Flash Doctor 2012 Updates Plan

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Flash Doctor Updates Info. 1.

Analyze the Page Structure Automatically: The most crucial is page structure; all of the follow-up work is based on the page structure. Once the page structure information can't be accurate analyzed out, subsequent automatic analysis work wont continue. Automatic analysis will support: A. Automatic analysis on standard pages Automatic analysis standard page will analyze: Header Size Footer Size Data Block Size Data Tail Size Location of Service Data Within the Page in Page Tail B. Automatic analysis page with son section Automatic analysis page with son section will analyze

Header Size Page Tail Size Data Block Size Data Tail Size Son section number Son section Data Block Size Son section Data Tail Size

C. Automatic analysis page with large section 1. Automatic analysis page with large section will analyze Header Size Page Tail Size Large section number Large section Data Block Size Large section Data Tail Size 2. Automatic Analysis of Data ID and Mark Algorithm analysis largely depends on data ID analysis. Data ID analysis is not done alone but much connected to algorithm analysis. In conclusion, the result of data ID analysis will affect the selection of algorithm. A Automatic MARK ID analysis.

n n B n n

Automatic analysis on none MARK ID Automatic analysis MARK ID Automatic analysis MARK ID value Automatic analysis of MARK ID starting position Automatic analysis of MARK ID length Automatic analysis of MARK ID order Little Endian Big Endian ID Automatic analysis of Data ID Automatic analysis on none Data ID Automatic analysis on Data ID Automatic analysis of Data ID starting position Automatic analysis of Data ID length Automatic analysis of Data ID order Little Endian Big Endian

Note: current flash data may also include secondly ID, which is used to order same ID block: Ascending Order or Descending Order. To realize automatic analysis of secondly ID is extremely complicated, so for now there wont be automatic analysis of secondly ID. 3. Automatic Algorithm (Data Combination) Analysis. Automatic algorithm (data combination) analysis is very complicated, if any of the analysis process goes wrong, it would affect the selection of algorithm and would eventually affect the data recovery. There are many factors that would affect algorithm, such as physical and logical interleave, so the following is what to consider when starting algorithm analysis. AAutomatic analysis on channel physical interleave and combination Physical interleave combination is direct physical position interleave without any algorithm between any two channels. For physical interleave combination, we will have: n n Non interleave combination Interleave combination Sectors physical interleave combination Channel priority. Device priority. Page physical interleave priority Channel priority Device priority

Note: Actually physical interleave also includes byte mix that is the byte interleave between two channels to make a bigger page. Here the automatic analysis is based the interleaved

data, will not analyze byte mix. B .Automatic analysis of algorithm of channel blocks Block algorithm includes inner operation relations and algorithm between blocks, it will automatically analyze: n n n Blocks without interleave Page interleave in blocks Page interleave between blocks

Algorithm between blocks is very complicated, the system supports following analysis: Interleave between odd number, interleave between even number 0-2, 1-3, 4-6, 5-7, Interleave between odd and even number 0-1 2-34-5 N/2 interleave 0-N/2 1-N/2+1 2-N/2+2 Block interleave at the same time 0 1 2 N-1 N n Page interleave in block and page interleave between blocks at the same time Interleave between odd number, interleave between even number 0-2, 1-3, 4-6, 5-7, Interleave between odd and even number 0-1 2-34-5 N/2 interleave 0-N/2 1-N/2+1 2-N/2+2 Block interleave at the same time 0 1 2 N-1 N C. Automatic analysis of channel logical operation relation Channel logical relations are like channel physical combination, but channel physical combination does not need any algorithm, while channel logical operation relations need algorithm, the automatic analysis will support n n have interleave does not have interleave sector interleave between channels channel priority device priority page interleave between channels channel priority device priority block interleave between channels channel priority device priority

D. Analyze algorithms automatically Analyzing algorithms automatically is complex. It may take a long time, it is not separate, isolated to analyze and we need to make appropriate judgments in conjunction with a variety of situations in front. 4. Analyzing the Block Size Automatically supporting the retention of all blocks supporting the default block supporting the analysis of non-default block automatic analysis of collecting the data by block or not order ascending order descending order n analyzing the right algorithm automatically Extract data by ignoring ID directly Extract data by page order Extract data By ID Extract data by page first then ID Extract data by ID first and then page Extract data by interleaved ID

5. Comprehensive Analysis, Revising Data In the analysis of page structure, data ID and mark, data combination, data exchange, we get the right algorithm; the correctness of the data should be verified. Revising data is quite time-consuming; we should analyze some of the featured data, such as the subdirectory, regular header, and revise it automatically. (Of course, users need not consider this part temporarily, it allows users to participate in the selection, determining to revise the data or not) Analyze automatically and do not need to revise Analyze automatically and revise quickly Analyze automatically and revise deeply

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