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ACT I Street fight First hear only sirens then flashing blue light, then smashing of glass, explosions etc. Then hear police radio speaker over sound system. Then people come in from all sides of theatre. Manic, confusing, noisy, shouting etc. Repeated police warning heard over everything. Reporter in box starts intermittently commenting on what is happening REPORTER This is Mark Jones with the BBC reporting live from Clapham..... Scene ends with reporter updating everyone on number of deaths etc from box. Then 10 months later on screen. Family Dinner Naomi is laying the table. John seated. NAOMI ANWELL Dinner time! Lily-Anne, can you please come down! How many times do I have to call you! we are all waiting! LILY-ANNE (from offstage) Okay! Coming Enters Where is Juliette? I thought you said you were all waiting. NAOMI ANWELL Shes busy - shell come when shes finished LILY-ANNE (under her breath) Yeah, busy! And I can never be busy! NAOMI ANWELL Why are you always so negative about your sister? LILY-ANNE Im not negative, I just dont... JOHN ANWELL (interrupts) That enough! Lets not spoil a good Sunday roast. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: (hold hands) Blessings on the meal and blessings on the cook. John serves food (to Lily-Anne) What have you been up to today? LILY-ANNE (reluctantly) Just reading JOHN ANWELL For which topic? Are you still on property law? LILLY-ANNE No im doing Criminal law reading now..


JOHN ANWELL Ah thats a shame i read an interesting case about a squatter in the paper last week, I wanted to know what you thought of it LILLY- ANNE Squatting can actually come under criminal law, everyone believes that squatters have complete rights but obviously if they enter a property using force or violence they can be convicted of a criminal offence. JOHN ANWELL Hm thats interesting, apparently the owners of the property had to obtain a court order to remove the squatters...from their own property? LILL-ANNE now completely involved in the conversation, for the first time she is not interested in her work. Yes obviously squatters have to have some rights, otherwise people could just use violence to physically throw them out.. JOHN ANWELL starts to speak but is cut off. yes andLILLY-ANNE no dad, if you try to forcibly remove them from your house...even if it is your house YOU could get a criminal record she laughs if you cant persuade them, politely, to leave your property then you have to get a court order. (CONTINUED)



JOHN ANWELL looks impressed so i suppose the moral is.. LILLY- ANNE dont leave your house? both characters look amused. Juliette enters while texting on her phone JULIETTE ANWELL So I spoke to Kalpana about your dresses, she will be there next Saturday to get you fitted. LILY-ANNE Do I actually have to wear those ridiculous clothes? JULIETTE ANWELL Dont be so rude! Its only for one day and you will stick out a lot more if you dont. NAOMI ANWELL (interrupts) Lily-Anne I dont want to hear another word from you about the wedding! (to Juliette) How about the catering - did you speak to Maya? Does she need any help? Its only three weeks to go now! JULIETTE ANWELL Ill call her tomorrow. I think shes got it all under control though. (eats) Ive booked the hairdressers for saturday morning. They said it shouldnt take longer than two hours for all of us because they have extra staff in. Im also going to go to get my nails done on Friday. Mum I dont know if you want to come... NAOMI ANWELL (nods) JULIETTE ANWELL good, ill let them know. Lily-Anne, I guess you dont? LILY-ANNE No. JULIETTE ANWELL I confirmed the times for the pick up and drop off... (eats) (MORE) (CONTINUED)



JULIETTE ANWELL (contd) Oh, and the seating plan, I have made some last minute changes because... LILY-ANNE (interrupts) How many more changes are you going to make? Who cares where you sit? JULIETTE ANWELL (ignores Lily-Anne) because, Belinda broke up with her boyfriend so there is an empty seat on the center left table... JOHN ANWELL (exasperated) Everything has gone to the printer Juliette, its a bit late to change it now! JULIETTE ANWELL Dad! I cant seat Belinda on her own, she is going to have to join our table....I can move Lily-Anne to the center left table LILY-ANNE (same time as John) No way! I dont want to sit with a bunch of strangers! JOHN ANWELL Juliette, dont you think thats a bit unreasonable? JULIETTE ANWELL (to Lily-Anne) Didnt you just say who cares where you sit!? LILY-ANNE Yes but its different JULIETTE ANWELL Oh, its different when its about you!... I see! JOHN ANWELL Girls, stop it! NAOMI ANWELL Look, Ill talk to the printers tomorrow, im sure we can sort something out. JULIETTE ANWELL Thanks mum. (looks at her phone) I have to go! Im meeting Matthew at the florist in half an hour. Lovely roast mum! Ill call sometime next week. (CONTINUED)



(kisses both goodbye) NAOMI ANWELL Thanks sweatheart JOHN ANWELL Thanks for coming by Juliette. JULIETTE ANWELL See you next Sunday Lily-Anne. Juliette leaves JOHN ANWELL (to Lily-Anne while collecting plates etc) Well I hope you are looking forward to the start of your degree! Do you feel prepared? LILY-ANNE Yeah (obviously, why are you asking type thing) NAOMI ANWELL Well, I hope you have a good first day sweatheart! LILY-ANNE Thanks John and Naomi leave taking the table with them. Engagement Party First Class Class come in, some from back of theater and from side. Those on stage come with chairs - make semi circle. All talking to each other while scene is being set up. Some coming from audience listen to registrant. REGISTRANT (from box - directing people) If you still need to register for your class, make sure you go to the desk in the far corner. Those of you who have already registered please make your way out of the main hall so that we have room for new students. You (Points at a member of the audience until he gets attention) Yes, you in the (striped shirt/describe him/her)do you need some help, you look kind of lost! Do you speak English? Registration is over there (CONTINUED)



(points to back of theater) Oh, you have already registered, well then please make your way out the main doors. Thank you. Everybody who has completed their registration, please take your conversations elsewhere so we can keep this moving! Those entering from back of theater make their way onto stage. All sit in semi circle. Empty chair for Crofton. Crofton enters from back stage. DR MARTIN CROFTON Good morning! My name is Dr Martin Crofton. I will be your criminal law class teacher for the year. Now before we start working out the weakest amongst you, who will surely fail! the class look shocked DR MARTIN CROFTON calm down im only joking! except for you.. points at Clara Hoffman who laughs DR MARTIN CROFTON Before we register id like to say a few things about criminal law. Its one of the most diverse subjects in law, a lot of students claim its the most interesting... because i pay them. We cover subjects from Homicide, theft and drugs, rape pretty serious stuff, dont look so scared! Just go to the lectures do you reading, and be prepared, if youre not prepared then dont even bother showing up. Tim pretends to get up and go. DR MARTIN CROFTON Ah a funny one, love it. right now for the register. Please correct me if I say your name wrong! So, Said Amin SAID AMIN Yes. Im here. Im from Iran. DR MARTIN CROFTON Lily Anwell LILY-ANNE Yes




DR MARTIN CROFTON (pause) Where are you from Lily? LILY-ANNE Oh, London. Its Lily-Anne DR MARTIN CROFTON Lily-Anne, I see. Thank you. Liem Chang LIEM CHANG Yes. Its Leem and Im from China. DR MARTIN CROFTON Liem. Thanks. Timothy Edwards TIM EDWARDS Tim. Just Tim and Im from here. DR MARTIN CROFTON here? TIM EDWARDS yes, this very room. (laughs) no i mean London DR MARTIN CROFTON Great, Tim. Beth Huntington BETH HUNTINGTON Yes. Im from Hereford DR MARTIN CROFTON Clara Hoffman CLARA HOFFMAN Yes, present. I am from Dusseldorf in Germany. DR MARTIN CROFTON Ah, Wie gehts? CLARA HOFFMAN mir gehts gut, und wie gehts ihnen? DR MARTIN CROFTON sorry thats all i know! Jack Laten-Paisner JACK LATEN-PAISNER Yeah. Im from London




DR MARTIN CROFTON a lot of londoners! you lot are adventurous! Daniel Mansabo DANIEL MANSABO Yes, Im also from London DR MARTIN CROFTON Katherine Parsons KAT PARSONS Kat please. Im from Cambridge. DR MARTIN CROFTON Sandipa Shyamalan SANDIPA SHYAMALAN Yes. Hi everyone! Im from Bengaluru in India. DR MARTIN CROFTON Francesca Smith FRANCESCA SMITH Yeah. Im from Glasgow. DR MARTIN CROFTON Pierre Vitton PIERRE VITTON Oui, I mean yes. I am from Paris, France. DR MARTIN CROFTON Great, were all here! I havent missed anyone have I? So lets begin. Now I assume most of you did not do any of the preliminary reading... (most people look around guiltily) Not to worry, it was all background knowledge and not entirely useful anyway. However, you need to make sure you are here every week, having done the reading for my class otherwise you will get nothing out of it. Everyone talks - getting to know each other while packing up stuff and taking chairs off stage. Library SANDIPA SHYAMALAN (to Lily-Anne) Hey, its Lily-Anne yes? Im Sandipa. LILY-ANNE Hi




SANDIPA SHYAMALAN How did you like the class? It all sounds so interesting! I really like Dr Crofton as well. Dont you think he is a great teacher? He is so inspiring and he really likes the subject, dont you think? It makes such a difference when someone is enthusiastic doesnt it? Some of my other teachers are so boring some people fell asleep in class! Did you go to the lecture this morning? I overslept... was it any good? Do you think I should get the notes from the professor? (Pause - actually wants a response to this question) LILY-ANNE No - it was just introduction stuff - kind of dull. SANDIPA SHYAMALAN Oh good! I dont want to get behind but I was out really late last night and I just didnt hear my alarm! I must have been really tired. You know, Im part of this really big dance show and we are performing tonight. I thought you may like to come, if you are not busy. Its just round the corner from here. (a couple people are listening, including Jack) LILY-ANNE I dont know, maybe. SANDIPA SHYAMALAN I think you would like it. (to everyone) you know you are all welcome to come, tonight, 7 30 at the Catawba, just round the corner from here. JACK LATEN-PAISNER Sure, ill come. Who else is in? (People interested now that Jack is including Kat and Tim) KAT PARSONS Yeah, ill come, shall we meet up before? JACK LATEN-PAISNER Sounds good. (to Lily-Anne) Are you coming? LILY-ANNE (packing up stuff - not really interested.) (MORE) (CONTINUED)



LILY-ANNE (contd) Im not sure yet... I have to go. Im meeting a friend now. Lily-Anne leaves without taking her chair KAT PARSONS (to Jack) Whats her name again? JACK LATEN-PAISNER I dont know. Jack and Kat leave together with Sandipa talking about where they will meet etc. Jack takes Lily-Annes chair. Walk home Lily-Anne leaves classroom alone. Alison meets her off center stage. They hug. Whole conversation is in a spotlight. ALISON FRAZER Hey! How was you first week of Uni? LILY-ANNE Okay ALISON FRAZER What, just okay. What are the people like? Are they as smart as you? LILY-ANNE Shut up ALISON FRAZER So, whats your plan for tonight? And dont tell me you have a lot of reading to do! You are always going to have a lot of reading to do thats no excuse not to have some fun! (looks at Lily-Anne for response) Oh - now your going to say that reading is fun!! You need to get a life! Your coming out tonight, like it or not. LILY-ANNE There is this show tonight that one of my classmates invited me to. Im sure you could go as well. ALISON FRAZER Oh, now you tell me! Well lets go then. What time does it start?




LILY-ANNE 7 30 at the Catawba. ALISON FRAZER Cool ill pick you up and we can go together. Id love to meet some of your friends aswell! LILY-ANNE Okay! Why are you always so over enthusiastic about meeting new people? ALISON FRAZER Because unlike you I actually enjoy spending time with people as opposed to books, which Ill have you know cannot communicate with you! And dont tell me they can! You know what I mean! LILY-ANNE Fine. Ill see you later. ALISON FRAZER Sounds like your going to a funeral! LILY-ANNE Very funny. ALISON FRAZER I know - thats why I said it! (Both laugh and say goodbye) Leave off front of stage. Go and sit down in the audience - watching show which was being set up behind them. Garba Night Perhaps an introduction talk before show - setting the scene. Hear people talking about show from audience. Get up and walk on stage. KAT PARSONS What did you think? JACK LATEN-PAISNER It wasnt really what I expected but kind of cool. ALISON FRAZER I thought it was awesome! Didnt you?




ALISON FRAZER Just okay. (Is this like your new favourite word?) JACK LATEN-PAISNER Ive never seen anything like it. I did like the final dance though. KAT PARSONS And the costumes were pretty amazing. ALISON FRAZER I know, it was all so colourful and the the energy was great. LILY-ANNE Im surprised they can dance in those clothes. KAT PARSONS Do you dance at all? LILY-ANNE No... ALISON FRAZER Thats not true. JACK LATEN-PAISNER Do you? (to Kat) KAT PARSONS I did ballet when I was a kid but I havent danced in ages. JACK LATEN-PAISNER Nice. LILY-ANNE Ive got to go. ALISON FRAZER Yeah, nice meeting you guys JACK LATEN-PAISNER See you in class then. KAT PARSONS Bye. Lily-Anne and Alison separate in a spot. Kat and Jack in another spot. (CONTINUED)



KAT PARSONS She doesnt talk much does she JACK LATEN-PAISNER Nothing wrong with being quiet. KAT PARSONS (shocked at the comment - how dare he changes subject) So do you dance at all? JACK LATEN-PAISNER No! (laughs - dont be rediculous) I played rugby for the starting team when I was at school. The team here isnt great though, Im not sure its worth it. KAT PARSONS Wow, you must be pretty good! JACK LATEN-PAISNER Well, I guess. Kat is in awe of him - spot fades on them. LILY-ANNE Do you think he likes me? ALISON FRAZER Who, Jack? LILY-ANNE Obviously, who else. ALISON FRAZER Em, I dont know. Wait, youre actually interested in a guy!? LILY-ANNE Not really, he seems like a nice person. ALISON FRAZER Well thats great! Why didnt you say something earlier! You dont just leave when you like someone. And why did you lie about dancing? LILY-ANNE I dont dance anymore ALISON FRAZER So! Guys like girls who can dance.




LILY-ANNE Well Ive obviously ruined it all now. He seems to like Kat. ALISON FRAZER No, dont be ridiculous! You havent ruined it. And besides Kat is a stuck up prick, he wouldnt fall for her! LILY-ANNE Are you sure? ALISON FRAZER Obviously not! But you have to win him over. Well all go out next weekend, its the only way to get him interested in you. You may actually have to make conversation though! LILY-ANNE (groans - this is obviously not her strong point) Spot fades out CLassroom - Drugs Classroom already set up during spotlight conversations. Lily-Anne just joins them. People talking in groups waiting for Crofton. JACK LATEN-PAISNER Whats this weeks class about? KAT PARSONS drugs i think.. Tim jokingly pats Jack on the back TIM EDWARDS you should know all about that then! Lilly-Anne walks in quietly behind SANDIPA SHYAMALAN Hi Lily-Anne! I didnt see you after the show last week - how did you like it? LILY-ANNE Yeah, you were really good. SANDIPA SHYAMALAN Thanks! You are very very kind!




JACK LATEN-PAISNER Hi. How are you? (to Lily-Anne) LILY-ANNE Fine... (she blushes, is slightly embarrased) DR MARTIN CROFTON Alright take your seats, the last one of you to sit down gets to have their essay marked first... immediately everyone sits down and is quiet. DR MARTIN CROFTON just what i thought! this weeks topic is drugs, i hope the lectures inspired you, well not too literally! As you can see from the handout the main issue within drug law is the golden question should we make certain drugs LEGAL the old politicians were recently speaking about it, of course they have nothing better to do! Any thoughts? LILY-ANNE I think its right that drug users could face a prison sentence.. Kat cuts in.. KAT PARSONS I know its cliche, but drugs are illegal for a reason, theyre harmful. keeping them illegal makes them taboo, which is good. she smiles at Dr Martin Crofton JACK LATEN-PAISNER I disagree, for some people the fact that theyre illegal makes them more attractive, like theyre cool..besides alcohols still legal DR MARTIN CROFTON hmm God forbid wed ever do anything to be cool Jack, (sarcastically) nice hair do... Tim laughs TIM EDWARDS what do you think Dr Crofton, honestly, what do you think about drug laws?




DR MARTIN CROFTON Well of course drugs are illegal for a reason TIM EDWARDS not really answering the question, a true lawyer! Dr Martin Crofton looks irrated at Tims comment FRANCESCA SMITH i agree with Jack, after all Alcohol is still legal and so are Cigarrettes, theyre just as harmful LILY-ANNE speaking very matter of factly short term effects of drugs are far more dangerous than any other substance. Kat rolls eyes Dr Martin Crofton smiles at Jack DR MARTIN CROFTON she makes a fair point... JACK LATEN-PAISNER yeh, but... DR MARTIN CROFTON were all on the edge of our seats Jack, but in the meantime lets talk about the handout.... Dr Martin Crofton begins muttering in the background SANDIPA SHAMALAN whispers to Kat Where im from drugs are so taboo, i cant believe people talk about it so openly here! class ends, students begin walking out, Sandipa talks to Lilly-anne SANDIPA SHAMALAN are you coming tonight? LILY-ANNE yeh i should be, im bringing my friend Alison, she came with me to the show..




SANDIPA SHAMALAN oh i dont think i met her, introduce us tonight, see you later! Lilly-anne leaves first, meanwhile others take chairs and exit Club Night Start with just Lily-Anne and Alison in a spot light. They are getting ready - makeup, hair etc audience is mirror. ALISON FRAZER Let me do it! (takes hair brush away from Lily-Anne) I think you should leave your hair down - you always have it tied up. LILY-ANNE I dont like it down ALISON FRAZER why not? You look hot! LILY-ANNE Really... ALISON FRAZER Trust me on this - leave it the way it is. LILY-ANNE (checks herself out) Okay... ALISON FRAZER What do you think - should I wear the black or the red shoes? LILY-ANNE I like the black ones ALISON FRAZER So you wear them LILY-ANNE I cant walk in four inch heals! ALISON FRAZER Yes you can, dont worry about it!




LILY-ANNE (puts shoes on. is now ready. Slightly shy) What do you think..... I dont really feel comfortable wearing this. (pulls down dress) I dont know - Im not sure I really want to go. I mean, we are late already and I dont even know where it is and I havent ever been to a club before. Im sure Kat is already there and Jack wont even be interested in me... ALISON FRAZER (interrupts) Stop! Listen to yourself! Youll be fine after a couple of drinks - Lets go! LILY-ANNE What...? wait... (Follows Alison) Whole stage lights up to a club scene. Live band people standing around talking, bit of dancing in background. As Lily-Anne and Alison walk in, Jack and other guys turn to look at her. Jack walks over to them. JACK LATEN-PAISNER Hey, I thought you werent coming! LILY-ANNE Yeah, sorry Im late. JACK LATEN-PAISNER Dont appologise! Its only just getting started ALISON FRAZER You cant rush perfection! JACK LATEN-PAISNER Come, I want you to meet some of my friends LILY-ANNE Oh, okay (hesitates, looks at Alison. Jack has already started walking) ALISON FRAZER Dont look at me, he asked you to go. LILY-ANNE But what do I say...




ALISON FRAZER Just go (Pushes Lily-Anne in Jacks direction, stumbles slightly. Jack catches her) JACK LATEN-PAISNER Are you okay LILY-ANNE Yes, fine. Im not used to wearing heals! JACK LATEN-PAISNER You look stunning by the way LILY-ANNE Oh, thanks (she is very embarassed) JACK LATEN-PAISNER Can I get you drink? What would you like? LILY-ANNE Ummm. I.... Ill have a... you choose, I dont mind. JACK LATEN-PAISNER Guys, this is Lily-Anne - she is also studying law. LILY-ANNE Hi.... (Lily-Anne is very shy and awkward. Has nothing to say.) JACK LATEN-PAISNER Im going to the bar, does anyone else want a drink? A couple of mates ask for another drink. Jack leaves. Carry on talking but focus is now on Kat. Alison is no longer on stage. KAT PARSONS I dont believe it! What does he see in her? I mean, can anyone be more awkward? BETH HUNTINGTON Did you see she how she tripped up before? Do you think she has ever worn heals before?! KAT PARSONS Probably not! (both laugh)




KAT PARSONS Cant wait to see her dance! Maybe then Jack will come to his senses! BETH HUNTINGTON I hope so! Come on, lets show them how its done. Dance competition starts. Alison appears in the dance - kind of there to urge Lily-Anne on. Perhaps hint at taking drugs... Blackout. Lily-Anne Change Walk home Lily-Anne and Alison walk across stage in spot ALISON FRAZER So what happened? LILY-ANNE I dont remember... ALISON FRAZER What a surprise... LILY-ANNE I dont know, I think someone may have spiked my drink because I was really sick. ALISON FRAZER No - you took those pills, dont you remember? LILY-ANNE What?! I would never take drugs! They are completely illegal. I would never do that! ALISON FRAZER Never say never LILY-ANNE What do you mean. Did you actually see me taking something? Why didnt you stop me? Who gave them to me? Where were you all night anyway - I dont remember seeing much of you! ALISON FRAZER Well, you dont seem to remember much about the whole night... LILY-ANNE How could I be so stupid! Why did you convince me to go out? Im never going clubbing again - ever!




ALISON FRAZER Calm down. Firstly, I didnt convince you. You wanted to go because of Jack and secondly, nothing happened! Youre still alive and Jack likes you more for it! LILY-ANNE What? So Jack knows I took drugs? Who else knows? Do you think Im going to get arrested? ALISON FRAZER Lily-Anne. No! Obviously not! Just stop worrying about it. LILY-ANNE What am I going to say in class? ALISON FRAZER Nothing obviously. Just pretend like nothing happened. LILY-ANNE Okay - pretend like nothing happened! It sounds easy enough.... not really! I have to go, Im going to be late and then everyone will know! (starts walking away) ALISON FRAZER Just relax. Youll be fine! (shouts after her) Alison leaves stage, Lily-Anne joins classroom scene Classroom - Theft Everyone brings in chairs and arranges while talking. Lily-Anne comes in last DANIEL MANSABO to Lily-anne Woah! rough night? what did you have? LILY-ANNE what?! DANIEL MANSABO alcohol? LILY-ANNE Oh right, no not really... Dr Martin Crofton enters and as the class settle down, he grabs Tims phone and proceeds to run out of the door with it. Class look astonished. (CONTINUED)



Dr Martin Crofton re-enters DR MARTIN CROFTON looking pleased with himself what have i just done? TIM EDWARDS a bad attempt at theft! DR MARTIN CROFTON correct! heres you..blackberry Tim TIM EDWARDS Iphone Dr Martin Crofton, get with the times! DR MARTIN CROFTON this weeks topic is theft, explain the main elements of theft to me please.. WEI CHANG there are 3 elements, taking a property, which belongs to another, and intending to keep it permanently DR MARTIN CROFTON good, but one more.. LILY-ANNE dishonesty DR MARTIN CROFTON correct, you get to take any item from any one in the room as your prize Lily-anne looks very embarassed DR MARTIN CROFTON well weve all seen how easy it is in the recent riots. but something i want to discuss is copyright, how many people have downloaded a movie, song..? looks out into the audience DR MARTIN CROFTON come on you! put up your hand, i know you still have those 3d Avatar specs! well in any case, copyright is something linked to theft, its also very current. KAT PARSONS copyright isnt really a big thing is it. Dr Martin Crofton looks taken aback




DR MARTIN CROFTON copyright, so the idea of taking something that is not your right to take, or view or listen to isnt serious..anyone? JACK LATEN PAISNER no TIM EDWARDS of course its serious, and i seriously havent got the whole first season of Lost on my laptop. smiles, Dr Martin Crofton laughs LILY ANNE ive never done it.. DR MARTIN CROFTON Thank goodness! i suppose ill see the rest of you next week on crimewatch. well copyright is serious, just as stealing a bag or a phone, music industries can sue people for thousands of pounds for illegally selling or copying music.. the class all suddenly look serious TIM EDWARDS really? DR MARTIN CROFTON of course, its taken seriously KAT PARSONS what about plagiarism? DR MARTIN CROFTON ah plagiarism is something else, so say i stole the ideas for the Harry Potter books..its not illegal like copyright and theft, its more about the idea of morality and ruining someone elses reputation. Anyway thats time up. Think about theft over the weekend Tim is about to make a comment but is cut off by Dr Martin Crofton. DR MARTIN CROFTON Nice try Tim you know what i mean! the last thing to say is about your coursework. the deadline is next week and remember its worth 25% of your whole mark. is anyone finished yet




LILY-ANNE I am KAT PARSONS no way! she looks mockingly at the others. KAT PARSONS Jack are you coming for lunch? JACK LATEN PAISNER No me and lily-anne are going to the library KAT PARSONS looks surprised Oohkay .. have fun Coursework betrayal Jack and Lily-Anne take chairs from classroom scene into library. Sit at table. Lily-Anne is awkward/uncomfortable JACK LATEN-PAISNER I dont believe youve finished it already! You were just saying that right? LILY-ANNE No. Ive actually finished JACK LATEN-PAISNER Wow. Which question did you choose? LILY-ANNE "only people who foresee that their actions will cause death should be convicted of murder. And only people who foresee that their actions will cause serious harm should be convicted of manslaughter" discuss JACK LATEN-PAISNER No way - thats like the hardest one. Crofton said there was no point even considering it. LILY-ANNE Really? I didnt find it that hard... JACK LATEN-PAISNER (looks impressed) So, do you think youll get a good grade




LILY-ANNE Yes, I mean I hope so JACK LATEN-PAISNER (laughs - slightly intimidated by her) Yeah, well I also thought about doing that question. Nothing like a challenge! LILY-ANNE Really? I didnt think anyone else was interested in the topic JACK LATEN-PAISNER No, I think its awesome. I especially like something v something LILY-ANNE Oh right.... (on the sound system - her thoughts) How do I not know .... I swear its about ..... Lily-Anne flicks through her work JACK LATEN-PAISNER (slightly awkward - realizes that he is wrong but doesnt want to admit it. Tries to flatter Lily-Anne so that he can get her work) Anyway... I was wondering if I could read through your work - its obviously amazing, just to give me some ideas... I thought maybe we could meet up tomorrow and discuss it, like once I have written my essay... since we are probably the only people doing this question... LILY-ANNE That would be great! (pauses) But, its my sisters wedding tomorrow... I could call you though...? JACK LATEN-PAISNER OK - that sounds good. So your sisters getting married - you dont seem very excited! LILY-ANNE Why should I be? JACK LATEN-PAISNER Well.... its a big deal. I mean just imagine it was you getting married, youd be pretty excited




LILY-ANNE Well im not... JACK LATEN-PAISNER So I guess you and your sister dont really get on? LILY-ANNE Not really. We used to but since... JACK LATEN-PAISNER Since...? LILY-ANNE Oh it doesnt matter. (looks at her work again) Why dont you take this now and give it to me on Monday. JACK LATEN-PAISNER Sweet! Ill call you on the weekend sometime and we can discuss it. LILY-ANNE That would be nice. (looks at her watch) Oh, I have to go - my sister will be mad if Im late! JACK LATEN-PAISNER Yeah, I better get going too, Ive got a lot of work to do! LILY-ANNE Youll be fine both get up to leave JACK LATEN-PAISNER See you on Monday then LILY-ANNE Yeah, see you Monday awkward goodbye. Lily-Anne leaves. Jack clears up. Here his thoughts/talking to himself JACK LATEN-PAISNER What am I doing?... Damn, I have two days to write this thing but I havent done any reading.... 25%! what was I thinking? Well Ive got her work now...I wonder how much I can use without being obvious... what if I use it all and change it on her computer...? No, dont be rediculous.... but.... it could work. What do I care, right? Shes just some nurdy creep, no one else would know and she would be too shy to do something about (MORE) (CONTINUED)



JACK LATEN-PAISNER (contd) it... besides, there would be no evidence... I just need access to her machine for a couple of minutes and then convince her to let me submit the work - piece of cake. Shes the most gullible, naive person Ive met and at that shes obsessed with me - obviously! Well who isnt! Ill go see her on Sunday. Job done guaranteed first class! I just need to produce something half decent to submit as her work. I just hope she hasnt backed it up somewhere else.... I guess I could find that out somehow - she wont suspect anything obviously. I just need to work that charm a bit more - doing what Im good at! Betrayal - good v evil Wedding Start with just Lily-Anne, Juliette, Naomi and Kalpana in a spot light getting dressed in Saris. Kalpana is helping Lily-Anne. All respond to what Kalpana is saying KALPANA So, this goes around you, yes, keep tucking it in... and one more time. Thats it, now it goes across the front and over your shoulder. Yes perfect. Oh, you all look just wonderful. Naomi, just turn around for me. I just want to make sure it is all perfect. Juliette you look gorgeous! Well, I better go and check on everyone else. Ill see you downstairs. LILY-ANNE How can you walk in this - I think its a bit tight, Mum can you just loosen it? NAOMI ANWELL No - dont want to mess around with it. Kalpana just spent ages getting you ready. LILY-ANNE (sighs - Naomi gives her a warning look - dont say anything now) JULIETTE ANWELL Is my hair still in tact? I think its coming down a bit in the back... NAOMI ANWELL No, its all good - just dont touch it and it will stay. Lily-Anne, come over here, I still need to do your make up.


CONTINUED: LILY-ANNE I dont want to wear make up


NAOMI ANWELL I know, I know. Look trust me - I know what youll like. LILY-ANNE Okay... JULIETTE ANWELL How much time do we have left? NAOMI ANWELL About ten minutes. LILY-ANNE (laughs) Yeah, but they are all on brown time NAOMI ANWELL Lily-Anne! How dare you be so racist! I dont believe I heard that coming from your mouth! I dont know who your new friends are but they certainly do not have a good influence on you! JULIETTE ANWELL Mum, its okay. Matthews family joke about it all the time. Its kind of true thats why its funny. NAOMI ANWELL I dont believe it! How can people expect children to grow up not being racist when everyone laughs about racist jokes! LILY-ANNE Its just stereotypes, it doesnt mean anything. Just like blond jokes - people could call them racist aswell! NAOMI ANWELL No, thats different LILY-ANNE Why? JULIETTE ANWELL Look, it doesnt matter. I want to be downstairs on time. Are you guys almost done? NAOMI ANWELL Yes, so lets have a look at my beautiful girls! Can I take a picture Lily-Anne?




LILY-ANNE Okay, but how many pictures am I going to have to be in today? NAOMI ANWELL I cannot guarantee anything! This is the only one ill take though LILY-ANNE Great


ACT 2 Results Alison sitting on park bench. Hears Lily-Anne call from off stage. LILY-ANNE Alison! Alison! ALISON FRAZER (gets up - looks around) Lily-Anne comes running in LILY-ANNE Alison! ALISON FRAZER Whats wrong!? LILY-ANNE Look! (hands her some paper) ALISON FRAZER What is this? LILY-ANNE My coursework! ALISON FRAZER Whats wrong with it? LILY-ANNE Everything! 43%!! Thats not possible! I didnt write this! Its all a load of rubbish - it doesnt make any sense! ALISON FRAZER Wait! Your not making any sense! You cant always be top of the class, I know youve been working hard but the standard is obviously higher than you expected. LILY-ANNE No! Listen to me! This is not my work! I swear! I remember what I wrote! ALISON FRAZER What do you mean - thats not possible.




LILY-ANNE (Walks back and forth) ALISON FRAZER Look, you wrote it a while ago, maybe you did it after the club night - I mean, who knows what you wrote then... LILY-ANNE Shut up! Im not like that! This is definitly not my work! ALISON FRAZER Well, maybe it got mixed up with someone elses... That could be possible LILY-ANNE It cant be, how would be mess that up? ALISON FRAZER What are you talking about? LILY-ANNE Jack... ALISON FRAZER What about Jack? LILY-ANNE He handed in my coursework for me... ALISON FRAZER Why? LILY-ANNE He needed some help with his work and I was busy all weekend so I gave him mine to look at... ALISON FRAZER (groans/shakes her head in disbelief) LILY-ANNE Why is that so bad - whats wrong with you! Your just jealous! ALISON FRAZER No! Im not jealous! Im just surprised at you! LILY-ANNE What do you mean?




ALISON FRAZER All you used to care about is your work and being top of the class. Now suddenly Jack is the most important thing in your life (Lily-Anne tries to say something) Im not saying thats bad - Im just surprised, thats all. Lily-Anne in two minds - not really sure what to think/say LILY-ANNE (exasperated) Well, what do I do now!? ALISON FRAZER Obviously you need to contact your teacher and explain what has happened... LILY-ANNE (sits down on the bench - exhausted) What would I do without you! ALISON FRAZER Dont be ridiculous! Obviously, youd carry on living, just as normal! LILY-ANNE I guess... ALISON FRAZER Stop being so melancholic and sort this mess out! LILY-ANNE Yes mam! ALISON FRAZER Thank you! LILY-ANNE Okay, Ill go. Dont tell anyone about my results - well obviously not mine! ALISON FRAZER Dont worry, who would I tell anyway? (lily-Anne about to leave) Wait! I almost forgot! I got you this to celebrate your results.... LILY-ANNE (laughs) Well - its not quite a celebration right now!




ALISON FRAZER Never mind. Its just in advance of finding out your true results then. LILY-ANNE Thank you. ALISON FRAZER Dont mention it. You deserve it! Hug and then leave Accusation Crofton and Lily-Anne only at first DR MARTIN Wait gave that LILY-ANNE Yes DR MARTIN CROFTON But this one has your name on it. LILY-ANNE I know, but its not my work! DR MARTIN CROFTON Are you suggesting that Jack changed your names around? LILY-ANNE (stuck for words - doesnt want to believe it) No... He wouldnt do that... Jack comes in DR MARTIN CROFTON Jack, thanks for coming. JACK LATEN-PAISNER Hi, sorry Im a bit late - why did you need me to come in? DR MARTIN CROFTON Is it true that you submitted Lily-Annes work for her? JACK LATEN-PAISNER Yes, she was busy and asked me to hand it in. CROFTON a minute! Lily-Anne, what your saying is that you Jack your work to hand in and you are suggesting he got yours mixed up with his?




DR MARTIN CROFTON Well, there seems to be a problem, Lily-Anne thinks you may have mistakenly confused both pieces of coursework - she claims this is not her work... JACK LATEN-PAISNER Really?! That cant be! Lets have look. Crofton gives Jack the work. No - this is definitely yours - I remember reading the first paragraph. LILY-ANNE What?! (confused/disbelief) Thats not true - let me see yours! JACK LATEN-PAISNER Sure. Lets see, here it is gets paper out of bag and hands to Lily-Anne LILY-ANNE 86%! reads out first line This is mine! I wrote this! JACK LATEN-PAISNER what are you talking about? LILY-ANNE Dont pretend like you dont know! Remember you read this line in the Library! DR MARTIN CROFTON Okay okay, calm down. We will sort this out. But to get anything resolved we need proof. LILY-ANNE Ill give you proof gets out laptop. finds document Look here - this is my coursework - the one I wrote that got 86%! Turns screan to Crofton DR MARTIN CROFTON Lets see your work, no the paper one - I can see this one! (looks from one to the other) But this is exactly the same. Lily-Anne, I think you are just upset at your grade - thats no reason to go (MORE) (CONTINUED)



DR MARTIN CROFTON (contd) accusing someone else of submitting your work! Look we can have a talk about it so you know how you can improve for future work. LILY-ANNE (takes laptop - distraught) But...! What?.... thats not.... (looks at Jack) how dare you! I liked you! (approaches him) DR MARTIN CROFTON Lily-Anne! Thats unnecessary! I think you need to go home and calm down. I know is dissapointing to get less than you expected but it happens to all of us. Youre a good student and you will catch up. You need to remember that its not just about doing the reading, but about understanding. You need to be able to form a coherent arguement and have a clear structure to your essays. Jack, you can go. Sorry about this. JACK LATEN-PAISNER Not at all. Im sorry I wasnt of more help. DR MARTIN CROFTON Lily-Anne, look, lets go over your work. It isnt all bad, its just poorly structured. You have some great ideas! LILY-ANNE (looks at him in discust) I dont need your help! Grabs her stuff and runs out of the classroom DR MARTIN CROFTON Something doesnt seem right.... (reasuring himself) Shes always been a bit queer, but now... shes not making any sense. Music talent show Park - plot Lily-Anne walking up and down stage. She is trying to make sense of everything. You hear her recalling parts of conversations. All is on the sound system.




JACK LATEN-PAISNER No way - thats like the hardest one. Crofton said there was no point even considering it. JACK LATEN-PAISNER So, do you think youll get a good grade JACK LATEN-PAISNER (laughs - slightly intimidated by her) Yeah, well I also thought about doing that question. Nothing like a challenge! LILY-ANNE Really? I didnt think anyone else was interested in the topic LILY-ANNE Idiot! Obvioulsy he wasnt going to do the question! Why didnt I realise! JACK LATEN-PAISNER Anyway... I was wondering if I could read through your work - its obviously amazing, just to give me some ideas... I thought maybe we could meet up tomorrow and discuss it, like once I have written my essay... since we are probably the only people doing this question... LILY-ANNE Why!? How could I be so stupid! I should have said more to Crofton! He wouldnt have believed me though! Why does he think Im going mad. I know my own work!! DR MARTIN CROFTON Lily-Anne! Thats unnecessary! I think you need to go home and calm down. I know is dissapointing to get less than you expected but it happens to all of us. Youre a good student and you will catch up. You need to remember that its not just about doing the reading, but about understanding. You need to be able to form a coherent arguement and have a clear structure to your essays.Jack, you can go. Sorry about this. LILY-ANNE Why does everyone always fall for Jack!? Sorry about this!? Is that a joke. It sounds like they are in it together! DR MARTIN CROFTON Lily-Anne, look, lets go over your work. It isnt all bad, its just poorly structured. You have some great ideas!




LILY-ANNE (outloud) Great ideas! Yeah! Those are my great ideas that Jack took from my work and put into some shit essay! I cant believe he is such a fake! How did I fall for a slimy scum bag!? Alison has come in - sitting on the bench ALISON FRAZER Wow! Whos a slimy scumbag? LILY-ANNE Alison! You have to come with me! Im going to get him back! He thinks hes just going to get away with plagarising my work! Not over my dead body! ALISON FRAZER Jack?!.... I knew it! I always knew it! I didnt like him from the start. There was something fake about him. I didnt think he actually liked you, now its clear why he pretended to like you! LILY-ANNE Why didnt you say something! I cant believe you let it get this far! You are just as bad as... ALISON FRAZER Hold on! Dont go accusing me of things just because you are upset! Do you really think you would have listened to me if I said I had a bad feeling about Jack? You were so happy, I didnt want to spoil it for you! Besides, your always the one who says gut instincts are a load of rubbish - I thought maybe you were right this one time... LILY-ANNE (sits down - given up) What now? ALISON FRAZER Well, you said you wanted to get your own back... What are you going to do? LILY-ANNE (thinks for a bit - takes Alisons arm) Come with me... I have a plan...


Revenge Classroom - homicide/mens rea Lilly-anne is pacing up and down, deciding whether to go into class. she is muttering to herself and looks like she is going over a lot in her head. eventually she decides to go in. She is visibly dishevelled. KAT PARSONS wheres Jack? LILY-ANNE how should i know? we dont even talk that much.. kat and daniel are shocked at Lily-annes outburst, its very out of character. her mannerisms are strange and she is stuttering KAT PARSONS i was talking to Daniel DANIEL MANSABO whats up with you? points to her hair which is looking erratic LILY-ANNE what? what are you pointing at? DANIEL MANSABO chill LILY-ANNE is Alison here? did she say something .. DANIEL MANSABO who?... Dr Martin Crofton enters cutting the conversation DR MARTIN CROFTON okay thank you please sit down we have a lot to get through today LILY-ANNE hi Dr Martin Crofton i need to talk to you about the whole essay thing, you see..




DR MARTIN CROFTON lily please not now, later. Lets negin, this weeks topic is Homicide, known more naturally as murder, the act of killing. LILY-ANNE shivers slightly and looks stunned, she is rapidly flipping through the pages of her text book and muttering. homicide...i didnt know it homicide this week. DR MARTIN CROFTON lily-anne? LILY-ANNE what! the class look surprised at her outburst DR MARTIN CROFTON is everything okay? LILY-ANNE am i the only person in this classroom today, why is everyone looking at me? DR MARTIN CROFTON okay lets let lily-anne settle down and start the discussion SANDIPA SHAMALAN whats going on with her? even Tim is not finding the situation amusing and looks concerned at this point DR MARTIN CROFTON Homicide, the most serious offence in criminal law. anyone like to elaborate? this statement rings on the speaker system, showing how it is going off in Lily-Annes head. FRANCESCA SMITH its the idea of finality, ending another human beings life, theres no going back, no therapy or bandages. death is the end.. lily-anne starts laughing, Francesca turns around to look at her




TIM EDWARDS whats funny? LILLY-ANNE (still laughing) why is everyone so serious today? its like.. its just, youre all just acting so strangely. she stops laughing and looks suspiciously at Tim, who raises his eyebrow. Dr Martin Crofton breaks the silence DR MARTIN CROFTON yes Francesca thats right, Lily-Anne since your sense of humour has arrived, albeit in slightly strange circumstances, why dont you tell us what act will qualify as murder in law... LILY-ANNE looks around her nervously, speaks staring at the floor as if talking to herself. I had to be aware of what i was doing, i had to have the intention to kill or cause..(stutter)s-serious harm. DR MARTIN CROFTON laughs. im happy this topic is so personal to you. lily-Anne starts to laugh too and then suddenly stops and looks at Dr Martin Crofton strangely. she then laughs again, causing the whole class to stare worriedly. DR MARTIN CROFTON so who can... lily-anne cuts him off LILY-ANNE Dr Martin Crofton what are the...penalties for murder.? DR MARTIN CROFTON For once seeming out of his comfort zone. em, anyone? WEI CHANG the usual minimum sentence is 15 years..




LILY-ANNE 15 years .. what? WEI CHANG in prison? LILY-ANNE oh, (laughs). looks like shes calculating in her head, hear her muttering under her breath about 15 years + 5 years etc. KAT PARSONS but of course 15 years really means.. lily-anne cuts her off, Kat looks shocked LILY-ANNE Dr Martin Crofton. KAT PARSONS lily i was.. LILY-ANNE TO KAT we hear enough of you every week. TIM EDWARDS looks very amused and shocked. Kat and Beth exchange open mouthed glances. LILY-ANNE Dr Martin Crofton i cant remember the defences for murder, the defences against murder.. DR MARTIN CROFTON justification of homicide you mean LILY-ANNE homicide sounds too real... DR MARTIN CROFTON pretends to have not heard, but the rest of the class are whispering and exchanging glances. a police siren sound on the speaker system, Lilly-anne jumps and looks behind her. it passes and she tries to style her reaction.


CONTINUED: DR MARTIN CROFTON lily-anne are you feeling well?


LILY-ANNE yeh im just distracted, the police sirens are always so loud! she laughs slightly manically. DR MARTIN CROFTON Beth could you tell us the defences? BETH HUNTINGTON em, provocation. the idea that the person you murdered did something to you that made you lose self control. again the words did something to you that made you lose self control sound in Lilly-annes mind. LILY-ANNE yeh, what if they.. he made you just lose it. you only wanted to harm him, but all the anger was there. and you and your friend, just.. she stares outwardly, Dr Martin Crofton mistakes her babble for a reference to a case DR MARTIN CROFTON oh yes you mean the 1982 case of Ibrams. Remember? A and B were boyfriend and girlfriend, the person they set out to harm had caused them a lot of ill-treatment and violence. do you remember what happened? LILL-ANNE they let her go...i mean them sandipa raises her hand SANDIPA SHAMALAN no, it was a planned attack, if you planned the attack you dont have a defence, you cant say you lost self control, because..well you planned it! LILY-ANNE suddenly its all sinking in.. But Alison...but what if someone made her do it? DR MARTIN CROFTON revenge can never be a defence. revenge rings on the system, lilly-anne starts to shake, she stands up




LILY-ANNE Dr Martin Crofton, i need you to believe me, please. everyone is looking at her, she starts breaking down LILY-ANNE i need you to believe in me, as your student. Jack walks in, to a clearly unusual scene. JACK LATON PAISNER hey, whats going on? LILY-ANNE Jack? what... what .. what are you doing here? what happened? Did you go to hospital? JACK LATON PAISNER what? did i miss something? LILY-ANNE moves towards him, Jacks smile fades. what did you do to Alison? JACK LATON PAISNER what? who? LILY-ANNE Alison! what did you do to her? where is she? DR MARTIN CROFTON lily-anne calm down (reassuring) LILY-ANNE gets out her phone i need to call Alison, (confused) wheres her number? why isnt her number in the phone...? DR MARTIN CROFTON alison? LILY-ANNE you met Alison... she motions to Sandipa and Kat, they look confused and scared. they shake their heads. KAT PARSONS no...




LILY-ANNE what? you met her? why are you all doing this to me? lily-anne starts getting hysterical LILY-ANNE oh i see, youre all setting me up like before, to make me look stupid. is that what this is? a big set up? everyone in the classroom is competely shocked, Lily-anne is hysterically looking at everyone. LILY-ANNE Alisons my best friend... she gave me this feels for her neclace which is mentioned in a previous park scene. the neclace is not there. LILY-ANNE wheres my neclace? she looks accusingly at everyone, then, terrified, she runs away shouting out Alisons name. Realisation Lily-Anne storms out of classroom. Trying to call Alison but cant find her number. She is in a spotlight - classroom has dissolved LILY-ANNE Alison, Alison... Why is it not under Alison... come one! Maybe Frazer. Alison Frazer... where is her damn number!? Frazer... Phone rings Alison! I need to see you! Everythings gone wrong! NAOMI ANWELL Sweatheart! Its mum. Are you okay? What happened? LILY-ANNE Mum! Do you know where Alison is? I need to talk to her right now and I cant find her! NAOMI ANWELL Alison...? LILY-ANNE Yes, Alison! Alison Frazer!




NAOMI ANWELL Lily-Anne, I think you need to come home - then we can find Alison together. LILY-ANNE No! I need to find her now! I dont have her number and I dont know where she is! NAOMI ANWELL Lily-Anne - dont you remember? Alison.... Alison.... shes dead.... remember she was killed in the riots last year.... LILY-ANNE No! No! Shes not dead! She was with me yesterday when we killed Jack - but Jack turned up to class today! NAOMI ANWELL (scared - screams at her) Lily-Anne! Stop it! (tries to reason - is crying) What happened? Where are you? You need to come baby! Everything will be okay. Just come home. Lily-Anne? Lily-Anne?! Lily-Anne hangs up. Runs across stage into park scene. LILY-ANNE Alison! Alison.... Alison.... collapses on bench, suddenly looks at engraving. Gets up shocked. Holds her ears like she doesnt want to hear it. In loving memory of Alison Frazer. 25th August 1991 17th November 2010. (backs away from the bench as if its her enemy/ghost) No! No. That cant be true. Im not going going mad! Alison isnt dead...DEAD! NOOO! Stop, stop, this isnt real - its just a dream. Wake up, wake up! (looks at bench - but it is still there - shudders back) They got the date wrong! Alison was here yesterday! She was with me when we killed Jack.... killed Jack.... but he came back, he was there in the classroom... He wasnt even bruised! That cant be real.... but they all .... what?.... (recalls something Jack said in classroom implying that nothing happenend - on sound system)




LILY-ANNE Jack? what... what .. what are you doing here? what happened? Did you go to hospital? JACK LATON PAISNER what? did i miss something? LILY-ANNE what did you do to Alison? JACK LATON PAISNER what? who? LILY-ANNE Alison! what did you do to her? where is she? DR MARTIN CROFTON Alison? LILY-ANNE you met Alison... KAT PARSONS no.. LILY-ANNE (outloud) No! No! I saw it! I felt it! I did it! Why does no one believe me? What is happening to me?............. If Alison is dead... It cant be, she was with me at the club.... Im sure I introduced her... but... she tricked me!... (recalls club night talk - on sound system) ALISON FRAZER No - you took those pills, dont you remember? LILY-ANNE I would never take drugs! They are completely illegal. I would never do that! ALISON FRAZER Never say never LILY-ANNE What do you mean. Did you actually see me taking something? Why didnt you stop me? Who gave them to me? Where were you all night anyway - I dont remember seeing much of you!




ALISON FRAZER Well, you dont seem to remember much about the whole night... LILY-ANNE (speaking) No! No! Alison? Who are you? Why did you do this to me? Why didnt you tell me?... (recalls) LILY-ANNE (sits down on the bench - exhausted) What would I do without you! ALISON FRAZER Dont be ridiculous! Obviously, youd carry on living, just as normal! LILY-ANNE (speaking) Living as normal...! Is this normal!? perhaps music has been going on in the background throughout... dispersed dance....? Suggest suicide...? Transition Black stage after dance. Phone call from booths. Loud ringing breaks silence. DOCTOR Good evening. Id like to speak to John or Naomi Anwell please. JOHN ANWELL Speaking DOCTOR This is Dr Woolfson from the psychiatric ward at Maudsley Hospital. Your daughter Lily-Anne was brought in a couple of hours ago after suffering from a severe a psychological breakdown. JOHN ANWELL Is she okay? What happened? We have been trying to contact her for hours! DOCTOR Yes, she is in good hands and she is doing fine.




JOHN ANWELL My wife spoke to her ealier - It is the aniversary of her friends death this week and she has been finding it hard to cope with the situation. DOCTOR Is that Alison Frazer? JOHN ANWELL Yes.... DOCTOR Mr Anwell, your daughter is suffering from severe post traumatic stress dissorder. However, she may also have paranoid schizophrenia. JOHN ANWELL That cant be... she has never had any trouble before... DOCTOR I understand Mr Anwell, it is hard to believe. I am not sure of her precise condition yet, it will require a lot of further tests. I suggest you come in to see her as soon as possible. She needs some reasurance from people she loves. JOHN ANWELL Absolutely - we will come immediately! DOCTOR Just ask for Dr Woolfson. I will be there for you when you arrive. JOHN ANWELL Many thanks DOCTOR Goodbye Music has started playing. Pictures on screan showing her progress. E.g. with class mates (Jack), with law books in hospital, back at university... etc Graduation

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