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Assessment Policy & Procedure

1. Aims and Objectives The purposes of assessment are many folded: 1. to ensure that effective learning of the content of each unit has taken place 2. to help in effective learning by seeking and interpreting evidence to decide the stage that learners have reached in their learning 3. to help in planning what further learning needs to take place and how best to do this Therefore, the process of assessment is an integral part of effective planning of teaching and learning. It provides opportunities for both the learner and the assessor to obtain information about progress towards learning goals. Keeping in mind these objectives, the Centre designs assessment instruments ensuring to cover all assessment criteria within each unit and to provide opportunities for the evidencing of grade descriptors (pass/fail). Therefore, all assessment instruments need to be valid, reliable and fit for this purpose. In case of NOCN, all assessment materials (such as assignments and generic tasks) and their marking schemes are set externally. The Centre marks these assessments internally. To maintain the quality standards, it is verified internally by the Centre and monitored by the external moderator appointed by NOCN. 2. Assessment Procedure: Entry Level 2.1 General Policy & Procedure All of the ESOL standards are assessed through a single assignment at each level. These assignments are set by NOCN, marked by the Centre according to externally set marking criteria, internally verified and quality assured by the Centre and monitored by NOCN external verification system to ensure that national standard are maintained. Please be noted that the assessment will not be attempted until the assessor is confident that the candidate has all of the underpinning skills necessary for success. Where the candidate failed to submit properly completed assignment(s) on the first presentation, the tutor is allowed to give feedback and further tutoring if required, and then offers the remaining assignment(s). However, it is noted that a candidate may not submit the same assignment more than once. On satisfactory completion of assignments for all modes, the candidate will have covered 100% of the ESOL standards and all of the evidence necessary for certification. 2.2 Assignments The assessment materials for entry level are provided by the NOCN on CD-ROM. They are live assessment materials and access to them will be controlled by the centres internal verifier or scheme co-ordinator.

2.3 Security The assignments are test material and will be held securely prior to use. In any circumstances, the candidate is not allowed to take assignment papers out of the Centre, not even after completion. 2.4 Supervised Conditions The assignments must be carried out under supervised conditions. 2.5 Time The overall time for the assignments is as follows; Entry Level 1: two and half hours (2 hours and 30 minutes) Entry Level 2: three and a quarter hours (3 hours and 15 minutes) Entry Level 3: five and a quarter hours (5 hours and 15 minutes) 2.6 Help Allowed Candidate can only get help with the aspects that are not being assessed, though assessors may sometimes need to manipulate, for example, discussion to allow candidate to demonstrate their skills. 3. Assessment Procedure: Level 1 and 2 3.1 Written Test on Reading Assessment Candidate has to take nationally set multiple-choice tests for assessment on Reading. This will provide 100% of the evidence required for certification of the Reading mode. Test will consist of 40 multiple-choice questions and will last for one hour. Tests are available in both paper and on-line forms. 3.2 Speaking and Listening Assessment For Speaking and Listening candidates will be assessed taking part in discussion, explanation or presentation on three occasions in different contexts. These will include formal exchanges connected with education, training, work or social roles. At least one of the occasions will be on the telephone. 3.3 Writing Assessment Candidates have to produce three different types of written works. These written works will be hand written by the candidates. 4. Candidate with Particular Assessment Requirements Candidates are only eligible for certification where they are able independently to demonstrate the skills required by the ESOL standards. It is therefore extremely important to carry out proper initial assessment of candidates at the beginning of their programme to determine appropriate target award(s). Therefore, the centre pays special attention to initial assessment and prepares a report for future reference. Initial assessment will also help to identify if a candidate has hearing, sight or speech impairments or has specific learning difficulties which may need special arrangements (e.g. the use of a communicator or scribe, electronic aids or special equipment) to complete the activities or tasks. These arrangements will reflect: Candidates normal way of working Support to which the candidate is entitled and which is routinely available.

Grade Descriptions Each mode is graded as a pass/fail. A pass is awarded for the achievement of all learning outcomes against the specified assessment criteria. In other words, a pass grade is achieved by meeting all the requirements defined in the assessment criteria for each individual mode.

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