SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting: Best Practice For E2E Solution Operations

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E2E Solution Operations Phase Operations Implementation

SAP Solution Generic Best Practice

Topic Area Solution Manager Basis/Administration

Solution Manager Area Service Level Reporting

SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting

Best Practice for E2E Solution Operations
Version Date: January 2009 The newest version of this Best Practice can always be obtained through the SAP Solution Manager Contents Applicability, Goals, and Requirements................................................................................................2 Best Practice Procedure and Verification.............................................................................................3 Preliminary Tasks..........................................................................................................................3 Procedure .....................................................................................................................................4 Setup ......................................................................................................................................4 Step 1 Start the Service Level Reporting Setup Tool ......................................................4 Step 2 Complete the steps in the Setup Service Level Reporting service assistant ........5 Step 2.1 Create a new report/variant...............................................................................5 Step 2.2 Select Systems and Business Processes for reporting ......................................6 Step 2.2a Front page customizing...................................................................................6 Step 2.3 Select the content of the Service Level Report (System) ...................................7 Step 2.3a Customizing System-based report content ......................................................8 Step 2.4 Select the content of the Service Level Report (Business Processes) .............12 Step 2.4a Customizing Business Process-based report content ....................................13 Usage Operations ..........................................................................................................................15 Displaying Service Level Reports ..........................................................................................15 Step 1 Display the Report Overview .............................................................................15 Step 2 Start the Report Display.....................................................................................15 Further Information ...........................................................................................................................17

Best Practice: SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting

Applicability, Goals, and Requirements

To ensure that this Best Practice is the one you need, consider the following goals and requirements.

Goal of Using this Service

This Best Practice document describes how to set up and use the Service Level Reporting functionality of the SAP Solution Manager as of Support Package Stack 18 (EhP1).

Staff and Skills Requirements

One person with general SAP Basis and navigational skills should be able to set up the Service Level Reporting functionality in the SAP Solution Manager.

System Requirements
The Solution Manager is installed and the Basic Configuration has been completed.

Duration and Timing

Service Level Reporting can be setup during the Setup Operations phase of the RunSAP Roadmap or at any time thereafter, and the individual thresholds within the reports can be adjusted as needed on an ongoing basis. The Service Level Reporting setup can be completed in a day or less, depending on the complexity of the landscape and the desired report.

2009 SAP AG

Best Practice: SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting

Best Practice Procedure and Verification

Preliminary Tasks
At least one Solution containing a logical component with a productive system must be set up. These systems will be referred to hereafter as Managed Systems. At least one Service Level Agreement should be in place, identifying the target audience for the Service Level Report. The data sources EWA, BPM, CCMS, BI must be set up. Information on the specific setup steps can be found in the Solution Manager Configuration guides listed in the Further Information section of this document. The role SAP_SV_SOLUTION_MANAGER must be added to the user master record. It is recommended to use the System Monitoring Work Center, which requires the addition of roles SAP_SMWORK_BASIC and SAP_SMWORK_SYS_MON to the user master record. Use Transaction PFCG to make copies of standard delivered SAP roles to a customer namespace (Z_*). Other SAP roles are available that have more limited authorizations for editing and display of reports and reporting sessions. The assigned roles should be adjusted as necessary to limit unintended configuration authorizations.

Use of the System Monitoring Work Center to access Service Level Reporting is recommended. Note: In order to work with the System Monitoring Work Center, the SAP Solution Manager system must be at Stack level 15 or higher (SP18/EhP1 is recommended). Additionally, work centers must be activated (For SP15 17, refer to the IMG (transaction SPRO), in the SAP Reference IMG, in the section SAP Solution Manager -> Configuration -> Scenario-specific Settings -> Cross-scenario Settings -> Work Center; For SP18, the work centers are activated with the transaction Solman_Setup -> Basic Configuration -> Automatic Configuration -> Activate Services). Finally, copies of the following roles must be assigned to the user master record(s): SAP_SMWORK_BASIC SAP_SMWORK_SYS_MON

2009 SAP AG

Best Practice: SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting


Step 1 Start the Service Level Reporting Setup Tool
The following are the entry points for entering the Setup Service Level Reporting tool: 1. Start the Transaction SOLMAN_WORKCENTER (Recommended) a - Select the System Monitoring Work Center i. Select the Setup area from the left menu structure

ii. Select the link Configure Service Level Reporting

iii. Select a Solution

b Execute

from the services list

The previous steps will direct you to the Service Assistant screen for Setup Service Level Reporting. This screen is divided into three areas: 1. The tree structure in the left pane displays the individual checks to be performed in sequence to complete setup of a Service Level Reporting session. Initially, only one check will be present:

2009 SAP AG

Best Practice: SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting

2. The top right pane provides some information on the current check selected in the tree structure in the left pane. 3. The lower right pane contains the data to be maintained within the check selected in the tree structure in the left pane.

Step 2 Complete the steps in the Setup Service Level Reporting service assistant
Note: This document is based on Solution Manager EhP1 (SP18). Information on the Service Level Reporting setup procedure for previous releases can be found at -> SAP Solution Manager.

Whe working in the Service Level Reporting setup session, it is recommended to begin at the top of the hierarchical tree on the left and work down through each node in the tree. Do not skip nodes in the tree, as each node is generated based on the content selection for each individual report variant. Use either the Save ( check ( ) or the Save + next open ) buttons after each task/check is completed or changed.

The top right pane of the Service Level Reporting setup tool provides specific information for the task/node selected within the tree structure in the left-hand pane.

Step 2.1 Create a new report/variant

Service Level Reports are saved in the SAP Solution Manager as variants.

1. Select the check Variants Administration 2. Create a new report/variant select the Append Row or Insert Row pushbutton Enter the name of the new report in the newly created line in the Name column Select type (weekly/monthly), processing weekday, and mark as active Save 3. This will generate a subtree under Active Variants -> Variants of type <type> -> <name of report>

2009 SAP AG

Best Practice: SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting

It is recommended to create one Service Level Report Variant for each Service Level Agreement in place. This allows more precise distribution of information to the relevant parties.

Step 2.2 Select Systems and Business Processes for reporting

Select the systems and Business Processes to be included in the Service Level Report

1. Select the check Active Variants -> Variants of type <type> -> <name of report> 2. In the table of systems included in the Solution Landscape in tab SAP Systems, mark the desired systems in the column Select for Reporting. 3. In the tab Business Processes, mark the desired processes in the column Select for Reporting 4. Save This will generate new checks in the tree structure, representing the selected systems and Business Processes.

Step 2.2a Front page customizing

Adjust the visual customization of the Service Level Report

1. Select the check Active Variants -> Reports of type <type> -> <name of report> -> Variant <name of report>

2. Maintain the tables to customize the front page, header, footer of the report 3. Save

2009 SAP AG

Best Practice: SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting

Step 2.3 Select the content of the Service Level Report (System)
For each system selected for the report, select the content to be included

1. Select the check Active Variants -> Reports of type <type> -> <name of report> -> System <system ID & Install number>

2. In the tabs, select the content of the report via the checkboxes. Available content: Tab Content from Solution Manager System Configuration System configuration Java Tab Content from EWA EWA Alert Overview System Life Monitor Key Performance indicators Top Load Transactions History of Activity and Response Times Hardware Capacity Accounting Profile Trend Analysis ABAP Runtime Errors Update Errors Transports Java Application Performance CRM Java Application Performance Enterprise Portal Activity Reporting IPC Performance Tab Content from CCMS System Availability Monitoring Objects from CCMS Content from BI Monitoring Objects from BI 2009 SAP AG

Best Practice: SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting

3. Save the check This will generate new entries in the navigation tree in the left-hand pane

Step 2.3a Customizing System-based report content

For each selelected report content, customization is available.

The amount and type of customization depends on the specific content. 1. Content from Solution Manager and EWA: a Customize the text fields and output formats (if available) using the checkboxes and tabs available.

b Save the check. Special cases that have additional customization options: Key Performance Indicators:

In the additional tab Target KPIs, specific target metrics can be maintained. System Life Monitor:

2009 SAP AG

Best Practice: SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting In the additional tabs Critical Uptimes (weekly view) and Critical uptimes (Time table view), the times considered critical for system availability can be maintained. The additional pushbutton View. translates entries in the Weekly View table into a Time Table

2. Content from CCMS Monitoring Objects from CCMS: a In the Monitoring System Table, maintain the monitoring system from which the CCMS indicators for the selected system are to be retrieved, and the RFC destination used to access the managed system.

b - In the Monitoring Table Elements table, select content from CCMS to be included in the report by defining the Monitoring Segment, Context and Object, and marking the Object for inclusion and save.

Any monitoring object that is currently available in the CCMS of either the selected Managed System(s) or the Central Monitoring System (CEN) is available for inclusion into the report.

c In the resulting Monitoring Object check (in the hierarchical tree structure), the following customization options are available: Description (text field) Output as Table (checkbox) Output as Graphic (checkbox) Threshold level definitions Measurement Type Option to show 3-month History (Checkbox) d Save the check To be able to make full use of the CCMS content, the Central Performance History should be set up according to SAP Note 872569.

3. Content from CCMS System Availability a In the tab Monitoring System, maintain the monitoring system from which the CCMS content for the selected system are to be retrieved, and the RFC destination used to access this system.

2009 SAP AG

Best Practice: SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting


b In the table Availability Types, select the types to be included in the report.

This will generate additional checks in the hierarchical tree structure. c In the tab Availability Maintenance, select the tool to maintain downtime schedules.

d (Optional) In the table Template: Thresholds, maintain the alert thresholds for the desired availability types. e (Optional) In the table Template: Report Format, maintain the desired output properties. f Save the Check g In the resulting System Availability subchecks, maintain the properties of the selected Availability Types.

4. Content from BI Monitoring Objects from BI: a In the table BI Source Systems, declare the RFC connection(s) to the BI system(s) from which the queries are to be retrieved, depending on the type of the query (Standard vs. Custom).

2009 SAP AG

Best Practice: SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting


In the table Standard Queries, use the input (F4) help to create and include predefined queries by defining the Category, Prefix, Metric, Target Object, and marking the entry for selection/inclusion for the report. Save new entries.

In the table Custom Queries, any queries to monitoring objects can be created by specifying the InfoProvider, Custom Prefix, Custom Metric and Target Object. Save new entries.

Adding entries to either of these tables and saving creates new navigational nodes under the parent node Monitoring Objects from BI.

b In the resulting Monitoring Object check (in the hierarchical tree structure), the following customization options are available: Technical Name Operator (to combine 2 key figures) Technical name (of second key figure/operand) Key Figure Description (Text field) Unit Scaling Factor Output as Table (checkbox) Output as Graphic (checkbox) Threshold level definitions Option to show 3-month History (checkbox)

2009 SAP AG

Best Practice: SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting


Step 2.4 Select the content of the Service Level Report (Business Processes)
For each Business Process selected for the report, select the content to be included To include elements of Business Process Monitoring (BPM) in the Service Level Report, BPM must be set up. Information on how to set up BPM can be found at -> SAP Solution Manager -> SAP Solution Manager 7.0 EhP1 -> Operations with SAP Solution Manager -> Monitoring of Mission-critical Processes: Business Process Monitoring and Business Process Operations

1. Select the check Active Variants ->Reports of type <type> -><name of report> -> Process <process name>.

2. In the tab Content, select the content of the report via checkboxes. Available content: BPMon Alert Statistics BPMon Trend Analysis Runtime Analysis

3. Save the Check. This will generate additional entries in the navigation tree in the left-hand pane.

2009 SAP AG

Best Practice: SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting


Step 2.4a Customizing Business Process-based report content

For each selected report content, customization is available.

1. Content from BPMon Alert Statistics a In the table Monitoring Types, select the monitoring types (via checkboxes) for alert statistics to be included in the report.

b In the tab Aggregation Level, select the aggregation level (day, week or month) via the input help.

c Save the check. 2. Content from BPMon Trend Analysis. a In the table Monitoring Objects, define the monitoring objects to be included in the trend analysis

b In the tab BI RFC Destination, define the RFC destination to the BI system containing the BPM statistics.

2009 SAP AG

Best Practice: SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting


c Save the check. 3. Content from Runtime Analysis a In the table Report Format, select the output format(s) for the Runtime Analysis section of the report via checkboxes.

b In the table Business Process Steps, enter the Operation Type for the steps to be included in the report.

c Save the check. This will generate a sub-branch in the hierarchical tree structure

d For each Business Process Step, define the Alert Threshold Levels in the newly generated check.

e Save the check.

2009 SAP AG

Best Practice: SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting


Usage Operations

Displaying Service Level Reports

You have set up at least one Service Level Report within your Solution Landscape as described above.

You wish to generate and display a Service Level Report for the Solution Landscape Note: In order to work with the System Monitoring Work Center, the SAP Solution Manager system must be at Stack level 15 or higher (SP18/EhP1 is recommended). Additionally, work centers must be activated (For SP15 17, refer to the IMG (transaction SPRO), in the SAP Reference IMG, in the section SAP Solution Manager -> Configuration -> Scenario-specific Settings -> Cross-scenario Settings -> Work Center; For SP18, the work centers are activated with the transaction Solman_Setup -> Basic Configuration -> Automatic Configuration -> Activate Services). Finally, copies of the following roles must be assigned to the user master record(s): SAP_SMWORK_BASIC SAP_SMWORK_SYS_MON

Step 1 Display the Report Overview

Follow the entry points to the Setup Service Level Reporting tool, as described in section I, Setup, Step 1 Start the Service Level Reporting Setup Tool. 1. To view an HTML summary of the Service Level Report session overview, select Report) from the Activities list. select (Generate Word Report) from the Activities list. (Reports are available in the attachment list) (Display

2. To generate the MS Word report summary of the Service Level Report session overview,

3. To view an existing MS Word report, select from the Activities list.

Step 2 Start the Report Display

The following are the entry points for the Report display: 1. Start the Transaction SOLMAN_WORKCENTER (Recommended) a Select the System Monitoring Work Center b Select the Reports area from the left menu structure

2009 SAP AG

Best Practice: SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting


c Select the Radio buttion Service Level Reporting in the section Report Views

d Select the Solution The list of Service Level reports will display below the Solution selection pane. Available reports will be marked . e Mark one of the available Reports and use The report will display in a new window.

Word Documents can be generated in Transaction DSWP -> Operations -> Solution Monitoring -> Service Level Report -> Select the button for the desired report. MS Word must be configured on the presentation server according to SAP Note 199123. These reports can be downloaded by selecting the button (Attachment List)

Automatic e-mailing of reports can be set up to several recipients To employ this auto-email feature, proceed according to transaction SPRO -> SAP Reference IMG; SAP Solution Manager Implementation Guide -> SAP Solution Manager -> Scenario-Specific Settings -> System Monitoring -> Sending Service Reports by Internet E-Mail.

2009 SAP AG

Best Practice: SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting


Further Information
Background Information and References
Type Online Help Description -> SAP Solution Manager. Here you find information on current and past versions of the SAP Solution Manager in several languages. Service Level Reporting information can be found under System Administration -> Using Service Level Reporting. -> SAP Solution Manager -> SAP Solution Manager 7.0 EhP1 -> Overview and Set up of SAP Solution Manager SAP Note 872569 Central Performance History and Service Level Reporting SAP Note 944496 CCMS Ping and Service Level Reporting -> SAP Solution Manager -> SAP Solution Manager 7.0 -> Technical Comsultant & System Administrator -> EarlyWatch Alert (EWA), Service Level (SL) and Solution Reporting Background Documentation, EWA Setup Guide Presentations and SAPTutors -> SAP Solution Manager -> SAP Solution Manager 7.0 EhP1 -> Operations with SAP Solution Manager -> Monitoring of Mission-critical Processes: Business Process Monitoring and Business Process Operations BPM information (including setup guide) Training Course SM100 SAP Solution Manager for Operation of SAP Solutions

Solution Manager Setup Documentation SAP Note SAP Note Presentations and SAPTutors

Feedback and Questions

Send any feedback by formulating an SAP customer message to component SV-GST-SMC. You can do this at

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Best Practice: SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting


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