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UNIVERSITY OF THE CORDILLERAS College of Teacher Education 2nd Trimester SY 2011-2012

EDUCATION 18 (Educational Technology 2)

Prelim Laboratory Activity # 1 Story Board Traditional Technology vs. Modern Technology Period: 2 meetings Activity Goal:
A. Identify the difference of traditional and moder technology in the teaching-

learning process.
B. Utilize the internet to come up with an intensive knowledge with regard to the

difference of traditional and modern technology.

C. Create a story board using power point presentation.

1. Type Google in the search bar. 2. Use Microsoft PowerPoint in your presentation
3. Design your story board in accordance with PowerPoint presentation guidelines

4. Search for the following information; Part I a. Definition of Traditional Technology b. Components of Traditional Technology
c. Importance of Traditional Technology in the teaching-learning process

(5) d. Images of traditional technology being utilize in the classroom (5) Part II

a. Definition of Modern Technology b. Components of Modern Technology

c. Importance of Modern Technology in the teaching-learning process (5)

d. Images of modern technology being utilize in the classroom (5) 5. For the closure of your story board do the following: Give your conclusion (5 sentences) Provide your recommendations in line with the current status of technology utilization inside the classroom (7 sentences)

Prepared by: Lorilee D. Demeterio

UNIVERSITY OF THE CORDILLERAS College of Teacher Education 2nd Trimester SY 2011-2012

EDUCATION 18 (Educational Technology 2)

Prelim Laboratory Activity # 2 T-chart on the Roles of Computers in Education (Philippine Setting)

Period: 2 meetings Activity Goal:

A. To identify and enumerate the roles of computers in education. B. Create a T-chart using areas that are important in implementing the use of computers in education.

1. Open the Google Website

2. Encode Computers in Education + Sharon Haag for the article.

3. Read the article 4. Make a T-chart using Microsoft Word in your terminal

T-chart on the Roles of Computers in Education (Philippine Setting)

AREAS Physical/Physiological Emotional Instruction Learning Styles Environment (Classroom Facilities)



5. Make your conclusions: 7 to 10 sentences 6. Make your reflections: 5 to 7 sentences

Prepared by: Lorilee D. Demeterio

UNIVERSITY OF THE CORDILLERAS College of Teacher Education 2nd Trimester SY 2011-2012

EDUCATION 18 (Educational Technology 2)

Prelim Laboratory Activity # 3 Dales Cone of Experience

Period: 2 meetings Activity Goal: A. Gain an understanding on Dales Cone of Experience. B. Enumerate the different symbols in Dales Cone of Experience.
C. Create a computer based research to show the advantages and

disadvantages of the Cone of Experience in the teaching and learning process.

1. Google search Dales Cone of Experience 2. Using Microsoft Word; copy and paste Dales Cone of Experience. 3. Present the a background about Edgar Dale
4. Summarize the concept of Edgar Dale in his Cone of Experience in relation to the

use of technology in the teaching-learning process.

5. In your discussion include other experts reaction to Edgar Dales Cone of

Experience ( 4 experts)
6. Conclude your presentation by giving your personal reaction and reflection.

Prepared by: Lorilee D. Demeterio

UNIVERSITY OF THE CORDILLERAS College of Teacher Education 2nd Trimester SY 2011-2012

EDUCATION 18 (Educational Technology 2)

Prelim Laboratory Activity # 4 Computer Assisted Instruction CAI Period: 3 meetings

Activity Goal: A. Identify and enumerate the different components of Computer Assisted Instruction or CAI. B. Relate the different areas of learning to the microcomputer. C. Discuss the different areas in relation to computer assisted instruction.
D. Create a power point to present an outline of the relationship of

microcomputer along with the different areas of learning.

1. Using a PowerPoint presentation; 2. Google search- Computer Assisted Instruction+ Kathleen Cotton 3. Use-CAI as your title; presented by: ________________; Date: __________
4. Outline your findings in the following order

Slide 1: Research Findings Slide 2: Microcomputer & Student achievement Slide 3: Microcomputer & Learning Rate Slide 4: Microcomputer &Retention of Learning Slide 5: Microcomputer & Attitudes Slide 6: Other Beneficial Effects Locus of control Attendance Motivation/Time-on-Task Cooperation/Collaboration 5. Conclusions 6. Reflections
7. Final slide- End Thank you

Prepared by: Lorilee D. Demeterio

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