The Different Types of Shifting Werewolves - Werewolves

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The Different Types of ShiftingWerewolves | Werewolves










February 15th, 2010 13

Sure, werewolves can do lots of stuff. But can they do anything other than shift shape? I mean really, when you consider all that is in a



werewolfs realm of abilities, simply turning from man to wolf and back again can become quite boring. So, what else can they do? There are actually lots of different ways that werewolves can shift including non-lucid shifting and shifting out of ones body. Here are the nine most common types of shifting and what theyre all about. Sense Shifting This happens when in human form however, senses become sharp and wolf-like. This usually only affects one or two senses at a time but it can be more. Wild Shifting This shifting also happens when in human form and is when the werewolf will become crazy, wild, and uncontrollable. The wolf will not be able to control his/her own actions, and may involuntarily growl or bare their teeth. Non-Lucid Shifting This type of shifting happens when the werewolf is dreaming and the person actually does change into a werewolf. However, the wolf has no idea this is happening and so has no control over their actions. Lucid Dream Shifting This differs from non-lucid shifting because, while the werewolf still changes into a werewolf while they are dreaming, they are aware of what is happening and able to control what they do. Astral Shifting This is when the werewolf comes out of the body and actually shifts onto a different astral plane. This is different from lucid dream shifting because the werewolf will shift to somewhere such as into past worlds, or other worlds where past loved ones may have gone when they died. Mental Shifting Mental shifting is actually something that many werewolves can do. This is the simple ability to shut out all human activity happening around in order to fully heighten all of the senses. This can be done when a werewolf is searching out prey, or something that may be of danger to them. Although its a fairly common ability, it still takes a good deal of concentration and focus. Phantom Shift A phantom shift is one of the most interesting types of shifts. This shift occurs when a werewolf is in human form and is experiencing something so close to resembling a shift that they need to check that they arent actually changing. The feeling of changing may even be so strong that the werewolf might check for fur. Of course, there will be none there if it really is a phantom

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13-07-2011 AM 11:37

The Different Types of ShiftingWerewolves | Werewolves

shift. Auric Shifting This type of shifting is done when the werewolf needs to change the aura that surrounds them. While the physical form of the werewolf, whether human or wolf, will stay the same, the aura around them will change. This is mostly used when a werewolf senses that they are in danger. Physical Shifting This of course, is the most common and well-known. Its the act of a human turning into the form of a wolf, therefore becoming a werewolf. Of course, not all werewolves will have all, or even any, of these abilities. But some of them are quite common so the possibility is quite good that a werewolf has the ability to shift in a number of different ways. - Kate

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13 Responses to The Different Types of Shifting

1. DatapawWolf says:

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13-07-2011 AM 11:37

The Different Types of ShiftingWerewolves | Werewolves

February 20, 2010 at 10:48 pm Wow, I never thought about it that way before, thanks for the list! Reply 2. Demonofthefullmoon says: February 21, 2010 at 7:08 pm ill remember this while i write my pet project Reply 3. will says: March 23, 2010 at 2:27 pm hello kate have you ever met a werewolf? well if you have let me know and if you have not would you like to. I am a werewolf and just had to read this to see if you knew what you were talking about. contact me if you wish. Reply 4. SheWolf says: March 23, 2010 at 6:37 pm how do we contact u? and how do we kno ur lying?!??! Reply 5. Creeper says: March 27, 2010 at 2:51 pm I would call physical shifting the most well known but by far the least common (to be considered biologically impossible.)Even psuedo-physical shifting, which is where the silly concept of phyasical shifting originated, should be catagorized as a rare if not extinct practice. Psuedo-physical shifting can only be achieved with the aid of psychotropic hallucinegenes (which is strongly discouraged.) Before all the werewolves start ragging on me about sightings and historical acounts of physical werewolves I digress that psuedo-physical werewolves can appear to be fully physical and interact with the physical world through the etheric levels of physical matter. The etheric animal body of the practitioner is projected their physical mass a method also used in advanced glamour. Ironically this form of shapeshifting while capable of interacting with the physical world certain base metals, namely the magnetic ones (iron, and yes silver,) disrupt the etheric energy level thus shattering the etheric body and revealing the person within. Reply 6. Andre says: October 23, 2010 at 2:31 pm shifting? This stuff is called illusion, mental disorder etc. Did you call it shofting to make it sound better? Reply 7. AlphaWerewolf says: December 31, 2010 at 12:12 pm And did you spell shifting wrong to seem less smart? Physical shifting is impossible but I have had a mental and phantom shift. Reply 8. josie says: February 17, 2011 at 4:21 pm Thats a good way to think about it.Oh, and can one of you werewolves out there bite me or turn me into a werewolf?PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I really want to become one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply 9. Karl says: February 21, 2011 at 1:38 pm All of this werewolf shifting or miraculous changing into a wolf or partial wolf and man could be true, and cannot. Its always a 50/50 on mythology. I personally think that Kate does have a point though. IF

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13-07-2011 AM 11:37

The Different Types of ShiftingWerewolves | Werewolves

werwolves do exist, then there is a chance that they would have several possibilities in which to change through. Good Illustration Kate. Ive had a couple of experiences like these myself. Ive had the Phantom Shift several times last year. But that still doesnt make me a werewolf. Thank you Kate. For you are a very smart, and intelligent person on werewolf mythology! Reply 10. Noctin Tilandir says: June 8, 2011 at 12:09 pm Hello. I have had many dreams of shifting from human to wolf, and I often experienced mental and phantom shifts. The ears almost became permanent to the extent where I keep having to check and make sure I didnt change physically. I can immitate wolf-like sounds such as growling, barking (yes, wolves do bark), whimpering, yelping, and howling, and often yelp involuntarilly when Im startled or when I get injured. I often have trouble controlling the snarl-and-growl reflex and even bit one of the dogs when it tried to bite me (I knew the dog was only playing, by the way). I mostly need help learning how to control it. If you have any suggestions, please say so! Reply 11. Blak werwolf says: June 29, 2011 at 3:58 pm werewolf aer alsome i love them Reply 12. Blak werwolf says: June 29, 2011 at 4:03 pm I have dream so meany times that i was a werewolf. people say that i was craze Becase i belive in werewolf is that way i am haveing dreams about them. Reply 13. cjf says: July 5, 2011 at 8:36 pm you forgot about the effects wolvesbayn has on were wolves it makes them change no matter what Reply

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