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Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami
11am Sunday Services & Childrens Programs
December 4th: A Unitarian Universalist Advent

-Rev. Wendy Pantoja For Pagans and Catholics, Advent is a time of waiting, one for the return of the sun and the other for the birth of a savior. What claims can Unitarian Universalists make on this time of year? Is it a time of spiritual hibernation or a time for deepening our spirituality? December 11th: For All that Is Our Life

-Rev. Wendy Pantoja Despite the challenges we may face with varying frequency, we can rejoice in the many privileges we enjoy. During this season of gratitude and joy, let us remember those who struggle for basic human rights. How can we use the gift of our lives to build the common good? December 18th: A Light in the Dark

-Rev. Wendy Pantoja During the darkest time in the Northern Hemisphere, we look for ways to brighten up the long dark nights. Join us for an exploration of winter holidays around the world and how they can inform our Unitarian Universalist lives.


December 24th: A Child Is Born

-Rev. Wendy Pantoja A much awaited child is born with promise for all. What does this mean for Unitarian Universalists? On this Christmas Eve, please join us for a family service with carols, stories, and a candle lighting ceremony. Extended family and friends are invited. We will begin at 6:30 PM.

December 25th: Worship Committee Led Service Join us at 11am as we are led by our Worship Committee.



Reverend Wendy Pantoja


Tis the season of joy for many. While some get lost in the frenzy of shopping for gifts, others break out their favorite holiday recipes as they prepare for gettogethers with family and friends. Still there are others for whom the holidays lose their luster. Memories of loves ones lost or living far away, more prosperous times slipping or already slipped away, illness of loved ones or selfall bring an element of sadness to a would-be joyous season. May the warmth of our hearts envelop you and may our collective loving spirit support you during this trying time. Here at UUCM, a month of excitement awaits us. The Sunshine State Power and Light starts us off with a free jazz concert that brings to our sanctuary a large roster of well-known performers, and clergy and laity from the interfaith communityall gathered in support of good environmental stewardship. On Christmas Eve, we will hold a family service that will include a candlelight ceremony. Bring your family and friends as we search for the insights from this holiday season that inform how we live our Unitarian Universalist lives. Installation Day will take place on Sunday, December 11. This is a time when the congregation joins together in welcoming publicly their newly settled minister. This celebration formally introduces another chapter in the history of this congregation. It is a glorious event with much pomp and circumstanceone of those few occasions of high church that Unitarian Universalists celebrate. Following the Service of Installation at 5:00 PM is a most delectable reception on our grounds. Busily working behind the scenes is a committee consisting of members of the Search Committee. Among the details with which they are charged is making arrangements for owers, food, and music. They, along with the staff, are coordinating efforts to spruce up our buildings and grounds. Thank you, Carol Reiter, Nannette Bartels, Luigi Ferrer, Janice McArthur, and Derrick Mustelier, But there is a role for each of you to make our UU the public eye, rst by your presence. A second way is by the warm UU Miami welcome you know how to extend so well. Come out and celebrate the decision you helped make in accordance with our congregational polity. Come out and welcome the ministers from our denomination and clergy from diverse faiths. Come out to welcome and listen to the Reverend Peter Morales, president of the Unitarian Universalist Association, who will be delivering the installation sermon. May the new year bring you peace, joy and good health! En paz y fe, Rev. Wendypaz

Ministers Office Hours

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 10 AM 2 PM* Monday day off Thursday Sermon writing day Saturday reserved for special meetings and other events Please know that this schedule is subject to change in order to meet other ministerial and denominational responsibilities. It will also be revised over the course of the year in response to congregational needs. Rev. Wendy is available by telephone 9 AM 8 PM except on her days off. Emergency calls will be accepted at any time. *It is always best to call for an appointment. If these hours do not accommodate your schedule, please do not hesitate to call for an appointment at a mutually convenient time.



Be the change you want to see in the world. -Mahatma Gandhi

Monica Rizzo- Director of RE Classes Children will meet for classes onDecember 4, 11, 18and there will be an Intergenerational service on Sunday, December 25.Each Sunday everyone will gather in the sanctuary and after the Story for All Ages, children will meet their teachers in the breezeway to head to class.Please pick up your child promptly after class.For the Intergen service, there are no classes and children will stay with their parents/guardians in the sanctuary for the service. Nursery The nursery is open at 10:45 each Sunday for infants-3 years old.When dropping off your child, please sign him/her in on the class roster and leave your phone number.Each child is required to have appropriate supplies including diapers, wipes, change of clothes, snack and drink.Please pick up your child promptly after service. OWL Our Whole Lives (OWL) classes wrapped upnear the end of last month.This curriculumhelps participants make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health and behavior. It equips participants with accurate, age-appropriate information in six subject areas: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture. Thank you to the teachers who have put in so much time, energy and effort in teaching this curriculum to our children.These teachers are: Charles Bishop, Calla Gudheim, Raquel Reyes and David Roelant.Their services include athree daytraining at Coral Gables Congregational Church, time spent preparing for informational meetings and parent meetings and preparing and teaching eight sessions of classes to kids and/or parents of the participants. I assume much more went into the prep as well, so please join me in saying "Thank you!" to each of these teachers.We will have a formal recognition of the teachers and participants in May. Congratulations to all of the participants: Grade 4-6Grade K-1 Isabella AriasSebastian Arias Victor CarrilloDiana Bishop Maxwell DickinsonIsaac Dickinson Adam DubardIsabel Larenas Kylee Mulrooney Maya Pacheco-Evoy Ela Reyes RomanJosie Quick Social Justice Project RE's social justice project to collect adult size socks for Camillus House, a local, non-prot organization that provides services to poor and homeless men, women and children endsDecember 4th, so please "help us help others" by bringing in new adult sized socks to donate.Thank you for supporting our social justice project and Camillus House. Winter Holiday Program On December 4, we will have our traditional winter holiday party and trim the tree!There will be ornaments to make and some yummy treats to enjoy. Please bring the kids and help decorate the sanctuary and make it festive for the holidays!We will also begin InterGen Friends sign up this day!Watch for more details! Music in RE Music classes this month will be December 4 and December 18.Kids will meet in the breezeway after Story for all Ages and attend music class as an all ages group beforemoving into their regular Tapestry of Faith classes.

Religious Education Meeting The RE committee will not meet in December. The nextmeeting will be Sunday,January 8at 12:45PM in the Religious Education Ofce.All are welcome to come and discuss the happenings, both business and fun, in the RE department. New to the Program? If you are new to the program and would like more information about Religious Education, please feel free to contact Monica Rizzo, the Director of Religious Education (DRE), at to chat by email, set up a phone call or schedule a face-to-face meeting.



Barbara Woshinsky- President of the Board

Oh, We Give Thanks The Miami fall has arrived, with cool nights and lower humidity. Shorter days tame the bright Florida glare into a special soft light. This is the time of year when our beautiful sanctuary comes into its own: doors open wide, blurring the lines between inside and out, our architectural tent welcomes nature and humans. Visitors to the church pass by the beautiful buttery garden, now harboring fat, striped monarch caterpillars. Several congregants have contributed to the creation and maintenance of this garden; most recently, board member Gisela Haynes has put in new plantings. Thanks to Gisela and to those others who continue the stewardship of our unique and precious urban oasis. In governance news, the Board welcomes a new trustee, Carol Klopfer, replacing Roger Williams, who has withdrawn from the board (not the Congregation) for personal reasons. Carol holds a Ph.D. in psychology; she has taught at UM and is employed by the Miami-Dade school system. Thanks for agreeing to serve, Carol; we look forward to working with you. Thanks also to Shawn Joost, who is joining David Roelant as co-chair of the annual Stewardship drive. Expect a lively pledge season! In addition, the Board of Trustees has set up a task force to develop a security plan and train volunteers to deal with potential risks to congregation property or individuals. Thanks to John Bost, Gisela Haynes, Correl Morgan and Bill Turner for helping in this important task. Anyone else with interest or experience in security please contact Barbara Woshinsky. The congregational town meeting date has been changed to January 15 to accommodate Reverend Wendys installation on December 11. The next board meeting will take place on December 21. The Board meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30; all are welcome. If a member wishes to address the board, please let me know in advance to get you on the agenda. Thanks for the privilege of serving you!
David Jacobs- Treasurer of the Board

As we progress in learning about and xing our membership database and as our wonderful new ofce administrator Jessica Brautigam settles into her job, I thank you for your patience concerning the lack of quarterly member contribution statements for the quarter ended September 30. A Board of Trustee task force is working along with Jessi and I to x the database.Once our work is complete, accurate and timely year end contribution statements will be sent. On the subject of pledges, contributions, and income taxes, the end of the calendar year is a great opportunity to make pledge payments and contributions count as income tax deductions for the 2011 tax year.Depending upon your tax bracket, you can save up to 33 cents in income tax for every dollar you contribute, so get out those checkbooks and make a tax deductible contribution today! A gentle reminder from the bookkeeping department: in the memo section of your check, please remember to indicate what your check is for, i.e. pledge, outreach collection, hospitality, etc. Such an indication will ensure your payment is applied properly.Thank you! Save the date! Sunday, December 11, 2011 at 5:00 PM Installation of the Reverend Wendy Pantoja



Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. -Henry David Thoreau
Iris Massey Spiritual Reality Spiritual Reality offers an opportunity for spiritual exploration and growth through selected readings and commentary by the group. Those who attend are encouraged to comment on the readings and/or share their personal concerns. We are not a therapy group, but a group of caring friends who come together to listen and to learn. Please join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30AM in the Emerson Room. Alice Lingswiler Grief Support Group The Grief support group meets on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month in the Emerson Room at 1:15pm. You are welcome to join us whether your loss is recent or long ago. See Connie Bartels or Alice Lingswiler. John Bost Humanist Group Dec. 13, 2011 Lecture 12 "Evolution, Ethics, and Game Theory" from the DVD Lecture Series by the Teaching Company "Philosophy & Intellectual History" by Professor Patrick Grim, State University of New York at Stony Brook. We meet in the Emerson room every second Tuesday of the month at 8:00 PM. Please come join us! Alice Lingswiler Lunch Bunch Bring a bag lunch and join us as we enjoy a friendly lunch and discuss a reading from an inspirational book each Wednesdays from 12pm-2pm in the Emerson Room. Every 3rd Wednesday is Poetry Day so bring your favorite poems to share. Hope to see you there. Margaret McAlister & Sandy Howard PFLAG PFLAG Kendall meets at 12pm on the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami. PFLAG Homestead meets at 12pm the fourth Saturday of each month at St. Johns Episcopal Church,145 NE 10 Street in Homestead. For more info contact David Roelant Welcoming Cong regation The Welcoming Congregation Committee is scheduled to meet on the rst Sunday of each month at 1:00 PM. The Lavender Salon, which we sponsor, is an Intergenerational Event for Miami's LGBTQ Community.It is, usually, held on the second Saturday of the month, at 6:30 PM in the Emerson Room. We start with a Potluck, followed by an evening of educational events, and fun!The Lavender Salon plans to re-start the Interweave Film Series, celebrating LGBTQ themes.On November 20th, the Welcoming Congregation Committee coordinated a Panel discussionon Transgender Issues. Thank you to everyone who participated and made it such a powerful event. Please join us for our upcoming activities, including Speakers and Workshops.For more information regarding our activities, please contact Marilyn Rutgers or Dave Roelant. Lily Marlott The Alliance The Alliance is having a holiday party Saturday, December 3rd at 12pm in the Sanctuary. Come join us for a potluck lunch and holiday festivities. Jackal Tanelom Buddhist Group If you are looking for a pause in your busy week why not come and experience Buddhist Reections? We meet every Tuesday evening from 6:30-7:45pm in the Emerson Room (the second Tuesday of every month is in the sanctuary). Discover your Bodhicitta. We begin with a seated 15 minute meditation, a reading or two, followed by engaging discussion. We close with a second 15 minute meditation. No commitment is necessary; come whenever you like. Everyone is welcome and no experience is necessary. Come and refuel for your busy week.




Margie Phipps Margery (Margie) Phipps is a lifetime UU who has belonged to UU Congregations in Virginia, Wisconsin, Alabama and Ohio. Now she and her husband of 25 years, Bruce McCord, are new members of the UUCM. Margie and Bruce have three children: Jennifer (19), Cynthia (17) and Annie (10). Education is Margies passion and she is currently a homeschool educator. She knows a lot about inventing/patents because she was a patent examiner for ten years, and shes run invention after school programs and camps for kids. Bruce McCord Bruce McCoard is a lifelong Unitarian a strange mixture of Christian/ Humanist/Agnostic. He was born in Kinston, NC but considers Chattanooga, TN his hometown. He has been married to Margie Phipps for 25 years. Bruce is a Professor of Analytical and Forensic Chemistry at FIU and does research on better ways to detect and prosecute sexual assault and other violent crimes using DNA. He enjoys music (clarinet, saxophone and mandolin), windsurng, sailing, kayaking, snorkeling and reading. He is currently trying to learn to whistle the piccolo part to John Phillip Sousas Stars and Stripes Forever.

Rick Homer Rick Homer was born in San Antonio, TX and moved to Miami when he was two years old after his father was killed in WWII. Thirty-two years ago he married Judy and they have ve adult children between them (and seven grandchildren). He is a handyman & owner of Handy Homer, Inc and in his (very little) spare time enjoys listening to books on tape and watching movies. He has been very active in the UUCM for many years in many capacities including being on the Board of Trustees. Its great to see him back as a member!

Randy Rotundo Randy Rotundo has lived in Miami for 28 years. Hes an auditor, CPA but plans on changing careers and becoming a math teacher. He has many interests including listening to NPR and Classical South Florida. He used to play the Bassoon. Randy took a sabbatical last year and traveled through 12 countries in the Western Hemisphere. He climbed Mt Rainier only to turn back before reaching the summit due to an avalanche that buried the climbers just ahead. He is passionate about hiking/nature, geography, cosmology and his metallic blue Smart Car.




Jeremy May Jeremy May comes to us from Bloomington, Indiana. He and his wife of ve years, Jessica Brautigam (our very own ofce administrator!), came to Miami only three months ago so that he could pursue his PhD in Biology at FIU. Ironically, his Masters research was done at the northernmost point of Alaska studying tundra dynamics. Jeremy enjoys shing and playing with his kittens (Lottie and Salix) and loves the outdoors. He is passionate about his family, environmental conservation and education in all aspects of life.

Lourdes (Lu) Gonzalez Lourdes Gonzalez (her friends call her Lu) was born in Havana, Cuba but grew up in Hialeah since she was ve years old. She has two children: Samuel (21) and Gabriella (Gabi) (19). She is currently a Short Sale Specialist but is looking for a new job opportunity. She came to the UU rst to attend the Jazz Concerts. As Lu puts it, I came through the side door and stayed. She loves to read and watch sitcoms and is passionate about life and respect and equality for all.

Dan Nichols Dan Nichols hails from Mt Airy, NC the real life Mayberry where the Andy Grifth Show was set. He is a dentist and has lived in Miami for 12 years with his partner of 14 years, Jorge Centurion. He came to the UUCM as the result of an internet search for accepting churches. Dans hobbies include travel, reading, snow skiing, exercise and his pets. He is passionate about Animal Rights. Jorge Centurion (Not Pictured) Jorge Centurion is from Havana, Cuba but has lived in Miami most of his life. He and his partner, Dan Nichols, have been together for 15 years. Jorge is a periodontist and enjoys traveling, snow skiing, hiking, climbing, painting, reading, movies, and gardening. What is he most passionate about? His partner Dan.

Daniel Wang Yunqiu (Daniel) Wang was born in Beijing, China and has lived in Miami for 13 years. He is a biology professor at the University of Miami and has two children: Dale (21) and Ray (9). He enjoys everything about the outdoors including tennis, hiking and swimming and loves Jazz music. His passions are science, education, animals, nature, equality and NPR. He loves people and enjoys talking with them and learning new things.




Tammy & Kevin McDaniel Tammy and Kevin McDaniel came to Miami two years ago. Kevin is originally from Savannah, GA and Tammy from New Orleans. They have been married for two and a half years and have a 14 month old son named Zzyzx (pronounced Zee-Zix) and a new baby on the way (Zahara, due January 11th). Tammy also has an 18 year old son. Kevin is in the US Coast Guard and Tammy (a former accountant) has the hardest job ever as a wife and mother. Kevin enjoys shing and reading while Tammy collects Tiana dolls and enjoys makeup artistry. The two are both big karaoke fans. Kevin used to serve in the US Air Force and Tammy is the 6th of 11 siblings. They are both passionate about family and would like to see marriage equality happen NOW.

Marisabel Lavastida (Not Pictured) Marisabel Lavastida was born in Caracas, Venezuela but has lived in Miami about 20 years. She is a fulltime Occupy Miami participant and it was her search for truth through love, the arts and reason that brought her to the UU. Her hobbies include collages and mixed media art. She is passionate about defending truth and justice and feels as though she is witnessing the awakening of man to a higher and more profound way of living and it makes [her] excited to get up every morning.

Monica Rosell (Not Pictured) Monica Rosell has lived in Miami her entire life. Recently, her World Religions professor asked the class to take the belief-o-matic test online as an assignment and her results showed that she was 100% Unitarian Universalist. She was excited to see that there was a UU congregation in Miami. She is a secretary and her hobbies include yoga and meditation. Her favorite TV show is I Love Lucy and her favorite band is The Beatles. She is passionate about spreading love and truth and traveling all over the world.

First Year Anniversary Congratulations to Angela and John Anderson, Derrick Mustelier, Andrea Mustelier, Lori Mulrooney, Nelson Martinez, Laura Hadden, Roger Williams, Lidia and Gregg Moore, Lauralyn Bunn, John Cunningham, Renee Michelle Goertzen and Andrew Pearson. You have been with us for a year. We are grateful for your fellowship and participation. Andrea Mustelier Membership Committee We invite our guests and newcomers to visit the "Pineapple Table" on Sundays. It has been rewarding to see so many summer visitors and the way they have been welcomed. Wed love to pair up newcomers with members in order to share our community as they meet new people. It is the congregation as a whole that is our best representative. We knowing that it is important to worship together on our spiritual journey but, we want to embrace those who are just starting their search as well. The committee is comprised of: Martha Dominguez, Martha Harrison, Melissa Jacobs, Selva Joseph, Andrea Mustelier, Derrick Mustelier, Jill Taft, Sterling Waiters & Ruth Wells. You can easily identify us by our bright yellow name tags with a pineapple on it (a symbol of hospitality). We welcome any information about people to whom we can reach out. We plan to work with the Caring Committee to make sure that we contact people who may be ill or going through a difcult time. Come meet with us on the First Wednesday each month, 7:30pm in the Emerson Room. For more information contact Andrea Mustelier.



Lily Marlott SMILE TRAIN The Alliance is happy to report that a total of $1000 was collected for Smile Train's triple offer. That money will be enough for 12 surgeries to cure children with a cleft palate. The Alliance donated $500 and $200 was given by Gertrude Golut, Lily Marlott's sister and our congregation contributed $300. Thanks to all of you who helped. Tim Buchholz CHOIR NEWS The UUCM Choir is raising money to purchase the new UU Spanish Language Hymnal, Las Voces del Camino, and to support bringing in student section leaders from local colleges to add additional talent and more youthful voices to our already strong choir.This fundraising effort began onSunday, November 20thwith the Cookin Choir Members bake sale (where we raised $233 towards our $360 goal for the new Hymnals) and continues with your generous donations towards the "UUCM Choir Fund."Thank you for helping make the music at UUCM a great reason to join our community!

Bezel Evoy
Habitat for Humanity says: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! It is a good month to say thank you!Through our combined efforts we collected $1655.80 towards a pre- fabricated house in Haiti. The church account had donations totaling $1,225.80 these are from two donations one made on 6/13/11 of $903.80, and one on 9/28/11 of $322.00. I opened a web site back in December of 2010 under "team Bezelita",whichhad donations totaling $430.00.Cathy Partridge from Habitat for Humanity wrote:"please convey our sincere appreciation to your church members for their dedication and support of our mission!" Any month is a good month to say thank you,however, I am writing this report in November for the December issue to say thank you for your support.I do hope we have helped to providea safer, and more comfortable dwelling for a family in Haiti. Iris Massey SUNDAY FLOWERS Do you want to honor someone with owers on Sunday at church? Just sign up and give Iris Massey the money for owers, about $20-$25 for a nice bouquet.

DO YOU WANT TO BE/HAVE GREAT LEADERS? The Southern Unitarian Universalist Leadership Experience (SUULE) will take place in Orlando, February 19-24, 2012. This is an intense workshop to help form individual leaders into a team who can better serve their congregations, both practically and spiritually. Participants will come from several Southern states. We would like to nominate a group of four participants. If you wish to apply, or to nominate another member, please notify Barbara Woshinsky. Some funding will be available. For more information, visit the SUULE website at

Interfaith Jazz Concert for the Environment Sunday, Dec. 4th at 4:00pm Generously Hosted by: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami You are cordially invited to attend and participate in an exciting Interfaith Jazz Concert, which will introduce the Sunshine State Interfaith Power & Light organization to South Florida! The mission of SSIPL is to mobilize faith communities in Florida to care for creation. This event will be a fun, dynamic music service featuring many of South Floridas nest jazz musicians. You will learn ways to practice environmental stewardship and are invited to join our Covenant of Participation, to preserve the health of our people, the natural beauty of our state, and all of creation. Space is very limited. Please R.S.V.P. by Nov. 28th at or by calling our ofce.








2 7pmYoung Adults Group, ER 9

3 11amAlliance, S

4 9:30amSpiritual Reality, ER 11amWORSHIP, S 1pmWelcoming Congregation Committee, ER 1:15pmGrief Support, ER 4pmInterfaith Environmental Concert, S 11 9:30amSpiritual Reality, ER 11amWORSHIP, S 5pmRev. Wendys Installation, S 18 9:30amSpiritual Reality, ER 11amWORSHIP, S 1:15pmGrief Support, ER 25 CHRISTMAS 9:30amSpiritual Reality, ER 11amWORSHIP, S 4pmSWIM Christmas Dinner, S

6 6:30pmBuddhist Reections, ER

7 12pmLunch Bunch, ER 7:30pmMembership Committee Meeting, ER

8 7:30pmChoir Practice, ER

10 12pmPFLAG, ER 6:30pmLavender Salon, ER


13 6:30pmBuddhist Reections, ER 8pmHumanist Group, ER 20 6:30pmBuddhist Reections, ER

14 12pmLunch Bunch, ER 7:pmBoard of Trustees Meeting, ER 21 12pmLunch Bunch, ER

15 7:30pmChoir Practice, S




22 7:30pmChoir Practice, S


24 6:30pmCandlelight Family Service, S

26 Ofce Closed

27 6:30pmBuddhist Reections, ER

28 12pm- Lunch Bunch, ER




Legend: ER= Emerson Room TBD= To Be Determined R= Room S= Sanctuary G= Grounds A LOOK AHEAD

- SWIM, the UU camp from Dec 26th-Jan 1st in Homestead. Check out the SWIM website and the new YouTube video:



ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DINNER On Sunday December 25th, the UU Congregation of Miami and SWIM invite you and your family and friends to our annual Christmas dinner. There will be an open house reception from 4-6pm followed by dinner at 6pm. Come and share the best of home cooked traditional holiday fare with UU Friends, Family, and SWIM early arrivals. The cost of the dinner is $20 for adults, $10 for children 13-17, and children 12 and under are free. Make your reservation today! If you want to add your favorite holiday dish to this dinner, or make a reception tidbit or offer an eln hand in setting up or cleaning up please contact Janice McArthur or Bob Jacober. SWIM is the Southeast Unitarian Universalist Winter Institute a one week intergenerational retreat for UUs from around the country. We meet at Camp Owaissa Bauer, in Homestead from December 26 - January 1, each year. Brochures available in the church office and at

Enclosed is my reservation for the UU Annual Christmas Dinner _____# of Adults ($20 each) _____# of Children 13-17 ($10 each) _____# of Children 12 and under (FREE) Check Total: ____________________________ Names: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________
Let us know if you are a vegetarian. Please make checks payable to: Mail SWIM (Memo Line-Holiday Dinner)

reservation form and payment to: UU Congregation of Miami 7701 SW 76 Avenue Miami, FL 33143



Staff Schedule & Contact Info
The newsletters distribution is made possible with the help of John Asgeirson and Paul McCabe. Thank you gentlemen for proong, folding, labeling, stamping and distributing Connections to our community! Rev. Wendy Pantoja, Minister- Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 10 AM 2 PM*, Monday: day off, Thursday: Sermon writing day, Saturday: reserved for special meetings and other events. 305- 667-3697, Jessica Brautigam, Ofce Administrator- Monday-Thursday 9am-2pm Ph: 305-6673697, Fx: 305-667-9585, Monica Rizzo, Director of Religious Education- Dr. Tim Buchholtz, Choir Director- Zoltan Bakos, Custodian, Ph: 305-667-3697 *It is always best to call for an appointment. If these hours do not accommodate your schedule, please do not hesitate to call for an appointment at a mutually convenient time.

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami 7701 SW 76 Ave Miami, Fl 33143

December 2011 Deadline for the January Newsletter Articles: 12/15/11 Suggested donation for annual subscriptions: $25 Sunday Service- 11am

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