Danish Church

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Oldest Danish church opens for traditional Christmas service

Right: Randy Hasbrook, Sheffield resident, places a wreath on the exterior of the St. Peters Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sheffield. Sheffield Historical Society president Bill Gebeck said to prepare for the annual church service, the wood-burning stoves inside the historic structure needed to be lit at 6:30 a.m. Next year, the church will celebrate its 140th year in existence. The current building was completed in 1880, but the church was founded 11 years before that. It is designated as the oldest Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church. Below: The Rev. Susan Davenport of Trinity Lutheran Church reads the Prophecy of Isaiah to the congregation at St. Peters Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church. The church, which is owned by Sheffield Historical Society, had its 38th annual nondenominational Christmas service on Sunday. Its a community service, said Sheffield resident Randy Hasbrook. We get all the clergy together and this year were blessed with a lot of local talent. Performers included Charles Gebeck, who has been playing the organ at the service for 27 years, and Danny Bowman who sings and plays guitar locally.

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