August 2010: Ibooks Author

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August 2010



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Don Booker is a ctional character created in the Summer of 2009 by Irish writer, Noel Farrell. The character was created to show a side of Irish society under enormous pressure due to thepolitical, social and economical mess in Ireland. These are month on month musings from that time which featured on the blog, The Writing Life & Other Absurdities The blog character deals with social issues relevant to Ireland in real-time as seen through Don Booker's eyes.

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AUGUST 1, 2010

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A skull and other human remains were found in Wicklow in recent days. Earlier on the news, the reporter was able to say the skull belonged to a person between the ages of 1850. Now either the reporter is not up to the actual job or forensic education on our little isle is of an appalling standard. Not that I'd know a whole lot about forensic knowledge apart from what one can pick up on the box. It all sounded very Irish to me. Perhaps it's time to call in Larry Lacrosse from the FBI.... but that's another story.

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AUGUST 3, 2010

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The August bank-holiday weekend has come and gone. I don't know whether it's the constant grey skies, the heavy weather or just a lack of energy, but I didn't feel like doing much the last couple of days. Writing can be like that sometimes and although I made attempts to write through it, I thought I'd benefit from a few days off. It worked. I rose this morning and decided to get some more submissions off early in the week. I'm concentrating on agents right now as I feel that I'd benefit greatly from having an ally when it comes to my work. Hope springs eternal, but the exploration of all avenues open to first time novelists continues. I'm half way through the first draft of Cripple, a short novella. It's some of the best work I've done so far and I'm looking forward to finishing the draft and really getting stuck into the nitty-gritty thereafter. I'm glad I have loose deadlines to meet with this project and that it's a ten thousand word assignment as opposed to anything longer. It's a good test in the short form. Here's to a lively August. I just hope the sun comes out a little. I'm tired of water filled summers.

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AUGUST 4, 2010

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I remember in times past, when water-filled wellington boots and clothes to match, were part of my normal working day. Hey, this is Ireland after all. Sometimes, I wonder why I took up construction work in my 19th year. It also mystifies me why I continued in that line of work, until being ruthlessly dispatched when the Celtic Tiger ran it's course and forced 300,000 people to either become disillusioned or take a long hard look at things for themselves. I've been on both sides of that fence. I suspect my liking for the good things in Irish life was part of my reasons to stay in that Industry for as long as I did. It paid well. There were times I considered going out and doing construction work for myself, but when I researched it (usually among construction employers) I usually met with a litany of excuses why I should not pursue it. High insurance costs, hard to get paid etc etc. 'It's just not worth it,' was another, as the employer would lean out of his spanking brand new 4x4, after arriving in for work around 11, before heading off for breakfast. I'm from the school of an honest days work for an honest days pay. In truth, toward the end of the Tiger, I gave and got both. It wasn't always the case. From a personal prospective, I always felt I made far more for any employer than what he had to dish out in pay to me. Others were smarter, sure they liked the pay, but effort, well that was best saved for endeavor outside the murky confines of an Irish building site. Given what happened, perhaps they had the right idea. Today the work remains of the same ethic, what can I say, I'm dull and enjoy it. It has me thinking of late, especially now that my book is pretty much complete. Over the coming time, I will be adding a new feature to the blog. There will be a series of conversations and interviews with various authors who have not only written books, but have them out there competing with other books in the market place. I started this blog to write about the process of writing a book and maybe save others some time when it comes to specific areas based on one persons experience.

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AUGUST 9, 2010

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By the end of this month I will have sent out 60 submissions to publishers and agents. I've been sourcing them from the Writers and Artist yearbook. I don't use the books guidelines, but go to the website of each. I read about them, see if it's worth my time in terms of suitability to submit. If a match, I do out the submission, verbatim, to their individual guidelines. I've tried to gauge from others how many submissions should one go through before seeking another way of doing it. Publisher and agents seem unwilling to give a number, as yet I've found no real answer to this. Probably because self publishing authors eat into the heart of traditional publishing and also by-pass the need for an agent. In my own opinion, an agent who knows the Industry and will work hard to make sure there is a constant stream of work in front of you is well worth their percentage. In fact, I'd say a good agent comes cheap in percentage terms if their work ethic matches that of the author. (well this particular one anyway) I've been seeking out agents whom represent both book and script writers, as having studied and wrote in both, I feel Id be at a stage where I'd be comfortable writing in either. I have spec scripts written, rarely read, but such is that world. You think finding a publisher is hard, try getting a production company to read your script - in Ireland. Ireland seems to have a distinct lack of agents. Ive sent to the all that I could find here. I'd say to first time authors that sending queries via e mail is a waste of time. Strike rate is 1 in 10 will reply. Sending query letters by post is a better option, but don't be surprised if you follow up after a few months and you are told 'we never received it'. In terms of scripts, I've had this happen quite a lot. The jury is out on book submission thus far. With little advice out there that differs from normal practices, I guess first time writers have to make their own judgement calls. Writers, for the most part like writing, and prefer not to be making such calls. It's just another bridge that will have to be crossed when I get there. Research is providing a lot of interesting ways I can go should traditional routes fail. I may have a slight advantage in a few areas.... but that's another story, for another day.

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AUGUST 11, 2010

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I reckon the Coen Brothers rarely take downtime. I bet their heads are a rambling adventure, even in their subconscious. TickTock, constant waves of little bits of everything that needs to be assembled together to create another piece to put before the critics. Its difficult not read what the critics say, especially when they usually write with adoration spewing from their pens. It's been a Coeny few days. A fondness for salt and butter, as well as 'the occasional cigarette' (cough, cough) has rendered me useless. The powers that be are keeping an eye on my blood pressure for a day or two. A monitor strapped on the forearm, it inflates every half hour, scaring my right arm into submission as it 'monitors' me. I took a trip to the library and replaced my serial killing profilers book and John Connolly audio book with a book called Philosophy by Stephen Law, a bit of a thinker and a bit of a rebel in his early academic days. It was the draw of the author that made me choose, his subject matter a constant source of fascination for me over the last few years, and something I want to go delve deeper into. It was good to see the place busy. Who's says books are dead?

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So here's to a night of getting awoken every half hour for medical reasons. The Doctor earlier today told me not to bounce the monitor off the wall. Surely it can't be that bad. If I can't sleep, I might do a little work. Find out if there's anyway I can implement this 'medical gadget' to some fictional use in a Coenesque way. It's deserving of the effort and perhaps even, the late hour.


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AUGUST 12, 2010

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It's been almost a year since I started my blog. Today, I'm posting the opening page from the book this blog helped me construct. The story is a coming-of-age novel, as seen through the eyes of the fictional Don Booker, who begins writing a book to escape boredom and the death of his best friend. I wrote the book in 'real time'. I tried to capture Ireland in a moment in time, and explored themes all to relevant not only here in Ireland, but in the world as a whole. Themes such as Alzheimer's, suicide, alcoholism, attitudes to minorities and even a little crime were explored as I attempted to weave a plot around the protagonist Don and the thing that antagonizes him the most, his life. Initial critique has been promising. ( I would say that, wouldn't I?) Though the subject matter was difficult to explore at time, I did try to retain a certain humor through the character and felt that Don is not your stereotypical idea of an Irishman - but a more complex one who's own search for answers sees him through an extraordinary time in our nations history. I decided to write the book in a non-traditional way and did not use chapters, but each 'day' has a particular heading, which in my humble opinion, makes it a more enjoyable read and easy to take up and put down at the readers leisure, which, at the end of the day, should be what it is all about. Don Booker Valentine's Day next year, I'll be forty. Its hard to believe. Where the fuck did those years go? The insignificant life I led through the Celtic Tiger now seems like an epic when compared to the state its in today. The steep learning curve of life, hey! Last January, I entered the year quite hopeful that in some small way my life might improve. Hope has proved me wrong, again! My name is Don Booker. For twelve long months now, Ive been at the mercy of the State of Ireland, one of the hundreds of thousands who have been forced on to dole queues not seen in these parts since the 1980s. Some old timers say these are longer. Everything seems to have ground to a halt. Ive spent the last three months drifting in and out of depression, the length of my days now feel like a week. It would be the perfect scenario if I were wealthy, but when you have no money and the weather traps you indoors, I can only imagine this is what prison feels like.

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It has taken time, but I have grown to accept the life I have. The government now pays for the excess' in my life. They've made me pay for everything else for long enough. I wont give them the satisfaction of doing away with myself and lessening the burden they now have meeting social welfare payments. I'd feel guiltier if there were jobs out there to apply for, but there isnt. I certainly didn't bring this country to its knees, a land now willing to suck on the fat member of the World Bank in an effort to survive. I have what I need. I have a roof over my head and a laptop to write with. Id skip town if I didnt have to care for my Mum. She has Alzheimers. Its not easy, but I do have the help of my cousin Mitch, a body building bouncer with a liking for men. Mum whittles her days away, benign to my very existence. Though, when I think about it, wouldn't the majority of us pay to forget sometimes? Mum doesn't have to, it just comes naturally now. I mean, if you could bottle that shit, you'd be well on your way. Writing is my time killer. I guess it makes me lucky in some ways, despite the lack of success that seems to cling to my pages. Its not much, but its life. The life Leon once had. The one I still do.

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AUGUST 16, 2010

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It's getting too close to the witching hour to be going off on one, so I won't. An overflowing gutter flows on to a bin outside, and if it werent so damn wet, I'd go out and move it. Apart from that it's silent. I was trolling through various news outlets earlier and came across the story of Tony Blair saying he was donating all profits (expected to be millions) from his memoirs to the Royal British Legion. Many of Blair's critics are calling it 'blood money.' Like I said, it's late and I'm not going off on one. I will always acknowledge Blair's role in bringing peace to the North of this country. I'm not going to go into the ins and outs of the Iraq War, those who inform themselves know full well. Blair did go to War and from that decision, people died, many civilians, women and children. After he resigned as leader of the Labour Party to make way for Gordon Brown, Blair converted to Catholicism and has practiced the religion since. It leaves little doubt in my mind that the events of that time weigh very heavy on his mind. I also don't think that if we are to be saved by anyone after life, then Catholicism won't be saving him anytime soon. When the history books are written truthfully, then I think the war will be his legacy. I wonder if he could turn the clock back would things be different. Click here for Image Source Memoirs are a time for reflection. How deep Blair will go into it is pretty much any one's guess. I'm sure it will make it's way into my local library at some stage.


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All this comes at a time when there is a growing call for the death of weapons expert, David Kelly to be re-investigated. Though Kelly apparently committed suicide, major inaccuracies into his cause of death have seen many prominent figures voice discontent about it. 1 in 5 British people now believe his death was not suicide and a further 38% were not sure about the cause of death. With many findings of the Hutton Enquiry now buried in secrecy for 70 years, we probably will never know in my life time.

Speculation is exactly that without cold hard facts. By then it will all have been forgotten, perhaps under the guise of a promised golden time for humanity and we may indeed fall for it all over again. The world will continue to spin and all will move on. It all reads like a high powered political thriller that would sell in the millions. Stranger than fiction?

De-classify fiction and I'll respond.

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AUGUST 21, 2010

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A piece of good news today. A piece of poetry I wrote while on a visit to the island of Jersey back in 1999, has been selected for inclusion as part of the Boyne Writers Group upcoming anthology of poems and prose. The anthology, Boyne Berries, has been a big success since it's inception. It will be the groups eighth such anthology and I was lucky enough to have another poem I wrote included in a previous issue. I have posted that below.

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The current poem that was selected was inspired by a walk I took through some woodland on the island. I came across a park bench with the inscription, Joyce Hodge, Who Used To Walk Here, and that formed the idea for the poem. I haven't wrote much poetry in recent years. My Grandfather produced two anthologies of self-penned poetry back in the eighties and also exhibited quite a number of his paintings throughout his life. Here is the poem from a previous anthology I wrote, some observations of a cold Autumn morning.


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The sun shadows and creeps, Over hills and naked trees, Illuminating frozen art, On unforgiving car windscreens. Stunning in the early hours, Until gentle tear-like streams, Wash what's priceless away, Children draped in winter wool, Hasten paths to school, Chimney tops exhale their smoke, Whirling and whisking, Into a cloudless sky, Fall mornings here once more.

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AUGUST 25, 2010

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I usually do my rejection piece on a Monday, but there was nothing to write about. However, don't be disappointed, it's here today. Dreams of high-powered board meetings arguing over million dollar advances were soon shattered when three came through the door in total, all delivered by a smiling postman, more so distressed from the sun, than the knowledge that he was delivering bad news to me. On reflection though, it isn't really all that bad! Booker's World will make its way into the world in late October or soon after. Sure one would like to have the book picked up, but it's a tough marketplace at the moment in a traditional sense. More and more articles are appearing on the Internet and in news media outlets recently about the world of ebook's, selfpublishing and traditional reactions to a changing industry. That's where the bad in rejection ends, for a little research soon opens the mind to the world of opportunity on offer out there for writers. I have to say that some of the material I've read recently from self published or independent authors is of the highest quality. The writers are under no illusions of grandeur when it comes to placing their work out there for readership. You have to live your life, make time for writing and then find readers for that writing. Most know it's a career building exercise that may take many years to put into place. The age of the Independent is nearby and it's inspiring to see that many think the same and are actively doing something about it. If anything, it just makes me think a little bigger. The rest of this year, especially the last quarter will hopefully be a great time, if for no other reason than the fact that I saw something from an idea to completion. You learn a lot about yourself when tested and there have been many tests and more to come I'm sure. Speaking to others makes those tests seem more like hills than mountains. So we must be doing something right. I did a work of non-fiction over the Summer and I might find time soon to re-visit it and see what more I want to do with it. If i decide not to do anything it will prove to be a useful resource moving forward. A reminder of a time. The great thing is writing is a part of my day now. Whatever the format.


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Submissions i sent via email to the States are starting to come back to me. In double quick time. Most lists are full it seems, so one does not get the chance to send a submission. Though I have to say in terms of response they are far more informal than what you find this side of the Atlantic and at the very least they do respond. It's only an opinion, but if you have a submission guideline and then you don't honour that submission with a response, then that's bad business practice. That will only turn many writers to go about it themselves. An author I spoke with today described himself as a 'workaholic insomniac'. Like my old mate Leon's theory on writers and alcoholism, I wonder if there's a PhD in the study of writers, work and the lack of sleep. Get a pill producing company involved to help relieve the symptoms and as Del Boy used to say, 'This time next year we'll be millionaires.' If only... Image Source


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AUGUST 29, 2010

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Were you ever tired of being tired? I wrote a post about publishing and cynicism on Friday. My computer decided to be awkward and despite the fact Blogger has an auto save feature, I still managed to lose it. I didn't want to go to war with the laptop, as that is an expensive game, so I shut her down and didn't open her again until today. I need to find some energy reserves from somewhere, and with sleeping patterns all over the planet, it's hard to motivate oneself at the minute. I decided to relax last night and got Shutter Island out. I'm a fan of Martin Scorsese and nothing made me change my mind after it had finished. I found it visually superb, acting up to scratch, but maybe ten minutes too long. I couldn't help feel that the story itself was a little drawn out, but what the hell, I was relaxing after all. Loved the way the story was plotted to it's climax with harrowing themes and a fine musical score and soundtrack. Ive wanted to see it for a while now as the premise intrigued me for some reason. It was set in an asylum which houses the criminally insane. I admit it. I'm drawn to the darker dudes. Filicide, murder, insanity were all covered, some wrenching stuff when accompanied by a devastating score. The ending as good as I've seen of late without going into any great detail. There's no doubt Scorsese is one of the all-time greats. He delivers almost every time.

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This ebook series is a comment on issues facing Ireland, covered in real-time against the backdrop of what is really happening in Ireland at that time. The series cover events as they happen through the eyes of the fictional Don Booker, an unemployed recluse as he attempts to write himself through his personal woes and an Ireland in decline. The novel, Booker's World is separate from this series of ebooks, though both worlds do cross at certain juncture as the months go by. An ebook version of the novel will be available in Spring, 2010.

Also In this series

5 Days in September Deathly Quotes

November Nightmares Absurdities Purjurious Times Forgetful Directions

All ebooks in this series may be used for reference and may be distributed freely once adhering to Creative Commons License and crediting the author.


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Novel by Noel Farrell Booker's World

Novella Sonny Strange

Noel Farrell 2010

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