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The following provides a course outline, list of lecture topics and sample readings. Use the list to familiarize yourself with the range and type of materials that will be used. Please note that the full reading lists and tutorial discussion questions will be provided at the start of the course. Course Lecturer and Convener Professor Andrew Murray: Room NAB.7.26. You can find more information about Professor Murray including his teaching and research interests at: All Lectures will be given by Professor Murray. The tutorials will be conducted by a teaching assistant from the LSE. Introduction Welcome to this Summer School course in Cyberlaw. The course will consist of twelve three-hour lectures and twelve one-hour classes. It will examine the law and policy issues relating to a number of key aspects of the information society. At the end of the course, students should be able to: Critically evaluate ongoing developments in law relating to information technologies Display an understanding of how these developments relate to one another. Examine areas of doctrinal and political debate surrounding rules and theories; Evaluate those rules and theories in terms of internal coherence and practical outcomes; Draw on the analysis and evaluation contained in primary and secondary sources. This course covers a selection of topics in the field of Information Technology Law. It will begin by considering the debate about the nature of the influence of information technology upon the development of new legal doctrine, moving on to consider, through topics such as data protection, computer misuse and computer evidence, copyright and digital rights management, criminal content liability and defamation, both how the law has responded to the challenges of information technologies, and the extent to which legal issues have shaped the development of information society policy. The focus will be initially on English law, although the increasingly global nature of IT law means that there are already strong EU and US legal influences

upon the English system, so comparative aspects will be introduced in places, and readings will include materials drawn from, amongst others, US law journals. This course does not require an in-depth understanding of contemporary computer technology we are primarily interested in the implications of the use of information technology, and the intended and unintended consequences of regulating that use

Course Materials and On-line Support This course is supported by a Moodle site. Once the course begins operation (i.e. from 23 July 2012) you will be able to access the side via This site will contain copies of handouts and lecture slides as well as coursework requirements. It will be updated regularly and online assignments may be posted via this page. If you need instruction on using Moodle please follow the online guides at Students will be expected to check the Moodle site on a regular basis. Course Assessment The course will be assessed by means of one two-hour unseen examination to be held during the examinations period on 10 August 2012 at a time to be advised by the Summer School Office. In addition you will be required to submit one formative essay of no more than 1500 words by Thursday of week two of teaching. Recommended Reading The recommended textbook is: Murray: Information Technology Law: The Law and Society, 2010, OUP. Texts for Reference Purposes

Bainbridge: Introduction to Information Technology Law 6th ed., 2007, Pearson. Benkler: The Wealth of Networks, 2007, Yale UP Lloyd: Information Technology Law 6th ed, 2011, OUP. Klang & Murray (eds) Human Rights in the Digital Age, 2006, Cavendish. Lessig: Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace ver.2.0, 2006, Basic Books. Edwards & Waelde (eds): Law and the Internet 3rd ed, 2009, Hart. Mayer-Schonberger: Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age, 2009, Princeton UP. Murray: The Regulation of Cyberspace, 2006, Routledge. Reed (ed): Computer Law 7th ed., 2011, OUP. Reed: Internet Law: Texts and Materials 2nd Ed, 2007, CUP. Solove: Understanding Privacy, 2008 Harvard UP. Zittrain: The Future of the Internet, 2008, Allan Lane. Specialist Journals (You will need to make use of these) Berkeley Technology Law Journal (BTLJ) Computer and Telecommunications Law Review (CTLR) Duke Law & Technology Review European Journal of Law & Technology (EJLT) Harvard Journal of Law and Technology International Journal of Law and Information Technology (IJLIT) International Review of Law Computers and Technology (IRLCT) Journal of Information Law and Technology (JILT) Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review Lecture Outline Week One An Introduction to IT Law Digitisation and the Information Society Subject An introduction to the subject matter and content of the course. Including an introduction to essential computer basics. Digitisation and Law. Introducing the Internet How the Modern Internet Functions Higher Level Protocols The worlds of Atoms and Bits The Cross-border challenge of information law Can we regulate the Digital Environment? Cyberlibertarianism and Cyberpaternalism Lawrence Lessigs Modalities of Regulation Network Communitarianism Lecture Date Mon 23 July

Mon 23 July

Regulating the Digital Environment

Tues July


Intellectual Property Rights Theory and Software

Intellectual Property Rights Peer to Peer

Intellectual Property Rights Online Distribution

Cyberlaw and Rights Cyber Speech, Harmful Speech & Injunctions

Cyberlaw and Rights Obscene Speech

Cyberlaw and Rights Cybercrime

IPRs and the Information Society The role of IPRs The Digital Economy Act 2010 The Hargreaves Review Protecting Computer Software Copyright in Computer Software. SAS v World Programming Software Patents Aerotel v Telco and Macrossans Application Peer-to-Peer and Filesharing Peer-to-Peer Networks Napster v. A&M Records MGM v. Grokster BitTorrent Sweden v. Neij et al. Volume Litigation Copyright, File-linking and Aggregation Ownership of online content Digital Trespass & DeepLinking Aggregation of Content NLA v. Meltwater Cyber-Speech Freedom of Expression and Social Responsibility Public Interest Superinjunctions and Twitter Defamation in Cyberspace Digital Defamation: Publication and Republication Digital Defamation: Liability Digital Defamation and UGC Pornography and Hate in the Information Society Obscenity & Pornography Hate Speech Child Abuse Images and Pseudo Images Age Play Extreme Pornography Private Regulation of Pornographic Imagery Computer Misuse Hacking Viruses & Mailbombing Denial of Service

Wed July


Thurs July


Mon 30 July

Tues July


Wed August

Thur August

E-Commerce Trade Marks and Domain Names

Computer Crime Fraud and Identity Theft Grooming, Harassment and Cyberstalking Cyberterrorism Bandwidth Theft Domain Names Mon Trade Marks in the Global August Business Environment Trade Mark/Domain Name Disputes The ICANN UDRP The Nominet DRS Brand Identities and Secondary Markets The use of Trade Marks in Advertising Resellers and Re-importers Sponsored Links Secondary Markets (eBay etc) Google France v. Louis Vuitton Portakabin v. Primakabin Tues August

E-Commerce Contracts and Payment

Electronic Contracts, Electronic Payments and Taxation Contracting Informally Formal Contracts Electronic Payments The Electronic Money Directive Taxation of Ecommerce Data Privacy The Data Protection Data Protection Act Digitisation, Personal Data 1998 and Review and the Data Industry. Data Protection Act 1998: Background and Structure Conditions for Processing of Personal Data Supervision of Data Controllers: Data Subject Rights The Strategic Communication on a comprehensive strategy on data protection The Draft Data Protection Regulation Social Networking and Online Data Surveillance (Facebook

Wed August


and Google) Revision Lecture

Thur August

INDICATIVE READINGS Week One Digitisation and the Information Society Murray: Information Technology Law: Law and Society, Chs.1&3. Cate: Privacy in the Information Age, Ch.2. (N.B. This is available via Google Books: Search Terms Cate Privacy in the Information Age.) Johnson & Post: Law and Borders The Rise of Law in Cyberspace 48 Stanford Law Review 1367 (1996): abstract_id=535 Barlow: The Economy of Ideas: Regulating the Digital Environment Lessig: Code ver.2.0, Chs. 6&7: Murray: Information Technology Law: Law and Society, Ch.4. Murray: Nodes and Gravity in Virtual Space (2011) 5 Legisprudence 195 Barlow, A Declaration of Independence for Cyberspace: Intellectual Property Rights Theory and Software MacQueen, Waelde, Laurie & Brown: Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy 2nd ed, Ch.1. Murray: Information Technology Law: Law and Society, Chs.8&9. Navitaire Inc. v. EasyJet Airline Co and Another [2004] All ER (D) 162. SAS Institute Inc. v. World Programming Limited [2010] EWHC 1829 (Ch). Symbian Ltd v. Comptroller General of Patents [2008] EWCA Civ 1066 Intellectual Property Rights Peer to Peer Murray: Information Technology Law: Law and Society, pp.233-265. Sweden v. Neij et al., Stockholms Tingsrtt No B 13301-06, 17 April 2009 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation & Ors v. BT [2011] EWHC 1981 (Ch) A&M Records, Inc v. Napster, Inc 239 F 3d 1004 (9th Cir. 2001): MGM Studios v. Grokster 545 US 913: Week Two Intellectual Property Rights Online Distribution Murray: Information Technology Law: Law and Society, pp.83-95, 222-233, 260265.

Baden-Powell: Think before you link: yesterdays news todays copyright conundrum [2011] 17 CTLR 25 Infopaq International A/S v. Danske Dagblades Forening (C-5/08) [2010] FSR 20. The Newspaper Licensing Agency Ltd & Ors v. Meltwater Holding BV & Ors [2011] EWCA Civ 890: Google Inc. v Copiepresse SCRL [2007] ECDR 5 (via Westlaw) Cyberlaw and Rights Cyber Speech, Harmful Speech & Injunctions Murray: Information Technology Law: Law and Society, Chs.6&7. Master of the Rolls: Report of the Committee on Super-Injunctions: SuperInjunctions, Anonymised Injunctions and Open Justice 132: CTB v. News Group Newspapers Limited [2011] EWHC 1326 (QB) Dow Jones v. Jameel [2005] QB 946 Loutchansky v. Times Newspapers Ltd [2002] QB 783 Cyberlaw and Rights Obscene Speech Murray: Information Technology Law: Law and Society, Ch.14. Hornle: Countering the dangers of online pornography - shrewd regulation of lewd content? 2011 2 EJLT, 2011 Murray: The Reclassification of Extreme Pornographic Images (2009) MLR 73. Nair: Real porn and pseudo porn: The regulatory road [2010] IRLCT 223. R. v. Miller [2010] EWCA Crim 2883. Cyberlaw and Rights Cybercrime Murray: Information Technology Law: Law and Society, Chs.13&15. Klang: Civil Disobedience Online 2 Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society 2. Nehaluddin: Hackers Criminal Behaviour and Laws Related to Hacking [2009] CTLR 159. Gillespie: Indecent images, grooming and the law [2006] Criminal Law Review 412 Gillespie: Cyber-bullying and harassment of teenagers: the legal response [2006] Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 213. Week Three E-Commerce Trade Marks and Domain Names Murray: Information Technology Law: Law and Society, pp.289-316. British Telecommunications plc. and ors v. One in a Million Ltd. and ors. [1999] 1 WLR 903. Cheung & Pun: Comparative study on the liability for trade mark infringement of online auction providers [2009] EIPR 559 WIPO: Trademarks and the Internet (SCT/24/4) 31 Aug 2010, Annex 1 LOreal v. eBay [2011] ETMR 52 (AG &CJEU) E-Commerce Contracts and Payment

Murray: Information Technology Law: Law and Society, Chs.16&17. Riefa & Hornle: The Changing Face of Electronic Consumer Contracts in the 21st Century: Fit for Purpose, Ch.2 of Edwards & Waelde, Law and the Internet 3rd ed. Reed: What is a Signature? 2000 (3) JILT. Kohlbach: Making Sense of Electronic Money, 2004 (1) JILT: E-Commerce Directive, Dir. 2000/31/EC Data Privacy The Data Protection Act 1998 and Review Murray: Information Technology Law: Law and Society, Ch.18. Strategic Communication on a comprehensive strategy on data protection in the European Union COM(2010)609. Bohm, The Phorm Webwise System a Legal Analysis, Foundation for Information Policy Research: Gillespie: Regulation of Internet Surveillance [2009] EHRLR 552. Garrie & Wong: Social networking: opening the floodgates to personal data [2010] 16 CTLR 167.

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