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A supplement to the Livewire

Bridal Guide
Bridal Edition Sunday, January 29, 2012 Page 2
701 3rd Street Jackson
Bridal Registry
Brides . . . stop in and register your
gift ideas for your upcoming bridal
shower and wedding!
Free Gift
when you register in our
bridal registry.
now available for any occasion!
We offer the perfect setting
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507 2nd St., Jackson, MN 847-9901
Downtown Jackson 507-847-3771
Downtown Lakeeld 507-662-5555
owntown Jackson 507-847-3771
Every couple wants their
wedding to be memorable.
The goal of planning a wed-
ding is to create an experi-
ence that everyone will re-
member for years to come.
For some couples, a theme
wedding is the best way to
accomplish just that.
When it comes time to
select a theme, the day the
wedding takes place may
dictate the theme. For ex-
ample, if the wedding takes
place on Halloween, the
ideas for the theme are easy.
Many other couples choose
a theme that highlights a
specific interest or hobby
or something that is dear to
them. Here are some popu-
lar wedding themes.
Holiday: The Christ-
mas season lends itself well
to wedding planning. The
colors (red, green, gold)
are already established, and
most churches and build-
ings are already decked out
in holiday finery, cutting
down on the amount of
flowers and embellishments
couples need. Because the
holiday season is so busy
and a popular time for so-
cializing, couples who want
to tie the knot during this
time of year should send
save-the-date cards well in
advance. Another option
is to have a Christmas in
Wedding themes can add up to extra fun and express couples interests
July wedding, featuring
the same holiday themes but
without the hectic nature of
the holiday season.
Vegas: Couples who
want to tie the knot in Las
Vegas but want to ensure all
their loved ones can attend
can recreate the magic of
Vegas wherever they may
be. Casino-inspired games
and big buffet meals can
make guests feel like they
have stepped into a casino
on the famed Vegas strip. In
addition, an Elvis imperson-
ator is essential to a Vegas
TV show: Some cou-
ples elevate certain televi-
sion shows to cult status.
Whether its Friends or
Star Trek, popular televi-
sion shows have been trans-
formed into festive wedding
themes. Whether the idea is
to go daring and exchange
vows in costume or simply
name reception tables ac-
cording to characters or
show locations, couples can
include a little television fun
into the event.
Fairytale: Many men
and women envision a fai-
rytale wedding complete
with horse-drawn carriage
and the happily ever after.
This is what makes Disney
properties as well as the
various castles around the
File photo
A masquerade theme might be an entertaining theme for a couples nuptials.
world popular backdrops
for wedding events. Those
planning a fairytale wedding
need only look to favorite
stories or movies for their
Interest or passion:
Love to climb mountains?
Avid about scuba diving?
Couples who share a par-
ticular interest can include
elements of this sport or
hobby into their wedding.
Invitations and decor can
hint at the theme, and then
special activities can fur-
ther enhance it. Fish bowls
as centerpieces may call
to mind underwater ad-
ventures, while surfboard-
shaped invites may set the
scene for a beachside party.
Theme weddings can
add an extra spice to the
festivities and incorporate
couples interests into the
event making it even
more special.
Over the course of their
lifetimes, many people will
be wedding guests on sev-
eral occasions. During the
height of wedding season,
weddings can run into one
another, as the format and
the festivities are similar at
various ceremonies. Cou-
ples interested in setting
their nuptials apart may
want to enhance the wed-
ding reception with a few
unique ideas.
Who hasnt attended a
wedding that seems for-
mulaic? The couple en-
ters, they do their spot-
Unique wedding reception touches
light dance, theres food, a
bouquet toss and then the
cake cutting. Guests may
actually be able to predict
whats coming next. While
it is often customary and
easy to follow tradition,
that doesnt mean you can-
not buck with tradition and
offer a few creative ideas to
make your event stand out.
Here are several ideas
you can introduce into your
wedding to add something
special to the reception.
Skip the big entrance.
Those who were ki nd
enough to attend the cer-
emony have already been
introduced to the newly
minted happy couple. In-
stead of spending the cock-
tail hour in the isolation of
the wedding suite, mingle
with your guests from start
to finish. So much time is
spent posing for pictures
or being out of touch with
guests, the cocktail hour
can be a great time to sit
and chat. Being with guests
during the cocktail hour
means you dont have to
make that big entrance
from behind closed doors.
Guests will have all eyes on
you when you step on the
dance floor for your first
dance together.
Dance to an upbeat
number. Guests are expect-
ing a slow, sappy tune. What
they may not expect is an
upbeat song that shows you
are willing to have a little
fun. If you havent mastered
the waltz but enjoy a little
quick step now and again,
feel free to choose a tune
that shows your excitement
and love for each other.
Encourage couples to
dance together. Its often
customary for the bridal
party to join the bride and
groom on the dance floor
midway through the first
dance. However, that leaves
spouses or significant oth-
ers waiting in the wings
while their dates tango with
groomsmen or bridesmaids.
Instead, dont have assigned
partners. Rather, encour-
age your bridal party mem-
bers to dance with whom-
ever they choose.
Swap the garter/bou-
quet toss for something
more meaningful. If youre
part of a couple who feels
the garter and bouquet toss
has become trite, there are
other ways to create spe-
cial moments in your cel-
ebration ones that dont
single out the singletons
who havent yet found their
special someones. Use this
time to present a small gift
or token of your affection
to someone on the guest list
who has served as a mentor
or source of inspiration.
Choose one special
component as an extra
goodie for guests. Some
couples feel the more they
offer the better guests will
view their wedding. Spend-
ing more money doesnt
necessarily mean guests will
have a better time. If you
want to go above and be-
yond the ordinary, find one
thing that you absolutely
love and offer that at the
party. It could be a flambe
presentation, a chocolate or
candy bar, a carving station
with your all-time favorite
food (even if thats PB&J),
or a carnival-inspired auto-
matic photo booth.
Hire a live performer.
Although its hard to beat
the performance quality of
your wedding song being
performed by the original
artist, unless youre cousins
with Celine Dion, chances
are she wont be available
to sing My Heart Will
Go On at your reception.
However, a live band adds
a certain level of excitement
that a disk jockey may not
be able to provide. Those
who are adding a cultural
or ethnic component to
their wedding may want
to hire a dance troupe or
another type of performer,
like a bagpiper, as an added
measure of entertainment
for guests.
Let them eat . . . cook-
ies? Some people just dont
like cake. Therefore, why
should a couple have to
cut a seven-tiered white
confection? Towers of dif-
ferent types of treats can
be created from just about
anything and serve as the
perfect backdrop for that
classic cake-cutting photo.
A pyramid of cream puffs,
stacks of brownies, a cookie
castle, or cereal-cake con-
coctions can work. Some
bakeries will decorate a
dummy styrofoam cake,
and then you can serve
apple pie a la mode, if you
St age a cost ume
switch. Lets face it, danc-
ing all night in a long gown
takes some stamina. As the
bride, have a more comfort-
able cocktail dress available
to switch into for the latter
part of the reception. It will
also add some variety to
your wedding photos.
File photo
Use the bouquets of the bridal party as the centerpieces of
some of the reception tables as one way to bring something
different to your wedding.
Bridal bouquets
Wedding party flowers
Brass candelabras
Church and reception dec o ra tions
Candles, balloons, party supplies
Wedding and shower gifts
Mon. through Fri., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.;
Sat., 8 a.m. to noon
Available after hours
by appointment
Village Green Florist
& Greenhouse
Es ti mates!
301 3rd St. West Lakefield
507-662-6286 1-877-307-3001
For the perfect wedding
and reception,
see our friendly and ex pe ri enced staff!
Bridal Edition Sunday, January 29, 2012 Page 3
Wedding Day Special
Stag Clothiers
Quality Clothing & Value
412 10th Street Worthington, MN
Open late Tuesdays and Fridays
328 10th Street Windom, MN
Open late Mondays
Grooms Tux
with 5 paid.
Make your wedding day the most beautiful day of your life with our
pro fes sion al beauty ser vic es. We can assist the en tire wedding party in
getting ready for that special day!
Cuts and Styles Perms Acrylic Nails Tanning Beds
Manicures Pedicures Eyebrow and Leg Waxing
Wed ding Styles Spray Tanning
Cutting Image Hair styl ists
303 Main Street Lakeeld 662-6291
Downtown Jackson 507-847-3771
Downtown Lakeeld 507-662-5555
owntown Jackson 507-847-3771
Do you have a shelf or
cabinet thats filled to the
brim with wedding favors
such as engraved ice cream
scoopers, cake servers,
cheese spreaders or tea light
candle holders? If you do,
youre not alone. As couples
pore over guest favor op-
tions, many select trinkets
or knickknacks that, while
thoughtful, end up collect-
ing dust in someones home.
Edible gifts also can be
thoughtful and flavorful!
Guests may look forward
to an edible favor because
its a memento of the spe-
cial occasion, and it wont
become a permanent fixture
in their homes. There are
many edible favors from
which to choose. They can
also be customized accord-
ing to the theme of the
Its difficult to find an ed-
ible favor more universally
beloved than chocolate.
Rich and inviting, choco-
late has long been given as
a symbol of love and devo-
tion. Chocolate candies
and baked goods can work
well for wedding favors,
Feed on these wedding favor ideas
provided the favors are re-
frigerated to avoid melting.
Ideas for chocolate fa-
vors include individually
packaged truffles, gour-
met brownie bites, candy-
covered chocolates with
an inscription, chocolate
covered apples, chocolate
coins, and other similar cre-
ations. Chocolate molded
designs (much like those
chocolate Easter bunnies)
are another idea.
Sweet cookies also make
good edible favors. But-
ter cookies are a favorite
because they are sturdy
enough to cut into different
shapes. Professionally iced,
these cookies can be a mas-
terpiece to behold. Some
couples opt for customized
fortune cookies that express
personalized sentiments to
Sometimes its less ex-
pensive to give guests kits
that they can take home
to create their own edible
treasures. Options abound
and can include everything
from personalized pack-
ets of hot chocolate to tea
bags. Other couples choose
among mixes for making
cookies or cakes.
It has become popular to
have a self-serve candy bar
at many weddings. Guests
are invited to step up to
the display and serve them-
selves from a series of dif-
ferent confections. Autumn
weddings could have Hal-
loween-inspired candies or
those in fall hues. Its easy to
follow a color theme when
you have a bevy of different
candies at your disposal.
Many discount stores sell
inexpensive jars and candy
dishes to house the candy.
Designer Chinese takeout-
type containers are avail-
able from craft stores and
can be the perfect way for
guests to make that candy
Other edibles
From cupcakes to ma-
ple syrup to personalized
bottles of barbecue sauce,
couples have many options
for guest favors at their
File photo
Edible wedding favors may include decorative cookie baskets featuring gourmet cookies
from a favorite bakery.
Those thinking about ty-
ing the knot in the months
to come may be discouraged
by how expensive weddings
can be. But with a little in-
genuity and a hands-on ap-
proach, couples can have a
wedding that is inexpensive
and memorable.
According to Costof-, on average,
U.S. couples spend $26,542
for their weddings. These
amounts do not include
the cost for an engagement
ring or wedding bands. With
such a high price tag, some
couples may wonder if they
can afford their dream wed-
ding or if there are ways to
cut costs. Having a back-
yard, DIY wedding can be
the answer.
Although some may en-
vision a backyard wedding
with picnic benches and
Dad at the grill, it can be a
much classier affair. Cou-
ples are realizing that the
money they would normally
spend on a big wedding at
an outside venue can be put
to better use, either through
buying a new home or fixing
up one they may already
own. For couples who are
picky about details, having
a DIY event ensures that
they can control the details
and have them as personal
as they like.
Getting started
A DIY wedding is one
that will take much more
work than simply hiring
vendors and leaving the de-
Do-it-yourself wedding tips for the cost-conscious couple
tails to them. But the money
saved can be substantial. A
well-planned wedding is the
best start.
Start making lists of all
the things you will need:
tables and chairs
silverware and
centerpieces and
other decor
cake or dessert
Work in advance
Many items necessary for
a wedding can be bought
in advance. Some couples
find that purchasing low-
cost items at discount stores
turns out to be less expen-
sive than renting. For exam-
ple, inexpensive glasses and
silverware can be bought at
dollar stores or chains like
Ikea. Later on these items
can be kept, sold or even
donated to shelters.
Tablecloths dont have
to be traditional. It may be
less expensive to purchase
pieces of fabric from a fab-
ric store and dress them
up oneself. Candles can be
stockpiled easily and pro-
vide an affordable means
of ambient light. Plan out
centerpiece ideas and figure
out which components can
be bought and stored. Then
items can be assembled at
leisure. Wedding stationery
is one thing that will have to
be bought well in advance
so there will be time enough
to print out save-the-dates,
invitations and response
cards, as well as mail them.
An informal wedding
may mean couples can get
simple attire. Buying off the
rack may mean a smaller
price tag for gowns. Gentle-
men may be able to fare
with sportcoats and slacks.
Purchase wardrobe essen-
tials several months in ad-
vance to be sure there will
be time for alterations.
Enlist the help of family
and friends to get many of
the tasks completed. Upon
asking, many couples find
there are members of the
family who have skills in
certain areas, which can
be tapped for the wedding.
There may be a gourmet
chef, a disc jockey, a pho-
tographer, or even someone
who can officiate the vows.
Having these people on
board means a great reduc-
tion in costs.
Readying the venue
Because couples will be
doing the work themselves,
its best to start several days
in advance of the wedding
(weather permitting). Be
sure the grounds are well
groomed and landscaped.
Ensure there are no trip-
ping hazards and that there
is a sturdy surface for plac-
ing tables or creating a
dance floor.
It may pay to ask an elec-
trician or someone who
dabbles in electric work to
help string some lights to
better illuminate the area,
especially for when the sun
goes down.
Set up the tables and
chairs to finalize placement
the day before. Figure out
where the ceremony will
take place. A small arbor
can mark the area and make
a nice photo backdrop.
Dress the tables with linens
and settings the morning of
the wedding.
One splurge couples may
want to make is hiring a
waitstaff to help set up
food service areas, serve as
bartenders, and clear away
dishes and other mess. This
way the bride and groom
can mingle with guests.
Other tips and tricks
Here are some other ways
to save money.
Fruit is less expensive
than flowers for center-
Include postcard re-
sponse cards in wedding
invites. The postage is less,
and you dont have to spend
money on an extra enve-
Be sure to check with
your town if you need a per-
mit or variance for having
so many cars parked by the
house in the event of a back-
yard wedding. Otherwise
you could be facing a fine.
Many different foods
can be cooked in advance
and frozen instead of hiring
a catering service.
Consider favors that
also double as table cen-
Bouquets can easily
be made with store-bought
flowers, some floral tape
and decorative ribbon.
Restrict the bar to wine
and beer, and youll save
money on expensive liquors.
A DIY wedding can be a
fun, memorable event that
costs much less than a tra-
ditional wedding.
Bridal Edition Sunday, January 29, 2012 Page 4
A Toast to the Bridal Cou ple
Let us assist you with se lec tions for your wedding
reception and all your spe cial celebrations.
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o Plan your special event at
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o Ask about wedding
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room blocks
Te Livewire ofers custom wedding buttons
for only $1.25 each. Call 847-3771/662-5555.
Choosing a hue
for the bridesmaid
gowns made easy
Bridesmaids are an im-
portant part of the wedding
party, and most brides opt
to have a handful of close
friends and family members
play a special role in the
wedding. Choosing a gown
and a color that will flatter
all of the bridesmaids typi-
cally takes a little work.
An overwhelming ma-
jority of couples choose to
have a formal wedding. The
average number of brides-
maids for these formal wed-
dings is four. Considering
around two million wed-
dings take place in North
America every year, thats a
Coloring the wedding from the gown up
lot of bridesmaids for whom
gowns and other attire must
be planned.
Many bridesmaids worry
about the gowns they will
wear come the big day. Hor-
rible bridesmaid dresses
have been the butt of jokes
for years, and many people
have their own stories of
garish gowns theyve been
asked to don for a wed-
ding. Some have said that
brides intentionally choose
ugly gowns for their brides-
maids to ensure theyre not
outshone come the wedding
day. Although this may be
the case for some, most
brides aspire to select gowns
that will be flattering for all.
And color scheme is inte-
gral in the choice of gown.
Every well-planned wed-
ding carries a color scheme
throughout. This includes
the color a bride selects for
her bridesmaids to wear.
But not every color accen-
File photo
Choosing a gown that flatters bridesmaids is a significant responsibility for prospective
brides planning their big day.
See GOWNS on 5
Linen Rentals
Weddings Graduations Banquets
Tablecloths in many sizes,
napkins in many colors too!
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Bridal Edition Sunday, January 29, 2012 Page 5
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Call city clerks ofce at 507-793-2826
Heron Lake Community Center
312 10th St., Heron Lake
Call city clerks ofce at 507-793-2826
Book your wedding
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3Banquets 3Showers 3Receptions
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Phone: 507-376-4313
For Memories That Last A Lifetime . . .
Gifts for the entire wedding party Engraving available
tuates everyones features.
Therefore, some experi-
mentation might be neces-
sary to find a color that is
flattering to all and fits with
the color scheme.
Depending on hair color
and skin shade, there are
many flattering hues avail-
able for gowns. When mak-
ing this decision, consider
bridesmaids ethnicity and
skin tone.
African-American: Wom-
en with dark skin and hair
may really shine in jewel-
colored gowns, including
silver, gold, purple and
salmon. Very pale colors
may be daring and con-
Asian and olive-skinned
women: Those with a slight
yellow tone to their skin will
look good in many colors,
including red, navy, peach,
and fuchsia. However, avoid
colors in light yellow, aqua,
gray, taupe, or mint, which
may make the bridesmaid
look washed out.
Fair skin: Ladies with
pale skin will benefit from
richly colored gowns in jew-
el tones. Pastels may work,
but be careful about those
depending on hair color.
Pink or red-hued gowns
may clash with someone
with auburn hair. Yellow
and green may not work
with a fair brunette. Gray
and silver may wash out
someone who is pale and
Once a color is chosen,
brides also need to consider
the season. Certain colors
may look out of place de-
pending on the season. For
example, an evergreen or
deep blue may seem wintry
during a summer wedding.
Similarly, russet or brown
may work for the autumn,
but not for a spring wed-
ding. Many brides gravitate
toward mid-level blues,
greens, pinks and purples
for their weddings simply
because those colors tran-
scend the seasons.
After colors are worked
out, the style of the gown
deserves consideration. Be-
cause not every bridesmaid
has the same physical attri-
butes, many brides are now
open to selecting a color
and length and allowing
the bridesmaid herself to
choose the exact style. This
way someone who is busty
wont feel uncomfortable
in strapless, and someone
who is thin wont be over-
whelmed by a lot of ruffles.
The intent is to have brides-
Gowns: Color choice and style integral to unifed look for the big day
Continued from 4
maids feel beautiful and
comfortable, and different
styles can help achieve this.
Making the effort to
choose a gown color and
style that is flattering to
all in the bridal party will
help the ladies feel they are
truly a special part of the
O Engagement Party
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Whatever the occasion, call us to help plan your special event!
Silverbacks Caf and Catering
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with delivery; Sunday 11 a.m.2 p.m.
Ashleys Hallmark
Corner of Ashley Street and 2nd Street
Downtown Jackson, MN
For your to-dos before your I dos
Wedding Planners
Shower Invitations
Party Supplies
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And Much More
For Your Long Happy Life Together
Kitchen Gadgets and
Home Decor
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~ Wedding Registry Available ~
Bridal Edition Sunday, January 29, 2012 Page 6
Downtown Jackson 507-847-3771
Downtown Lakeeld 507-662-5555
owntown Jackson 507-847-3771
service when planning your Wedding and Grooms Supper.
Let us help make your special occasion a great day!
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Mt. Lake, MN 56159
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Brenda Harder Owner
31 years of food service and catering experience.
Brides-to-be thinking of
asking a pregnant friend or
family member to be in the
bridal party should know
such a request is common.
Recent findings indicate
that around half of all wed-
dings now have at least one
member of the bridal party
showing off a baby-to-be.
Barring a medical con-
dition, there is no reason
a pregnant woman cant
be in the wedding and ful-
fill her obligations, so feel
free to invite that special
someone to be in the wed-
ding. There are just a few
things to consider to help
make it easier on everyone
involved. Think over these
Gowns: One of the
things brides and brides-
maids often fret about is
the gown they will be wear-
ing. While nonpregnant
members of the bridal party
wont fluctuate much in
weight from the day of their
first fittings to the wedding
day, a pregnant woman will.
This will have to be taken
into consideration. Some
maternity designers cre-
ate bridesmaid dresses for
Tings to consider when a bridesmaid is expecting a baby
pregnant women, but they
may not exactly match the
other gowns in mind. Ask
the bridal store if altera-
tions can be made to a stan-
dard gown, including order-
ing a much larger size, add-
ing elastic panels or another
way to ensure the gown will
stretch. Also, be consider-
ate and choose a gown in an
empire-waist style so that it
is flattering for the pregnant
Shoes: While preg-
nant, some womens feet
swell. Having strict restric-
tions on footwear can make
a pregnant woman uncom-
fortable. Low heels or bal-
lerina slippers can be com-
fortable and fashionable.
The other members of the
bridal party may also thank
you for choosing a sensible
Breaks: Many activi-
ties during the wedding
are bound to be tiring. But
someone who is pregnant
may feel it more than oth-
ers. Ensure your mama-
to-be has ample time to sit
and rest. Also, try to have
planning meetings near a
restroom where she will be
Non-alcoholic drinks:
From bachelorette parties
to the wedding itself, be
sure there are plenty of
nonalcoholic and decaffein-
ated drinks she can enjoy.
Pregnant women need to
have a lot of water to meet
the physical demand of
pregnancy as well.
Travel: In the latter
months of the pregnancy,
many doctors advise against
air travel. Spending long
hours in a car may be un-
comfortable too. If you
were thinking about hav-
ing the wedding far away,
these are things that must
be taken into consideration.
You may want to revise your
plans if your heart is set on
having this woman in the
bridal party.
Ceremony: It can be
tiring for a pregnant wom-
an, especially one in the
last trimester, to stand for a
long period of time. If you
are having a long, religious
ceremony, see if a seat can
be arranged so your brides-
maid can sit down when she
needs a rest.
Declined invitation:
Some pregnant women will
jump at the chance to be in
the wedding, while others
may realize their limitations
and prefer to attend only
as a guest. Have a another
person in mind in case your
bridesmaid invitation is
declined, and do not hold
it against the person if she
feels she wont be able to
commit during her preg-
Patience: Although all
eyes are generally on the
bride on her special day,
having a pregnant brides-
maid may garner a share of
File photo
Having a pregnant friend or family member as a bridesmaid just takes a little extra
File photo
Comfort foods can be a first-class choice for reception
oohs and aahs and atten-
tion for her as well. Its a
humble bride who can share
her spotlight for a while.
And remember, the some-
thing new at your wedding
may be that new baby who
is on the way!
It has often been said
that what people remember
most about wedding recep-
tions is the food and if they
had fun. Therefore, instead
of worrying about choosing
Jordan almonds over choco-
late truffles, or whether the
cake should have an extra
tier, couples may want to
pay more attention to select-
ing their reception menus.
Although certain foods
are wedding staples, cou-
ples should think with their
stomachs instead of their
heads when selecting fare.
Having a selection of foods
that taste as good as they
look is a wise idea over
having certain foods simply
because they are trendy.
Whether you are cooking
yourself, having a family
member serve as chef, or
relying on the menu of the
reception hall, think about
Use cuisine to create a wedding to remember
foods that will please guests
and select those items, re-
gardless of them being fan-
cy. Here are other tips.
You want foods to be
filling, but not so much so
that guests have to waddle
to the dance floor. If youre
planning on several courses,
keep portion sizes small to
offer a taste of the different
items offered.
Classic foods can work
well as wedding fare. Roasts,
barbecued meats and favor-
ite pasta dishes can make
guests feel like theyre din-
ing at someones home and
not at a wedding.
Choose items people
have heard of. Instead of
tornadoes of beef, select a
hearty prime rib. Just be-
cause a dish sounds fancy
doesnt make it taste better.
If a guest doesnt know what
he or she is eating, it can be
uncomfortable. Now is not
the time to experiment with
exotic foods, either. Other-
wise, some picky eaters may
be left hungry.
Think about the foods
you love and see if they can
be incorporated. Although
a breakfast bar at an eve-
ning event may seem funny,
waffles and omelets may ap-
peal to a greater number of
guests than a gourmet fish
Dont make vegetar-
ians an afterthought. Too
often, vegetarians must eat
whatever the kitchen can
pull together, which is usu-
ally a compilation of the
vegetable garnishes from
the meat dishes. Make an
effort to have a true vegetar-
ian dish that is intricate and
Mashed potatoes are a
crowd-pleaser. Serve little
portions of mashed potatoes
in cocktail glasses and en-
able guests to top as they see
fit with bacon bits, cheese
or chives.
No idea is silly, and
serving any type of food
in an hors-doeuvre style
can make it acceptable at
a formal affair, whether
that food is pizza or caviar-
topped crackers.
If you have a favorite
restaurant that serves deli-
cious food, find out if they
will cater your wedding.
Just because it isnt on
the menu doesnt mean it
cannot be prepared. Talk to
the catering manager and
let him or her know your
preferences. Theres a good
chance you can have items
that arent on the standard
catering menu.
Think creatively for
your cocktail hour bars. A
bread bar, a dipping station,
milk and cookies service, or
vegetable bar are options
that go against the standard
cheese and pasta stations.
Although its your wed-
ding, ultimately the goal
is to please the guests. By
choosing foods they will
love and rave about, youre
guaranteed positive remarks
on your wedding.
Newly engaged couples
choose to capture the oc-
casion in photos that they
can cherish. Often, one of
these photos is used as an
announcement to family
and friends and might
even be published in the
Engagement photos
may be part of a pack-
age negotiated with the
photographer who will
be covering the wedding
day. Some couples enlist
the help of a friend or a
budding photographer to
capture an engagement
shot. The average cost of
engagement photos can
range from $200 to $500.
Some couples opt to use a
photographer who might
specialize in other areas
(i.e. fashion models), but
may want to break into
the wedding biz because
of how lucrative it can be.
Costs may be negotiated
as a result.
When shopping around
for a photographer, there
are certain things couples
should keep in mind. The
first and most important
is selecting a photogra-
pher you can relate to. If
you dont feel a connec-
tion with the photogra-
pher, he or she will have
trouble coaxing the shots
that will produce the best
results. He or she should
also be a professional
and have some experi-
ence working with pos-
ing couples. This way the
photos dont look stiff or
contrived. Here are some
other tips that can lead to
great photos.
Find a photogra-
pher who fits your style.
If youre a quirky couple,
go with a quirky photog-
rapher. If youre reserved
and a follow-the-book
type of couple, then se-
lect a more tradition-
al photographer. Some
photographers out there
forget that this is your
moment and want to im-
part their idea of what
Engagement photo ideas
you want. Make sure he or
she takes your ideas into
Select one who is open
to different shoot loca-
tions and brainstorming.
Some of the best photos
occur in natural settings,
where things arent entirely
planned. If a photographer
simply works out of a studio,
you may want to select one
who has more free rein with
different locales.
Choose your location
wisely. Certain locations
will stand out in your minds
because they are visual-
ly stunning or are special
places where you have spent
moments as a couple. By
choosing a place that of-
fers a personal connection,
theres a good chance youll
appreciate the photos in
the long run. Also, be open
to the fact that unplanned
stops may offer a great
background for the image.
Be open to the unexpected.
Try random poses and
some candid shots. Al-
though you might have a
vision of the perfect photo
in your mind, experiment-
ing with different ideas can
sometimes lead to a great
photo you really love. Ex-
pect to take your share of
kissing, nose-touching and
portrait shots. But some fun
poses, such as running or
jumping (or rolling around
on a beach full of waves)
can produce candid shots
that are truly masterpiec-
es. Remember, sometimes
photographers will pose you
in positions that seem a bit
awkward, but this is to get
the best lines of the body
and flattering images.
Choose clothing that
fits the mood. If time and
budget allow, have sev-
eral different wardrobe
changes so that you can
see which outfits work and
which ones dont. A formal
outfit, comfortable street
clothes, something beachy,
or clothing that fits with
your interests (such as polo
Bridal Edition Sunday, January 29, 2012 Page 7
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Photo tips: Try the unexpected
Continued from 6
or baseball) can make for
interesting engagement
photos. Avoid clothing that
is too trendy or busy, which
may take away from the ac-
tual images in the long run.
Plus, you dont want to look
back at these photos in the
File photo
Engagement photos dont have to be posed portraits.
Experiment with looks that fit your personalities for
memorable photos.
File photo
Seating arrangements that are well thought out enhance the enjoyment of the festivities
for your friends and family.
File photo
Long-anticipated gown shopping is guaranteed fun with
a few before-you-go ideas.
future and say, What was
I thinking? Avoid matchy-
matchy, though. If you are
dressed alike, you may ap-
pear to be trying too hard.
Its the individual person-
alities you want to shine
Many brides-to-be look
forward to the day when
they visit a bridal salon and
are able to try on gowns for
the rst time. There are cer-
tain tips that can make the
day go much more smoothly
and potentially reduce the
amount of time it may take
to nd the perfect gown.
Wear a supportive,
well-constructed strapless
bra or corset in your correct
size. If you will be wearing a
petticoat, also have the right
size available.
Go without face make-
up when trying on gowns so
they remain clean.
Try to wear your hair
Tips for trying on wedding gowns
similar to the style you have
in mind for your wedding.
Note that the size of
the wedding gown you will
wear is typically one to two
sizes larger than your day-
to-day clothes. Proper mea-
surements can be matched
to designers size charts.
Its best to limit the
number of people with
whom you shop to one or
two trusted friends or fam-
ily members. An entourage
can be confusing.
Its always better to
order a slightly larger gown
and leave room for altera-
tions if you are between
Weddings are filled
with many emotions: hap-
piness, excitement and
anticipation, to name
a few. With all of the
positive emotions a wed-
ding may drum up, in
the mix there may be a
few negative ones, in-
cluding feelings of being
overwhelmed at all the
details that need to be
completed on a deadline.
One aspect of wedding
planning that tends to
send people into panic is
wedding reception seat-
ing arrangements. The
thought of having 200
friends and family mem-
bers together under one
roof and then attempt-
ing to seat them next to
an acceptable group of
people can cause some
couples to hyperventilate.
Every family has its
ups and downs, and there
are certain people who
get along well and a few
who clash. Ensuring that
a wedding is memorable
for all the right reasons
(and not for the brawl
at table 3) is why seat-
ing arrangements are so
important. Many cou-
ples can use a little ad-
vice when seating guests,
while others would love
another person to handle
the seating arrangements
for them.
Here are some guide-
lines for setting up re-
ception seating arrange-
Place yourselves, as
well as the bridal party,
at a separate table that is
in a prime location in the
room. Be sure to allow
the spouses or dates of
bridal party members at
the same table so couples
remain together.
S o me c o u p l e s
choose to seat both sets
of parents at one table
together the parents
table. Grandparents may
Taking the guesswork out of seating your guests
also be seated at this table,
depending on the number
of people each table can
If children under the
age of 7 are invited, they
should be seated with their
parents. Children between
ages 7 and 14 can be seated
at a separate kids table.
Be mindful of guests
with disabilities or mobil-
ity issues. Seat them close
to the door, bathrooms or
food station.
Instead of separating
the bride and the grooms
family to separate sides,
intermingle the tables to
promote conversation.
Consider arranging
guests by common interests
at each table, seating busi-
ness associates or parents
friends together.
Take into consider-
ation people who have rela-
tionship rifts, and try to seat
them separately. But dont
stress about this too much
because it wont be possible
to accommodate everyone.
Youll have to hope that at
your wedding a certain level
of decorum will preside.
Its not unheard of to
let guests seat themselves.
This takes the pressure of
finding a seat for everyone
off of you as a couple and
enables you to think about
the other tasks at hand. This
can take place at a buffet
wedding or a smaller affair.
Bridal Edition Sunday, January 29, 2012 Page 8
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A wedding is a joyous
event that couples want to
share with as many peo-
ple as possible. Couples
commonly ask family and
friends to take part in the
ceremony as ushers, brides-
maids or readers. Before
enlisting the help of a child
to fill such roles, couples
should carefully consider
whether a youngster is ca-
pable of participating in the
wedding ceremony.
Couples worrying about
all the little details of their
own weddings may not want
to fret about kiddie melt-
downs or the bloopers that
can occur when kids act like
kids. Each childs personal
maturity level should be
considered before enlisting
their help. There are some
other strategies to use.
Young children serving
as flower girls or ring bear-
ers should be able to walk
down the aisle without coax-
ing. If they cannot handle
Children in a wedding means no kidding around
this task, then they should
not be asked to take part in
the wedding.
Should children prove
competent to walk down the
aisle unattended, couples
can have them then make
their way to the seats next
to their parents, rather than
awkwardly standing with
the rest of the bridal party
for the ceremony.
A minimum age re-
quirement for wedding par-
ticipants might be a good
idea. A child age 5 or up
may be able to appreciate
the importance of the event.
Consult with the pastor
or officiant of the ceremo-
ny. The ceremony location
may have rules governing
children in the ceremony.
All people who have
participated in the cer-
emony will be invited to the
reception. If couples decide
to have a kids-free party,
then reconsider children in
the ceremony.
Think about another
role for a young child that
will not disrupt the proceed-
ings. Perhaps he or she can
help hand out birdseed or
small bottles of bubbles to
use when the couple has
finished their vows. Or give
children disposable cameras
and allow them to capture
a kids-eye view of the wed-
Do you have a special event coming up? Announce it with
a custom banner for only $30. Call 847-3771 or 662-5555.
File photo
Several factors need to be considered before deciding on
how to include children in the wedding ceremony.
Together we can create a reception that is unforgettable and uniquely yours.
My goal for every one of my brides is that on the day of her wedding, she will be able to enter the reception with great
confidence, knowing that every detail has been taken care of. ~ Nadine Malchow, Event Planner
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Thank you so much for all the help you have given us for our
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is too much to list singly, but for everything from pre-
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