediately notify you of the date of hearing. DATED____________________ __________________________ As executor (administrator) Of Estate of Deceased

84. Bill of Sale

BILL OF SALE I,__________, of (name of firm) , in the County of_________________, State of________, in consideration of ________________Dollars, ($__________), to be paid by ____ _______________, of (name of firm), the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, sell, transfer and deliver unto ______________________ the following: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ (Description) To have and to hold the same to____________and his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assign, to their use forever. And I hereby covenant with the grantee that I am the lawful owner of said goods; That they are free from all encumbrances; That I have good right to sell the same as aforesaid; And that I will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. In witness, whereof, I__________________, hereunto set my hand, this ___ day of_______________19__. Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph


Bill of Sale (with Warranty of Title)

BILL OF SALE (WITH WARRANTY OF TITLE) I,__________________, of ________________________ ____________, County of_______________, State of _________, in consideration of $_________________, to me paid by______ _________________, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, sell, transfer and deliver unto ______________the following goods and chattels, namely, ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ To have and to hold the same to _________________ and his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, to their use forever. And I hereby covenant with the grantee that I am the lawful owner of said goods; that they are free from all encumbrances; that I have good right to sell the same as aforesaid; and that I will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ________________________ , hereunto set my hand, this _____ day of ___________, 19__. /S/...........................

86. Business Credit Application Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph


Business Name _ Date _ Address _ City _ State _ Zip _ Owner/Manager _ Tel.No. _ How long in business _ D & B Rated _ Trade References: Name _ Address _ Name _ Address _ Name _ Address _ Name _ Address _ Bank References: Name _ Address _ Name _ Address _ Credit line requested $_ Pending lawsuits against Company:

The undersigned authorizes inquiry as to credit information. We further acknowledge that credit privileges, if granted, may be withdrawn at any time. 87. 88. Certificate of Abandonment of Fictitious Business Name

Certificate of Abandonment of Fictitious Business Name General Form Certificate The undersigned______________________(Individual or Partnership or Corporation), certifies the following: 1. The undersigned, _______________, Individual or Partnership or Corporation), ceased to use the fictitious name of ____________ in transacting business in the State Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

of __________________._ 2. The full (name or names) and (place or places) of residence of the undersigned______________ (is, are) as follows:_________________________________________________. Or, if a corporation 2. The principal place of business of said corporation in the State of ________________, is at__________________, in the City of _______________,County of__________________. 3. The above mentioned fictitious name is hereby abandoned. Dated:_________________ ____________________________ (Signature or Signatures) 89. Certificate of Installation, Leased Equipment

CERTIFICATE OF INSTALLATION The leased equipment in the Schedule of the lease between _________________________________ has been installed and is operational as of _____________. Rental payments shall commence in accordance with Paragraph (denote) hereof. ________________________ ___________________________ Installer Lessee By______________________ By_________________________ Title___________________ Title______________________ 90. Certification of Satisfaction of Lien

CERTIFICATION OF SATISFACTION OF LIEN Whereas, on (date) , (lienholder) caused a lien to be filed for record in the office of (name of office) of County, State of , which was duly recorded in Volume , page , of , against property owned by (owner) , of (address) , for (description of work performed) by (name of lienholder), Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

the description of which is as follows:

Whereas, on (date) , (owner) fully satisfied the indebtedness secured by said mechanic's lien. Therefore, in consideration of said payment, (lienholder) hereby certifies that said lien is released and discharged, and directs the County (name of office) to discharge of record said lien. Dated:______________________ _________________________ (Signature) (Acknowledgment) 91. Change of Address Awaiting Refund

Dear Your correspondence, dated April 15, 1986 indicated that I would be receiving a refund for the unused portion of prorated insurance coverage provided under the above referenced policy. As of this date, I have not yet received this check. Since I have moved, I am naturally concerned that the check may have been sent to the wrong address. Would you please let me know if a check has been mailed. If not, I would appreciate your authorizing one to be sent to the address indicated above. Thank you for your attention to this matter. 92. Charge Account Credit Limit Raise Notification

Dear After careful review of your charge account, it pleases us to inform you that we have increased your credit limit as follows: OLD CREDIT LIMIT: $ NEW CREDIT LIMIT: $ Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

Furthermore, this change in account status qualifies you for use of our installment account. Should you require additional information about this new account, please see one of our credit representatives the next time you are here for a visit. You are a valued customer, and as such, you will be advised of our special customer sales, which we have from time to time. We appreciate your continued patronage, and look forward to being able to assist you in the near future. 93. Charge Account Terms and Conditions Form

TERMS AND CONDITIONS Buyer agrees with seller_______________________________to pay for all purchases upon receipt of monthly statement. Charges billed, but not paid by the 10th of the month following purchase will be considered delinquent and subject to finance charges. The FINANCE CHARGE for individuals is computed by a periodic rate of ____ per month which is an ANNUUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF ____% applied to the "Previous Unpaid Balance less Current Credits." Current credits are payments or credits received by ________A.M. on the _____ day of the following month. The minimum payment due will be payment of Buyer's indebtedness in full. If not paid, ______________________________ may declare the unpaid balance due and payable immediately. Buyer agrees to pay collection expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees and court costs, if it is necessary to collect through legal action. Buyer assumes full responsibility for all materials purchased from ____________________________. Buyer agrees to be personally liable for all charges and individually guarantees payment of all charges promptly. Buyer agrees to notify __________________within 10 days in writing of receipt of monthly statement of any in billing. Failure to so notify ___________________________ signifies total acceptance and responsibility for prompt payment in full of account. If materials are ordered to be delivered to a construction job site, the buyer assumes liability for the materials at the Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

time of delivery whether or not buyer's representative is on hand to acknowledge receipt of delivery. Buyer agrees to pay standard delivery charges as billed. Buyer agrees that no refund will be granted unless merchandise is returned within 30 days with invoice to store where purchases were made and in original sales condition. Buyer agrees to supply____________with "Notice of Commencements", purchase orders, job numbers, job addresses, and a current list of employees permitted to order, pickup, and sign for merchandise. __________________________reserves the right to send out "Notice to Owners" and file Liens on past due accounts and use any legal means available to force collection if necessary. 94. Charge Back Application of Discount on Delayed Shipment

Dear The shipment of the above referenced merchandise was delivered to my receiving department on While the original delivery date was set for I approved this later delivery in view of the problems that you were experiencing at that time. Our check for the full amount of the invoice, less our 2% discount, was mailed to you on I am enclosing a copy of the statement I received today, which includes a charge back for that discount, taken in compliance with your terms. I believe that the source of this error lies in the fact that the date on the invoice was not changed to reflect the delay in delivery. I would appreciate receiving a corrected statement of my account. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. 95. Collateral Decision, Request for Preparation of Loan Documents

Dear Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

It was a pleasure having the opportunity to meet with you yesterday to discuss the proposed loan on the After reviewing the alternatives you suggested, I believe that it would be best to collateralize this loan with (form of collateral) I am instructing my secretary to prepare a package consisting of all necessary documents and to mail them to your attention today. I would be most appreciative if you would arrange to have the loan documents drawn as soon as possible. I wish to thank you for your cooperation in this matter and am looking forward to the continuance of a long and mutually beneficial relationship between us. 96. Collections Follow-Up on Release of Pending Order

Dear As we discussed in our recent telephone conversation, I have released your "pending" order on our terms of net 30 days, with payment expected on or before 30 days from the date of the invoice. I appreciate your candor and am looking forward to getting your account back on sure footing in the not too distant future. 97. Collections Report on Current Status of Debt

TO: FROM: WE REPORT AS FOLLOWS: 25. Just relocated at new address;---following A. DEBTOR'S ATTITUDE: 26. Lives in remote district: 1. Promises to pay later hard to contact personally 2. Ignores requests 27. Debtor is a minor. Trying 3. Disputes claim for settlement 4. Refuses to pay 28. Debtor judgment-proof; 5. Claims account is paid recovery doubtful Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

B. DEBTOR'S FINANCIAL D. ACTION RECOMMENDED 6. Doing part time work 29. Voluntary collection not 7. Working on commission possible. Recommend suit. 8. Out of work. Rechecking a) furnish 4 copies of regularly. itemized statements 9. On relief. indicating date, amount 10. Earnings exempt;no other of each payment. attachable assets. b) Original papers 11. Heavily in debt. c) Counsel must have legal 12. Debtor ill and without identity of Creditor in funds. order to proceed. 13. In military service. C. CURRENT ACTIVITY INDICATE IF: 14. Trying for a compromise A corporation--where? 15. Rechecking for assets to A partnership--full justify legal action or names of all-ability to pay. Individually owned-16 Debtor deceased;checking Full name of indiv.? for estate. 17. Claims returned merchandise E. ACCOUNT CLOSED: on ___________________ 18. Suit filed; still pending 30. Skip--cannot locate 19. Judgment obtained. Attorney 31. No assets--hopeless trying to execute Legal action not 20. Skip--trying to locate recommended. Can you help? 32. Per your request. 21 Claims paid to you on 33. Subject refuses to _______________Please pay or compromise, confirm payment. too small for suit. 22. Claim in hands of our 34. Bankruptcy,no assets representative in debtor's 35. Outlawed. Refuses to area. We are requesting pay or compromise. report. 36. Deceased. No estate. 23. Just received a payment of Family won't assist. $_________________ 37. Exhausted all 24. We are making a final collection efforts. effort for you. Uncollectable.

98. Commendation Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

Gentlemen: You are to be commended for the manner in which you handled the unfortunate incident which led to removing ( Product Name ) from the market. While the reports that I have read all indicated that there was no definite proof that the taking of ( Product Name ) may have resulted in her present condition, the fact that you acted so quickly shows that your first concern is with the health and well being of the public. As a consumer, I would like to express my appreciation for your integrity and once again commend you for the fine manner in which you handled this incident. 99. Commendation and Refusal of Request for Raise

Dear This is to acknowledge your letter of (date) You are definitely to be commended for your progress during the past two months. I do believe, however, that your recent request for a raise is premature. I would suggest that it would be more appropriate to discuss a salary increase after you have worked here for six months. If you continue on the same path, I am certain that your timely request will be given careful consideration. You are doing a fine job, keep up the good work!


Commercial Account Analysis Form

ACCOUNT ANALYSIS ACCOUNT___________________________________________________ ADDRESS___________________________________________________ Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

__________________________________________________________ BUYER_____________________________________________________ OTHER CONTACTS__________________________________________________ CALLING DAYS AND TIMES____________________________________ ANNUAL VOLUME__________EMPLOYS__________CREDIT LIMIT______D&B____ HISTORICAL PURCHASES 19___/$_______ 19___/$_______ 19___/$____ 19___/$_____ 19___/$_______ 19___/$_______ 19___/$____ COMPETITOR PROFILE AND PRESENCE IN ACCOUNT INVENTORY:_____ __________________________________________________________ PROBLEMS AND OPPORTUNITIES:_______________________________ __________________________________________________________ STRATEGIC APPROACH:_______________________________________ __________________________________________________________

(cn na) Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph Ngun ti nguyn ting Anh min ph

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