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5S+1 Routine Audit Form

Audit Date: Auditor(s): Good Scoring Legend 4-5 5S+1 Category 2-3 0-1 Item Are there pallets, debris, or sharp objects creating work hazards? Marginal Poor
If item is not implemented in the area, score zero and include in the final total

Area Audited:

Are employees wearing the proper PPE?

Is anything blocking an entrance way, fire extinguisher or pathway?

or k S Is AF th ET e Y ar : ea sa fe to w in ?

Are there any trip hazards (hoses, electrical cords, etc.) in the area?

Are all machine guards firmly in place?

Is the entire area free of standing water? Are all electrical connections, boxes, etc. closed and secure?

Are there supplies, tooling, materials, etc. in the area that are not needed for the present or the next run? (Operating areas) (An exception would be if there has been a clear decision to keep more material, tools, etc. in the area. In this case, the "par level" needs to be clearly documented and adhered to.)


Has a pro-active sort initiative been conducted in the area in the last six months? (Operating, storage, and support areas)

Are there unneeded items stored on equipment? (papers, trash, etc.)

Are personal belongings properly stored? Are there obsolete, worn, broken, out-of-service items, equipment, tooling, supplies, etc. in the area? Are aisle/walk ways and workstations clearly marked and identified? Are tool, equipment, inventory locations, etc. properly identified and are these items in their correct locations? Are tool, equipment, inventory locations, etc. properly identified and are these items in their correct locations? Do supplies, tools, etc. that are kept in operating areas have specific locations or are they simply resting on the machinery or other places?

Are storage areas for tools, tooling, supplies, etc. straightened and orderly according to some standard of organization? (A "standard of organization" might be "according to tooling size" or "according to frequency of use". The idea is that there is a storage plan rather than simply lots of items that have been straightened up in their place on the shelf or in the cabinet.)

Are cleaning materials and tools easily accessible?

Are equipment and work stations kept clean and free of oil, grease and debris?

Are designated walkways/stairs free of dirt, oil, grease and dust? Is the area swept? Is lighting in the area good? Are all connections, hoses, wires, belts, covers, lids, in place and tight? Are labels and signs clean and easily readable? Does all movable equipment and machinery have a "home" that is clearly marked or labeled? Do all tools, supplies, materials, etc. have a location that is clearly marked or labeled?





Are equipment gages clearly marked as to upper and lower operating limits? Are equipment controls clearly marked and labeled regarding function and deployment? Is material flow in the area clearly marked? Is the proper position of scrap bins, product bins, carts, tool boxes, etc. clearly marked? Are trash bins and scrap/recycle containers emptied on a regular basis?


Is the 5S+1 program discussed at Tool Box Meetings? Does this area get a regular 5S audit?




Is time for associates to actively "5S" their areas budgeted and regularly scheduled? (This is not time spent in routine tasks like sweeping, putting tools, tooling, materials away, etc. This is actively scheduling specific associates to "5S" or to audit a specific area.) Are there documented policies and procedures for keeping the area clean and orderly (e.g, sweeping, putting tools and materials away, etc)? Is adherence to these policies and procedures enforced? Is performance on the 5S+1 program part of supervisors' appraisals? Hourly associates' appraisals (where appropriate)? Overall, is the area maintaining 5S+1 rules and disciplines?

5S+1 Routine Audit Form

Audit Date: Auditor(s): Scoring Legend 5S+1 Category Good 4-5 Marginal 2-3 Poor 0-1 # of Problems Score Item
If item is not implemented in the area, score zero and include in the final total

Area Audited:

Is the area safe? Are there pallets, debris, or sharp objects creating work hazards? Are employees wearing the proper PPE? Is anything blocking an entrance way, fire extinguisher or pathway?

Are there any trip hazards (hoses, electrical cords, etc.) in the area? Are all machine guards firmly in place? Is the entire area free of standing water? Are all electrical connections, boxes, etc. closed and secure? Identify unneeded items or personnel and move them to areas where they can be utilized Are there supplies, tooling, materials, etc. in the area that are not needed for the present or the next run? (Operating areas) (An exception would be if there has been a clear decision to keep more material, tools, etc. in the area. In this case, the "par level" needs to be clearly documented and adhered to.) Has a pro-active sort initiative been conducted in the area in the last six months? (Operating, storage, and support areas) Are there unneeded items stored on equipment? (papers, trash, etc.) Are personal belongings properly stored? Are there obsolete, worn, broken, out-of-service items, equipment, tooling, supplies, etc. in the area? Is there a place for everything and is everything in its place? Are aisle/walk ways and workstations clearly marked and identified?

SO R G H TE N Document Owner: Don Hopkins Rev.1

Are tool, equipment, inventory locations, etc. properly identified and are these items in their correct locations? Are tool, equipment, inventory locations, etc. properly identified and are these items in their correct locations? Do supplies, tools, etc. that are kept in operating areas have specific locations or are they simply resting on the machinery or other places? Are storage areas for tools, tooling, supplies, etc. straightened and orderly according to some standard of organization? (A "standard of organization" might be "according to tooling size" or "according to frequency of use". The idea is that there is a storage plan rather than simply lots of items that have been straightened up in their place on the shelf or in the cabinet.) The best cleaning is not to need cleaning Are cleaning materials and tools easily accessible? Are equipment and work stations kept clean and free of oil, grease and debris? Are designated walkways/stairs free of dirt, oil, grease and dust? Is the area swept? Is lighting in the area good? Are all connections, hoses, wires, belts, covers, lids, in place and tight? Are labels and signs clean and easily readable? Maintain and monitor the first three categories Does all movable equipment and machinery have a "home" that is clearly marked or labeled? Do all tools, supplies, materials, etc. have a location that is clearly marked or labeled?




Are equipment gages clearly marked as to upper and lower operating limits? Are equipment controls clearly marked and labeled regarding function and deployment? Is material flow in the area clearly marked? Is the proper position of scrap bins, product bins, carts, tool boxes, etc. clearly marked? Are trash bins and scrap/recycle containers emptied on a regular basis? Stick to the rules Is the 5S+1 program discussed at Production Meetings, Management Review Meetings, Big Picture Meetings, Tool Box Meetings, and Steering Committee Meetings? Does the plant conduct a regular 5S audit of all areas? Document Owner: Don Hopkins Rev.1

Is there a team or an individual who is the primary champion of the 5S +1 initiative? Does that team or person document its or his/her activities in championing the initiative? Is time for associates to actively "5S" their areas budgeted and regularly scheduled? (This is not time spent in routine tasks like sweeping, putting tools, tooling, materials away, etc. This is actively scheduling specific associates to "5S" or to audit a specific area.) Are there documented policies and procedures for keeping the area clean and orderly (e.g, sweeping, putting tools and materials away, etc)? Is adherence to these policies and procedures enforced? Is performance on the 5S+1 program part of supervisors' appraisals? Hourly associates' appraisals (where appropriate)? Overall, is the area maintaining 5S+1 rules and disciplines?

5s+1 Total SCORE Document Owner: Don Hopkins Rev.1

5S+1 Worksheet
Area: Concerns: Concerns or Suggestions:

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