Do and Make Explanation and Exercises

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WHEN TO USE DO AND MAKE The two verbs 'do' and 'make' are often confused.

The meanings are similar, but there are differences. 'Do' for Activities Use the verb 'do' to express daily activities or jobs. Notice that these are usually activities that produce no physical object. do homework do housework do the ironing do the dishes do a job 'Do' for General Ideas Use the verb 'do' when speaking about things in general. In other words, when we do not exactly name an activity. This form is often used with the words 'something, nothing, anything, everything, etc.' I'm not doing anything today. He does everything for his mother. She's doing nothing at the moment. Important Expressions with 'Do' There are a number of standard expressions that take the verb 'do'. These are standard collocations (verb + noun combinations) that are used in English. do one's best do good do harm do a favour do business 'Make' for Constructing, Building, Creating Use 'make' to express an activity that creates something that you can touch. make food make a cup of tea / coffee make a mess Important Expressions with 'Make' There are a number of standard expressions that take the verb 'make'. In a number of cases the verb 'do' seems more appropriate. These are standard collocations (verb + noun combinations) that are used in English.

make plans make an exception make arrangements make a telephone call make a decision make a mistake make noise make money make an excuse make an effort Do vs Make 1. Do - for indefinite activities e.g with words like thing, something, nothing, anything, what. e.g a). Do something! b). What shall we do? c). Then Ram did a very strang thing. 2. Do - when we talk about work and jobs. e.g a). I'm not going to do any work today. b). It's time to do the accounts. c). I would't like to do your job. 3. We use do...... ing structure to talk about activities that take a certain time, or are repeated. Usually there is a determiner (e.g the, my, some ) before the -ing form. Verb after do cannot have object in this structure.But do can be used with a compound noun that includes verb + object. e.g a). During the holidays I'm going to do some walking and a lot of reading. b). I'm going to watch some TV. c). I want to do some bird-watching this weekend. 4. Make - we use make to talk about constructing, building, creating etc.e.g a). My father and I once made a boat. b). Let's make a plan. 5. Common fixed expressions do good, harm, business, one's best, a favour, sport, exercise, one's hair, one's teeth, one's duty. make a journey, an offer, arrangements, a suggestion, a decision, an attempt, an effort, an excuse, an exception, a mistake, a noise, a phone call, money, a profit, a fortune, peace, love, war, bed, a fire, progress.

6. After make + object, we use the infinitive without to. e.g I made her cry. (not - I made her to cry. or I made her crying) The infinitive must follow the object. e.g I can't make the television work. ( not - I can't make work the television) In passive constructions the infinitive with to is used. e.g Ram was made to repeat the whole story. 7. In some cases make can be followed by myself, yourself etc and a past participle. This structure is common with understood and heard. e.g She had to shout to make herself heard. 8. We can talk about an effect or change with make + object + adjective/noun . e.g The rain made the grass wet. ( not - The rain made wet the grass). We do not use make ... be in this structure. You have made me a happy man. ( not - You have made me be a happy man).

Make or Do?
1. I don't know why he's not ___ progress with his English. doing making 2. Good students hate ___ spelling mistakes. doing making 3. She'll have her hair ___ before she goes to the party. made done 4. Don't ___ so much fuss over having to type the report again. do make 5. They ___ fun of her because she couldn't pronounce the word correctly. did made 6. Could you please ___ me a favor? make do

7. Those two companies don't like to ___ business with each other. make do 8. It won't ___ her any harm to stay up a little later. do make 9. They ___ a great effort to get what they wanted. made did 10. To ___ him justice, we must admit that his intentions were good. do make 11. After a few drinks, he often ___ a scene in the bar. does makes 12. ___ the most of your stay in Paris visiting the famous museums. Make Do

1. Don't ever that again! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. I everything I could to help them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. People mistakes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. I haven't my homework yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. My guinea pig always a terrible noise at night. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Relax, we haven't anything illegal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Congratulations! You've great progress. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. Excuse me for a moment. I have to an important phonecall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. I'm going out to the shopping. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. It's Pete's turn to the washing-up today.

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