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E27 SPRING 2012 ZUCKER 1. Why the cross product has no inverse.


For all vectors a and b in R3 , we can write the cross product a b as a matrix operation a b ras b where ras is a skew-symmetric matrix depending only on a. A matrix A is skewsymmetric if AT A a. What are the elements of ras ? Note that each element of pa bq is linear in the elements of b. What are the coefcients? b. Show that ras has a non-trivial null space. You can do this either by computing detpras q or by showing that one of its columns can be expressed as a linear combination of the other two. c. Explain why the cross product has no inverse. That is, for a given vector c, why is there no unique vector b such that a b c? 2. Least-squares polynomial tting In class, we learned how to use least-squares to minimize the vertical offsets (residuals) between a set of n points pxi , yi q and a line with equation y ax ` b Now describe how you would use a similar technique to minimize the residual error between the same set of points and a cubic polynomial with equation y ax3 ` bx2 ` cx ` d What is the dimension of the matrix whose pseudoinverse we will compute? What are its elements? How could you use that matrix to nd a, b, c, and d?



3. Rigid transformations. A 2D rigid transformation is an invertible transformation which preserves distances. For any point p P R2 , we can write the transformation as p1 Rp ` t where R is a 2 2 rotation matrix and t is a translation vector. a. Matrix representation. Show that the transformation can be represented as a 3 3 homogenous matrix M such that p1 M p. What is the matrix? 1 b. Matrix inverse. Solve for p in terms of R, t, and p1 . What is M ? c. Rigid transformation of a line. Given a rigid transformation specied by (R, t) 1 and a line , what is the corresponding line such that for all p, 1 p1 p
1 Express in terms of M and .

4. OpenCV Hello world. Read and run the program from the sample code on the course website. Then modify it or write your own program to transform an image in a different way. You can use a different image than the purple ower one used in the tutorial if you want. Here are some example ideas: ip the image horizontally and/or vertically (easy) swap the red and blue channels of the image (medium) blur only the non-ower parts of the image (hard) Be creative! You may nd it helpful to look over the OpenCV documentation to see what some of the possibilities are. Submit a zip le containing your source code, original image, and transformed image to the online dropbox (instructions will be provided soon).

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