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In Rajshahi city RDA market at Saheb Bazar is a well known shopping center monitored by Rajshahi Development association under supervision of Rajshahi city corporation. After a long period of journey nowadays it has been a multi stored building having more than 700 outlets. It has an admixture of outlets including garments, crockeries, cosmetics, lather, daily needs, stationeries, show piece, electric, shoes, Tailors, mobile, beauty parlour, and a single Chinese restaurant. Everyday thousands of customers both from within and outside the city come here to get goods and services. But the question is that whether customers are satisfied or dissatisfied with the service standard provided by RDA market. To know the answer of this very question we have prepared this research based on direct field work.

Data collection method

Almost all sets of data for this report has been collected primarily by direct questionnaire to 200 customers of all ages, sex, location, income level, buying nature and more than 50 salesmen of different categories of outlets. The interviews were administered mostly in informal and friendly manner. Salesmen often feel uneasy due to the secrecy policies of their outlets in case of answering some questions.

Data sources
The information and data for this report have been collected from the primary and secondary sources. Primary Sources Face-to-face conversation with the respective sales persons Face-to-face conversation with the customers

Secondary Sources Different websites

Objective of the Study

Every task has its respective goals or objectives without which the work is meaningless. Keeping the following objectives in our view we have prepared this case study on service standard of Rajshahi RDA Market . To fulfill the partial requirement of MBA program. To gain practical exposures in different marketing activities To get familiar with the working environment in real market.

2 Analyzing the performance of the RDA market through asking question to the customers. Finding out how the RDA market is exposed to different kinds of challenges. To apply theoretical knowledge in the practical field. To observe and analyze the performance of the market as a whole. To be acquainted with day to day functioning of service oriented activities of different outlets and its marketing quality. To study existing seller-customer relationship. To give some necessary suggestion to correct the shortcomings and improve the service standard.

This report was prepared on the basis of experiences gathered during the period of survey to the RDA market . In order to prepare this report,we have collected information from various opinion taken from both 50 sellers and 200 customers. We have tried our best to present a summary of our experiences throughout this report.

The report has some weak points also that have evolved due to the following causes Secrecy policies of outlets. First time working experience as the researcher. Very Busy schedules of the salesmen and the customers also.

Customer Opinion or Reaction regarding many aspects of the market

3 PRODUCT VARIETY This question was made to find out whether the customers are happy with the product variety which RDA market is providing or not:

Question Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

% of Customer 23 23 40 9 5 100%

From the above table it is evident that 23% of the respondents were very satisfied with the product line offered. 23% respondents answer was satisfied and another 40% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied about the product variety. PRODUCT QUALITY This question was made to find out whether the customers are happy with the product quality RDA market is providing or not: Question Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied % of Customer 5 23 49 15 9 100%

4 From the above table it is evident that consumers are overall satisfied with product quality. 23% respondents are satisfied while 5% respondents are very satisfied with product. Most of the outlets provides low quality product but at the same time there is some outlets that provide satisfactory product.

PRICE Regarding price of the product against value, the answers obtained from customers are as follows: Question Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied % of Customer 5 30 27 27 11 100%

From the table it is evident that consumers are a bit satisfied with the price of the product. However there is room for improvement of customer satisfaction in case of price offered by seller. MARKET ENVIRONMENT Regarding environment of the market surrounding, the answers obtained from customers are as follows: Question Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied % of Customer 9 14 45 23 9 100%

9% of the respondents are very dissatisfied with the dirty environment of the market while 45% respondents are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. The market seriously needs some improvement in this sector. In the summer season it gets very hot within the market for not having enough air circulation system. Environment should be improved as early as possible. SECURITY SYSTEM Regarding he question of security system, the answers obtained from customers are as follows: Question Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied % of Customer 0 5 5 18 73 100%

6 73% of the respondents are very dissatisfied with the security system. 5% respondents were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. Its a disaster for this market because there is no CC camera and fire controlling system. All possible modern security system should be included as early as possible. SALESMEN S ATTITUDE Regarding attitude of salesmen, the answers obtained from customers are as follows: Question Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied % of Customer 9 50 27 9 5 100%

50% of the respondents are happy with the salesman attitude and 27%of them are Neutral and they expect better salesperson attitude. PARKING FACCILITY Regarding vehicle parking space facility , the answers obtained from customers are as follows:

7 Question Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied % of Customer 27 36 23 9 5 100%

The table shows that most of the customers are satisfied with parking facility because there is some spaces for small vehicle parking but at the same time high income level of people are dissatisfied as there is no space for car parking. 0RGANIGATION




Regarding decoration of the outlets , the opinion obtained from customers are as follows:

Question Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

% of Customer 5 45 20 20 10 100%

Decoration of outlets are average satisfactory as the table shows. There is some well decorated outlets here.



Regarding availability of product needed to the customers , the answers obtained from customers are as follows:

Question Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

% of Customer 9 50 11 20 10 100%

As the table shows 50% customers are satisfied with the availability of product. There is some dissatisfaction that can be removed by increasing product availability. SEGMENTATION

Regarding segmentation of common outlet categories in any centralized location of the market , the answers obtained from customers are as follows: Question Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied % of Customer 9 30 11 40 10 100%

Most of the customers are dissatisfied with not having specific category of outlet location in a centralized position. There is no order of outlet position segmentation. Foe example garments are in crockery outlets.



9 Regarding service speed of the outlets, answers obtained from customers are as follows:

Question Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

% of Customer 9 40 11 30 10 100%

Speed of the customer service is average as the table shows. It should be increased to make it highly satisfactory to the customer. RELIABILITY

Regarding the question of reliability of sellers, answers obtained from customers are as follows:

Question Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

% of Customer 9 11 50 20 10 100%

Most of the sellers are unreliable to the customers but still there are some reliable sellers for whom they come to the market. SELLER-CUSTOMER

Regarding the question of seller-customer relationship, answers obtained from customers are as follows: Question % of Customer

10 Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied 9 31 30 20 10 100%

Table shows that seller-customer relationship is average in the market. It should be increased in a remarkable proportion to make customer loyalty to the RDA market

From the above mentioned opinion taken from the customers it is evident by our research study that service standard of Rajshahi RDA market is negative than expected though it is a most visited shopping center in the city. The customer satisfaction level could have been high but in reality it is opposite. That is why customers are decreasing day by day. They are shifting themselves from RDA market to New Market. It is high time to take necessary steps to increase standard of service facilities in the market to retain valuable customers, otherwise the name and fame of RDA market will be destroyed in near future.

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