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Splash Child Enrichment Centre

December 2011Newsletter

Happy Holidays from Splash!

May your light shine brightly throughout the year. A Message from the Executive Director, Lesley Massey This is the month of holiday cheer. It can be a magical time when people come together to break bread and share good times. Children delight in all the holiday displays, the lights and the festivities. This is also the time when families feel the challenges of trying to keep up with the demands of the season. Some of that stress we do put upon ourselves. Do we need to show our love by giving monetary things? Do we need to get caught up in the commercialism? Is happiness wrapped up in a sparkly bow? I would like to share my fondest Christmas memory. This is something that made me happy. It was when I was 9. That year and the four years subsequently were the roughest in our familys history for many reasons. At the time my mom and dad were working 2 and 3 jobs to put food on the table. My dad got a tree that a tree lot was going to toss. On Christmas Eve we decorated it with popcorn (we mostly ate) that we strung with a needle and thread. On Christmas morning we woke up to the best Christmas ever. Dad had made a Barbie house out of cardboard boxes skillfully cut and painted with cardboard furniture as well. Mom had sewn several outfits for Barbie and Ken with scraps of material. They were exquisite. We drank hot chocolate and my brother and I gave mom and dad what we had made for them. Afterwards we all went ice skating on the river. Our children are busy preparing lunch celebration for their teachers and the community. They are making gifts for their loved ones. They are doing acts of kindness in the community. They are in the spirit of giving and sharing.


Remember that very li le is needed to make a happy life." Marcus Aurelius

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Splash Child Enrichment December 2010 News

Reminders to Parents and Children: Remember to take off your shoes in the entrance way not inside the center. Always remember to wash your hands when you get here, we want to make sure everyone stays healthy. Remember to make sure your children have extra clothes in the centre. Make sure to always label your lunches. We dont want to have mix-ups. The Ma Mawi entrance to the centre is now closed for safety reasons, please use our main entrance to enter the centre. Remember to pay your fees on time. Remember we are a nut-free facility, please do not bring any products that contain nuts. PLEASE make sure to hand your child off to a staff after you have signed them in. This is to ensure your childs safety.

Grapes and wieners must be cut length wise when bringing them to daycare. If you leave grapes uncut and cut wieners into circles they become dangerous. The #1 cause of death due to choking are wieners and grapes are #2.

The best of all gi s around any holiday tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. ~Burton Hillis

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Splash Child Enrichment December 2010 News

Random Act of Kindness: Last month the children took hot chocolate and cookies to the construction workers who are building our new credit union across the street. They told the credit union and they asked to put a story in their newsletter about our act of kindness. This month the children are going to put sand and salt on icy spots so seniors dont fall. This is in keeping with our Mission and Values. And helping to spread kindness throughout the community.

Christmas spirit is here at Splash and our children are inviting our partners over for Christmas lunch. December

16th. the staff of Splash are preparing a turkey lunch with all the trimmings. You will not have to bring lunch that day.

Poem of the month:

What Do We Love About Christmas? What do we love about Christmas; Does our delight reside in things? Or are the feelings in our hearts The real gift that Christmas brings. It's seeing those we love, And sending Christmas cards, too, Appreciating people who bring us joy Special people just like you.

Please fill out holiday survey So that we can staff for the holiday season. If ratio s are low we will get staff to use up their overtime and spend time with their families.

By Joanna Fuchs

Splash Child Enrichment December 2010 News

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Birthdays in the month of December: (Please note that we are planning on having a day at the end of every month to celebrate birthday for the month.) 5th: Aaniyah 9th Rojais 26th: Michelle

Dates to remember for December:

Dont bring lunch we are making it

Centre closures December 26, 27, 2011 and January 2, 2012

Parent/Child reminder:

Please make sure to take off your shoes at the front entrance way. We are trying to keep the centre clean and free from pollen, bacteria and other allergens. Please make sure your children have both indoor and outdoor shoes to help maintain a cleaner and safer environment for everyone in the centre. Also please remember to not have your child in flip-flops, due to health and safety reasons. If they wish to wear sandals, please make sure the are of the closed heel variety.
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Splash Child Enrichment Centre 363 McGregor Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 2X2 Phone: 204-582-3299 Fax: 204-582-0960 E-mail: Expect respect at Splash!

Splash Child Enrichment December 2010 News

Parents only Every 2 weeks we are drawing names for those parents who want to participate in a good food box. You will receive a box of fresh produce. To participate please fill out your name and how many people are in your family and drop it in the parent payment box by the sign in sheet.

Splash Child Enrichment Centre Name:

Number of people in the family:

I wish to participate in the Good Food Box at Splash Child Enrichment Centre:

__________________________ Sign above

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