Local Optimum Algorithms For Self-Protection in Wireless Sensor Networks

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2009 Fifth International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks


JIBIN CHENG, WENZHE ZHANG, JIWEN YANG School of Computer Science and Technology, Soochow University, Jiangsu, China, 215006 E-MAIL: {20074227065021, wzzhang, jwyang}@suda.edu.cn

AbstractSince the sensor node is important and critical in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs, it is necessary to provide wireless sensor network certain level of protection. The self protection problem focuses on using the sensor nodes of the network to protect themselves rather than other objects so that the network can resist attacks. In this paper, we study both the minimum 1-self protection and minimum k-self protection problems, and propose our distributed local optimum algorithms. In addition, we give our method of finding multiple protection sets when the network is redundant, so that the protection sets can work by turns. Experimental result manifests the efficiency and feasibility of our algorithms proposed. Keywords- Self protection; active nodes; local information; multiple protection sets

the graphs that Figure 1 shows, every node has at least one neighbor in active state (in red color). Because the active sensor nodes consume more energy than ordinary ones, the active nodes set should be as small as possible. With a view to the balance of energy consumption of the whole network, there should be several active sets work by turns during the life span of the network. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: related work is presented in section 2. Then in section 3, the formal definition of self protection problem and the system model are introduced. Our 1-self protection algorithm and kself protection algorithm is presented in section 4, and


(a) Sensing graph (b) 1-self-protection

Wireless Sensor Network consists of a set of sensor nodes which are deployed over interested geographical area. These sensor nodes compose a network after they get the topology information, and also the sensor nodes get involved with all kinds of work such as computing, detecting, monitoring, transmitting and etc. The sensor node can lose function because of its limited energy, and also it is too fragile to withstand physical attack. The density of sensors of a WSN must thick enough so that the target area can be totally covered by the network. Apparently, the thicker of the sensor nodes the higher of the coverage ratio is [1]. Otherwise, the coverage ratio of the network is affected by the transmit range of the sensor node [2], that is the longer of the range the higher coverage ratio of the network. One of the main three applications of the Wireless Sensor Network, Object monitoring has been widely used. For the object monitoring application, the purpose is to monitor or capture the target. Usually this kind of work has to be executed under hostile circumstance; the target may attack the WSN physically to avoid being monitored. So it is necessary to give the WSN certain level of protection or fault tolerance. In WSNs, the best candidate to provide protection is the sensor node, this problem is so called self protection problem [3], which is to select a set of sensor nodes of the WSN to be active to protect the WSN. A WSN is k-selfprotected if at any moment, for any wireless sensor (active or non-active), there are at least k active sensors that can monitor it. Figure 1 shows a WSN that is 1-self protected. In
978-0-7695-3935-5/09 $26.00 2009 IEEE DOI 10.1109/MSN.2009.46 57

(c) 2-self-protection Figure 1. Illustrations of minimum k-self-protection

also we give a method of finding multiple active sets. In section 5, the simulation results are offered. II.

Until 2007 DAN WANG first gave the formal definition and system model of self protection [3], there was no direct research related to the self protection problem of WSN. First, finding the minimum self protection problem is proved to be NP complete. Then, DAN WANG presented two distributed algorithm: PIA (pre-scheduled independent activation) and NC (neighborhood cooperative selfprotection). In the PIA algorithm, a timer and a probability p are built in each sensor. When the timer expires, the sensor will activate itself with probability p and reset the timer. The timers for the sensors need to be synchronized, and the probability p needs to be pre-set before the WSN is deployed, so the density of the WSN has to be estimated. However, this is not easy to be obtained if the sensors are

deployed arbitrarily. With this method, the target area cannot be covered totally. In the NC algorithm, the sensors work cooperatively to provide necessary protections without knowing the density information. The author of Reference [4] provides both a centralized and a distributed approximation algorithm for k-self protection. The basic idea of the centralized algorithm is as follows: generate k MISs (maximal independent set) in k round. This k MISs provides protection for the network. In this way, every MIS can cover the network separately, and k MISs can provide k-protection. The distributed algorithm is extended from the centralized algorithm. In the distributed algorithm, the node using the information of itself and its neighbors to decide which round it is in and what state to be. A centralized method with a 2 (1 + log n ) approximation ratio for minimum 1-self protection problem is given in Reference [5]. First the authors prove that the cost of finding minimum 1-self protection problem is at most twice of the MDS (Minimum Domain Set) problem. And then, they got the 2 (1 + log n ) approximation method using the (1 + log n) approximation algorithm. However, this method cannot evolve into k-self protection method. III.

such that the sensor network is k-self protected and the number of active nodes (|MSPp|) is minimized. Figure 2 shows the example of minimum 1-self protection. Six sensor nodes form the sensing graph. Both sensing graph (a) and (b) are 1-self protected. The nodes in red color are active nodes. Graph (b) is minimums 1-self protected.


(b) Figure 2. Example of minimum 1-self protection

In WSN, the sensor nodes have size, weight and cost restriction, which impact the performances. The computing and communication capabilities are restricted for the limited battery energy. The WSNs we study later are on the assumption that the network is static, deployed on two dimensional plane, the sensor network consists of a set of N wireless sensors, every sensor node has an Omni-directional antenna so that a single transmission of a node can be received by all nodes within its vicinity, which is a disk centered at the node, we call the radius of the disk communication range. We also assume that all wireless sensor nodes have distinctive identities (denoted by ID). To save energy, sensor nodes can be put into sleep (called nonactive status). A sensor is called active if it can carry out protections currently; otherwise, it is called a non-active sensor. We formulate the sensor network as sensing graph G(V,E), where V is the set of sensor nodes (both active and non-active), and E is the set of directed links u-v between any two sensors u and v if v is inside the sensing range of u. We use N to denote the number of sensors. For the self protection problem, we try to find a minimum protection set. Definition 1: In the self protected WSN, the node executing protection is active node. The active node cannot go to sleep to save energy. Definition 2: A WSN is k-self protected if for any wireless sensor (active or non-active), there are at least k active sensors that can monitor it. Definition 3: Minimum k-self protection is a selected subset (denoted by MSPp) of V to be set as active sensors




We give effective distributed approximation algorithm for 1-self protection and k-self protection in this section. And furthermore, we probe into energy conservation balance problem and give our method to find multiple active sets. Our method is called Local Optimum algorithm. In the WSN, the best position of the active nodes is related with the network topology information, it is necessary to know the topology information for the purpose of using as little active nodes as possible to protect as many non-active nodes as possible. However, for a distributed algorithm, it is not easy to get the entire topology information, so the main idea of Local Optimum is like this: use local topology information to decide which sensor node to be active. A. Distributed minimum 1-self protection algorithm with constant ratio The basic idea of our minimum 1-self protection method is as follows: among a sensor at unprotected state and all its neighbors at non-active state, the sensor which has the maximum number of unprotected neighbors becomes active. And when the sensor becomes active, it will send messages to all its neighbors to inform them of its being active and the same time all its neighbors update their states to be protected after receive the messages. Repeat this process until the WSN is 1-self protected. The sensor node is assumed that can maintain the following information of itself and all its direct neighbors in the sensing graph:

ID(v). the distinctive ID of the node v State information. Active state, non-active sate, unprotected state We also assume that messages can be used among sensor nodes to exchange necessary information. Protect(x, y). Node x uses this message to tell its neighbors that it becomes active and will provide protection to them. Starting(id). Node with this ID begins the process. We assume that the starting of the process is motivate by the gateway, that is the gateway sends a starting message Starting(0) to the network, then the node with ID 0 starts the process. Algorithm 1: local optimum minimum 1-self protection 1. 2. 3. Initialization. All sensor nodes are at non-active state If a node with ID i receives Starting(i), it executes step 3. If the node is at unprotected state Then a) Exchange neighbor information with its neighbors. Among this node and all its neighbors at non-active state, choose the one having the maximum number of unprotected neighbors to be active node, we suppose node u has been chosen b) Node u change its state information, to be active state c) Node u send messages to all its neighbors n(u) Protect(u, n(u)) d) All node n(u) receive Protect(u, n(u)) change their state information, that is becoming protected sate e) Send Starting(i+1) to the network Repeat this process until the WSN is 1-self protected

Protect(x, y). Node x uses this message to tell its neighbors that it becomes active and will provide protection to them. Starting(id). Node with this ID begins the process. The basic idea of the minimum k-self protection is as follows: in the same round, a node is selected to be active according the rules of our method and enters next round, and then sends protect messages to all its neighbors, the neighbors change their state information and enter next round after receive the messages. When this k round is finished, the WSN is k-self protected. Algorithm 2: local optimum minimum k-self protection 1. Initialization. All sensor nodes are at non-active state, Rcount=1; Prtcount=0 2. Process the WSN in k round 3. In every round, in accord with the order of ID of each node, If Prtcount (u)<k Then a) Exchange neighbor information with its neighbors. Among u and all its neighbors at non-active sate, choose the one having the maximum number of unprotected neighbors to be active node, we suppose node v has been chosen b) Node v change its state information, to be active sate c) Node v send messages to all its neighbors n(v) Protect(v, n(v)), Rcount(v)++ d) All vs neighbors n(v) receive Protect(v, n(v)) change their protect information, that is Prtcount(n(v))++, and Rcount(n(v))++ e) Send Starting(i+1) to the network 4. Repeat this process until the WSN is k-self protected


B. Distributed minimum k-self protection algorithm with constant ratio The minimum k-self protection method is extended on the basis of the 1-self protection algorithm. Different from the minimum 1-self protection method, there is more information should be maintained by the sensor node. We assume the sensor node can maintain following message: ID(v).the distinctive ID of the node v State information. Active state, non-active sate, unprotected state Rcount(v). Identify the sensor node v is in which round Prtcount(v). Prtcount(v) maintain the number of neighbors that protect node v

C. Multiple protection sets In the wireless network, energy consumption is an important problem. The sensor network can die earlier for the imbalance of energy [7]. In a self protected WSN, the active nodes consume more energy for protection work. The whole wireless network will die for the imbalance of energy. So finding multiple active sets to balance network energy makes great sense. When the density of a WSN is high enough, the network can be k-connectivity [8]. Our method for the problem is like this: find as many disjoint active sets under the total sensor nodes restriction, each set can protect can execute protection work solo. These active sets protect the network in turn.


Algorithm 3: multiple local optimum minimum 1-self protection 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. V. Initialization. All sensor nodes are at non-active state, Rcount=1, SID=0 In every round of process, use algorithm 1 to select active node from the nodes whose SID=0 The node became active change its state information, SID=Rcount, Rcount++ After n round, n multiple active sets have been selected SIMULATIONS AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
Figure 4. Active node number v.s. RC

To evaluate the performance of our method in this section we conduct extensive simulations. First, our method will be tested using different standards, and then will be compared with the method of [4]. The networks used are deployed randomly. We assume the sensor node has an Omni-directional antenna so that a single transmission of a node can be received by all nodes within its vicinity, the radius R is radio transmitting range. Every pair of nodes can communicate with each other in the communication scope. In addition, we assume the network is static. In the simulations, N sensor nodes will be distributed on a 500 m * 500 m square randomly. First the communication range R is set as 100 m while the number of nodes N will change from 50 to 200 to test the 1-self protection method. And then, on the same square, 150 sensor nodes will be deployed, this time, the communication range R will be change from 80 to 120 to test the 1-self protection method. After that, communication range R is set as 100 m, while the number of nodes changes from 100 to 500 to test the k-self protection method. At the last, under the same condition with [4], our k-self protection method will be compare with theirs.

Figure 5.

k-self protection

Figure 6. Algorithm performance comparison

Figure 3. Active sensor nodes selected v.s. N

We can conclude from the simulation result that the main factor effect our method is the connectivity of the network, that is the higher of the connectivity, the better performance of our method. Firstly we conduct the algorithm for 1-self protection. Communication range R is set as 100 m. Total sensor nodes number N changes from 50 to 200. Experimental result is shown as Figure 3. From Figure 3 we can know that when the sensor network has been deployed, the factor affect the active set is network density. The active node number NA increase while the total number of the sensor network. However, the active node number did not change exquisite when the total sensor number reached 150.


Secondly we study communication ranges influence on active node number. We set N as 150 and 200, and communication range RC changes from 80 to 120. From Figure 4 we can see that when the total number of the network is 150, the active number decreases sharply while the sensor transmitting range changing. When the total number is 200, after the sensor transmitting range ascends to certain value, the descending of active number inclines to smoothly. Finally we conduct the algorithm for k-self protection. Communication range R is set as 100 m, and N changes from 100 to 500. Figure 5 shows the performance of k-self protection. Figure 6 shows the compare with the method of [4], and via the comparing we can found that the active sets given by our method is smaller. VI. CONCLUSIONS In this paper we focus on the self protection problem on the basis of existing works and propose a new method of finding minimum self protection set. Furthermore we give a method of finding multiple active sets to balance energy conservation in wireless sensor networks. The method of this paper only need local topology information, so it has good scalability and can be widely used for other WSN applications. The simulation result shows that our method has an excellent performance. In the future, we will study on method with greater concurrency performance, and new method of self protection is also one of our efforts.

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[6] [7]



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