Joint-Statement On The 65th Mon National Day-English

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The Joint-statement on the 65th Mon National Day

(February 8, 2012) Today, we, the Mon people around the world, stand proudly together once again to celebrate the 65th Anniversary of Mon National Day. The Mon National day is celebrated annually on the 1st waning day of Mike (Mon Lunar Calendar) in commemoration of the foundation of Mon Kingdom, Hongsawatoi by the two Mon princes, Samala and Vimala, in 573 AD. It is celebrated with the aim of inspiring the national spirit, strengthening national unity, and safeguarding our identity and national heritage. On this glorious day, we salute Mon national flag and Mon patriots who have sacrificed and dedicated their lives in the past and those who continue to do so for the Mon national cause. The Mon Kingdom, Hongsawatoi, was unfortunately occupied and ransacked by the Burman king, Alaung Paya in 1757 AD. Since then, the Mon lost their sovereignty and become a people without a country. The current political situations in Mon State and Burma are not improving much, either. Even though the military supported Thein Sein government has undertaken a window-dressing and superficial change in Burma, there is no fundamental and systematic change inside the country. Despite the release of some political prisoners in order to mainly get the sanctions on Burma lifted, there are still many political prisoners including Mon political prisoners Nai Yekha and Nai Cheem Gakao in Burmas notorious jails. Despite the ceasefire agreements reached with the Chin National Front (CNF) and Karen National Union (KNU), there are still a full-blown civil war in Kachin State and other ethnic nationalities areas. As a result, it is extremely essential to build and strengthen national unity in our Mon no matter where we are in the world, in Monland or overseas, in order to preserve our national identity and work toward our national sovereignty, and the rights to self-determination. It is also equally critical to build unity among our Mon political organizations, particularly between the Mon National Democratic Front (MNDF) and the All Mon Region Democracy Party (AMRDP). Encouragingly, Mon are now closely united than ever under the national-umbrella organization of Mon Affairs Union (MAU). Recently, under the sponsorship of MAU, the 6 th Mon National Conference was successfully held on the Thai-Burma border from 18 January to 20 January, with the participation of over a hundred representatives from Monland, overseas and Thai-Mon community from Thailand. In that conference, it was agreed to upgrade the MAU as a Mon National Parliament to show that Mon are capable and ready to run their own state and govern their own people. Finally, on the occasion of the 65th Anniversary of Mon National Day, we eagerly urge: 1. All Mon for a rock-solid unity and active participation in our national movements 2. The United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC) to stand together unitedly for the cause of ethnic nationalities, democracy and genuine federal Union in Burma

3. Thein Seins government for a genuine national reconciliation with the nationwide ceasefire, and a tangible timeframe for a political dialogue.

The Statement is jointly issued by: 1. Australia Mon Association 2. Mon American Association (formerly MRC-USA) 3. Mon Canadian Society 4. Mon Community of Europe 5. The 65th Anniversary of Mon National Day Celebration Committee, Malaysia 6. Mon National Day Action Committee, Sydney, Australia

Media contacts: Nai Siri Mon Chan (Australia): Tel: + 61 430136541. Nai Chan Mon (Norway): Tel: 004747-644483

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