Sera - Short Film Treatment

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"Sera" by Tom Bruce In an unoccupied room of a derelict building, we see Sera over the corpse of a man.

The door to the room, leading outside, is broken off its hinges. The mans corpse has been brutally stabbed repeatedly and his bl o o d c o v e r s t h e f l o o r a n d w a l l . S e r a a p p e a r s distraught, anguished. We cut back to moments ago, Sera repeatedly stabbing the man. She has a noose around her neck which has been cut down. Moments earlier, the man is cutting Sera down from the ceiling as she struggles to kick him away. When she does fall from the cut rope, she launches her self at the man, furiously, and tackles the knife away from him. Prior to this, we now see the man running across the room from the doorway. He grabs a knife from a table surface and dashes to aid Sera down from her noose. She struggles to keep him away as he desperately tries to aid her. We cut back to the man, noticing Sera hanging through the window. He runs at the door and breaks it down, entering the room. Sera stands on a chair, a slack noose around her neck and draped over a pipe on the ceiling. She kicks the chair away and falls, the noose tightening and gripping around her neck. Sera ties a rope to a radiator in the room. She hangs it over a pipe on the ceiling and places a chair below a noose that hangs from it. She steps onto the chair and places the noose around her neck. Firstly and finally, we see Sera sat at cuts a length of rope using the knife and noose out of it. She stands and takes the the room to the radiator. She begins tying of the rope to it. a table. She then forms a noose across the loose end

Throughout this series of events, shown in reverse, we hear the monologue of Sera. She talks about seeing the future, a dark and twisted vision of her own future. But she questions whether she is really seeing the future or whether they are twisted fantasies which all her life


she has lived out because they have warped her mind into fear. She mentions her self harm, as indicated by the scars on her body, and talks about feeling every slice of the blade before the razor had ever touched her skin. Upo n s eei ng th e f rui ti on of th ese ev ent s com e t o realit y, she is f orced to ac cept t hat s he see s an unchangeable future; for how else would she foresee a man come to save her. Que sera, sera; whatever will be, will be.

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