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Project guidelines

Accounting projects:1. An evaluation of working capital analysis of Hindalco ltd (OR) 2. Working capital analysis of hindalco ltd : An Analysis (OR) Marketing projects:1. Product Analysis of Reliance Life Insurance (OR) 2. A study of consumer behavior toward TATA AIG (OR) 3. A survey on consumer s attitude towards SBI.

Area Of Project 1. Solvency 2. Liquidity 3. WC management 4. Profitability 5. Accounting policies 6. Inventory management 7. Funds flow 8. Cash flow 9. Capital structure . 1. 2. 3. 4. Cover page Declaration Guide certificate Contents 1. Lists of tables 2. Lists of abbreviation 3. Definitions

CHAPTER I- INTRODUCTION (10 pages) 1.1 concept of WC 1.2 Importance of WC 1.3 How it I calculated 1.4 Adequacy of WC 1.5 Summary

CHAPTER II- METHODOLOGY (8 pages) 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 introduction scope of the study sources of data . Tools for the data analyze Hypothesis Limitation of the study Summary

HYPPOTHESIS:- before the study we do take certain assumption for the project ( Eg:- we take the following assumptions 1. Current assets are adequate 2. Current ratio is satisfactory 3. WC is sufficient 4. Credit policy is good)

CHAPTER III- COMPANY PROFILE (15 pages) 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 introduction history of the company management ( BOD, auditors, bankers..etc) products( braches, areas) financial highlights( from annual reports- p/l, b/s, trading a/c) summary

Eg:- 3.1 - Introduction In this chapter we are going to discuss the profile of the company. In the profile we will deal with the history of the company. Its management, area of business, product produced by the company , the financial highlights..Etc. The company profile is discussed as below------ .

CHAPTER- VI- ANALYSIS OF THE DATA ( 20 pages) 4.1 introduction 4.2 analysis of data 4.3 conclusions 4.4 summary

Eg:- 4.1 introductionThis chapter deals with the analysis of the data. Here we will analysis the following ratios( in case the area is for solvency of the business) a. current ratio b. quick ratio c. absolute liquid ratio d. debtors turnover ratio e. average collection period f. creditors turnover period g. WC turnover period h. Average collection payments


analysis of the data

The financial data have been presented in the form of tables and each ratio has been calculated and interpreted Table- 4.1 current ration of the hindalco Ltd years current asset current liability current ratio Current ratio

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 (sources : Annual report of Hindalco Ltd)

Conclusion- on every analyze of ratio , each with one table with conclusion of 1 page each.

CHAPTER V- SUMMARY OF FINDING CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ( 5 pages) 5.1 introduction 5.2 summary of finding 5.3 Conclusion 5.4- suggestions overall impact of the study ( more of chp iv) 5.5- summaries


CHAPTER VII- SCOPE FOR FUTURE RESEARCH (1 page) Appendix Bibliography.

Note:Total standard pages- 60 ** [HINDALCO is the study of my company]**

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