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May 16, 2011


Issues List Persona l

Warfar e Mercy Financi al




Worship Prophet ic

People Group

1. List Intercessors - You find freedom in structure! As soon as you hear a prayer request,
you're looking for a pen. (make a list of everything) Biblical Example : Ezra

List intercessors are the most faithful one, they pray until the answer come. List Intercessors harus belajar untuk membawa listnya ke hadapan Tuhan dan Tanya Tuhan point mana saja yang harus di doakan.

2. Crisis Intercessors: Paramedics of Prayer - You rush in and out of the throne room
with urgent requests on behalf of others - acting as watchman for God's people. You are the ones He can wake up in the middle of the night to pray for someone you may or may not even know! Biblical Example : David

Pitfalls : Secara tidak sadar kita bisa membuat banyak crisis dalam kehidupan kita

3am, adalah waktu dimana Tuhan akan sering membangunkan crisis intercessors karena ini adalah waktu dimana para ahli nujum melepaskan curse mereka.

Dr Tommi Femrite

May 16, 2011

Seringkali mereka terbangun dan tergerak untuk berdoa tetapi tidak tahu harus berdoa untuk siapa atau apa yang harus didoakan, ketika tidak tahu harus berdoa apa Pray in Tongues!

Biasanya Crisis intercessors adalah orang yang suka telat, karena hal ini doa dari crisis intercessors Powerful, singkat dan to the point.

3. Worship Intercessors - Sacred Romancers - You access heaven's power, thru worship
and bring hope to the hopeless. You silence the voice of the enemy and release the voice of the Beloved over people and situations. Biblical Example : Hana

They sing their prayer, bisa menyanyikan lirik yang sama secara berulang kali karena itu adalah doa mereka (Worship Intercessors tidak harus mempunyai suara yang bagus)

4. Mercy Intercessors - The Heart people - you are God's living stethoscopes. You can
hear/feel the pain of others and want to extend the mercy of God to the root of that pain. Biblical Example : Jeremiah

Mercy Intercessors will cry before the Lord (Tears in the prayer), its not sad because there is anointing in their tears

The most missing link in intercessor Seperti garam, saat air mata turun ke tanah akan membawa kesembuhan di suatu negeri, so we must encourage them to release the tears

Pitfalls: Mercy Intercessors bisa mengalami depresi, so they must not carry the burden

5. Warfare Intercessors - The Military Might of the Kingdom - You fight to usher in
truth by establishing God's authority in places where the enemy has a 'strong' hold on people, places or situations. Biblical Example : Yosafat (man of war and man of peace)

Pitfalls: Terus menerus mengalami peperangan Untuk itu Warfare Intercessors harus bisa beristirahat agar mereka bisa merencanakan peperangan mereka

Warfare Intercesors need intercessors

Dr Tommi Femrite

May 16, 2011


6. Issues Intercessors - Standing against injustices. The 'issues' are what make you weep and
pound the table! Biblical Example : Ibunya raja Lemuel (Mazmur 31)

They pray for orphan, salvation (make a list of people) They pray for prostitute, etc Pitfalls: Bisa berpikir bahwa issue kita lebih besar dari orang lain.

7. Salvation Intercessors - God's Midwives - you love to pray for people to choose
everlasting life.

They sing for the lost, weep for the lost Pitfalls:

depressed because of no good reports, there are so many people lost in the world

Joyful, and then stop praying karena jiwa tersebut sudah lahir baru atau ada perkembangan pada jiwa yang di doakan.

8. Financial Intercessors - Faith for Finances/Funding - You've been anointed by God

to summon funds on behalf of others. Biblical Example: Joseph

They have faith to believe big things (amount) Pitfalls: keragu-raguan, so they must share their faith with someone who has the same faith and anointing

9. Prophetic Intercessors - Trusted with the Secrets of God - You pray the things on God's
heart; then, under His direction you report the words, thoughts, images and actions He releases you to share - at His discretion. So they Hear what the Lord says and they say it or do Prophetic Act We know in the Church there are two things that explain this prophetic act, Holy Communion and Baptism

Pitfalls: Memakai nama kita untuk bernubuat (When myname says), hanya Tuhan yang bernubuat lewat kita (Mazmur 103:20)

Dr Tommi Femrite

May 16, 2011


10. People- Group and Israel Intercessors - Prayer Shepherds for Ethnic Groups.
God is calling intercessory shepherds to lead the way in prayer for entire people groups. You're heart leaps when you think of certain nations or ethnic groups and you find yourself praying for them to be touched by God as a nation or group. Example: Israel, Javanese, etc ( For a season)

11. Government Intercessors - Watchmen for Politics and the Church - You are the watchmen
who prayerfully uphold the leaders in the church and political arenas where destinies are forged. Biblical Example: Daniel

Bisa mengindentifikasi jenis dosa dan mengakui dosa dari orang-orang yang ada dalam pemerintahan, sekalipun dosa tersebut sudah dilakukan oleh mereka semenjak lahir, We must do it with a loud voice

o o o

Proclamation - Official announcement Declaratin - Official announcement that done with a great authority Decrit sifatnya eternal, sekali dilepaskan di atmosfir sifatnya eternal

Pitfalls: Need recognition, always decret.

12. Personal Intercessors - Spiritual Guardians - You are a personal intercessor who can be
trusted with confidential information, in order to pray for another person.

Sifatnya seasonal for parents mereka harus berdoa untuk anak-anak mereka sampai mati

Pitfalls: Brag for who you pray for, ex: I have pray for the president,

Dr Tommi Femrite

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