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Four Poems by Irakli Kakabadze Penicillin Mini Opera

Penicillin, Pain is silly, Pain is thrilling, Pain is chilling, Pain is willing Pain is drilling Pain is billing, Pain is filling, Pain is grilling, Pain is healing, Pain is killing, Pain is shilling!

Pain is silly, Rain is silly, Train is silly, Plane is silly, Terrain is silly, Brain is silly, Drain is silly, Grain is silly, Lane is silly,

Sane is silly Insane is silly, Chain is silly.

Penicillin Is a drug antibiotic from a lovely Penicillium fungi. It was used to treat syphilis. Betalactam Group - and also Gram-positive. How unfortunate that Lenin did not have it it would have treated him of his disease and maybe of bolshevism too. Pain is silly, Everything is silly that is not bought and sold. Usually they dont want to buy pain. And they dont want to sell it. But who knows. Maybe theyll start selling this one too. But maybe the humanity needs some silly things too?

Pain is chilling For some people pan might be chilling. I dont have exact number of those for whom it is chilling. It was good to have pain when I thought I could do everything..

Pain is thrilling For some people pain is thrilling. They usually get adrenalin with the pain and stress and they cannot sustain high levels of energy without pain.

Pain is willing It is absolutely willing to go far. Sometimes it goes very far, to greater depths. It is quite difficult to take.

Pain is drilling Ooooh, it could be really drilling. Horrifying intellectuals and members of working class alike. It could be more drilling than Royal Dutch Shell and even British Petroleum.

Pain is billing It is absolutely capitalist in some situations. It is charging us once we get it.

Pain is filling

The blanks..

Pain is grilling Indeed.

Pain is healing From ignorance, pride, obsession, selfishness, and so on.

Pain is killing The Megalomania.

Pain is shilling And even EURO today. Common European currency proved to be a very strong one.

Pain is silly It is not hundred percent proved. But some scientists suggest pain is silly, based upon available evidence that pain causes person to become less rational. But those scientists who do not believe in rationality disagree. I cannot suggest my opinion, because having an opinion these days is very irrational. It is not suggested to be opinionated.

Rain is silly

It really depends how string is rain. It has be very strong to be silly, since if it is not very strong than I like it. My friend Tiko Andalusia likes it too. Since both of us like it, when it is not too string, then I can conclude that it is silly only when it is pouring hard and there is no escape from it. Or maybe thats when rain is the best to wash away our stupidity.

Train is silly

Especially the train of success. It is completely elusive and it is always running away from human beings and they are chasing the train of success while leaving the station of happiness. That is the whole paradox of life.

Plane is silly

I have to say I want to argue with this proposition. Plane is silly only when it serves power. Or power struggle. Indeed that one is silly. But otherwise it can take us up to the sky which is always nice. Or lovely as they say in Western Georgia.

Terrain is silly

Terrain of war is undeniably silly. But my terrain where the farmers house is built is not so silly as you would like to imagine. It is wonderful watching dear from your window.

Brain is silly

When it thinks that it can solve all problems or when it thinks that it cannot solve any problems. Brain is silly in both extremes. That is what my neighbor Tuta said in her heyday as a designer of our erotic dreams.

Drain is silly

Brain drain is undeniably silly. It is not worthy to experience brain drain. But it happens. This is one more testament that silly things happen.

Grain is silly

Do you mean multi-grain? In this case I completely disagree. Not all grains are silly. There are some grains that we can use as a humanity.

Lane is silly

This is mostly true. Especially, if you are in the lane to see Vladimir Lenins tomb in Moscow. This lane is longest damn lane in the world it never ends.

Sane is silly

All sane people are a little silly. At least a little. Maybe even more than little.

Insane is silly

All insane people are a little silly too. But the silliest part of this story is that there is no insanity. It is long since it was proved that there is no insanity and it is silly to convince ourselves that there is insanity. Period.

Chain is silly

Absolutely. Chain is silly because it cannot hold people under control forever. It does not work. So it is better to unleash it. Chains dont work so unleash the chains and make us free.

Information Highway song

I got lost on information highway, When I looked for a simple and unsophisticated my way!

They did not tell us: Who are good fellas!

When did I want to feel your hair! When did I smell that life could be fair!

When did I see that that I couldnt bear, When did I feel that justice is rare!

I just didnt know all of these, I just didnt know that things are changed hundred degrees!

When did I come into the fortress of your eyes? When did I feel that my life is fool of lies?!

Before, I got lost on Information Highway, They did not administer painkillers to numb human civilization. They did not use hundred thousand images a second, To make us forget the image of truth. Before I got lots on Information Highway It was no fighting justice with methamphetamines, Codeine, hard and soft drugs,

Whole sea of media reports, briefings, shows That were collectively asking the truth to disappear, Being hired by PR and GR companies. Before I got lost on Information Highway, Not everything was so perfect, People used to sit in bars late night, And they used to smoke whole pack of cigarettes, Throughout the night.. As I say, not everything was perfect, Before I got lost..

When I was lost in the see of crying letters, They deliberated what was wrong and what was better!

My dear, forgive me for my denial! I know I must face another trial!

Darling, in the darkness of these shoes, It is so difficult when you have to choose!

I shall believe that world is wide, And we shall wit until the next tide!

Therefore, theres nothing that we can hide, Theres nothing that we can decide!

Darling, you tell me, I shall come out,

And I shall know, whats this all about!

When I got lost on information highway, I forgot that I was looking for a simple and unsophisticated

My way!

Condominium of Free Will

I choose, I choose, I choose, To read Washington Post in the Morning, Even though it is not full, And it does not have an angry skull!

I choose, I choose, I choose, To get up with Decaffeinated dreams every morning, Then to chew up The Journal of Commerce, And make an aphrodisiac comment!

I choose, I choose, I choose, To go up the stairs of spot, To eat the breakfast of forgotten streets, To see that soon I will be killed by the coming thunder!

I choose, I choose, I choose To threaten the powers to be! Even though sometimes I dont even know about it,

When walking in Metropolitan Desert!

I choose, I choose, I choose, To be with you and for you, my dear, To see the streets of non-profit hope, And admire honorable humanity in the congress!

Condominium of free will, Is the a good place that is not on Park Avenue, There Bob Dylan will come and sing us a ballad, And we will understand at last, we are not born to kill!

Condominium of free will, Is a wonderful place in the palace of disorders, In a penniless idea that not every disturbance is revolution, And we shall contribute to the wildlife fusion!

Condominium of free will, When you are used to going up the hill, And you can never-ever be still, Not thinking about your next heating bill!

Condominium of free will, Mortgage is not so high over here, And post existential paper clips, Are distributed with your orange pens!

Generation of Faithless Monks

His girlfriend always taught him How to do Cunnilingus. And his old mentor taught him Ho to point his fingers. His old thief friend taught him How to avoid ringers. And his grandfather taught him How to seduce some singers.

But the question always was: Where the tide ends? And he was always contemplating How can he make some Sushi? And crazy news were coming, From around the world! And no one knew the answer, To where the tide ends!

Can I eat food with my fork? Would it somehow start to work? Or could I wonder for some shrimp? Or would I accept the job of pimp? Siberia has its Central Park And its a transcendental part!

And you can really, really start Showing people your big heart!

Export-import generation, Generation of Cyber Punk, Generation without flirtation, Generation of faithless monks!

I will tell you this: I love your death instinct, baby. As they teach us in contemporary business manuals: We just need to be invested, And not necessarily so infested!

And before you open trunk, Just remember Cyber Monk, If you listen to more funk, You will get a bigger chunk! Of wonderful Romanian Feta Cheese, That is sold in very few stores in Brooklyn, New York. Just for $2,99 a pound.

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