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For a knock down blow to code enforcement, Search the internet for: Primer on Eminent Domain Rights. MERONEMINENTDOMAIN.pdf This document is a powerful 25 page document to be read carefully, understood clearly, then hand delivered to the Top Official at the appropriate Code Enforcement office attacking your property rights. This compilation came about in response to demands for information due to increasing awareness that United States citizens are being robbed of their rights and property by white-collar criminals, who use3 the courts to steal. These very sophisticated con games rely upon public ignorance about due process to get away with trespassing, stealing, and using corrupt court employees to issue judgments to give these fake things appearance of legally valid, when they are as criminal and phony as a $3 bill. The cure to this problem, is to know what you own, and know the bundle of rights that comes along with owning anything from a chicken or a telephone, to a mansion or a Lear jet. If you dont know your rights, you dont have any is as true as today as it was during the American Revolution. By knowing your rights, knowing what you own, and by knowing our beautiful laws, nobody can bluff or con you out of your rights or property. Only socialist dictatorships

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restrict lifestyle and property ownership. Know what is in this document!!! Since our Government was/is instituted to Protect the Rights of the American People as their primary duties, Each official swear to an Oath & Affirmation of office to uphold the Constitution for the United States of America. Color of law (Statutes, regulations, Ordinances, & Codes) is not included in that sworn testimony. The Achilles Heel to all federal agencies is in the CLASSIFICATION of their regulations. Investigate these words: INTERPRATIVE, DISCTRETIONARY, & SUBSTANTIVE. The latter, when processed in the legislative process, does so in accordance to the required rules and must not be in variance to the Constitution for the United States. Amazingly, no substantive regulations have been found to be of substantive type, The IRS, EPA, ATF, FDA ETC These unruly agencies use interpretive regulations at their discretion and actually have no force or effect of law. A search on local government regulations, ordinances & codes and the precise steps in the process of making them legal might yield the same advantages to Americans solving their code enforcement tyranny. We had success in Nevada a few years ago by presenting a 7 page summary of Primer on Eminent Domain Rights to our local code enforcement office, making certain the top supervisor had it in his hand as we personally looked into his eyes. We had an excellent witness with us for the mission.
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Two very important tips were no doubt a great help to us. We enlarged the 8 x 11 summary pages onto 14 x 17 size sheets of paper for easier reading and obvious intimidation. At the upper left corner of the page we wrote the following: This is given in good faith. It is your fair warning! Additional comments would only weaken these powerful well chosen words. SUGGESTIONS: Avoid every form of confrontation. Always say I am here in peace Speak very little. Your best method of business with government is done on paper. Handing a summary copy of Primer on Eminent Domain Rights to the comrade enforcement officer who enters your property to harass you is meaningless. He only obeys his supervisor, not the law. Later, a registered copy can be sent to him, holding him personally and professionally responsible for his unlawful actions. Simply inform this lackey, he must leave your property immediately. You have the authority as owner or one-in-care of the property given by the owner to do this. As you point to your numerous No Tresspassing Signs, start walking, leading him, right then, off your property to the street or sidewalk. Say, This is public property, where you belong. My property is private and you are not invited. Shut up and walk away. Arguing and answering any questions is a trap for you. You only give him more evidence and you lose Honor, lawfully. You get nowhere. However, if the enforcer threatens to call for police backup, you, unemotionally, but firmly respond with, I am also calling for police backup for harassment and trespassing.
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Be sure to have the direct telephone number to the local police station taped or programmed into your phone. Calling 911, might, unknowingly, give government the right to enter your property without a warrant to raise Bolshevik havoc with your privacy and your un-alienable rights, according to the 911 rule you unknowingly buy into unwarranted police invasion.

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