Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6061, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas

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nAturAL HiStory Auction

june 12, 2011 | DALLAS | SeSSion one

Front Cover THE FIGHTING PAIR ALLOSAURUS VS STEGOSAURUS Allosaurus jimmadsoni and Hesperosaurus (Stegosaurus) mjosi Upper Jurassic Period, Kimmeridgian Stage, 155 million years old Morrison Formation Dana Quarry, Ten Sleep, Washakie County, Wyoming, USA Estimate: $2,800,000 + Starting Bid: $2,250,000 Lot 49071 Back Cover A VIRTUALLY COMPLETE AND IMPORTANT TRICERATOPS SKELETON Triceratops horridus Cretaceous Hell Creek formation, Harding County, South Dakota Estimate: $700,000 + Starting Bid: $500,000 Lot 49074 Left GIBEON BIRD-LIKE TABLETOP SCULPTURE FROM OUTER SPACE Iron, fine octahedrite Gibeon, Great Nama Land, Namibia Estimate: $3,750 + Starting Bid: $3,300 Lot 49024

Heritage Signature Auction #6061

Natural History
June 12, 2011 | Dallas

LOT VIEWING Dallas, TX - Location to be determined Please go to and Thursday, June 9 - Saturday, June 11 10:00 AM 6:00 PM CT Sunday, June 12 10:00 AM 1:00 PM CT View Lots Online at and LIVE fLOOr BIDDING Bid in person during the floor sessions. LIVE TELEPHONE BIDDING (floor sessions only) Phone bidding must be arranged on or before Friday, June 10, by 12:00 PM CT. Client Service: 866-835-3243. BIDDING Bid live from your location, anywhere in the world, during the Auction using our HERITAGE Live! program at INTErNET BIDDING Internet absentee bidding ends at 10:00 PM CT the evening before each session. fAX BIDDING Fax bids must be received on or before Friday, June 10, by 12:00 PM CT. Fax: 214-409-1425 mAIL BIDDING Mail bids must be received on or before Friday, June 10.
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Dallas, TX - Location to be determined Please go to and SESSION 1

Sunday, June 12 1:00 PM CT Lots 4900149088

SESSION 2 (see separate catalog)

Sunday, June 12 (Auction# 6071) Immediately following Session 1 (Approximately 3:00 PM CT) Lots TBD

AUCTION rESULTS Immediately available at LOT SETTLEmENT AND PICK-UP Available immediately following each floor session or weekdays 9:00 AM 5:00 PM CT by appointment only.
Extended Payment Terms available. See details in the back of this catalog. Lots are sold at an approximate rate of 60 lots per hour, but it is not uncommon to sell 45 lots or 90 lots in any given hour. This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium.


Headquarters 3500 Maple Avenue, 17th Floor Dallas, TX 75219 Design District Annex 1518 Slocum Street Dallas, TX 75207 New York Office 445 Park Avenue New York, NY 10022 Beverly Hills Office 9478 W. Olympic Blvd., First Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90212 214.528.3500 | 800.872.6467 | 214.409.1425 (fax) Direct Client Service Line: Toll Free 1.866.835.3243 Email:
TX Auctioneer licenses: Samuel Foose 11727; Robert Korver 13754; Scott Peterson 13256; Bob Merrill 13408; Mike Sadler 16129; Andrea Voss 16406; Jacob Walker 16413; Charlie Mead 16418; Eric Thomas 16421; Shaunda Fry 16448; Marsha Dixey 16493; Tim Rigdon 16519; Cori Mikeals 16582; Stewart Huckaby 16590; Wayne Shoemaker 16600; Chris Dykstra 16601; Teia Baber 16624; Peter Wiggins 16635. Associates under sponsorship of Andrea Voss 16406: Leo Frese 7985; Paul Minshull 16591; Ed Beardsley 16632.
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2011 Heritage Auctions, Inc.


Natural History Department Specialist

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Steve Ivy

Note: Session 2 of this historic Natural History

Auction will follow Session 1 on June 12, 2011 in Dallas. It will feature approximately 200 lots of Museum Quality Gems, Minerals, Meteorites, Amber, Fossils and Dinosauria.

David Herskowitz

Co-Chairman of the Board Co-Chairman

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3500 Maple Avenue Dallas, Texas 75219 Phone 214-528-3500 800-872-6467

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Todd Imhof


Rancho La Brea Formation, California

Dear Natural History enthusiast, For the past year we at Heritage Auctions have been diligently gathering the finest specimens available in the world of Natural History. This collection of fossils, minerals, meteorites, and most significantly, dinosaurs, are now present in this catalog for what will be the most important Natural History auction of the decade. The dinosaurs that grace our catalog were the most difficult specimens to find. All of our dinosaurs are from the United States, with legal titles, and have been professionally prepared and mounted in three-dimension. Great care was taken to maintain each specimens scientific integrity and accuracy, making these the finest and truest dinosaur specimens that one can hope to acquire. The most highlighted of our dinosaur lots is the Fighting Pair, lot #49071 two iconic dinosaurs, the Allosaurus and Stegosaurus, found for the first time locked in death and brought back to life-like stances through meticulous preparation. The pair was found in the esteemed Dana Quarry in Wyoming, and both are beautifully preserved with excellent skulls. Most museums do not have specimens that could rival the beauty, integrity, and importance of the pair. Equally important is the Giant Ground Sloth, lot #49081. Measuring 14 feet in length, the Eremotherium laurillardi possesses a looming presence and has well established provenance from the Royal Ontario Museum. Originally found near the Daytona Speedway, this specimen is one of only four mounted sloths of that species; the other three currently reside in museum collections. One of the star attractions at the American Museum of Natural History is the historic Willamette meteorite. This iconic 15 ton meteorite has been on display at the museum for more than a century and has been seen by an estimated 50 million people. Presented in our auction, lot #49053, is the 29.5 pound crown of the Willamette meteorite the only cut of Willamette that was ever made, and the only specimen of Willamette available for auction to the public. The Willamette crown is but one of several historically significant meteorites being offered. Several important mineral specimens with important provenances also appear in the auction, including: a beautiful Amethyst crystal cluster from Montana, lot #49010, that was once in the collection of famous gemologist George F. Kunz; a Neuford Galena specimen, lot #49002, that was once part of the Smithsonians collection; a Variscite slice, lot #49018, that was once in the personal collection of Andrew Carnegie; and a fine Rhodochrosite cystal, from the famed Good Luck Pocket, lot #49017, that for a long time belonged to the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences. Ever since one of our remote ancestors first picked up a shiny rock, there have been mineral and fossil collectors. The instinct and passion for collecting natural works of art is ingrained in our nature hence, our fascination with museums and great collections of natural history. It is with this perspective that Heritage presents a select group of specimens, an assemblage of geological rarities that any Natural History museum would be proud to display.

David Herskowitz

Director of Natural History Heritage Auctions

table of contents
Minerals ........................................49001 49021 Meteorites .....................................49022 49054 Zoology .........................................49055 49057

Fossils: Fish ...............................................49058 49066 Amphibians & Reptiles ................................49067 Arthropods ....................................49068 49070 Dinosauria.....................................49071 49080 Mammals ....................................................49081 Cepholopoda.................................49082 49084 Brachiopods ................................................49085 Paleobotany ...................................49086 49088

Yaogangxian Mine, Yizhang Co., Chenzhou Prefecture, Hunan Province, Peoples Republic of China


As a source of high quality Fluorite specimens, China has played an important part in the world mineral market. The Yaogangxian Mine has produced a disproportionately large number of these exceptional Fluorite specimens. Very characteristic of such unique specimens is this matrix example that features two interpenetrating cubic crystals up to 13/8 inches on edge, of classic blue-purple hue, resting upon a bed of colorless, needle Quartz sprinkled with a dusting of brassy Pyrite crystals. There are a couple of Pyrite aggregates of minor note as well. The transparent Fluorite shows a satin luster, often seen on Yaogangxian specimens, but it is the twinned habit, forming a Fluorite flower, that is highly unusual. This fine sculptural specimen is 3 inches high x 3 inches wide x 2 inches deep, is in excellent condition, and is accompanied by a custom labeled acrylic base. Provenance: Ex. Mark Kielbaso Collection

Estimate: $20,000 + Minimum Bid: $16,750

AUCTIOn #6061 | SUndAY, JUnE 12, 2011 | 1:00 PM CT

Neudorf, Harzgerode, Harz Mountains, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany


Galena, the primary ore of Lead, is found on every continent and in almost every country. Surprisingly, well-formed and aesthetic examples of this ubiquitous mineral are uncommon. Besides the simple rarity of their occurrence, the collector value of Galena specimens is connected to some degree with their place of origin. Localities that produced fine examples, and that are now closed, are valued very much like print editions that are similarly closed. Because of their uniquely identifiable form and because of their closed supply, Neudorf Galena specimens are considered to be amongst the most desirable for acquisition. A history of residence in a famous collection or two doesnt hurt either. This Galena is a prime specimen when considered using all of the aforementioned criteria. The crystal form is the mixed type that is instantly recognizable as coming only from Neudorf, Germany, and the largest of the several crystals is approximately 1 inches across large for Neudorf examples. The presence of tan Siderite crystals on the specimens is further proof of its Neudorf origin. As to supply, the mines were closed in 1903, lending rarity to the value aggregate as well. It is in the area of provenance that the specimen truly pulls ahead of the pack it is from the historic Carl Bosch Collection. Bosch, born in Koln, Germany in 1874, was the German chemist, engineer, and Nobel Prize winner who, along with Fritz Haber, developed the Haber-Bosch Process for production of nitrates. This process today uses over 1% of the worlds energy to produce fertilizers that feed somewhere around 1/3 of the Planets population. He was a founder and first head of IG Farben, one of the largest producers of industrial chemicals in Europe, or the world, for that matter. He was the recipient of the Siemens-Ring, an award for the highest contributions to the technical sciences in Germany in 1924 and in 1931, the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his work in the field of high-pressure chemistry. Considering his history, it was quite natural that he would become a collector of minerals and meteorites and, considering his economic position, that he would be able to amass a collection of specimens that was overpowering in its scope. The Neudorf Galena seen here was part of that collection. Moreover, it was part of the personal display portion of that collection. That fact is conveyed by the accompanying black leather label with gold embossed lettering that is also part of this lot. Such labels were only attached to those specimens and no others. Unfortunately, his personal life deteriorated over time as a result of his strong moral values. As time went on, he became disenchanted with the German government and was a frequent critic of Nazi policy. This gradually led to his marginalization by the power structure and ultimately to depression, alcoholism and his death in 1940. After his death, the mineral collection ended up on loan to Yale University and was ultimately sold to the Smithsonian in 1965. This specimen was traded or sold to noted collector William Pinch of Rochester, New York, and it resided in his collection for over 40 years. There is an accession number: star 1665 on the obverse side. In excellent condition, this historic specimen represents an established connection with an important part of world history. It measures 3 inches high x 2 inches wide x 13/8 inches deep and has a custom labeled stand that also displays the Bosch leather label. Provenance: Ex. Carl Bosch (personal collection); Ex. Smithsonian; Ex. William Pinch Collection

Estimate: $12,000 + Minimum Bid: $8,500


AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT

Nasik Quarry, Nasik District, Maharashtra, India

Samax Mine, Merelani Hills (Mererani), Lelatema Mountains, Arusha Region, Tanzania


The Zeolite minerals found in the Deccan Plateau of India are, to date, the finest and largest examples known on a world-wide basis. Nowhere else in the world are specimens found with the size and perfection of those from India. Production of these wonderful minerals hit a peak in the 1980s and has declined ever since, particularly in regard to large matrix specimens. Rarity aside, there is an inordinately large amount of labor required to remove and transport large matrix pieces, and even in India labor is not free. Consequently, there were never very many matrix Scolecites produced when compared to other zeolite minerals. The two Scolecite balls that comprise the main focal points of this classic example, are composed of thousands of colorless needles up to 3 inches or so in length, radiating from a common center and forming spherical groups, the largest of which measures 6 inches in diameter, while the second group is only slightly smaller at 5 inches in diameter. They are absolutely colorless and look perfectly white against the light tan Stilbite layer that forms the complementary background upon which they rest. Overall specimen size is 9 x 6 x 5 inches and it is in excellent condition.


The same geologic conditions responsible for creating the worlds supply of Tanzanite coincidentally provided the proper growth conditions for a group of other, lesser-known minerals, of which Diopside, a calcium magnesium silicate, is a member. Diopside is known from quite a few localities around the planet, but what sets the Merelani material quite apart from the rest, is the perfection of form and the size of crystals from this part of Tanzania. That alone would make the Merelani material notable, but Mother Nature threw in a lagniappe by adding a small amount of the element chromium to the mix, resulting in the strikingly lovely, brilliant green coloration displayed by this fine Merelani Diopside. Knockout color is a phrase that comes to mind. This single grass-green prism embodies all of the desirable qualities of this material: it is well terminated and beautifully formed; its luster is glassy and even; it is free from damage; as well as being larger than normal for material from this locality. In short, this is nothing less than the embodiment of the term Eye Candy. Discovered over five years ago, it was considered the largest and finest crystal ever found at that time. Measuring 1 inches high x x inches in diameter, it is mounted on an acrylic base. Provenance: Ex. Daniel Trinchillo Collection

Estimate: $40,000 + Minimum Bid: $32,000

Estimate: $45,000 + Minimum Bid: $35,000

10 TO vIEW FULL DEscRIpTIONs, ENLARgEABLE IMAgEs AND BID ONLINE, vIsIT HA.cOM/6061 AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT 11

Shigar Valley, Skardu District, Baltistan, Northern Areas, Pakistan


Besides thin air, tribal squabbles, and a burgeoning trade in the export of small arms, the Northern Areas of Pakistan have become an erratic source for fine and large examples of a number of minerals, Aquamarine being but one of them. Unlike the majority of large Aquamarines from this region, this lovely version features more than just a single loose Aqua crystal. A large, deep blue hexagonal prism rises from a puffy group of cream-colored Feldspar crystals like a San Francisco skyscraper emerging from the morning fog. To the left side of the main crystal, a slightly smaller prism heads off obliquely, while a group of smaller prisms on the lower right side, make their contribution to the tableau by their complementary positioning. A subtle dash of silvery mica flakes, slightly to the left of center, completes this complex ensemble. The overall effect is balanced and extremely aesthetic: a rare occurrence for large examples of this mineral. The various Aquamarine crystals, with their intense, rich blue coloration, display luster ranging from glassily splendent on the sides to more of a satin on the terminations. The main crystal required restoration to its original position; otherwise all of the various minerals, including the main crystal, are in pristine condition. The central Aquamarine measures just under 6 inches in length and 2 inches across it is impressive enough on its own: the combined effect as part of a group is almost surreal. This complete matrix specimen stands about 9 inches in height, was found in January of 2010, and is accompanied by a custom labeled acrylic base.

Estimate: $120,000 + Minimum Bid: $90,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Laura Da Inureja Mine, Carri County, Brazil

Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Southeast Region, Brazil


Although the fine mineral specimen market has been awash in Beryl specimens from various parts of the world, the supply of facet-grade, gem crystals of any significant size has not only been miniscule, it has actually decreased over time. The value of these crystals as cutting material, and their consequent potential conversion to gemstones, make gem crystals, like this one, an endangered species in the truest sense of the phrase. One need go no further to find proof of such endangered species status than to note that of the two crystals found in this discovery, only this one was saved from cutting by the timely intervention of noted mineral dealer dr. Gary Hansen, who purchased it directly from the gem cutter in 1984. From the front, the specimen has a vaguely sword-shaped outline further emphasized by a moderate degree of taper from the central axis out to the edges, giving it a d shaped cross section, when viewed from above. The color is a clean blue, reminiscent of shallow Caribbean seas, and the transparency most closely resembles thick sections of bottle or old window glass. There are a very few nearsurface inclusions on the back side, but the overall effect is one of flawless clarity. In contrast to Chinese and Himalayan Aquamarines, the exterior is a complex mixture of convex and concave surface features that invite the eye to alternately look: at the crystal and then through the crystal. Although the surface of the crystal is complexly textured, the luster is such that reading a claret label through it, for example, presents little in the way of a challenge. This true gem of a specimen is in pristine condition. It measures 8 inches high, 21/8 inches wide and 1 inches thick (222 x 52 x 26 mm). It stands some 9 inches tall when seated in its custom acrylic base. It weighs approximately 720 grams an impressive 3600 carats. It is highly suggested that the purchaser refrain from cutting it as that process is somewhat difficult to reverse. Provenance: Ex. Dr. Gary Hansen Collection


Often rumoured, seldom seen is a phrase that aptly describes Imperial Topaz. despite the almost universal public usage and recognition of the term Imperial Topaz, and that it is brown or golden in color, there is almost no additional information associated with this material in the public arena: what is it? where its from? what is it worth? In truth, while many have heard of Imperial Topaz, few have actually seen the material and even fewer still own any. The simple reason for this is that the number of places on Earth that produce Topaz of a warm and also stable coloration can be counted on one hand and none of them can be considered particularly productive. In actuality, there is very little of this gem material available on the world market at any given time. This single, loose crystal offered here is not only the Real Thing; it is also an exceptionally fine example as well. It is possessed of the deep golden orange coloration very similar to fine aged sherry, or orange pekoe tea, that is the hallmark of this gem. It was recovered in the rather small portion of Brazil where the finest of Imperial Topaz is found. The sharply limned form is that of a classic, razor-edged, straight-sided prism with the also characteristic pyramidal Topaz termination. At over 2 inches in length, it is considerably larger than most crystals from the region (most are more commonly less than 1 inch in length). The luster is a bright glassy one in which numerous, gemmy areas shine through. It is in excellent condition as well as being an exceptional example of this seldom seen gemstone. Overall measurements are 2 high x 11/8 x 5/8 inches wide and it is mounted on an acrylic base. Provenance: Ex. Jose Menezes de Souza Collection

Estimate: $35,000 + Minimum Bid: $28,000

Estimate: $150,000 + Minimum Bid: $124,000



AUCTIOn #6061 | SUndAY, JUnE 12, 2011 | 1:00 PM CT


Merelani Hills (Mererani), Lelatema Mountains, Arusha Region, Tanzania


As anyone who has endured the Cruise Ship Experience can attest, the marketing of Tanzanite has taken on a life of its own. In spite of (or possibly because of) this situation, few intact gem crystals of Tanzanite manage to find their way into the hands of collectors. Anything with a clean, gemmy area is fair game for the cutters and ultimately the cruise ship trade. Rare indeed is the appearance of fine, large gem crystals on the international market. This is truly unfortunate, because the true glory of gem Tanzanite can best (and some say only) be appreciated when demonstrated by intact crystals such as this one. One reason for this, is that faceted gemstones are commonly oriented and heat treated to minimize the display of undesirable colors; such as the beautiful, deep red hue that this Tanzanite displays when viewed from above. When contrasted with the deep cobalt blue and purple tints visible when observed from the front and sides; the specimen takes on a deeper aesthetic significance reserved only for those fortunate enough to handle such a crystal. The tetragonal prism contains numerous clean areas of intense color that would cut very significant ring or brooch stones, should one be Philistine enough to do so. Certain crystal faces appear repeatedly producing a complex exterior, even though the crystal is, at heart, a simple one. On the back side is evidence of intergrowth with some other mineral, now vanished, producing an area with a druzy appearance. Luster is the glassy one typically exhibited by fine examples of gem material from this locality and the overall condition is outstanding. It stands some 4 3/8 inches high on its custom labeled acrylic base and the crystal alone measures a significant 3 inches tall by 15/8 inches wide and is 1 inches thick.

Estimate: $350,000 + Minimum Bid: $275,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Paprok, Nuristan Province, Afghanistan


The mineral riches of Afghanistan have only recently come to the attention of the outside world. Mineral collectors have known for years that Afghani Lapis-Lazuli isnt the only exceptional thing to come from this remote country. Russian geologic studies speak of gem pockets exposed on mountain cliff faces yet to be exploited. The Russians are gone but even now the only people that occasionally collect one of these cavities are members of local tribal groups. Outsiders are not welcome, and only when other more vital work is finished and the brutal weather permits, are a few pockets mined by hand. Hand sized and smaller specimens are the norm here: transport is on foot which makes this an exceptionally large specimen with an extra-ordinary amount of time and energy invested in it. The fact that it has not been damaged in its travels is a miracle in itself. The overall appearance of the specimen is consistent with the few other examples known to have come from this district. It shows the slightly diverging, sub-parallel growth habit and the dark blue, basal core overcoated by pastel pink, with the whole crystal finally encased in a clean, transparent green exterior layer that shades to light blue-green at the multiple terminations. There is a small amount of white Clevelandite feldspar on the left side. At 10 3/8 inches long, it is not the largest Tourmaline from this locality, but it is still much larger than normal for this area. After taking into consideration its fine color, glassy luster and exquisite condition; it deserves to be counted among the best to have emerged from this remote and dangerous part of the world. Measuring an impressive 10 3/8 inches high x 3 x 2 , the specimen stands 11 inches high on its custom labeled base.

Estimate: $100,000 + Minimum Bid: $70,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Boulder Batholith, Silver Bow Co., Montana, USA

Amethyst from the Boulder Batholith of Montana has been known for well over a hundred years. During that period, numerous localities were, and are, being worked for the purple gem. Some sizable and important examples have appeared over the years and a few, such as this one, were deemed significant enough to be included into prominent collections. The large example seen here is composed of a single fragment over eight inches long of Smoky Quartz that is covered on its upper surface with epitaxial overgrowths of other Quartz crystals. These stubby, transparent prisms are mostly of the double-terminated variety and range in hue from colorless to medium violet near their terminations. Some display cloudy white interiors and a number display internal hopper type structures. This particular specimen is from the collection of famous author and gemologist: George F. Kunz, house gem expert for, and Vice-President of, Tiffany et Cie, as well as an employee of the U.S. Geological Survey. He published over 300 articles and a number of books. An auto-didact who never attended college, Dr. (honorary doctorates) Kunz traveled widely on Tiffany business and, consequently, had an unparalleled opportunity to acquire specimens of worth. He was a member of numerous professional societies and among other things, assembled the MorganTiffany Collection of Gems at the American Museum of Natural History. In view of his death in 1932, it can be said that this specimen has to have been recovered no less than 80 years ago and, in all likelihood, over a century ago. There is some nicking, most of which is confined to the edges of the piece, otherwise it is in fine condition quite large and fine for specimens from this area and age. Overall measurements are 8 5/8 inches long x 5 inches wide x 3 inches thick and the old collection labels are a part of this lot. Provenance: Ex. Geore F. Kunz collection; Ex. Ernest Weidhaas collection

Estimate: $6,000 + Minimum Bid: $4,500



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT



Artigas, Artigas Department, Uruguay


The volcanic lava flows of Uruguay are famous for producing Amethyst cavities lined with crystals of that deep purple variety of Quartz. They are often transparent enough to cut gemstones and frequently, that is their fate. Occasionally, Calcite crystals can be found clinging to the inside of these purple jewel-boxes. Most of the Calcites are interesting but not exceptionally notable as Calcite specimens go, when considered by themselves. This example is an exception: a very rare exception. The Amethyst crystals covering the volcanic matrix are unusual to begin with they possess light-colored or colorless basal areas that gradually deepen in saturation to a deep purple at the terminations. This rare gradation produces a separation and contrast effect that is more striking than the normal uniform dark purple weve come to expect. But it isnt the appearance of the Amethyst that makes this a Magnum Opus of the type; it is the presence of an ENORMOUS, undamaged & transparent Calcite crystal that places this specimen in the stratospheric realm of The Worlds Finest examples known. This almost colorless giant prism measures some 11 inches in height and 7 inches in diameter. The transparency is hidden to some degree by complex, trigonal surface features along with a liberal dusting of light Amethyst crystals of sparkling appearance. In addition, there is a second Calcite crystal that is a mere 8 inches high and approximately 4 inches in diameter. It also shows similar surface features. ALL of the crystals, Amethyst and Calcite alike, are in pristine condition. The likelihood of a specimen of similar caliber being produced, much less offered at auction, is infinitesimally small. This is a unique specimen in the truest sense of the term. Overall measurements are approximately 18 inches wide x 17 inches deep x 14 inches high.

Goboboseb Mountains, Brandberg area, Brandberg District, Erongo Region, Namibia

49011 AMETHysT
The Gobobos Mountains of namibia present very different faces to the people who come there. To the outsider more familiar with forests and rivers and snow; this area seems blighted and cursed, barren of all traces of normal life. To the tribal peoples whose land this is, it is a place of beauty and potential wealth. The same forbidding layers of dark volcanic rock that bake in the noonday sun also harbor the Amethyst crystals that the foreigners will sometimes pay huge sums of money for. This dark jewel is the result of just such a transaction. That an outsider would pay a years income (for a tribesman) to possess something that cannot be eaten, drunk or worn is, to them, puzzling in the extreme. It is also a God-send to someone with: a wife, 3 kids and no other income. Most Amethysts recovered here are smaller and often flawed; this one is much larger than normal and has a couple of secondary crystals at the base. In transmitted light the color is a deep, saturated purple with blue overtones that seem to be unique to this locality. There are patches of a colorless druzy Quartz layered on parts of the back and sides. Iron underneath some of this layer produces golden tones in a few localized areas. Luster varies from glassy over most of the specimen to sparkling in the druzy zones. The termination is free from the usual nicks and the other side crystals are in excellent condition. It measures 6 inches long by 3 inches wide by 23/8 inches thick and sits on a custom labeled acrylic base. Provenance: Ex. Charles Key Collection; Ex. Marshall Sussman Collection

Estimate: $200,000 + Minimum Bid: $150,000

Estimate: $30,000 + Minimum Bid: $21,000

22 TO VIEw FULL dESCRIPTIOnS, EnLARGEABLE IMAGES And BId OnLInE, VISIT HA.COM/6061 AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT 23

Xianghualing Mine (Hsianghualing Mine), Xianghualing Sn-polymetallic Orefield, Linwu Co., Chenzhou Prefecture, Hunan Province, Peoples Republic of China


Worked since the Tang Dynasty (618 907 BP), the Linwu Orefield started out producing Copper and by the Ming Dynasty (1368 1644 BP) was also the source for Tin and other metals. More recently, Chinas modern industrial demands resulted in a focus on Fluorite, a key component in aluminum production among other things. The value of bulk Fluorite is reckoned in dollars per ton: hardly the kind of material worth purloining. Nevertheless, the entrepreneurial spirit runs deep in China and it wasnt long before crystals high-graded from the Linwu mines attracted the attention of foreign buyers at the mineral market in Changsha and the rush was on. Since that time in the 1990s, the production of specimens has been both large and varied enough for certain pockets in the main producing mine (Xianghualing or Aromatic Flower Peak in the local patois) to be graced with nick-names based upon common characteristics of specimens from those pockets. e.g. the Blue-Green Octahedra Pocket of 1997 or the Freaky Lustre Pocket of 1999. Most notable for the size and perfection of the crystals that were produced from the mine, was the Apple-Green Fluorite Pocket of 1996 the source of this stunning piece. Somehow, an aged local gentleman had acquired all of the pocket and crammed the entire load into his apartment. Based on size & quality, he asked for and received astronomical prices for this material. The cream of this material was quite identifiable for features well embodied by this specimen: Individual crystals are large cubes (2 inches on edge) with minor octahedral modifications. Their luster and transparency are such that one can easily see all the way through crystal sections of over 3 inches thick to the light colored matrix and even read through them, should one wish to. The color of the cubes is a light and even green very much like the green apples the pocket was named for. The cubes are draped on all sides of a vertical fin of matrix rock allowing the group to be viewed from 360 degrees. In spite of the large size of the group, it is in unbelievably fine condition the brilliantly glassy luster is unsullied by the usual scratches and dings commonly observed on Chinese material. As a side-note: The rise of China as a world power is mirrored by an ever growing market in China for aesthetic objects; particularly ones of Chinese origin. Continued export of material, such as this, is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. An evolving strategy of repatriation is very likely to affect the value and availability of this specimen and others like it. This exceptional specimen is approximately 15 inches long, 7 inches wide and stands 7 inches high, with the largest crystals to 2 inches on edge.

Estimate: $120,000 + Minimum Bid: $70,000

AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Dallas Gem Mine (Benitoite Mine; Benitoite Gem Mine; Gem Mine), Dallas Gem Mine area, San Benito River headwaters area, New Idria District, Diablo Range, San Benito Co., California, USA


The Benitoite story starts in the early 1900s with the discovery of strange blue crystal fragments by prospectors searching for copper deposits in a remote area high in the Coastal Ranges of Central California. When samples were brought down to the nearest town, the confusion started. First, the jeweler in town said it was volcanic glass. Then, the lapidary in San Francisco that cut a few stones from this curious material opined that it was Sapphire, and why not? The beautiful blue crystals weathering out from white veins in the dark hillside were transparent and sharp-edged; they looked like Sapphire. What else could they be? When they were finally examined by trained mineralogists, the puzzle took on new dimensions. The blue triangular crystals were not only a new, previously unknown mineral, they were also the only known members of a new crystal class: Hexagonal-Dipyramidal. The new gemstone was determined to be a Barium Titano-Silicate and was christened Benitoite in reference to its unique location. Efforts to find other outcrops of the new gemstone were useless it seemed that this small occurrence was a singular one. The owners of the claim proceeded to mine the deposit and break up the white vein material, liberating the gems within. Years later it was discovered that the crystals could be removed intact by soaking in acid. Mining continued sporadically, as did sales of specimens and gemstones cut from the material. Over the years recognition of the gems unique nature led to its being designated the California State Gemstone, a status that continues to this day. It is ironic that, having finally achieved this official recognition, the deposit ran out. Exhausted and closed: the supply and the story of one of the most unique gem minerals on the planet is finished. There will be no more. This outstanding member of that story is a very fine example of the material found over the last century. It displays 3 major and 9 minor crystals of Benitoite perched upon contrasting white Natrolite vein material. The largest crystal is just barely under an inch on edge, quite respectable for this mineral, and the condition of the crystals is excellent. They grade in color from colorless at the centers to a deep sapphire-blue at their gemmy tips. The matrix is the usual gray-blue Crossite characteristic of the locality. It is accompanied by an original painting of the specimen by renowned wildlife artist Gamini Ratnavira. The specimen measures 2 inches long x 2 inches across x 15/8 inches high and sits on a custom labeled acrylic base. The framed dimensions of the painting are 10 x 13 inches and it is signed by the artist.

Estimate: $25,000 + Minimum Bid: $18,000

28 TO vIEW FULL DEscRIpTIONs, ENLARgEABLE IMAgEs AND BID ONLINE, vIsIT HA.cOM/6061 AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT 29

Red Cloud Mine, Silver District, Trigo Mountains, La Paz Co., Arizona, USA

Virgem da Lapa, Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil

To collectors of fine minerals, the Red Cloud Mine in Arizona needs no introduction. Over the years this locality has intermittently produced fine wulfenite specimens that have become a benchmark that all other wulfenites are measured against. This particular example has only been out of the ground since 1997. Its discovery was the direct result of a wellplanned mining operation that was strictly focused on specimen recovery. In the course of the work, a number of wulfenite bearing cavities were breached and carefully collected. when operations terminated, this specimen was the 1st pick of the projects mining engineer: Les Presmyk, in the course of divvying up the take. It came from the best pocket found and was one of the few matrix plates found that required no repairs. There are seven or so major crystals up to 11/16 inches on edge, sprinkled across the dark chocolate matrix and easily another 10 to 12 more of slightly smaller stature. Possibly the greatest asset of this piece is the absolutely pure orange coloration with no hint of the brown that separates the great Red Cloud specimens from the merely good ones. It should also be noted that the luster displayed by the wulfenite crystals is the brilliant adamantine type that only the best exhibit. It must be pointed out that, due to the brittle nature of wulfenite, most specimens tend to acquire or possess nicks to the edges of the crystals that detract, sometimes to a major degree, from the aesthetics of an otherwise fine specimen. The specimen offered here has no imperfections: it is in PERFECT condition and measures 4 inches long x 3 inches across x 15/8 inches high. Provenance: Ex. Les Presmyk (private collection); Ex. Steve & Clara Smale Collection


Rarely seen outside of very sophisticated collections is the rare calcium, beryllium phosphate mineral Herderite. This is in part due of the rarity of its components as well as its occurrences. The other part of its rarity is the aesthetically challenged nature of most Herderite specimens. The exception to the rule, offered here, features a large (33/8 inches!!) (doubly-terminated!!) crystal showing an (attractive!!!!) violet coloration and is on matrix!!!! The statistical odds of such a combination are almost infinitesimally small. In addition to the outstanding Herderite that is elegantly positioned on a large, light tan Feldspar matrix, there is a small group of dark, blue-green Tourmaline crystals and a spray of white Clevelandite blades. The Herderite is somewhat included but complete, undamaged, and possesses a glassy luster. This is an extremely fine, large and well-formed example of this rare and exotic mineral. The specimen measures 4 inches wide by 2 inches high by 3 inches in depth and comes with a custom labeled acrylic base. Provenance: Ex. Keith Proctor collection.

Estimate: $100,000 + Minimum Bid: $70,000

Estimate: $140,000 + Minimum Bid: $110,000



AUCTIOn #6061 | SUndAY, JUnE 12, 2011 | 1:00 PM CT


Good Luck Pocket, Main Stope, Sweet Home Mine (Home Sweet Home Mine), Mount Bross, Buckskin Gulch, Alma District, Park Co., Colorado, USA

The history of precious metal mining is filled with mines that were oversupplied with optimistic backers and undersupplied with valuable ore. The Home Sweet Home Mine in Buckskin Gulch above Alma, Colorado, is a prime example of this. Were it not for a brief mention of some Rhodochrosite that was found here while mining for Silver in 1878, chances are that the specimen seen here would still be quietly resting in the cold, wet and dark interior of Mount Bross, where it formed some 30 million years ago. As it is, that mention, along with a few others, sparked the interest of a combined group of determined mineral collectors, miners and financial backers, who funded and executed a serious mining venture designed to find and recover treasures like this one. In the course of their mining operations, this specimen was recovered from what is certainly the premier find of this mines history arguably the premier mineral find of all time as well. The Good Luck Pocket was discovered on September 21, 1992 and measured 4 x 3 feet and was only 2 to 6 inches across. Inside were found brilliantly lustrous, simple rhombic crystals of the most amazing deep red color imaginable. This notable specimen features two cherry-red rhombs up to 1 inches on edge that slightly interpenetrate each other with a minor third crystal off to the right side. There is a tiny amount of Chalcopyrite and Tetrahedrite on the obverse side, but otherwise no other minerals are present. The size and perfection of form and luster, coupled with the intense red color produce an effect that is absolutely un-Earthly. There is no damage and the condition is as good as it gets, largely thanks to the care with which this specimen was recovered. That it was a part of the renowned Houston Museums collection speaks volumes as to the comparative ranking of this specimen relative to its peers. It was originally purchased by the Museum in 1993 and was considered one of the Museums more significant specimens. It was only de-accessioned when a larger specimen from the same pocket was donated to the Museum. Measuring 4 inches wide by 2 inches high by 17/8 inches thick, it sits on an acrylic base. [For detailed information on this deposit see The Mineralogical Record, Vol. 29, #4. This specimen is pictured in Fig. 67, pp 49: ibid.] Provenance: Ex. Houston Museum of Natural Science Collection Photograph, page 49, Mineralogical Record, Vol. 29, No. 4, July-August 1998

Estimate: $300,000 + Minimum Bid: $231,500



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Little Green Monster Variscite Mine, Clay Canyon, Fairfield, Oquirrh Mountains, Utah Co., Utah, USA



In spite of many shared aspects, it is an uncommon circumstance for lapidary objects to have significant interest value for collectors of exotic mineral specimens, and vice versa. The specimen offered here is an instance where those two collecting arenas overlap. Variscite is a phosphate mineral very closely related to Turquoise in chemistry and appearance: Turquoise being generally blue, while Variscite tends to a green coloration. The classic and most notable of the many localities for Variscite is a small prospect in central Utah called the Little Green Monster Mine. For a number of years, starting around the turn of the 20th century, exceptionally fine nodules of Variscite were mined here on an intermittent basis. The mine is now caved in and little remains to hint at its significance. During the productive period, tan nodular masses up to a half meter in diameter were removed, sawn into thick slices and the surfaces polished to show off the variegated and colorful patterns hidden in the interior. One of the larger nodules resulted in a slice interesting enough to find its way into the personal collection of Andrew Carnegie, the steel baron. It resided for many years in his Millbrook, New York, home and was purchased from his granddaughter in 1983 by mineral dealer and collector Dr. Gary Hansen. That slice, owned by Carnegie, is the one offered here. It is one of the largest for the locality and shows a complex mixture of aqua-green Variscite displaying variable degrees of color saturation, transsected by numerous healed fractures containing other rare phosphate minerals. Some of the fractures contain finely banded light violet patterns reminiscent of Laguna Agates, while others host yellowish layers of Crandallite: just one of the many rare alteration minerals lining these fractures. The outer rim is almost completely composed of these tan alteration minerals. The specimen is one of the largest known examples of this classic phosphate mineral. It is clear that this specimen has considerable collector appeal on multiple levels: as a rarely encountered and attractive lapidary piece, as an aggregate of rare and exotic minerals from a bygone source, as a piece of history with a unusual provenance. It measures 12 x 11 x 1 inch thick and is extremely well polished on both sides. It is accompanied by a custom labeled acrylic base. Accompanied by: a signed letter from Dr. Hansen stating that this specimen was in Andrew Carnegies personal collection, when it was purchased from his granddaughter in 1983; and copies of Andrew Carnegies mineral catalog, detailing this specific specimen. Provenance: Ex. Andrew Carnegies personal collection; Ex. Dr. Gary Hansen Collection

Estimate: $55,000 + Minimum Bid: $42,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Sterling Mine Sterling Hill, Ogdensburg, New Jersey, USA



Collectors of fluorescent minerals prize those that are brightest under ultraviolet light; even more so specimens with multiple species fluorescing different colors. This expertly carved and highly polished 9-inch sphere exhibits both qualities in good measure. An added feature is its size; made from a large block from the 340 ft level of the famous Sterling Mine it is the 2nd largest sphere known to exist from this locality and assemblage and is certainly the finest. A little more than half of this globe features an equigranular speckled sea of black franklinite, tan willemite and cream-colored calcite; the other hemisphere resembles a continent comprised of remarkable, euhedral crystals of willemite in calcite matrix, a classic assemblage from the Franklin, new Jersey mines. Like Cinderella being transformed from a pauper to a princess; these patterns attractive even under normal lighting conditions just blaze to life under shortwave light and spring to life in vibrant red and green, a remarkable phenomenon that is observable in only a handful of minerals, the most impressive of which are found in this region of new Jersey. The deposit in the mine responsible for this material is no longer accessible making the present specimen the last of its kind.

Estimate: $8,000 + Minimum Bid: $6,000

Sterling Mine Sterling Hill, Ogdensburg, New Jersey, USA

Mt Brockman Station, Western Australia





An incredible natural wonder, this beautiful 9-inch diameter sphere was painstakingly carved from one giant boulder of extremely rare Marra Mamba tigers-eye. Because of its fibrous nature, such an operation is extremely difficult, hazardous, and time-consuming; it takes a master lapidarist to produce such an object. The bands of color swirl across its surface like the gas clouds of some extraordinary planet; blending and merging like oil paints in water, in bands and patches of glittering golden tigers-eye, deep metallic black hematite, strong red jasper and the rich olive green of mixed riebeckite (blue) and goethite (yellow).

Estimate: $8,000 + Minimum Bid: $6,000

Originally worked for silver and zinc, the mines of Franklin, new Jersey are famous today as the source of some of the worlds finest fluorescent minerals. This fine crystal was found in 1990 on the 430 foot level of the East vein of the Sterling Mine in a happy accident; a visitor to the mine tripped and fell into muddy water and came up with a rock that opened to reveal this marvel. This superb example exhibits a well developed hexagonal prism of tan willemite, accented by octahedral crystals of black franklinite and aesthetically perched on a cream-colored calcite matrix. It is quite attractive under normal indoor or daylight, but under shortwave ultraviolet light the approximately 3 x 21/8 x 15/8 inch specimen luminesces a vibrant orange-red and green, activated by the presence of lead and manganese impurities (in the calcite and manganese in place of some of the zinc in willemite, respectively). Fine crystals of willemite are relatively rare to begin with; the aesthetics of this piece make it additionally appealing to the collector of not only fluorescents, but minerals in general.

Estimate: $4,000 + Minimum Bid: $3,500



AUCTIOn #6061 | SUndAY, JUnE 12, 2011 | 1:00 PM CT


Meteorites not to be confused with meteors, the luminescent phenomena in the night sky are fragments of natural material from outer space that impact Earth. Named by a committee of scientists after the closest city, geological feature or post office to which they are delivered, meteorites originate from asteroids, comets, the Moon and Mars. Meteorites are of tremendous interest to scientists as they contain a great deal of information concerning the formation of Earth and our solar system. Moreover, it has been hypothesized that a meteorite not only led to the demise of the dinosaurs (allowing the opportunity for human life to evolve), but that meteorites transported to Earth the precursors of life itself, more than four billion years ago. Organic molecules, including amino acids, have been found in some meteorites, resulting in the increasing popularity of the Panspermia Theory of Creation: life having been seeded on Earth by extraterrestrial impact (see lot 49046). The combined mass of all known meteorites is less than the worlds annual output of gold, and private collectors have made the little material that does exist into one of the most in-demand collectibles today. There are three broad categories of meteorites: stones (representing approximately 94% of all meteorites), irons (5%); and stony irons (1%). Stone meteorites (see lots 49023, 49037, 49048) terrestrialize or become weathered after impact. To the uninitiated, weathered stone meteorites typically appear to be of Earthly origin, and recovery is problematic unless the impact is witnessed or the meteorite lands in an environment where it is easily detected such as a desert. Iron meteorites (see lots 49025, 49030, 49053) are comprised primarily of iron and nickel, are more resistant to Earths elemental forces and are more easily recognized. On average, they are composed of 90% iron, 8% nickel, and 2% trace elements. The amount of nickel determines the type of crystalline pattern that will form, referred to as either a Widmansttten or acid-etch pattern. This singularly dazzling crystalline latticework is unique to meteorites, and only those that contain 6-14% nickel (see lot 49027). Stony-irons, as the name indicates, are a combination of the stone and iron types and the most resplendent of all (see lots 49038, 49039). It should be stressed that the vast majority of meteorites bear little semblance to the highly select specimens contained in this offering an assemblage of some of the very best examples of important rocks from space. For a meteorite to be analyzed by scientists it must be broken or cut. Only when multiple specimens of the same meteorite are recovered from a meteorite shower, will complete specimens exist. In the unlikely event you have found what you believe to be a meteorite, its important to contact a major museum, as each new meteorite can assist in unlocking the mysteries of creation.

L6 Normandy, France



When it pierced Earths atmosphere at 1:00 PM on April 26, 1803, lAigle forever became among the most historic of all meteorites as it provided proof as to their existence. The popular acceptance that rocks could fall out of the sky did not occur until French scientists who were at the vanguard of so many of the sciences in the late 18th and early 19th centuries accepted the lAigle phenomenon in Southern Normandy as fact. This complete lAigle specimen bears an antique parchment identification label in which it is written Meteorite which fell in lAigle in Normandy in a shower of 3000 April 1808 20(54). (The event occurred in 1803 and it would appear a 3 morphed into an 8 in the source material used by the labels author.) The scientific acceptance of meteorites did not travel well to the New World. Following news of the lAigle event, the president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, wrote a friend, I find nothing surprising about the rain of stones in France. There are in France more real philosophers than in any country on Earth; but there are also a great proportion of pseudo-philosophers there. The reason is the exuberant imagination of a Frenchman gives him greater facility of writing, and runs away with his judgment unless he has a good stock of it. It even creates facts for him which never happened, and he tells them with good faith. Jefferson in this instance was mistaken, and this fact is accompanied by two antique catalog cards dating from this specimens inclusion in important German and Russian collections. This is a richly evocative example of one of the most important meteorites in history. 54 x 24 x 28 mm (2 x 1 x 1 inches) and 74.4 grams. Provenance: deaccessioned by the Russian Academy of Sciences in Kazan in an exchange with the Macovich Collection.


The Macovich Collection of Meteorites is the largest collection of aesthetic iron meteorites in the world. Internationally renowned institutions such as The Natural History Museum (London), The American Museum of Natural History (New York), The Smithsonian (Washington, D.C.), The Paris Museum of Natural History and the Field Museum (Chicago)among others, all contain meteorites with a Macovich provenance. As a result of the offerings he assembled for the first natural history auctions, curator Darryl Pitt is widely credited for having been a major catalyst in the widespread popularization of meteorite hunting and collecting. A former professional photographer, his work has appeared in numerous books and magazines, and in exhibitions in the Museums of Modern Art in Paris and Tokyo.

Estimate: $16,500 + Minimum Bid: $13,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


L6 Normandy, France



As the lAigle meteorite shower of April 26, 1803 provided indisputable proof that rocks could fall from the sky, specimens from this event are among the most sought-after of all meteorites. Originating from the same historic event as the previous lot, this is a much larger specimen with impeccable provenance. French scientist Jean Baptiste Biots comprehensive description of the lAigle phenomenon provided the coup de grace to skeptics. In addition to having collected numerous eyewitness accounts, Biot presented evidence that lAigle stones appeared similar to other stones that reportedly fell from the sky. Following an examination of the data collected, the French Academy of Sciences acknowledged that the face of science had changed: rocks could indeed fall from the heavens. The large complete meteorite pictured is part of this rich legacy. Covered in black fusion crust from its fiery descent through Earths atmosphere, this meteorite also features the more earthly imprint of cataloguing by the staff of The British Museum of Natural History, where this specimen remained for nearly two centuries. Accompanied by a custom armature and a fitted Lucite dome, this is a singular specimen of an exceedingly historic meteorite. (Museum staff affixed the green dot to show the orientation of this specimen for exhibition.) 79 x 59 x 39 mm (3 x 2.25 x 1.5 inches) and 325.3 grams. Provenance: British Museum of Natural History (The Natural History Museum) catalogue #16978; The Macovich Collection of Meteorites, New York City.

Estimate: $38,500 + Minimum Bid: $32,500



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT



Iron, fine octahedrite Gibeon, Great Nama Land, Namibia
Recovered from the edge of the Kalahari Desert, Gibeon iron meteorites are the bounty of a huge meteorite shower that occurred thousands of years ago when an enormous iron mass (or masses) slammed into Earths upper atmosphere before exploding and raining down on what is now Namibia. Local tribesmen located the following specimens with the aid of metal detectors, a method not quite in the tradition of their predecessors who fashioned their recoveries into spear-points and other tools. Due to a relatively high nickel content (8%), Gibeon is ductile and not as prone to oxidizing as other iron meteorites. When cut and etched, Gibeons exhibit an extremely handsome fine-octahedral latticework that showcases the crystalline structure of its metallic alloys, an exquisite natural design known as a Widmansttten pattern (see lot 49027). As this pattern does not appear in terrestrial iron ores, its presence is diagnostic for meteorites, and pattern variations are frequently indicative of different meteorites. All Gibeon meteorites will exhibit the same fine octahedral crystalline pattern. While Gibeons have long provided the aesthetic iron meteorites of choice, new recoveries are rare. It should be noted that the Gibeon meteorites in this offering are highly select and have little in common with the vast majority of iron meteorites Gibeons included which are overwhelmingly prosaic and nondescript.

Iron, fine octahedrite Gibeon, Great Nama Land, Namibia



This is the first of seven exotically shaped iron meteorites. Recovered by Namibian tribesmen on the edge of the Kalahari Desert, the many contours of this captivating specimen are suggestive of shapes both natural and abstract. As a result of its several thousand year residence in the Kalahari, this meteorite acquired a muted earth-tone patina ranging from chocolate to mango. Accompanied by a custom armature, this splendid bird-like evocation will engage from any perspective. 197 x 63 x 69 mm (7.75 x 2.5 x 2.75 inches) and 1518 grams (3.33 pounds). Provenance: The Macovich Collection of Meteorites, the worlds finest collection of aesthetic iron meteorites.

Estimate: $3,750 + Minimum Bid: $3,300



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Iron, fine octahedrite Gibeon, Great Nama Land, Namibia


Iron, fine octahedrite Gibeon, Great Nama Land, Namibia



The process of how this next Gibeon acquired its shape perplexes, except terrestrialization (weathering on the Earths surface over the millennia) played a role. The smooth, spherical hollow evidences where water pooled and slowly oxidized the iron mass. While the formation of the flange cannot be explained with such certainty, it provides a sense of balance to the smooth concavity and broad face below. This surprisingly heavy meteorite is accompanied by a custom-molded pedestal and Macovich Collection provenance. 158 x 113 x 119 mm (6.25 x 4.5 x 4.75 inches) and 4061 grams (9 pounds).


There are meteorites that contain scoops and then there is the rare meteorite that can be best described as a scoop. A large smooth bowl penetrates the bulk of this mass primarily created by terrestrialization the effect of lounging at the edge of the Kalahari Desert while water pooled into a depression for thousands of years. The perimeters highly textured surface is wrapped in a patina whose shadings range from pewter to platinum. Compelling from any angle in any orientation, this is a decorative and unusual meteorite from the Macovich Collection. 197 x 204 x 133 mm (7.75 x 8 x 5.25 inches) and 10.79 kilos (23.75 pounds).

Estimate: $3,500 + Minimum Bid: $2,800

Estimate: $6,000 + Minimum Bid: $6,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT



Iron, fine octahedrite Great Nama Land, Namibia



Gibeon meteorites are composed of a crystalline structure which can be seen upon cutting. While you would never cut the highly sculptural examples in this collection, cutting is an asset to those meteorites which are best exhibited by showing off what theyve got inside: a bedazzling otherworldy crystalline latticework unlike anything seen on Earth and this is a superior example. Millions of years are required for the alloys that chiefly comprise iron meteorites to crystallize. When the planetary body from where this meteorite originated broke apart, the hot metallic core met with few molecules in the vacuum of space to which it could transfer its heat, thus providing sufficient time millions of years for the crystalline habit to form. As there is no other environment other than the vacuum of space that provides such long cooling curves, the presence of this pattern is a diagnostic, fool-proof method in the identification of an iron meteorite. In striking contrast to the internal structure are the gently curved contours of the external surface in a gunmetal patina, a delicate ridge along the length of the specimen and a large curving protuberance. This is a superior example of the internal and external structures of an iron meteorite. 239 x 211 x 109 mm (9 x 8 x 4 inches) and 11.12 kg (24.5 pounds).

Estimate: $18,000 + Minimum Bid: $12,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Iron, fine octahedrite Gibeon, Great Nama Land, Namibia




Iron, fine octahderite Gibeon, Great Nama Land, Namibia

All iron meteorites including the current example, among the finest zoomorphic meteorites known originated from the core of planetary bodies that briefly existed between Mars and Jupiter 4.5 billion years ago, whose shattered remains are referred to as the asteroid belt. More recently, a large iron mass that was bumped out of the asteroid belt and deflected into an Earth-intersecting orbit, slammed into and exploded in the upper atmosphere several thousand years ago raining down on what is now the edge of the Kalahari in Namibia. The current specimen from this event was located by local tribesmen in 1991. With a multitude of gleaming ridges, this meteorite features a naturally formed hole. It is rare for meteorites to exhibit such holes, and rarer still when the hole is positioned in the matrix in such a way as to yield an aesthetic specimen. Its even rarer when the hole results in a distinctly zoomorphic example, as does this meteorite, which bears a striking semblance to a terrier. This is among the most widely celebrated zoomorphic meteorites, and the finest canine-like example. Accompanied by a custom armature and select pedigree: The Macovich Collection of Meteorites the most acclaimed collection of aesthetic iron meteorites. 214 x 214 x 103mm (8.5 x 8.5 x 4 inches) and 5501 grams (12.1 pounds). This specimen was featured in the February 15, 2010 issue of Crains New York.



Estimate: $55,000 + Minimum Bid: $35,000

It is virtually unheard of to have more than two scoops aligned along the same plane in a meteorite, let alone four an effect created by a host of variables where depressions expanded into smooth cavities after exposure to the seasons over thousands of years. The surrounding surface texture is wrapped in a chrome to platinum patina, enlivening this compelling form from outer space. While the face of this meteorite invites the viewers touch, the reverse is nearly flat telltale evidence this meteorite broke off a larger mass along its crystalline plane. Naturally carved by its descent through Earths atmosphere and its elements, it would prove difficult to find a more alluring example of an exotically shaped iron meteorite with the exception of lots 49028 and 49030 in this offering. Accompanied by a custom steel armature. 407 x 288 x 131 mm (16 x 11.25 x 5 inches) and 46.4 kilos (102 pounds). Provenance: The Macovich Collection.

Estimate: $32,500 + Minimum Bid: $30,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Iron, fine octahedrite Gibeon, Great Nama Land, Namibia


Closing out the last of the exotically shaped iron meteorites is this incomparable example. There is no meteorite similarly shaped as this offering; indeed, the otherworldy landscape now seen makes this among the most singular iron meteorites known to exist. After having been unearthed in the Kalahari in 1990, local tribesmen were initially fearful to take possession of this meteorite as a result of its unnatural shape, and later referenced having left behind a snail from the stars. A tribal leader assured his charges they could recover the object without concern. Depending on its orientation, this highly attenuated specimen evokes either an Asian scholars rock or...extraterrestrial escargot. While terrestrialization played a role in this meteorites morphology, the mechanism involved in creating the cascading waves is a mystery. Worthy of the foremost natural history museums, this is a noteworthy offering of a matchless meteorite. Accompanied by a large custom pedestal. 653 x 279 x 203 mm (26 x 11 x 8 inches) and 61 kilos (134 pounds). Provenance: Macovich Collection of Meteorites, New York City

Estimate: $80,000 + Minimum Bid: $70,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


NWA 2995 Lunar Feldspathic Breccia Algeria Found 2005



NWA 2995 Lunar Feldspathic Breccia Algeria

The Moon is among the very rarest substances found on Earth. There are only about 60 lunar meteorites classified, and their total weight is less than 30 kg, of which only around 10 kg is actually available on the market outside museums and institutions, and much of that is in the form of small fragments or slices. This is a first-class specimen; the end-piece of the NWA 2995 meteorite found in Algeria in 2005, a very fresh, feldspathic fragmental breccia that contains many FHT (Feldspathic Highlands Terrain) fine-grained rock types including norite, olivine basalt, gabbro and others. Shock-welded by a large nearby meteorite impact which, with the power and force of a nuclear detonation, released massive amounts of thermal radiation and shock waves. Shock-welding occurs when this impact is far enough away that no direct melting occurs, and as the name suggests, it is the shock waves that crush and compress the regolith (lunar surface soil) into a new solid mass. The incredible pressures of these nuclear-strength impacts regularly produce very large zones of shock-welded material which in turn are blasted off the lunar surface by further, even larger impacts. The multiple rock types found in this particular meteorite indicate that the material underwent at least four separate impact events, which successively blasted the lunar rock apart and rewelded it into new breccia; as well as shock melting there is also evidence of thermal or impact melting in pockets and veins. The source material of this breccia was not the usual regolith, but deeper fragmented lunar soil with no exposure to solar wind or cosmic rays. This is a superb three-dimensional specimen with an incredible expanse of finely-textured fusion crust, and a cut and polished face almost identical to the Apollo Mission moon rocks, with large white anorthosite fragments leaping from the speckled dark gray matrix. A highly desirable, world-class specimen, it measures approximately 1 x 1 x 1 inches and weighs 51.1g.


First discovered in 2005, this is a fantastically large slice of a rare lunar meteorite. Comprising a tiny fraction of all known meteorites, lunar material is rarer and more valuable than gem-grade diamonds, with only around 10 kg in total of such material available on the open market; of those, barely more than half a kilogram are classified as lunar feldspar breccias. The breccia is a shock-welded rock, comprising several different lithographies from the lunar surface, and in this instance, indicating at least four separate shock-impact events, breccias within breccias. The final impact would have had to been enormous to eject the rock from the lunar surface with sufficient force in order to escape the Moons gravitational pull one reason that lunar meteorites are so rare. This is a full and complete slice, with a nice rim of fusion crust and gorgeous, naturally patterned faces speckled with shining white anorthosite on a multi-shaded gray ground. A rare and highly desirable specimen from outer space, it measures approximately 3 x 2 x 1/16 inches and weighs 11.34g, presented in a clear collectors case.

Estimate: $20,000 + Minimum Bid: $17,000

Estimate: $65,000 + Minimum Bid: $56,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


NWA 4662, angrite paired with NWA 2999 and NWA 3164 Sahara Desert Morocco


Angrites are an exceptionally rare type of achondrite meteorite, of which there have been only 17 classified examples. Extensive scientific analysis has determined that they are from a parent body much closer to the Sun than the Earth, and it has been supposed that they originated on the planet Mercury. They were formed from a very large impact which penetrated the mantle of the parent body, blasting off mixed crust and mantle material, along with the impact body, itself thought to be a very large iron meteorite. The result is a unique set of characteristics found only in angrites. Several mineralogical and structural characteristics suggest Mercury as the parent body, but the evidence is insufficient to prove that supposition beyond reasonable doubt; it can only be hoped that further specimens are recovered that allow us to expand our knowledge of these mysterious space rocks which are much rarer than those from the Moon or from Mars, and thus considered to be the rarest and most desirable class of meteorite. The example offered here is a full slice from a complete individual meteorite, discovered in north Africa in 2004. It boasts a nice lining of fusion crust, large polygonal grains of pink-purple anorthite, shocked black olivine and ruby-red spinel in a fine-grained matrix, a beautiful combination, and measures approximately 1 x 13/8 x 1/16 inch; weighing 8.14g.

Estimate: $3,500 +

DAG 1037 basaltic shergottite Dar al Gani, Libya, Sahara Desert

Minimum Bid: $2,500

Diogenite ADIO Tunisia


First discovered in 1999, but not identified and described until 2004 (Meteoritical Bulletin number 88), DAG 1037 is one of the most important of the very few Martian meteorites that have been discovered and scientifically classified to date. It contains large shock-melt veins, gas vesicles and shock-altered olivine, indicating that it was very close to, if not precisely at, the impact site of an asteroid which occurred approximately 175 million years ago on the planet Mars, and was the likely source of almost all known Martian meteorites. The composition of this particular specimen includes basalt, cooled lava rich with iron and magnesium, indicating that there was active volcanism on Mars 474 million years ago, proof that it was a living planet, unlike the dead rock of the Moon. Indeed, the early Martian atmosphere was much thicker, warmer and wetter than it is today, possibly even capable of sustaining life. The lovely pale gray-blue-green coloring of this specimen is dotted with black shock-altered olivine crystals, and enlivened by a striking shock-melt vein darting across its surface, and numerous gas vesicles filled with micro-crystals. A rare and exotic piece of great aesthetic character, it boasts a fine lining of excellent fusion crust, and measures approximately 2 x 2 x 1/16 inches, 9.796g, presented in a clear collectors case.

Science informs us that the vast majority of meteorites originate from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter but precisely from where? In the case of HEd meteorites (howardites, eucrites and diogenites), scientists have found significant evidence they originate from the asteroid Vesta (see lot 49037). It was on July 27, 1931 that the meteorite from which this specimen originated exploded into thousands of pieces which fell just outside the Tunisian town of Foum Tatahouine. Most of the fragments weighed less than one gram. The specimen offered here, collected by noted French meteoriticist dr. Alain Carion, is an exception. Featuring Tatahouines distinctive olive-green matrix, striated black shock veins and an accretion of black shock melt at one end the result of this specimens parent mass having collided in space with another object at a cosmic velocity of at least 12 miles/second. Luke Skywalkers home planet was named Tatooine in acknowledgement of Star Wars scenes shot in Tunisia. no other meteorite looks like Tatahouine, and this oversized specimen comes accompanied by two scientific abstracts supporting Vesta origin a notion nASA will be able to certify when the dawn Probe visits Vesta in August 2011. 42 x 31 x 25 mm (1.5 x 1.25 x 1 inches) and 49.58 grams.

Estimate: $6,000 + Minimum Bid: $5,200

Estimate: $1,500 + Minimum Bid: $1,400

54 TO vIEW FULL DEscRIpTIONs, ENLARgEABLE IMAgEs AND BID ONLINE, vIsIT HA.cOM/6061 AUCTIOn #6061 | SUndAY, JUnE 12, 2011 | 1:00 PM CT 55

Iron (IIIAB) medium octahedrite Henbury Cattle Station, Alice Springs, Northern Australia Eucrite AEUC Wiluna District, Western Australia





Thirteen impact craters 150 miles south of Alice Springs in the Australian outback tell the tale of an ancient meteor shower thought to have occurred over 5,000 years ago. It is one of the few ancient meteorite showers that was not harvested for its metal content by the locals; indeed, it was declared taboo since the time of the fall by oral tradition and named Chindu chinna waru chingi yaku, which means Sun walks fire devils rock. The crater therefore lay undisturbed until its modern discovery by A.R. Alderman in 1931; the total mass of the fall is not known, but what few specimens that have been recovered have proven to be highly collectible. Here is a perfect illustration as to why; aside from their rarity on the market, they frequently boast wonderful twisted, multi-facetted forms, although rarely as striking as the present example. The complete fusion crust boasts a lovely brown and red rust coloring with highpoints flashing and silver highlights. Innumerable dips and cavities, ridges and protrusions, and delicate extremities belay the incredible forces and pressures to which the meteorite was subjected in its fiery descent to Earth. A highly aesthetic example of a highly collectible meteorite, it measures approximately 6 x 4 x 2 inches and weighs 1552 grams (3.42 pounds).

As with lot #49035, research points to the asteroid Vesta at 550 kilometers in diameter among the largest asteroids as the parent body of this rare calcium-rich meteorite that fell in Australias Outback in October 1960. It was only after aborigines left their government subsidized jobs in the citrus fields to earn more collecting meteorites, leaving the crop to rot on the trees (in a curious news story at the time), that specimens of Millbillillie were widely recovered. The current offering is a superb example of both Millbillillie and the eucrite class to which it belongs (an achondrite primarily composed of igneous material). Unusually geometric, this diamond-shaped specimen is wrapped in the glossy burnt sugar fusion crust characteristic of calcium-rich eucrites the result of frictional heating with Earths atmosphere. Richly evident flow lines provide further testimony of surface melting during its plunge to Earth. This specimen also contains a feature specific to Millbillillies: persimmon-hued Australian terrain chemically bonded onto many of Millbillillies crust resulting in vivid terrestrial accenting. Embodying Millbillillies finest qualities, this is an exemplary example of a fabled Australian meteorite. Accompanied by a custom armature and Lucite case. 83 x 67 x 77 mm (3.25 x 2.66 x 3 inches) and 322.5 grams (0.75 pounds).

Estimate: $6,000 + Minimum Bid: $4,750

Estimate: $7,500 + Minimum Bid: $6,200


AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


PAL Pallasite Atacama Desert, Chile



And Who Said Baseball Isnt The Universal Sport? Comprising less than 1% of all meteorites, pallasitic meteorites named in honor of 18th Century geologist Peter Pallas are by far the most dazzling of all meteorites. Imilac is among the most sought-after pallasites... and most sought-after meteorites, period. The specimen offered here was cut from the broadest area of the single largest Imilac, its main mass, which was recovered from the highest desert on Earth Chiles Atacama. Not only is this complete slice with its spectacular mosaic of sparkling crystals embedded in a nickel-iron matrix incomparably beautiful, it is also exceptional for a few earthly reasons. The meteorite from which this slice was derived was the centerpiece of the British Museum of Natural Historys Meteorite Hall for decades. In a similar situation to the Willamette offering (see lot 49053), it was cut to reveal its internal structure. Bordered with fusion crust, this specimen contains an area of highly translucent gem-quality olivine and peridot (birthstone of August), as well as an area of opaque and uncommonly angular crystals. And not only does this complete slice resemble the shape of home plate, its dimensions are uncannily similar. There are only a handful of such slices, of which this is the largest. This specimen was featured on the popular Japanese television show Nandemo Kanteidan, the Japanese equivalent of Antique Roadshow, where a panel of experts declared the value of this specimen exceeded (USD) $420,000. While we believe this valuation is excessive at the present time, accompanying this specimen is the thirteen minute segment in which this offering appeared. It may also have been excessive to name a class of meteorites after the German geologist Pallas, for he fervently believed the unusual boulder he found in Siberia in 1749 could not possibly be from outer space (see lots 49022 and 49023). In fact, it was... and so is this wondrous example of a pallasite. Accompanied by a custom steel frame in which the specimen floats, this is an extremely noteworthy offering: the largest complete slice from the Imilac main mass. (To learn about this meteorites formation, see following description.) 457 x 457 x 4 mm (18 x 18 x 0.2 inches) and 4148 grams (9.1 pounds). Provenance: The Natural History Museum, London (formerly the British Museum of Natural History); The Macovich Collection of Meteorites, New York City.

Estimate: $115,000 + Minimum Bid: $70,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


PAL Pallasite Atacama Desert, Chile



Comprising less than 1% of all meteorites, pallasitic meteorites named in honor of 18th Century geologist Peter Pallas are by far the most dazzling of all meteorites. Similar to the previous two lots, this choice partial slice has been cut and polished and originated from the largest Imilac mass recovered, which was the centerpiece exhibit of the Meteorite Hall at the British Museum of natural History for decades. Also contains peridot, birthstone of August. 77 x 77 x 2 mm (3 x 3 x 0.1 inches) and 72.2 grams.

Estimate: $1,800 + Minimum Bid: $1,400

Amphoterite, LL6 Alsace, France

AL Pallasite Atacama Desert, Chile



A 16th century document describes one of the other newsworthy events of 1492 as follows: In the year of Our Lord 1492, the Wednesday before the feast day of Saint-Martin, the seventh day of November, a strange miracle occurred. On that day, between the eleventh and the twelfth hour of noon, came a great thunder clap, then a long noise that was heard far around, then a stone fell from the air on the village of Ensisheim... it was surely a sign from God, such as had never been seen before, or read or written about. It was 300 years following the Ensisheim phenomenon that the notion of extraterrestrial rocks falling from the sky began to gain scientific acceptance (see lots 49022/49023). As one might imagine, the Ensisheim event created a bit of commotion. The stone was brought within the walled city and was chained in a dungeon in an effort to prevent it from departing the same way it came. Further, Holy Roman Emperor Maximillian interpreted the fireball as a divine sign to declare war on France a decision that turned out to be provident: he retrieved a daughter who had taken up with the French King. Ensisheim is the oldest witnessed fall of a meteorite that can be precisely dated, and rarely does a large specimen like the current offering become available. This partial slice features Ensisheims characteristic fine blue-gray brecciated matrix and esteemed Provenance: The natural History Museum in London (formerly the British Museum of natural History). 59 x 51 x 2 mm (2.33 x 2 x 0.1 inches) and 14.48 grams.



Similar to the previous lot. Nothing known on Earth resembles this remarkably beautiful material. Fine pallasitic meteorites are the most sought-after meteorites, and this complete slice amply reveals why specimens of Imilac are among the most coveted. All pallasitic meteorites less than 1% of all meteorites originate from the boundary between the stony mantle and molten iron core of a planetary body that broke apart during the formation of our solar system (whose remnants are part of the asteroid belt). The olivine crystals seen here are the result of small chunks of stony mantle becoming suspended in molten nickel-iron which slowly cooled and crystallized over a million years in the vacuum of outer space. Imilac occasionally contains as does this example gemquality olivine or peridot, the birthstone of August. This specimen has the archetypal dispersion of Imilac olivine crystals, and a complete rim of fusion crust. Found in the Atacama Desert in Chile, the source material is now thoroughly exhausted. It is now difficult to obtain large complete slices of what is inarguably the most resplendent extraterrestrial material known, of which this is a select example. 160 x 148 x 3 mm (6.33 x 5.75 x 0.1 inches) and 246.9 grams (0.5 pounds). Provenance: The Macovich Collection of Meteorites.

Estimate: $5,000 + Minimum Bid: $4,000

Estimate: $3,750 + Minimum Bid: $3,500



AUCTIOn #6061 | SUndAY, JUnE 12, 2011 | 1:00 PM CT


Iron, coarse octahedrite Paeka, Primorskiy Kray, far eastern Russia


The largest meteorite shower since the dawn of civilization is believed to be the fall over the remote SikhoteAlin Mountains in the Maritime Territory of Siberia on February 12, 1947. An enormous fireball brighter than the sun exploded at an altitude of 5 km and more than sixty tons of material was hurled onto the snowy terrain. The smooth, gently-sculpted pieces that traveled interdependently to earth are amongst the most aesthetic of meteorites; unmistakably extraterrestrial with their dark metallic patina and shimmering silvery highlights, with surfaces pitted with thumbprint-like regmaglypts. Occasionally, however, one finds a more dramatic example, as with this fine large specimen rather than a smoothly undulating surface, the fusion crust bursts with peaks and shards, like a violent, roaring extra-terrestrial ocean-scape immediately evocative of the terrific rending and twisting pressures exerted on the meteorite as it hurtled hundreds of miles through the Earths atmosphere. A first-class specimen, it measures approximately 13 x 9 x 9 inches and weighs 46 kg (101.5 pounds), presented on an ebonized metal display stand.

Estimate: $30,000 + Minimum Bid: $25,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


NWA IIIAB medium octahedrite Sahara Desert


One of the most abundant sources of meteorites outside of the Antarctic is the Sahara Desert, where the dry weather has provided the perfect conditions for these rocks from the sky to lie undisturbed and undamaged for thousands of years until they are collected by the nomadic Berbers of the region. Most are chondrites, or stony meteorites; the most abundant type of meteorite found on Earth (comprising approximately 80%), but the specimen here is a much scarcer nickel-iron alloy octahedrite, as immediately apparent from the sliced and etched face. Treatment with nitric acid exposes the incredible Widmansttten patterns found in these specimens, crisscrossing layers of hyper-shocked kamacite, taenite and plessite, their soft outlines looking almost as though they were patterns applied with brush-strokes a natural, extra-terrestrial art-work. Even more interesting is the large dark vein crossing one corner of the sliced face, evidence of some massively traumatic shock in outer space, possibly even the collision and fusion of two separate masses. A fine and large specimen, this is the main mass of this particular meteorite; the largest single remaining piece of the original find. Samples of this meteorite are currently undergoing analysis and publication as a newly classified IIIAB iron meteorite. The exterior is covered with a fusion crust of excellent patina and mountainous, contoured texture and it measures approximately 11 x 8 x 3 inches and weighs 9.90 kg (21.80 pounds).

Estimate: $18,000 + Minimum Bid: $14,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT



Iron, coarse octahedrite Gran Chaco, Argentina

Imposing and massive, this large iron meteorite originated from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and was recovered in Argentina. Nearly 4000 years after having collided with Earth, Campo del Cielo Valley of the Sky meteorites were first written about by 16th century Spanish explorers when their unearthly origins had yet to be understood. The first large meteorite to be displayed at the famed British Museum of Natural History was a Campo, and several large masses can today be found in the foremost museums throughout the world. This specimen features fusion crust and regmaglypts (the burnt surface and thumb printing which are hallmark ablation features of the fiery descent and melting of a meteorite during its plunge through Earths atmosphere). Such sought-after characteristics are typically obscured as a result of weathering after thousands of years. However, the fine preservation of the current specimen results from its fortuitous landing on an elevated section of the valley where it was less susceptible to incursions of ground water and other oxidants. Highly sculptural, this meteorite features two broad faces and a pronounced scoop at its base; it is draped in a natural patina ranging from pewter to platinum with charcoal accents. Accompanied by a custom steel pedestal and a Macovich Collection provenance. 406 x 298 x 239 mm (16 x 11.5 x 9.5 inches) and 108.3 kilograms (238 pounds).

Fine (IVA) octahedrite Northern Sweden



First discovered in 1906, the Muonionalusta meteorites are something of a mystery. Believed to have fallen over 500,000 years ago, only a limited quantity of specimens have been found and searches for the impact crater from the original shower have been in vain. But this remote area of northern Sweden, well into the Arctic Circle, has yielded some impressive finds, and it has been conjectured that they may have been transported by glacial action from the original, ancient strewn field. Rarity and difficulty of recovery make these specimens uncommon on the market, and so the present example is an especial prize: a complete and natural meteorite with a lovely fusion crust. Rust-colored and finely textured, the specimen possesses an almost zoomorphic form: viewed correctly, it has the appearance of an inquisitive duck-billed dinosaur, with cranial crest, large eye socket and craning neck. A superb specimen, it measures approximately 11 x 9 x 4 inches and weighs in at around 13 kilograms (28.66 pounds).

Estimate: $24,000 + Minimum Bid: $23,000

Estimate: $3,500 + Minimum Bid: $2,340



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


CM2 Victoria, Australia

While this collection features samples of many of the most historic known meteorites (see lots 49022 / 49023 / 49041 / 49051 / 49053), the next two lots are samples of what are among the scientifically most important. It was on September 28, 1969 that the Murchison meteorite shower rained down on the Australian town of the same name. Months later, the scientific community was in a frenzy when it was disclosed that in addition to other organic compounds, Murchison meteorites contained amino acids, many of which were previously unknown. Coveted by both scientists and collectors, the last several decades have seen Murchison become among the most researched meteorites with appearances in scores of scientific abstracts. The Murchison event also provided support for the Panspermia Theory of Creation: life on Earth having been seeded by extraterrestrial impact. And as analytic techniques have become more sophisticated in recent years, the complexity and diversity of the organic compounds in Murchison are far greater than anything imagined. In 2010, Murchison was again in the headlines when an article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences announced that 14,000 unique molecular compounds were identified in a small section of a Murchison research specimen. The study, by a team of nine German scientists led by Dr. Phillipe Schmitt-Kopplin, also determined that many of the organic compounds, components of life on Earth, were already present in the solar system prior to life on Earth which begs the question whether meteorites may have played a key role in lifes origins. In Scientific American, NASA scientist and Murchison expert Dr. Daniel Glavin said of the Germans findings, Its exciting, but it also scares me at the same time. We have a lot of work to do to even pretend to understand what this stuff is. Now offered is a large and pristine complete specimen of that stuff. Examples this massive are exceedingly rare and almost impossible to obtain. Easily the centerpiece of any collection, this is an exemplary specimen of a most distinguished meteorite. A bibliography of more than 100 scientific abstracts on Murchison as well as a copy of the Schmitt-Koppin study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America accompany this specimen, along with a custom armature and Lucite cover. 107 x 109 x 69 mm (4.25 x 4.25 x 2.75 inches) and 535.9 grams (1.2 pounds). Provenance: The Macovich Collection.

Estimate: $42,500 + Minimum Bid: $32,500



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT



CM2 Victoria, Australia CH-UNGR (Ungrouped Chondrite) Subtype 3.05 Western Sahara




Similar to the previous lot. This fragment originates from a far smaller meteorite from the same event previously described, and contains largely identical prebiotics as the Murchison meteorite shower originated from a parent body that was seen to detonate in the upper atmosphere. The conchoidally fractured face reveals the quintessential internal structure of Murchison. Featured within the carbonaceous matrix are scores of white CAIs (calcium aluminum inclusions), the oldest matter mankind can touch (see previous description). The reverse is covered in fusion crust. This specimen was deaccessioned from Chicagos Field Museum to the Macovich Collection, which provided the other portion to Brother Guy Consolmagno, Curator of Meteorites at the Vatican Observatory. This specimen is also accompanied by the Schmitt-Kopplin articleHigh Molecular Diversity of Extraterrestrial Organic Matter in Murchison Meteorite Revealed 40 Years After its Fall, which appeared in the February 16, 2010 edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 49 x 38 x 21 mm (2 x 1.5 x .75 inches) and 30.76 grams. Provenance: Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago; The Macovich Collection of Meteorites.

Covered in fusion crust on the reverse, this is the 5717th meteorite recovered and classified from the North West African grid of the Sahara Desert. Of the tens of thousands of chondritic meteorites known to exist (meteorites which contain silica-rich spherules), it is also one of just 14 that are unclassifiable and designated as being ungrouped (CH-UNGR). NWA 5717 is also the only meteorite within this select group that is a member of an even more select group: it features a 3.05 subtype which makes it among the most primitive planetary matter known. Specifically, unlike 99.9% of all meteorites, the constituents of this meteorite are unchanged since their origins in the early solar nebula. As a result of it being unique, scientists concluded that NWA 5717 originates from a previously unknown parent body. Only six pounds of similarly primitive planetary material was known to exist prior to NWA 5717s discovery. States researcher Dr. Anthony Irving of Washington University, There will most certainly be a great deal of research done on 5717 in years to come. Devoutly sought-after by scientists, unmetamorphosed meteorites like NWA 5717 are the raw ingredients from which our solar system formed. More than half of the NWA 5717 mass will be placed in museums and institutions and scant material will be available to the collecting community. For the sophisticated collector, this specimen features two lithologies packed with a galaxy of chondrules which are observable from three cut and polished faces with crust enshrouding the reverse. From the Macovich Collection, this offering is accompanied by the 2010 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference abstract entitled The Extra-Ordinary Chondrite: NWA 5717. 35 x 33 x 39 mm (1.33 x 1.33 x 1.5 inches) and 76.3 grams.

Estimate: $2,500 + Minimum Bid: $2,250

Estimate: $4,500 + Minimum Bid: $3,750



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


L5 Trujillo, Venezuela

On the evening of October 15, 1972 farmhands in Trujillo, Venezuela were startled by an inexplicable sonic boom. The next morning, the owner of the farm, physician Argimiro Gonzalez, was directed to a dead cow whose neck and shoulder were pulverized. Alongside the cow was a large unusual rock. It was clear to Dr. Gonzalez what had occurred, but he didnt think anything of it as it seemed natural that large locks falling out of the sky would occasionally result in deaths, and so the small boulder was set aside and used as a doorstop. Many years later scientists confirmed what Dr. Gonzalez had long presumed the boulder was indeed a meteorite. What Dr. Gonzalez didnt know was that this is the first and only documented fatal meteorite impact. When Dr. Ignacio Ferrin, an astronomer at the University of the Andes, learned of the meteorite which scientists on the Meteoritical Societys Nomenclature Committee named Valera, he visited the Gonzalez estate and was able to contact a witness to the events of October 15-16. Dr. Ferrin purchased Valera and obtained an affidavit provided by the witness and notarized by the Ministry of Justice a copy of which is provided with this offering: I, Juan Dionicio Delgado, Venezuelan, identified by the National Identity Document No. 5.030.450, hereby declare in this document that at the end of 1972, I was visiting the farm El Tinajero owned by Argimiro Gonzalez, deceased, which was located at the boundary of the states of Barinas and Trujillo. It was past midnight when we were talking, and there was a strange noise. When we went out to investigate due to the dark of the night we saw nothing. But the next morning a worker came to say that there was a cow killed under strange circumstances. When we went to investigate we found that the cow had been killed by a stone that presumably fell from the sky the night before, causing the noise we had been unable to explain. The stone, broken in several pieces, was kept by Dr. Gonzalez, while the cow was eaten over the following days. These are the facts, as expressed in Barinas, the eleventh day of January 2001. Juan Delgado One of just three Venezuelan meteorites, this softly rectangular specimen of Valera is polished on one face and is covered with fusion crust on a second face. It exhibits a richly-hued variegated matrix abundant in chondrules (spherical inclusions of silica) and sparkling metallic grains. An engaging specimen of a lively bit of extraterrestrial real estate and deadliest of meteorites. Accompanied by a custom armature with Lucite cover. 69 x 63 x 34 mm (2.75 x 2.5 x 1.33 inches) and 309.8 grams (.66 pounds). Provenance: The Macovich Collection of Meteorites.

Estimate: $8,000 + Minimum Bid: $5,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


H5, Olivine-bronzite chondrite Moody County, South Dakota


Discovered in a South Dakota cornfield in June 1983, specimens of the Flandreau meteorite grace few collections and the reason is before us: a significant portion of the Flandreau mass is in the one piece now being offered. Referred to as a meteorites main mass (which refers to the largest portion of a solitary meteorite, like the current offering, or the largest specimen in a meteorite shower), such examples are a rare and a prestigious addition to any collection and seldom available. Flandreaus naturally glazed fusion crust features crisp flight markings the branding of its descent to Earth. A filigree of fine shock veins course through its milk chocolate matrix, with large inclusions and gleaming metalflake further adorning the meteorites cut and polished face. It is most unusual that the main mass of an American meteorite comes to auction and this is a superior example. Accompanied by a custom armature and pedestal. 225 x 146 x 125 mm (9 x 5.75 x 5 inches) and 8.136 kg (18 pounds).

Estimate: $32,000 + Minimum Bid: $25,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


L5 Wold Cottage, England


Wold Cottage played a crucial role in the scientific communitys acceptance that rocks could indeed fall from the sky. In 1795, Wold Cottage crashed to Earth yards from farmworker John Shipley, the only witness to the event, which proved insufficient to convince almost anyone as to what occurred. Fortunately, Shipleys boss and owner of the Wold Cottage estate was well-known bon vivant Edward Topham. Although hed been a scandal sheet publisher and playwright, Topham had a reputation as an honest man, which proved vital in swaying public opinion in favor of accepting his workmans claim. Certain that the stone was of great import, Topham arranged to have Wold Cottage placed on public exhibition in London. The scientific community took note, especially after it compared favorably to a rock from a similar event in Siena, Italy one year earlier. Up to this point in time, such events were either simply denied, explained away, or never fell into the embrace of science (see lot 49041); the Sienna event was dismissed by many as a fantasy of overly romantic Italians, in much the same way that Thomas Jefferson dismissed the lAigle event (see lot 49022). The fact that two stones from different localities had important common characteristics convinced many scientists of the stones possible extraterrestrial origins. No one, however, imagined these rocks traveled farther away than the Moon, where it was believed volcanic eruptions propelled them to Earth. The partial slice of Wold Cottage offered here is decidedly not from the Moon but the asteroid belt. Featuring a vein of impact melt arcing across its creamy matrix, metalflake scattered throughout, this is an uncommon offering of an extremely historic meteorite. 33 x 37 x 3 mm (1.33 x 1.5 x .2 inches) and 10.28 grams. Provenance: The Natural History Museum, London (formerly the British Museum of Natural History)

H5, Olivine-bronzite chondrite Cherokee County, Oklahoma



On January 3, 1970 at 8:14 pm, Lost Citys descent to Earth was recorded by the Prairie Photographic Network, a constellation of sixteen cameras set up by the American and Canadian governments (and no longer in operation). The multiple camera imagery allowed the trajectory of the meteorite to be triangulated and a search area delimited. Just six days following the fall, the first of 4 fragments was recovered. Lost City is one of just a handful of meteorites to have been located by following their paths on film, and the only example in the United States. Whats more, its precise orbit before impacting Earth an ellipse stretching between Jupiter and Venus was also calculated from the photographs, making it one of the few non-planetary meteorites with a determined point of origin. This is a partial slice, with two edges of fusion crust and a polished face revealing a medium-gray matrix studded with metallic clasts. Prized by collectors and available only once in a blue moon The Smithsonian retains the main mass Lost City is one of the most fabled and desired American meteorites. 61 x 53 x 2 mm (2.5 x 2 x 0.1 inches) and 12.60 grams.

Estimate: $2,100 + Minimum Bid: $1,800

Estimate: $3,250 + Minimum Bid: $2,750



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Iron, medium octahedrite; shocked and recrystallized Clackamas County, Oregon



Now provided is the unique opportunity to acquire the missing portion of a centerpiece exhibit at a worldrenowned museum: the crown section of the Willamette meteorite at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The Willamette meteorite is the largest meteorite recovered in North America and the 6th largest in the world. It is believed the meteorite fell in Canada or Montana and was a glacial erratic (i.e., it was deposited in Oregon by glacial activity during the last Ice Age, which ended approximately 12,000 years ago). The Willamette meteorite was discovered in 1902 when a miner named Ellis Hughes noticed the meteorite on property adjacent to his own, which belonged to Oregon Iron & Steel. Seeing an opportunity to profit, Hughes endeavored to move the meteorite onto his property. Using a horse, wagon, cables and capstan, over a period of nine months he ingeniously moved the 15.5 ton nickel iron mass onto his land and then charged the curious to view it. On October 24, 1903 the local newspaper reported the meteorites discovery and the crowds on Hughes front yard swelled. Unfortunately for Hughes, one of his customers an attorney from Oregon Iron & Steel noticed the telltale groove in the forest going onto his employers land. The company subsequently sued, and after several court cases won possession. In 1905, the meteorite was exhibited at the 1905 Worlds Fair; while the meteorites future resting place was being debated among civic leaders, Oregon Iron and Steel sold it to Mrs. William E. Dodge, who then gifted the meteorite to the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


The Willamette meteorite has been on display at the Museum for 102 years and its tenure has not been a quiet one. It has been the centerpiece in two major exhibit halls where it has been seen or touched by an estimated 50 million people. There have also been two additional custody disputes. In 1990, tens of thousands of schoolchildren signed petitions to have the meteorite returned to Oregon. A bill was proposed in support of the schoolchildrens ambitions in the U.S. Senate and an Oregon congressman suggested withholding federal funding earmarked for the Museum until the meteorite was returned. This civics lesson ended when the childrens mentors were ultimately convinced to discontinue their effort. In 1999 a coalition of Oregonian Native Americans, The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, filed a claim to have the meteorite returned to Oregon by invoking the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) more typically used to retrieve burial remains and crafted artifacts. According to Clackamas Indian tradition, the meteorite called Tomanowos was delivered from the Moon to the Clackamas and conveyed messages from the spirit world since the beginning of time.

The Museum filed a lawsuit in federal court that challenged the Grand Rondes claim and requested a declaratory judgment that the meteorite was museum property. The parties eventually settled out-of-court, where it was agreed the meteorite would remain a Museum centerpiece and never again be cut. As a result of its uniquely dramatic appearance, textbooks frequently use an image of the Willamete to illustrate a meteorite (conveying an incorrect impression of what meteorites usually look like). The deep basin of the meteorite is likely the result of inclusions having melted during frictional heating in the atmosphere, which caused small depressions in which water pooled and oxidized the mass over thousands of years in a manner that would be determined by Willamettes internal structure which is also unique. As evidenced by its singular crystalline matrix, the Willamette meteorite recrystallized, and it is believe this could have only occurred as a result of it having melted following a cataclysmic collision in outer space. The crown section offered here was removed from the meteorite in 1997 to complete an exchange between the Museum and the Macovich Collection (for which the Museum received a highly exotic piece of the planet Mars). The section is comprised of two swooping flanges, one of which contains a naturally formed hole, joined just above the specimens cut and polished surface. Two large troilite (iron sulfide) inclusions punctuate the sparkling crystalline face.



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As conveyed in the Introduction to Meteorites in the beginning of this section, when a single meteorite is recovered and there are no additional specimens from the same event, the meteorite must necessarily undergo subdivision by scientists for analysis. The American Museums Curator of Meteorites, the late Dr. Martin Prinz, wished to provide a window to Willamettes internal structure, and in his doing so, science was again served. Following Dr. Prinzs death, the curator of the Macovich Collection noticed unusual bubbling at the margin of one of the sulfide inclusions and contacted the worlds foremost expert in iron meteorites, Dr. John Wasson of UCLA, who stated These bubbles are fascinating. We cannot remember having seen angular FeS fragments entrained into a eutectic melt before. Ongoing research is continuing to take place. This is the largest specimen cut from the most famous meteorite in the world and an unprecedented opportunity to obtain a conspicuously missing section of a renowned museum centerpiece. 246 x 279 x 158 mm (9.75 x 11 x 6.25 inches) and 13.998 kg (29.5 pounds). Provenance: American Museum of Natural History, NYC. This specimen was featured on CBS Sunday Morning and in pages of, among others, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Economist and The Robb Report where it was presented as one of 21 Ultimate Gifts in December 2010.

Estimate: $875,000 + Minimum Bid: $750,000

Sahara Desert, North Africa


The result of an extraordinary phenomenon that allows us to grasp a lightning bolt, fulgurite is a glass created by lightning striking and melting the earth. In addition to mechanisms not fully understood, the formation of fulgurite is dependent upon both atmospheric humidity and pressure; the character, layering and dampness of the sand; the strike points proximity to a water table and aspects of the discharge itself. With a sprinkling of wheat-hued grains of sand fused to the molten cylinder, this is a superb example of Flared Saharite the finest of the naturally-formed glasses created by a lightning strike. Fewer than 5% of all fulgurites from the Sahara are flared with highly-textured exteriors abounding in spikes and wildly looping projections. Although fulgurites often extend many feet into the ground, they invariably break into shorter pieces as a result of either the pressure of the surrounding sand on the glass while solidifying, the natural contraction of the glass while cooling, the force exerted by shifting sands, or by the simple act of unearthing them. With broad flanges and dense crenellations, a custom armature accompanies this superior example of a remarkable phenomenon. Recovered in the Sahara by Louis Carrion, one of the worlds foremost fulgurite experts. 224 x 33 x 29 mm (9 x 1.25 x 1 inches).

Estimate: $1,400 + Minimum Bid: $1,200



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Ursus arctos middendorffi

Ursus maritimus


The Alaskan Brown is sometimes called the Kodiak Bear, as it is found primarily throughout the Kodiak archipelago of south-western Alaska. They are larger than the interior Grizzly Bear the largest subspecies of Brown Bear in fact and they eat a lot of salmon. This is a terrific example, an imposing and impressive full-body mount standing approximately 7 feet, 4 inches high on a simulated rocky base, with a brass plaque detailing that it was taken by Jim davison on March 31, 1970, at west River, near wildman Lake, Alaska, with taxidermy by Jonas Bros, Seattle.



Estimate: $6,000 + Minimum Bid: $4,500

The polar bear is the largest land carnivore in the world, roaming the tundra in search of seals (though it will eat almost anything if hungry). Its streamlined body is well-adapted to such an aquatic way of life, and the 5-inch layer of blubber helps with buoyancy as well as keeping the animal warm. These mounts are becoming increasingly difficult to find as all Polar Bears are under strict conversation laws now and are rarely seen for sale; this one was taken prior to the Marine Mammal Protection act and is fully legal for sale. This is an extremely impressive full-body mount, standing approximately 7 feet, 9 inches high on a simulated icy base, with a brass plaque detailing that the animal was taken by Jim davison off Kamen (Kamtchatka), 12 miles from the Siberian coast on February 24, 1970, with taxidermy by Jonas Bros, Seattle.

Estimate: $6,000 + Minimum Bid: $4,500



AUCTIOn #6061 | SUndAY, JUnE 12, 2011 | 1:00 PM CT



Aepyornis maximus Madagascar

This incredible egg is from the largest bird ever to have lived: the Great Elephant Bird of Madagascar. The Aepyornis was a ratite (flightless bird), like the Moa, the Rhea, or the Ostrich; lacking the keel to its breastbone that would provide sufficient leverage to operate its wings in flight. Believed to have grown to over 10 feet tall and weighing close to 900 pounds, it was a native of Madagascar that survived at least until the late 17th Century; the French governor of the island at that time wrote of a reclusive giant bird that laid its eggs in hidden places. Indeed, human desire for these eggs may have been the cause of its extinction as shell fragments have been found amongst remains of human-made fires; suggesting that they were a substantial food source. The bird has also been popular in folk legend; supposedly inspiring the Roc, or Rukh, of Marco Polos writings and of the Thousand and One Nights; and immortalized by H.G. Wells in his story Aepyornis Island in 1898. Remarkably little is known about the creature because no complete skeleton has ever been discovered and very few associated ones are available for study; their most common remains are these incredible eggs; with a volume approximately 170 times that of a chicken egg. Most common are reconstructed eggs from fragments, but occasionally a complete specimen is discovered such as the one presented here. So rare in fact that there are fewer than 30 complete specimens that have been documented and preserved in museum collections The present example is considerably more significant than that, however. Because intact undamaged eggs are so scarce, scientists have been universally unwilling to break them open to examine the embryonic contents. It was only in recent years that X-ray technology was used to look inside the complete egg of the National Geographic Society collection in Washington D.C. and a detailed study compiled on its contents. The present egg, however, was accidentally dropped a number of years ago, which turned out to be an incredibly fortunate accident; out tumbled the perfectly preserved bones of an embryonic Aepyornis: a totally unique specimen. The egg was expertly repaired and the contents kept separate. Included in this lot are the complete contents of this egg which includes approximately 75% of the embryonic skeleton organized into a number of plastic containers. Several bones of note include large thick limb bones and significant skull elements including a part of the upper beak. The egg itself shows almost no sign of its past damage, remaining in excellent condition with a wonderful shell texture. The egg measures 12 inches long and 28 inches in circumference; a unique, fascinating, and highly significant specimen.

Estimate: $60,000 + Minimum Bid: $50,000



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Carcharocles megalodon Miocene South Carolina, USA


The ferocious Megalodon was the largest predaceous shark ever to have swum the oceans of our planet; completely dominating the marine food chain for almost twenty million years. That it could reach the length of two city buses is immediately apparent from this tremendous, astonishing jaw, containing 182 first-class fossil teeth, each with superb enamel coverage, coloring, serrations, and measuring up to 7 5/8 inches along the diagonal, amongst the largest Megalodon teeth ever discovered. Whilst the teeth of the Megalodon have been found on continents across the world, the finest examples are found along the coastal plains of the Mid-Atlantic States. The majority of the specimens here were personally collected by the late Vito Bertucci in the rivers of South Carolina; esteemed for his dedication and success in seeking out the finest Meg teeth. It took him over sixteen years to recover enough specimens of the appropriate size and shape to complete this collection, the largest jaw set in the world, measuring 11 feet across and 8 feet high. Positioned with scrupulous scientific accuracy in a pair of jaws modeled in resin and scaled up from a Great White jaw set, the teeth are accurately arrayed in four rows; each row at a different angle for maximum efficiency in rending the flesh of the great fishs victims. The jaws contain four teeth that each measure over 7 inches along the diagonal, although this is not immediately obvious because part of the roots are embedded in the jaw. The first description of Megalodon teeth occurs during the Renaissance in Europe, where their distinctive triangular shape led to their being identified as the tongues of dragons. In 1667, however, Danish naturalist Nicolaus Steno recognized them as sharks teeth, and published a description and engraving in his The Head of a Shark Dissected. It was only in 1835 that they were assigned to a definite species, as Swiss naturalist Louis Agassiz coined the species Charcharodon megalodon. Charcharodon is the genus of todays Great White Shark (Charcharadon carcharias), but the precise relation between the species has been much disputed; today it is considered that Megalodon belongs to its own, separate Carcharocles genus. No wonder the confusion: like that of todays sharks, the Megalodons skeleton was composed entirely of cartilage rather than bone, a substance almost impossible to preserve in the fossil record; indeed only very few fragments of the Megs vertebrae have ever been uncovered. As a result, even the size of the prehistoric fish has been a continual cause for debate, with estimates for a maximum full-grown size varying from just over 40 to a terrifying 98 feet in length. Nonetheless, the teeth on their own can tell us a certain amount about the Megalodons physique and hunting methods; near-complete sets of dentition found in the US and Japan allow comparatively accurate reconstruction of the jaw arrangement. Bite marks on contemporaneous victims indicate a vicious, efficient hunter, who rather than the opportunistic method employed by todays large sharks, was an active hunter who probably rammed its prey heavily from below in order to stun them, before going in for the kill. It may even have employed a disabling tactic of biting off the fins and flippers of the whales and other large marine fauna upon which it preyed, in order to immobilize them.

Vito Bertucci Megalodon Man Vito Bertucci dedicated over twenty years of his life to aquatic fossil hunting. Originally a jeweler and goldsmith, as an avid scuba diver he began underwater fossil collecting in the early 1980s, and soon became captivated with the teeth of the Megalodon. From his discovery of the very first specimen measuring over 7 inches in length, he undertook years of research into the relative lengths and arrangement of these teeth, visualizing the day when he could reconstruct an entire jaw. His first attempt comprised teeth up to 6 inches in length, the larger specimens being considerably harder to find, and that 5 foot example now hangs in the American Museum of Natural History, New York, whilst another, measuring 6 feet high, is on display at the Baltimore Aquarium. He opened and operated a Shark Museum in Port Royal, South Carolina, and his life and work was featured by National Geographic both on its television channel and in its print publication. After 16 years of collecting, Vito finally had enough 7+ inch teeth to recreate his greatest jaw yet, the one on offer here, which took over a year and a half to construct with the meticulous scientific accuracy demanded of such an important project. And sadly, it was to be his last, for Vito Bertucci passed away in October 2004 doing what he loved best, diving for fossils in the cold dark waters of the Ossabaw Sound in Chatham County, South Carolina.

Estimate: $700,000 + Minimum Bid: $625,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT



Titanichthys termieri Upper Devonian, Lower Famennian stage Tafilalt, Morocco



This incredible fossil is the skull of a large and voracious Titanychthys. Immense armored fish, along with other members of the Arthrodira order, ruled the oceans of the Devonian period, 370 million years ago. Growing up to 30 feet in length, the Titanichthys were the Paleozoic equivalent of todays basking shark, prowling the oceans and engulfing large prey and even whole schools of fish with its specially adapted, gaping mouth. The Titanichthys were cousins of the Dunkleosteus, an apex predator of Devonian waters. Their reign of aquatic terror was finally terminated by the Hangenberg event of the late Devonian extinction, which saw the sea-levels drop dramatically and half of all genera vanish from the Earth. They have been found in a number of locations around the world, but the present example was uncovered several years ago in the rocky desert around the Anti-Atlas Mountains of Morocco. Carefully removed from the hard limestone matrix, the armor plates are very well preserved and have great textural details. A few elements on the skull had been eroded away but have been professionally restored to maintain scientific accuracy; there is less than 10% restoration to the skull and each element has been reassembled on a complex but discrete metal armature in its original inflated three-dimensional form. The order name, Arthrodira, means jointed neck in Greek, for the unusual arrangement of its skull and mouth: a movable joint on the top of the skull, called a cranio-thoracic joint or nuchal gap, allowed the skull to move upwards while the lower jaw descended, creating an enormous gaping mouth hole. The Titanichthys was a pelagic feeder, meaning that it engulfed its prey in this giant maw, and then filtered out the water. Those features are perfectly visible in the bone arrangement here, along with the mandible-like lower jaw bones, which served a tooth-like function in the otherwise toothless mouth. Also present is the characterful sclerotic ring, a bony structure found in birds and some ichthyosaurs, which was a support for the eyeball, but here gives the impression of the beady eyes themselves. The first of these extraordinary Titanichthys was discovered and described in the famed Cleveland Shale of Ohio in the 1800s; the first partial specimen of T.termieri was unearthed by French geologist Henri Termier in Morocco in the 1940s and described by paleontologist Jean-Pierre Lehman in the 1950s. Aside from isolated pieces of armor, only three complete skulls have ever been found, and the present example is the largest of the three, at 62 inches long, 44 inches wide and 28 inches high. The mouth is presented partially agape, 28 inches across, and the whole skull is raised on its metal stand to a height of almost 5 feet. A superb, museum-quality piece of remarkable rarity.

Estimate: $40,000 + Minimum Bid: $35,000

92 TO vIEW FULL DEscRIpTIONs, ENLARgEABLE IMAgEs AND BID ONLINE, vIsIT HA.cOM/6061 AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT 93


Heliobatis radians, Diplomystus dentata Eocene Green River Formation, Lincoln Co, Wyoming



Many of the aquatic animals that lived in the fossil lakes of the Green River Formation were descendants of marine species cut off from the oceans as the North American continents rose slowly from the primordial waters that covered much of the globe. This is the reason why the traditionally ocean-dwelling sting-ray was to be found in these fresh waters. Like their modern-day descendants, they were placid bottom dwellers; the fearsome tail barbs providing an excellent deterrent to predators that might otherwise have enjoyed them as a tasty dinner. As might be expected, the remains of these thin, delicate flat fish are rare. They possessed a cartilaginous skeleton that was highly antipathetic to fossilization, and although the strata of the 18-inch layer of the Fossil Lake makes it relatively less difficult than in other locations to remove the abundant fossils found there, the wing bones of the ray present one of the greatest challenges to the excavator; having the thickness of only two sheets of paper. To find one fine example is unusual, but to find two together on one natural matrix plate is exceptional, particularly with the level of detail observable here along with their natural esthetic positioning. Also note worthy is the fact that one of the rays is male and the other is female which perfectly illustrates a romantic moment frozen in time. The quality of preservation is outstanding; from the super-fine bones of the fins to the thick, deadly tail barbs. What is more, the two rays are joined by a very large and detailed Diplomystus: the ancient predaceous herring. The quality of the fish is easily comparable to that of the rays; with truly exceptional three dimensionality to the skull and vertebrae, and of excellent size at 19 inches in length. The rays have wingspans of 10 and 8 inches, and the matrix is presented in an ebonized wooden frame, 35 3/8 x 48 3/8 inches overall, an extremely rare combination specimen of highly collectible status.

Estimate: $24,000 + Minimum Bid: $20,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Amia pattersoni, Knightia eocaena Eocene Green River Formation, Lincoln Co, Wyoming

Mene rhombea Eocene Monte Bolca, Verona, Italy


Of all the nineteen genera of fish to be found in the abundant fossil beds of the Green River Formation, one of the very rarest is the Amia; a prehistoric relative of the modern bowfin. These large fish could grow to over four feet long and were bottom feeders and scavengers; distinguished by the dorsal fin that ran almost the entire length of their body. The fossils from this region are renowned for their quality and the present example is no exception: superb three-dimensionality is visible throughout, from the thick heavy bones of the head and the mouth bristling with pointed vicious-looking teeth, many prepared entirely free from the matrix, to the robust spinal column and slender ribs, even down to the tiny bones of the fins. Almost the entire body is covered with well-preserved scales of rounded-off rectangular shape. The Amia itself measures 45 inches in length, amongst the larger of the Amia found there, and are joined in the matrix by a good handful of the small herring Knightia, abundant and characteristic denizens of the sub-tropical lake system of over 50 million years ago. The fossils have a lovely soft pale caramel coloring that harmonizes perfectly with the irregularly-shaped creamy limestone matrix, 42 x 66 inches.



Estimate: $20,000 + Minimum Bid: $20,000

The Monte Bolca lagersttte in north-eastern Italy is known also as La Pesciara (the fishbowl) for its extremely well-preserved fossil reef fish; a reputation to which this specimen bears ample witness. The most iconic fossil from Bolca is the Mene rhombea: a planktivore Moonfish related to an Angel fish; the species is highly sought after and is often the highlight of many esteemed collections. The level of detail on this attractive specimen is simply astounding; right down to the perfect three-dimensionality of its incredibly fine dorsal and caudal fin bones and the long slender pelvic fins. Skull, ribs and vertebrae also display superb detail and three-dimensionality, and the warm chocolate brown coloring and enamel-like patination stands in lovely contrast to the gray stone matrix. The Monte Bolca locality has been closed to fossil collecting for over a decade and Italian laws discourage the export of existing specimens; making this superb specimen a highly desirable fossil. The fish itself measures 47/8 inches long with an additional 4 inch long pair of trailing fins; it rests perfectly on an irregularly-shaped 14 x 14 inch matrix.

Estimate: $6,500 + Minimum Bid: $3,750



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Latimeria menadoensis Indonesia



Having existed for over 300 million years, the Coelacanth was presumed to have vanished from our planet along with the dinosaurs during the KT extinction event, 65 million years ago. Then one day in 1938, one of these living fossils was caught off the coast of Africa; incredible enough, but then a second species was discovered in Indonesia in the late 90s (making them officially a Lazarus taxon, a species vanished from the fossil record that reappears some time later). Predatory lobe-finned fish, they are part of the lineage of limbed fish that crawled onto land and became the ancestors of all terrestrial animals. It is incredible that they have survived every major extinction event almost unchanged in the past 375 million years, but today they are considered an endangered species. Modern coelacanth specimens are only in a handful of museums today, and even casts are difficult to come by. This is an expert life cast, made from an Indonesian specimen, and bears the distinctive blue color of specimens from that region. Measuring 51 inches in length, raised on a wood and metal display stand.

Estimate: $6,000 + Minimum Bid: $5,000


Knightia eocaena, Phareodus encaustus, Priscacara liops Eocene Green River Formation, Lincoln Co, Wyoming

Carcharocles megalodon Miocene South Carolina, USA




The limestone fossil beds of the Green River Formation are renowned the world over for their abundance of exceptionally preserved fish and other flora and fauna; remnants of the system of lakes that covered the sub-tropical area over 50 million years ago. Nineteen genera of fish have been identified from the location and here in three beautiful mosaic wall-hangings are represented numerous specimens of the Formations most characteristic denizen; the primitive herring Knightia, together with the attractive prehistoric perch Priscacara and one specimen of the carnivorous, fat-bellied Phareodus measuring 12 inches long. Each fish displays the typically excellent quality of preservation and preparation characteristic of the Green River specimens, strikingly dark brown against their pale limestone matrix. Each mosaic is comprised of square tiles of this limestone, across which the fish swim serenely, and framed in dark-stained wood, each 65 3/8 x 33 3/8 inches.

Estimate: $15,000 + Minimum Bid: $10,000

Hugely popular with collectors, this tooth belonged to the ferocious Megalodon; a giant shark that terrorized the waters all across the globe prior to the formation of the Isthmus of Darien (the Panamanian Isthmus) and the cooling of the oceans 3 million years ago. One look at simply a single tooth is enough to tell you of these creatures size and effectiveness as the apex predators of their eco-system. Rarely are Megalodon teeth found intact over six inches in length due to the immense pressures, both in life and in death, that will causes breaks and damage to teeth, but the present tooth is a monstrous 6 inches long on the diagonal. This specimen is also abnormally wide for a Megalodon tooth; measuring 5 inches across at the root, which suggests it belonged to a shark that was likely over 40 feet in length. Additionally, it retains superb enamel coverage and serrations, and bears a lovely dark gray coloring that shades to a softer blue-tinged hue at the edges: an excellent example of a highly collectible fossil.

Estimate: $1,800 + Minimum Bid: $1,300



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Xiphactinus audax Upper Cretaceous, Santonian stage Upper Smoky Hill Chalk, Niobara Formation, Logan Co, Kansas



The name Xiphactinus means sword-ray in Latin, referring to the long pectoral fins, but the common name of bulldog fish comes from the distinctive upturned jaw and sharp fang-like teeth. They were a large aggressive bony fish with a thick boned skull and a mouth full of sharp piercing teeth and reached lengths of up to eighteen feet. Their deadly nature has been communicated to us over those millions of years by numerous specimens found with whole fish in their stomachs: one famous example contains a six foot-long ichthyodectid in its gut, whose death throes on being swallowed whole most probably caused the larger creatures death Shaped like a modern tarpon (to which they were not related), the Xiphactinus was distinguished by the heavy bony head and long, thick body, characteristics perfectly represented in this superb specimen from the abundant chalk deposits of the Niobara Formation in Kansas. The detail of preservation, texture and three-dimensionality to the skull is simply remarkable, and the vicious black teeth protrude, some over 2 inches long, bristling with menace to complete the creatures fearsome look. The rest of the skeleton displays first-class preservation and preparation, all the more remarkable given the instability of the matrix in which these fossils are found; it is necessary to collect them using the painstaking plaster slab method, whereby the bones are cleaned in the field, a frame constructed around the fossil, and plaster poured over it. After the plaster has set, the slab is dug under and loosened, then carefully turned over. This exposes the underside of the fossil which is then painstakingly prepared in the laboratory for exhibit. The present specimen is composed of two separate creatures, carefully matched for size and scientific accuracy, and over 98% complete, with next to no reconstruction or repositioning. Displayed in a natural death pose, the jaws have been opened to showcase its fine teeth which are original. The fossil itself measures 14 feet in length in the plaster slab, prepared to duplicate the original matrix in color and texture, in a dark-stained wooden frame 15 x 3 feet. It is of a significant and robust size for this species, and makes for an extremely impressive, museumquality display.

Estimate: $120,000 + Minimum Bid: $90,000

AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Stenopterygius quadriscissus Lower Jurassic, lias epsilon Posidonienschiefer Formation, Holzmaden, Germany


A first-class specimen from one of the worlds premier collecting localities, this exceptional example of the great aquatic reptile is one of the finest a collector could hope to find. Faultless in detail and preservation, even the finest bones are visible in superb definition: a slender rostrum with small pointed teeth protruding, a large sclerotic ring to support the eyeball (proportionately the largest of any animal ever to have lived), characterful disc-like bones of the paddles, a mass of elegantly curving rib-bones, and large three-dimensional vertebrae. Those areas apparently lacking, the dorsal and tail fins, in fact had no bony structure to be preserved but their presence is artfully conjured in the viewers imagination through the skill of the preparator. Not only is the skeleton itself perfectly preserved, but details in the body suggest remnants of the creatures last meal in the stomach area, and most remarkable of all, a mass of smaller bones are visible near the rear of this mother Ichthyosaur those of an unborn embryo. The skull and skeleton of the baby are disarticulated, suggesting a relatively early stage of development, but the details are perfectly visible, even down to the creatures tiny teeth. Very few mother Ichthyosaurids with an embryonic skeleton inside have been discovered. In fact, there are only about 7 other similar specimens known and all but one are in Museums. In 1972 the German Government issued a law protecting these specimens prohibiting them to be sold or exported. However, the present specimen was issued a permit from the Natural History Museum of Stuttgart allowing it to be sold. A copy of this permit is included with the specimen allowing the prospective buyer a rare and unique opportunity to own an important paleontological masterpiece. Preparation of this 7 foot, 4 inch long specimen is particularly fine, and a particular challenge given the detail within the mother creatures womb; a special micro-sandblaster was used to expose the tiny delicate bones of the unborn offspring and there was only one small area of restoration required; at the tip of the tail. As is usual with the unstable material from Holzmaden, this incredible fossil has been mounted in a fine 94 x 42 -inch plate of Flein shale from the same area. The Ichthyosaur Greek for fish lizard first appeared 250 million years ago, 20 million years before the first dinosaur, and became extinct about 25 million years before their land-dwelling counterparts (about 90 million years ago). They seem to have evolved from land-dwelling reptiles who returned to the oceans; the structure of their flippers suggesting that the bones evolved from a form more similar to an arm and a hand, with fingers and a thumb-like appendage. Once back in the water, the Ichthyosaur developed a shape built for speed, similar to todays tuna, with elongated snout, sleek body and powerful propulsive flippers. It retained the need to breath air, but as it became more adapted to life in the water (like todays cetaceans it was a deep diver) it lost the ability to return to land to lay eggs, and became viviparous, producing young through live birth in shallow waters (also like todays cetaceans).

Estimate: $120,000 + Minimum Bid: $100,000

AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Aeschnogomphus intermedius Jurassic Solnhofen Formation, Eichsttt, Germany



Some of the finest and most beautifully-preserved fossils in the world are found in the lithographic limestone of Solnhofen in Bavaria. Not only is the region famed for the quality of its specimens, ghostly traces on smooth clear limestone, but the nature of the rock means that it will also on occasion produce perfectly matched positive and negative plates. This is just such an example, where the rock has been split along exactly the correct plane to produce mirror images of a 150 million-year old dragonfly. Dragonflies are among the most dramatic insect fossils and are known as far back as the Carboniferous period with very little change to their anatomy, an indication of its successful design for over 350 million years. The present specimen, represented in both positive and negative, is preserved with perfect symmetry with outstretched wings measuring 7 inches across. It displays lovely soft vein detail well-defined on either side of a straight slender 5 inch long body. Both plates show excellent three-dimensionality and measure 13 x 11 inches a truly first-class pair of specimens.

Selenopeltis sp. Middle Ordovician, Kataoua Formation Boucharafine, Anti-Atlas Mountains, Morocco



Estimate: $7,500 + Minimum Bid: $6,625

This dramatic double sided fossil plate has well over 18 complete individuals and numerous other partial Trilobites. Both sides of the fossil plate are readily visible when displayed on its custom steel stand. The tan plaque is covered with innumerable deep brown-black Trilobites who appear to be swimming in all directions. The fine brown ochre patina of the stand handsomely complements the fossil plate. When viewed from the side edge on, it is clear that numerous other Trilobites are still buried within this mass mortality plate only those Trilobites found with their backs exposed were expertly excavated from the matrix. This unique fossil plate measures 34 x 24 inches and stands 27 inches high when displayed in its stand.

Estimate: $15,000 + Minimum Bid: $11,500



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT



Ophiuridae, Selenopeltis sp. and others Ordovician Morocco



This incredible natural assemblage is swarming with masses of long-armed brittle stars and large armored trilobites. A snapshot of the ancient ocean floor, its undulating surface is further enhanced by the preparation of several of the trilobite specimens several inches proud of the rest of the plaque, imparting a superb sense of threedimensionality. Each specimen has been meticulously prepared and kept in their original arrangement. Related to star-fish and known also as serpent stars, the brittle stars use their long slender arms to crawl across the sea-floor; there are in fact several species represented here, as well as several fat-bodied true starfish nestling amongst the disc-shaped bodies. Additionally, several slender crinoid stalks interweave within the whip-like arms of the brittle stars. A remarkable combination of species preserved together in a mass mortality event. The natural sandstone matrix is a lovely warm brown coloring esthetically contrasting with the darker, chocolate brown coloration of the fossils. Uncommonly large, the complete specimen measures approximately 68 x 54 inches, a highly unusual and impressive display piece.

Estimate: $40,000 + Minimum Bid: $35,000



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AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Allosaurus jimmadseni and Hesperosaurus (Stegosaurus) mjosi Upper Jurassic Period, Kimmeridgian Stage, 155 million years old Morrison Formation Dana Quarry, Ten Sleep, Washakie County, Wyoming, USA



In the spring of 2007, on a ranch located near the foothills of the Big Horn Mountains in Ten Sleep Wyoming, a team from Dinosauria International LLC made an exciting discovery: the beautifully preserved femur of a giant carnivorous dinosaur. As they kept digging, their excitement grew greater; next came toe bones, leg bones, ribs, vertebrae and finally a skull: complete, undistorted and, remarkably, with full dentition. It was an incredible find; one of the best known dinosaurs Allosaurus, virtually complete, articulated and beautifully preserved. But that was not all; when the field jackets got back to the preparation lab, they discovered another leg bone beneath the Allosaurus skull... There was another dinosaur overlapping the Allosaurus skeleton in the 155 million year-old rock. After more digging and more bones, they realized the enormity of their discovery; the Allosaurus was preserved together with another Jurassic icon, an armored Stegosaurus. It has been hypothesized that the pair got stuck in mud and died in combat; forever locked in death. The Allosaurus and Stegosaurus, deadly carnivore and armored herbivore, were often speculated to have fought pitched battles across the savannahs of Upper Jurassic North America but never before had they been found together. Here at last was proof, not only of their co-existence, but possible preservation of their combat. Previously reported finds included a Stegosaurus neck plate with a U-shaped wound corresponding to the bite of an Allosaur, and an Allosaurus tail vertebrae with a puncture wound the exact shape of a Stegosaurus tail spike. The association was undeniable: the humerus of the Stegosaur was found almost inside the mouth of the Allosaur, and given their complete articulation, it is impossible not to imagine the two giants caught in a fight to the death. The Stegosaur was named Fantasia after a scene in the classic Disney film. The Allosaurus was named Dracula for its bristling mouthful of deadly teeth. This is a unique opportunity to acquire this unprecedented find: two incredibly wellpreserved iconic dinosaurs identified as rare species of well-known genera and found in direct association in the oldest and least explored lowest stratigraphic level of the famous and historically important Morrison Formation. The Allosaurus, Dracula, is a full grown adult measuring approximately 21 feet in length. According to famed paleontologist Dr Robert T. Bakker, Dracula appears to belong to a relatively new species; the Allosaurus jimmadseni. The lower jugal border of the skull is horizontal, the manus claws less hooked and the skeleton generally more slender in comparison to the well-known Allosaurus fragilis. A.jimmadseni is proposed in an unpublished manuscript, and is regarded as being an earlier version of the A.fragilis, which is known from only one previously documented example. Much has yet to be learned about the species.

Of all the Allosaur fossils discovered, Dracula represents one of the very few with a fully articulated, undistorted skull. Most Allosaur are found with their skulls in fragments and loose piles; but Dracula was articulated, allowing a rare look for researchers into the exact position and orientation of Allosaur skull bones. Its full set of teeth is an almost unheard-of characteristic; not only do Allosaur shed teeth during their lifetime, but usually teeth fall out of the jaw bone after death, making this an extremely rare and significant instance of the complete dentary arrangement being preserved. This information is immensely useful to science; so important in fact that the skull was prepped in jacket and un-restored so that further study can be done on the skull in the future. A cast was carefully made from the original skull to use for the mounted skeleton; this way the scientific integrity of the actual skull remains undisturbed. Given that the skull represents about 30% of a dinosaurs entire skeleton, Dracula is about 70-75% original bone, with part of the tail and several dorsal vertebrae being modeled reproductions. The skeleton is mounted in an attack position and the mount is designed to allow replacement of individual bones; work continues at the Dana Quarry so as new bones are unearthed; they can be reunited with their original skeleton. The original skull is kept separately in a carefully packed crate as part of the mounted skeleton. Hence, a cast of the original skull is mounted on the skeleton. The Stegosaurus, Fantasia, appears to belong to a more primitive genus Hersperosaurus mjosi. As with the Allosaurus jimmadseni, only one other example of the H. mjosi has been documented; a partial skeleton with cranium. Fantasia boasts an exceptional skull, completely undistorted. The primitive nature of Fantasia is scientifically important to the history and evolution of Stegosaurs. Measuring 18 feet in length and standing over 8 feet tall, Fantasia is 75-80% complete and mounted together with a few elements of another skeleton of equal size and quality. The skeleton is accurately mounted in the same manner as the well-known Stegosaurus composite at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE PAIR This is the first time that these two iconic dinosaurs of the Jurassic have been found together, in remarkable condition, and are available for acquisition with a remarkable amount of data to offer. Their early age give insight into the development and evolution of Jurassic dinosaurs in North America and their association gives them historic scientific significance. Both skeletons contain a majority of original bone and are prepared professionally with minimal restoration; the mounts are also professionally made and the bones have been articulated in their osteologically accurate positions. An important feature of this pair is that they were professionally collected and documented with full locality and stratigraphic data. The greatest care has been taken from the very start of the process to excavate, preserve and present the bones with their scientific value and significance uncompromised. This is a rare opportunity to own a unique and prestigious discovery. This lot is being sold as a pair, however, if this lot does not meet its reserve then each item will be offered separately in the 2 following lots.

Estimate: $2,800,000 + Minimum Bid: $2,250,000

112 TO vIEW FULL DEscRIpTIONs, ENLARgEABLE IMAgEs AND BID ONLINE, vIsIT HA.cOM/6061 AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT 113



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Allosaurus jimmadseni Upper Jurassic Period, Kimmeridgian Stage, 155 million years old Morrison Formation Dana Quarry, Ten Sleep, Washakie County, Wyoming, USA


The Official State Fossil of Utah, the Allosaurus was a large theropod that flourished primarily in North America during the Upper Jurassic Period, 155-145 million years ago. Long recognized in popular culture, it bears the distinction of being one of the first dinosaurs to be depicted on the silver screen, the apex predator of the 1912 novel and 1925 cinema adaptation of Conan Doyles The Lost World. Allosaurus is characterized in having a large head on a short neck, a broad rib-cage creating a barrel chest, small three-fingered forelimbs, large powerful hind limbs with clawed feet, and a long tail to act as a counter-balance. It averaged 28 feet in length and 2.5 tons in weight, with estimates putting the largest at up to 43 feet long. Its massive bulk was augmented with a mouth full of knife-like teeth, hand claws like daggers and foot claws like meat hooks, which it used to attack almost any kind of prey, from the giant sauropods to the more manageable ornithopods, and even other carnosaurs. Studies of the hind limbs suggest an Allosaur could reach speeds of 19 to 34 miles per hour, easily overtaking small prey. For oversized prey, such as the Diplodocus, the Allosaurus would have been a flesh-grazer. The first Allosaur remains were discovered in 1869 in Middle Park, Granby County, Colorado, during the notorious Bone Wars of the last quarter of the nineteenth century. The heated rivalry between American paleontologists Edward Drinker Cope of the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, and Othniel Charles Marsh of the Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale resulted in a great rush of dinosaur discoveries. Marsh first definitively described the genus in 1877, coining the name Allosaurus fragilis. The first part means different or strange lizard, for the fact that its spine was unusual compared to other known therapods at the time, with hollow spaces in the neck and anterior vertebrae unusually fragilis. Today the Allosaurus is known from approximately 60 specimens of almost all ages; seven species have been considered potentially valid since 1988, with ten further dubious. The type species is the A. fragilis, with further variants being the A. tendagurensis, A. amplexus, A. atrox, A. europaeus (not yet proposed), A. maximus (assigned to the separate genus Saurophaganax) and the as-yet not formally described A. jimmadseni, the rare primitive species to which the present Allosaurus, Dracula has been assigned. Given that the skull represents about 30% of a dinosaurs entire skeleton, Dracula is about 70-75% original bone, with the tail and several dorsal vertebrae being modeled reproductions. The skeleton is mounted in an attack position and measures 21 feet in length. The mount is designed to allow replacement of individual bones. This lot will only be offered if lot 49071 is unsold.

Estimate: $1,600,000 + Minimum Bid: $1,375,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Hesperosaurus (Stegosaurus) mjosi Upper Jurassic Period, Kimmeridgian Stage, 155 million years old Morrison Formation Dana Quarry, Ten Sleep, Washakie County, Wyoming, USA


The Stegosaurus is another iconic dinosaur; its distinctive appearance having made it a favorite in popular culture; appearing as one of the memorable creatures on Skull Island in the original 1933 screen version of King Kong and also present in Disneys 1940 Fantasia. The first Stegosaurus remains were collected by Othniel Charles Marsh during the Bone Wars in 1877, from the Morrison Formation in northern Colorado. The Stegosaurs thrived across North America during the Upper Jurassic, 155-145 million years ago. They are known from three species, S. stenops, S. armatus and S. longispinus, of which over 80 specimens have been collected from the Morrison Formation. The present specimen has been identified as the Hesperosaurus mjosi (western lizard), a primitive genus described in 2001 by noted paleontologist Dr. Kenneth Carpenter and other authors from a single almost complete specimen found in stratigraphic zone 1 of the Morrison Formation in Wyoming. It was distinguished from Stegosaurus by having shorter but longer plates on its back, and a shorter, broader skull. The name Stegosaurus is derived from roof lizard in Greek, as assigned by Marsh, so chosen for the plate-like osteoderms; the alternating plates that lined its back and tail. The purpose of the plates remains unclear; they are not well placed for defense but could possibly have been used for thermoregulation, or just for decoration. More easily identified is the function of the four horizontal spikes that graced the Stegosaurs tail; these spikes could measure up to 3 feet long, and was certainly used as a weapon to defend against predators. The brain of the Stegosaur was quite small; cast of the cavity taken by Marsh indicates a brain weight of around 2.8 oz and a size equivalent to that of a dog. Stegosaurs were herbivores; tracks in the Morrison Formation indicate that they lived in multi-age herds. It is posited that they were low-level browsers, feeding on bushes and fruit, and flora such as mosses, ferns, horsetails, cycads and conifers. Based on their jaw structures, they had limited chewing capacity; therefore they would swallow gastroliths, stones that sat in the stomach to aid digestion. Fantasia appears to belong to a more primitive genus Hersperosaurus mjosi. As with the A. jimmadseni, only one other example of the H. mjosi has been documented, a partial skeleton with cranium. Fantasia boasts an exceptional skull, completely undistorted. The primitive nature of Fantasia is scientifically important to the history and evolution of Stegosaurs. Measuring 18 feet in length and standing over 8 feet tall, Fantasia is 75-80% complete and mounted together with a few elements of another skeleton of equal size and quality. The skeleton is accurately mounted in the same manner as the well-known Stegosaurus composite at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. This lot will only be offered if lot 49071 is unsold.

Estimate: $900,000 + Minimum Bid: $850,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT




AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Triceratops horridus Cretaceous Hell Creek formation, Harding County, South Dakota


This is a rare opportunity to acquire a classic iconic North American Triceratops skeleton complete with all necessary documentation and a skull to rival the largest found in most museums. This specimen is in remarkable condition and the utmost effort has been taken to preserve the scientific integrity of the specimen; preparation methodology, GPS coordinates, bone map, and other relevant data are available. The specimen is astonishing in its display and loomed over astounded onlookers while it was on display at The North American Museum of Ancient Life in Lehi, Utah. THE HISTORY OF TRICERATOPS When the first partial Triceratops skull (consisting of two brow horns attached to part of the skull) was discovered outside of Denver in 1887, famed paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh thought it was an unusual bison from the Pliocene and called it Bison alticornis. It took two more skull finds before Marsh realized it was a horned dinosaur; he gave it the name Triceratops, meaning three-horned face. Triceratops were a three-horned herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the late Maastrichtian; the last stage of the Cretaceous period, about 68 to 65 million years ago. Triceratops is often said to be analogous to a modern rhinoceros; having a four-legged tankard body with a defensive head. Triceratops remains have only been found in the Western States of North America and are one of the last dinosaurs to appear before the Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction, which killed off all dinosaurs 65 million years ago. In recent studies it has been found that as Triceratops matured, its skull morphed and took on different shapes. Triceratops skulls are made of a metaplastic bone that lengthened, shortened, and changed shapes over time; this accounts for a lot of individuality amongst Triceratops skulls. Juveniles have been found with their horns pointing one direction but in adults the horns point in another direction. Triceratops are believed to be young adults of a larger ceratopsian dinosaur of the same era; the Torosaurus. Two thin sections of frill bones in Triceratops correspond to holes in the frills of Torosaurus, suggesting that the metaplastic bones thinned out to reduce the weight of the skull as a Triceratops got larger. Full grown Triceratops are estimated to have reached over 29 feet in length, over 9 feet in height, and weighed up to 12 tons. They also had skulls that could grow up to 7 feet long (or 8.5 feet for Torosaurs); the largest skull of any land animal ever known. Although many species of Triceratops have been proposed over the years, there are currently two accepted species amongst paleontologists; Triceratops horridus and Triceratops prorsus. The two species are distinguished by very minor differences in their skulls: horridus has a larger skull with a small nose horn and brow horns pointing forward; prorsus has a smaller skull than horridus but has a much larger nose horn and brow horns pointing at an angle different than those of horridus. The two species are also found in different stratigraphic levels in the Hell Creek Formation, which suggests that they are two distinct species and not just sexual dimorphisms of the same species. Triceratops has enjoyed much cultural publicity ever since its discovery. It is an iconic dinosaur that has appeared in movies ranging from black and white cinema to modern movies like Jurassic Park. It has also been in cartoons, such as the childrens classic The Land before Time. Triceratops is also the official state fossil of South Dakota and the official state dinosaur of Wyoming. The present specimen was discovered in 2004 in two parts: First, the fossil hunters came upon pieces of dinosaur bone eroding down a gully. Following these bone fragments, they eventually came upon large bones that would indicate the presence of a large Ceratopsian dinosaur. While this large mass of bones was being excavated, other members of the team followed another bone trail which led them to an amazingly well preserved skull 750 feet away from the original discovery. Over the course of months, the specimens were carefully excavated in large blocks; each specimen was covered in plaster jackets and removed from the field to the lab. It was only during preparation that they discovered the dinosaur was a Triceratops, and it happened to be a Triceratops with an incredibly complete skull. The bones and skull were carefully removed from their field jackets and prepared using hand tools. Broken bones were professionally repaired and restored while a few missing elements were cast from other Triceratops skeletons. A custom made mount was created to support the bones and the skull; innovative bracket mounts were crafted for each bone so that no bones had to be damaged in order to mount them.



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


The bones were mounted in osteologically correct position; making it comparable to and possibly surpassing the accuracy of older mounts in museum displays. Though it is impossible to say whether or not the skull is original to the specimen, being discovered 750 feet apart, it is certainly possible that the two elements are associated for a number of reasons: first, the size of the skull is consistent with the proportional size dimensions of the skeleton, and second, the surrounding matrix (host rock) was identical in composition. The completed skeleton is enormous; measuring 19 feet long from head to tail, 11 feet across, and towering 12 feet tall. The skull itself measures 7 feet long with 3 foot long horns; placing it near the top of the size range for Triceratops skulls. The leg bones stand 10 feet tall from toes to the top of the scapula; dwarfing many other Triceratops skeletons. Given that the skull represents about 30% of a dinosaurs entire skeleton, the present specimen is about 75% original bone, with the right leg, pelvic region, several cervical vertebrae and a few tail vertebrae being cast reproductions. The skull is the most remarkable part of this Triceratops specimen. The skull was incredibly complete as found, which is extremely rare for dinosaur fossils in general. The only restorations to the skull are the central portion of the frill, the front of the lower beak, the pre-dentary on the mandibles, several of the teeth, the tip of the left brow horn, and many of the epoccipitals around the edge of the frill. The skull of this Triceratops measures 7 feet long from the top of the frill to the front of the beak, which is the maximum size range of Triceratops skulls that have been found. The skull contains a couple of small spherical nodules that protrude from the bone; these are ironstone concretions that formed after fossilization, adding to the authentic appearance and integrity of the skull. While there are a few mounted skeletons of Triceratops in museums and universities around the world, most are composited from more than one animal and few are of the size and completeness as the present specimen and none are available for private sale and ownership. A perfect piece for the esteemed collector or museum exhibit. A bone map and preparation photos are available on request.

Estimate: $700,000 + Minimum Bid: $500,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT




AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Maiasaura peeblesorum Upper Cretaceous Two Medicine Formation, northwestern Montana



The Maiasaura was one of the last dinosaurs ever to walk the Earth; a member of the duck-billed Hadrosauridae family, it was a classic North American herbivore. Their name comes from the Greek mother lizard because it is believed that they nurtured their young for a significantly longer period than other species; a large nesting site discovered in the Two Medicine Formation of northern Montana has proven a treasure trove of behavioral evidence for paleontologists. Various species of Hadrosaurid roamed the plains of Asia, Europe and North America 99-65 million years ago. Traveling in great herds, they used their flattened beak-like mouths to strip trees of twigs and foliage. Standing on their hind legs to pull at the higher branches with their short, strong forearms or falling to all fours to flee from predators; the Maiasaura was a comparatively swift dinosaur for its size; essential given that it shared its ecosystem with such fearsomely efficient predators as the tyrannosaurid Albertosaurus. An adult Maiasaura could grow up to 30 feet in length, standing 9 feet tall and weighing 3 to 4 tons. They would return annually to their nesting sites, where grapefruit-sized eggs were typically laid in batches of 20 to 25. The mothers would tend to their young until the hatchlings had more or less doubled in size notably bird-like behavior. Like new-born chicks, very young Maiasaura had legs insufficiently developed to carry them from the nest, but the presence of worn-teeth amongst still nest-bound young indicates that the mother would bring food to the nest for several months following birth, possibly up to as long as one year. It is also apparent that rather than sit over their eggs, the mother Maiasaura would incubate them in rotting vegetation to keep them at an adequately warm temperature. This motherly behavior led to the creatures being the only dinosaur to have been granted a female-form Latin name, coined by paleontologists Robert Makela and Jack Horner (consultant for Jurassic Park) in 1979. The first Maiasaura had been discovered a few years previously by Laurie Trexler, and in 1977 Marion Brandvold and her son David Trexler discovered the enormous bone-bed/nesting ground in Montana which would become known as Egg Mountain. This location, the largest nesting site in the Western Hemisphere, yielded over 200 individual Maiasaura fossils and approximately 40 nests, spread over a 2 acre area; its discovery contributed to The Two Medicine Formations already wellestablished reputation as one of the most paleontologically significant rock layers in the world. Approximately 83.5 to 70.5 million years ago during the Campanian stage of the Upper Cretaceous, it was deposited between the western shoreline of the Interior Seaway and the advancing eastern margin of the Cordilleran Overthrust Belt, in what is today northwestern Montana. Aside from the abundance of Egg Mountain, the strata has yielded innumerable species of Hadrosaur, Ankylosaur, Ceratopsian, Deinonychosaur, Oviraptosaur, Ornithopods and Tyrannosauroids, making it one of the most important dinosaur-bearing formations in the world. First discovered in 1992 but not mounted until 2007, the present skeleton is that of a sub-adult Maiasaura, named by the preparators Cory. It is one of the most complete mounted specimens of the species known, with an especially well-preserved, undistorted skull. Another significant and unusually fine feature is that it was found with incredible natural articulation to the hind legs and tail. Given that it is still a sub-adult, the articulation of the not-yet fused astragalus (or talus ankle bone) and calcaneum (hock point bone) with the tibia and fibula on both hind legs is outstanding. The tail itself features 36 superbly-preserved caudal vertebrae and overall the skeleton consists of over 80% original bones, the remainder having been incorporated with scrupulous scientific accuracy. The same outstanding care as went into the preparation of this specimen has also been applied to its presentation, using the most up-to-date and non-invasive methods: a bracket mount system was utilized to avoid any drilling or other kind of compromise to the bones, and each individual piece can be easily removed from the armature for close scientific study. An innovative gravity-mount system was used for the feet, whereby individual toe bones fit into slots such that they are held in place by gravity alone and can likewise be individually removed with ease. The mounting of the skull is also unique, allowing it to move freely from side to side and up and down through a range of approximately 30, and the mandibles can be arranged in either a closed or open-mouthed position. An exceptional specimen, prepared and presented to the highest standards possible, it is truly a world-class fossil in every way.

Estimate: $450,000 + Minimum Bid: $450,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Diplodocidae family, Apatosaurinae subfamily Late Jurassic Anoual, near Talsint, Morocco


A newly-discovered site in the Anti Atlas of Morocco has yielded a remarkable find: a very well preserved leg of a giant sauropod dinosaur. Previously Sauropoda remains have only been found in the upper Cretaceous layers of the High Atlas Mountains, but this new discovery is from a very important red-bed in the Anti-Atlas Mountains that marks the end of the Jurassic; predating the Cretaceous sauropods by 90 million years. Since Africa had yet to separate from South America during the Late Jurassic, there is a chance that these new sauropods are remotely related to the massive and famous sauropods of Argentina. This superb specimen is one of only a handful of well-preserved legs that have been discovered; as of yet, surprisingly and mysteriously no upper body remains have been found. The site is so new that the legs have not been studied yet, but early research suggests that it is likely from a sauropod in the Apatosaurinae subfamily: this is based on the fact that the femur head is more robust than those of Diplodocus yet not as large as that of Brachiosaur, placing it in the shape and range of that for Apatosaurus. There is little restoration aside from minor filling on the femur and tibia, while 2 of the 5 metatarsals are professionally sculpted restorations, 1 of the claws is real and 2 of the phalanges are real; the rest of the phalanges being casts from other sauropods. The femur measures a striking 60 inches in length, 19 inches wide at the widest point, and 10 inches thick. The tibia, also huge, measures 40 x 13 x 9 inches. All the pieces are free mounted in a custom-made stand and the entire piece stands 11 feet 2 inches tall.

Estimate: $28,000 + Minimum Bid: $24,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Diplodocus longus Jurassic Morrison formation, Dana Quarry, Washakie Co., Wyoming


The Diplodocus was one of the longest dinosaurs to ever roam the earth, often times reaching over 100 feet in length. It had a distinctive long neck and full body, and conforms to what many imagine as the typical dinosaur shape huge beasts that were as big as a house. Numerous articulated dinosaur skeletons have been found recently in the Dana Quarry in Wyoming; the 150 million year old Jurassic sand and mudstone is thought to be an ancient watering hole where many dinosaurs, both predator and prey, met a grisly end trapped in the mud. This specimen from the quarry is an excellently articulated leg comprising twenty bones in their osteologically correct position, with superb texture and a gorgeous dark patination, mounted in a custom metal armature. There is some professional restoration, which only enhances the amazingly life-like pose, and it makes for an extremely impressive display piece, standing over 90 inches or 7 feet high.

Estimate: $20,000 + Minimum Bid: $18,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Tyrannosaurus rex Late Cretaceous 65-68 million years old Hell Creek Formation, Wibaux Co, Montana



One of the best-known and most fearsome of all prehistoric creatures, the Tyrannosaurus rex, ruled the Earth in the last age of the dinosaurs, 65 million years ago. Its position in popular culture has meant that any remains of this terrifying animal are highly sought-after by collectors. Among the more desirable remains of T-rex are their teeth. This is most likely due to the fact that T-rex had the most vicious teeth that helped give them their deservedly fearsome reputation. Their jaws were lined with these bristling, rending weapons, which it would periodically shed, new teeth growing in the jaw line ready to replace the old ones. As such, most T-rex teeth that are discovered are usually the crowns, the part of the tooth which is displayed above the gum-line. Rarely are T-rex teeth found with roots and even more rare are complete specimens such as the present. This extremely large and robust tooth is the largest T-rex tooth ever offered at public auction measuring an incredible 13 inches in length along the curve and boasts a virtually complete root section which exhibits the groove which would house the newer tooth set to replace it. The portion of the tooth that would protrude above the gum-line, the crown itself, measures 4 inches and retains excellent enamel coverage and finely preserved serrations. The complete specimen displays a lovely woody dark-brown patination and is presented on a custom wood and metal display stand.

Estimate: $16,000 + Minimum Bid: $12,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Tyrannosaurus rex Late Cretaceous 65-68 million years old Hell Creek Formation, Garfield County, Near Jordan, Montana

Allosaurus fragilis Late Jurassic 144-156 Million Years Old Morrison Formation, Buckshot Quarry, Moffat County, Colorado


Tyrannosaurus rex was the largest, most powerful carnivorous dinosaur of all time, and the largest land carnivore of any type in Earths history. The fearsome T-rex measured up to 43 feet in length and weighed up to 8 tons (16,000 lbs). Its massive skull measured up to 5 feet long and was lined with huge spike-like teeth that were bigger than the teeth of any other theropod. Its skull was narrow in the front and extremely wide in the back, allowing for the eye sockets to point well forward and indicating the presence of excellent binocular vision, which would be necessary to effectively intercept its prey on the run. Because the skull was so massive and heavy, T-rex needed a substantial counterbalance in the form of a long heavy tail. The neck was short and the neck muscles huge to support the gigantic skull and absorb the shock of impact during the very violent attacks that T-rex would initiate as it slammed into its prey, mouth first, at high speed. The teeth of the T-rex were very robust so that they would more effectively transmit the energy of impact into the victims body and gouge, rather than cut, huge chunks of flesh out of the prey. T-rex had the greatest biting force of any large theropod, so it appears that the great jaw strength was an evolutionary adaptation to its unique open-mouthed crash hunting style. The evidence clearly shows that Tyrannosaurus rex was truly the King of Dinosaurs. T-rex teeth have been described by a famous paleontologist as deadly bananas and this tooth epitomizes that description. It exhibits gorgeous, pristine surfaces and perfect serrations on both the anterior and posterior cutting edges. The tooth possesses exquisite natural luster and the most beautiful colors running from yellow-brown to reddish dark chocolate-brown, nicely accented by dark blotches and checking. Approximately 10% of the tooth surface has been restored, primarily at the base of the posterior serrate row and a section of the tooth base. The tooth measures 3 inches tall (3 inches around the curve) by 1 inches wide at the base by 11/8 inches thick. A gorgeous and superb quality tooth.


This long slender tooth is from the mouth of the Allosaur; the late Jurassic bipedal theropod who dominated the food chain in the area that is now Utah, Wyoming and Colorado. Allosaurus was a large theropod dinosaur that was the apex predator of the Jurassic like T. rex was in the later Cretaceous period. Reaching lengths of up to 35 feet, the Allosaurus weighed up to 3 tons. It was a distant cousin of T. rex, but there is strong evidence that, if anything, Allosaurus was far more ferocious and deadlier than T. rex being more swift and agile with considerably stronger arms and much larger claws. Allosaurus had much better anchored teeth than T. rex (Allosaurus tooth roots are much longer and stronger than those on a comparable T. rex), indicating that it was an active and violent hunter; slashing and tearing at its prey with its mouth. Dinosaur teeth have very fragile roots so it is extremely rare for any to be preserved with the roots intact. Here is one such example. This tooth exhibits a gorgeous natural jet-black color on the enamel and root and displays well preserved, fine serrations along the edge of the crown. One area is slightly worn from occlusion with the corresponding tooth in the opposite jaw. Allosaurus teeth in this condition are exceptionally rare and perhaps only one in a thousand is of this quality. Measuring 3 inches long along the curve, this is a superlative and exceptionally rare dinosaur tooth.

Estimate: $3,500 + Minimum Bid: $2,800

Estimate: $8,500 + Minimum Bid: $7,000

136 TO vIEW FULL DEscRIpTIONs, ENLARgEABLE IMAgEs AND BID ONLINE, vIsIT HA.cOM/6061 AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT 137


Eremotherium laurillardi Late Pleistocene 180,000 to 550,000 years old Fort Thompson Formation Daytona Bone Bed, Daytona Beach, Florida


In the Late Pleistocene Epoch of Florida, there existed a diverse mammalian fauna which included some of the largest mammals to ever exist on our planet. Among these giants were huge mastodons and woolly mammoths, semi-aquatic gomphothere elephants, bison with 8 foot horn spreads, huge camels, giant armadillos the size of Volkswagen Bugs, and huge ground sloths; the largest of which was Eremotherium. Eremotherium is the largest sloth to have ever existed and is believed to have migrated from South American to North America during the Middle Pleistocene, approximately 2.2 million years ago, over the then newlyformed Panamanian land bridge. It was the largest mammal in the western hemisphere aside from the giant Woolly Mammoth and weighed approximately 5 tons at full maturity and stood up to 15 feet tall. The Eremotheres possessed huge foot-long claws on their hands which may have looked fearsome and deadly but were likely only used to denude tree limbs of their tender shoots and leaves. A powerful but stubby tail functioned as a third leg to form a tripod with the legs and massive hips, providing great stability when the animal was leaning back and stretching upward to reach the highest tree branches in order to consume the most succulent foliage. The massive arms and wide hips would allow this sloth to pull down huge branches and even whole trees if desired, and this likely led to total devastation of the forest in areas where these giant sloths were feeding. Eremotherium was a nearly perfectly designed tree destroyer and thrived in the lush tropical rainforest environments of the Florida Pleistocene. It had no natural enemies because of its size; and even the huge bears and saber-toothed tigers that coexisted with this sloth could not challenge an adult. It is possible the juveniles would have been vulnerable to attack from the largest and most powerful carnivores, but it is also quite likely these sloths possessed a strong maternal instinct that wouldve made a mother sloth a very aggressive and dangerous opponent in the event of an attack on its offspring. THE DISCOVERY Over 180,000 years ago, near where the Daytona International Speedway is today, a herd of giant sloths were peacefully feeding on lush vegetation amid a grove of trees, when a catastrophic flash flood swept them into an estuary and out to sea where they drowned. Their carcasses soon sank and collected in a channel-lag, an area where the current suddenly decreases on the edges of an underwater channel. Sharks, crabs, and other organisms scavenged on some of the carcasses, but luckily silt and sand quickly covered the sloths and preserved them largely intact up until modern times. Over tens of thousands of years, the sloth graveyard was covered by 30 feet of silt, sand, shells, corals and other marine remains. In October of 1975, what was once an undersea channel was now a dry land borrow pit quarry for road bed material. Amateur paleontologist and full-time TV repairman Don Serbousek and his friend, Roger Alexon, were out hunting fossils in the borrow pit when they made the discovery of a lifetime. In the quarry wall they saw dozens of chocolate-brown fossil bones exposed in a peaty clay layer 12 feet below the ground level. In this bone bed, they found the remains of the giant ground sloth, Eremotherium, and in great quantity. Most of the sloth bones they collected belonged to just one individual, but there were isolated bones of many different individuals found indicating that the site could be prolific. Realizing the scientific importance of his find, Serbousek contacted world-renowned sloth expert Dr. Gordon Edmund, then Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto. Dr. Edmund proclaimed upon visiting the site and seeing the nearly complete skeleton, From my research, Id say this is by far the best Eremotherium, or giant sloth, skeleton discovered in North America. With Dr. Edmunds imprimatur, plans were made for a complete and thorough scientific excavation of the site. The Volusia County government authorized public funds to expose the bone layer by stripping off the top layers of the shell beds, draining the groundwater from the pit, and using high pressure hoses to help clear matrix from around the bones. Over the next two years a team of scientists and volunteers, along with Serbousek and his friends, toiled long days in the pit using the water hoses to extract the bones while other volunteers worked to clean and conserve the bones in a preparation lab. Tens of thousands of man hours were invested in collecting and preserving the incredible giant sloth fossils found in the Daytona Bone Bed, as it was named by Dr. Edmund in the scientific paper he published about the site. After the excavation work was completed, over 1,300 giant sloth bones had been collected from 11 different individuals in the herd; however, there were only two complete skeletons found. All of the specimens were initially taken to the Royal Ontario Museum for study and publication, with one skeleton to be mounted and returned to the Museum of Arts and Sciences in Daytona. The other unmounted skeleton was



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


given to Don Serbousek in grateful appreciation for him selflessly bringing the most important giant sloth site ever found to the attention of science, and for his tireless efforts managing and excavating the site over the course of two years. The rest of the 1,300+ bones found during the dig were accessioned into the permanent collection of the Royal Ontario Museum where they reside to this day. THE PRESENT SPECIMEN The complete mounted skeleton offered here is the Serbousek specimen, and it is the sister specimen to the skeleton currently on display at the Museum of Arts and Sciences in Daytona Beach, Florida. The Serbousek sloth bones were initially prepared by technicians at the Royal Ontario Museum, and some missing elements were provided by them in the form of casts or real bones from other individuals so that Mr. Serbousek would have a 100% complete skeleton to mount. Unfortunately, making the armature and mounting such a huge skeleton is a very expensive and time-consuming process that Mr. Serbousek was never able to accomplish it in his lifetime. Over 80% of the original bones are present in this specimen, with only the following major elements being casts: pelvis, sternum, and sternal ribs. Minor cast elements include one thoracic vertebra, 5 ribs, several tail vertebrae and chevrons, and some foot and hand bones. The skull is superb and original with all original teeth but has restored zygomatic arches and minor crack repair. The skeleton mount was completed in November, 2010, only three months after Mr. Serbouseks death at the age of 83, and is now ready to be displayed proudly in any museum or private collection in the world. As mounted, this skeleton measures 15 feet in length from head to tail yet stands 11 feet tall from the floor. It measures 5 feet wide across the hips, with the massive skull measuring 28 inches long by 14 inches wide by 15 inches tall. The natural color of the bone is a gorgeous chocolate brown, making for a truly beautiful and exquisite mount. There are only 3 known complete skeletons of these giant sloths mounted in museums around the world; one in the MOAS at Daytona Beach, Florida; one in the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.; and one in the British Museum of Natural History, London. With the preparation and mounting of this sloth now finished, it has become the fourth complete mounted skeleton of Eremotherium laurillardi in the world, making this a scientifically important specimen and a true paleontological treasure.

Estimate: $450,000 + Minimum Bid: $440,000



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Placenticeras intercalare Cretaceous Bearpaw Formation, Southern Alberta, Canada


A huge and dazzling example of these highly sought-after specimens, this extremely bright, colorful ammonite flashes across its entire surface on both sides with a gorgeous combination of fiery iridescent red, green, orange and gold, with hints of the extremely rare blue-purple. These beautiful shimmering colors were naturally created by the combination of millions of years of compression and the mineralization of iron, copper and silica which precipitated from the bentonite sediment of volcanic ash. In most cases elsewhere, the aragonite-rich nacre (mother-of-pearl) of the ammonites shell lining is pseudomorphously replaced by calcite or pyrite. In the Bearpaw Formation, stretching over parts of Montana, Alberta and Saskatchewan along the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains, however, the ammonites shell becomes tainted with trace elements such as manganese, strontium, titanium, barium and others, manifested in the dazzling colors displayed here. The resulting gemstone is called Ammolite, although it is known to the Knawa, or Blood Tribe, of southern Alberta as Aapoak (small, crawling stone) and to the Blackfeet Indians of Montana as Iniskim (buffalo stone) and has long been believed to have amuletic powers of use in healing and in attracting buffalo. Practitioners of feng shui and crystal metaphysics value it as the Kirin stone or seven-color prosperity stone, and believe it to be useful in detoxifying the body and promoting energy flow and prosperity. In 1981 it was accorded gemstone status by the World Jewelry Confederation; unlike other gemstones, however, whose brilliance is caused by light reflected from the surface, the shimmering and ever-changing colors of ammolite are the result of light refracting through and rebounding from the thin platelets of aragonite in the shell. Like amber and pearl; ammolite is one of very few biogenic gemstones. This is an unusually fine and large example, displaying good three-dimensionality to over half of its size (most specimens are found almost entirely flattened) and measures 21 inches in diameter.

Estimate: $40,000 + Minimum Bid: $30,100



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Cleoniceras cleon Cretaceous Madagascar



Ammonites represent some of the most beautiful fossils in the world of paleontology. Once a dominant species on our planet, Ammonites were found in oceans across the globe for almost 350 million years, ranging in size from less than an inch, to the monstrous proportions seen here. The architectural elements of this 84 million year old fossil remain remarkably detailed, vastly contributing to its esthetic. Furthermore, this incredible specimen has been sliced in half to expose the remarkable mineral replacement that has occurred in its inner living and buoyancy chambers. Crystals of calcite in a gorgeous range of caramel-honey hues fill the interior, and the sliced faces have been brought to a high polished finish further to enhance the incredible natural beauty.

While most ammonites from Madagascar are fairly small in size and rarely get bigger than the size of a dinner plate, the present specimen is an incredible 43 inches wide and contains over 70 distinct chambers. The exteriors have also been polished, and the result is a matching pair of display pieces of both immense size and immense aesthetic appeal.

Estimate: $8,000 + Minimum Bid: $3,375



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


Mariella bergeri Creatceous St. Andre Les Alpes, France

Inoceramus platinus Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, Smoky Hill Chalk Member, Western Kansas


This is a finely preserved example of the largest clam species ever to have lived, the Inoceramus, which could grow up to as much as four feet in width in the murky waters of the Western Interior Seaway and elsewhere throughout the world during the Cretaceous period. As fossils, they are usually found very flat and are extremely difficult to excavate (particularly in the unstable chalk of the Niobrara Formation); this specimen, therefore, shows exceptional three-dimensionality, detail, and texture. Inoceramus clams also are covered with small fossil oysters, ostrea congesta. Since the ancient inland sea was silt covered, the oysters used the large clams as a stable attachment surface; thus resulting in a specimen that is two different fossils in one. One small area near the center is open to allow the observer a view of the smooth interior of the shell. Naturally colored a warm and attractive range of browns, tans and grays, it measures 37 inches across, strikingly presented in a pale creamy matrix, framed in dark-stained wood, 37 5/8 x 435/8 inches overall.



Rare and exotic, these two coiled French ammonites are studded with spines and are unusually large, complete and well preserved for the species. The collector purchased the entire discovery and then had a master fossil preparer extract them from their stony encasement. This was the only double and was kept in the collectors home for years. With spines up to inches long, each ammonite is an impressive 16 inches in length, 5 to 6 inches wide and are sitting 2 inches higher than their natural sandstone matrix. Prepared in situ, the overall plate is 16 x 19 x 6 inches thick. In very fine condition, they have both been expertly prepared.

Estimate: $35,000 + Minimum Bid: $28,000


Estimate: $6,000 + Minimum Bid: $4,000

AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT 147

Cycadeoidea dakotensis Cretaceous Falls River Co, South Dakota

Araucarioxylon arizonicum Triassic Chinle Formation, Winslow, Arizona


The sub-tropical Cycad is distantly related to the palm and the fern, and is frequently mistaken for both because of its stout trunk, bisporangiate cone, and compound leaves. The order dates back to the Permian period 280 million years ago, and may even be 50 million years older than that. Many of todays surviving species face extinction (and drive an unlikely but vigorous smuggling trade), but during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods they were extremely common across the globe and provided a major food-source for any number of herbivorous and omnivorous dinosaurs. Commonly only the leaves of cycads are preserved, but this is an extremely rare fine and large example of the plants floral bud cone; unearthed about 25 years ago in South Dakota. In 1922, the discovery of fossilized cycad beds in the area led to the establishment of Fossil Cycad National Monument. Unfortunately vandals had destroyed or stolen all of the fossils by the time the Monument was officially established; and while new fossils were eventually uncovered, the monuments status was eventually withdrawn in 1956 and turned over to the Bureau of Land Management. The present specimen was legally collected many decades ago and is exceedingly rare as such; this is a superb Cretaceous example of fine size and exceptional detail; there is wonderful texture and depth to the seed cavities, approximately 15 x 13 x 12 inches overall. This superb slice perfectly epitomizes why specimens from the world-famous Petrified Forest locality in eastern Arizona are known as Rainbow Wood. The surface swirls with incredible clouds of black, red, orange, green, mauve and brown, in an astounding pattern created over millions of years of mineral replacement. An ancient conifer tree, whose nearest living relative is the Norfolk Island Pine, this species dates back to over 200 million years ago when Arizona was situated south of the equator as part of the Pangea supercontinent. Out on the plains, stream banks were constantly being undermined by the surging river waters, and toppling these giant trees into the floodwaters. Cataclysmic volcanic activity buried tropical conifer pines and other hardwoods under massive layers of ash, entombing the wood and securing their place in natural history. As silica-bearing ground-water seeped into the fibers of the buried trees, organic material was replaced cell by cell whilst still preserving its fundamental structure, often right down to the microscopic level. Nowadays these logs must be unearthed from layers of bentonite clay, as material which has lain on the surface for any longer amounts of time is damaged due to weathering. This is a particularly large, thick and beautiful example, one face brought to a lustrous, high-polished finish, and retaining excellent texture to the surrounding bark which is rarely preserved. An outstanding example of an uncommonly large size, measuring 43 x 30 x 15/8 inches.

Estimate: $7,500 + Minimum Bid: $6,000

Estimate: $6,500 + Minimum Bid: $4,500



AUcTION #6061 | sUNDAy, JUNE 12, 2011 | 1:00 pM cT


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Quercus simulata Miocene Stinking Water Pass, Harney Co, Oregon


Amongst the most beautiful of all floral fossils are the fossilized remains of prehistoric trees that forested the globe millions of years ago. Amongst these petrified wood specimens, the white oak from the Stinking Water Pass in the desert region of eastern Oregon are possibly the most sought-after (the area is named for a stagnant creek in the nearby, with a high sulfur content). The reason is clear to see from the present specimen. The original trees growth ring patterns remain perfectly visible, perfectly preserved for over 15 million years, as mineral-rich water seeped into the rotting trunk depositing its contents to replace the wood on a cellular level. Oak in addition, however, has a growth pattern known as medullary rays that radiate from the center of the trunk, making these specimens particularly attractive; here a gorgeous swirl of black and gray spreads out across the pale brown surface, creating a completely natural patterning of unmatched beauty. The surface has been polished to a lustrous finish on one side and the edge of the slice retains the original rugose texture of the bark, a highly desirable specimen, approximately 29 x 20 inches.

Estimate: $2,500 + Minimum Bid: $1,100

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These Terms and Conditions of Sale are designed to conform to the applicable sections of the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs Rules and Regulations as Amended. This sale is a Public Auction Sale conducted by Heritage Auction Galleries, Inc. #41513036. The New York City licensed auctioneers are: Sam Foose, #095260; Kathleen Guzman, #0762165; Nicholas Dawes, #1304724; Ed Beardsley, #1183220; Scott Peterson, #1306933; Andrea Voss, #1320558, who will conduct the Sale on behalf of Heritage Numismatic Auctions, Inc. (for Coins and Currency) and Heritage Auction Galleries Inc. (for other items). All lots are subject to: the consignors rights to bid thereon in accord with these Terms and Conditions of Sale, consignors option to receive advances on their consignments, and Auctioneer, in its sole discretion, may offer limited extended financing to registered bidders, in accord with Auctioneers internal credit standards. A registered bidder may inquire whether a lot is subject to an advance or a reserve. Auctioneer has made advances to various consignors in this sale. On lots bearing an estimate, the term refers to a value range placed on an item by the Auctioneer in its sole opinion but the final price is determined by the bidders.

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Rev. 10-8-10

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Months to Pay...

Session 2 of this historic Natural History
Auction will follow Session 1 on June 12, 2011 in Dallas. It will feature approximately 200 lots of Museum Quality Gems, Minerals, Meteorites, Amber, Fossils and Dinosauria.

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Libyan Desert Glass Sahara Desert, Libya

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Detail from New York Central Building (Latham Litho and PTG. Co., Long Island, NY, 1930) Architectural Poster 27 X 41. Sold for $ 7,475


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NYC Auctioneer licenses: Samuel Foose 0952360; Robert Korver 1096338; Leo Frese 1094963; Michael J. Sadler 1304630; Scott Peterson 1306933; Andrea Voss 1320558. Nicholas Dawes 1304724; Ed Beardsley 115454. Auction are subject to 15-19.5% buyers premium.



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TX licenses: Samuel Foose 11727; Robert Korver 13754; Mike Sadler 16129; Andrea Voss. This auction is subject to a 19.5% buyers premium.


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COINS UNITED STATES Leo Frese, Ext. 1294 David Mayfield, Ext. 1277 Jessica Aylmer, Ext. 1706 Diedre Buchmoyer, Ext. 1794 Win Callender, Ext. 1415 Katherine Crippe, Ext. 1389 Chris Dykstra, Ext. 1380 Sam Foose, Ext. 1227 Jason Friedman, Ext. 1582 Shaunda Fry, Ext. 1159 Jim Jelinski, Ext. 1257 Bob Marino, Ext. 1374 Mike Sadler, Ext. 1332 Beau Streicher, Ext. 1645



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Auction Dates February 2-6, 2011 March 17-20, 2011 April 27-30 & May 1, 2011 June 1-5, 2011 Auction Dates April 14-16 & 18, 2011 Sept. 7-10 & 12, 2011 Auction Dates April 27-30 & May 2, 2011 Sept. 7-10 & 12, 2011 Auction Dates February 11, 2011 March 12, 2011 April 13, 2011 May 12, 2011 May 14, 2011 May 17, 2011 May 24, 2011 May 25, 2011 May 31-June 1, 2011 December 10, 2011 Auction Dates May 16, 2011 May 18, 2011 Auction Dates March 25-26, 2011 July 16-17, 2011 November 18-19, 2011 Auction Dates February 24-26, 2011 May 19-21 2011 Auction Dates February 18-20, 2011 April 23-24, 2011 Auction Dates March 12, 2011 April 7-9, 2011 April 8-9, 2011 April 12, 2011 April 16, 2011 June 10, 2011 June 11, 2011 Auction Dates April 21-22, 2011 Auction Dates June 12, 2011

Consignment Deadline Closed February 4, 2011 March 18, 2011 April 22, 2011 Consignment Deadline February 16, 2011 July 12, 2011 Consignment Deadline March 11, 2011 July 23, 2011 Consignment Deadline Closed January 18, 2011 February 19, 2011 March 10, 2011 March 19, 2011 March 8, 2011 March 22, 2011 March 23, 2011 March 22, 2011 October 1, 2010 Consignment Deadline March 8, 2011 March 10, 2011 Consignment Deadline January 30, 2011 May 24, 2011 September 25, 2011 Consignment Deadline Closed April 5, 2011 Consignment Deadline Closed March 1, 2011 Consignment Deadline January 18, 2010 February 13, 2011 February 14, 2010 February 18, 2011 February 22, 2011 April 18, 2011 April 19, 2011 Consignment Deadline February 27, 2010 Consignment Deadline Closed

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HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Sandra Palomino, Ext. 1107

Grey Smith, Ext. 1367 Bruce Carteron, Ext. 1551

ILLUSTRATION ART Ed Jaster, Ext. 1288 Todd Hignite, Ext. 1790

RARE BOOKS James Gannon, Ext. 1609 Joe Fay, Ext. 1544 Mark Prendergast, Ext. 1632 Karl Chiao, Ext. 1958 Meredith Meuwly, Ext. 1631


MODERN & CONTEMPORARY ART Frank Hettig, Ext. 1157

SPACE EXPLORATION John Hickey, Ext. 1264 Michael Riley, Ext. 1467

Jared Green, Ext. 1279



TEXANA Sandra Palomino, Ext. 1107

Tim Rigdon, Ext. 1119 Karen Rigdon, Ext. 1723

Marti Korver, Ext. 1248 Eric Thomas, Ext. 1241

RARE CURRENCY Len Glazer, Ext. 1390 Allen Mincho, Ext. 1327 Dustin Johnston, Ext. 1302 Michael Moczalla, Ext. 1481 Jason Friedman, Ext. 1582 Brad Ciociola, Ext. 1752

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Ed Jaster, Ext. 1288 Marianne Berardi, Ph.D., Ext. 1506 Ariana Hartsock, Ext. 1283 Kirsty Buchanan, Ext. 1741

Chris Ivy, Ext. 1319 Peter Calderon, Ext. 1789 Mike Gutierrez, Ext. 1183 Lee Iskowitz, Ext. 1601 Mark Jordan, Ext. 1187 Chris Nerat, Ext. 1615 Jonathan Scheier, Ext. 1314 Consignment Hotline 800-872-6467

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Auctioneers: Samuel Foose: TX 11727; CA Bond #RSB2004178; FL AU3244; GA AUNR3029; IL 441001482; NC 8373; OH 2006000048; MA 03015; PA AU005443; TN 6093; WI 2230-052; NYC 0952360; Denver 1021450; Phoenix 07006332. Robert Korver: TX 13754; CA Bond #RSB2004179; FL AU2916; GA AUNR003023; IL 441001421; MA 03014; NC 8363; OH 2006000049; TN 6439; WI 2412-52; Phoenix 07102049; NYC 1096338; Denver 1021446. Teia Baber: TX 16624; CA Bond #RSB2005525. Ed Beardsley: TX Associate 16632; NYC 1183220.Nicholas Dawes: NYC 1304724.Marsha Dixey: TX 16493.Chris Dykstra: TX 16601; FL AU4069; WI 2566-052; TN 6463; CA #RSB2005738. Jeff Engelken: CA Bond #RSB2004180. Leo Frese: CA Bond #RSB2004176; NYC 1094963; TX Associate 7985. Shaunda Fry: TX 16448; FL AU3915; WI 2577-52; CA Bond #RSB2005396. Kathleen Guzman: NYC 0762165.Stewart Huckaby: TX 16590. Cindy Isennock, participating auctioneer: Baltimore Auctioneer license #AU10.Carolyn Mani: CA Bond #RSB2005661;Charlie Mead: TX 16418. Bob Merrill: TX 13408; MA 03022; WI 2557-052; FL AU4043; IL 441001683; CA Bond #RSB2004177. Cori Mikeals: TX 16582; CA #RSB2005645. Paul Minshull: TX Associate 16591.Scott Peterson: TX 13256; NYC 1306933; IL 441.001659; CA Bond #RSB2005395. Tim Rigdon: TX 16519. Michael J. Sadler: TX 16129; FL AU3795; IL 441001478; MA 03021; TN 6487; WI 2581-052; NYC 1304630; CA Bond #RSB2005412. Wayne Shoemaker: TX 16600. Eric Thomas: TX 16421; PA AU005574; TN 6515. Andrea Voss: TX 16406; FL AU4034; MA 03019; WI 2576-052; CA Bond #RSB2004676; NYC #1320558. Jacob Walker: TX 16413; FL AU4031; WI 2567-052; IL 441001677; CA Bond #RSB2005394. Peter Wiggins: TX 16635.

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