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Radius of gyration

Radius of gyration or gyradius is the name of several related measures of the size of an object, a surface, or an ensemble of points. It is calculated as the root mean square distance of the objects' parts from either its center of gravity or a given axis.

The Radius of Gyration of an Area The Radius of Gyration of an Area about a given axis is a distance k from the axis. At this distance k an equivalent area is thought of as a line Area parallel to the original axis. The moment of inertia of this Line Area about the original axis is unchanged. Mass Radius of Gyration Definition The Radius of Gyration of a Mass about a given axis is a distance k from the axis. At this distance k an equivalent mass is thought of as a Point Mass. The moment of inertia of this Point Mass about the original axis is unchanged.

Radius of Gyration Concept

Applications in structural engineering

In structural engineering, the two-dimensional radius of gyration is used to describe the distribution of cross sectional area in a column around its centroidal axis. The radius of gyration is given by the following formula


where I is the second moment of area and A is the total cross-sectional area. It also can be referred to as the radial distance from a given axis at which the mass of a body could be concentrated without altering the rotational inertia of the body about that axis. .

Applications in mechanics
The radius of gyration (r) about a given axis can be computed in terms of the mass moment of inertia I around that axis, and the total massm;


I is a scalar, and is not the moment of inertia tensor.



of identity
are identical, we first multiply out the summand in the first definition:

To show that the two definitions of

Carrying out the summation over the last two terms and using the definition of

gives the formula

Mass Moment of inertia

Moment of inertia, also called mass moment of inertia, rotational inertia, polar moment of inertia of mass, or the angular mass, is a measure of an object's resistance to changes to its rotation. It is the inertia of a rotating body with respect to its rotation. The moment of inertia plays much the same role in rotational dynamics as mass does in linear dynamics, describing the relationship between angular momentum and angular velocity, torque and angular acceleration, and several other quantities. The symbol Iand sometimes J are usually used to refer to the moment of inertia or polar moment of inertia.

The moment of inertia of an object about a given axis describes how difficult it is to change its angular motion about that axis. Therefore, it encompasses not just how much mass the object has overall, but how far each bit of mass is from the axis. The further out the object's mass is, the more rotational inertia the object has, and the more torque (force* distance from axis of rotation) is required to change its rotation rate The moment of inertia of an object can change if its shape changes. The moment of inertia is also called the mass moment of inertia (especially by mechanical engineers) to avoid confusion with the second moment of area, which is sometimes called the area moment of inertia (especially by structural engineers). The easiest way to differentiate these quantities is through their units (kgm as opposed to m4

Scalar moment of inertia for single body

Consider a massless rigid rod of length l with a point mass m at one end and rotating about the other end. Suppose the rod rotates at a constant rate so that the mass moves at speed v. Then the kinetic energy T of the mass is:

Using v

= l, where is the angular velocity, one obtains:

which can be rearranged to give:

This equation resembles the original expression for the kinetic energy, but in the place of the linear velocity v is the angular velocity , and instead of the mass m is ml2. The quantity ml2 can therefore be seen as an analogue of mass for rotational motion; in other words, it is a measure of rotational inertia.

Energy, angular momentum, torque

The rotational kinetic energy of a rigid body with angular velocity (in radians per second) is expressed in terms of the objects moment of inertia:

This formula is similar to the translational kinetic energy Et = mv2. Thus, the moment of inertia I plays the role of mass in rotational dynamics. One key difference between the mass and the (scalar) moment of inertia is that the latter depends on the axis of rotation and so is not truly invariant. The invariant characteristic of the body in rotational motion is the tensor of moment of inertia I, defined later. The angular momentum of the body rotating around one of its principal axes is also proportional to the moment of inertia:

This expression is parallel to the formula for translational momentum p = mv, where the moment of inertia I plays the role of mass m, and the angular velocity stands for the velocity v. The scalar formula is valid for rotations around one of the principal axes of the body or for rotation about any fixed axis. The equivalent formula involving the tensor moment of inertia is always correct and must be used in cases of free rotation about a non-principal axis. Also when the body rotates around one of its principal axes, and the direction of the axis of rotation remains constant, one can relate thetorque on an object and its angular acceleration in a similar equation:

where is the torque and is the angular acceleration. The following is a list of moments of inertia. Mass moments of inertia have units of dimension mass length2. It is the rotational analogue to mass.

TRotational Motion

Moment of Inertia

Moment of inertia is the rotational analogue to mass. Review the definitions as explained in your text book. The following table contains moments of inertia for various common bodies. The 'M' in each case is the total mass of the object. slender rod: axis through center axis through end axis along edge

axis rectangular through plane: center


thinwalled hollow





thinwalled hollow

quantities can be generalized to an

object with distribu

mass, described b

mass density func

in a similar fashio

the scalar momen

inertia. One then h

In more-concise n


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their outer produc

3 identity matrix

region of space co

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where ij is the Kr

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called the princip inertia.

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for the moment of

single particle. Fo

need only recall th inertia is additive

formula is correct.

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The motion of veh with the rotations

A practical examp

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Main article: Para

Once the moment

rotations about th

is a useful labor-s

rotations offset fro

If the axis of rotati

center of mass, th

where m is the tot

3 identity matrix, a


Using the above e terms of integrals

the axis of symme

moments conside


Main article: Mom

The moment of in dimensional rigid

a trivariate random

proportional to the

where n is the num

The structure of th

that it is to be use

Each element of m

The velocity of ea center of rotation

be converted to m

and similarly


plugging in the de moment tensor.



List of momen

List of momen

Rotational en

Parallel axis t

Perpendicula Stretch rule Tire balance

Poinsot's ellip

Instant centre


1. ^ Euler, Leonh

primis nostrae

possunt, acco

2. ^ 3000 Solved


3. ^ Mass mome


Goldstein, H. 02918-9..

Landau, LD; L

8 (hardcover)

Marion, JB; T

ed.). Thomso

Sylvester, J J

quadratic poly

of positive an 2008-06-27

Symon, KR (1 Tenenbaum, 00887-X..


Angular mom

Lecture notes The moment

An introducto

(Java simulat

Tutorial on fin shapes

Testing Facili

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