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SINCE 1938


You’ll receive, by email, The Redwood Alert, CFRW Capitol Update, NFRW Capitol Connection, meeting notices and action alerts

❑ My phone # ❑ My Address ❑ My E-mail - has changed

Meeting Notices: I would like to be notified of upcoming events via ❑ Email ❑ Phone ❑ Both
❑ Regular Member...............................................................................$30.
❑ Associate Member (men and any members of other clubs)...........$30.
❑ I would also like to make an Angel donation in the amount of ........ + HRWF Membership
P.O. Box 3563
TOTAL: $ Eureka, CA 95502
Referred By ________________________
Note: Printable Membership Applications are ALSO available online at our website:

3-in-1 Membership Regular Member (Annual Membership is $30.00)
As a member of Humboldt Republican Women Federated you’re Regular Membership is extended to all Republican Women. Regular members may
also a part of the California Federation of Republican Women make motions, nominations, may vote during club business meetings and they are
(CFRW), and the National Federation of Republican Women encouraged to hold office in the club.
(NFRW), the nation’s largest women’s political volunteer
Republican Angels ($35.00 or greater)
Angels are those Regular and Associate Members who, at their discretion, desire
With your membership, you’ll receive, by email, our club's to gift an amount greater than regular dues. We appreciate your generosity.
monthly newsletter, The Redwood Alert, CFRW Capitol Update,
NFRW Capitol Connection, Action Alerts and information about Associate Member ($30.00)
leadership training, voter education, as well as notice of Guys? You're welcome to join. Associate Membership is extended to any registered
meetings and events. Republican (man or woman) interested in the success of the Republican Party. Many
Associate Members are Regular Members of another unit club. Many men are Associate
Members and attend the monthly meetings. Associate Members may not make
motions, nominations, nor vote during club business meetings and they cannot hold
office in the club.
Your dues and donations enable us to provide our members with quality
programs! Many members don’t realize that out of every $30.00 of collected
dues, $16.00 goes to CA Republican Women Federated, and $2.00 goes into our
scholarship fund. HRWF is left with $12.00 from every member! So, needless to
say, we really appreciate your membership and also thank the Republican Angel
members who donate over and above.
For more information, call President Judy Herman at (707) 407-5341

Join us!

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