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Q1 Functional organization has been divided to put the specialists in the top position throughout the enterprise.

This is an organization in which we can define as a system in which functional department are created to deal with the problems of business at various levels. Functional authority remains confined to functional guidance to different departments. This helps in maintaining quality and uniformity of performance of different functions throughout the enterprise. The concept of Functional organization was suggested by F.W. Taylor who recommended the appointment of specialists at important positions. For example, the functional head and Marketing Director directs the subordinates throughout the organization in his particular area. This means that subordinates receives orders from several specialists, managers working above them.
Features of Functional Organization

1. The entire organizational activities are divided into specific functions such as operations, finance, marketing and personal relations. 2. Complex form of administrative organization compared to the other two. 3. Three authorities exist- Line, staff and function. 4. Each functional area is put under the charge of functional specialists and he has got the authority to give all decisions regarding the function whenever the function is performed throughout the enterprise. 5. Principle of unity of command does not apply to such organization as it is present in line organization.
Merits of Functional Organization

1. Specialization- Better division of labour takes place which results in specialization of function and its consequent benefit. 2. Effective Control- Management control is simplified as the mental functions are separated from manual functions. Checks and balances keep the authority within certain limits. Specialists may be asked to judge the performance of various sections. 3. Efficiency- Greater efficiency is achieved because of every function performing a limited number of functions. 4. Economy- Specialization compiled with standardization facilitates maximum production and economical costs. 5. Expansion- Expert knowledge of functional manager facilitates better control and supervision.
Demerits of Functional Organization

1. Confusion- The functional system is quite complicated to put into operation, especially when it is carried out at low levels. Therefore, co- ordination becomes difficult. 2. Lack of Co- ordination- Disciplinary control becomes weak as a worker is commanded not by one person but a large number of people. Thus, there is no unity of command. 3. Difficulty in fixing responsibility- Because of multiple authority, it is difficult to fix responsibility.

4. Conflicts- There may be conflicts among the supervisory staff of equal ranks. They may not agree on certain issues. 5. Costly- Maintainance of specialists staff of the highest order is expensive for a concern.

Matrix Organization This is a mixture of functional and projectized organizations and proceeds from a weak to a strong matrix based on the allocation of resources and the level of authority the project manager exerts over project, time, and personnel scheduling. This type of organization tends to be more satisfying to a project manager because it migrates from a weak matrix organization toward a strong matrix organization. Projected org. This is generally a more rewarding type of environment for a project because most of the resources are specifically allocated to the project and the project manager has full discretion over the company's time and agenda. This allows the project manager the authority and resources to accomplish the project more effectively without conflict from the functional manager. The project manager is generally provided referent power to accomplish the goals and objectives of the project without interference from other sources. He is also allowed to escalate problems and issues to the highest levels of the organization in order to complete the project. This is the most idealistic working environment for a project manager, although he is also held fully responsible for all problems and positive or negative results. Table 2.2 summarizes the types of organizations, their project management attributes, and some

Q1. Properties y Division of labour y Centralization of similar resources Weakness y When involved in multiple projects conflicts arise over relative priorities of these projects in competition of resources y Longer time in decision making y Emphasis placed on its own specialities rather that goal of project Q2. Soft copy check Saket mail Combination of Functional structure & product structure Projectised organization y Lowest level of resources are with Project Manager y Highest level of control is with Sr. Business Manager y PMO at all levels in the organization Q3. 6 Steps y Identify the activity according to the objectives y Determine the activities which are needed to execute the plan y Classify the activities based on function & products o Group the activities & define jobs o Group jobs & define sections o Group Section & define departments o Group Departments & define admin units y Define responsibilities for each job & expectations y Delegate authority resources & facility y Establish structural relationship between sections Q4. Process Management and Project Management go hand-in-hand to deliver a successful project. Process Management deals with defining and managing what is done on a project, including tasks completed, deliverables produced, roles performed, and tools used. It deals with the scientific method used to deliver an IT solution. Project Management deals with tracking the process being executed, from a schedule and cost perspective. It includes functions for developing the optimal project schedule, producing a financial model of the project, scheduling and tracking of effort against plan, managing costs against budget, and reporting of status, to name a few. The defining characteristic of process vs. project is repeatability vs. uniqueness. Process is a repetitive collection of interrelated tasks aimed at achieving a certain goal. Project is a unique endeavour with a beginning and an end undertaken to achieve a goal.

Process management has emphasis on increasing "repeatability" of the tasks, efficiency (descreasing time needed, reducing cost), increasing quality (including consistency in quality). Project management has emphasis on getting the thing done, achieving the end result. Higher efficiency is harder to achieve since it might require custom tools and methods that can only be developed if the project was turned into a repetitive process. Applied to software development making a daily build is a process: It's a sequence of tasks aimed at end result. The sequence is repetitive. Tasks are known on the outset, since the process is repetitive.

When managing daily builds we want them to be cheap, fast and consistently meet quality standards, in most cases this is best achieved through increased automation. Designing a new feature is a project: The feature is unique, once we've designed it we won't be designing it again. Maybe version two, but its going to be a different endeavour. At some point we need to stop designing the feature (even when its far from perfect) and it is best if we stipulate in advance how do we know that we've reached that point. We're not as much concerned with that the design is achieved though the most efficient sequence of steps, as with actually coming up with a sufficiently good design at the end. Hence the sequence of tasks that goes into design will be hard to automate and we need to concentrate on keeping the bounds, re-evaluating criterias, adjusting for newly discovered facts and generally moving the entire thing towards completion. We have to constantly select from an increasing number of possible tasks that come up in the light of newly discovered facts and pick these that will take us closer to the goal. Q5. y y y Specific activity on which money is spent in expectation of return It has a specific start & end It has 3 attributes o Input characteristics o Output characteristics o Social Cost Benefit Analysis Special Features o Has a mission or set of objectives o Its responsibilities are assigned to individual agency

o o o o o

It has a life cycle (Growth, Decay, Maturity) It is a team work It is customer specific Exposed to risk & uncertainity Subcontract

Q7. Project fesability report y It includes market analysis, technical analysis, social profitability, Financial analysis y Starting point: Establishment of objectives to be achieved y Pre Selection stage: in-depth study: o market analysis o technical analysis o social profitability o Financial analysis Q13. PDF Attached NPV vs IRR NPV > 0 project is accepted IRR > Cost of capital project is acceptable Q15. y Various Stages of Project Life Cycle y Stages are closely linked & follow logical progression which provides basicsfor the success y Pricipal stages of the cycle are o Identification of project o Its Design o Preperation & appraizel o Its implementation o Evaluation ones the investment phase has been completed Q17. Earned Value Concept Costs are budgeted period-by-period for each work package or cost account (timephased budgeting). Once the project begins, work progress and actual costs are tracked every period and compared to these budgeted costs. Managers measure and track work progress using the concept of earned value. Roughly, earned value represents an estimate of the percentage of work completed thus far. (The variable BCWP, discussed later, is the identical concept.) Example 1: Earned Value The earned value of work completed in a project is determined by the combined status of all work packages at a given time. It is computed by taking (1) the sum of the budgeted costs of all work packages thus far completed, plus (2) the sum of the earned value (costs or subjective estimates) of all open (started but not yet completed) work packages. If, for example, as of June 30 work packages A, B, and C had been completed, and if they had been budgeted to cost $20K, $10K, and $12K, respectively, and if,

additionally, Work Package D had been budgeted to cost $20K and was only 75 percent completed, then the earned value for the project on June 30 would be: $20K + $10K + $12K + 10.752 $20K = $57K Like expense data, the earned value for the project, individual work packages, or levels in between can be summarized and reported through the PCAS. The application of earned value to project performance analysis will be discussed later.


y y

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BCWS Budgeted Cost of Works Scheduled the baseline for the analysis, cumulated planned costs related to time of their incurrence; BCWP Budgeted Cost of Work Performed a measure of physical progress of works expressed by cumulated planned cost of works actually done related to time, it is also called Earned Value (like the method it is used by); ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed cumulated ammount payable for works done related to time; BAC Budget at Completion total planned cost of the whole project, it equals BCWS at the planned finish;

y y

T planned duration of the project. From the diagram CV = BCWP ACWP SV = BCWP BCWS Time Now varience = BCWP (in terms of time axces) BCWS ( in terms of time axces) Varience at completion = ACWP BCWP (both in terms of cost) Forecast time varience = BCWP Completion time BCWS Completion time

Q22. Sir PPT (PESTLE) SWOT y Performed before initialization of project in order to analyse various elements & formulate the foundation of Business plan y Project managers are usually in charge to communicate the objectives of SWOT analysis to the entire team before commencement of project y Strengths o Benefits and strengths of an org. That help achieve the objectives of a project. o Track Record o Resources available o Skill Level o Process & Systems o Reputation of the firm y Weakness o Factors that hinder the achievement o Gaps in knowledge & skill, Dedlines, Budgeting & funding, process & systems, completing project, process & systems are some of the barriers in completion of project y Opp o External conditions that determine the project success o Tecn & Infra Deve o Changing consumner behaviour o New innovations o Emerging & developing markets y Threats o External conditions that could hinder the project success o Political , Enviournmental, Competitor activity, Seasonal effects

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