List of Topics For Ecnomics Thesis

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Macro-economic issues

Many environmental problems are global or national problems. Therefore, these problems and the policies that address them have economic repercussions on a national or international scale. Macro-economic issues in environmental economics include:

The environmental and economic effects of 'green' taxation; The relation between economic growth and environmental degradation (Environmental Kuznets Curve); The relation between economic growth and resource abundance (Resource Curse); The role of innovation in environmental policy.

Students working on this topic will probably use General Equilibrium model

epartment of Economics: List of topics for thesis supervision

Below you can find a list of staff members of the Department of Economics of ASE and the thesis (BSc and MSc) topics they could supervise. Also see the staff website with the personal homepages of researchers or the research programmes under research for an overview of staff members per field (research programme).

Drs. Oscar O. Catalan Aravena: development economics and international economics (trade) Prof.dr. Roel Beetsma: Public debt/deficit, macroeconomic stabilization, newKeynesian macroeconomics, inflation, ageing and macroeconomy Prof.dr. Casper van Ewijk: macroeconomics, pensions and ageing, social security and the labour market, budgetting and economic policy Dr. Harro Maas: history of economics, methodology Dr. Marcel Boumans: filosophy of science, economic methodology, history of science, history of economic science Dr. Massimo Guiliodori: monetary policy of the ECB and central banks, EMU and optimal currency area, banking industry (structure, competition and regulation), the housing market (structure, determinants and its role in the economy), fiscal policy in the EU Prof.dr. Joop Hartog: labour economics, economics of education Dr. Jeroen Hinloopen: industrial organization, empirical international trade Prof.dr. Gerrit Meester: agricultural and food economics (EU policy, EU decision making, national and internatial problems, WTO and international trade, rural economics) Prof.dr. Theo Offerman: experimental economics, (behavioural) game theory Dr. Sander Onderstal: auctions, industrial organization Prof.dr. Hessel Oosterbeek: applied microeconometrics, economics of education, labour economics, experimental economics

Dr. Geert Reuten: MSc: Marx's and (recent) Marxian theories of capitalism, dialectical methods of economic research, political economy. BSc: history of economic theory, political economy Prof.dr. Arthur Schram: experimental economics, voter behaviour, fairness and altruism, giving to charities Dr. Adriaan Soetevent: industrial organization, social interactions Dr. Matthijs van Veelen: index theory (comparison of wealth (and/or price-levels) over time and across countries), evolutionary game theory, evoluation of prosocial behaviour, general equilibrium theory Dr. Dirk Veestraeten: international economics, international economic organisations, development economics Prof.dr. Jan Willem Velthuijsen: environmental economics, energy economics and economics of raw materials, competition and regulation Dr. Koen Vermeylen: analysis of economic cycles, economic growth, macroeconomic aspects of unemployment and pesion systems Prof.dr. Sweder van Wijnbergen: macroeconomics, international economics, pension reform

Department of Quantitative Economics: List of topics for thesis supervision

Below you can find a list of staff members of the Department of Quantitative Economics of ASE and the thesis (BSc and MCs) topics they could supervise. Also see the staff website with the personal homepages of researchers or the research programmes under research for an overview of staff members per field (ASE Research Institute). ACTUARIAL STUDIES BSc Actuariaat

Mw. Dr. K. Antonio: Risicotheorie, Schadeverzekering , Statistische methoden Drs. R. Bruning: Levenactuariaat Mw. Dr. A. Chen: Finance, ALM Prof. Dr. M.J. Goovaerts: Schadeverzekering, Credibiliteitstheorie, Economisch kapitaal, Comonotoniciteit Mw. Dr. A.E. van Heerwaarden: Pensioenen, Schadeverzekering Prof. Dr. R. Kaas: Risicotheorie, Schadeverzekering [toepassing van R] Prof. Dr. J.B. Kun: Pensioenen Prof. Dr. A.A.J. Pelsser: Levenactuariaat, Waardering van verzekeringscontracten, Financieel-econometrische onderwerpen Prof. Dr. J.L.A. van Rijckevorsel: Toegepaste verzekeringsstatistiek, Risicostatistieken Prof. Dr. A.E. Ronner: Enterprise risk management Drs. J.H. Tamerus: Pensioenfondsen, -stelsels Drs. Dr. Ir. W.J. Willemse: Levenactuariaat, Wetenschapsfilosofie van het actuariaat, Sterftemodellering, Regulering en toezicht, Verslaggeving

MSc Actuarial Science & Mathematical Finance

Ms. Dr. K. Antonio: Risk theory, Non-life insurance, Statistical methods Ms. Dr. A. Chen: Valuation of insurance contracts, risk management, ALM Prof. Dr. M.J. Goovaerts: Risk theory, Non-life insurance, Credibility theory, Economic capital, Comonotonicity Ms. Dr. A.E. van Heerwaarden: Pensions, Non-life insurance Prof. Dr. R. Kaas: Risk theory, Non-life insurance, [application of R] Prof. Dr. J.B. Kun: Pensions Prof. Dr. A.A.J. Pelsser: Life actuarial science, Valuation of insurance contracts, Financial econometrics, ALM Prof. Dr. J.L.A. van Rijckevorsel: Applied insurance statistics, Risk statistics Prof. Dr. A.E. Ronner: Enterprise risk management Drs. J.H. Tamerus: Pension funds, Pension systems Drs. Dr. Ir. W.J. Willemse: Life actuarial science, Philosophy of actuarial science, Mortality modelling, Regulation and supervision, Financial reporting


Prof. dr. N.M. van Dijk: Queueing; Queueing Networks; Simulation; Markov Decision Theory; Hospitals; Call Centers; Telecommunications; General Stochastic Modelling; Stochastic OR-applications Prof. dr. J. van der Wal: Queueing; Markov Decision Theory; General Stochastic Modelling; Railway Modelling Dr. T. Volgenant: Mathematical Programming; Combinatorial Optimization; Computation; TSP-Steiner Tree Problems; Network Modelling; Inventory Theory Dr. C.W. Duin: Combinatorial Optimization; TSP-Steiner Tree Problems; Network Modelling; LP + IP-formulation and software; Scheduling Dr. H.J. van der Sluis: Inventory Theory; Simulation; Queueing; Scheduling; Deterministic and Stochastic OR-applications Drs. ir. J.A.M. Hontelez: Operations Management; Hospital applications; Supply chain management; Reliability

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American Economic History European Economic History Women and Economics African Economic History Asian Economic Theory History of Economic Thought Comparative Economic Systems Monetary and Fiscal Economic Policies International Economics Public Policy and Economics Private Sector and Economics Environmental Economics Science, Technology, and Economics Labor Force Economics Economics and the Law Economics of Third World Development if u liked,rate it....


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