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One rainy night, a stranger named Dustfinger came to warn Meggie Folchart
and her father Mo about Capricorn, an evil man who wants a certain book in
Mo's possession. They decided to hide the book at Elinor's large mansion.
But one of Capricorn's men, Basta, found out where they were hiding the
book and came to kidnap Mo. He took the book with him but he took the
wrong one because he can’t read. Meggie, Elinor and Dustfinger went to
Capricorn’s village so they can trade the real book with Mo. When they
arrived at the village they were immediately arrested by Capricorn’s guards
and were held as prisoners. Mo explained to Meggie and Elinor why Capricorn
wants the book so much. Nine years ago, he was reading aloud to Meggie's
mother the book Inkheart, when Capricorn, Dustfinger, and Basta suddenly
appeared in their room. Meggie’s mother, Teressa , vanished in the room and
this was the reason why Mo never again read aloud.

Capricorn wanted Mo to read some gold out of Treasure Island and so he did.
Then Capricorn burned all the copies of Inkheart except for one. That night
Dustfinger freed Elinor, Meggie, Mo and Farid and they fled to the mountains
and to a nearby village. They checked in in a hotel and the next day they
went to Fenoglio, the author of Inkheart except for Elinor who went home.
When Elinor reached her house she then checked her large and expensive
collection of books in her library. But Capricorn's men had been there first
and had burned all of her books. She was pitiful because all her collections of
expensive books are now a dump of ashes. Mo told Fenoglio everything
about what had happened. Farid and Dustfinger went again to Capricorn’s
Village to get the last copy of Inkheart because they knew that is the only
way they could return to their own world. When Mo heard about Elinor she
left Meggie at Fenoglio’s house and went to get Elinor in the hotel. After he
left, Basta and Flatnose was there all along waiting for the perfect time. They
went inside Fenoglio’s house and took Meggie and Fenoglio. Then they
locked them in one of the rooms in Capricorn’s house while Farid and
Dustfinger are just outside Capricorn’s village planning for their attack.

While locked in her room, Meggie, discovered that she can also bring life
from books just like her father. She brought to life Tinker Bell and the Tin
Soldier. When Capricorn heard about this, he was happy because she will be
of great use. Fenoglio convinced Basta to give him some paper and a black
pen because he and Meggie have a plan. Dustfinger had gone to Capricorn's
house to find the book with the help of one of Capricorn’s maids Resa. But
Basta saw them and put them in jail. Farid found Elinor and Mo outside the
village, they were about to rescue Meggie but Farid stop them because it was
not the right time yet. While in jail, Dustfinger was able to trick Basta in
locking himself in the cell while he escaped. Capricorn was so mad that he
decided to put them in execution soon.Elinor secretly went to tell the police
about Capricorn but she did not know that one of the officers is also working
for Capricorn so she end up locked in the same cell as Resa. She was
shocked to see her niece, Teresa Folchart, Meggie’s mother in the cell with

The one who will execute the three prisoners was the Shadow, Capricorn’s
hellhound from Inkheart. Meggie will read him out for Capricorn and this was
the plan of Fenoglio because he wrote a different version of the Shadow
using the paper from Basta. The new story that Fenoglio wrote in the paper
had a happy ending. During the execution Fenoglio, Farid, and Mo distracted
Capricorn’s men while Meggie read out the Shadow. It killed Capricorn and
his men instead of the prisoners. All the evil stuffs from the book vanished
and after that the Shadow died but Fenoglio was now were to be found. After
that, Mo, Meggie, Teresa and Elinor lived together in the mansion and
continued their normal lives as one big happy family.

Inkheart is a great book; it will make you imagine all the endless possibilities
in life. I like how the scenes are arranged in a way that you can easily
visualize the thoughts of the author. The characters are fabulous! They
perfectly blend to each other and each of them shows uniqueness. I am
looking forward to the two sequels of this book and I am hoping that they will
beasgood as this one. I personally recommend that you will read and finished
this book. You will enjoy and be thrilled by this book.



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