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PREAMBLE We, the members of the Philippine Association of Student Organizations Council imploring the aid of the Almighty, recognizing the need to build and empower a community of organizations to effect a more active participation in the economic, social, cultural, and political development of the Filipino nation and guided by the democratic right to organize and to peaceably assemble in light of social relevance, nationalism and genuine service, do form this intercollegiate student organization council association and do hereby ordain and promulgate this Constitution. VISION The Philippine Association of Student Organizations Council envisions itself as a national community of college student organization councils united in developing organizations and their respective members toward sustainability, social relevance and nationalism, who initiate positive changes in to our respective universities and to the greater society, through the tradition of genuine service and excellence. MISSION As the Philippine Association of Student Organizations Council, we aim to advance the rights and welfare of student organizations by maximizing all avenues, opportunities and means possible. ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. This Constitution shall be known and hereby referred to as the Constitution of the Philippine Association of Student Organizations Council. It shall govern the member councils and member organizations of member councils of the Association. The Philippine Association of Student Organizations Council shall be referred to in its full name or in its official acronym- Phil-ASOC. For purposes of this Constitution unless the context indicates otherwise: a. Association refers to Phil-ASOC. b. Member council shall refer to respective organizations council, committee, league, commission, association and/or assembly and such other collective body of student organizations in accredited Higher Educational Institutions by the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd). c. HEIs refer to accredited higher educational institutions by CHEd. d. Duly recognized as defined in this Constitution shall depend on the type of HEI.

Section 2.

Section 3.

1. Due recognition for Public HEIs shall mean: directly elected by the students, endorsed by the student council and/or appointed by the student council. 2. Due recognition for Private HEIs shall mean: directly elected by the students, endorsed and/or appointed by the student council, and/or endorsed by the Office of Student Affairs or its equivalent office. e. Board shall refer to the duly-elected members of the National Executive Board. f. Assembly shall refer to the representative members of the National Assembly. g. Congress shall refer to the members-at-large of the National Congress. Section 4. Section 5. The Association shall have an official publication. The Association shall maintain an office in the University of Santo Tomas Student Organizations Coordinating Council Office. ARTICLE II DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES AND OBJECTIVES Section 1. That basic values such as respect for humanity, dignity, freedom, justice, and service must at all times be upheld and propagated. That service to the Filipino people be inculcated in all students. That education is/must be: a. A basic right and must be accessible to everyone regardless of race, color, creed or political collation. b. Humanistic, scientific, nationalistic and oriented toward the common good. c. Unified in theory and practice. Section 4. That students and/or organizations be given the fullness of the democratic right to organize, the right of students to join, the right to autonomy, the right to be accredited and institutionally supported and the right to peaceably assemble. That academic excellence, spiritual formation, and social awareness with a direct involvement thereto, be the primary concern of all its members. That students must be catalysts of change and take part in its entire process. That democratic procedure be observed always in the discharge of its functions. ARTICLE III

Section 2. Section 3.

Section 5.

Section 6. Section 7.

MEMBERSHIP Section 1. The Association shall be composed of interested recognized student organizations council as defined in Section 3 of Article I. Only duly recognized member council of their respective HEIs shall be considered for membership by the Association. Due recognition for private and public HEIs is defined in Section 3 of Article I. The Association shall have a set of process for those who intend to be part of Phil-ASOC. a. All interested organizations council shall file an application of membership to the National Executive Board. Upon approval, the Board shall recommend it to the National Assembly. b. The National Assembly shall have final approval on the application. Upon approval by the Assembly, it shall then submit the application to the National Congress. c. The National Congress shall have the power to finally confirm membership of new member council approved by the Assembly. d. Application of membership shall be decided by the Association within three months from the date of filing. Section 4. Membership of member councils shall be renewed annually at the meeting of the National Congress. ARTICLE IV BILL OF RIGHTS OF MEMBER COUNCILS Section 1. All member councils shall have the right to participate, to be informed and directly be involved in all matters concerning the Association unless otherwise stated in this Constitution. All member councils shall have one and only one vote in cases where voting is applicable. All member councils shall have the right to speedy and just disposition of their case filed before the right body of the Association. All member councils shall be given access to records of proceedings and other files of the Association unless the information is deemed confidential by the Board. All member councils shall have the right to be represented in the Assembly.

Section 2.

Section 3.

Section 2.

Section 3.

Section 4.

Section 5.

ARTICLE V DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEMBER COUNCILS Section 1. All member councils shall have the duty to respect, observe and honor this Constitution. All member councils shall have the duty to participate, attend, and be involved in all the activities, meetings and other affairs of the Association. All member councils shall have the duty to submit to requests of the Board unless deemed unconstitutional or illegal. All member councils shall have the duty to pay the annual membership fee and other fee as set by the Assembly provided that quarterly financial reports shall be presented by the Board.

Section 2.

Section 3.

Section 4.

Section 1.

ARTICLE VI NATIONAL CONGRESS The National Congress shall be the supreme policy-making body of the Association. The Congress shall have the following powers: a. Study, amend, repeal, and ratify the Constitution; b. Suspend any part of this Constitution; c. Formulate, revise, and approve all policies and programs of action by the Association; d. Discuss and adopt resolutions; e. Elect, suspend and impeach officers of the Association; f. Confirm membership; g. To define the position of the Phil-ASOC on vital and urgent issues on member schools and national concerns; h. Review reports of the Board; i. Perform/Conduct other functions as deemed necessary and incidental to its functions.

Section 2.

Section 3.

The Congress may act as a Constitutional body should the need arises.

Section 4.

The Congress shall be all composed of the organization members of each member organization councils and member organization councils as defined in the Section 3 of Article I. The Congress shall be convened annually. ARTICLE VII NATIONAL ASSEMBLY The National Assembly shall be composed of representatives from each member councils. Assembly shall have the powers, duties and responsibilities of the Congress in between sessions of the Congress except for a, b and e as indicated in Section 2 of Article VI. Assembly shall convene every quarter or as called upon by the Chairperson. ARTICLE VIII NATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD The National Executive Board shall be the implementing and administrative body of the Association. The Board shall be composed of the following officers: National Chairperson, Executive Vice-Chairperson, Vice Chairperson for Internal Affairs, Vice Chairperson for External Affairs, Vice Chairperson for Finance, Vice Chairperson for Legal Affairs, and the Vice Chairperson for Education, Training and Development and the Secretary-General. The Board shall have the following duties, powers and functions: a. Formulate the rules and regulations that will govern the administration of the organization; b. To draw up annual program of activities for the approval of the Congress; c. To act for and in behalf of the Congress on matters that require immediate action, provided that two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Congress may nullify such action. d. To prepare the agenda of and convene the session of the Assembly and the Congress, subject to the concurrence of the Assembly; e. To act upon decisions and positions made by the Congress or the Assembly;

Section 5.

Section 1.

Section 2.

Section 3.

Section 1.

Section 2.

Section 3.

f. To create adhoc committees and define the powers, duties and functions of the adhoc committee; g. To perform duties, powers, functions as the Constitution may provide and incidental to its functions. Section 4. Section 5. Only members of the Assembly may be elected to the Board. The Board shall meet at least once (1) a month in such place, date, and time as may be fixed. In urgent cases, the Board may meet at the call of the Chairperson with the concurrence of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Board. Permanent vacancy in the Board shall be filled by members of the Assembly thru an election among the members of the Assembly. The newly-elected officer shall serve the un-expired portion of the term. ARTICLE IX POWERS, DUTIES, AND FUNCTIONS OF OFFICERS The National Chairperson shall have the following powers, duties and functions: a. To preside over all the sessions of the Board, Assembly and/or Congress; b. To represent the Association and acts as its Spokesperson in all activities that needs representation; c. To exercise general supervision and responsibility over the Association and ensure the function of all the officers, committees and members of the Association; d. To sign all resolutions, reports, correspondences and other documents of the Association to make it official; e. To perform such other functions as may be delegated by the Congress and/or the Assembly; Section 2. The Executive Vice-Chairperson shall have the following powers, duties and functions: a. To coordinate the activities of all Vice Chairpersons; b. To exercise all the duties and functions of the Chairperson in case of the latters incapacity and absence; c. To perform such other functions as may be delegated by the Congress and/or the Assembly; Section 3. The Secretary-General shall have the following powers, duties and functions:

Section 6.

Section 1.

a. To record and keep the minutes of all proceedings and sessions by the Board, Assembly and Congress; b. To record and keep records of attendance, correspondences and other documents of the Association. c. To act as the chief documentation officer of the Association; d. To send notice of regular and special sessions of the Board, Assembly and Congress; e. To perform such other functions as may be delegated by the Congress and/or the Assembly; Section 4. The Vice Chairperson for Internal Affairs shall have the following powers, duties and functions: a. To assist the Chairperson on internal matters, consolidation affairs and operations of the Association; b. To take custody of and control over all properties of the Association; c. To perform such other functions as may be delegated by the Congress and/or the Assembly; Section 5. The Vice Chairperson for External Affairs shall have the following powers, duties and functions: a. To assist the Chairperson in representing the Association when it needs representation; b. To act as the Editor-in-Chief of the official publication of the Association; c. To assume primary responsibility in the expansion of the Association. d. To perform such other functions as may be delegated by the Congress and/or the Assembly; Section 6. The Vice Chairperson for Finance shall have the following powers, duties and functions: a. To assist the Chairperson in financial matters of the Association; b. To take custody of and control over all funds of the Association; c. To assume primary responsibility over the acquisition, control and utilization of funds and properties of the Association; d. To perform such other functions as may be delegated by the Congress and/or the Assembly;

Section 7.

The Vice Chairperson for Legal Affairs shall have the following powers, duties and functions: a. To assist the Chairperson in matters concerning legal affairs of the Association; b. To assume primary responsibility in reviewing consistency of policies, decisions, documents and other affairs of the Association to the Constitution and by-laws by the Association ; c. To perform such other functions as may be delegated by the Congress and/or the Assembly.

Section 8.

The Vice Chairperson for Education, Training and Development shall have the following powers, duties and functions: a. To assist the Chairperson in matters concerning education and training of members of the Association; b. To assume primary responsibility in formulating educational discussions, trainings and other opportunities of development for the members of the Alliance; c. To assume primary responsibility in initiating and managing special projects and activities of the Alliance; d. To perform such other functions as may be delegated by the Congress and/or Assembly. ARTICLE X ACCOUNTABILITY AND TERM OF OFFICE All officers of the Association shall serve for a term of one year starting and ending every annual meeting of the Congress. The following shall serve as a ground for sanction. Type of sanction shall be determined by the Assembly and/or the Congress. a. Willful violation of the Constitution and the by-laws of the Association b. Gross negligence of duty c. Act that negatively affect the integrity of the Association ARTICLE XI HOUSE RULES

Section 1.

Section 2.

Section 1.

The Board, Assembly and Congress shall adopt its own internal rules of governance including but not limited to terms of decision-making, schedule and venue of sessions. Effectivity of house rules shall be determined by their own rules of governance. Any provision of internal rules of governance by any of the body of the Association that violates the Constitution shall be considered invalid. The Constitution shall be the fundamental set of rules of all the bodies of the Association. ARTICLE XII EFFECTIVITY, AMENDMENTS AND SEPARABILITY

Section 2. Section 3.

Section 1.

This Constitution shall take effect immediately upon ratification by two-thirds (2/3) of votes cast by the member councils in a plebiscite held for that purpose. This Constitution may be amended, revised or repealed on full or in part by a twothirds vote (2/3) of the member councils in the Congress. All proposals for amendments, revisions or repeal of the Constitution shall be submitted to the Board sixty (60) days before the meeting of the Congress. The Board shall inform member councils of the proposal. If any provision or part hereof, is held invalid or unconstitutional, other provisions not affected thereby shall remain in force and effect.

Section 2.

Section 3.

Section 4.


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