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Arabaca, Beatriz Stefanie Marie L. Baluyot, Ariadne Griselda L.

BSN 305/ Group 17


EVIDENCE-BASED NURSING CARE PROCESS I. Clinical Question In Children with Spica Cast, is the diapering method done by the nurse still effective? II. Citation (title of article on a research related to your case) Spica Cast Care: A Collaborative Staff-Led Education Initiative for Patient Care

III. Study Characteristic

1. Study Characteristics Young children who are placed in spica casts present their families with increased challenges related to their change in activity. 2. Outcomes Monitored the studys main outcome focuses on the maintenance of healthy skin integrity. It is defined that skin integrity is a need to identify to shift the emphasis from skin disease management, towards promoting healthy skin and maintaining skin integrity.

3. Does the study focus on a significant problem in clinical practice?

Yes, the study focused on a significant problem because keeping the skin integrity healthy while the client has spica cast is one of the important areas in the orthopedic field. Thus, making this study possible prevents irritation or further complications to the children with spica cast.

IV. Methodology/ Design

1. Methodology Used They standardized pediatric spica cast care and education by creating an intranet narrated PowerPoint presentation for staff and parents of children with spica casts.

2. Design

Young children who are placed in spica casts present their families with increased challenges related to their change in activity.

3. Setting this large urban pediatric teaching hospital 4. Data Sources Cynthia Reed, BSN, RN, CPN, Staff Nurse Level III, Childrens Hospital, Boston, MA. Lee Carroll, MSN, RN-BC, Education Coordinator, Childrens Hospital, Boston, MA.

Susan Baccari, BSN, RN, CPN, Nurse Manager, Childrens Hospital, Boston, MA. Herminia Shermont, MS, RN, NE-BC, Director, Surgical Programs, Childrens Hospital, Boston, MA. 5. Subject Selection Noting an increase in the number of phone calls from parents of discharged children in spica casts concerning diaper rash and skin breakdown, inpatient orthopedics staff nurses lead an interdisciplinary quality improvement and educational initiative. They standardized pediatric spica cast care and education

6. Has the original study been replicated? No, this study has not been replicated.

7. What are the risks and benefits of the nursing action/intervention tested in the study? the benefits of the study are maintaining a healthy skin integrity to pediatric clients who has spica cast, and the nurses proper knowledge in caring for patines with spica cast. The risks include the further irritation of the skin if the care done by the nurse is wrong, if the nurse didnt follow the new set of guidelines set by the institution.

V. Results of the Study

With the new spica case skin-care guidelines in place, and the staff education teaching completed, the SMEs evaluated the new approach to care with audits. One audit assessed the efficacy of the new guidelines regarding the parents perceptions of the helpfulness of the spica care educational materials related to skin care. The other audit assessed the effectiveness of the education provided to staff. VI. Authors Conclusions/ Recommendations One continual challenge to sustain this educational format is funding. It will be critical to build into the yearly budget funding to support the production and revision of DVDs, dedicated time for nurses to revise changes on the basis of new products and disseminate any new updates yearly. In addition, funding will be required to support the salaries of any translations done in other languages. If financial resources cannot be allocated, it would be appropriate to consider philanthropic donations as a next step. VII. Applicability

1. Does the study provide a direct enough answer to your clinical question in terms of type of patients, intervention and outcome?

Yes. The conducted research was able to answer all the irresolvable questions of the health care team

2. Is it feasible to carry out the nursing action in the real world? The feasibility of the nursing action can be assumed to establish more pending researches to be conducted by the future researchers and to broaden the learning of every individual concerned

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