Rooftop Solar Business Models in India

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Rooftop Solar Business models in India, Rooftop solar types, Roof top solar schemes in Gujarat, Delhi, Gandhinagar,

Karnataka, TN, rooftop business opportunities in India, Rooftop solar business challenges in India ! By Nitin on 1 month ago in Solar Energy, City:N/A Electric Cars Electric Bikes Renewable Energy community Future Car Videos * MNRE working on special policy for rooftop solar : Mr Tarun Kapoor, Joint Secretary We will come up with something very special for roof-tops, Mr Kapoor said. Today, the economics works out very well. With 30 per cent subsidy (on the cost of equipment), the cost of generation would work out to Rs 7, he said. He observed that net metering, where a household could both receive power from and feed into the grid and be billed only for the net consumption, is very important for the development of roof-top solar units. Today, legally the discoms can do it, Mr Kapoor said, observing that they are perhaps not sensitised to the issue. He said that the industry is also not attuned to roof-top solar. I have been telling them please look at roof-tops, he said, adding that the industry itself is not much aware of the potential. source India has so far commissioned solar projects with capacity of about 186 megawatt, of which 40 MW worth of off-grid projects were commissioned in 2011, a senior government official said on Tuesday.

Tarun Kapoor, joint secretary, ministry of new and renewable energy, told reporters on the sideliness of Inter Solar conference in Mumbai. source

*Gujarat considers PPP based rooftop solar in Gandhinagar.

Gujarat Government is considering the launch of an ambitious project under public-private partnership for solar energy generation on roofs of various buildings in Gandhinagar. The government plans to generate power through solar energy by putting up solar panels on the top of government premises, industrial units, GIDC estate buildingsand schools. The 5 MW project will be undertaken with assistance from IFC and World Bank. Residential areas will also

be covered under this project later on. If only 20% area of each roof is used for solar energy generation, it will lead to significant power generation," he said further. In his welcome adress, Sudhir Trehan, chairman, CII India Energy Conclave-2011, said, "The reserves of fossil fuels are depleting. On the other hand, prices of these fuels are on the rise. In such a backdrop, we are left with no option other than green energy. Global warming and climate change have also become a major cause of concern. So we are compelled to use non-conventional sources." At present, Pandian said, the cost of wind and solar energy is too high, but it is expected to come down to the level of thermal power in the next four to five years. Sungevity's Rooftop Revolution goes international ! If we reach a situation wherein the business can install a roortop solar system without taking any upfront fees and collect money over a period of 25 years at some price for electricity generated, it will be great and will be an instant hit.

Anyway I am just quoting different models that are working like Sungevity's. Are the tariff in India too less ? As the Central Electricity regulatory authority has suggested, electricity tariff will go up 15 to 20 % pa.

If that be the case, it can become viable to set up a rooftop with no upfront fees. But are we sure the electriicity tariff is going to go up 15 to 20 percent pa !!? Nitin) Read on...... Third-party ownership models have quickly become a favorite model for homeowners in the U.S. to reap the benefits of lower electric bills through solar installationsand now, thanks to Sungevity, the model has gone international. The company announced on Nov.17 that it formed a partnership with Dutch solar installer Zonline that will allow Dutch homeowners an opportunity to have a solar system installed on their roof at no upfront cost. Its the first time to this reporters knowledge that the third-party financing model has been used outside the United States for residential solar. We like to continue to push the envelope. Were very happy to be the first [to offer the service internationally], said Sungevity president and founder Danny Kennedy.. The company expanded into the Netherlands because of the locally high price of electricity.

We share this vision with the team there to provide easy, affordable solar. There arent subsidies there like there are here for solar, but its competitive there. Were talking about scaling into market without subsidies, Kennedy said. While the model isnt quite the same as the U.S., where solar leases and powerpurchase agreements are financed with tax-equity investments, the end result is the same. more

-----------------------------------------------Top ten intricacies in solar roof top business 1. Cost

Cost is a big concern in solar PV projects. The ultimate cost of a project will vary from state to state given the differing state incentives and subsidies.



Intermittency is also a significant issue in building rooftop PVs. As with many other renewable energy sources, like wind, solar is limited in the amount of time it produces electricity.


Owning the Equipment

If a company wants to actually buy the equipment and install it on its premises, in-house counsel should consider some contractual issues


Third Party Ownership

Another option for installing rooftop solar PVs is contracting with a third party.



Installation presents many different issues for in-house counsel to consider.



Another issue to consider in the installation process is the implications of delay.


Consume the power?

Companies should consider how they want to use the power generated by solar PVs.


Sell the power?

For some companies looking to install solar PVs, selling the resulting electricity may be the best option.



Another reason to sell the solar PV electricity is to generate Renewable Energy Credits (RECs).In many states, a renewable energy producer can generate RECs for the clean energy it produces.



Tax incentives largely drive solar PV projects. These incentives generally come in the form of property tax reductions, tax credits, rebates, etc.

Rooftop solar business in India is going to be a great opportunity for the business minded. Rooftop solar business is a business trend that will be pursued by Large corporates. It is a terrific opportunity for even the medium sized companies to enter into Rooftop solar.

Whether you are talking of Rooftop solar as a service or as a one off sale proposition, it is going to be an active field. But it is important to study the field thoroughly before entering into it.

WHY this blog I have been wanting to enter into solar rooftop business along with a few friends. So, I studied a lot and am continuing to study a lot. I met a lot of professionals in India, besides just reading up. I found lots of top companies and even medium sized companies, need a lot of information for decision making. I found the knowledge of people in India inadequate including those in well known, well established companies. I gleaned a lot of information from companies in Germany and usa. I realize that there are going to be three types of companies that will evolve in solar rooftop business in India. One is a national player. Most national players will be vertically integrated. The second will be Regional players. The last will be people like me. Local players. Essentially authorized dealers for well established companies. Therefore, I see no harm in sharing the information that I have collected and I continue to collect regarding Rooftop solar. As I am just going to be a local player, I thought whatever information that I read and process by talking to experts in India and abroad, can be shared with others. So that individuals, companies and corporates can benefit from my gleanings. The solar panels / modules business itself is currently going thru a tricky phase. You can make solar panels for say Rs 10 and you are selling it for Rs 8/- You are already incurring a loss. It is not viable. But if the business case demands that you sell at Rs 6/ to sell all you can produce and you want to capture a geographic market, so that you can benefit when the markets look up. That makes matters worse. The more you sell the more loss you make. Within the last one month, Evergreen filed for bankruptcy, followed by SpectraWatt of Intel, and now Solyndra. Solyndra unlike others is also in the rooftop business. ( Solyndra quoted as a model for rooftop elsewhere) The business case in India is different. More so for rooftop solar.

Actually the business case will depend on the type of Business Model that you choose.

There is no doubt that for the brainy Indians, Rooftop solar is a great business opportunity. In case you didnt know, Jigar Shah from India is the one who has made it big in Rooftop solar in usa. Jigar shah of Sunedison.

While doing his MBA in USA, he won the best business plan award and after passing out got a lot of money, i think nearly $ 20 million as venture funding. He holds an M.B.A. from the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland and a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois. I am sure there are many Jigar Shahs in the making, in India, who are reading this and hope this helps India produce more Jigar Shahs for the world. The above slide will help you understand the ' pay as you go ' that was invented by Jigar Shah. The easiest way to make a proper business plan, particularly if you are not a Large company, or even if you are medium or small company is to study what is happening in other markets, you will understand more. Ofcourse in many ways, one cant draw a parallel to other countries, particularly developed countries with India. To begin with India has not come out with a plan for rooftop solar in any city yet. It is important to understand the types of Rooftops, the physical aspects of it. Its advantages and disadvantages etc., Pl note that many of these statements are taken from posts in usa. I have tried my best to Indianise, meaning, making it relevant to Indian conditions. But I may have missed a few. Google is in Rooftop solar and GE is in Rooftop solar ! So, you too should be ! There has been news in the air about Rooftop solar becoming a part of the state

policies of New Delhi, Gujarat, Tamilnadu, Gandhinagar in gujarat, Karnataka etc., Given that these states are attempting to get into Roof top solar, it is important to understand the business models that was tried in other countries like USA, Germany etc., . It is only logical to assume that the business models used in several countries like USA, UK,Germany, Italy who are all now market leaders in the solar energy field, will be followed in India, at best with the well known Indian twist.

In fact I expect us, we Indians to be lot more creative in the offering to the ultimate consumer.

So, I have given a list of my collection of Business Models. As and when time permits I will be adding my views. My views on how these Business Models will be when they are Indianised. I have also taken care to introduce you to all other aspects of the Rooftop solar business. Like PPA, net meter, installation, tracking, site assesment, etc., It is going to be a mamooth task. I will be updating this for the next few months. But the encouragement I got from the readers is already phenomenal. That keeps me enthused.

Rooftop solar means, firstly Finance and lastly too Finance, where you can make marketing mistakes or you can make technical mistakes. If you are in a hurry, to go to Business Models right away, you can skip the pages below and move closure to the bottom of this blog and look at what the best of Rooftop solar companies in usa are offering and extrapolate from there. However, it makes a lot of sense to go step by step. So, i strongly recommend you to read on. Remember " Imagination is more important than Knowledge. " Albert Einstein. I have added whatever I could imagine. You can imagine too to Indianise. Feel free to post your questions and comments and ideas as comments. That can throw up more ideas. Not just in me. With others too. For solar rooftop policy by State govs, for opportunities for small and medium companies, for individual players, latest news about solar rooftop in India, latest offerings once the market opens up, u can keep coming back to this site. There are and will be some innonvations technically or marketing wise or even in the form of a PPA. I will keep posting them all.

Some current news re Rooftop solar

* Largest Rooftop solar in History ! The US military is becoming a major proponent of the solar rooftop energy industry, with this financing, will build the largest rooftop solar project in the US. In history !

"Project SolarStrong" will double the number of residential solar systems in the US by installing 160,000 rooftop systems at 124 military housing developments.

SolarCity, where Google has invested $ 280 m , will build, own and operate the solar installations, which will generate about 371 megawatts (MW) of new solar capacity.

The developers say Project SolarStrong will create over $1 billion in solar projects across 33 states.

Residential solar installer SolarCity lined up financing - including a $344 million partial loan guarantee from the US Department of Energy (DOE) - for the projects.

"This is the largest domestic residential rooftop solar project in history," says Energy Secretary Chu. "This groundbreaking project is expected to create hundreds of jobs for Americans and provide clean, renewable power to our military families. It can also be a model for other large-scale rooftop solar projects."

US Renewables Group is acting as lead lender, and Bank of America Merrill Lynch will provide debt financing. The DOE loan guarantee is for $344 million.

SolarCity, which currently employs 1,200 people in 11 states, says it will create new solar jobs and help jumpstart the renewable energy industry in 22 additional states, some of which have very little solar generation capacity today.

According to the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) Jobs and Economic Development Impact model, the SolarStrong installations would be expected to create nearly 6,000 direct job-years related to the installation and ongoing maintenance of the systems.

Lyndon Rive, SolarCitys CEO, said, Now the solar industry has a debt model that can make distributed generation affordable on a massive scale," according to the release.

This news should give ideas. There can be grand visions. Ideally for large Corporates. If like in the USA, where the army has a target of converting all its energy usage to alternative sources by 2020 and the US Navy has a target of 25 % by 2025, if such targets are set,in India for the Gov organisations and even private organisatons, they become a huge opportuntiy.

Even to a large company, they may need a marketing manager/ Sales Manager exclusively, just to look at Government. The Government alone can be a huge market segment. The central gov is a big segment and the state govs a big segment. Most probably they will get the directives to go solar first and will get the funds too first. And more likely than not, the central government will be leading the way in India for solar rooftop business opportunities. People like me will become INSTALLERS. We get orders from the parent company to whom we are authorized agents to install solar rooftop in Military colonies, military offices, military clubs etc.,

* There will not be a roof on earth that is not made of PV. Michael Eckhart ( Citi group Managing Director) Interview with Giles Parkinson

The managing director of environmental finance and stability at Citigroup, and the founding president of the American Council on Renewable Energy

He says that there is no money with the Governments to invest. Renewables has to happen from the Private investments and already 90 % is happening from the private sector. He sees the emerging places are Australia, Latin America, parts of Africa, the Middle East. These are the emerging markets for renewables right now. They are all bubbling right now, starting to happen as per him. Note India is not even in his picture for renewables. He did talk about China and their policy, but didnt mention about the scope for investment in china in renewables by private parties. Here is what he said about

GP: And which technologies are you finding particularly interesting at the moment? ME: Well, hydro is the backbone wherever it is available and that is still happening. Wind power is, to me, a bridge and we will develop wind power in the best locations. The long-term winning technology I have always believed was solar PV because we can literally make every roof out of solar PV, literally. We can do that. And I think, long term, that will be it. There will not be a roof on earth that is not made of PV. I think, in terms of PV, not on cars but on paving highways ? we will pave ...electric highways with PV materials. Ok, the wheels might not be running on the PV.

The PV might be in between the wheel tracks, but we can build this. You know, I think of the upper deck of the Washington Beltway as the electric highway: All the commuters come in, they have a little battery - they need five miles- worth of battery - they drive around the Beltway, they recharge, they drive into the city, they park, they recharge, they come out here, they are on the Beltway, they are recharging.

You do not need, you know, this massive battery bank if we put the electricity on the road instead of trying to put it in the trunk. And as an electrical engineer, I am pretty-well convinced we will never, never develop battery technology with the energy density of a tank of gasoline. You know, a tank of gasoline is not energy, it is storage, and there is a lot of energy in that tank and trying to squeeze battery - I do not think we can get there.

So, I think we have got to get the electricity on the road. And the way PV is going, it is going to cost nothing in the end. So I have always been confident this is going to happen.

* China is targeting 3 gigawatts (GW) of roof-mounted solar power generating capacity by 2015 and 25 GW by 2020, citing a government renewable energy development plan that is likely to be unveiled soon. If the goals are confirmed, they suggest a third of China's solar power capacity would be roof-mounted by 2015 and a half by 2020, making rooftop solar panel installations a key direction in solar power expansion.

* West Bengal seems to have emerged as the leading force in eastern India in the development of rooftop solar energy. For, its response has been the best among all eastern states to a project involving the installation of rooftop solar panels, which is part of the national solar mission. WBGEDC will select a few companies from the 53 applicants and give them preregistration, with which they will apply to the Centre. "The companies will have to install panels that will generate solar power in the range of 100 KW to 2 MW. The selected companies will have to generate a total of 20 MW of solar energy," said Gon Chaudhuri. * Wipro is interested in setting up solar roof over its own campus in salt lake. Those are some of the recent news about Roof top solar in India. ================================================ ========================== You will find India Rooftop solar news and relevant International Rooftop solar news updation above ( in the same place) in the blog, Rooftop solar Innovations updations in another place in the blog, State wise Rooftop solar Gov regulations, Rooftop solar rebates and incentives in yet another place and

Rooftop solar Opportunities updation in another fixed place. That way my blog will let you get the hang of the current scenario and opportunities in rooftop solar. There will be daily updation. As I keep updating myself, i update the blog and I request Aathmika to update regarding opportunities. All thru the blog, wherever you find some suggestions or guidelines are given to the household or the business customer, pl note that it is meant for the USA market. It is given so that you as an entrepreneur, will be able to note, what all are required to be given to the customer.

Roof-top Solar Rooftop Photo Voltaic (PV) installations are one of the major off-grid solar energy utilization schemes. One of the best features of rooftop solar PV systems is that they can be permitted and installed faster than other types of renewable power plants. They are clean, quiet, and visually unobtrusive. Solar Energy incentives in most of the developed solar markets in Europe have clearly shifted their preference to distributed small rooftop solar installations on residences. In fact Germay in principle does not permit ground mounted solar projects as that eats into agricultural land. This threat is there in India too. India however has not paid any focus to rooftop solar installations except for Delhi. Gandhinagar, in Gujarat it appears is pretty serious about going in for rooftop solar. Many gov buildings have already rooftop solar. Schemes are being worked out for private homes. Rooftop solar in India, including, Delhi, Gujarat, Gandhinagar, Karnataka etc are still WIP ie Work in Progress and no solar rooftop policy is out. Electricity in India is not very expensive but highly unreliable and of low quality. Tamilnadu is trying to provide rooftop solar for houses that the Gov is planning to give away to the poor. Semi urban and rural markets are the ones that will need electricity. Where at present there is no power. Having a reliable home based source of power would be attractive to most people in India even at higher costs. Rooftop solar in India is even more useful than in other countries, because it would help reduce losses in the power transmission which is the highest in the world at around 30%. Even now tens of thousands of villages do not have electricity and rooftop solar is the best bet.


TYPES of Roof-Top Solar:

Sloped or Pitched Roof Mount Solar Panel Arrays Rooftop solar panel array installations simply requires a southern exposure for optimum performance. Its earning potential is limited by pitch of the roof, angle off of due south and shading. The metal flashing mounts that are used to install the panels ensures a watertight mount and strengthens to withstand extreme winds and harsh climates. Non-Penetrating Ballasted Roof Mount Solar Panel Arrays Most commercial buildings have flat membrane style rooftops which makes an ideal platform for a solar array. The array can be set at 30 degrees and exactly due south for great returns. There are no roof penetrations and these ballast mounted rows link together.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Rooftop Solar vs Large Ground Mounted Solar Plants Advantages 1) Long Delays in Permitting, Environment Clearance, Land Siting Large Solar Farms have to go through a myriad of regulations and clearances. There have also been instances of lawsuits against solar thermal and solar pv plants in California by wildlife and environmental groups. 2) Electricity Transmission Costs Grid Connection leads to additional costs for solar farms while rooftop solar can use existing transmission infrastructure 3) Less Grid Stability A Large Part of Distributed Solar is consumed locally while Farms supply 100% to the grid. That makes managing the grid difficult when solar penetration increases

Disadvantages 1) Lower Cost and Scale The greater scale of these plants allows lower installations compared to smaller installations. The costs are reduced in permitting, maintenance as well.

2) Use of Disturbed Land Solar Farms can be built on disturbed land like in Germany where they have been built on former airbases. 3) Utility Friendly Large Solar Farms are controlled by utilities or IPPs while rooftop solar is generally in the ownership of residential owners or commercial owners. This results in less pushback from utilities which generally control tranmission and allow easier acceptance of solar energy. More information is available on types of rooftop solar : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Solar Panel System Components SOLAR PANELS These come in different shapes and sizes (see section types of solar panels) but they all do the same thing turn sunlight into DC electricity. INVERTER The inverter turns DC electricity from your solar panels into AC electricity. DC stands for Direct Current electricity. Grid power and your house appliances run on AC electricity. So once the solar panels have made DC electricity this needs to be turned in AC with an inverter. There are many types of inverters. However, if you have a grid-tied system, you will need to have a true-sine wave inverter. CHARGE CONTROLLER This is only needed if you have batteries. A charge controller regulates the voltage and current coming from the solar panels going to the battery. They also stop your batteries from getting overcharged and a reverse flowfromyourbatteriestoyoursolarpanelsduring the night. NET METERING This is an electric meter that can spin backwards. This allows you to sell power back to the grid. Sometimes power companies require you to install a separate meter for your solar power system. This is because some meters are unable to run backwards. This is what your meter will do when you are producing more solar energy than you are using. CIRCUIT BREAKER / DISCONNECT This is a safety feature it is used to disconnect your solar panels from your house electrical system and the power grid. This is necessary for maintenance work both on your home and on the main power grid. For instance, when there is a power outage, you need to be able stop the solar power from flowingintothemainpowergridforthesafety of the maintenance team.

Solar Panel Maintenance POWER OUTPUT For solar panels, you want to check every few months for drops in productivity. You can do this simply by keeping track of your power bills. ROOF PENETRATIONS Check the flashingandsealingaroundroofpenetrations. DUST AND LEAVES 2-3 times a year, give your solar panels a hose down. If they are dusty or dirty, their performance will drop. SHADING If there are trees around your house, check that they arent shading your panels. Shade on your panels will reduce their performance and power output.

Types of Solar Electric Panels SOLAR PANELS (AKA PHOTOVOLTAICS) For most home the panels normally used are silicon. This technology has been around for the last 50 years. And while efficiencyhascertainlyimproved, the way these panels work has not really changed. SOLAR TILES These are simply solar panels, but come in a much more integrated form. Instead of panels that sit on top of your roof, solar tiles are integrated into the roofing as actualtiles. Tiles are slightly less efficientthanpanels,soyouneedmoreofthemtoproducepower.However,they do the job of roofingaswellasenergyproduction.Thiscanmakethemaverycosteffectiveoption, especially if your house needs re-roofing. Whats in a Solar Electric Panel System? This depends what type of solar panel system you have. The next section explains each type of solar panel system. Its important to note here that the actual solar panels themselves only make up about 50% of the cost of the whole system. The rest of the cost comes from the other components explained in the section below.

We will soon find the costing of Solar Tiles and publish it here. They may become handy as a roofting in remote villages.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Frequently asked questions and answers Q: Is a house or office a good place for a Photovoltaic (PV) system? For a rooftop solar ?

A: Generally, solar panels produce the most electricity pointing south or west and when they are un-shaded. The panels may be mounted on your home or business roof, providing there is space where they can be ground mounted. Q: Is there enough roof area?

A: The amount of roof space needed to roof-mount a solar system is based on the size or generating capacity of the system. Residential systems can vary in size from 50 square feet to 1,000 square feet. A rule of thumb is that a square foot of PV module area produces 10 watts of power in bright sunlight. For example, a 2,000-watt system would require about 200 square feet of roof area. Q: How much electricity will a PV system produce?

A: It depends on the solar irradiance, dni, no of hours of sun, no of days of sun etc., . Most people are surprised how much electricity can be produced regardless of fog or periodic weather changes. The design process requires an accurate site analysis in order to safely predict the amount of electricity generated and to secure the proper amount of utility rebate. In usa, where site information availability is plenty, there are online calculators to determine the solar energy potential for any place.

Q: What is a kW (kilowatt)?

A: A kW is basic unit of measure of real electric power or a rate of doing work. A kW is 1000 watts.

Q: What is a kWh (kilowatt-hour)?

A: A kWh is a basic unit of energy consumption. For example, ten 100W light bulbs burning for one hour will consume 1000Wh of electricity, or 1 kWh.

Q: Do the solar modules need to mount on the roof?

A: No. Though the roof is the most common location for mounting solar modules, they can also be mounted on the ground or in other architecturally integrated ways such as on walls or shade structures. Ground mounted systems tend to cost more than roof mounted systems because of the need for trenching, concrete footings and (typically) a steel sub-structure. Ground mounted systems are, however, viable and common.

Q: What kind of maintenance does a solar system require?

A: Washing the solar array with water a few times a year is a good idea but not strictly critical. Most good solar designers have factored the effect of seasonal

dust on your projected system output over time. Occasional visual inspection of the array is wise in order to identify any serious soiling of the array such as significant bird droppings or other types of opaque soiling. Checking the integrity of mechanical and electrical connections, checking the electrical characteristics of the system and logging data are other good annual maintenance practices. Q: Will a solar system provide power during an electrical power outage?

A: Most grid tied solar electric systems do not provide electrical power during electrical power outages. As a requirement of a grid tied inverters safety listing, it must shut down in the event of grid power loss. Backup power systems can be designed into a grid tied solar system with the addition of a battery bank and a battery-powered inverter. This option adds complexity and expense that should be weighed against the benefit of having backup power. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Business Prospects

(These are instructions/note for the US market. It should give you an idea of the Indian market) Most businesses acknowledge the inherent benefits of using the sun to generate clean energy while, at the same time, saving on utility bills. However, there remains great uncertainty on how best to finance the initial capital required for the installation, operation and maintenance of integrated photovoltaic, hot water or thermal solar systems. The following is a simple, four-step guide for acquiring and/or installing a solar system: These steps are given for the US market. For the consumers. For the business minded It gives an idea what all one has to provide the customer. 1.Complete an energy efficiency audit. Most utilities/ Independent power producing companies, provide free energy efficiency audits to businesses/ households.

Engage an experienced integrator/ contractor. Qualified integrators (or contractors that manage solar projects from cost-estimating through construction phases) are an essential component in securing the most productive solar energy system. Selection of the appropriate integrator will depend upon the financing model adopted. An integrator can often assist with selecting the right solar equipment, selecting financing, and applying for loans or incentives. Select the solar equipment. Research and select the most appropriate solar system for business/ household with the assistance of an experienced integratorphotovoltaic cell. Contract options for funding a rooftop solar system. Like banks, financial institutions, credit card companies.

Traditional Financing Traditionally, a business interested in making a capital acquisition would apply for a commercial loan or line of credit from a bank. In the current economic climate, however, it often proves difficult, at best, to obtain such a facility. For this reason, certain contractors/ integrators and industry trade associations have recently established financing programs to assist with the acquisition and installation costs. Very soon banks will have a standard set of norms to provide loans for rooftop solar. Banks may clear house to house or just a clear an area to an integrator/ contractor and making the contractor company responsible for payment. Operating (Solar) Lease While classified as a lease, this structure affords a business an opportunity to take advantage of a solar system without incurring the significant initial capital outlay. Typically, a manufacturer of solar systems sells its products to a financing company that in turn leases the system to the end user. The end user is afforded a reduced and fixed utility bill but must assign any tax credits and/or rebates to the finance company or its investors. Often, the leases have long terms and strict conditions and penalties for early termination.

Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) A PPA enables a business to enter into long-term contracts to acquire electricity produced by the solar system. Typically, the end user purchases the power on a kilowatt-per-hour basis from the energy company and/or dealer of the solar system. It allows for a direct

benefit to the business in lower utility rates, while eliminating any uncertainty about the intermittency of solar power. PPA is the most important document in Rooftop solar. Jigar Shahs usp was supposed to be that. The end user must assign any tax credits and/or rebates to the energy company and/or dealer, or their investors. Often, the PPAs have long terms and strict conditions and penalties for early termination. You can check here for an old PPA available in the public domain. Very soon you will find some sample PPAs here.

Business Models

These models are what are prevailing in usa. If one studies it carefully, it is possible to come up with a business model suitable for india. As rooftop is most likely to come under the State, each State will have their own schemes.

Utility ownership Utility/ power generating and distributing companies like Tata power or Reliance power ownership of solar assets is the most direct change in the engagement of utilities with solar markets. For investor-owned utilities, owning a physical asset, solar or otherwise, is how utilities make profits as they earn a regulated rate of return on the capital investment. In contrast, purchasing the solar energy from a third party involves only recovering the costs of the purchase from ratepayers. However, some utilities are beginning to explore, have announced plans for, and are implementing owning and operating solar projects directly. Ownership is most prevalent in usa, among investor-owned utilities due to tax incentive structures. In many states, people have not heard of utilities in India. They only know the state electricity boards. Discoms. Most State electricity boards are in debt. They are manifest with corruption and corrupt practices.

It is generally believed that the employees of State electricity boards, the bosses and the members of the local State gov are responsible for most of the transmission losses. What is important is, as and when the States come up with a Rooftop solar policy, State Electricity Boards wont be able to run it. Firstly they cant recruit the additional manpower required quickly and train them properly. Secondly, even if they get it done, the banks wont lend on the basis of the State Electricity Boards finances. Not only are they in deep debt, they also have huge losses. For example TNEB, the Tamilnadu state electricy board has loss of Rs 40000 cr and a debt of Rs 38000 cr. Thus the SEBs wont be able to get funding from the Banks. Even if they get it, remember the marketing funda for India. Whatever the Gov does, private companies can do much better. So, get set and be ready. It is a new and expanding market opportunity. As a compay one has to anticipate and structure business model design to manage blowback issues that could arise. In a simplest set up that can come about in India, the Gov may give a feed in tariff like the ones the JNNSM offers. Say Rs 15.39/There can be a net meter for each house and for energy generated and fed to the grid money can be collected. Community net metering or tariff projects, where the utility develops a largersized system and essentially sells shares in the project that allow customers to offset their consumption directly or pay a fixed-priced tariff based on the output of their share Feed-in tariffs that are based on time of- use or market rates, or that offer more compelling business opportunities relative to a traditional rebate program The time based generation can be very useful as India is soon going to see peak time tariff Solar energy is generated mostly during the so called peak time. A flip-model between the utility, an investment bank, and site owners; ownership is transferred to the utility after the tax benefits are fully utilized Competitive bidding or auctions for third-party-owned projects that are sited in strategically valuable locations for grid support, smart grid testing, or peak generation benefits.

Solar leasing is possibly the most effective business model for homeowners interested in rooftop solar systems: They can ensure a hefty upfront cost for a monthly fee that takes care of installation and maintenance and quickly start saving money on monthly electricity costs, too. The above demonstrates a variety of options for businesses to use when analyzing the costs and benefits of solar technology. There is no better time than now to lighten up and enjoy the sun shine.

The Rooftop GAME USA Solyndra had a wide variety of customers from commercial building owners to government agencies, utilities and developers, roofing contractors and integrators. With over 1000 systems installed around the world, they were a proven leader in rooftop solar power generation. Their systems were installed on rooftops of some of the most well known brands in the world, Coca-Cola, Anheuser Busch, Frito-Lay, Pfizer, Parts Europe and others who are making clean energy and sustainable business practices their focus. They served many market segments with specific advantages for each type of customer.

U.S Government and Public Building Rooftops Solyndra offers a Made in USA solution for local, state and federal government building owners interested in meeting ARRA funding requirements. Solyndra systems are on rooftops on U.S. military installations, colleges and universities, public and private schools and many other public buildings. This business model is not households focused. The reason why I have given the example of Solyndra which has just filed for bankruptcy, is that you can accomplish so many things in the Rooftop solar business and still be in trouble. In my opinion, they failed because they werent fast enough to grow and equally importantly they were a little over focussed on technology. Their CEO was a PhD from Stanford. What was required was speed. Chris relied on technology and speed.

Real Estate Investment Trusts Rooftops are a great source of income for the commercial property owner and there are unique tax advantages for using Solyndra systems. Lightweight panels work well on rooftops not designed to carry a heavy load and systems are easily moved should the building have an ownership change.

Utilities Rooftop, distributed solar generation is the best solution to achieve renewable portfolio standard (RPS) goals. A hedge against future price uncertainty, rooftop solar also eliminates the need for costly transmission systems required by desert or remote ground mount systems. Distributors, Roofers, Energy Service Companies, Developers and Integrators Solyndra systems are ideal for rooftops with weight restrictions, roofs with many contours, off azimuth roofs and roofs where penetrations due to mounting are a strong concern. With a rooftop load of only 2.8 lbs/sq ft., Solyndra enables projects on rooftops with weight restrictions. CALIFORNIA Benefits Analysis The benefits realized depend on the application, purpose, and goals of the projects. Local governments may pursue rooftop solar-electric systems for the following beneficial reasons:

Energy cost reductions through direct energy-bill reductions of energy (kWh) and demand (kW). The average solar capacity factor for California is about 21%, which means that 21% of the hours every day are full-sun hours or that each installed kW of PV provides 5 kWh per day (= 24 hours x 1 kW x 21%). In California, the average effective load-carrying capacity of PV is 64%, which means that for every kW of PV installed, the building's demand should be reduced by 0.64 kW. Experiments have shown that load management can increase this load reduction to well above 90%. Additionally, if customer price signals (e.g., real-time pricing) allowed consumers to realize market price spikes, the value may be even greater.

Electric reliability. Most outages are at the distribution level, but at current PV manufacturing levels, a local government PV deployment program will not relieve transmission and generation capacity constraints over the next few years. A well-designed system with battery back-up can also provide uninterruptible power supply to critical building loads.

Rooftop Solar-Electric Assessment The Local Government Commission for California provides the following estimates of roof area: 66 million square feet for municipal buildings and 500 million square feet for school buildings. Assuming that only 40% of the roof area

is free of existing penetrations and equipment and that it has full solar access, the usable roof surface area would be 26.4 million square feet for municipal buildings and 200 million square feet of school buildings. And if an average peak PV capacity of 10 watts per square foot is asumed and about 25% system and spacing losses, then estimate a capacity potential of 198 megawatts (MW) on municipal buildings and 1500 MW on schools. It wont be possible to get such accurate data in India and each entrepreneur will have to do it individually. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Yet another business model in USA

Home solar power ! No down payment,

Rooftop inclusive ! Pay monthly less than current electricity bill,

own system in 6 years.

Solar as a Service Switch to solar as your utility. Have you always wanted clean solar power for your home, but haven't wanted to pay a high price? Switch to solar for little or no upfront cost Control your monthly electricity bill Enjoy complete care of your system Now you can get solar power as an affordable monthly service plan. It's similar to how you currently purchase electricity. We install the equipment on your roof, but all you buy is the power on a monthly basis. But with Solar as a Service you know your electricity is clean, and you'll always know the cost of your electricity. Full System Management Full System Management is our long-term commitment to keep your system working for as long as you're our customer. Every Real Goods Solar/Solar as a Service customer enjoys the following benefits: Money-back performance guarantee

All-inclusive system insurance 20-year full system warranty Professional-grade monitoring 24/7 Full system maintenance and parts replacement, if ever required Real time monitoring anywhere with a convenient online account Full System Purchase The Biggest and Best of Solar Savings Purchasing a system may seem prohibitively expensive at first. But when you consider the rebates and incentives youll be eligible for and the fact that youll be greatly reducing or, depending on the system size, eliminating your electric bill instantly, its not hard to see how most systems pay for themselves in electricity cost savings in just 5-8 years. After that, your power is free, clean and renewable for the life of the system (easily 25 years or more). Utility electricity rates have been rising at an average of 7% annually, and with the end of the fossil fuel supply in sight, that trend will only continue. With utility power, the average homeowner can plan on spending nearly $100,000 on electricity over the next 25 years. With a solar electric system from Real Goods, your electricity can cost less than a third of that. The cost of your system is determined primarily by three variables:

System size (kilowatts) State rebates 30% federal tax credit

The following tables show the approximate cost of an average solar electric system (5kW for California, 4kW for Colorado). Compare the Net System Cost with the $100,000 youd be paying your utility company for power over the next quarter century!

CALIFORNIA Average System Size Gross System Cost Utility Rebate After Rebate Subtotal

5kW $30,000 $1,575 $28,425

30% Federal Tax Credit Net System Cost

$8,528 $19,897

COLORADO Average System 4kW Size Gross System Cost $20,200 Xcel Energy Rebate $7,000 After Rebate $13,200 Subtotal 30% Federal Tax $3,960 Credit Upfront Cost $9,240 REC Rebate (paid $2,333 over 10 years) Net System Cost $6,907 *These numbers are approximate and depend upon a number of variables (roof type, shading, type of panel, etc.). Our local Solar Power Consultant will provide you a FREE home solar analysis. Whatever is happening in California is bound to happend in India, over a period of time. with all electricity boards under debts, they have to hike the tariff. More for urban and heavy consumers and during the peak hours, the time solar generates electricity. This is another Rooftop business model. India rooftop business will soon have different variations. Something like this, where there is no upfront payment is required, monthly bills are lower than the current electricity bills, will be ideal for the middle class. Even ifsome payment is requied upfront, if it can be tied to a credit card, it will be great. What do u think ? Link : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 Another Rooftop solar Business Model $ 2.6 b Bank of America has secured a federal loan guarantee that will allow it to finance the world's largest single effort to put solar panels on rooftops, the company said Wednesday. The total cost of the project is $2.6 billion, and will be financed by the private sector over a four year period. The loan guarantee -- made through the

Department of Energy -- means the government is on the hook for part of the project's costs should it fail. This model is to look at a very very large roof and offer to do rooftop solar service. Even if it means covering the branch offices. In one shot the company does a billing of $ 2.6 billion. This calls for a different kind of business plan and a totally different marketing approach. Pricing will involve an understanding of future prices of pv and can be a bit of a gamble. Each deal will be insured against fall in prices of modules. The project involves putting solar panels on hundreds of industrial buildings in a number of states across the country. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Solar city Google model Go Solar for $0 Down Now you can afford to go solar without the high initial cost of installing a system. Instead of buying the equipment, you simply lease it. SolarLease is the most popular residential solar financing option in the country! What's SolarLease Save on Electricity Costs from Day One With a SolarLease, you pay as you go, instead of all at once. The combination of your low monthly lease payment and smaller electricity bill is typically less than what you pay the utility company today. So you can start saving money from the very first day. Savings Grow Every Year Your savings can grow over time as utility rates continue to increase. Historically, utility rates have increased over 5% every year. With SolarLease, you can lock in lower electricity rates for the term of your lease.

Save on Electricity Every Month For a typical 3-bedroom home with a current electricity bill of $200 per month, we might recommend a medium sized 4 kW solar system. Your new solar system will generate enough electricity to offset what you are currently paying to the utility company from $200 down to $60 per month.

Your SolarLease payment would be $0 down and $110 per month. So you could actually save $30 per month from day one. Smart Financial Investment A SolarLease can be a better investment than purchasing your system with cash because you do not have a big upfront payment and can save your money for other opportunities. You save money every month on electricity bills so you can be cash flow positive from day one. In addition, you do not have to worry about unexpected repair costs because they are covered under a SolarLease. Includes Free Monitoring and Repair Service With a SolarLease, you have peace of mind that your system will continue to perform beautifully for years to come. SolarLease includes SolarGuard proactive monitoring for the full life of the lease. SolarGuard allows you and SolarCity to continuously monitor your system to ensure it is running smoothly and performing as expected. In the unlikely event that your system underperforms, SolarCity will alert you and help to remedy the situation. We will send out a repair crew for free warrantee repairs over the life of the lease. This includes replacing a worn out part such as the inverter. The good news is that solar panels typically last up to 30 years or longer, and have few moving parts. So once systems are installed, they require little ongoing maintenance. We Guarantee System Performance or We Will Pay You Back We're so confident with our system installation and design that we guarantee your system will perform as promised or SolarCity will pay you the difference! Our guarantee considers normal weather variations and solar panel performance over time. We track your system performance through our SolarGuard monitoring service, so we know exactly how much energy it is producing every day, week, month and year! Flexibility to Upgrade the System Later When your SolarLease ends, the power is still in your hands. You can upgrade to a new system with the latest solar technology. You can also extend your lease in 5 year increments or simply have the panels removed for free. If you sell your home before the end of the lease, you can transfer the lease to the new owners if they qualify with excellent credit, or you can prepay the lease and add it to your home asking price. A solar system will help differentiate your home from other properties on the marketnew buyers are looking for green homes that are energy efficient and will help them save money on energy costs. Financing and Service Options

Financing terms vary by location and are not available in all areas. To find out which plans are available in your area, go through our Solar Calculator. To qualify for financing, you need to have excellent credit (a FICO score of 700 or greater). Look at the marketing of Google Solar city. The scheme offers all a marketing guy can dream of. Money back guarantee, flexibility to upgrade, free monitoring, Down $0. No wonder Google has tied up with solarcity with $ 280 m. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Prologis $ 1.4 b partial loan gaurantee The U.S. Department of Energy announced Wednesday that it will offer a $1.4 billion partial loan guarantee to Prologis and NRG Energy to install rooftop solar panels on company warehouses. The AMP Project will install around 733 megawatts worth of solar panels on the rooftops of warehouses owned by Prologis. The electricity generated by the solar panels will then be sold to utility companies and distributed across the grid. This again is a different model, where from the rooftop, electricity generated by the solar panels will be sold to utility companies. Warehouses is an opportunity too. Remember. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deal with a realestate company Another model. SunEdison is building and operating all fifteen photovoltaic (PV) solar energy systems and GE Capital Real Estate is hosting the installations on its commercial buildings in the Greater Toronto Area, including Vaughan, Brampton, Burlington, Markham and Mississauga, with additional systems located in London. The first two systems are expected to generate more than 3.2 million kWh of clean energy over a 20-year period. In total, the fifteen targeted projects between GE Capital Real Estate and SunEdison represent over 2.3 MW of capacity, and have the potential to offset an estimated 9.8 million kilograms of CO2 into the atmosphere, the equivalent of removing 5,515 cars from the road for one year

Read more: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7

Crowd Sourcing for rooftop Solar Mosaic, based in Berkeley, will this week unveil its pilot community PV program in neighboring Oakland. Instead of turning to expensive lending rates at major banks, Solar Mosaic's financing adopts a crowd-sourcing model through the sale of "tiles," each worth $100. Creative solutions to the financing problems in PV are proliferating, such asSungevity's solar leasing options, or PsomasFMG's model for public sector buildings such as schools, which cannot directly raise private finance themselves. But Solar Mosaic is one of a kind--for now.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 It is important to know the offering of Sungevity in Leasing of solar Solar Lease by Sungevity Why a Solar Lease? Because we believe that the Sungevity Solar Lease can bring the power of the sun to everyone. Purchasing a solar home system, out of pocket, simply isnt a reality for many homeowners who want the benefits of solar energy. The offer seems too good to be true. What's the catch? No catch, but we can give you an explanation of how we can offer this great deal: As part of the American Recovery and Reinvest Act (a.k.a. the Stimulus Package) the government extended its tax credit on renewable energy systems. When you lease a system, about 1/3 of the cost is covered by Uncle Sam, with state governments kicking in another 10-30%. So, we get paid by the incentives in addition to your lease payments, you get low cost energy, and the world gets a cleaner future. Everyone wins - no catches. How long is the Sungevity Solar Lease commitment?

Depending on where you live, the Sungevity Solar Lease is a 15-20 year commitment to solar-powered living and financial savings. After 15-20 years, you can choose to renew for additional 5 year periods (up to 25 years) or have us remove the system from your roof. What happens if I need to move before my Sungevity Solar Lease term is over? Your options include: Assigning the Sungevity Solar Lease to the new homeowner (subject to credit check). Prepaying the remaining lease payments and assigning the benefits and nonfinancial obligations (e.g., roof access) to the new owner. Purchasing the Sungevity solar home system at fair market value. * Terminating the lease and asking us to remove the system. *

* Subject to renewable energy incentive holding periods and recapture payments. Can I prepay my lease? For most homeowners, the $0 down lease will be the best option because they can go solar with no out-of-pocket expense. For homeowners with money to put towards solar, or someone considering purchasing a system, the fully prepaid lease can help increase savings while at the same time enable the homeowner to get a complete home solar system as well as complimentary monitoring, maintenance, repairs, and insurance. Why do you need to know my energy consumption over each of the last 12 months? Utilities typically dont charge the same price for every unit of energy they sell. In some places, utilities charge more for energy consumed at certain times of day or in certain months of the year. In other places, utilities gives customers a certain allocation of cheap energy, and once youve surpassed that allocation, you must pay higher rates for your remaining energy. Our goal is to give you access to the best savings possible. That means knowing how much expensive energy you have and how much cheap energy. Once we know that, we can design the system that maximizes your savings. What if I want to put a down payment toward the system? The Sungevity Solar Lease allows you to go solar with no down payment. Were committed to being flexible to accommodate your personal financial situation, however, so if you have some money in the bank and are looking for a good

investment, you can certainly put that into a down payment. Speak to your Sungevity Solar Sales Consultant about your down payment options. Is sales tax included in the lease payments you've quoted me? Yes, we are committed to being as fair and transparent as possible, so we show you the all-in cost of going solar, including taxes, in your iQuote payments. If youre curious what tax rate we assumed for your particular location, ask your Solar Consultant! What are the estimated savings by going with a Sungevity Solar Lease? Savings will vary depending on how much energy you use, where you live and your utility company. A typical customer will save about 15% on electricity in their first year, and the savings will increase every year as grid electricity rates rise. Your iQuote will tell you what savings you can expect based on your historic energy usage and custom-designed home solar system. What are the benefits of a Sungevity Solar Lease? You can go solar with no down payment and youll save money from Day 1. With the Sungevity Solar Lease, the reduction in your monthly energy bill will usually be greater than your Solar Lease payment and on top of the financial benefits, we guarantee the performance of the system, provide proactive monitoring and maintenance, and insure your system against accidental damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 Yet Another Business Model Its first project already has $300,000 in the kitty to finance a rooftop in Chinatown in Oakland. There are plans for a few more such projects in Oakland, but after that the company aims to help investors make a return. Solar Mosaic currently charges a 10% fee on all tiles sold on the platform and will soon begin selling leads to residential solar developers. After registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the company plans to make money by charging a closing fee of 5% to solar project owners and a 1.5% servicing fee to investors. Phase one is about doing good, said Solar Mosaic's chief executive, Dan Rosen. Phase two is about making money, or as the company slogan puts it creating prosperity through solar.

"Solar Mosaic is revolutionizing the way solar projects are financed and developed. Costs are often prohibitive or financed by the banks and utilities," Rosen said. "We're opening it up and building an online marketplace where anyone can invest in solar projects. Read this carefully. Here is a Rooftop solar challenge from DOE The objective is to make Solar energy cost competitive without subsidies by the end of this decade !! Sun Edison is already in India and will be a major player in Rooftop for houses, for offices and factories . Slar lease from Sun Edison

SunEdison Solar Lease A smart way to go solar

Homeowners want affordable solar energy, and for some, paying upfront isn't an option. Our SunEdison Solar Lease program gives you financing options that fit your budget. For as little as $0 down*, you can start benefiting from solar energy. The combination of your low monthly solar payment and new lower electricity bill is typically less than what you are currently paying your utility company, so you save money every month. Financing directly with SunEdison also gives you a single point of contact and accountability for your system performance. The SunEdison Solar Lease provides homeowners an easy way to go solar: Get started for as little as $0 down and start saving money from Day 1 Our performance guarantee ensures your system produces the energy promised or your money back. Free system maintenance and monitoring Duration of lease is typically 10-20 years Early lease buyout options at pre-determined prices Fast online credit decisions to speed the process At the end of the lease, you can:

Renew the lease, Purchase the system, or Return the equipment If you sell your home: A qualified home buyer can take over the lease, or You can terminate the lease and purchase the system from SunEdison ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 Then you need to read this too. IT is about plug and play. Ideal in my opinion for Indian conditions.

Ideal business opportunity for those aspirirng to get into Roof top solar in India Inverters convert DC into AC. But they cost money. Considerable money in rooftop solar solution. So, there comes microinverter.Microinverters can also make the solar system more efficient, by reducing the energy waste that typically occurs when power is conducted from a solar panel to a separate inverter. This is prettygood for india.Especially for rooftop solar in India, rooftop solar in gujarat and rooftop solar in Delhi, most importantly, the new system has the potential to make more efficient use of rooftops that are partially shaded, where it would be uneconomical to install large solar arrays with a central inverter. AC Unison Microinverter System. Sunwize. Opportunity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11

Westinghouse is supposed to be one of the best. Study it carefully. Contact them. Create a model in their lines. Westinghouse works for households as well as for commercial buildings. Westinghouse is supposed to very effective and economical

They operate also with authorized dealers You can do it yourself with Westinghouse panels . With integrated tracking, wiring and grounding, Westinghouse Solar Power Systems eliminate 80% of the field assembly components and save 50% of the labor compared to ordinary solar power systems, thereby providing greater margin opportunity to rooftop system installers

Westinghouse solar panels:

Westinghouse solar homeowners: v=aylHn5cK2CE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EUROPE

( Again, I have given several matter that are pertinent to Europe. Reading them will give us an idea of what one should get ready with) Rooftops Can Generate Income Many commercial, industrial and retail buildings can provide the real estate needed for these systems, and are subsequently viewed as excellent candidates for roof rental. A growing number of third-party solar power providers are looking to rent roof surfaces from building owners in a designated area, install PV systems and sell the power generated to the local utility companies through pre-negotiated agreements. Building owners dont have to get involved in marketing the power generated on their roofs, and the lease agreements frequently guarantee at least 20 years of dependable rental income. Is the Structure Suitable for a PV Array?

Not every rooftop will be suitable for a rooftop installation and some are more suitable than others. The suitability will impact directly on what income one might be offered for the rooftop. In addition to being flat and relatively free of obstructions, the ideal rooftop needs to be exposed to the sun (not shaded by other structures or potential future structures on the building site or on neighboring properties) and physically capable of supporting the weight of a PV array. Size also matters, with the ideal size for a solar PV rooftop installation being in the range of 30,000 to 100,000 square feet. ( Very very rarely will you be able to get such houses or colonies in India) A new or recently rebuilt roof is preferred, because it is less likely to require additional structural support to accommodate the array, and because it will probably not require significant repair or replacement during the operating period of the solar project, which might necessitate the temporary removal or relocation of the solar array. Understanding Lease Agreements Again pl note that this is meant for the customers and the data is from usa. If we know what the customers should look for, it should give us an idea as what all should the business offer. Many rooftop rental agreements can look lucrative at first glance. There are, however, several important facts that building owners must be aware of before signing on the dotted line and making a multi-decade commitment. Ignoring these realities could turn a potential cash cow into a fire-breathing dragon that could do serious damage to the bottom line. One of the first questions the tenant will want to know is if the owner has full legal control over the rooftop. That is, the rooftop must not be subject to existing leases to tenants or other legal restrictions, which may prevent the landlord from being able to grant exclusive rights to the operator. Before involving in a rooftop rental agreement for a solar PV system, the following four facts should be kept in mind:

Rooftop rental can provide with extra income each month, but can also open up to significant liabilities.

The building, the roofing systems and the operations conducted in your facility are your primary concerns, not the PV system.

Maintenance and troubleshooting must be part of any comprehensive rooftop lease agreement. Without a doubt, an FIT can be an excellent way to put the unused roof space to good use and to collect rent at the same time. By reviewing lease agreements carefully, one can benefit from green solar power generation while knowing that all your financial bases are covered. The following are some of the typical clauses one might see in a solar rooftop leasing agreement and the issues to consider.

Option Agreement Most rooftop solar developers require an option to lease the rooftop. The option will permit the operator to have access to inspect and test the rooftop and do such other investigations as it deems necessary to satisfy itself that the location is suitable for a solar PV array and that the building owner is in a position to grant a lease to it.

Tenant Covenant As with any lease, it is advisable for the landlord to consider the financial strength and track record of the tenant, and to determine whether a deposit or other form of financial security should be sought to protect the landlord from the consequences of a tenant default.

Term and Rent Renewal rights are potentially important, as it is anticipated that the productive life of the solar photovoltaic (PV) array equipment may be substantially longer than 20 years. Rent can be structured in several ways. Usually, it will be a fixed, all-inclusive gross rent, but it may be calculated based on the size of the roof area or the portion of the rooftop utilized, the wattage produced by the facility, a percentage of the revenues received by the tenant, or on some other basis. In addition, the lease may provide for the tenant to pay for its electricity consumption and for any realty taxes associated with the solar PV array. As mentioned above payment is received can also affect the rate this way it qualifies for bank financing.

Access The tenant will require access 24/7 to install, clean, maintain, repair and replace its equipment and issues of security access may need to be addressed in the lease depending if the access has to be from within the building or not.

Roof Repair The lease will need to address the necessity for installation, roof repairs and replacement. Issues such as notice to the tenant, the period to do the work, relocation of the solar PV equipment while the repairs or replacement are undertaken, and compensation to the tenant for lost revenue during repair/replacement will be of concern.

Plans and Specifications The landlord will want approval rights over the tenants plans and specification for the original installation and for any subsequent alterations, repairs and replacements. The tenant will want to ensure that such approval is not unreasonably withheld or delayed.

Ownership It will be critically important to the tenant, for financing purposes, that its facilities are never treated as building fixtures (i.e. they will not be part of the building and therefore will not be the landlords property) but instead are always the sole property of the tenant.

The tenant will also require that the landlord waive any rights of distress or other rights to claim a lien or other interest in the tenants equipment, in order to facilitate such tenant financing.The issue of ownership and transfer of title to the installation (e.g., at the termination of the lease if not renewed) is also important at the term of the lease specifically, if the installation is no longer economically viable or if there are materials containing toxic materials (such as solar panels that contain cadmium or other materials that or might be deemed toxic materials in certain locations)

Financing In order to obtain financing for its equipment, the tenant may need to assign the lease as collateral security to its lender, and will need the landlord to agree to enter into an agreement with the tenants lender enabling the lender to cure

any default by the tenant under the lease and to obtain a new lease on the same terms if the lease is terminated without the lenders consent. The landlord will want the lender to agree that any monetary or other curable default must be cured prior to the new lease being granted.


The landlord will want the tenant to obtain and maintain insurance on its facilities, and adequate liability insurance, and the tenant will similarly want the landlord to obtain and maintain insurance on its building as well as public liability insurance. Appropriate releases, waivers and indemnities will also be important to both parties.


As noted above, it will be extremely important to the tenant that nothing happens that blocks or otherwise interferes with sunlight reaching its solar PV array. Consequently, it will require covenants from the landlord that it will not take or permit any action, which would have such effect. In addition to the normal termination for damage and destruction provisions found in a typical lease, if at some point something happens (such as the construction of a building in the vicinity) that impairs the availability of sunlight or otherwise prevents the tenant from operating its facility, the lease will need to address the tenants rights to terminate the lease in such circumstances.


As would be the case for any lease, the tenant may require that the landlord obtain agreements from each of its mortgage lenders to the effect that the lender will permit the tenant to remain in possession of the leased rooftop, etc. notwithstanding any default by the landlord under the mortgage, and will agree to recognize the lease and the tenants rights.

Repair and Maintenance

Each party will want to ensure that proper repair and maintenance obligations are included in the lease. The landlord will want the tenant to properly maintain and repair its equipment to ensure it is kept safe and in compliance with laws and regulations, and the tenant will want the landlord to take adequate care of the building, especially the roof, to avoid any impairment of the tenants ability to properly operate its solar facility. Regular cleaning of the panels including

snow removal, and disposal may also need to be addressed depending on the location of the building and normal weather patterns.

INDIA Costs Capital Cost Read these figures with a pinch of salt. Solar PV has one of the highest capital costs of all renewable energy sources, but it has relatively low operational costs, owing to the low maintenance and repair needs. The precise cost depends on scale. This includes the cost of panels, the balance of systems, the cost of land/installation area (in case of rooftop PV) and other support infrastructures. These are just estimates and the reader has to make his actual estimates and not depend on this estimate.

The total Installation costs involved without battery is detailed:

Component with specification (1.5 KW Residential Roof Top without Battery) PV module (12 V, 75 Wp) * 20 No's Steel mounting materials, cables & installation accessories Other BoS Power Conditioniing Unit Total Hardware Costs Margins (Company) Margin (Dealer / Distributor) Total Retail Cost VAT and Duties Installation Installed Cost The Total installation costs by incorporating Battery backup is detailed: Component with specification(1.5 KW Residential Roof Top with Battery) PV module (12 V, 75 Wp) * 20 No's Steel mounting materials, cables & installation accessories Storage battery (Lead Acid Battery) 12 V, 80 A * 10 No's Other BoS Power Conditioning Unit Total Hardware Costs Margins (Company) Margin (Dealer / Distributor) Total Retail Cost VAT and Duties Installation Installed Cost

Cost (INR.)

1,01,250 42,250 16,250 81,250 2,41,000 24,100 36,150 3,01,250 30,125 11,000 3,42,375

Cost (INR.) 1,01,250 42,250 71,500

16,250 81,250 3,12,500 31,250 46,875 3,90,625 39,062.5 11,000 4,40,687. 5 Dont take these figures too seriously. Do your own work.

Operational Cost Solar PV has no moving parts. As a result electricity generation from solar PV has very low operating costs. An approximate estimate of operating costs for solar PV is 0.5 Rs per KWh (one unit) of power generated. Insurance costs add about Rs 0.15 to 0.2 per kWh, so the total operating costs including insurance is about Rs 0.65-0.7/kWh.

Laymans perspective: A Typical rooftop of 1 kw solar system for a house: good enough for a layman to understand. The 1 kw system could provide backup for: a). 3 fans+3 tubelights+1TV (4 hours) b). 1 Ton of AC (2 hours) c). 1 PC (2 hours) The cost of system will be around 1.9-2 lacs, with MNRE subsidy of 30% the cost would come down to 1.1-1.2 lacs.

Government support The government of India is promoting the use of solar energy through various strategies. In the latest budget for 2010/11, the government has announced an allocation of Indian INR 10 billion (US$223 million) towards the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission and the establishment of a clean energy fund. It is an increase of Indian Rupee symbol.svg3.8 billion (US$84.7 million) from the previous budget. This new budget has also encouraged private solar companies by reducing customs duty on solar panels by 5% and exempting excise duty on solar photovoltaic panels. This is expected to reduce the cost of a roof-top solar panel installation by 1520%. The budget also proposed a coal tax of US$1 per metric ton on domestic and imported coal used for power generation. Additionally, the government has initiated a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)[47] scheme, which is designed to drive investment in low-carbon energy projects. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy provides 70 percent subsidy on the installation cost of a solar photovoltaic power plant in North-East states and 30 percentage subsidy on other regions. The detailed outlay of the National Solar Mission highlights various targets set by the government to increase solar energy in the country's energy portfolio. Customers and Benefits under Indian Policies: ( All percentages and figures given here are not yet confirmed. Hence heresay) The Indian government is about to launch roof top solar policy in capital state Delhi. The policy aims to encourage people to switch to renewable energy sources. The house owner will easily be able to earn about 19 per cent

returns on his investment. Or so they say. It is not certain till the scheme comes out. In nine years, the returns will go further up. There will also be an income tax rebate on this investment. According to the policy, house owners would have the option of either paying 30% of the total cost of installation or can lease their roof to a solar power developer, who would then set up a unit. The remaining 70% would be financed by banks. The home owners would have to sign power purchase agreements with the state distribution companies for getting the approval for feeding power into the grid. Home owners will get to earn Rs.17 ($0.38) per kWh of power produced through the solar panels, which will be directly fed into a grid. They can sell the power for 25 years. The government plans to generate 20 MW through solar energy over the next three years. The government is working out modalities of the schemes benefits. The discoms may even deduct the amount the house owner earns through the solar unit from the electricity bill. The discoms are also expected to benefit from the scheme since the power purchased from the these units would be costly, discoms would get subsidy of Rs. 13 per unit form the government. According to the recent estimate, cost of setting up a 5-KW unit is around Rs 7.5 lakh ($16,600) and requires 2,000-2500 sq feet of roof space. After signing a Power Purchase Agreement with the discoms, the home owner would have to pay Rs 3 lakh ($6640), on which they would get returns of close to Rs 60,000 ($1330) per annum. The scheme would also help the Delhi government to fulfill its solar energy purchase obligation which requires states across India to source at 0.25% of their power consumption from solar power plants, starting 2013. The state governments are also required to increase solar powers contribution to 3% by 2022. States like Delhi, where land availability is major issues, rooftops can contribute significantly in terms of solar energy capacity addition. The policy is a significant effort towards bringing affordable, even profitable, clean energy technologies to the community. Such policies would help tap millions of square feet of roof space area across the country for generating solar power. Punjab and solar rooftop Utility grid power, including roof top 67 MW PEDA shall facilitate the signing of PPA with the NTPC Vidyut Vyopar Nigam enshrined under the Solar Mission or the Utility PSEB on project case to case basis. The tariff shall be applicable as per CERC guidelines. MNRE, GOI should consider providing the generation based incentives to projects getting inter-connected to 11 KV system in the state.


SAS Nagar is a planned city of the State of Punjab adjoining Chandigarh and population in 2006 was about 2 Lacs Distributed utility Solar PV grid connected Project With Proposed project capacity : 5 MWp Roof tops of houses proposed to be covered : 5000 Nos approx. Each roof top to have 1 KWp spv grid connect system Each House having a connected load of 5 -8 Kwp. Each project shall be Grid connected on 415V LT utility Grid Facility of Bidirectional Import export energy meters. Nett Energy Metering concept to be deployed. Solar energy generated from the roof top systems project should be given CERC tariff. ROOF TOP SOLAR PV SYSTEM CONCEPT AND PLAN ROOF TOP SOLAR PV SYSTEM CAPACITY 1 KWp SOLAR PV PANELS 1 KWp POWER CONDITIONING UNIT 1.5 KVA BATTERY BANK: ADEQUATELY SIZED FOR 5 HRS BACK-UP BIDIRECTIONAL ENERGY METER OF O.5 CLASS Grid Interconnection at 415V L.T. Power generated from the PV system shall be used by the house. in case load exceeds generation power shall be exported to grid during no load/less load conditions. Powr generated shall also provide back-up power to emergency loads during grid failure for which a battery bank is also there.


complete system of 5 MWp shall operate as a small distributed utility having a major benefits.

system shall use existing roof top space. shall provide major voltage support to grid. shall provide immediate relief to grid by excess generation during day time. shall provide emergency power relief during power shut-owns situations. shall lower the load on the L.T. system roof-top SPV system commercials. each 1 KWp system to cost 2.5 LACS APPROX. proposal -1 each beneficiary to pay 50% of the cost, balance cost by MNRE,GOI. utility to give credit for generation exported to the grid at CERC tariff. consumer to be billed for NET energy at regular utility tariff. utility to get compensation through GBI under solar mission. proposal -2 each beneficiary to pay 100% of the cost, entire generation to be allowed for billing at CERC tariff.

Rooftop and India Suniva powering Indias first 1MW rooftop solar plant: A U.S. manufacturer of high-efficiency mono-crystalline silicon solar cells, modules and high-performance solar cells- is powering Indias first 1MW rooftop solar plant. Implemented and commissioned by Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) Solar Group, the 1MW solar plant was built on the rooftop of Thyagaraj Stadium in New Delhi.

With the solar plant being located on the rooftop of Thyagaraj Stadium, the overall footprint of the plant is minimized, while ensuring that it would generate enough energy to fulfill the stadiums requirements of a 1MW plant needed in the rooftop space available. Incorporating Sunivas high-efficiency ARTisun series solar cells in RIL modules, the Thyagaraj power plant was developed using a total of 3,640 280Wp modules. The project is expected to generate around 1.4 million kWh of electricity per year to fulfill the power requirements of the stadium, with surplus electricity being fed into the grid at 11KV. The solar power generated from this project is expected to result in emissions reduction of more than 2,640,000 lbs. of CO2 per year. The Thyagaraj Stadium, developed by the Government of Delhi, was a model green stadium and hosted Netball in the recent Commonwealth Games. Moser Baer to set up one of India's largest rooftop solar PV installations in Surat: Moser Baer Photovoltaic (MBPV) has bagged a rooftop solar power installation contract from Roads and Buildings Department of Gujarat to set up one of India's largest roof-top solar photovoltaic installations in Surat, Gujarat. This Solar PV system of approximately 135 KW (peak) capacity will bear a load a 40kW for 10 hours everyday by storing the charge in a battery bank of 6,000 AH (Ampere Hours). This is enough of power to light up a typical Indian village. The project has already started and the complete system will be commissioned by April 2009. Moser Baer PV will manage the operations and maintenance of this installation for seven years. Commenting on the development, Rajiv Arya, the Chief Executive Officer of MBPV, said: "This contract underlines our unmatched capability to design and build reliable and customized solar systems in a cost-effective manner. This project is in line with the Gujarat government's focus on clean and renewable energy in the state." Moser Baer is investing hugely into solar energy harvesting area. The results of its efforts have started bearing fruits. Indian State of Gujarat to bring out Solar Rooftop Policy soon: The state government of Gujarat is planning to introduce roof top solar power generation plan in Ahmedabad and other cities like Gandhinagar, Surat, Rajkot, Vadodara etc., on the line of developed countries. In developed countries the concept has got wider popularity. Under this plan they encourage private residential, commercial and industrial property owners to put small solar power generation plants on their building roofs. The electricity generated on roof will be transferred to the various grids. Government shall sign MOU(memorandum of understanding) with AEC and other power supply companies for buying solar power. Private roof top solar technology companies will invest and install roof top solar installations in cities on private properties and generate solar power. FAQs

A typical example for the size of a solar system at home? Typically a two-bedroom apartment with 3-4 people will consume approximately eight units of power per day. In case, the supply system for only 4-6 hours a day has to be supported,1 KW solar system will be sufficient. What is the expected cost of 1 KW system? Actually, many factors play a vital role in the costing. However, considering subsidy up to 30%,a system should cost in the range of Rs.1.2 to Rs.1.5 lakhs. What is the best advice for a customer? Best advice would be to use energy efficient products first and then go for the solar roof top systems. Every house normally has enough roof top area to install solar power systems. The life of solar panels is guaranteed for 25 years and good quality solar batteries also last for approximately 7-8 years. Hence, if system is installed by qualified system integrators, the chances of a trouble free system with least attention, is very high. If compared with a normal inverter which does not have any pay back, solar power packs are the best option. How does compare it with DG sets ? The cost of power generated by DG set comes over Rs.20 per unit. The maintenance cost, storage problems, pilferage of diesel, space requirement, need of an operator, etc., add up to the cost substantially. Whereas, a solar PV gives uninterrupted trouble free service for many years. As explained earlier, considering the subsidy reduces the payback period of a solar system to less than 3.5 years. What are the disadvantages ? 1. Lack of knowledge about the system and the Government policies like subsidies, concessional loans, accelerated depreciation and RECs 2. Very few qualified system integrators 3. Distracting CAPEX 4. Low reliability factor due to solar irradiation (cloudy days) 5. Space Requirement What are the incentives by the government? For the individual house holds, upto 1 KW and for Associations, Corporations, Industries, etc.,. upto 100 KW for each location, the subsidy may be upto 30 %. In case, either the location is different for the same user or the owners of the projects are different for the same location, the project(s) qualifies for the subsidy as per above limitations. It is also important to note that for availing the subsidy, prior approval of the project by MNRE is must. Detailed roof-top off-grid

guidelines available on previous blog: What are the challenges in the design of solar PV system? Typical mindset of the customer is that they start comparing Solar system with other Backup power system like DG set on one to one basis. One has to keep in mind that raw material for producing power from solar system is free! The other challenge is the design of the system which handles variable flow rates using induction motors like in petrol pumps or process chemical industries. In the congested multistoried complexes the space also becomes a big constraint. Lack of knowledge about the systems. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rooftop solar is first Financing and then Financing and then Financing !

We Indians, many of us are atleast half as good as Jigar Shah at it. Lets look at some financing options available in USA. Solar Financing Options Rooftop solar is first Financing, next Financing and last Financing, where you can make marketing mistake or get too involved in technicalities and lose the market. But Finance is the funda. Here is what is available in usa. Many of you can draw a parallel to the Indian finance market.

Balloon loan: A long-term loan in which a large payment is due on maturity; a balloon payment is the final payment and is much larger than the regular payments. Consumer credit: This is a growing potential source of funds for solar system installations. Most conventional lenders (see below) make personal loans available to creditworthy businesses and individuals on an unsecured or a secured basis. This should have a positive effect on energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, especially projects that have short payback periods and those in which time is of the essence. Conventional lenders: These include banks, savings and loan companies, and credit unions. These

lenders use their depositors funds to lend to local customers for a variety of purposes, such as first and second mortgages, home improvement loans, home equity loans, and personal loans. These may be secured by real estate, equipment, and other collateral, or they may be unsecured. Often a conventional lender will keep these loans in its portfolio rather than selling them on the secondary market. Programs can be designed for local needs and thus can be more flexible than those of the marketplace. Energy efficient mortgages: EEMs are loans that provide special underwriting considerations so the borrower can purchase or refinance homes that are energy efficient or that will be energy efficient after energysaving equipment is installed. The reason for this special consideration is that homeowners with lower utility bills can afford to devote a larger portion of their income to housing expenses. The two general categories of EEMs are (1) the new home mortgage (the regular EEM), and (2) the energy improvement mortgage (the EIM), which is used to purchase an existing home or to refinance energy improvements. An energy rating must be obtained to determine the cost-effectiveness of these improvements. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, HUD/FHA, and the VA have all instituted EEM programs. Energy Savings Performance Contracts: In an ESPC, an energy service company (ESCO) incurs the cost of financing, designing, installing, operating, and maintaining an energy system for the systems user. The ESCO is compensated by receiving a share of the users energy cost savings during the term of the contract. Equipment financing/leasing: This is product financing commonly offered by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Conventional lenders offer a line of credit secured by the equipment as well as unsecured loans for creditworthy businesses. Private finance and leasing companies structure business equipment leases as well as public sector project financing for municipalities, school districts, and government agencies. Loan rates and terms are usually higher than those of conventional lenders, but leasing companies often offer financing on projects that conventional lenders are not willing to finance. Financing for energy conservation improvements: This financing can be part of a home mortgage covering energy-saving measures that are deemed cost effective. This is usually subject to some limitations. A Home Energy Rating System (HERS) report is required to help determine which improvements will be approved for additional funding. The lender establishes a holdback account to fund the installation of energy-saving improvements after the home purchase or refinancing closes.

Home energy rating system: This system is the basis for a HERS report, which is prepared by an auditor trained in examining a homes energy efficiency. Factors such as insulation levels, solar orientation, appliance efficiency, and window types are considered to give the home a rating between 1 and 100. The higher the rating, the more efficient the home. A HERS report also recommends improvements based on cost effectiveness and estimates the energy costs for a particular house. Improvements must have a net life-cycle savings that exceeds their cost in order to be recommended. For greater flexibility, some lenders allow an Energy Addendum to the HERS report. The addendum evaluates the cost savings and payback associated with a specific improvement (e.g., a new energy-efficient furnace). In some instances, an improvement that would not be deemed cost effective may be financed if the sum of all the improvements is shown to be cost effective. Increased debt-to-income ratios: An increase (up to 2%) on debt-to-income ratios is allowed in loans for homes that are or will be energy efficient. A qualifying ratio compares a borrowers expenses and income to determine THE BORROW E R S GUIDE 39 40 U . S . DEPARTMENT O F ENERGY the borrowers ability to meet monthly financial obligations. If a home meets a minimum energy-rating score, the increased ratios can help the loan applicant qualify for a larger loan amount. The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loan programs consider homes built after November 1992 to be energy efficient by virtue of the building codes in place at that time. HUD/FHA considers homes built after October 1993 to be energy efficient. A HERS report is necessary for homes built before these dates to establish a homes energy efficiency. Loan guaranty programs: These programs are offered by agencies such as HUD/FHA, the VA, the SBA, the Rural Economic Community Development Services (RECDS, via the USDA), and EPA. These agencies offer a guaranty to a conventional lender to cover potential losses resulting from a default on the loan. The lender uses its own funds for these loans but can offer expanded programs for projects that may be beyond its guidelines. Most agencies offer significant incentives such as lower loan costs, below-market interest rates, and higher income-to-debt ratios. Programs include the energy efficient mortgage, EPAs Energy StarR-rated homes and buildings, and HUDs Title I home improvement loan and subsidies for low- and moderateincome homeowners. Revolving loan funds: RLFs are offered by state, county, and municipal governments, economic development corporations, and minority business development centers. Typical sources of funds are Community Development Block Grants, Rural Business Enterprise Grants, and Intermediary Relending Programs (HUD). Local agencies

usually fund the expansion or creation of small businesses to provide jobs and spur economic development. As the loans are repaid, funds go back into the loan pool to be used again. These programs may be applied to energy efficiency projects or used to facilitate the growth of solar energy businesses. Local chambers of commerce often have information on RLFs. Secondary market lenders: Secondary market lenders make loans that are sold to large loan pools such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These loans are typically for residential purposes and must meet specific guidelines to be marketable. A homeowners primary residence, a second home, or a non-owner-occupied investment property may secure the loans. The secondary market offers the widest variety of programs, competitive interest rates, and long loan terms. First-time homebuyer programs, energy efficient mortgages, and 125% home improvement loans are a few examples of the innovative loan programs available. ================================================ ========== Very soon we will have here, the financing options in India. ================================================ ========================

Index of Solar Product Companies in India: Name of the Company Address Plot No. S 5, Tie, Phase II, Behind Andhra Bank Lane, Bala Nagar, Hyderabad - 500037, Andhra Pradesh, Phone

Access Solar Limited


Aditya Energy Systems Agni Power & Electronics Pvt. Ltd.

J4-127-B, First Floor, DDA Flats, Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019 D-219, Sector-10, NOIDA, 201301, U.P.


91-3310/72, BIJOYGARH, Kolkata - 700092, West Bengal 24836169/2412 Purushottam Appartments, 1st Floor, Flat No -132a Parvati, 91-20-2433801 Akshay Urja Private Limited Pune, Maharashtra - 411 030 24320003 H.o-532, Old Post Office Road, Samalkha New Aspes Solar Delhi 110037 SR.NO. 143, OPP. LOKMAT, WADGAON DHAIRY, SINHGAD ROAD, Pune - 411041 No. 101, First Floor, 65, Vijay Block, Himalaya

Bipin Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Easy Solar Industries

91-2024392064/2439 91-11-4241884

El Sol Energy Systems

Greenergy Solar India

Hakke Industries

Palace, Vikas Marg, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi - 110092 A- 2, Rangdeep Flat, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 009, Gujarat 302, 3rd Floor, Sai Paradise, Vishnu Nagar, G. G. Road, Dombivili (W), Dombivili - 421202 Plot No. 298, Bommasandra-Jigani Link Road, Industrial Area, Jigani, Anekal Talk, Bangalore - 560106, Karnataka





Plot No. 148 & 127, GIDC-II, Jamwadi N. H8-B, Gondal, Gujarath 360311

91-2825-22482 224272

Holistic Energy Equipments 101-Virgo, Fortune Estates, Hadapsar, Pvt. Ltd. Pune - 411028, Maharashtra


India Solar Solutions

A-15/A, Mayapuri Indl. Area, Phase - Ii, New Delhi - 110064 91-11-6543455

Jagath Jothi Lights (P) Ltd. Joline Power Systems Pvt. Ltd.


Orchards Flat 1a, Door No :1/1, 4th Cross Street, United India Colony, Chennai - 600024 91-44-4264759 206 Shreeji Chambers, B/H Cargo Ford, C.G. Road, Ahmedabad - 380006, Gujarat 91-79-3000045 91-80No. 120, Ring Road, Bhadrappa Layout, N. S. Halli,23417940/2341 Bangalore - 560094, Karnataka, 23512799/2341 Survey No.: 47 / 1, Shanbhog Narayanappa Layout, 1st Cross, 91-80-3291069 Kodigehalli, Sahakarnagar Post,Bangalore-560092 22715699

Neety Euro - Asia Solar Energy

Prolight Systems

No. 4, Shree Nagar Society, Stadium Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380 014, No. 22, 6th Cross, 8th Main, Ganesha Block, Mahalaxmi Layout, Bangalore - 560096, Karnataka.



Shibra Farms, Nagasandra Main Road, Prompt Green Lights Tumkur Road, Bangalore - 560073, Karnataka No. 195/2, R. M. T. Bungalow Road, Sai Nagar, Industrial Estate Post, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu Prosun Energy Private Ltd 641 02 Saur Oorja Solutions Pvt Ltd G-56,Pankaj Central Market, I.P Extension,


91-422-267331 91-11-2223219

Patparganj, Delhi, 110092


Shri kanakka Durga electrical industries Solarium Solar Power System Solarys Energy Solutions

Subhiksham, 13, 5th Street 6th Cross Street , Vijayaragavapuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600093 Shop No. 1, Avtar Nagar, Nr. Octroi Ferozepur Road, Ludhiana - 141001, Punjab G-13, Elcanso Complex, No.10, Casa Major Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008



91- 44- 281910

Sun Zone Solar Systems

1/4, Balagangadhara Nagar, Mallathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560 056

91-80-2321477 23215645/6597

Sunmac Enterprises

325-330, Najundapuram Road, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu - 641 036


Sunmax Energy Systemss Pvt Ltd

No. 158, Kamaraj Salai, Brindhavanam, +91-413Pondicherry - 605 013 4201774/65304 546-A, Pace City II, Sector-37, Gurgoan, Haryana- 91-124-422260 Suntron Energy Ltd 122 001 4222607 91-8066601300/4070 Plot No. 78, Electronics City, Hosur Road, 22358465/4070 Tata Bp Solar India Limited Bangalore - 560100 0702999 B-101, Sec. 25, GIDC, Electronic Zone, Topsun Energy Ltd Gandhinagar, Gujarath 382028 91-79-2328880 The Corenthum, Tower-A, 6th Floor, 167, A-41, Sector-62, Unique Solar Power Systems Noida, U.P 201301 1/473, Avinashi Road, Neelambur, Coimbatore - 614014, Tamil Nadu

Usl Photovoltaics Pvt. Ltd.


3 Ace Associates Article Related Links:

Sankilo, Pithapara, N. Koli, Cuttack - 754207, Orissa


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Related Tags MNRE working on special policy for rooftop solar

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Gujarat solar policy, Gujarat solar projects, Solar business in Gujarat, solar business opportunities Gujarat, Solar irradiation in Gujarat, JNNSM and Gujarat state solar policy, Gujarat Solar city, ... Solar air conditioners, Solar AC, Solar AC in india, Solar AC Types, Cost, Market in India, Specifications and business opportunities, Solar AC cost in india,... 0 People Like This 7 Responses to Rooftop Solar Business models in India, Rooftop solar types, Roof top solar schemes in Gujarat, Delhi, Gandhinagar, Karnataka, TN, rooftop business opportunities in India, Rooftop solar business challenges in India !

Krupali Mon November 07 2011 10:27:15 AM Phil Craig, general manager of retail at Origin Energy, feels houses will become 80% independent of the power grid in future. Falling solar photovoltaics prices, sees more penetration in solar water heaters and solar powered appliances in household. A productive convergence of solar based appliances is seen in the times ahead Read more:

Iitk08 Wed September 28 2011 05:55:48 AM Great job NItin. Nice blog. Very relevant We need proper costing. It is not easy to do it now, with falling prices of cells and modules, with tariffs of electricity boards increasing. One of the worlds largest solar plant for 1000 Mw, utility scale has swithched from CSP mirrors to solar pv. Firstly PV offers speed. It can be installed in 6 months as compared to over 18 monts of csp. Secondly PV supply outstrips demand so much that it makes sense for them to go for PV. It is a dynamic industry.

Romila Wed September 07 2011 09:32:04 AM Rooftop solar business is hot and looks like a money spinner.Both the landlord who offers his rooftop for solar panels to be fitted and the company that will execute it. The state will also benefit from the solar rooftop schemes thanks to the incentives of JNNSM. The landlord may not have the upfront money to invest in the solar panels. Best solution is Solar leasing. Solar leasing is possibly the most effective business model for homeowners interested in rooftop solar systems: They can eschew a hefty upfront cost for a monthly fee that takes care of installation and maintenance and quickly start saving money on monthly electricity costs, too.

Krupali Wed September 07 2011 09:27:03 AM Google has announced $ 280million to fund Solarcity expansion of domestic solar panels on roofs.Now GE is also interestedin funding Roof top Solar CompanySunRun . will we see a similar pattern in India.An interest in solar rooftop panels.I mean are big companies going to get into the act of fitting solar rooftop panels in our cities.

Krupali Wed August 31 2011 02:41:07 PM Nitin a very complete picture of roof top solar system. Incentives by the government makesit an interesting proposition. Again solar 1234 has poured cold water on my enthusiasm with facts and figures. Indian politics will also play a part in this new money spinner.i think I will wait and watch before going in for it.

Nitin Wed August 31 2011 08:08:27 AM @ Dr Jagadeesh and others Given below is a scheme launched in California and Colorodo. California is supposed to have very steep tariffs, next only to Hawai. But, look at the scheme.

Home solar power ! Rooftop inclusive ! No down payment, pay monthly less than current electricity bill, own system in 6 years.

Solar as a Service Switch to solar as your utility. Have you always wanted clean solar power for your home, but haven't wanted to pay a high price? Switch to solar for little or no upfront cost Control your monthly electricity bill Enjoy complete care of your system Now you can get solar power as an affordable monthly service plan. It's similar to how you currently purchase electricity. We install the equipment on your roof, but all you buy is the power on a monthly basis. But with Solar as a Service you know your electricity is clean, and you'll always know the cost of your electricity. Full System Management Full System Management is our long-term commitment to keep your system working for as long as you're our customer. Every Real Goods Solar/Solar as a Service customer enjoys the following benefits: Money-back performance guarantee All-inclusive system insurance 20-year full system warranty Professional-grade monitoring 24/7 Full system maintenance and parts replacement, if ever required Real time monitoring anywhere with a convenient online account

Full System Purchase

The Biggest and Best of Solar Savings

Purchasing a system may seem prohibitively expensive at first. But when you consider the rebates and incentives youll be eligible for and the fact that youll be greatly reducing or, depending on the system size, eliminating your electric bill instantly, its not hard to see how most systems pay for themselves in electricity cost savings in just 5-8 years. After that, your power is free, clean and renewable for the life of the system (easily 25 years or more).

Utility electricity rates have been rising at an average of 7% annually, and with the end of the fossil fuel supply in sight, that trend will only continue. With utility power, the average homeowner can plan on spending nearly $100,000 on electricity over the next 25 years. With a solar electric system from Real Goods, your electricity can cost less than a third of that.

The cost of your system is determined primarily by three variables:

System size (kilowatts) State rebates 30% federal tax credit

The following tables show the approximate cost of an average solar electric system (5kW for California, 4kW for Colorado). Compare the Net System Cost with the $100,000 youd be paying your utility company for power over the next quarter century!

CALIFORNIA Average System Size 5kW Gross System Cost Utility Rebate 30% Federal Tax Credit Net System Cost $30,000 $1,575 $8,528 $19,897

After Rebate Subtotal $28,425

COLORADO Average System Size 4kW

Gross System Cost Xcel Energy Rebate 30% Federal Tax Credit Upfront Cost REC Rebate (paid over 10 years) Net System Cost

$20,200 $7,000 $3,960 $9,240 $2,333 $6,907

After Rebate Subtotal $13,200

*These numbers are approximate and depend upon a number of variables (roof type, shading, type of panel, etc.). Our local Solar Power Consultant will provide you a FREE home solar analysis. Whatever is happening in California is bound to happend in India, over a period of time. with all electricity boards under debts, they have to hike the tariff. More for urban and heavy consumers and during the peak hours, the time solar generates electricity. This is another Rooftop business model. India rooftop business will soon have different variations. Something like this, where there is no upfront payment is required, monthly bills are lower than the current electricity bills, will be ideal for the middle class. Even ifsome payment is requied upfront, if it can be tied to a credit card, it will be great. What do u think ? Link :

Solar1234 Mon August 08 2011 02:44:11 PM No doubt you have taken trouble to collect information on Rooftop Solar, Mr.Nitin. You Write: Laymans perspective: A Typical rooftop of 1 kw solar system for a house: good enough for a layman to understand.

The 1 kw system could provide backup for: a). 3 fans+3 tubelights+1TV (4 hours) b). 1 Ton of AC (2 hours) c). 1 PC (2 hours) The cost of system will be around 1.9-2 lacs, with MNRE subsidy of 30% the cost would come down to 1.1-1.2 lac's.

First of all you should know the efficiency of present solar PV in India. It is quite low. Here is an interesting analysis of 1 KW rooftop Solar system:

As most of you probably know, power is the rate of change of energy with respect to time; that is, the rate at which energy flows, measured in joules per second, or watts. Since we receive 15 MJ per square meter per day in the form of solar radiation, thats an average power density of 174 watts per square meter, on average over the whole day. During the daytime its approximately twice that, approximately 350 W of power per square meter, but you get nothing at night. Now, if you buy a solar PV module that is rated at 180 W, or whatever power figure it is, you get that advertised amount of power only if there is 1000 W per square meter of solar radiation incident onto the panel. If youre close to the equator, close to the summer equinox, on a perfect cloudless, sunny day, with your starsigns in your favour, you might get 1000 W per square meter of power in the form of incident solar radiation if youre lucky. On average, in the real world, you dont get close to that at all for the majority of the time. So, a 1000 W PV array, in the real world with an average of 174 W/m^2 worth of incident radiation flux, will generate 174 W of power, on average. (Averaged over the full 24 hours in a day.) Therefore, you get about 1500 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of total energy generation per year. If youre paying, say, 13 c/kWh for electricity, you save about $200 per year on the electricity bills. If you pay about $3000 out-of-pocket for such a system, then, it will take 15 years to pay for itself. However, after about 10 years, its entirely plausible that the grid-connect inverter will die, and there wont be a subsidy paying for that, so thats probably another $2000 or so youll need to shell out. (The inverter is the box

full of power electronics that converts the low-voltage DC electricity from the photovoltaics into an AC sine wave at the higher grid voltage, and keeps that AC sine wave in phase with the AC waveform on the electricity grid. These inverters typically have a warranty of only five years.) So, that adds another 10 years to the payback time. You probably wont even be able to pay it off before that second inverter reaches the end of its life.

One of these systems generates about 1500 kilowatt-hours per year, as weve discussed above. In 2006, the electricity output sent to the grid from the Loy Yang A coal-fired generator in Victoria, just as a typical example, was 15,995 gigawatt-hours. (That is, 15,995,000,000 kilowatt hours.) Therefore, if you wanted to generate the same amount of energy from 1 kW rooftop solar PV installations as just one coal-fired power station, youd need 10.7 million of these installations. There are approximately 8.5 million households in Australia [5]. If you installed a 1 kW solar array on the roof of every household in this country, you would have an amount of energy output from those installations that is quantitatively considerably less than one single coal-fired power station. I hope that puts things in perspective.( Source: The economics and usefulness of domestic rooftop solar PV installations, By Luke Weston, 3 May 2009, young Australian skeptics)

Solar Rooftop only thrives because of subsidies provided by the Government. On the other hand Solar Thermal is more cost effective compared to Solar PV because of higher efficiency.

Dr.A.Jagadeesh Nellore(AP),India E-mail: .

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Just interested, Jamshedpur

"I'm fundamentally a researcher trying to make my life sustainable and thereby doing my part to save the world. A post grad in engineering. Interested in all researches. Particularly in renewable energy field. Interested in Climate change/ global warming and its consequences. I work in a steel plant, but am interested in solar power in all its forms! rooftop solar, biodiversity, global warming, energy efficiency, leed, griha, shingles, bipv Interested in: Solar Energy,Nuclear Energy,Biomass Energy,Waste-to-Energy,Coal Energy,Hydro Energy,Hydrogen Energy

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