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Macros and Concatenation Formulas

If you perform a task repeatedly in Microsoft Excel, you can automate the task with a MACRO. A MACRO is a series of commands and functions that are stored in Excel via a Microsoft Visual Basic (VB) module and can be run whenever you need to perform the task. Objective(s): - During this session you will learn how to: 1. 2. Concatenate cells and complete an entire provisioning document by hand. Create a MACRO so that this is done automatically.

Advanced Function: Concatenation

Concatenation is the process of joining two or more text, number, or word strings together. Lets say I wanted to concatenate the First Name with the students Last Name to deliver: YadiraAbdullahLee My formula would be What would happen if I typed this formula?



Here the operator & will perform the concatenation.

Advanced Function: Left / Right

The Left and Right function will allow you to take a portion of a string. I want to concatenate only portions of the names and SID to get: Heres the SYNTAX: LEFT(text,[number of characters] What formula could I write to get the result?


Advanced Function: Lower

The Lower function gets rid of any capitalization I want everything in lower case: What formula could I write to get the result?


Heres the SYNTAX: LOWER(text)

Recording a Macro
Shortcut Name it. Describe.
(optional) (optional)

Narciso Aguda, 2012

Excel Trainings

Intro to Pivot Tables

Lets say you have a long list of data (i.e. Lunch counts at a school site, inventory of technology at a site, etc.). By now, you probably know how to view this data in somewhat meaningful ways via the sorting and filtering functions easily found in Excel. The Pivot Table tools in excel allow you to quickly summarize and analyze these large amounts of data in lists and tables by pivoting around certain data sets in your original table. Its highly manipulatable, as you shall see during this tutorial. Objective(s): - During this session you will learn how to: 1. 2. 3. Learn about a Pivot Table data source Learn how to create a Pivot Table from the data source Learn how to manipulate the pivot table by pivoting on various data points from your original table

First Things First: Source Data

Its important that your source data is clean. 1. Make sure each column has a single type of data in it. (Text or Numbers, but not both) Each column has a column label. We will essentially be PIVOTING around these column labels. Whatever data is in the column will be placed into the new pivot table. Remove any data summation (=sum) formulas from your table as the new Pivot Table will be doing the data summation.



How to create your Pivot Table

The anatomy of a Pivot Table: In a pivot table, you can pivot around any column from your source data to see summed data in different ways. Depending on what columns of your source data you place on the table, youll get a different view of your data. First: Click on the INSERT Tab and choose Pivot Table



Summed data

Grand Totals

Grand Totals

Where your pivot table will be Second: Ensure that the range selected is correct. Tell Excel where to put the new Pivot Table (new or existing worksheet) Narciso Aguda, 2012

Display/Control Toggles

Pivot Table Field List Controls

Excel Trainings

Pivot Table Exercises

The data set you will be playing with represents 2 weeks of scanned Lunch Counts. The fictional account is based on students purchasing lunch via their student ID cards. Once scanned, an excel file records the grade, date and time of scan, whether or not they are eligible for Free/Red lunch, their student ID, and how much they are being charged for the meal.

Review: Sorting the data using filters and Sorts

Using filtering and sorting, gives a good, but limited view of data. Pivot Tables will allow us to drill down data and only show whats needed.

How to Pivot:
You will use the Pivot Table Field List to control your pivots. By clicking and dragging different fields into the boxes below, you will get a different view of your Pivot table.

Some exercises to do together

Amount Charged based on FREE, REDUCED, or NONE


Summed data

Grand Totals

Click and drag those field names into the correct boxes. Charge should go in VALUES because this is the summed data we want. Free/Red should go in the Rows. Setting it up this way should yield your first Pivot Table: Now, Id like to drill down to WHAT GRADES are represented by FREE, REDUCED, or NONE?

Grand Totals

Have your PIVOT table DRILL down your data. If I want differentiate up this Sum of Charge into Lunch and Breakfast. Since we have a SUM OF CHARGE as a Column Label already, we want to Add Type to the Column Labels

Keep Free/Red field on the top of the Row Labels since we want to group them as such, then we want to Add GRADE to the Row Labels underneath

On Your Own
4. Now that I can see this data by Grade (Rows = 9/10/11/12) and by Type (Columns = Lunch/Breakfast), Im interested in seeing how much was charged per grade on a daily basis. 5. Create a New Pivot Table that will group the ROW list by Grades and show me Specific Students activity by date. (Here I dont need to see whether or not they are Free/Reduced or if the scan was for Breakfast/Lunch)

Narciso Aguda, 2012

Excel Trainings

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