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This stitch pattern reminded me of snowdrops and what better harbinger of spring could there be. A toe up sock with a garter stitch short row heel if you really want to you could work this sock cuff down in which case you would have crocuses instead of snowdrops! Materials: 100g fingering weight yarn US #1 (2.25mm) dpns or circulars Removable marker Gauge: 8 st per inch blocked in stockinette Cast On At Toe: Cast on 9 stitches using any method. Knit those 9 stitches. Using second needle, pick up 8 stitches on the bottom of the cast-on stitches (just pick up through whatever loops you can, as long as they dont affect the original 8 stitches.) You now have two needles, parallel to each other, with 9 stitches on each. Place a marker to indicate the start of the round. Increases for toe: Next round and every other round, increase into the 2nd and 2nd to last stitch on each needle by knitting into the back and the front of the stitch (four increases in total, every other round.) continue until you have 66 stitches in all. Divide these stitches on to Dps so that you have one with 33 and two Dpn needles with 16 and 17 sts respectively. The needle with 33 will be the one that is worked in the lace instep chart.

Starting at round 1 work the instep sts using the instep chart and knitting the remaining sts in stockinette. Work until foot measures 2 inches less than the required length of your sock Work Heel: Slip the 33 sts from needles 2 & 3 onto one needle. These stitches are going to be the heel stitches. Place the rest of the stitches either on spare needles or stitch holders until they are needed. Continuing on these stitches and working back and forth in garter st work a short row heel as follows.

Knit across the stitches on the needle until there is one stitch on your needle, bring your yarn to the front of the work, Slip the next st from the left hand needle, take your yarn to the back of the work, Slip the st back to the left hand needle. Turn your work. knit to last st , bring your yarn to the front of the work, Slip the next st from the left hand needle, take your yarn to the back of the work, Slip the st back to the left hand needle. Turn your work. Continue shaping the heel by working one st less at each end of the needle until you have 9 un worked Cuff Chart sts in the middle of your needle. All the stitches of the heel should still be on the needle. To increase back up, knit back and forth across the heel stitches, working one extra stitch on each row picking up and knitting the wraps as you come to them. Continue in this fashion until all the stitches have been reincorporated into the heel. On the final row, knit the last 2 sts together ( 32sts) Cuff: Replace the instep sts, and arrange all the sts onto dpns . Work 5 repeats of the lace pattern around the sock. Work until cuff measures 5 or approx 1 less than your preferred cuff length. Work 5 rounds garter st, starting with a purl round. On the last round decrease 1 st by purling together the last 2 sts of the round. Work 5 rounds of 2 x 2 rib, work a further 5 rounds of garter st starting with a purl row. Cast off all sts knitwise. If you want a good stretchy cast off can I suggest you try this one from Knitty, Finishing: Sew in all ends and block Instep Chart

For those who prefer their stitch pattern written, here are the charts transcribed into written instructions
Written pattern cuff R1 (RS): k7, p1, k4, p1 R2: yo, ssk, k3, k2tog, yo, p1, c2 over 2 right, p1 R3: k7, p1, k4, p1 R4: k1, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, p1, k4, p1 R5: k7, p1, k4, p1 R6: k2, yo, sl1 k2tog psso, yo, k2, p1, c2 over 2 left, p1 R7: k7, p1, k4, p1 R8: k7, p1, k4, p1 Written Pattern Instep R1 (RS): k7, p1, k4, p1, k7, p1, k4, p1, k7 R2: yo, ssk, k3, k2tog, yo, p1, c2 over 2 right, p1, yo, ssk, k3, k2tog, yo, p1, c2 over 2 right, p1, yo, ssk, k3, k2tog, yo R3: k7, p1, k4, p1, k7, p1, k4, p1, k7 R4: k1, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, p1, k4, p1, k1, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, p1, k4, p1, k1, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k1 R5: k7, p1, k4, p1, k7, p1, k4, p1, k7 R6: k2, yo, sl1 k2tog psso, yo, k2, p1, c2 over 2 left, p1, k2, yo, sl1 k2tog psso, yo, k2, p1, c2 over 2 left, p1, k2, yo, sl1 k2tog psso, yo, k2 R7: k7, p1, k4, p1, k7, p1, k4, p1, k7 R8: k7, p1, k4, p1, k7, p1, k4, p1, k7

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