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BOOKING THE VILLAGE HALL To book the Village Hall contact Myra Dale on 01482 897000 in the first

instance or Paul Cross who you can contact on 07711797200. All bookings are now shown on our website . Dates for Your Diary Fri 10th Feb Computer Training Course 9.30am to 11.30am 2 per person Fri 10th Feb ZUMBA Dancing with Debbie 6.30pm to 7.30pm 4 per person Sat 11th Feb VILLAGE SHOP - 9.00am to 12 noon for Sale Morning Papers Sat 11th Feb CINEMA SHOW - Spring & Port Wine Tickets 2.50 start 7.00pm Mon 13th Feb KETTLERCISE 6.30pm to 7.30pm New Exercise Class 4 per person Tue 14th Feb Circuit Training with Simone 7.00pm to 8.00pm 4 per session Wed 15th Feb Indoor Carpet Bowls 7.30pm just 1 per person Thu 16th Feb 50+ Club Activity session 9.30am to 10.30am 1.50 Thu 16th Feb FARMYARD BINGO doors open 7.00pm Eyes down 7.45pm Fri 17th Feb Computer Training Course 10.00am to 12 noon 2 per person Fri 17th Feb ZUMBA Dancing with Debbie 6.30pm to 7.30pm 4 per person Sat 18th Feb VILLAGE SHOP 9.00am to 12 noon for Sale Morning Papers Sat 18th Feb Private Party from 1.00pm Mon 20th Feb Kettlercise 6.30pm to 7.30pm 4 per person (see article in newletter) Tue 21st Feb PLAY ACTION Fun Day for the children 10.00am to 4.00pm Tue 21st Feb PANCAKE PARTYPancake Tea for everyone 3.30pm to 5.30pm Tue 21st Feb Circuit Training with Simone 7.00pm to 8.00pm 4 per session Wed 22nd Feb Indoor Carpet Bowls 7.30pm just 1 per person Thu 23rd Feb 50+ Club Activity session 9.30am to 10.30am 1.50 Fri 24th Feb Computer Training Course 10.00am to 12 noon 2 per person Fri 24th Feb ZUMBA Dancing with Debbie 6.30pm to 7.30pm 4 per person Sat 25th Feb VILLAGE SHOP 9.00am to 12 noon for Sale Morning Papers Mon 27th Feb Kettlercise 6.30pm to 7.30pm 4 per person (see article in newletter) Tue 28th Feb Circuit Training with Simone 7.00pm to 8.00pm 4 per session Wed 29th Feb Indoor Carpet Bowls 7.30pm just 1 per person Thu 1st Mar 50+ Club Activity session 9.30am to 10.30am 1.50 Fri 2nd Mar Computer Training Course 10.00am to 12 noon 2 per person Fri 2nd Mar ZUMBA Dancing with Debbie 6.30pm to 7.30pm 4 per person Sat 3rd Mar VILLAGE SHOP 9.00am to 12 noon for Sale Morning Papers Mon 5th Mar Kettlercise 6.30pm to 7.30pm 4 per person (see article in newletter) Tue 6th Mar Circuit Training with Simone 7.00pm to 8.00pm 4 per session Wed 7th Mar Indoor Carpet Bowls 7.30pm just 1 per person Thu 8th Mar 50+ Club Activity session 9.30am to 10.30am 1.50 Thu 8th Mar Village Hall Management Committee 7.00pm Fri 9th Mar Computer Training Course 10.00am to 12 noon 2 per person Fri 9th Mar ZUMBA Dancing with Debbie 6.30pm to 7.30pm 4 per person Sat 10th Mar VILLAGE SHOP 9.00am to 12 noon for Sale Morning Papers Sat 10th Mar CINEMA SHOW - The Duchess Tickets 2.50 start 7.00pm Mon 12th Mar Kettlercise 6.30pm to 7.30pm 4 per person (see article in newletter) Tue 13th Mar Circuit Training with Simone 7.00pm to 8.00pm 4 per session Wed 14th Mar Indoor Carpet Bowls 7.30pm just 1 per person

Chairman: Paul Cross 58 Beverley Rd South Cave E.Yorkshire Tel:07711797200

Secretary: Carol Osbourne 10 Holme Close Paull E.Yorkshire 01482896888 carol@osbournes.


February 2012

PANCAKE PARTY Tuesday 21st February is Shrove Tuesday better known to us all as Pancake Day and this year it falls in the half term holiday. To celebrate the Village Hall will be holding a Pancake Tea for everyone. Pancakes, with all the usual favourite toppings, will be on sale from 3.30pm. Shrove Tuesday always falls 47 days before Easter Sunday. It is the last day before LENT which, according to the Christian faith, is a time of giving things up. So Shrove Tuesday is your last chance to indulge. Pancakes were eaten on this day because they contain fat, butter and eggs which were forbidden during Lent. So come along and enjoy those forbidden fruits... CINEMA SHOW The next show takes place on Saturday 11th February 2012 at 7.00pm when we shall be showing the film SPRING & PORT WINE. A great film about a family in Bolton during the 1960s starring James Mason, Hannah Gordon, Susan George and Rodney Bewes. The film starts 7.00pm and lasts 101 minutes. Tickets 2.50 each. From a recent survey of people attending the cinema shows this was voted as the second most would like to see.. On Saturday 10th March we shall be showing the much acclaimed film THE DUCHESS The film The Duchess contains two shots of Diana, Princess of Wales, in her prime and the very familiar strapline There were three of them in their marriage.. This true story is about the life of The Duchess of Devonshire and there are amazing similarities between Diana and Georgiana (the Duchess). Both Spencers born at the family home at Althorp, both were shy teenagers who blossomed after being catapulted to fame by marrying older, wealthier men. Both became fashion icons, with the Duchess sitting for artists such as Gainsborough and Reynolds, just as her great great great great niece would for Mario Testino, two centuries later. And, like Diana, Georgiana found consolation in the outpouring of public affection when it became obvious that her marriage to William Cavendish, 5th Duke of Devonshire, would never deliver her longed-for dream of happy-ever-after. Tickets 2.50 and the film starts at 7.00pm. MARIE CURIE HOUSE TO HOUSE COLLECTION Beryl Marshall would like to thank the residents of Ferryman Park who donated a total of 60 to the Marie Curie Cancer Care.


Food Served Mon to Fri 12 noon to 2pm and 5pm to 8pm Sat & Sun 12noon to 8pm OAP Special Offer Extended Now Available Mon - Fri 12noon - 5pm - 8pm 2 eat for 7


Come and try our New Main and Olympic Menu 32oz Rump Steak 18.95 Seafood Platter 13.95 20oz Royal Oak Burger 12.95 Are you up for the Challenge ? Bookings Now Being Taken For

FARMYARD BINGO On Thursday 16th February 2012 we shall be holding the next Farmyard Bingo. There will be the usual 8 games of bingo for just 1 plus 2 flyers at 1 each, and over 100 of meat and produce to be won available from Andrew Little Butchers in Hedon. Admission 50p which includes tea/coffee and biscuits. There will also be our usual Raffle in which you can win some great prizes. We can guarantee a fantastic night of fun and laughter. This event takes place on the 3rd Thursday in the month and the March session will take place on Thursday 15th March 2012 so mark your new calendar COMPUTER TRAINING Our computer training course restarted on Friday 6th January 2012 and will continue each Friday morning between 10.00am and 12 noon each week. People have already learnt the basics of how a computer works, the keyboard, composing and sending emails together with attachments. Over the next few weeks we shall be looking at how to surf the internet, download photographs and organise them plus using skye for free calls around the world. We shall go at your pace. The course costs 2 per person per session. To book call Paul Cross on 07711797200 or simply turn up on the day. We have 9 laptops which once you have learned the basics you can take home and practice on. KETTLERCISE CLASSES A new and exciting exercise class has begun every Monday evening between 6.30pm and 7.30pm. Simone Laurie is a qualified instructor who will take the classes and provide all the equipment you need. The class costs 4 per person per session, however as a special introduction you can attend your first session for just 1 Kettlercise is a brand new fitness class that incorporates the use of kettlebell training in a friendly group atmosphere. It is very effective at toning the body particularly the legs, bum, hips and stomach. This class is unrivalled when it comes to producing results and whatever your current fitness level or ability you will be sure to find Kettlercise fun yet challenging. To see video of Kettlercise go to our website For further details or to book your place in the class you can contact Simone directly on her mobile no. 07527 477875 CIRCUIT TRAINING The Circuit Training class Every Tuesday evening, in the Village Hall, between 7.00pm and 8.00pm will now also be run and organised by Simone Laurie. she will put you through your paces to ensure you remain as fit as possible with her circuit training. It costs just 4 per session and is very popular .Equipment is provided NEWSLETTERS We have had several requests from people who do not live in the village but would like a copy of our Newsletters. If you know anyone who would like a copy then ask them to email Paul Cross on and he will arrange to send a copy direct to them.

Valentines Day
Special 3 course meal 14.95 per person
Choice of Cask Ales and a Welcoming Open Fire For Bookings or Further Information Telephone 01482 897678
50+ CLUB Every Thursday morning between 9.30am and 10.30am is the time when the 50+ club meets at the Village Hall. The club is for those who would like to do a little exercise each week with some competitive games e.g. kurling, skittles, soft ball etc. The session costs just 1.50 each and includes tea and biscuits. There is a splendid atmosphere to start the day off right with a little light exercise and fun.

ADVERTISING Anyone wishing to advertise their business in this newsletter can do so by contacting Paul Cross on 07711797200. The rates are 1/4 Page 10, 20 for 1/2 page or 40 for a full page. VILLAGE SHOP The Village Shop continues every Saturday between 9.00am and 12 noon for the sale of Morning National Newspapers, the Hull Daily Mail and Holderness Gazette. We are looking for someone who would like to take up a franchise to sell fruit and Veg each Saturday between 9.00am and 12 noon. This is a great opportunity for someone to start their own small business. The Village Hall would do all it can to help someone get started including an introduction to an wholesaler who would supply and deliver the produce. If anyone is interested please contact Paul Cross on 07711797200. The community sees this as a significant benefit and would no doubt support you. It would be an ideal opportunity for someone to get a real taste for running their own business. PLAY ACTION ARE BACK..Gemma and her team provided the successful after school club sessions in the Summer of 2011. Everyone had so much fun that we can announce they will be back for a FULL fun packed day at the Village Hall on Tuesday 21st February 2012 The day will be from 10.00am to 2.00pm (we will stop for lunch at 12noon for 1/2 hour) We really hope we get to see you all again, and welcome new faces... Play Action not only promotes the innovating Portable Snug equipment we have also been injected with some new toys and equipment and forever growing inspiring activities for you all to try out.... we will be hopefully sending out booking forms through the school in 2012, but in the meantime if you would prefer to book your FREE place over the phone: Please contact Gemma Lacey, Play Project Co-ordinator on: 07817804437, thank you for your on going support with the Play Action Project. WEBSITE - Keep up to date throughout the month by visiting our website which is updated with all the news and information as it happens. You can see the calendar of events to see not only whats on but also space to book your own event. VILLAGE HALL LOTTERY The lottery is an excellent way you can support the Village Hall both in the short and long term. All the profits go towards the upkeep of the hall and makes a significant contribution. It costs just 25p per week and the prizes of 1st Prize - 40 2nd Prize 25 and 3rd Prize - 10 are drawn every 4 weeks at the Indoor Bowls. You can either send a cheque once a year for 13 for each number or we can arrange for a collection every 4 weeks from your home. You can have as many numbers as you wish.
CAR BOOT SALES Spring is almost here and that means the CAR BOOT SALES will take place on the first Saturday of each month starting on Saturday 7th April 2012

The Crown Inn

Paull Freehouse

Tel: 01482 898383


l e e-c ke F & Re l Ales 7 ys week f 4p , t & f 12p Ope All D y B k l ys F A l le D ly 5-9p , t y 12-8p e y 12-3p , M Me 4-8p (C e y 5.95, e /Ch l 3.95)

LIVE BAND AREA 51 featuring BECKI BROWN Saturday 18th February 2012 9pm

NORTHERN SOUL NITE 25th February 9pm

(fundraising event in aid of Specialist Breast Cancer Care Unit, Castle Hill) Come & dance the night away

LIVE BAND - THE TIN SOLDIERS 2nd March 2012 9pm tbc Excelle t ty Ve e w th p p se lt ce . A y Occ s c te e f t C l C te A l le p ey w

F ll w s

F ce

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VILLAGE HALL LIBRARY We have been donated many books which has allowed us to start a small village Library in the village hall. If you visit the hall there are many shelves full of all kinds of books, fiction and non fiction and by many great authors and lots of childrens books. If you would like to take one you simply put 50p in the Honesty Box and take your choice home. If you would like to return it when you have finished simply put it back on the shelf.

Telephone 01482 899347 Emma welcomes both old and new customers to this friendly pub FOOD SERVED: Mon - Sat 12noon - 9.00pm Sunday 12noon - 7.00pm
We suit everyones dietry needs, Gluten Free, Vegetarian,small portions

ZUMBA DANCING The Zumba Dance sessions have re-started after a short break. Every Friday Night from 6.30pm to 7.30pm our qualified instructor Debbie will take the class. It costs just 4 per person per session and is a fantastic way to keep fit to dance. New comers are welcome . INDOOR BOWLS Every Wednesday you can play Indoor Bowls for just 1 which includes tea and biscuits. All equipment (including your bowls) are provided and if you are not sure about the rules we have some experts on hand to teach you. The evening begins at 7.30pm and you will be guaranteed a great night out. If you require any further information please contact Myra Dale on 01482 897000 NEW NEWS AGENCY for HU12 Online Stop Press: HU12 Online is launching as a news agency website for the area. Its business is to provide news and information relevant to the HU12 postal code area. Find out What's On in the area; promote your own events. Take advantage of lowcost advertising opportunities. Discover what the Council, Police and other services are doing. See what our elected representatives have to say? You can also 'Have Your Say' on the local issues of the day through our comments system. HU12 Online seeks your news, views, and comments. Help us report the local news and information that matters to you! Our 'niche' is providing news about the places you live - and we actively support other local community websites that do this. There are useful links to The Hedon Blog and the Paull Village Hall website. Find out more - visit or search for HU12 Online on Google or your preferred search engine.

Entertainment every Saturday Night 1st Friday of Every Month

Tuesday - Curry Nights 2 for 10 Wednesday-Sizzler nights 2 for 10 Thursday-Steak nights16oz Steaks from 7.95 small portions available Its all happening in the Tavern Entertainment every Saturday Night Karaoke 1st Friday of Every Month Sat 11th Feb Steve Jame Sat 18th Feb - Steve Adams Sat 25th Feb - Lindy Farrah Sat 3rd Mar -

Special Candlelight Valentines Dinner Treat the one you Love to a Special Dinner overlooking the River Tuesday 14th February 2012
To reserve your table and for all enquiries Whats on at the Tavern Telephone 01482 899347
LOTTERY If you are not currently a member but would like to join then please contact either Myra Dale Tel:01482 897000 or Brenda Foreman Tel: 01482 898565 and they will sign you up and arrange to collect your subscription. The cost is just 25p per week per number (you can have as many numbers as you wish).
January Winners No

St Andrew Church, Paull

Sunday 12th Feb - Holy Communion 3.00pm led by Rev Kathy Lawrie Monday 13th Feb - 30 min Health Walk leaves the Church at 10.30am. All Welcome Sunday 19th Feb Morning Prayer 11.00am led by Peter Oakes Monday 20th Feb - Journey's Group 7.30pm at the home of Kay Burn. Ring 01964 626228 for details. Tuesday 21st February - Fellowship Group at the home of Joyce Wigg Wednesday 22nd February - Holy Communion & Imposition of Ashes St Augustine Church , Hedon 10am. All Saints, Preston, 7pm. Sunday 26th Feb - Evening Prayer 3.00pm led by Kathy Lawrie Monday 27th Feruary - Walking for Health 30 min walk leaves the church at 10.30am Monday 27th February - Lent Course at the Church Rooms, Hedon 7.30pm Friday 2nd March - Woman's World Day of Prayer - 2pm Hedon Methodist Church. Sunday 4th March - Family Service 11am led by Kathy Lawrie.

1st Prize 40 2nd Prize 25 3rd Prize 15

February Winners

51 175 228

Mr K. Watson Mr E. Greensides Miss Z. Graham Mrs Rowberry Mr T Lethem Mrs M. Hunter

1st Prize 40 2nd Prize 25 3rd Prize 15

132 236 159

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