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On The Straight And Narrow

From the early days of the automobile until the 1980s, passenger cars were built from two major components, a body and a frame. The body was a complete structure that was bolted and secured to the frame. The wheels, drivetrain and engine were also mounted to the frame. Then, the unibody came on the scene. The unibody is a vehicle design in which the body and frame are combined into one assembled unit. The only bolt-on body components are the hood, trunk lid, doors and front fenders. A unibody is an inherently stronger vehicle than a body-on-frame design car. Also, unibodies are designed to collapse in an accident, absorbing much of the energy of collision. This feature makes a unibody vehicle safer for passengers in the event of an accident. The biggest downside to the unibody is that it must remain intact to keep its strength. If a certain section is damaged, the strength of the entire structure is compromised. Rust can severely weaken a unibody vehicle. Another downside, though not that important regarding passenger vehicles, is the weight limit. Body-on-frame vehicles, in general, can carry more weight and withstand severe-duty operating conditions. Because body-on-frame vehicles can better handle the heavy loads, these vehicles still exist. In the Chrysler Group LLC lineup we see this design in the Ram pickup trucks, the Dodge Dakota and the venerable off-road veteran, the Jeep Wrangler.

The frame is the structural center of a body-on-frame vehicle. In addition to supporting the body and the payload, the frame provides a platform for the engine and drivetrain. Most frames are ladder-type featuring parallel channels that are often box-channel rails (Figure 1). Some vehicles, such as the Ram pickup, have front box channel rails and rear open channel rails. Crossmembers are attached with rivets, welds and/or bolts. The frame is designed to absorb and dissipate flexing and twisting due to acceleration, braking, cornering and road surface irregularities without bending when subjected to normal driving conditions. Sometimes, however, these limits are exceeded, causing a bent frame. Collisions can leave a frame cracked and crumpled. So how do you repair a frame when it is damaged? Frames are often repaired by straightening and welding. Straightening involves mounting the vehicle on a fixture and, basically, pulling on it to restore it to its original dimensions. Do notuse heat to realign the frame of a newer model Jeep or Ram truck (more on that later). Welding would involve attaching a reinforcing plate on the frame to fix it.


First of all, do not reuse any damaged fasteners. This will compromise the quality of the repair job. When using fasteners (for example, to install a reinforcement section on the frame), Grade 5 bolts are adequate. Grade 3 or softer hardware should not be used. Conical-type washers are preferred over split-ring type lock washers. And always tighten bolts and nuts to the proper torque specification. Do not drill holes in top or bottom frame rail flanges. Such holes can cause frame failure. Holes drilled in the side of the frame rail must be at least 1" from the top and bottom flanges. Finally, additional holes should be located away from existing holes.

To prepare the frame for repair, position the vehicle on a level work surface. Using screw or bottle jacks, adjust the vehicle PLP (Principal Locating Point) heights to the specified dimension above the level work surface. All dimensions are from the center-to-center of a PLP, or from center-to-center of a PLP and fastener location.

Chrysler Group LLC recommends the cold straightening (no heat) method when straightening a Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge or Ram vehicle frame (see sidebar). While any frame can be cold straightened, not every frame can be straightened with heat. Heat should never be used to straighten a frame made from new, high-strength materials. The use of high strength and advanced high strength steels for frames began in 2007. The service manuals for Jeep Wranglers, Dodge Dakotas and Ram trucks explicitly state this warning from that year to the current model year. High-strength materials can be substantially and negatively affected from heat input. This applies to all frame components that will be repaired and reused. These frames must be repaired using the cold straightening method. During rough straightening prior to panel replacement, damaged frame components can be heated to assist in body/frame realignment. The use of heat must be restricted to parts that will be replaced.

Welding (MIG, TIG or arc) can be used to repair frame components and to reinforce a section of the frame. Lets take a look at common repair. During the course of inspecting the damaged frame, a crack is found. This crack needs to be repaired before the vehicle is returned to service. If the crack is an accessible location, drill a hole at each end of the crack with an 1/8" diameter drill bit (be sure the holes are at the ends of the crack). Using a suitable die grinder, grind a V-shaped groove the entire length of the crack. The groove should be deep enough to allow 100 percent weld penetration. Then, weld the crack. If you are repairing a side rail, it is common practice to grind the weld smooth and install a reinforcement channel over the repaired area. Such a channel is shown in Figure 2. The reinforcement should completely cover the repaired area. Also, it should overlap the top and bottom of the frame by more than 50 percent of its width. This reinforcement should never be used on the front section of the frame. This is the section forward of the suspension mounts. This area contains energy management holes (these holes allow the frame to be crushed in the event of a collision, absorbing some of the collision energy). Reinforcing this area can affect energy management. One final word on welding is in order. Before any welding is performed on a Chrysler Group product, refer to the Welding Parameters application chart found in most Chrysler Group LLC Body Repair Manuals. It covers all the welding parameters for arc, MIG and TIG welding including, but not limited to, material thickness, electrode type, amperage and welding direction. If you have any questions about the parameters for the particular welding method you are using, refer to the chart.


Chrysler Group LLC Service Engineerings position on the use of heat during collision repair is as follows:

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Any damaged body panel or frame component, which is to be repaired, must be repaired using the cold straightening method. No heat may be used during the straightening process. During rough straightening prior to replacement, damaged panels or frame components may be heated to assist in body/frame realignment. This application of heat, if absolutely necessary, must be constrained to the parts which will be replaced and not allowed to affect any other components.

This no heat recommendation is due to the extensive use of high-strength and advanced high-strength steels in Chrysler Group LLC vehicles. Highstrength materials can be substantially and negatively affected from heat input which will not be obviously known to the repairer or consumer. Additionally, application of heat will alter or destroy material coatings utilized for corrosion protection and which may not be restorable.

Ignoring these recommendations may lead to serious compromises in the ability to protect occupants in a future collision event, reduce the engineered qualities and attributes, or decrease the durability and reliability of the vehicle. This statement supersedes any previously released information by Chrysler Group LLC. Chrysler Group LLC Service Engineering August 11, 2010

Romana tradus

Pe drumul drept i ngust

Din primele zile ale automobilului pn n anii 1980, ma ini de pasageri au fost construite din dou componente majore, un corp i un cadru. Organismul a fost o structur complet , care a fost uruburi i se fixeaz de rama. Ro i, motor i tren de rulare au fost, de asemenea, montat la cadru. Apoi, unibody a venit pe scena. Unibody este un design vehiculului n care corpul i cadrul sunt combinate ntr-o singur unitate de asamblat. Bolt-numai pe componente de caroserie sunt capota, capacul portbagajului, u ile i aripile frontale. Un unibody este un vehicul n mod inerent mai puternic dect o ma in de design corp-lacadru. De asemenea, unibodies sunt proiectate s se pr bu easc ntr-un accident, absorbind o mare parte din energia de coliziune. Aceast caracteristic face ca un vehicul unibody mai sigur pentru pasageri n caz de accident. Cel mai mare dezavantaj la unibody este c trebuie s r mn intact pentru a p stra puterea.Dac o anumit sec iune este deteriorat, puterea de intreaga structura este compromis . Rust poate sl bi grav un vehicul unibody. Un alt dezavantaj, de i nu att de important n ceea ce prive te vehiculele de pasageri, este limita de greutate. Body-la-cadru de vehicule, n general, poate transporta mai mult greutate i s reziste severe-duty condi ii de func ionare. Deoarece corp-la-cadru de vehicule pot gestiona mai bine sarcinile grele, aceste vehicule continu s existe. n Grupul Chrysler LLC gama vom vedea acest lucru de design, n camionete Ram, Dodge Dakota i venerabilul off-road veterani, Jeep Wrangler.

Cadrul este centrul structural a unui vehicul corp-la-cadru. n plus fa de sus inerea corpului i sarcina util , cadru ofer o platform pentru motorul i trenul de rulare.Cele mai multe cadre sunt scara de tip oferind canale paralele, care sunt de multe ori caseta de-canal ine (Figura 1 ). Unele vehicule, cum ar fi pick-up Ram, au cutie de sine fa de canal i de spate balustrade de canal.Crossmembers sunt ata ate cu nituri, suduri i / sau uruburi. Cadrul este conceput pentru a absorbi i disipa ncovoierea i r sucirea din cauza accelerare, frnare, viraje i nereguli rutiere de suprafa , f r a ndoi atunci cnd sunt supuse unor condi ii normale de conducere.Uneori, cu toate acestea, aceste limite sunt dep ite, cauzand un cadru ndoit. Coliziuni poate l sa un cadru spart si mototolita. Deci, cum ai repara un cadru atunci cnd acesta este deteriorat? Rame sunt de multe ori reparate de ndreptare i de sudare. ndreptare presupune montarea vehiculului pe un dispozitiv i, practic, tr gnd pe ea s -l readuc la dimensiunile originale. Nufolosi i de c ldur pentru a realinia cadrul unui Jeep nou model de camion sau Ram (mai mult pe care mai trziu). Sudare ar implica atasarea o plac de consolidare pe cadru pentru a remedia problema.


nti de toate, nu folosi i nici elemente de fixare deteriorate. Acest lucru va compromite calitatea de locuri de munc de repara ii. Cnd se utilizeaz elemente de fixare (de exemplu, pentru a instala o sec iune de armare de pe cadru), Grad de 5 uruburile sunt adecvate. Grad 3 sau hardware-ul mai moale, nu ar trebui s fie utilizat. Conic de tip aibe sunt de preferat peste split-ring aibe de blocare de tip. i strnge i ntotdeauna uruburi i piuli e pentru caietul de sarcini cuplu corect . Nu gauri feroviar cadru de sus sau de jos flan e. Astfel de g uri poate provoca insuficien cadru. G uri n partea de cale ferat cadru trebuie s fie de cel pu in 1 "din partea de sus i de jos flanse. n cele din urm , gauri suplimentare ar trebui s fie amplasate la distan de orificiile existente.

Pentru a preg ti cadrul pentru repara ii, pozi ia vehiculului pe o suprafa de lucru la nivel.Utilizarea cricurilor cu urub sau sticla, ajusta PLP vehiculului (punctul principal Localizarea), n l imi la dimensiunea specificate mai sus, nivelul de suprafa a de lucru. Toate dimensiunile sunt de centru-la-centru de PLP, sau de la centru la centru de un PLP i de loca ie de fixare.

Chrysler Group LLC recomand "ndreptare la rece" (nr de c ldur ), metod de ndreptare atunci cnd un Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge Ram sau vehicul cadru (a se vedea bara lateral ). n timp ce orice cadru poate fi rece indreptat, nu fiecare cadru poate fi indreptat cu c ldur . De c ldur nu ar trebui s fie utilizat pentru a indrepta un cadru facut din noi, de nalt rezisten materiale. Utilizarea de nalt rezisten i avansate de otel de inalta rezistenta pentru cadre a nceput n 2007. Manualele de servicii pentru cei angaja i n dispute Jeep, Dodge Dakota si camioane Ram men ioneaz n mod explicit acest avertisment din acest an la modelul anului curent. De nalt rezisten materiale pot fi afectate n mod negativ i n mod substan ial de la intrarea de c ldur .Acest lucru se aplic la toate componentele de cadre care vor fi reparate i refolosite. Aceste cadre trebuie s fie reparate folosind metoda de ndreptare la rece. n timpul indreptat dur nainte de nlocuirea panou, componente deteriorate cadru poate fi nc lzit pentru a ajuta n organism / cadru de reajustare. Utilizarea de c ldur trebuie s fie limitat la piesele care vor fi nlocuite.

Sudura (MIG, TIG sau arc), poate fi folosit pentru a repara componentele cadru i s consolideze o sec iune a cadrului. S arunc m o privire la repara ii comun. n timpul cursului de control cadru deteriorat, o fisur este g sit. Aceasta fisura trebuie s fie reparat nainte ca vehiculul este returnat la serviciu. Dac fisura este o loca ie accesibil , face i o gaur la fiecare cap t al fisurii cu un 1/8 "burghiu cu diametrul de (asigura i-v c g urile sunt la capetele de crack). Folosind un polizor mor adecvat, se pisa un V- Groove form de ntreaga lungime a fisurii Groove ar trebui s fie suficient de adnc pentru a permite penetrarea 100 de sudur la sut .. Apoi, suda i fisura. Dac se repara o parte feroviar, este o practic comun pentru a se pisa sudur netezi i a instala un canal de consolidare in zona de reparat. O astfel de canal este prezentat n figura 2. Consolidarea ar trebui s acopere complet zona de reparat. De asemenea, ar trebui s se suprapun de sus i de jos a cadrului cu mai mult de 50 la suta din latimea sa. Aceast consolidare nu ar trebui s fie utilizate pe partea din fa a cadrului. Aceasta este sec iunea nainte de prindere de suspensie. Aceast zon con ine g uri de gestionare a energiei (aceste g uri permite cadru pentru a fi zdrobit n caz de coliziune, absorbind o parte din energia de coliziune). Consolidarea acest domeniu pot afecta de gestionare a energiei. Un cuvnt final de sudare este n ordine. nainte de orice sudare se realizeaz pe un produs de Chrysler Group, se refer la aplicarea graficul de sudare parametrilor de gasit in majoritatea Chrysler Group LLC Manuale de corp de reparare. Acesta acoper to i parametrii de sudare de arc, MIG i TIG, inclusiv, dar nu limitat la, grosime material, tip de electrod, intensitatea i direc ia de sudare. Dac ave i orice ntreb ri legate de parametrii pentru metoda de sudare special pe care l utiliza i, se refer la diagram .

Utilizarea c ldurii n timpul repar rii

Pozi ia Chrysler Group LLC servicii de inginerie privind utilizarea de c ldur n timpul coliziunii de repara ii este dup cum urmeaz :

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Orice panoul de organism deteriorat sau o component cadru, care urmeaz a fi reparate, trebuie s fie reparate cu ajutorul "rece ndreptare" metoda. Nici de c ldur pot fi utilizate n timpul procesului de ndreptare. n timpul indreptat dur nainte de nlocuire, panouri avariate sau componente cadru poate fi nc lzit pentru a ajuta n organism / cadru de reajustare. Aceast cerere de c ldur , dac este absolut necesar, trebuie s fie constrns de piese care vor fi nlocuite i nu au voie s afecteze alte componente.

Acest "nu de c ldur " recomandare este cauzat de utilizarea pe scar larg de nalt rezisten i avansate de oteluri de inalta rezistenta din Chrysler Group LLC vehicule. De nalt rezisten materiale pot fi afectate n mod negativ i n mod substan ial de la intrarea de c ldur , care nu va fi n mod

evident cunoscute reparator sau consumator. n plus, aplicarea de c ldur va modifica sau distruge straturi de materiale utilizate pentru protec ia mpotriva coroziunii i care nu poate fi restorable. Ignorarea acestor recomand ri poate duce la compromisuri serioase n capacitatea de a proteja pasagerii n caz de coliziune viitor, pentru a reduce calit ile ingineria i atribute, sau reduce durabilitatea i fiabilitatea vehiculului. Aceast declara ie nlocuie te orice informa ii publicate anterior de c tre Chrysler Group LLC. Chrysler Group LLC servicii de inginerie 11 august 2010

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